@default Error Chyba Cannot create unit test for that algorithm execution. The output cannot be a temporary file <html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2> <h2>Input parameters</h2> <h2>Outputs</h2> <p align="right">Algorithm author: %s</p> <p align="right">Help author: %s</p> <p align="right">Algorithm version: %s</p> Uncaught error executing %s. See log for more information Executing iteration %s/%s... APIsDialogPythonConsole Generating prepared API file (please wait)... Prebieha vytváranie API (prosím čakajte)... AddModelFromFileAction Add model from file Tools Nástroje Open model Processing model files (*.model *.MODEL) Error reading model The selected file does not contain a valid model Cannot read file AddScriptFromFileAction Add script from file Tools Nástroje Script files Script files (*.py *.PY) Error reading script The selected file does not contain a valid script AlgorithmProvider Activate Generic algorithm provider BatchInputSelectionPanel Select from open layers Select from filesystem Open file All files(*.*);; BatchOutputSelectionPanel Save file BatchProcessingDialog Batch Processing - %s Show advanced parameters Add row Delete row Load in QGIS <b>Missing parameter value: %s (row %d)</b> <b>Wrong or missing parameter value: %s (row %d)</b> Processing algorithm %d/%d... <b>Algorithm %s starting...</b> Algorithm %s correctly executed... Batch processing Batch processing successfully completed! Yes Áno No Nie Hide advanced parameters CalculatorModelerAlgorithm Calculator Modeler-only tools Formula Result Wrong formula: %s CalculatorModelerParametersDialog You can refer to model values in your formula, using single-letter variables, as follows: - No numerical variables are available. [Enter your formula here] Calculator CharacterWidget <p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Value: 0x%3 <p>Znak: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Hodnota: 0x%3 ConfigDialog Search... Vyhľadať... Setting Value Hodnota General Všeobecné Models Scripts Providers Prístup k údajom Wrong value Nesprávna hodnota Wrong parameter value: %1 Nesprávna hodnota parametru:%1 CoordinateCapture Coordinate Capture Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard. &Coordinate Capture Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate display Coordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north) Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north) Copy to clipboard Click to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stop Start capture Click to enable coordinate capture CouldNotLoadResultsDialog Problem loading output layers Close Zatvoriť CreateNewModelAction Create new model Tools Nástroje CreateNewScriptAction Tools Nástroje DBManager No database selected or you are not connected to it. Select the table you want export to file. DB Manager Info Table Tabuľka Preview Náhľad &Database &Schema &Table &Refresh &SQL window &Exit &Import layer/file &Export to file DBManagerPlugin Unable to find a valid unique field Copy DB Manager Select an empty schema for deletion. Select a table for editation. Select a table/view for deletion. Select a table to empty it. Select a table/view. Server version: Host: User: Library: <warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist! This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables. create new schemas create temporary tables Not connected Connection details General info <warning> %s support not enabled! <warning> This user has no privileges! User has privileges: Privileges Owner: Comment: create new objects access objects Schema details <warning> This user has no privileges to access this schema! Relation type: View Table Tabuľka Rows: Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>) Name Meno Type Typ Null Default Column(s) Function <warning> This is not a spatial table. Fields Constraints Indexes Triggers View definition Column: Geometry: Dimension: Undefined Spatial ref: Estimated extent: (unknown) (<a href="action:extent/get">find out</a>) Extent: <warning> There isn't entry in geometry_columns! <warning> No spatial index defined (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">create it</a>) Pages: Rows (estimation): Privileges: <warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema! Rows (counted): <warning> This user has read-only privileges. <warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>. <warning> No primary key defined for this table! Scripts: <warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts! This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade. <warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table! This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables. Length Enabled Yes Áno No Nie <a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a> Definition Rules &Versioning &Table "{0}" not found Filename: SQLite version: Error: %s Query: %s &Re-connect &Database &Create schema &Schema &Delete (empty) schema Delete selected item Vymazať vybranú položku &Create table &Edit table &Delete table/view &Empty table &Move to schema Cannot delete the selected item. No database selected or you are not connected to it. New schema Enter new schema name hey! Really delete schema %s? Really delete table/view %s? Really delete all items from table %s? Do you want to %s all triggers? Table triggers Do you want to %s trigger %s? Table trigger Do you want to %s spatial index for field %s? Spatial Index Priestorový index Check Primary key Foreign key Unique Exclusion Unknown DBModel Databases Databáza Invalid layer Unable to load the layer %s DBTree Rename Delete Vymazať Add to canvas Re-connect %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. DbManagerDlgAddGeometryColumn Add geometry column Pridať stĺpec s geometriou Name Názov Type Typ Dimensions Rozmery SRID ID súr. systému DbManagerDlgCreateConstraint Add constraint Pridať obmedzenie Column Stĺpec Primary key Jedinečný kľúč Unique Jedinečný kľúč DbManagerDlgCreateIndex Create index Vytvoriť index Column Stĺpec Name Názov DbManagerDlgCreateTable Create Table Vytvoriť tabuľku Schema Schéma Name Názov Add field Pridať pole Delete field Odstrániť pole Up Nahor Down Nadol Primary key Jedinečný kľúč Create geometry column Vytvoriť stĺpec s geometriou Dimensions Rozmery SRID ID súr. systému Create spatial index Vytvoriť priestorový index DbManagerDlgDbError Database Error Chyba databázy An error occured: Vyskytla sa chyba: An error occured when executing a query: Vyskytla sa chyba pri realizácii dopytu: Query: Dopyt: DbManagerDlgExportVector Export to vector file Exportovať do vektorového súboru Output file Výstupný súbor ... ... Drop existing one Vynechať existujúci Options Možnosti Source SRID ID zdrojového súr. systému Target SRID ID cieľového súr. systému Encoding Kódovanie DbManagerDlgFieldProperties Field properties Vlastnosti poľa Name Názov Type Typ Can be NULL Povoliť (hodnotu) NULL Default value Predvolená hodnota Length Dĺžka DbManagerDlgImportVector Import vector layer Importovať vektorovú vrstvu Input Vstup ... ... Update options Aktualizovať možnosti Output table Výstupná tabuľka Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka Options Možnosti Primary key Jedinečný kľúč Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Source SRID ID zdroj. súr. systému Target SRID ID cieľového súr. systému Encoding Kódovanie Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part Jednoduché geometrie namiesto zložených Create spatial index Vytvoriť priestorový index Drop existing table DbManagerDlgSqlWindow SQL window Okno SQL dopytov SQL query: SQL dopyt: Store Uložiť Delete Odstrániť &Execute (F5) &Vykonať (F5) F5 F5 &Clear &Vyčistiť Result: Výsledok: Load as new layer Načítať ako novú vrstvu Column with unique integer values Stĺpec s jedinečnými hodnotami celého čísla Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Retrieve columns Obnoviť stĺpce Layer name (prefix) Názov vrstvy (prefix) Type Typ Vector Vektor Raster Raster Load now! Načítať teraz! <html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html> Avoid selecting by feature id Zabrániť výberu podľa ID objektu DbManagerDlgTableProperties Table properties Vlastnosti tabuľky Columns Stĺpce Table columns: Stĺpce tabuľky: Add column Pridať stĺpec Add geometry column Pridať stĺpec s geometriou Edit column Upraviť stĺpec Delete column Odstrániť stĺpec Constraints Obmedzenia Primary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints: Primárne, cudzie, jedinečné kľúče a kontrola obmedzení: Add primary key / unique Pridať primárny kľúč / jedinečný kľúč Delete constraint Odstrániť obmedzenie Indexes Indexy Indexes defined for this table: Indexy definované pre túto tabuľku: Add index Pridať index Add spatial index Pridať priestorový index Delete index Odstrániť index DeleteModelAction Delete model Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete this model? DeleteScriptAction Delete script Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete this script? Dialog Eliminate sliver polygons common boundary Merge selection with the neighbouring polygon with the largest Browse Input vector layer Add result to canvas Selected features: area Extract Nodes Input line or polygon vector layer Unique ID field Save to new shapefile Output point shapefile Tolerance Calculate using Calculate extent for each feature separately Use only selected features Geoprocessing Intersect layer Buffer distance Buffer distance field Dissolve field Dissolve buffer results Output shapefile Segments to approximate Locate Line Intersections Input line layer Input unique ID field Intersect line layer Intersect unique ID field Output Shapefile Generate Centroids Weight field Number of standard deviations Std. Dev. Merge shapefiles Select by layers in the folder Shapefile type Polygon Bod Line Línia Point Bod Input directory Add result to map canvas Create Distance Matrix Input point layer Target point layer Target unique ID field Output matrix type Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix Standard (N x T) distance matrix Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) Use only the nearest (k) target points Output distance matrix Count Points In Polygons Input polygon vector layer Input point vector layer Output count field name PNTCNT Generate Random Points Input Boundary Layer Sample Size Unstratified Sampling Design (Entire layer) Use this number of points Stratified Sampling Design (Individual polygons) Use this density of points Use value from input field Random Selection Tool Input Vector Layer Randomly Select Number of Features Percentage of Features % % Projection Management Tool Input spatial reference system Output spatial reference system Use predefined spatial reference system Choose Import spatial reference system from existing layer Import spatial reference system Generate Regular Points Area Input Coordinates X Min Y Min X Max Y Max Grid Spacing Use this point spacing Apply random offset to point spacing Initial inset from corner (LH side) Simplify geometries Input line or polygon layer Simplify tolerance Save to new file Build spatial index Select files from disk Select files... Select all Select none Clear list Spatial Join Target vector layer Join vector layer Attribute Summary Mean Priemer Take summary of intersecting features Min Sum Median Max Take attributes of first located feature Output table Only keep matching records Keep all records (including non-matching target records) Random Selection From Within Subsets Input subset field (unique ID field) Sum Line Length In Polygons Output summed length field name LENGTH Input line vector layer Generate Vector Grid Grid extent Update extents from layer Update extents from canvas Align extents and resolution to selected raster layer Parameters Parametre X Lock 1:1 ratio Y Output grid as polygons Output grid as lines Vector Split Output folder List Unique Values Target field Unique values list Unique value count Save errors location Press Ctrl+C to copy results to the clipboard Vector grid Please select a raster layer Unable to compute extents aligned on selected raster layer Please specify valid extent coordinates Please specify output shapefile Invalid extent coordinates entered Random selection No input shapefile specified Regular points Please specify input layer Please properly specify extent coordinates Mean coordinates Standard distance (Optional) Weight field (Optional) Unique ID field Coordinate statistics No input vector layer specified There were %d vertices in original dataset which were reduced to %d vertices after simplification Processing of the following layers/files ended with error:<br><br> Join attributes by location Please specify target vector layer Please specify join vector layer Please specify at least one summary statistic CRS warning! Warning: Input layers have non-matching CRS. This may cause unexpected results. Summary field Error deleting shapefile Sum line lengths Sum Line Lengths In Polyons Please specify input polygon vector layer Please specify input line vector layer Please specify output length field length field Can't delete existing shapefile %s Split vector layer Cancel Zrušiť Close Zatvoriť Count Points in Polygon Count Points In Polygon Please specify input point vector layer Please specify output count field Random selection within subsets Can't delete file %s Error loading output shapefile: %s Created output shapefile: %s Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Please specify input vector layer Please specify an input field Defined Projection For: %s.shp Random Points No input layer specified unstratified stratified density field Unknown layer type... Selected features: %s Commit error: %s Could not replace geometry of feature with id %s Could not eliminate features with these ids: %s Created output shapefile: %s Line intersections Please specify input line layer Please specify line intersect layer Created output shapefiles in folder: %s Please specify input unique ID field Please specify intersect unique ID field Currently QGIS doesn't allow simultaneous access from different threads to the same datasource. Make sure your layer's attribute tables are closed. Continue? Distance matrix Create Point Distance Matrix Please specify input point layer Please specify output file Please specify target point layer Please specify target unique ID field Created output matrix: Finished Processing completed. Select directory with shapefiles to merge No shapefiles found There are no shapefiles in this directory. Please select another one. Input files No output file Please specify output file. There are no shapefiles with the given geometry type. Please select an available geometry type. Delete