#!/usr/bin/env perl ########################################################################### # scandeps.pl # --------------------- # begin : October 2010 # copyright : (C) 2010 by Juergen E. Fischer # email : jef at norbit dot de ########################################################################### # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # ########################################################################### use strict; use warnings; my @dists; open I, "debian/rules"; while() { if( /ifneq \(\$\(DISTRIBUTION\),\$\(findstring \$\(DISTRIBUTION\),"(.*)"\)\)/ ) { for my $d (split / /, $1) { next if $d =~ /oracle/; push @dists, $d; } push @dists, "sid"; last; } } close I; die "no dists" unless @dists; open I, "INSTALL.md"; open O, ">INSTALL.md.new"; while() { last if /^\|Distribution\|Install command for packages\|\n$/; print O; } print O "|Distribution|Install command for packages|\n"; print O "|------------|----------------------------|\n"; for my $dist (@dists) { system("git checkout debian/control" )==0 or die "git checkout failed: $!"; system("make -f debian/rules DISTRIBUTION=$dist cleantemplates templates" )==0 or die "make failed: $!"; open F, "debian/control"; while() { chop; last if /^Build-Depends:/i; } s/^Build-Depends:\s*//; my $deps = $_; while() { chop; last if /^\S/; $deps .= $_; } while() { chop; last if /^Package: python3-qgis/; } while() { chop; last if /^Depends:/; } s/^Depends:\s*//; $deps .= ",$_"; while() { chop; last if /^\S/; $deps .= $_; } close F; system("git checkout debian/control" )==0 or die "git checkout failed: $!"; $deps .= ",cmake-curses-gui,ccache,expect,qt5-default,libyaml-tiny-perl,flip,python3-autopep8"; my @deps; my %deps; foreach my $p (split /,/, $deps) { $p =~ s/^\s+//; $p =~ s/\s+.*$//; next if $p eq ""; next if $p =~ /\$|qgis/; next if $p =~ /^(debhelper|subversion|python-central)$/; push @deps, $p if not exists $deps{$p}; $deps{$p} = 1; } my $dep=""; my @dep; foreach my $p (sort @deps) { if( length("$dep $p") > 60 ) { push @dep, $dep; $dep = $p; } else { $dep .= " $p"; } } push @dep, $dep if $dep ne ""; print O "| $dist | ``apt-get install" . join( " ", @dep ) . "`` |\n"; } while() { last if /^$/; } print O; while() { print O; } close O; close I; rename "INSTALL.md", "INSTALL.md.orig"; rename "INSTALL.md.new", "INSTALL.md";