/** A text table item that reads text from string lists*/
class QgsComposerTextTable: QgsComposerTable
#include <qgscomposertexttable.h>
    QgsComposerTextTable( QgsComposition* c /TransferThis/ );

    /** Return correct graphics item type. */
    virtual int type() const;

    /** Sets the text to use for the header row for the table
     * @param labels list of strings to use for each column's header row
     * @see headerLabels
    void setHeaderLabels( const QStringList& labels );

    /** Adds a row to the table
     * @param row list of strings to use for each cell's value in the newly added row
     * @note If row is shorter than the number of columns in the table than blank cells
     * will be inserted at the end of the row. If row contains more strings then the number
     * of columns in the table then these extra strings will be ignored.
    void addRow( const QStringList& row );

    /** Writes properties specific to text tables
     * @param elem an existing QDomElement in which to store the text table's properties.
     * @param doc QDomDocument for the destination xml.
     * @see readXML
    bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const;

    /** Reads the properties specific to a text table from xml.
     * @param itemElem a QDomElement holding the text table's desired properties.
     * @param doc QDomDocument for the source xml.
     * @see writeXML
    bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc );

    /** Queries the text table for text to show in the cells.
     * @param attributeMaps list of QgsAttributeMaps where the cell text will be stored
     * @returns true if attribute values were successfully set from table's text
     * @note not available in python bindings
    // bool getFeatureAttributes( QList<QgsAttributeMap>& attributeMaps );

/** A text table item that reads text from string lists
 * @note added in QGIS 2.10
class QgsComposerTextTableV2 : QgsComposerTableV2

#include <qgscomposertexttable.h>

    QgsComposerTextTableV2( QgsComposition* c /TransferThis/, bool createUndoCommands );

    /** Adds a row to the table
     * @param row list of strings to use for each cell's value in the newly added row
     * @note If row is shorter than the number of columns in the table than blank cells
     * will be inserted at the end of the row. If row co ntains more strings then the number
     * of columns in the table then these extra strings will be ignored.
     * @note if adding many rows, @link setContents @endlink is much faster
    void addRow( const QStringList& row );

    /** Sets the contents of the text table.
     * @param contents list of table rows
     * @see addRow
    void setContents( const QList< QStringList >& contents );

    bool getTableContents( QgsComposerTableContents &contents );

    virtual void addFrame( QgsComposerFrame* frame, bool recalcFrameSizes = true );