error Merging Define current projection Missing or invalid CRS Please specify spatial reference system Cannot define projection for PostGIS data...yet! Identical output spatial reference system chosen Are you sure you want to proceed? Output spatial reference system is not valid Please select the projection system that defines the current layer. Layer CRS information will be updated to the selected CRS. Export to new projection No Valid CRS selected Densify geometries Vertices to add Warning Upozornenie Please specify an input layer Simplify results Error Chyba creating new selection adding to current selection removing from current selection Select by location Select features in: that intersect features in: Include input features that touch the selection features Include input features that overlap/cross the selection features Include input features completely within the selection features Only selected features Please specify select layer Eliminate No selection in input layer Error creating output file Could not delete features Could not add features DlgAddGeometryColumn DB Manager field name must not be empty DlgAutofill Autofill settings Autofill mode Do not autofill Fill with numbers Fill with parameter values Parameter to use DlgConfig Processing options Enter setting name to filter list DlgCreateIndex Error Chyba Please enter some name for the index DlgCreateTable &Create &Vytvoriť DB Manager no field selected nie je vybrané žiadne pole field is at top already pole sa už nachádza navrchu No field selected Nie je vybrané žiadne pole field is at bottom already pole sa už nachádza na spodku select schema! Vyberte schému! enter table name! Zadajte názov tabuľky! add some fields! Pridajte nejaké polia! set geometry column name Nastavte názov stĺpca s geometriou Good Operácia prebehla v poriadku everything went fine Operácia prebehla v poriadku DlgExportVector Choose where to save the file Shapefiles Export to file Output table name is required Invalid source srid: must be an integer Invalid target srid: must be an integer Error %d %s Export finished. DlgFieldProperties DB Manager field name must not be empty názov poľa nemôže byť prázdny field type must not be empty typ poľa nemôže byť prázdny DlgGetScriptsAndModels Get scripts and models about:blank DlgHelpEdition Help editor about:blank Select element to edit Element description DlgHistory History and log DlgImportVector Choose the file to import Import to database Input layer missing or not valid Output table name is required Invalid source srid: must be an integer Invalid target srid: must be an integer Error %d %s Import was successful. DlgModeler Processing modeler Open model ... Save Uložiť Save as... Export as image Edit model help Run model Inputs Algorithms Enter algorithm name to filter list Enter model name here Enter group name here DlgMultipleSelection Multiple selection DlgNumberInput Enter number or expression <html><head/><body><p>Enter expression in the text field. Double click on elements in the tree to add their values to the expression.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Warning</span>: if expression result is float value, but integer required, result will be rounded to integer.</p></body></html> DlgRenderingStyles Dialog Output Výstup Style DlgResults Results about:blank DlgScriptEditor Script editor Save Uložiť ... Save as... Edit script help Run algorithm Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo DlgSqlWindow %d rows, %.1f seconds DB Manager You must fill the required fields: geometry column - column with unique integer values DlgTableProperties DB Manager nothing selected žiadny výber Are you sure Ste si istí, že chcete really delete column '%s'? naozaj odstrániť stĺpec '%s'? really delete constraint '%s'? naozaj odstrániť obmedzenie '%s'? The selected table has no geometry Vybraná tabuľka neobsahuje žiadnu geometriu Create? Vytvoriť? Create spatial index for field %s? Vytvoriť priestorový index pre pole %s? Nothing selected Žiadny výber really delete index '%s'? naozaj odstrániť index '%s'? DlgVersioning Add versioning support to a table Table is expected to be empty, with a primary key. Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka create a view with current content (<TABLE>_current) New columns Prim. key id_hist Start time time_start End time time_end SQL to be executed: EditModelAction Edit model EditScriptAction Edit script ExtentSelectionPanel [Leave blank to use min covering extent] Use layer/canvas extent Select extent on canvas Use min covering extent from input layers FieldsCalculator Field calculator Create a new field Output field name Output field type Typ Output field width Width of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width. Precision Presnosť Input layer Update existing field Output file ... FieldsCalculatorDialog [Save to temporary file] Save file Unable to execute algorithm Wrong or missing parameter values FileDirectorySelector ... Select directory Select file All files (*.*) FileSelectionPanel ... Select folder Open file FixedTableDialog Fixed Table Add row Remove row FixedTablePanel Fixed table %dx%d ... GdalTools &Input directory &Output directory The selected file is not a supported OGR format The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program. The process crashed some time after starting successfully. An unknown error occurred. Plugin error Unable to load {0} plugin. The required "{1}" module is missing. Install it and try again. QGIS version detected: This version of Gdal Tools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. Projections Warp (Reproject)... Assign Projection... Extract Projection... Rasterize (Vector to Raster)... Polygonize (Raster to Vector)... Translate (Convert Format)... RGB to PCT... PCT to RGB... Contour... Clipper... Sieve... Near Black... Fill nodata... Proximity (Raster Distance)... Grid (Interpolation)... DEM (Terrain Models)... Build Virtual Raster (Catalog)... Merge... Information... Build Overviews (Pyramids)... Tile Index... GdalTools Settings... Warp an image into a new coordinate system Add projection info to the raster Extract projection information from raster(s) Conversion Burns vector geometries into a raster Produces a polygon feature layer from a raster Converts raster data between different formats Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB Extraction Builds vector contour lines from a DEM Analysis Removes small raster polygons Convert nearly black/white borders to exact value Fill raster regions by interpolation from edges Produces a raster proximity map Create raster from the scattered data Tool to analyze and visualize DEMs Miscellaneous Builds a VRT from a list of datasets Build a quick mosaic from a set of images Lists information about raster dataset Builds or rebuilds overview images Build a shapefile as a raster tileindex Various settings for Gdal Tools GdalToolsAboutDialog About Gdal Tools O nástrojoch GDAL GDAL Tools Nástroje GDAL Version x.x-xxxxxx Verzia x.x-xxxxxx <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html> Web Web Close Zatvoriť GdalToolsBaseBatchWidget Finished Ukončené Operation completed. Operácia ukončená. Warning Upozornenie No input files to process. The following files were not created: {0} GdalToolsBaseDialog Warning Upozornenie The command is still running. Do you want terminate it anyway? GdalToolsBasePluginWidget Warning Upozornenie No output file created. Nevytvorený žiadny výstupný súbor. Finished Ukončené Processing completed. Spracovávanie dokončené. %s not created. GdalToolsDialog Dialog &Load into canvas when finished Edit Upraviť Reset Extract projection Batch mode (for processing whole directory) &Input file Recurse subdirectories Create also prj file Select the file for DEM Select the raster file to save the results to Select the color configuration file Select the input file for Grid Select the input file for Rasterize Select the input file for Sieve Select the input file for Warp Select the mask file Select the input directory with files to Warp Select the output directory to save the results to Output size or resolution required The output file doesn't exist. You must set up the output size or resolution to create it. Select the input file for Translate Select the input directory with files to Translate Translate - srcwin Image coordinates (pixels) must be integer numbers. Translate - prjwin Image coordinates (geographic) must be numbers. Select the input directory with raster files Select where to save the TileIndex output Convert paletted image to RGB Select the input file for convert Select the input directory with files for convert Select the file to analyse Select the input directory with files to Assign projection Copy Copy all Select the input file for Polygonize Select the files for VRT Select where to save the VRT VRT (*.vrt) Select the input directory with files for VRT Select the input file for Near Black Select the input file Select the input directory with files Select the files to Merge Error retrieving the extent GDAL was unable to retrieve the extent from any file. The "Use intersected extent" option will be unchecked. Empty extent The computed extent is empty. Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Select where to save the Merge output Select the input directory with files to Merge {0} not created. Select the files to analyse Select the input file for Contour Select where to save the Contour output Select the input file for Proximity Warning Upozornenie Warning: CRS information for all raster in subfolders will be rewritten. Are you sure? Finished Processing completed. Assign projection This raster already found in map canvas Select where to save the Polygonize output GdalToolsExtentSelector Select the extent by drag on canvas or change the extent coordinates x y y 2 2 1 1 Re-Enable GdalToolsInOutSelector Select... Vybrať... GdalToolsOptionsTable Name Názov Value Hodnota Add Pridať Remove Odobrať GdalToolsSettingsDialog Gdal Tools settings Path to the GDAL executables Browse Path to the GDAL python modules GDAL help path GDAL data path GDAL driver path A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or semicolon-separated (Windows) paths to both binaries and python executables. MacOS users usually need to set it to something like /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.8/Programs A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or semicolon-separated (Windows) paths to python modules. Useful to open local GDAL documentation instead of online help when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Select directory with GDAL executables Select directory with GDAL python modules Select directory with the GDAL documentation GdalToolsWidget Build Virtual Raster (Catalog) Use visible raster layers for input Choose input directory instead of files &Input files Recurse subdirectories &Output file &Resolution Highest Average Priemer Lowest &Source No Data Se&parate Allow projection difference Clipper &No data value &Input file (raster) Clipping mode Extent Mask layer Create an output alpha band Contour &Output file for contour lines (vector) I&nterval between contour lines &Attribute name If not provided, no elevation attribute is attached. ELEV Convert RGB image to paletted Batch mode (for processing whole directory) &Input file Number of colors Band to convert DEM (Terrain models) &Input file (DEM raster) &Band Compute &edges Use Zevenbergen&&Thorne formula (instead of the Horn's one) &Mode Hillshade Slope Aspect Color relief TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index) TPI (Topographic Position Index) Roughness Mode Options Z factor (vertical exaggeration) Scale (ratio of vert. units to horiz.) Azimuth of the light Altitude of the light Slope expressed as percent (instead of as degrees) Return trigonometric angle (instead of azimuth) Return 0 for flat (instead of -9999) Color configuration file Matching mode Exact color (otherwise "0,0,0,0" RGBA) Nearest color Add alpha channel &Creation Options Fill Nodata &Input Layer Output format Search distance Smooth iterations Band to operate on Validity mask Do not use the default validity mask Grid (Interpolation) &Z Field &Algorithm Inverse distance to a power Moving average Nearest neighbor Data metrics Power Smoothing Radius1 Radius2 Max points Min points Angle No data Metrics Minimum Maximum Range Rozpätie (valencia) Resize Width Šírka Height Výška Info Raster info Suppress GCP printing Suppress metadata printing Merge Layer stack Use intersected extent Grab pseudocolor table from the first image Near Black How &far from black (or white) Search for nearly &white (255) pixels instead of black ones Build overviews (Pyramids) Remove all overviews. Clean Polygonize (Raster to vector) &Output file for polygons (shapefile) &Field name DN Use mask Assign projection WARNING: current projection definition will be cleared Desired SRS Output will be: - new GeoTiff if input file is not GeoTiff - overwritten if input is GeoTiff Select... Proximity (Raster distance) &Values &Dist units GEO PIXEL &Max dist &No data &Fixed buf val 0 Rasterize (Vector to raster) &Input file (shapefile) &Attribute field &Output file for rasterized vectors (raster) Keep existing raster size and resolution Raster size in pixels Raster resolution in map units per pixel Horizontal Vertical Sieve &Threshold &Pixel connections 4 8 Raster tile index Input directory Output shapefile Tile index field location Write absolute path Skip files with different projection ref Translate (Convert format) &Target SRS Percentage to resize image. This will change pixel size/image resolution accordingly: 25% will create an image with pixels 4x larger. Outsize % % Assign a specified nodata value to output bands. To expose a dataset with 1 band with a color table as a dataset with 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) bands. Useful for output drivers such as JPEG, JPEG2000, MrSID, ECW that don't support color indexed datasets. The 'gray' value (from GDAL 1.7.0) enables to expand a dataset with a color table that only contains gray levels to a gray indexed dataset. Expand Gray RGB RGBA Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying based on pixel/line location. (Enter Xoff Yoff Xsize Ysize) Srcwin Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying (like -srcwin) but with the corners given in georeferenced coordinates. (Enter ulx uly lrx lry) Prjwin Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files. Use with formats like HDF or OGDI that have subdatasets. Sds Warp (Reproject) Mapové zobrazenie &Source SRS &Resampling method Near Bilinear Cubic Cubic spline Lanczos No data values &Memory used for caching MB Use