= Building on MacOS X = In this approach I will try to avoid as much as possible building dependencies from source and rather use frameworks wherever possible. The base system here is Mac OS X 10.4 (__Tiger__), with a single architecture build. Included are notes for building on Mac OS X 10.5 (__Leopard__), 10.6 (__Snow Leopard__) and 10.7 (__Lion__). Make sure to read each section completely before typing the first command you see. __General note on Terminal usage:__ When I say "cd" to a folder in a Terminal, it means type "cd " (without the quotes, make sure to type a space after) and then type the path to said folder, then . A simple way to do this without having to know and type the full path is, after type the "cd " part, drag the folder (use the icon in its window title bar, or drag a folder from within a window) from the Desktop to the Terminal, then tap . __Parallel Compilation:__ On multiprocessor/multicore Macs, it's possible to speed up compilation, but it's not automatic. Whenever you type "make" (but NOT "make install"), instead type: ``` make -j [n] ``` Replace [n] with the number of cores and/or processors your Mac has. On recent models with hyperthreading processors this can be double the physical count of processors and cores. ie: Mac Pro "8 Core" model (2 quad core processors) = 8 ie: Macbook Pro i5 (hyperthreading) = 2 cores X 2 = 4 == Install Qt4 from disk image == You need a minimum of Qt-4.4.0. I suggest getting the latest. There is no need for the full Qt SDK, so save yourself some download time and get the frameworks only. __Snow Leopard+ note:__ If you are building on Snow Leopard+, you will need to decide between 32-bit support in the older Qt Carbon branch, or 64-bit support in the Qt Cocoa branch. Appropriate installers are available for both as of Qt-4.5.2, though they stopped making Carbon packages at Qt 4.7.4. Qt 4.6+ is recommended for Cocoa. Starting with Lion, Carbon may not work properly, if at all. __PPC note:__ The readymade Qt Cocoa installers don't include PPC support, you'd have to compile Qt yourself. But, there appear to be issues with Qt Cocoa on PPC Macs anyways. Qt Carbon is recommended on PPC Macs. http://qt.nokia.com/downloads If you want debug frameworks, Qt also provides a separate download with these. These are in addition to the non-debug frameworks. Once downloaded open the disk image and run the installer. Note you need admin privileges to install. __Qt note:__ Starting in Qt 4.4, libQtCLucene was added, and in 4.5 libQtUiTools was added, both in /usr/lib. When using a system SDK these libraries will not be found. To fix this problem, add symlinks to /usr/local: ``` sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libQtUiTools.a /usr/local/lib/ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libQtCLucene.dylib /usr/local/lib/ ``` These should then be found automatically on Leopard and above. Earlier systems may need some help by adding '-L/usr/local/lib' to CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS, CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS and CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS in the cmake build. == Install development frameworks for QGIS dependencies == Download William Kyngesburye's excellent GDAL Complete package that includes PROJ, GEOS, GDAL, SQLite3, Spatialite, and image libraries, as frameworks. There is also a GSL framework. http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software/frameworks Once downloaded, open and install the frameworks. William provides an additional installer package for Postgresql (for PostGIS support). Qgis just needs the libpq client library, so unless you want to setup the full Postgres + PostGIS server, all you need is the client-only package. It's available here: http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software/postgres Also available is a GRASS application: http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software/grass === Additional Dependencies: General compatibility note === There are some additional dependencies that, at the time of writing, are not provided as frameworks or installers so we will need to build these from source. If you are wanting to build Qgis as a 64-bit application, you will need to provide the appropriate build commands to produce 64-bit support in dependencies. Likewise, for 32-bit support on Snow Leopard, you will need to override the default system architecture, which is 64-bit, according to instructions for individual dependency packages. Stable release versions are preferred. Beta and other development versions may have problems and you are on your own with those. === Additional Dependencies: Expat === __Snow Leopard+ note:__ Snow Leopard includes a usable