i18n_dict = { "header.title" : "Python Console for QGIS", "header.subject" : "Python Console based on PyQScintilla2. (Developed by Salvatore Larosa)", "header.subject.main" : "To access Quantum GIS environment from this console \ use qgis.utils.iface object (instance of QgisInterface class). \ To import the class QgisInterface can also use the dedicated \ button on the toolbar on the left.", "features" : "Features", "features.title" : "Auto-completion and highlighting syntax for the following APIs:", "features.a" : "CTRL+SPACE to view the auto-completion list.", "features.b" : "CTRL+ALT+SPACE to view the command history list.", "features.c" : "Saves the command history by typing '_save' or closing the widget. \ This command saves the history command in the file ~/.qgis/console_history.txt", "features.d" : "Clears the command history by typing '_clear'. \ This command clears the command history from file ~/.qgis/console_history.txt", "features.e" : "Clears completely command history by typing '_clearAll'. \ This command clears completely the command history. It has an irreversible effect.", "toolbar" : "Toolbar", "toolbar.title" : "The following is a description of the tools in the toolbar:", "toolbar.clear" : "Tool to clear python console", "toolbar.iface" : "Tool to import iface class", "toolbar.sextante" : "Tool to import Sextante class", "toolbar.script.open" : "Tool to open a python script and load in console", "toolbar.script.save" : "Tool to save a python script", "toolbar.help" : "Help", "toolbar.run" : "Run command (like Enter key pressed)", "thanks" : "Acknowledgments", "thanks.text" : "Thanks to Larry Shaffer who provided the API files." };