m&ultithreaded warping implementation &Output directory for contour lines (shapefile) GeoAlgorithm Uncaught error while executing algorithm See log for more details Converting outputs <p>Oooops! The following output layers could not be open</p><ul> <li>%s: <font size=3 face="Courier New" color="#ff0000">%s</font></li> </ul><p>The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm</p><p>Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not created as expected</p> GeometryDialog Merge all Geometry Please specify input vector layer Please specify output shapefile Please specify valid tolerance value Please specify valid UID field Singleparts to multipart Output shapefile Multipart to singleparts Extract nodes Polygons to lines Input polygon vector layer Export/Add geometry columns Input vector layer Layer CRS Project CRS Ellipsoid Polygon centroids Output point shapefile Delaunay triangulation Input point vector layer Voronoi polygon Buffer region Lines to polygons Input line vector layer Polygon from layer extent Input layer Output polygon shapefile Unable to delete existing shapefile. Currently QGIS doesn't allow simultaneous access from different threads to the same datasource. Make sure your layer's attribute tables are closed. Continue? Cancel Zrušiť Error processing specified tolerance! Please choose larger tolerance... Unable to delete incomplete shapefile. At least two features must have same attribute value! Please choose another field... One or more features in the output layer may have invalid geometry, please check using the check validity tool Error loading output shapefile: %s Created output shapefile: %s %s Layer '{0}' updated Error writing output shapefile. GeoprocessingDialog Dissolve all Geoprocessing Please specify an input layer Please specify a difference/intersect/union layer Please specify valid buffer value Please specify dissolve field Please specify output shapefile No features selected, please uncheck 'Use selected' or make a selection Buffer(s) Create single minimum convex hull Create convex hulls based on input field Convex hull(s) Dissolve Difference layer Difference Intersect layer Intersect Clip layer Clip Union layer Union Unable to delete existing shapefile. Cancel Zrušiť Close Zatvoriť No output created. File creation error: %s Created output shapefile: %s %s%s Error loading output shapefile: %s Warnings: Symmetrical difference Some output geometries may be missing or invalid. Would you like to add the new layer anyway? Input CRS error: Different input coordinate reference systems detected, results may not be as expected. Input CRS error: One or more input layers missing coordinate reference information, results may not be as expected. Feature geometry error: One or more output features ignored due to invalid geometry. GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. GetModelsAction Get models from on-line scripts collection Tools Nástroje Connection problem Could not connect to scripts/models repository GetScriptsAction Get scripts from on-line scripts collection Tools Nástroje Connection problem Could not connect to scripts/models repository GetScriptsAndModelsDialog <h3> Processing resources manager </h3><p>Check/uncheck algorithms in the tree to select the ones that you want to install or remove</p><p>Algorithms are divided in 3 groups:</p><ul><li><b>Installed:</b> Algorithms already in your system, with the latest version available</li><li><b>Upgradable:</b> Algorithms already in your system, but with a newer version available in the server</li><li><b>Not installed:</b> Algorithms not installed in your system</li></ul> Installed Updatable Not installed <p><b>Description:</b> %s</p> <p><b>Created by:</b> %s <p><b>Version:</b> %s <h2>No detailed description available for this script</h2> Connection problem Could not download file: %s GlobePlugin Launch Globe Globe Settings Unload Globe Overlay data on a 3D globe Settings for 3D globe Unload globe &Globe Heatmap Heatmap... Creates a heatmap raster for the input point vector. &Heatmap Layer not found The heatmap plugin requires at least one point vector layer GDAL driver error Cannot open the driver for the specified format Raster update error Could not open the created raster for updating. The heatmap was not generated. Creating heatmap Abort Prerušiť Heatmap generation aborted QGIS will now load the partially-computed raster HeatmapGui Quartic (biweight) Triangular Uniform Triweight Epanechnikov Raw values Scaled by kernel size Save Heatmap as: No valid layers found! Advanced options cannot be enabled. Invalid output filename Please enter a valid output file path and name. HeatmapGuiBase Heatmap Plugin ... Output values Input point layer Output raster Output format Radius 10 meters map units Rows Riadky Cell size X Columns Stĺpcov Cell size Y Use radius from field Use weight from field 0.0 Decay ratio Kernel shape Add generated file to map Advanced HelpEditionDialog Cannot open help file: %s Error saving help file Help file could not be saved. Check that you have permission to modify the help file. You might not have permission if you are editing an example model or script, since they are stored on the installation folder <h2>Algorithm description</h2> <h2>Input parameters</h2> <h2>Outputs</h2> Algorithm description Input parameters Outputs Výstup Algorithm created by Algorithm help written by Algorithm version HistoryDialog Clear Clear history and log Save As... Uložiť ako... Save history and log Confirmation Are you sure you want to clear log? Save file Log files (*.log *.LOG) Create test HistoryDialogPythonConsole Dialog Reload Save Uložiť InfoViewer DB Manager InputLayerSelectorPanel All files(*.*);; InvalidParameterValue Run Spustiť Parameters Parametre Log <h2>Sorry, no help is available for this algorithm.</h2> <h2>Could not open help file :-( </h2> Unmatching CRS's Layers do not all use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results. Do you want to continue? Unable to execute algorithm Processing algorithm... <b>Algorithm %s starting...</b> <b>Missing parameter value: %s</b> Wrong or missing parameter values HTML output has been generated by this algorithm. Open the results dialog to check it. LayerPropertiesWidget Form Formulár Symbol layer type Typ symbolu vrstvy This layer doesn't have any editable properties Táto vrstva nemá žiadne editovateľné vlastnosti MainWindow &Edit &Úpravy Print Composers Tlačové výstupy &View Pohľa&d Select Vybrať objekty Measure Merať &Decorations &Mapové prvky &Layer &Vrstva &Plugins Zásuvné &moduly &Help &Pomocník &Settings &Nastavenia &Raster &Raster Vect&or Vekt&or &OpenStreetMap &OpenStreetMap File Súbor Manage Layers Správa vrstiev Digitizing Digitalizácia Advanced Digitizing Pokročilá digitalizácia Map Navigation Navigácia v mape Attributes Atribúty Plugins Zásuvné moduly Help Pomocník Raster Raster Label Popisok Vector Vektor Database Databáza Web Web Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Save as Image... Uložiť ako obrázok... &New Print Composer &Nový tlačový výstup Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Composer Manager... Správca tlačových výstupov... P&roject P&rojekt New From Template Nový zo šablóny Preview Mode Create Layer Add Layer Paste Features as &New &Nový &Open... &Otvoriť... &Save &Uložiť Save &As... Uložiť &ako... Exit QGIS Ukončiť QGIS Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q &Undo &Krok späť Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z &Redo &Krok vpred Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Cut Features Vystrihnúť objekty Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Copy Features Kopírovať objekty Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Paste Features Vložiť objekty Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Add Feature Pridať objekt Ctrl+. Ctrl+. Move Feature(s) Presunúť objekt(y) Reshape Features Zmeniť tvar objektu Split Features Rozdeliť objekty Split Parts Delete Selected Odstrániť vybrané Add Ring Pridať dieru Add Part Pridať časť Simplify Feature Zjednodušiť objekt Delete Ring Odstrániť dieru Delete Part Odstrániť časť Merge Selected Features Zlúčiť vybrané objekty Merge Attributes of Selected Features Zlúčiť atribúty vybraných objektov Node Tool Editácia uzlov Rotate Point Symbols Otočiť bodové symboly Snapping Options... Možnosti prichytávania... Pan Map Presunúť mapu Zoom In Priblížiť Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom Out Oddialiť Ctrl+- Ctrl+- Select Features by Polygon Výber objektov polygónom Select Features by Freehand Výber objektov voľnou rukou Select Features by Radius Výber objektov kružnicou Deselect Features from All Layers Zrušiť označenie objektov vo všetkých vrstvách Identify Features Identifikovať objekty Ctrl+Shift+I Ctrl+Shift+I Measure Line Merať líniu Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+M Measure Area Merať plochu Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Shift+J Measure Angle Merať uhol Zoom Full Priblížiť na rozmery okna Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Zoom to Layer Priblížiť na vrstvu Zoom to Selection Priblížiť na výber Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Zoom Last Zobraziť predchádzajúci pohľad Zoom Next Zobraziť nasledujúci pohľad Zoom Actual Size Priblížiť na aktuálnu veľkosť Zoom to Native Pixel Resolution Priblížiť na rozlíšenie vrstvy Map Tips Mapové tipy Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it Zobraziť informáciu o objekte pri prechádzaní myšou ponad objekt New Bookmark... Nová záložka... Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Show Bookmarks Ukázať záložky Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B Refresh Obnoviť Text Annotation Textová anotácia Form Annotation Anotácia formulárom Move Annotation Presunúť anotáciu Labeling Popisky Layer Labeling Options Možnosti popiskov vrstvy New Shapefile Layer... Nová vrstva Shapefile... Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Add Vector Layer... Pridať vektorovú vrstvu... Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Add Raster Layer... Pridať rastrovú vrstvu... Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R Add PostGIS Layers... Pridať vrstvu PostGIS... Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D Add SpatiaLite Layer... Pridať vrstvu SpatiaLite... Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Add MSSQL Spatial Layer... Pridať vrstvu MSSQL Spatial... Add Oracle Spatial Layer... Pridať vrstvu Oracle Spatial... Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Add WMS/WMTS Layer... Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W Open Attribute Table Otvoriť atribútovú tabuľku Toggle Editing Povoliť/Zakázať úpravy Toggles the editing state of the current layer Prepne na editáciu aktuálnej vrstvy Save for Selected Layer(s) Uložiť zmeny vo vybraných vrstvách Save edits to current layer, but continue editing Uložiť úpravy do aktuálnej vrstvy, ale pokračovať v úpravách Save As... Uložiť ako... Remove Layer/Group Configure Shortcuts... API Documentation Full Histogram Stretch Touch Zoom and Pan SVG Annotation &Download Data... &Import Topology from XML... &Export Topology to SpatiaLite... Increase Brightness Decrease Brightness Increase Contrast Decrease Contrast Select By Expression... Need Commercial Support? Open Field Calculator... Add from Layer Definition File... Save As Layer Definition File... Normal Normal preview mode Simulate Photocopy (Grayscale) Simulate photocopy (grayscale) Simulate Fax (Mono) Simulate fax (mono) Simulate Color Blindness (Protanope) Simulate color blindness (protanope) Simulate Color Blindness (Deuteranope) Simulate color blindness (deuteranope) Set Scale Visibility of Layer(s) Show Selected Layers Hide Selected Layers Ctrl+D Ctrl+D New SpatiaLite Layer... Raster Calculator... Set CRS of Layer(s) Nastaviť súradnicový systém vrstvy (vrstiev) Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Set Project CRS from Layer Nastaviť súradnicový systém projektu podľa vrstvy Properties... Vlastnosti... Query... Dopytovanie... Add to Overview Pridať do prehľadu Add All to Overview Pridať všetko do prehľadu Remove All from Overview Odobrať všetko z prehľadu Show All Layers Ukázať všetky vrstvy Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U Hide All Layers Skryť všetky vrstvy Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Manage and Install Plugins... Spravovať a inštalovať zásuvné moduly... Open Field Calculator Otvoriť atribútovú kalkulačku Add Delimited Text Layer... Pridať vrstvu z textového súboru... Add Delimited Text Layer Pridať vrstvu z textového súboru New Vector Layer Paste features in clipboard into a new OGR vector layer. New Memory Vector Layer Paste features in clipboard into a new memory vector layer. Toggle Full Screen Mode Prepnúť do celoobrazovkového režimu Select Feature(s) Select Features by area or single click F5 Ctrl+F Ctrl+F F11 Project Properties... Vlastnosti projektu... Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Options... Možnosti... Custom CRS... Vlastný súradnicový systém... Local Histogram Stretch Stretch histogram of active raster to view extents Help Contents Obsah pomocníka F1 F1 QGIS Home Page Domovská stránka QGISu Ctrl+H Ctrl+H Check QGIS Version Skontrolovať verziu QGISu Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) Skontroluje, či je Vaša verzia QGISu aktuálna (vyžaduje prístup k internetu) About O programe QGIS Sponsors Sponzori QGISu Move Label Presunúť popisok Rotate Label Otočiť popisok Rotate Label Ctl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg. Change Label Zmeniť popisok Style Manager... Správca štýlov... Python Console Konzola jazyka Python Stretch Histogram to Full Dataset Customization... Prispôsobenie... This is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomization Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Embed Layers and Groups... Vložiť vrstvy a skupiny z iného projektu... Embed layers and groups from other project files Vložiť vrstvy a skupiny z iného projektu &Copyright Label &Autorské práva Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. Vytvorí autorské práva, ktoré sa zobrazia v mapovom okne. &North Arrow &Smerová ružica "Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas" Vytvorí smerovú ružicu a zobrazí ju v mapovom okne &Scale Bar &Grafická mierka Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas Vytvorí grafickú mierku, ktorá sa zobrazí v mapovom okne Add WFS Layer... Pridať vrstvu WFS... Add WFS Layer Pridať vrstvu WFS Feature Action Akcia objektu Run Feature Action Spustiť akciu objektu Pan Map to Selection Presunúť mapu na vybrané objekty Touch zoom and pan Offset Curve Odsadenie krivky Copy style Kopírovať štýl vrstvy Paste style Vložiť štýl vrstvy Add WCS Layer... Pridať vrstvu WCS... &Grid &Mriežka Grid Mriežka Pin/Unpin Labels Pripnúť/Odopnúť popisky Pin/Unpin Labels Click or marquee on label to pin Shift unpins, Ctl (Cmd) toggles state Acts on all editable layers Pripnúť/Odopnúť popisky Kliknúť alebo určiť popisok na pripnutie Shift odopne, Ctl (Cmd) prepne stav Platí na všetky editovateľné vrstvy Highlight Pinned Labels Zvýrazniť pripnuté popisky New Blank Project Nový projekt Local Cumulative Cut Stretch Local cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values. Full Dataset Cumulative Cut Stretch Cumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values. Show/Hide Labels Ukázať/Skryť popisky Show/Hide Labels Click or marquee on feature to show label Shift+click or marquee on label to hide it Acts on currently active editable layer Ukázať/Skryť popisky Kliknutie alebo určenie objektu zobrazí popisok Shift+kliknutie alebo určenie popisok skryje Platí na práve aktívne editovateľné vrstvy Html Annotation Anotácia HTML Duplicate Layer(s) Duplikovať vrstvu(y) Save for All Layers Uložiť zmeny vo všetkých vrstvách Rollback for All Layers Vrátiť zmeny vo všetkých vrstvách Cancel for All Layers Zrušiť zmeny vo všetkých vrstvách Rollback for Selected Layer(s) Vrátiť zmeny vo vybraných vrstvách Current Edits Aktuálne úpravy Cancel for Selected Layer(s) Zrušiť zmeny vo vybraných vrstvách Save Layer Edits Uložiť úpravy vrstvy Rotate Feature(s) Otočiť objekt(y) Select features using an expression Výber objektov použitím výrazu DXF Export... Fill Ring Open &Recent ManageConnectionsDialog Manage connections Save to file Browse Load from file Load Save Uložiť eXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML) Save connections Load connections Save Connections Saved to %s File %s exists. Overwrite? Loading Connections MessageBarProgress Executing algorithm Error Chyba MetaSearch MetaSearch plugin Search Metadata Catalogues MetaSearch plugin help Get Help on MetaSearch MetaSearchDialog MetaSearch Search Find Set global Map extent -180 90 -90 180 From Keywords Kľúčové slová Xmax Ymax Xmin Ymin Results > > << Add WCS Add WMS/WMTS < < Add WFS Double click to see full record information Type Typ Title Názov View search results as XML >> Services Service info GetCapabilities response New Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Vymazať Save Uložiť Add default services Load Settings Nastavenia Results paging Show results at a time No services/connections defined. To get started with MetaSearch, create a new connection by clicking 'New' or click 'Add default services'. New Catalogue service Edit Catalogue service Remove service %s? Confirm delete %s exists. Overwrite? Loading connections Search error Search error: %s Connection error Connection error: %s 0 results Showing %d - %d of %d result%s Coordinate Transformation Error End of results. Go to start? Navigation Start of results. Go to end? Connection %s exists. Overwrite? Saving server GetRecords error Error getting response: %s Error connecting to service: %s Value Error: %s Unknown Error: %s CSW Connection error MissingDependencyDialog <h3>Missing dependency.This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3> %s Missing dependency Close Zatvoriť ModelerAlgorithm Model Wrong value: %s Prepare algorithm: %s Running %s [%i/%i] OK. Execution took %0.3f ms (%i outputs). Failed Error executing algorithm %s %s Model processed ok. Executed %i algorithms total ModelerAlgorithmProvider Models folder Models Could not load model %s Could not load model %s %s ModelerDialog Search... [Enter model name here] [Enter group name here] Message There are unsaved changes in model. Close modeler without saving? Empty model Save Model As Image PNG files (*.png *.PNG) Warning Upozornenie Please enter group and model names before saving Save Model Processing models (*.model) I/O error Unable to save edits. Reason: %s Can't save model Processing models (*.model *.MODEL) Could not load model %s %s The selected model could not be loaded. See the log for more information. Geoalgorithms Model doesn't contains any algorithms and/or parameters and can't be executed This model can't be saved in its original location (probably you do not have permission to do it). Please, use the 'Save as...' option. Model saved Model was correctly saved. Open Model Could not open model Parameters Parametre ModelerOnlyAlgorithmProvider Modeler-only tools ModelerParameterDefinitionDialog Parameter definition Parameter name Checked Parent layer Required Yes Áno No Nie Shape type Any Point Bod Line Línia Polygon Bod Mandatory Data type Vector (any) Vector (point) Vector (line) Vector (polygon) Raster Table Tabuľka Min/Max values Default value 0 Type Typ File Súbor Folder Mapa Unable to define parameter Invalid parameter name Wrong or missing parameter values ModelerParametersDialog Description Show advanced parameters Parent algorithms Parameters Parametre <h2>Sorry, no help is available for this algorithm.</h2> <h2>Could not open help file :-( </h2> Hide advanced parameters '%s' from algorithm '%s' Unable to add algorithm Wrong or missing parameter values MultilineTextPanel [Use text below] MultipleFileInputDialog Multiple selection Select the file(s) to use All files (*.*) MultipleFileInputPanel 0 elements selected ... %d elements selected MultipleInputDialog Select all Clear selection Toggle selection NewConnectionDialog Create a new Catalogue connection Name Meno URL URL Save connection Both Name and URL must be provided Overwrite %s? NotSupportedDbType %s is not supported yet NumberInputDialog [Enter your formula here] Values from data layers extents Min X Max X Min Y Max Y Cellsize Values from raster layers statistics Mean Priemer Std. deviation Max value Min value Values from QGIS map canvas Current extent Full extent of all layers in map canvas Wrong expression The expression entered is not correct OracleConnectGuiBase Create Oracle Connection Name Meno Name of the new connection Meno nového spojenia Database instance Username Password Save Password OutputFile All files(*.*) %s files(*.%s) OutputHTML HTML files(*.html) OutputRaster %s files(*.%s) OutputSelectionPanel [Save to temporary file] Save to a temporary file Save to file... Save to memory layer Save file Select directory OutputVector %s files (*.%s) PGDatabase &Table Run &Vacuum Analyze Select a table for vacuum analyze. PGTable Table rule ParameterMultipleInput All files (*.*) %s files(*.%s) ParameterRaster %s files(*.%s) ParameterTable %s files(*.%s) ParameterVector %s files(*.%s) ParametersDialog [Not selected] ParametersPanel [Not selected] Show advanced parameters [optional] Iterate over this layer Open output file after running algorithm Hide advanced parameters [not set] PointsInPolygonThread point count field PostGisDBPlugin There is no defined database connection "%s". Postprocessing Loading resulting layers PrepareAPIDialog Error Chyba Done Dokončené Processing Pro&cessing &Toolbox Graphical &Modeler... &History and Log... &Options... &Results Viewer... &Commander Could not load provider: %s %s Error in %s. Wrong parameter value %s for parameter %s. Error in %s. Missing parameter value for parameter %s. ProcessingConfig General Všeobecné Show extra info in Log panel Keep dialog open after running an algorithm Use only selected features Use filename as layer name Show recently executed algorithms Output folder Show layer CRS definition in selection boxes Warn before executing if layer CRS's do not match Style for raster layers Style for point layers Style for line layers Style for polygon layers Pre-execution script Post-execution script Recent algs ProcessingToolbox Processing Toolbox Enter algorithm name to filter list Search... Execute Execute as batch process Edit rendering styles for outputs Recently used algorithms Python Python warning An error has occured while executing Python code: Vyskytla sa chyba pri spúšťaní kódu v jazyku Python: Python version: Verzia Pythonu: QGIS version: Verzia QGISu: Python path: Cesta k Pythonu: Python error Chyba Pythonu Couldn't load plugin '%s' from ['%s'] Nebolo možné načítať zásuvný modul '%s' z ['%s'] Couldn't load plugin %s Nebolo možné načítať zásuvný modul %s %s due an error when calling its classFactory() method %s v dôsledku chyby pri volaní metódy classFactory() %s due an error when calling its initGui() method %s v dôsledku chyby pri volaní metódy initGui() Error while unloading plugin %s Chyba pri odstraňovaní zásuvného modulu %s PythonConsole Python Console Konzola Pythonu Clear console Vyčistiť konzolu Compile APIs Kompilovať API rozhrania Saving prepared file... Ukladanie pripraveného súboru... Saved Uložené Done Dokončené Error preparing file... Chyba pri pripravovaní súboru... Hide Editor Skryť editor Check Syntax Skontrolovať syntax Run selected Spustiť vybrané Run Script Spustiť skript Undo Krok späť Redo Krok vpred Find Text Nájsť text Cut Vystrihnúť Copy Kopírovať Paste Vložiť Comment Zakomentovať Uncomment Odkomentovať Share on codepad Zdielať na stránke 'codepad.org' Hide/Show Object Inspector Skryť/Zobraziť inšpektora objektov Select All Vybrať všetko Settings Nastavenia <b>"{0}"</b> was not found. URL copied to clipboard. URL adresa skopírovaná do schránky. Connection error: Chyba pripojenia: [Temporary file saved in {0}] ## Script error: {0} ## Script executed successfully: {0} Cannot execute file {0}. Error: {1} Hey, type something to run! Napíšte niečo na spustenie! You have to save the file before running it. Musíte uložiť súbor pred jeho spustením. Python Console: Save file Konzola Pythonu: Uložiť súbor Script was correctly saved. Skript bol uložený správne. Click on button to restore all tabs from last session. Kliknúť na tlačítko pre obnovenie všetkých záložiek z posledného sedenia. Restore tabs Obnoviť záložky Close Zatvoriť List all tabs Zoznam všetkých záložiek New Editor Nový editor Close Tab Close All Close Others Save As The file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1} Untitled-{0} Python Console: Save File Konzola Pythonu: Uložiť súbor The file <b>'{0}'</b> has been modified, save changes? Unable to restore the file: {0} Hide/Show Toolbar Skryť/Zobraziť panel nástrojov Show Editor Zobraziť editor Enter Selected Vložiť vybrané Object Inspector Inšpektor objektov Open file Otvoriť súbor Save Uložiť Save As... Uložiť ako... Run script Spustiť skript Show editor Zobraziť editor Import Class Importovať triedu Import Processing class Enter text to find... Vložte vyhľadávaný text... Find Next Nájsť nasledujúci Find Previous Nájsť predchádzajúci Case Sensitive Rozlišovať malé/veľké písmená Whole Word Celé slovo Wrap Around Obtekať okolo Open File Otvoriť súbor Save Error Chyba pri ukladaní The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved. Error: {1} Save File As Uložiť súbor ako Python Console Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info History saved successfully. História uložená úspešne. Session and file history cleared successfully. Sedenie a história boli úspešne odstránené. History cleared successfully. História odstránená úspešne. Command History História príkazov Show Zobraziť Clear File Odstrániť súbor Clear Session Odstrániť sedenie Python Console - Command History Konzola Pythonu - História príkazov Double click on item to execute Spustite dvojklikom na položku Add API path Pridať cestu k API rozhraniu Remove API path Odobrať cestu k API rozhraniu The file <b>"{0}"</b> has been deleted or is not accessible The file <b>"{0}"</b> has been changed and reloaded The file <b>"{0}"</b> is read only, please save to different file first. Import PyQt.QtCore class Importovať triedu PyQt.QtCore Import PyQt.QtGui class Importovať triedu PyQt.QtGui Run command Spustiť príkaz Help Pomocník QGis::UnitType meters metre feet stopy degrees stupne <unknown> <neznáme> nautical miles QOCISpatialDriver Unable to initialize QOCISpatialDriver Unable to logon Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QOCISpatialResult Unable to bind column for batch execute Unable to execute batch statement Unable to goto next Unable to alloc statement Unable to prepare statement Unable to get statement type Unable to bind value Unable to execute statement QObject Interpolating... Abort Prerušiť Building triangulation... Estimating normal derivatives... minidump written to %1 writing of minidump to %1 failed (%2) creation of minidump to %1 failed (%2) Crash dumped QGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported. You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set. Deleted vertices Moved vertices No active vector layer To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend CRS Exception Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system Python is not enabled in QGIS. Plugins Plugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It will be disabled. Loaded %1 (package: %2) Library name is %1 Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2) Attempting to resolve the classFactory function Loaded %1 (Path: %2) Error Loading Plugin There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: %1. Unable to find the class factory for %1. Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loaded Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 Could not open CRS database %1 Error(%2): %3 CRS Generated CRS A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description Saved user CRS [%1] Imported from GDAL Can't open database: %1 Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area or perimeter. