FIELD CALCULATOR ================ Description ----------- This algorithm creates a new field in the attributes table of a vector layer, and fill it with values computed from the other available fields, according to a given formula. Fields in the formula are referenced by their names. Names are case sensitive and they should not be quoted. The formula to use is a Python expression, so any valid Python element and operation can be used. Assuming an input vector layer with fields named ``MALES``, ``FEMALES``, and ``AREA``, the following are some valid formulas. - ``MALES / SHAPE_AREA``. To calculate the density of male individuals. - ``float(MALES) / FEMALES``. To calculate a sex ratio - ``'male' if MALES > FEMALES else 'female'``. To compute a new text field which indicates the predominant sex in the population. Parameters ---------- - ``Input layer[Vector]``: The vector layer to use. - ``Result field name[String]``: The name of the new field to add. - ``Field type``. The type of the field to create. The values resultign fro applying the formula should be of this type. Otherwise, a NULL value will be used. - ``Field length``. The length of the field for string fields. - ``Field precision``. The precision of the field for fields of type double. - ``Formula[String]``: The formula to use, according to the explanations given above. Outputs ------- - ``Output layer[Vector]``: the resulting layer, with an additional field with the value computed according to the specified formula. See also --------- For a more advanced calculator wich allows more complex Python elements, see the Advanced Python Field Calculator algorithm Console usage ------------- :: processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', input_layer, field_name, formula, output_layer)