# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** dataobject.py --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' import os import re from qgis.core import (QgsDataProvider, QgsRasterLayer, QgsWkbTypes, QgsVectorLayer, QgsProject, QgsSettings, QgsProcessingContext, QgsFeatureRequest, QgsExpressionContext, QgsExpressionContextUtils, QgsExpressionContextScope) from qgis.gui import QgsSublayersDialog from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication from qgis.utils import iface from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig ALL_TYPES = [-1] TYPE_VECTOR_ANY = -1 TYPE_VECTOR_POINT = 0 TYPE_VECTOR_LINE = 1 TYPE_VECTOR_POLYGON = 2 TYPE_RASTER = 3 TYPE_FILE = 4 TYPE_TABLE = 5 def createContext(feedback=None): """ Creates a default processing context :param feedback: Optional existing QgsProcessingFeedback object, or None to use a default feedback object :type feedback: Optional[QgsProcessingFeedback] :returns: New QgsProcessingContext object :rtype: QgsProcessingContext """ context = QgsProcessingContext() context.setProject(QgsProject.instance()) context.setFeedback(feedback) invalid_features_method = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.FILTER_INVALID_GEOMETRIES) if invalid_features_method is None: invalid_features_method = QgsFeatureRequest.GeometryAbortOnInvalid context.setInvalidGeometryCheck(invalid_features_method) settings = QgsSettings() context.setDefaultEncoding(settings.value("/Processing/encoding", "System")) context.setExpressionContext(createExpressionContext()) return context def createExpressionContext(): context = QgsExpressionContext() context.appendScope(QgsExpressionContextUtils.globalScope()) context.appendScope(QgsExpressionContextUtils.projectScope(QgsProject.instance())) if iface and iface.mapCanvas(): context.appendScope(QgsExpressionContextUtils.mapSettingsScope(iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings())) processingScope = QgsExpressionContextScope() if iface and iface.mapCanvas(): extent = iface.mapCanvas().fullExtent() processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_minx', extent.xMinimum()) processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_miny', extent.yMinimum()) processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_maxx', extent.xMaximum()) processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_maxy', extent.yMaximum()) context.appendScope(processingScope) return context def load(fileName, name=None, crs=None, style=None, isRaster=False): """ Loads a layer/table into the current project, given its file. .. deprecated:: 3.0 Do not use, will be removed in QGIS 4.0 """ from warnings import warn warn("processing.load is deprecated and will be removed in QGIS 4.0", DeprecationWarning) if fileName is None: return if name is None: name = os.path.split(fileName)[1] if isRaster: options = QgsRasterLayer.LayerOptions() options.skipCrsValidation = True qgslayer = QgsRasterLayer(fileName, name, 'gdal', options) if qgslayer.isValid(): if crs is not None and qgslayer.crs() is None: qgslayer.setCrs(crs, False) if style is None: style = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.RASTER_STYLE) qgslayer.loadNamedStyle(style) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers([qgslayer]) else: raise RuntimeError(QCoreApplication.translate('dataobject', 'Could not load layer: {0}\nCheck the processing framework log to look for errors.').format( fileName)) else: options = QgsVectorLayer.LayerOptions() options.skipCrsValidation = True qgslayer = QgsVectorLayer(fileName, name, 'ogr', options) if qgslayer.isValid(): if crs is not None and qgslayer.crs() is None: qgslayer.setCrs(crs, False) if style is None: if qgslayer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry: style = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.VECTOR_POINT_STYLE) elif qgslayer.geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry: style = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.VECTOR_LINE_STYLE) else: style = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.VECTOR_POLYGON_STYLE) qgslayer.loadNamedStyle(style) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers([qgslayer]) return qgslayer def getRasterSublayer(path, param): layer = QgsRasterLayer(path) try: # If the layer is a raster layer and has multiple sublayers, let the user chose one. # Based on QgisApp::askUserForGDALSublayers if layer and param.showSublayersDialog and layer.dataProvider().name() == "gdal" and len(layer.subLayers()) > 1: layers = [] subLayerNum = 0 # simplify raster sublayer name for subLayer in layer.subLayers(): # if netcdf/hdf use all text after filename if bool(re.match('netcdf', subLayer, re.I)) or bool(re.match('hdf', subLayer, re.I)): subLayer = subLayer.split(path)[1] subLayer = subLayer[1:] else: # remove driver name and file name subLayer.replace(subLayer.split(QgsDataProvider.SUBLAYER_SEPARATOR)[0], "") subLayer.replace(path, "") # remove any : or " left over if subLayer.startswith(":"): subLayer = subLayer[1:] if subLayer.startswith("\""): subLayer = subLayer[1:] if subLayer.endswith(":"): subLayer = subLayer[:-1] if subLayer.endswith("\""): subLayer = subLayer[:-1] ld = QgsSublayersDialog.LayerDefinition() ld.layerId = subLayerNum ld.layerName = subLayer layers.append(ld) subLayerNum = subLayerNum + 1 # Use QgsSublayersDialog # Would be good if QgsSublayersDialog had an option to allow only one sublayer to be selected chooseSublayersDialog = QgsSublayersDialog(QgsSublayersDialog.Gdal, "gdal") chooseSublayersDialog.populateLayerTable(layers) if chooseSublayersDialog.exec_(): return layer.subLayers()[chooseSublayersDialog.selectionIndexes()[0]] else: # If user pressed cancel then just return the input path return path else: # If the sublayers selection dialog is not to be shown then just return the input path return path except: # If the layer is not a raster layer, then just return the input path return path