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. km² km² ha ha m m km km mm mm cm cm sq ft acres sq mile foot stopa feet stopy mile míľa sq. NM NM sq.deg. degree stupeň degrees stupne unknown neznáma Cannot convert '%1' to double Cannot convert '%1' to int Cannot convert '%1' to DateTime Cannot convert '%1' to Date Cannot convert '%1' to Time Cannot convert '%1' to Interval Cannot convert '%1' to boolean Domain max must be greater than domain min Exponent must be greater than 0 Invalid regular expression '%1': %2 Index is out of range Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to color Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to color "%1" is not a valid color ramp Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to color function help for %1 missing Operators Fields and Values Math Conversions Conditionals second|seconds list of words separated by | which reference years minute|minutes list of words separated by | which reference minutes hour|hours list of words separated by | which reference minutes hours day|days list of words separated by | which reference days week|weeks wordlist separated by | which reference weeks month|months list of words separated by | which reference months year|years list of words separated by | which reference years Date and Time String Color Farba Geometry Record No root node! Parsing failed? (no root) Unary minus only for numeric values. Can't preform /, *, or % on DateTime and Interval [unsupported type;%1; value:%2] Column '%1' not found Exception: %1 GEOS GEOS prior to 3.2 doesn't support GEOSInterpolate segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7 ring %1 with less than four points ring %1 not closed line %1 with less than two points line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2 number of duplicate nodes segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4 ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ring GEOS error:could not produce geometry for GEOS (check log window) GEOS error:%1 polygon %1 has no rings polygon %1 inside polygon %2 Unknown geometry type Unknown geometry type %1 Geometry validation was aborted. Geometry has %1 errors. Geometry is valid. invalid line Label Popis Console infinite - W Z E V S S N S No QGIS data provider plugins found in: %1 No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation Nie je možné nahrať žiadne vektorové vrstvy. Skontrolujte vašu inštaláciu QGIS No Data Providers Žiadne nástroje na prístup k údajom No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded Žiadne zásuvné moduly na prístup k údajom nie sú k dispozícii. Žiadne vektorové vrstvy nemôžu byť nahraté Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1 Failed to load %1: %2 Nepodarilo sa načítať %1: %2 OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2) trimming attribute name '%1' to ten significant characters produces duplicate column name. creation of data source failed (OGR error:%1) creation of layer failed (OGR error:%1) unsupported type for field %1 creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2) Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4 OGR no available replacement for internal fieldname ogc_fid found Reserved attribute name ogc_fid replaced with %1 By default, BNA files are created in multi-line format. For each record, the first line contains the identifiers and the type/number of coordinates to follow. Each following line contains a pair of coordinates. Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1) Feature creation error (OGR error: %1) Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2) Feature write errors: Stopping after %1 errors Only %1 of %2 features written. Arc/Info ASCII Coverage Atlas BNA Comma Separated Value ESRI Shapefile DBF file FMEObjects Gateway Empty filename given New BNA files are created by the systems default line termination conventions. This may be overridden here. BNA records may contain from 2 to 4 identifiers per record. Some software packages only support a precise number of identifiers. You can override the default value (2) by a precise value The BNA writer will try to recognize ellipses and circles when writing a polygon. This will only work if the feature has previously been read from a BNA file. As some software packages do not support ellipses/circles in BNA data file, it may be useful to tell the writer by specifying ELLIPSES_AS_ELLIPSES=NO not to export them as such, but keep them as polygons. Limit the number of coordinate pairs per line in multiline format. Set the number of decimal for coordinates. Default value is 10. By default, the geometry of a feature written to a .csv file is discarded. It is possible to export the geometry in its WKT representation by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_WKT. It is also possible to export point geometries into their X,Y,Z components by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_YX. Create the associated .csvt file to describe the type of each column of the layer and its optional width and precision. Write a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of the file. Comma Separated Value [CSV] Override the type of shapefile created. Can be one of NULL for a simple .dbf file with no .shp file, POINT, ARC, POLYGON or MULTIPOINT for 2D, or POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ for 3D. Shapefiles with measure values are not supported, nor are MULTIPATCH files. set the encoding value in the DBF file. The default value is LDID/87. It is not clear what other values may be appropriate. Set to YES to resize fields to their optimal size. DBF File Set to YES to write a bbox property with the bounding box of the geometries at the feature and feature collection level. Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. Default to 15. Truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros. GeoJSON whether the document must be in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format. Default value : RSS The encoding of location information. Default value : SIMPLE. W3C_GEO only supports point geometries. SIMPLE or W3C_GEO only support geometries in geographic WGS84 coordinates. If defined to NO, only <entry> or <item> elements will be written. The user will have to provide the appropriate header and footer of the document. XML content that will be put between the <channel> element and the first <item> element for a RSS document, or between the xml tag and the first <entry> element for an Atom document. Value put inside the <title> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <description> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <link> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <updated> element in the header. Should be formatted as a XML datetime. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <author><name> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <id> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. GeoRSS If provided, this URI will be inserted as the schema location. Note that the schema file isn't actually accessed by OGR, so it is up to the user to ensure it will match the schema of the OGR produced GML data file. This writes a GML application schema file to a corresponding .xsd file (with the same basename). If INTERNAL is used the schema is written within the GML file, but this is experimental and almost certainly not valid XML. OFF disables schema generation (and is implicit if XSISCHEMAURI is used). This is the prefix for the application target namespace. Can be set to TRUE to avoid writing the prefix of the application target namespace in the GML file. Defaults to 'http://ogr.maptools.org/'. This is the application target namespace. If not specified, GML2 will be used. only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If YES, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::' prefix. In the case, if the SRS is a geographic SRS without explicit AXIS order, but that the same SRS authority code imported with ImportFromEPSGA() should be treated as lat/long, then the function will take care of coordinate order swapping. If set to NO, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'EPSG:' prefix, even if they are in lat/long order. only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If set to NO, the <gml:boundedBy> element will not be written for each feature. Default to YES. If YES, the output will be indented with spaces for more readability, but at the expense of file size. Geography Markup Language [GML] Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as routes. If FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES is specified, they will be written as tracks. By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbMultiLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as tracks. If FORCE_GPX_ROUTE=YES is specified, they will be written as routes, provided that the multilines are composed of only one single line. If GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES is specified, extra fields will be written inside the <extensions> tag. Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL is set. The namespace value used for extension tags. By default, 'ogr'. Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS is set. The namespace URI. By default, 'http://osgeo.org/gdal'. By default files are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through use of the LINEFORMAT layer creation option which may have a value of CRLF (DOS format) or LF (Unix format). GPS eXchange Format [GPX] INTERLIS 1 INTERLIS 2 Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <name> element. Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <description> element. Allows you to specify the AltitudeMode to use for KML geometries. This will only affect 3D geometries and must be one of the valid KML options. Keyhole Markup Language [KML] Use this to turn on 'quick spatial index mode'. In this mode writing files can be about 5 times faster, but spatial queries can be up to 30 times slower. Mapinfo TAB Mapinfo MIF Determine whether 2D (seed_2d.dgn) or 3D (seed_3d.dgn) seed file should be used. This option is ignored if the SEED option is provided. Override the seed file to use. Indicate whether the whole seed file should be copied. If not, only the first three elements will be copied. Indicates whether the color table should be copied from the seed file. Override the master unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name. Override the sub unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name. Override the number of subunits per master unit. By default the seed file value is used. Override the number of UORs (Units of Resolution) per sub unit. By default the seed file value is used. ORIGIN=x,y,z: Override the origin of the design plane. By default the origin from the seed file is used. Microstation DGN Should update files be incorporated into the base data on the fly. Should a DEPTH attribute be added on SOUNDG features and assign the depth of the sounding. This should only be enabled with SPLIT_MULTIPOINT is also enabled. Should all the low level geometry primitives be returned as special IsolatedNode, ConnectedNode, Edge and Face layers. If enabled, numeric attributes assigned an empty string as a value will be preserved as a special numeric value. This option should not generally be needed, but may be useful when translated S-57 to S-57 losslessly. Should LNAM and LNAM_REFS fields be attached to features capturing the feature to feature relationships in the FFPT group of the S-57 file. Should additional attributes relating features to their underlying geometric primitives be attached. These are the values of the FSPT group, and are primarily needed when doing S-57 to S-57 translations. Should attribute values be recoded to UTF-8 from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record. S-57 Base file Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] Can be used to avoid creating the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in a new database. By default these metadata tables are created when a new database is created. Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB.This is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text). Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be convered to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores. column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type. By default when creating new .csv files they are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on Win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through the use of the LINEFORMAT option. Field separator character. If defined to YES, extension fields will be written. If the field name not found in the base schema matches the foo_bar pattern, foo will be considered as the namespace of the element, and a <foo:bar> element will be written. Otherwise, elements will be written in the <ogr:> namespace. Should multipoint soundings be split into many single point sounding features. Multipoint geometries are not well handled by many formats, so it can be convenient to split single sounding features with many points into many single point features. Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be converted to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores. SQLite Insert the content of the EPSG CSV files into the spatial_ref_sys table. Set to NO for regular SQLite databases. If the database is of the SpatiaLite flavour, and if OGR is linked against libspatialite, this option can be used to control if a spatial index must be created. If the format of the geometry BLOB is of the SpatiaLite flavour, this option can be used to control if the compressed format for geometries (LINESTRINGs, POLYGONs) must be used Used to force the SRID number of the SRS associated with the layer. When this option isn't specified and that a SRS is associated with the layer, a search is made in the spatial_ref_sys to find a match for the SRS, and, if there is no match, a new entry is inserted for the SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table. When the SRID option is specified, this search (and the eventual insertion of a new entry) will not be done: the specified SRID is used as such. SpatiaLite Override the header file used - in place of header.dxf. Override the trailer file used - in place of trailer.dxf. AutoCAD DXF Indicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used. path to the GCT : the GCT file describe the GeoConcept types definitions: In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments. Geoconcept When this option is set, the new layer will be created inside the named FeatureDataset folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created. Set name of geometry column in new layer. Defaults to 'SHAPE'. Name of the OID column to create. Defaults to 'OBJECTID'. ESRI FileGDB Cannot overwrite a OGR layer in place Failed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1) Unable to load %1 provider Provider %1 has no %2 method Loaded from Provider Loading of layer failed Creation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was: %3 Import was canceled at %1 of %2 Vector import Only %1 of %2 features written. Reading raster part %1 of %2 Building Pyramids... Building pyramids failed - write access denied Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Building pyramids failed. The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. Multiband color Paletted Paletovaný Singleband gray Singleband pseudocolor Singleband color data All Ramps Všetky škály Single Symbol Jeden symbol Categorized Graduated Rule-based Point displacement Inverted polygons Simple line Marker line Simple marker SVG marker Font marker Ellipse marker Vector Field marker Simple fill Gradient fill Shapeburst fill SVG fill Centroid fill Line pattern fill Point pattern fill Where is '%1' (original location: %2)? QGIS rocks! QGIS Rocks! <html>QGIS rocks!