/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgsdistancearea.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsDistanceArea { %Docstring A general purpose distance and area calculator, capable of performing ellipsoid based calculations. Measurements can either be performed on existing QgsGeometry objects, or using lists of points. If a valid ellipsoid() has been set for the QgsDistanceArea, all calculations will be performed using ellipsoidal algorithms (e.g. using Vincenty's formulas). If no ellipsoid has been set, all calculations will be performed using Cartesian formulas only. The behavior can be determined by calling willUseEllipsoid(). In order to perform accurate calculations, the source coordinate reference system of all measured geometries must first be specified using setSourceCrs(). Usually, the measurements returned by QgsDistanceArea are in meters. If no valid ellipsoid is set, then the units may not be meters. The units can be retrieved by calling lengthUnits() and areaUnits(). %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdistancearea.h" %End public: QgsDistanceArea(); %Docstring Constructor %End bool willUseEllipsoid() const; %Docstring Returns whether calculations will use the ellipsoid. Calculations will only use the ellipsoid if a valid ellipsoid() has been set. .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End void setSourceCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &context ); %Docstring Sets source spatial reference system ``crs``. .. seealso:: :py:func:`sourceCrs` .. versionadded:: 2.2 %End QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs() const; %Docstring Returns the source spatial reference system. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setSourceCrs` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidCrs` %End QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ellipsoidCrs() const; %Docstring Returns the ellipsoid (destination) spatial reference system. .. seealso:: :py:func:`sourceCrs` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End bool setEllipsoid( const QString &ellipsoid ); %Docstring Sets the ``ellipsoid`` by its acronym. Known ellipsoid acronyms can be retrieved using :py:func:`QgsEllipsoidUtils.acronyms()` Calculations will only use the ellipsoid if a valid ellipsoid has been set. :return: true if ellipsoid was successfully set .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`willUseEllipsoid` %End bool setEllipsoid( double semiMajor, double semiMinor ); %Docstring Sets ellipsoid by supplied radii. Calculations will only use the ellipsoid if a valid ellipsoid been set. :return: true if ellipsoid was successfully set .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`willUseEllipsoid` %End QString ellipsoid() const; %Docstring Returns ellipsoid's acronym. Calculations will only use the ellipsoid if a valid ellipsoid has been set. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setEllipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`willUseEllipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidCrs` %End double ellipsoidSemiMajor() const; %Docstring Returns the ellipsoid's semi major axis. .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidSemiMinor` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidInverseFlattening` %End double ellipsoidSemiMinor() const; %Docstring Returns ellipsoid's semi minor axis. .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidSemiMajor` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidInverseFlattening` %End double ellipsoidInverseFlattening() const; %Docstring Returns ellipsoid's inverse flattening. The inverse flattening is calculated with invf = a/(a-b). .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoid` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidSemiMajor` .. seealso:: :py:func:`ellipsoidSemiMinor` %End double measureArea( const QgsGeometry &geometry ) const; %Docstring Measures the area of a geometry. :param geometry: geometry to measure :return: area of geometry. For geometry collections, non surface geometries will be ignored. The units for the returned area can be retrieved by calling areaUnits(). .. seealso:: :py:func:`measureLength` .. seealso:: :py:func:`measurePerimeter` .. seealso:: :py:func:`areaUnits` .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End double measureLength( const QgsGeometry &geometry ) const; %Docstring Measures the length of a geometry. :param geometry: geometry to measure :return: length of geometry. For geometry collections, non curve geometries will be ignored. The units for the returned distance can be retrieved by calling lengthUnits(). .. seealso:: :py:func:`lengthUnits` .. seealso:: :py:func:`measureArea` .. seealso:: :py:func:`measurePerimeter` .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End double measurePerimeter( const QgsGeometry &geometry ) const; %Docstring Measures the perimeter of a polygon geometry. :param geometry: geometry to measure :return: perimeter of geometry. For geometry collections, any non-polygon geometries will be ignored. The units for the returned perimeter can be retrieved by calling lengthUnits(). .. seealso:: :py:func:`lengthUnits` .. seealso:: :py:func:`measureArea` .. seealso:: :py:func:`measurePerimeter` .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End double measureLine( const QVector<QgsPointXY> &points ) const; %Docstring Measures the length of a line with multiple segments. :param points: list of points in line :return: length of line. The units for the returned length can be retrieved by calling lengthUnits(). .. seealso:: :py:func:`lengthUnits` %End double measureLine( const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2 ) const; %Docstring Measures the distance between two points. :param p1: start of line :param p2: end of line :return: distance between points. The units for the returned distance can be retrieved by calling lengthUnits(). .. seealso:: :py:func:`lengthUnits` %End double measureLineProjected( const QgsPointXY &p1, double distance = 1, double azimuth = M_PI_2, QgsPointXY *projectedPoint /Out/ = 0 ) const; %Docstring Calculates the distance from one point with distance in meters and azimuth (direction) When the sourceCrs() is geographic, computeSpheroidProject() will be called otherwise QgsPoint.project() will be called after QgsUnitTypes.fromUnitToUnitFactor() has been applied to the distance :param p1: start point [can be Cartesian or Geographic] :param distance: must be in meters :param azimuth: - azimuth in radians, clockwise from North :return: - distance in mapUnits - projectedPoint: calculated projected point .. seealso:: :py:func:`sourceCrs` .. seealso:: :py:func:`computeSpheroidProject` .. note:: The input Point must be in the coordinate reference system being used .