# This file will be used to populate the contributors tab in the about dialog # Lines prefixed with # will be ignored # The following people have submitted code, patches, graphics, comments, # feedback, reviews and/or many other things that have aided the development of # QGIS: # Alexander Bruy Andres Manz Anita Graser Arthur Nanni Baba Yoshihiko Brent Wood Brook Milligan Carl Anderson Carlos Dávila Carson J. Q. Farmer Cédric Möri Christian Ferreira Diego Moreira Duarte Carreira Faunalia (http://www.faunalia.it) Etienne Tourigny Fernando Pacheco Florian El Ahdab Florian Hof Frank Warmerdam Germán Carrillo Giuseppe Sucameli Horst Duester Hyao (IRC nickname) Ivan Lucena Jean-Denis Giguere Jeremy Palmer Jerrit Collord Luiz Motta Magnus Homann Marco Pasetti Mark Baas Markus Neteler Mathias Walker Matt Amos Maurizio Napolitano Mayeul Kauffmann Milena Nowotarska Nathan Woodrow Nikos Alexandris Paul Ramsey Richard Duivenvoorde Richard Kostecky Robert Szczepanek Stefanie Tellex Steven Mizuno Tom Russo Tyler Mitchell Vita Cizek Yann Chemin Includes Map icons CC-0 from SJJB Management