</html> Raster Histogram Pixel Value Frequency Internal Compass Shows a QtSensors compass reading Version 0.9 Coordinate Capture Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS Vector Version 0.1 Verzia 0.1 Version 0.2 Verzia 0.2 Layers Vrstvy Dxf2Shp Converter Converts from dxf to shp file format eVis An event visualization tool - view images associated with vector features Database Databáza Version 1.1.0 Warning Upozornenie This tool only supports vector data No active layers found Georeferencer GDAL Georeferencing rasters using GDAL Raster Could not reproject view extent: %1 Could not reproject layer extent: %1 Version 3.1.9 Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points. Na lineárnu transformáciu sú potrebné najmenej dva body. Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points. Na Helmertovu transformáciu sú potrebné najmenej dva body. Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points. Na afinnú transformáciu sú potrebné najmenej štyri body. Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points. Globe Overlay data on a 3D globe GPS Tools Nástroje na prácu s GPS Tools for loading and importing GPS data Nástroje na nahratie a import údajov GPS Location: %1 Location: %1<br>Mapset: %2 <b>Raster</b> <b>Raster</b> Cannot open raster header Nemožno otvoriť hlavičku rastra Rows Riadkov Columns Stĺpcov N-S resolution Rozlíšenie (S-J) E-W resolution Rozlíšenie (V-Z) North Sever South Juh East Východ West Západ Format Formát Minimum value Minimálna hodnota Maximum value Maximálna hodnota Data source Zdroj údajov Data description Popis údajov Comments Komentáre Categories Kategórie <b>Vector</b> Points Body Lines Línie Boundaries Centroids Faces Kernels Areas Islands Top Bottom yes áno no nie History<br> História<br> <b>Layer</b> <b>Vrstva</b> Features Objekty Driver Ovládač Table Tabuľka Key column Stĺpec s kľúčom <b>Region</b> Cannot open region header XY UTM SP LL Other Projection Type Zone 3D Cols 3D Rows Depths E-W 3D resolution N-S 3D resolution GRASS GRASS GRASS layer vrstva GRASSu Heatmap Creates a Heatmap raster for the input point vector Interpolation plugin A plugin for interpolation based on vertices of a vector layer Version 0.001 OfflineEditing Allow offline editing and synchronizing with database Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Access Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Raster Terrain Analysis plugin A plugin for raster based terrain analysis Road graph plugin It solves the shortest path problem. Processing 1/2 - %p% Processing 2/2 - %p% Intersects Is disjoint Touches Crosses Within Contains Equals Overlaps Spatial Query Plugin A plugin that makes spatial queries on vector layers SPIT SPIT Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Import Tool Nástroj na import súborov Shape do PostgreSQL/PostGIS Zonal statistics plugin A plugin to calculate count, sum, mean of rasters for each polygon of a vector layer Cannot open GDAL MEM dataset %1: %2 Cannot GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer: Cannot inittialize GDALWarpOperation : Cannot ChunkAndWarpImage: %1 GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler This raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer. Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 Nearest Neighbour Metóda najbližšieho suseda Average Priemer Gauss Cubic Mode Mód None Žiadna Couldn't open the data source: %1 Parse error at line %1 : %2 GPS eXchange format provider Správca údajov vo formáte GPS eXchange GRASS plugin Zásuvný modul GRASSu QGIS couldn't find your GRASS installation. Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE) GRASS data won't be available if GISBASE is not specified. Údaje GRASSu nebudú dostupné pokiaľ nebude určená GISBASE. GISBASE is not set. GISBASE nie je nastavená. %1 is not a GRASS mapset. Cannot start %1/etc/lock Mapset is already in use. Súbor máp (mapset) sa už používa. Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable Cannot create temporary directory %1 Cannot create %1 Cannot remove mapset lock: %1 Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using v.build module). Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 Cannot read raster map region Cannot read vector map region Cannot read region Cannot open GISRC file Cannot start module command: %1 %2 Cannot run module command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot get projection Cannot get raster extent Cannot get map info Cannot get colors Cannot query raster Cannot draw raster Loading of the MSSQL provider failed Unsupported type for field %1 Creation of fields failed OGR[%1] error %2: %3 Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false. Unable to get driver %1 Arc/Info Binary Coverage DODS OpenFileGDB ESRI Personal GeoDatabase ESRI ArcSDE ESRI Shapefiles GeoPackage Grass Vector Informix DataBlade Ingres Mapinfo File MySQL MSSQL Oracle Spatial ODBC OGDI Vectors PostgreSQL Systematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI] SQLite/SpatiaLite Storage and eXchange Format UK. NTF2 U.S. Census TIGER/Line VRT - Virtual Datasource X-Plane/Flightgear All files Duplicate field (10 significant characters): %1 Creating the data source %1 failed: %2 Unknown vector type of %1 Creation of OGR data source %1 failed: %2 field %1 with unsupported type %2 skipped creation of field %1 failed Couldn't create file %1.qpj Fetching features failed. SQL:%1 Error: %2 Oracle Connection to database failed No owner name found Creation of data source %1 failed: %2 Loading of the layer %1 failed Field name clash found (%1 not remappable) %1 not owner of the table %2. Unable to determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2: %3 Unable to delete layer %1.%2: %3 Unable to clean metadata %1.%2: %3 no result buffer Fetching from cursor %1 failed Database error: %2 PostGIS Infinite filter rectangle specified Unable to delete layer %1: %2 Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin Save style in database A style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it? Operation aborted. No changes were made in the database Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator. Connection to database failed using username: %1 Error executing query: %1 Error executing the select query for related styles. The query was logged Error executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was logged Error executing the select query. The query was logged Consistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be unique SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 SQLite error getting feature: %1 creation of data source %1 failed. %2 loading of the layer %1 failed creation of fields failed Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Could not create a new database Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1] Unable to delete table %1 Unable to delete table %1: Error looking for style. The query was logged Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Operation aborted Error executing loading style. The query was logged No styles available on DB Error loading styles. The query was logged The extra plugin path '%1' does not exist ! Couldn't load SIP module. Nemožno nahrať modul SIP. Python support will be disabled. Couldn't set SIP API versions. Couldn't load PyQt4. Nemožno nahrať PyQt4. Couldn't load PyQGIS. Nemožno nahrať PyQGIS. Couldn't load QGIS utils. An error occured during execution of following code: Pri spúšťaní nasledujúceho kódu nastala chyba: Python version: Verzia Pythonu: QGIS version: Python path: Cesta k Pythonu: Python error Undefined Hidden Skrytá Title Názov Group Skupina Subgroup Symbol Symbol Symbol label Topology Checker A Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layers Using fix %1. Topology plugin intersecting geometries features too close point not covered by segment segment too short invalid geometry dangling end duplicate geometry pseudo node overlaps gaps point not covered line ends not covered by point point not in polygon polygon does not contain point multipart feature Save style to DB (%1) Could not save symbology because: %1 Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2] Error Chyba Layer Vrstva Feature ID linear radial conical feature viewport pad repeat reflect No renderer for drawing. Simplify transform error caught: %1 empty capabilities document Dom Exception Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Response was: %4 Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found. This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Tag:%3 Response was: %4 Generated default style Style was missing in capabilities Displays a combo box containing values of attributes used for classification. Field contains a color. Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider. Simplifies file selection by adding a file chooser dialog. A hidden attribute will be invisible - the user is not able to see it's contents. Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty. Legend Classification Range Rozpätie (valencia) Unique Values File Name Meno súboru Value Map Enumeration Check Box Text Edit Value Relation Uuid Generator Photo Web View Relation Reference Date/Time Fatal error occurred in GRASS library. QGIS gets over the error but any next fatal error will cause QGIS exit without warning. This is a problem of GRASS 7.0.0beta1 but it is fixed in GRASS 7.1 and higher. Error message: %1 QSpatiaLiteDriver Error opening database Error closing database Unable to begin transaction Unable to commit transaction Unable to rollback transaction QSpatiaLiteResult Unable to fetch row No query Unable to execute statement Unable to execute multiple statements at a time Unable to reset statement Unable to bind parameters Parameter count mismatch QextSerialPort No Error has occurred Invalid file descriptor (port was not opened correctly) Unable to allocate memory tables (POSIX) Caught a non-blocked signal (POSIX) Operation timed out (POSIX) The file opened by the port is not a valid device The port detected a break condition The port detected a framing error (usually caused by incorrect baud rate settings) There was an I/O error while communicating with the port Character buffer overrun Receive buffer overflow The port detected a parity error in the received data Transmit buffer overflow General read operation failure General write operation failure Unknown error: %1 QgisApp &Raster &Raster Multiple Instances of QgisApp Viaceré inštancie QgisApp Checking database Kontroluje sa databáza Reading settings Čítajú sa nastavenia Setting up the GUI Nastavuje sa grafické používateľské rozhranie Map canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the map Mapové okno - je plocha pre zobrazenie rastrových a vektorových vrstiev pridaných do mapy Browser Prehliadač Browser (2) Prehliadač (2) GPS Information Informácie GPS Log Messages Zaznamenávať správy QGIS starting... Spúšťa sa QGIS... Checking provider plugins Kontrolujú sa zásuvné moduly zdroja Starting Python Spúšťa sa Python Restoring loaded plugins Obnovujú sa nahrané zásuvné moduly Initializing file filters Inicializujú sa filtre súboru Restoring window state Obnovuje sa stav okna QGIS Ready! QGIS pripravený! Minimize Minimalizovať Ctrl+M Minimize Window Ctrl+M Minimizes the active window to the dock Minimalizuje aktívne okno do ukotveného okna Zoom Približovanie/Oddiaľovanie Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user Prepne medzi preddefinovanou veľkosťou a veľkosťou okna nastavenou používateľom Bring All to Front Preniesť všetko do popredia Bring forward all open windows Preniesť všetky otvorené okná dozadu Current Edits Aktuálne úpravy Error Chyba Failed to open Python console: Zlyhalo otvorenie konzoly jazyka Python: QGIS QGIS Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected. Please contact the developers. Boli zistené viaceré inštancie objektu aplikácie QGIS. Kontaktujte prosím vývojárov. QGIS - %1 ('%2') QGIS - %1 ('%2') Panels Panely Toolbars Panely nástrojov Window Okno &Database &Databáza &Web &Web Progress bar that displays the status of rendering layers and other time-intensive operations Ukazovateľ priebehu zobrazuje stav vykresľovania vrstiev a iné časovo náročné operácie Toggle extents and mouse position display Prepínanie medzi zobrazovaním rozsahu a polohy myši Coordinate: Súradnice: Current map coordinate Súradnice aktuálnej mapy Shows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. It also allows editing to set the canvas center to a given position. The format is lat,lon or east,north Zobrazí mapové súradnice aktuálnej polohy kurzora myši. Zobrazenie je nepretržite aktualizované pri každom pohybe myši. Umožňuje tiež upraviť nastavenie mapového okna na stred podľa zadanej pozície. Formát je šírka, dĺžka alebo východ, sever Current map coordinate (lat,lon or east,north) Aktuálna mapová súradnica (šírka, dĺžka alebo východ, sever) Scale Mierka Current map scale Aktuálna mierka mapy Displays the current map scale Zobrazuje aktuálnu mierku mapy Current map scale (formatted as x:y) Aktuálna mierka mapy (v tvare x:y) Render Vykresľovanie When checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering. Pokiaľ je políčko zaškrtnuté, mapové vrstvy sú vykresľované v nadväznosti na pohyb v mape a ostatné udalosti. Ak nie je zaškrtnuté, nič sa nevykresľuje. To dovoľuje pridať veľké množstvo vrstiev a upraviť ich symboliku ešte pred ich vykreslením. Toggle map rendering Povolenie/Zakázanie vykresľovania mapy This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behaviour. Táto ikona zobrazuje, či je povolená/zakázaná automatická transformácia medzi súradnicovými systémami. Kliknutím na túto ikonu sa otvorí dialóg Vlastnosti projektu, kde je možné zmeniť toto nastavenie. CRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialog Stav súradnicového systému - kliknutím sa otvorí dialógové okno s nastaveniami súradnicového systému Ready Pripravený Map overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas. Okno Mapový prehľad. Toto okno sa používa pre zobrazenie prehľadovej mapky, ktorá zobrazuje celé územie mapy. Aktuálne územie je ohraničené červeným obdĺžníkom. Do mapového prehľadu je možné pridať akúkoľvek vrstvu. Overview Prehľad Map legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the check box to turn a layer on or off. Double click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties. Okno Legenda zobrazuje všetky vrstvy nachádzajúce sa v mapovom okne. Kliknutím na zaškrtávacie políčko sa zapne alebo vypne vrstva. Dvojklikom na vrstvu v okne Legenda je možné prispôsobiť jej vzhľad a nastaviť ostatné vlastnosti. Layers Vrstvy Map layer list that displays all layers in drawing order. Zoznam