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit lengthUnits() const; %Docstring Returns the units of distance for length calculations made by this object. .. seealso:: :py:func:`areaUnits` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit areaUnits() const; %Docstring Returns the units of area for areal calculations made by this object. .. seealso:: :py:func:`lengthUnits` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End double measurePolygon( const QVector<QgsPointXY> &points ) const; %Docstring Measures the area of the polygon described by a set of points. %End double bearing( const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2 ) const; %Docstring Computes the bearing (in radians) between two points. %End static QString formatDistance( double distance, int decimals, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit unit, bool keepBaseUnit = false ); %Docstring Returns an distance formatted as a friendly string. :param distance: distance to format :param decimals: number of decimal places to show :param unit: unit of distance :param keepBaseUnit: set to false to allow conversion of large distances to more suitable units, e.g., meters to kilometers :return: formatted distance string .. seealso:: :py:func:`formatArea` .. versionadded:: 2.16 %End static QString formatArea( double area, int decimals, QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit unit, bool keepBaseUnit = false ); %Docstring Returns an area formatted as a friendly string. :param area: area to format :param decimals: number of decimal places to show :param unit: unit of area :param keepBaseUnit: set to false to allow conversion of large areas to more suitable units, e.g., square meters to square kilometers :return: formatted area string .. seealso:: :py:func:`formatDistance` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End double convertLengthMeasurement( double length, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit toUnits ) const; %Docstring Takes a length measurement calculated by this QgsDistanceArea object and converts it to a different distance unit. :param length: length value calculated by this class to convert. It is assumed that the length was calculated by this class, ie that its unit of length is equal to lengthUnits(). :param toUnits: distance unit to convert measurement to :return: converted distance .. seealso:: :py:func:`convertAreaMeasurement` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End double convertAreaMeasurement( double area, QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit toUnits ) const; %Docstring Takes an area measurement calculated by this QgsDistanceArea object and converts it to a different areal unit. :param area: area value calculated by this class to convert. It is assumed that the area was calculated by this class, ie that its unit of area is equal to areaUnits(). :param toUnits: area unit to convert measurement to :return: converted area .. seealso:: :py:func:`convertLengthMeasurement` .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End QgsPointXY computeSpheroidProject( const QgsPointXY &p1, double distance = 1, double azimuth = M_PI_2 ) const; %Docstring Given a location, an azimuth and a distance, computes the location of the projected point. Based on Vincenty's formula for the geodetic direct problem as described in "Geocentric Datum of Australia Technical Manual", Chapter 4. :param p1: - location of first geographic (latitude/longitude) point as degrees. :param distance: - distance in meters. :param azimuth: - azimuth in radians, clockwise from North :return: p2 - location of projected point as longitude/latitude. .. note:: code (and documentation) taken from rttopo project https://git.osgeo.org/gogs/rttopo/librttopo - spheroid_project.spheroid_project(...) - Valid bounds checking for degrees (latitude=+- 85.05115) is based values used for -> 'WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)' calculations --> latitudes outside these bounds cause the calculations to become unstable and can return invalid results .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End QVector<QVector<QgsPointXY> > geodesicLine( const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2, double interval, bool breakLine = false ) const; %Docstring Calculates the geodesic line between ``p1`` and ``p2``, which represents the shortest path on the ellipsoid between these two points. The ellipsoid settings defined on this QgsDistanceArea object will be used during the calculations. ``p1`` and ``p2`` must be in the sourceCrs() of this QgsDistanceArea object. The returned line will also be in this same CRS. The ``interval`` parameter gives the maximum distance between points on the computed line. This argument is always specified in meters. A shorter distance results in a denser line, at the cost of extra computing time. If the geodesic line crosses the antimeridian (+/- 180 degrees longitude) and ``breakLine`` is true, then the line will be split into two parts, broken at the antimeridian. In this case the function will return two lines, corresponding to the portions at either side of the antimeridian. .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End double latitudeGeodesicCrossesAntimeridian( const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2, double &fractionAlongLine /Out/ ) const; %Docstring Calculates the latitude at which the geodesic line joining ``p1`` and ``p2`` crosses the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees). The ellipsoid settings defined on this QgsDistanceArea object will be used during the calculations. ``p1`` and ``p2`` must be in the ellipsoidCrs() of this QgsDistanceArea object. The returned latitude will also be in this same CRS. :param p1: Starting point, in ellipsoidCrs() :param p2: Ending point, in ellipsoidCrs() :return: - the latitude at which the geodesic crosses the antimeridian - fractionAlongLine: will be set to the fraction along the geodesic line joining ``p1`` to ``p2`` at which the antimeridian crossing occurs. .. seealso:: :py:func:`splitGeometryAtAntimeridian` .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End QgsGeometry splitGeometryAtAntimeridian( const QgsGeometry &geometry ) const; %Docstring Splits a (Multi)LineString ``geometry`` at the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees). The returned geometry will always be a multi-part geometry. Whenever line segments in the input geometry cross the antimeridian, they will be split into two segments, with the latitude of the breakpoint being determined using a geodesic line connecting the points either side of this segment. The ellipsoid settings defined on this QgsDistanceArea object will be used during the calculations. ``geometry`` must be in the sourceCrs() of this QgsDistanceArea object. The returned geometry will also be in this same CRS. If ``geometry`` contains M or Z values, these will be linearly interpolated for the new vertices created at the antimeridian. .. note:: Non-(Multi)LineString geometries will be returned unchanged. .. seealso:: :py:func:`latitudeGeodesicCrossesAntimeridian` .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgsdistancearea.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/