/** There are two possibilities how to use this class: 1. static call to QgsVectorFileWriter::writeAsShapefile(...) which saves the whole vector layer 2. create an instance of the class and issue calls to addFeature(...) Currently supports only writing to shapefiles, but shouldn't be a problem to add capability to support other OGR-writable formats. */ class QgsVectorFileWriter { %TypeHeaderCode #include #include %End public: enum WriterError { NoError = 0, ErrDriverNotFound, ErrCreateDataSource, ErrCreateLayer, ErrAttributeTypeUnsupported, ErrAttributeCreationFailed, ErrProjection, // added in 1.5 ErrFeatureWriteFailed, // added in 1.6 ErrInvalidLayer, // added in 2.0 }; /** Write contents of vector layer to a shapefile @deprecated use writeAsVectorFormat instead */ static WriterError writeAsShapefile(QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, const QString& fileEncoding, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem*, bool onlySelected = FALSE, QString *errorMessage = 0, const QStringList &datasourceOptions = QStringList(), const QStringList &layerOptions = QStringList() ) /Deprecated/; /** Write contents of vector layer to an (OGR supported) vector formt @note: this method was added in version 1.5*/ static WriterError writeAsVectorFormat( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& fileName, const QString& fileEncoding, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem *destCRS, const QString& driverName = "ESRI Shapefile", bool onlySelected = FALSE, QString *errorMessage = 0, const QStringList &datasourceOptions = QStringList(), const QStringList &layerOptions = QStringList(), bool skipAttributeCreation = FALSE // added in 1.7 ); /** create shapefile and initialize it */ QgsVectorFileWriter(const QString& vectorFileName, const QString& fileEncoding, const QMap& fields, QGis::WkbType geometryType, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem* srs, const QString& driverName = "ESRI Shapefile", const QStringList &datasourceOptions = QStringList(), const QStringList &layerOptions = QStringList() ); /**Returns map with format filter string as key and OGR format key as value*/ static QMap< QString, QString> supportedFiltersAndFormats(); /**Returns filter string that can be used for dialogs*/ static QString fileFilterString(); /**Creates a filter for an OGR driver key*/ static QString filterForDriver( const QString& driverName ); /** checks whether there were any errors in constructor */ WriterError hasError(); /** retrieves error message * @note added in 1.5 */ QString errorMessage(); /** add feature to the currently opened shapefile */ bool addFeature(QgsFeature& feature); /** close opened shapefile for writing */ ~QgsVectorFileWriter(); /** Delete a shapefile (and its accompanying shx / dbf / prf) * @param QString theFileName - /path/to/file.shp * @return bool true if the file was deleted successfully */ static bool deleteShapeFile(QString theFileName); };