vrstiev v poradí, v akom sa majú vykresľovať. Layer order Poradie vrstiev Private qgis.db Súbor qgis.db < Blank > < Prázdne > QGIS version Verzia QGISu QGIS code revision Revízia kódu QGISu Compiled against Qt Skompilované na Qt Running against Qt Spúšťa sa na Qt Compiled against GDAL/OGR Skompilované na GDAL/OGR Running against GDAL/OGR Spúšťa sa na GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL Client Version Verzia klienta PostgreSQL No support. Bez podpory. SpatiaLite Version Verzia SpatiaLite QWT Version Verzia QWT PROJ.4 Version Verzia PROJ.4 QScintilla2 Version Verzia QScintilla2 This copy of QGIS writes debugging output. Táto kópia QGISu zobrazuje výstupy pre ladenie chýb. %1 doesn't have any layers %1 neobsahuje žiadne vrstvy Invalid Data Source Neplatný zdroj dát %1 is not a valid or recognized data source %1 nie je platný alebo rozpoznateľný zdroj dát Vector Vektor PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Cannot get PostgreSQL select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja PostgreSQL. %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded %1 je neplatná vrstva - nenačítaná %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. %1 je neplatná vrstva a nemôže byť načítaná. Skontrolujte prosím <a href="#messageLog">log správy</a> pre ďalšie informácie. QGIS files Súbory QGISu Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode. To use the merge tool, go to Layer->Toggle editing No legend entries selected Select the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend. Remove layers and groups Remove %n legend entries? number of legend items to remove %n legend entries removed. number of removed legend entries %1 (%2 type unsupported) %1 (%2 typ nepodporovaný) http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html Do you want to save the current project? %1 Prajete si uložiť aktuálny projekt? %1 Invalid Layer Neplatná vrstva SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Cannot get SpatiaLite select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja SpatiaLite. Delimited Text Textový súbor Cannot get Delimited Text select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja textového súboru. MSSQL MSSQL Cannot get MSSQL select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja MSSQL. Oracle Oracle Cannot get Oracle select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja Oracle. WMS WMS Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja WMS. WCS WCS Cannot get WCS select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja WCS. WFS WFS Cannot get WFS select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno pre výber zo zdroja WFS. Default failed to open: %1 Zlyhalo otvorenie predvoleného: %1 Default not found: %1 Predvolené nenájdené: %1 Open Template Project Otvoriť šablónu projektu Auto-open Project Automatické otvorenie projektu Failed to open: %1 Zlyhalo otvorenie: %1 Not valid project file: %1 Neplatný súbor projektu: %1 Project failed to open: %1 Zlyhalo otvorenie projektu: %1 Default template has been reopened: %1 Predvolená šablóna bola znovu otvorená: %1 File not found: %1 Súbor nenájdený: %1 Calculating... Prebieha výpočet... Abort... Prerušiť... Choose a QGIS project file to open Vyberte súbor QGIS projektu, ktorý chcete otvoriť Loading project: %1 Načitávanie projektu: %1 Unable to open project Nie je možné otvoriť projekt Security warning Bezpečnostné upozornenie project macros have been disabled. Makrá projektu boli vypnuté. Enable macros Zapnúť makrá Project loaded Projekt načítaný Choose a QGIS project file Vyberte súbor QGIS projektu Saved project to: %1 Uložený projekt: %1 Unable to save project %1 Nie je možné uložiť projekt %1 Choose a file name to save the QGIS project file as Vyberte názov súboru, do ktorého sa uloží súbor projektu QGISu Unable to load %1 Nie je možné načítať %1 Choose a file name to save the map image as Vyberte názov súboru, do ktorého sa má uložiť obrázok mapy Saved map image to %1 Uložený mapový obrázok %1 Default system font substituted. Nahradené predvolené nastavenie systémového písma. Labeling Popisky Font for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3 Písmo pre vrstvu <b><u>%1</u></b> nebolo nájdené (<i>%2</i>). %3 Open labeling dialog Otvoriť dialógové okno popiskov CRS was undefined defaulting to project CRS %1 - %2 defaulting to CRS %1 - %2 Classification Range Rozpätie (valencia) Unique Values File Name Meno súboru Value Map Enumeration Hidden Skrytá Check Box Text Edit Value Relation Uuid Generator Photo Web View Color Farba Relation Reference Date/Time Add Group Manage Layer Visibility Filter Legend By Map Content Expand All Collapse All Compiled against GEOS Running against GEOS Layer creation failed. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further information. Insufficient permissions The project file is not writable. DXF export completed DXF export failed Commit errors Chyby pri odosielaní Could not commit changes to layer %1 Nie je možné odoslať zmeny do vrstvy %1 Errors: %1 Chyby: %1 Show more Zobraziť viac Labeling Options Možnosti popiskov Please select a vector layer first Vyberte prosím najskôr vektorovú vrstvu Layer labeling settings Nastavenia popiskov vrstvy Reading raster Čítanie rastra Cannot write raster error code: %1 Nie je možné zapísať chybový kód rastra: %1 Saving done Ukladanie dokončené Export to vector file has been completed Export do vektorového súboru bol dokončený Save error Chyba pri ukladaní Export to vector file failed. Error: %1 Export do vektorového súboru zlyhal. Chyba: %1 No Layer Selected Nie je vybraná žiadna vrstva To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend Na odstránenie objektu musíte vybrať vektorovú vrstvu v okne Legenda No Vector Layer Selected Nie je vybraná žiadna vrstva Deleting features only works on vector layers Odstraňovanie objektov funguje iba pri vektorových vrstvách Provider does not support deletion Zdroj dát nepodporuje odstraňovanie objektov Data provider does not support deleting features Zdroj dát nepodporuje odstraňovanie objektov Layer not editable Vrstva nie je editovateľná The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar. Aktuálna vrstva nie je editovateľná. Na paneli nástroja Digitalizácia kliknite na ikonu 'Povoliť/Zakázať úpravy'. No Features Selected The current layer has not selected features Delete features Odstrániť objekty Delete %n feature(s)? number of features to delete Odstrániť %n objekt(y)? Features deleted Objekty odstránené Problem deleting features Problém pri odstraňovaní objektov A problem occured during deletion of features Vyskytol sa problém pri odstraňovaní objektov %n feature(s) deleted. number of features deleted Merging features... Spájanie objektov... Abort Prerušiť Create unique print composer title Vytvorte jedinečný názov tlačového výstupu (title generated if left empty) (Názov bude vygenerovaný, ak pole ostane prázdne) Composer title Názov tlačového výstupu Title can not be empty! Názov nemôže ostať prázdny! Title already exists! Názov už existuje! Composer %1 Tlačový výstup %1 copy kopírovať No active layer Žiadna vrstva nie je aktívna No active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer list Nebola nájdená žiadna aktívna vrstva. Vyberte prosím vrstvu zo zoznamu vrstiev Active layer is not vector Aktívna vrstva nie je vektor The merge features tool only works on vector layers. Please select a vector layer from the layer list Nástroj zlučovania objektov pracuje len s vektorovými vrstvami. Vyberte prosím vektorovú vrstvu zo zoznamu vrstiev Not enough features selected Nedostatočné množstvo vybraných objektov The merge tool requires at least two selected features Nástroj na zlučovanie vyžaduje minimálne dva vybrané objekty Merged feature attributes Atribúty zlúčeného objektu Merge failed Zlúčenie zlyhalo An error occured during the merge operation Vyskytla sa chyba počas operácie zlučovania Union operation canceled Operácia zjednotenia zrušená The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer and therefore is canceled Operácia zjednotenia by mala za následok typ geometrie, ktorý nie je kompatibilný s aktuálnou vrstvou a preto je zrušená Merged features Zlúčené objekty No active vector layer Žiadna vrstva nie je aktívna To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend Pre výber objektov vyberte niektorú z vektorových vrstiev Features cut Objekty vystrihnuté Features pasted Objekty vložené Paste features no features could be successfully pasted. %1 features were successfully pasted. %1 of %2 features could be successfully pasted. Pasted New memory layer name Layer name No features in clipboard. No features with geometry found, point type layer will be created. Multiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry. Cannot create new layer Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3) Cannot copy style: %1 Nie je možné kopírovať štýl: %1 Cannot parse style: %1:%2:%3 Nie je možné spracovať štýl: %1:%2:%3 Cannot read style: %1 Nie je možné čítať štýl: %1 Start editing failed Zlyhalo začatie úprav Provider cannot be opened for editing Zdroj nemôže byť otvorený na úpravy Stop editing Ukončiť úpravy Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? Prajete si uložiť zmeny vo vrstve %1? Problems during roll back Problémy pri návrate do východzieho stavu Could not %1 changes to layer %2 Errors: %3 Nie sú možné %1 zmeny na vrstve %2 Chyby: %3 rollback vrátiť do východzieho stavu cancel zrušiť Save Uložiť all všetky Rollback Vrátiť do východzieho stavu Cancel Zrušiť Current edits Aktuálne úpravy %1 current changes for %2 layer(s)? %1 aktuálne zmeny pre %2 vrstvu(y)? copy kopírovať Plugin layer Vrstva zásuvného modulu Memory layer Vrstva v pamäti Duplicate layer: Duplikovať vrstvu: %1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer) %1 (pri duplikácii vrstvy bola vytvorená neplatná vrstva) Set scale visibility for selected layers Couldn't load Python support library: %1 Nebolo možné načítať knižnicu jazyka Python: %1 Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol. Nebolo možné načítať knižnicu jazyka Python. Python support ENABLED :-) Podpora jazyka Python ZAPNUTÁ :-) There is a new version of QGIS available K dispozícii je nová verzia QGISu You are running a development version of QGIS Používate vývojovú verziu QGISu You are running the current version of QGIS Používate aktuálnu verziu QGISu Would you like more information? Prajete si viac informácií? QGIS Version Information Informácie o verzii QGIS QGIS - Changes since last release QGIS - Zmeny od posledného vydania Unable to get current version information from server Zo servera nie je možné získať informáciu o aktuálnej verzii Connection refused - server may be down Pripojenie odmietnuté - server je zrejme mimo prevádzky QGIS server was not found Nebol nájdený server QGISu Unknown network socket error: %1 Neznáma chyba sieťového pripojenia: %1 Unable to communicate with QGIS Version server %1 Nie je možné komunikovať so serverom QGISu %1 To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected. Na vytvorenie histogramu musíte mať vybranú rastrovú vrstvu. To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected. Na zmenu jasu alebo kontrastu musíte mať vybranú rastrovú vrstvu. en documentation language angličtina Layer is not valid Neplatná vrstva The layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map Vrstva %1 nie je platná vrstva a nemôže byť pridaná do mapy The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map Táto vrstva je neplatná a nie je možné ju pridať do mapy Project has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved! Projekt obsahuje vrstvu(y) s neuloženými úpravami, ktoré NEBUDÚ uložené! Save? Uložiť? Current CRS: %1 (OTFR enabled) Aktuálny súr. systém: %1 (automatická transformácia súr. systému zapnutá) Current CRS: %1 (OTFR disabled) Aktuálny súr. systém: %1 (automatická transformácia súr. systému vypnutá) Map coordinates for the current view extents Mapové súradnice pre rozsah aktuálneho pohľadu Map coordinates at mouse cursor position Mapové súradnice polohy kurzora myši Extents: Rozsah: Maptips require an active layer Mapové tipy vyžadujú aktívnu vrstvu %n feature(s) selected on layer %1. number of selected features %n objekt(y) vybraný(é) na vrstve %1. Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source Otvoriť rastrový zdroj dát podporovaný knižnicou GDAL Error adding valid layer to map canvas Chyba pri pridávaní platnej vrstvy do mapového okna Raster layer Rastrová vrstva %1 is not a supported raster data source %1 nie je podporovaný rastrový zdroj dát Unsupported Data Source Nepodporovaný zdroj dát Exit QGIS Do you really want to quit QGIS? This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS. <p>This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.<p>Even though QGIS developers try to maintain backwards compatibility, some of the information from the old project file might be lost. To improve the quality of QGIS, we appreciate if you file a bug report at %3. Be sure to include the old project file, and state the version of QGIS you used to discover the error.<p>To remove this warning when opening an older project file, uncheck the box '%5' in the %4 menu.<p>Version of the project file: %1<br>Current version of QGIS: %2 <p>Tento projekt bol uložený v staršej verzii QGISu. Počas ukladania súboru tohto projektu, ho QGIS bude aktualizovať na najnovšiu verziu, čo môže spôsobiť jeho nepoužiteľnosť pre staršie verzie QGISu.<p>Aj keď sa vývojári QGISu snažia udržať spätnú kompatibilitu, niektoré informácie zo súboru starého projektu sa môžu stratiť. Pre zlepšenie kvality QGISu oceníme, ak vytvoríte chybové hlásenie %3. Pre odhalenie chyby nezabudnite zahrnúť súbor starého projektu a stav verzie OGISu, ktorú používate.<p>Pre odstránenie tohto upozornenia pri otváraní súboru staršieho projektu, odškrtnite políčko '%5' v %4 menu.