expat, so this step is not necessary on Snow Leopard or Lion. Get the expat sources: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10127 Double-click the source tarball to unpack, then, in Terminal.app, cd to the source folder and: ``` ./configure make sudo make install ``` === Additional Dependencies: Python === __Leopard+ note:__ Starting with Leopard a usable Python is included in the system. This Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7, respectively for Leo, Snow and Lion. So there is no need to install Python on Leopard and newer. You can still install Python from python.org if preferred. If installing from python.org, make sure you install at least the latest Python 2.x from http://www.python.org/download/ Python 3 is a major change, and may have compatibility issues, so try it at your own risk. === Additional Dependencies: SIP === Retrieve the python bindings toolkit SIP from http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download Double-click the source tarball to unpack it, then, in Terminal.app, cd to the source folder. Then for your chosen Python: __python.org Python__ ``` python configure.py make sudo make install ``` __Leopard system Python__ SIP wants to install in the system path -- this is not a good idea. More configuration is needed to install outside the system path: ``` python configure.py -n -d /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin \ -e /usr/local/include -v /usr/local/share/sip -s MacOSX10.5.sdk ``` __Snow Leopard+ system Python__ Similar to Leopard, you should install outside the system Python path. Also, you need to specify the architecture you want (requires at least SIP 4.9), and make sure to run the versioned python binary (this one responds to the 'arch' command, 'python' does not). Substitute '2.7' for python version and 10.7 for SDK version below for Lion. If you are using 32-bit Qt (Qt Carbon): ``` python2.6 configure.py -n -d /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin \ -e /usr/local/include -v /usr/local/share/sip --arch=i386 -s MacOSX10.6.sdk ``` For 64-bit Qt (Qt Cocoa), use this configure line: ``` python2.6 configure.py -n -d /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin \ -e /usr/local/include -v /usr/local/share/sip --arch=x86_64 -s MacOSX10.6.sdk ``` __continue...__ Then continue with compilation and installation: ``` make sudo make install ``` === Additional Dependencies: PyQt === Retrieve the python bindings toolkit for Qt from http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download Double-click the source tarball to unpack it, then, in Terminal.app, cd to the source folder. Then for your chosen Python: __python.org Python__ ``` python configure.py yes ``` __Leopard system Python__ PyQt wants to install in the system path -- this is not a good idea. More configuration is needed to install outside the system path: ``` python configure.py -d /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin ``` __Snow Leopard+ system Python__ Similar to Leopard, you should install outside the system Python path. Also, you need to specify the architecture you want (requires at least PyQt 4.6), and make sure to run the versioned python binary (this one responds to the 'arch' command, which is important for pyuic4, 'python' does not). Substitute '2.7' for python version and 10.7 for SDK version below for Lion. If you are using 32-bit Qt (Qt Carbon): ``` python2.6 configure.py -d /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin --use-arch i386 ``` For 64-bit Qt (Qt Cocoa), use this configure line: ``` python2.6 configure.py -d /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin --use-arch x86_64 ``` __continue...__ There is a problem with the configuration that needs to be fixed now (it affects PyQwt compilation later). Edit pyqtconfig.py and change the qt_dir line to: ``` 'qt_dir': '/usr', ``` Then continue with compilation and installation (this is a good place to use parallel compilation, if you can): ``` make sudo make install ``` If there is a problem with undefined symbols in QtOpenGL on Leopard, edit QtOpenGL/makefile and add ""-undefined dynamic_lookup"" to LFLAGS. Then make again. === Additional Dependencies: Qwt/PyQwt === The GPS tracking feature uses Qwt. Some popular 3rd-party plugins use PyQwt. You can take care of both with the PyQwt source from: http://pyqwt.sourceforge.net/ Double-click the tarball to unpack it. The following assumes PyQwt v5.2.0 (comes with Qwt 5.2.1). Normal compilation does both Qwt and PyQwt at the same time, but Qwt is statically linked into PyQwt, and Qgis can't use it. So, we need to split the build. Now, cd into the qwt-5.2 subdir in a Terminal. Type these commands to build and install: ``` cat >> qwtconfig.pri <