<p>Verzia súboru projektu: %1<br>Aktuálna verzia QGISu: %2 <tt>Settings:Options:General</tt> Menu path to setting options <tt>Nastavenia:Možnosti:Všeobecné</tt> Warn me when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Upozorniť na otváranie súboru projektu uloženého v staršej verzii QGISu Project file is older Súbor projektu je starší This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS Tento súbor projektu bol uložený v staršej verzii QGISu Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. A network request timed out, any data received is likely incomplete. Warning Upozornenie This layer doesn't have a properties dialog. Táto vrstva nemá dialógové okno vlastností. Authentication required Autentifikácia požadovaná Proxy authentication required Autentifikácia proxy požadovaná SSL errors occured accessing URL %1: Vyskytli sa SSL chyby pri prístupe na URL adresu %1: Always ignore these errors? Ignorovať vždy tieto chyby? %n SSL errors occured number of errors Vyskytla sa %n SSL chybaVyskytlo sa %n SSL chýb QgisAppInterface Attributes changed Atribúty zmenené QgisCustomWidgets QGIS custom widgets QgsAbout About O programe About QGIS O programe QGIS License <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html> QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License QGIS je licencovaný v rámci licencie GNU GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses http://www.gnu.org/licenses QGIS Home Page Domovská stránka QGISu Join our user mailing list Pripojte sa k našej e-mailovej konferencii about:blank o:prázdne What's New Čo je nové Providers Zdroje Developers Vývojári Essen (Germany), Developer meeting 2012 Essen (Nemecko), Stretnutie vývojárov 2012 Contributors Prispievatelia Translators Prekladatelia Donors Darcovia <p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p> <p>Zoznam jednotlivcov a inštitúcií, ktorí finančne prispeli do fondu rozvoja QGISu a na iné náklady projektu pozri <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p> Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins Dostupné zásuvné moduly zdroja dát QGISu Available Qt Database Plugins Dostupné zásuvné databázové moduly Qt Available Qt Image Plugins Dostupné zásuvné obrazové moduly Qt Qt Image Plugin Search Paths <br> Vyhľadávacie cesty obrazového zásuvného modulu Qt <br> QgsActionMenu &Actions Not supported on your platform QgsAddAttrDialog Warning Upozornenie Invalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used. Neplatný názov poľa. Tento názov poľa je rezervovaný a nemôže byť použitý. No name specified. Please specify a name to create a new field. QgsAddAttrDialogBase Add column Pridať stĺpec N&ame N&ázov Comment Komentár Type Typ Width Šírka Precision Presnosť QgsAddJoinDialogBase Add vector join Pridať vektorové pripojenie Join layer Pripojiť vrstvu Join field Pripojiť pole Target field Cieľové pole Create attribute index on join field Vytvoriť atribútový index na pripojenom poli Choose which fields are joined Cache join layer in virtual memory Uložiť pripojenú vrstvu vo virtuálnej pamäti QgsAddTabOrGroup Add tab or group for %1 Pridať záložku alebo skupinu pre %1 QgsAddTabOrGroupBase Dialog Dialógové okno Create category Vytvoriť kategóriu as ako a tab záložku a group in container skupinu v sekcii QgsAnnotationWidget Select frame color Vybrať farbu orámovania Transparent frame Select background color Vybrať farbu pozadia Transparent QgsAnnotationWidgetBase Form Formulár Fixed map position Pevná pozícia mapy Map marker Mapová značka Frame width Hrúbka orámovania Background color Farba pozadia Frame color Farba orámovania QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider &Expand All &Collapse All &Remove &Odobrať &Set Group CRS &Zoom to Best Scale (100%) &Stretch Using Current Extent &Duplicate &Set Layer Scale Visibility &Set Layer CRS Set &Project CRS from Layer &Open Attribute Table Save As... Uložiť ako... Save As Layer Definition File... &Filter... &Properties Copy Style Paste Style QgsApplication Exception Výnimka unknown exception neznáma výnimka Application state: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1 Prefix: %2 Plugin Path: %3 Package Data Path: %4 Active Theme Name: %5 Active Theme Path: %6 Default Theme Path: %7 SVG Search Paths: %8 User DB Path: %9 Stav aplikácie: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1 Prefix: %2 Cesta zásuvného modulu: %3 Cesta balíčka dát: %4 Názov aktívnej témy: %5 Cesta aktívnej témy: %6 Cesta predvolenej témy: %7 Cesty vyhľadávania SVG: %8 Cesta používateľskej DB %9 match indentation of application state [ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy [CHYBA] Nie je možné vytvoriť kópiu súboru qgis.db Could not open qgis.db Nebolo možné otvoriť súbor qgis.db Migration of private qgis.db failed. %1 Presun súboru qgis.db zlyhal. %1 Update of view in private qgis.db failed. %1 Chyba pri zápise do súboru qgis.db. %1 QgsAtlasComposition Atlas filter eval error: %1 Composer No matching atlas features Atlas feature %1 of %2 Atlas filename evaluation error: %1 QgsAtlasCompositionWidget Could not evaluate filename pattern Could not set filename pattern as '%1'. Parser error: %2 Expression based filename Názov súboru podľa výrazu Atlas preview No matching atlas features found! Expression based filter Filter podľa výrazu QgsAtlasCompositionWidgetBase Atlas Generation Tvorba atlasu Generate an atlas Vytvoriť atlas Configuration Konfigurácia Coverage layer Hidden coverage layer Skrytá krycia vrstva Sort by Triediť podľa Sort direction Smer triedenia ... ... Filter with Filtrovať s Output Výstup Single file export when possible Export do jedného súboru (ak je to možné) Output filename expression Výraz výstupného názvu súboru QgsAttributeActionDialog Select an action File dialog window title Výber akcie Insert expression Vložiť výraz Missing Information Chýbajúca informácia To create an attribute action, you must provide both a name and the action to perform. Na vytvorenie akcie atribútu musíte zadať názov a akciu, ktorú si prajete vykonať. Choose Icon... Echo attribute's value Zobraziť hodnotu atribútu Run an application Spustiť aplikáciu Get feature id Získať ID objektu Selected field's value (Identify features tool) Hodnota vybraných polí (Identifikácia) Clicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool) Vybrané súradnice (Spustiť akciu objektu) Open file Otvoriť súbor Search on web based on attribute's value Vyhľadávanie na webe založené na hodnote atribútu QgsAttributeActionDialogBase Attribute Actions Akcie atribútov Action list Zoznam akcií This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. Tento zoznam obsahuje všetky akcie definované pre vybranú vrstvu. Pridať akcie môžete zadaním údajov v ovládacích prvkoch dole a stlačením tlačítka Pridať do zoznamu akcií. Akcie môžu byť upravované po dvojkliku na danú položku. Type Typ Name Názov Action Akcia Capture Získať Remove the selected action Odoberie vybratú akciu Move the selected action up Posunie vybratú akciu nahor Move the selected action down Posunie vybratú akciu nadol Add default actions Pridať predvolené akcie Action properties Vlastnosti akcie Generic Generic Python Python Mac Mac Windows Windows Unix Unix Open Otvoriť Captures any output from the action Sleduje akýkoľvek výstup z akcie Captures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog box Sleduje štandardný výstup alebo chybu generovanú akciou a zobrazí ju v dialógovom okne Capture output Sledovať výstup Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (qgis will make it unique if necessary). Sem vložte meno akcie. Názov by mal byť jedinečný (ak to bude potrebné, qgis ho upraví, aby bol jedinečný). Enter the action name here Sem vložte názov akcie Icon Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters that start with a % and then have the name of a field will be replaced by the value of that field. The special characters %% will be replaced by the value of the field that was selected. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if prefixed with a backslash Tu zadajte akciu. Môže to byť akýkoľvek program, skript alebo príkaz, ktorý je k dispozícii vo Vašom systéme. Po vyvolaní akcie bude akýkoľvek súbor znakov, ktorý začína znakom % a obsahuje názov poľa, nahradený hodnotou tohto poľa. Špeciálne znaky %% budú nahradené hodnotou poľa, ktoré bolo vybrané. Úvodzovky zoskupujú text do jedného argumentu v programe, skripte alebo príkaze. Úvodzovky budú ignorované, ak sa pred nimi nachádza znak spätné lomítko Enter the action command here Sem vložte príkaz akcie Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters within [% and %] will be evaluated as expression and replaced by its result. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if prefixed with a backslash Tu zadajte akciu. Môže to byť akýkoľvek program, skript alebo príkaz, ktorý je k dispozícii vo Vašom systéme. Po vyvolaní akcie bude akýkoľvek súbor znakov [% a %] hodnotený ako výraz a nahradený jej výsledkom. Úvodzovky zoskupujú text do jedného argumentu v programe, skripte alebo príkaze. Úvodzovky budú ignorované, ak sa pred nimi nachádza znak spätné lomítko Browse for action Prechádzať akciami Click to browse for an action Kliknutím môžete vyhľadať akciu Clicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action Po kliknutí na tlačidlo vyberiete aplikáciu, ktorá sa použije ako akcia ... ... Inserts an expression into the action Vloží výraz do akcie Insert expression... Vložiť výraz... The valid attribute names for this layer Platné mená atribútov pre túto vrstvu Inserts the selected field into the action Vloží vybrané pole do akcie Insert field Vložiť pole Inserts the action into the list above Do zoznamu hore vloží akciu Add to action list Pridať do zoznamu akcií Update the selected action Aktualizovať vybranú akciu Update selected action Aktualizovať vybranú akciu QgsAttributeDialog %1 - Feature Attributes QgsAttributeForm Attributes changed QgsAttributeLoadValues Load values from layer Načítať hodnoty zo súboru Layer Vrstva Description Popis Value Hodnota Select data from attributes in selected layer. Vybrať dáta z atribútov vo vybranej vrstve. View All Zobraziť všetko Insert NULL value on top QgsAttributeSelectionDialog Ascending Vzostupne Descending Zostupne QgsAttributeSelectionDialogBase Select attributes Vybrať atribúty Columns Stĺpcov Reset Sorting Zoradenie QgsAttributeTableDelegate Attribute changed Atribút zmenený QgsAttributeTableDialog Attribute Table Atribútová tabuľka Case sensitive Rozlišovať malé/veľké písmená ? ? Delete selected features (DEL) Unselect all (Ctrl+U) Zrušiť výber (Ctrl+U) Ctrl+U Ctrl+U Move selection to top (Ctrl+T) Presunúť vybrané nahor (Ctrl+T) Ctrl+T Ctrl+T Invert selection (Ctrl+R) Opačný výber (Ctrl+R) Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C) Skopírovať vybrané riadky do schránky (Ctrl+C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J) Priblížiť mapu na vybrané riadky (Ctrl+J) Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Pan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P) Presunúť mapu na vybrané riadky (Ctrl+P) Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Toggle editing mode (Ctrl+E) Povoliť/Zakázať úpravy (Ctrl+E) Ctrl+E Ctrl+E Save Edits (Ctrl+S) Uložiť úpravy (Ctrl+S) ... ... Select features using an expression Výber objektov použitím výrazu New column (Ctrl+W) Nový stĺpec (Ctrl+W) Ctrl+W Ctrl+W Filter Filter Filters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string. Filtruje viditeľné objekty podľa práve vybraného filtra a filtrovacieho reťazca. Apply Použiť Table View Tabuľka = Update All Advanced Filter (Expression) Pokročilý filter (Výraz) Use the Expression Builder to define the filter Použite Tvorcu výrazov pre definovanie filtra Ctrl+F Ctrl+F Show All Features Zobraziť všetky objekty Show Selected Features Zobraziť vybrané objekty Show Edited and New Features Zobraziť upravené a nové objekty Show Features Visible On Map Zobraziť objekty viditeľné na mape The filter defines which features are currently shown in the list or on the table Filter určuje, ktoré objekty sú aktuálne zobrazené v zozname alebo v tabuľke Switch to form view Form View Switch to table view Column Filter Filter podľa stĺpca Filter all the features which have been edited but not yet saved Filtrovať všetky objekty, ktoré boli upravené, ale ešte nie sú uložené Delete column (Ctrl+L) Odstrániť stĺpec (Ctrl+L) Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Add feature Pridať objekt Open field calculator (Ctrl+I) Otvoriť atribútovú kalkulačku (Ctrl+I) Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Attribute table - %1 (%n Feature(s)) feature count Atribútová tabuľka - %1 (%n objekt(y)) Failed to add field Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique? Parsing error Chyba pri spracovaní Evaluation error Chyba pri vyhodnocovaní Attribute table - %1 :: Features total: %2, filtered: %3, selected: %4 Atribútová tabuľka - %1 :: Objekty celkom: %2, filtrované: %3, vybrané: %4 Update Filtered Error Chyba An error occured while evaluating the calculation string: %1 Expression based filter Filter podľa výrazu Attribute added Atribút pridaný Deleted attribute Atribút odstránený The attribute(s) could not be deleted Atribút(y) nie je možné odstrániť Attribute error Chyba atribútu Error filtering Chyba pri filtrovaní Geometryless feature added Pridaný objekt bez geometrie QgsAttributeTableModel feature id ID objektu QgsAttributeTableView Select All Vybrať všetky QgsAttributeTypeDialog Edit Widget Properties Editable Editovateľný Label on top Popisok nahor Edit Widget Properties - %1 (%2) QgsBlendModeComboBox Normal Normálny Lighten Zosvetliť Screen Obrazovka Dodge Uhnúť Addition Sčítať Darken Stmaviť Multiply Znásobiť Burn Spáliť Overlay Prekrytie Soft light Mäkké svetlo Hard light Tvrdé svetlo Difference Rozdiel Subtract Odčítať QgsBookmarks &Add Prid&ať &Delete &Odstrániť &Zoom to &Priblížiť na Error Chyba Unable to open bookmarks database. Database: %1 Driver: %2 Database: %3 Nie je možné otvoriť databázu záložiek. Databáza: %1 Ovládač: %2 Databáza: %3 ID ID Name Názov Project Projekt xMin xMin yMin yMin xMax xMax yMax yMax SRID ID súr. systému New bookmark Nová záložka Unable to create the bookmark. Driver:%1 Database:%2 Nie je možné vytvoriť záložku. Ovládač:%1 Databáza:%2 Really Delete? Naozaj odstrániť? Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)? number of rows Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť %n záložku?Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť %n záložiek? Empty extent Prázdny rozsah Reprojected extent is empty. Zaznamenaný rozsah je prázdny. QgsBookmarksBase Geospatial Bookmarks Geopriestorové záložky QgsBrowser WMS WMS Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. Nie je možné získať dialógové okno výberu zo zdroja WMS. CRS Súradnicový systém Cannot set layer CRS Nie je možné nastaviť súradnicový systém vrstvy QgsBrowserBase QGIS Browser Prehliadač QGISu Param Parametre Metadata Meta údaje Preview Náhľad Stop rendering Zastaviť vykresľovanie Attributes Atribúty toolBar panel nástrojov New Shapefile Nový Shapefile Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Refresh Obnoviť F5 Set layer CRS Nastaviť súradnicový systém vrstvy Manage WMS Spravovať WMS Manage WMS Connections Spravovať pripojenia WMS Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W QgsBrowserDirectoryPropertiesBase Dialog Dialógové okno Path Cesta QgsBrowserDockWidget Case Sensitive Filter Pattern Syntax Syntax vzoru filtra Normal Wildcard(s) Zástupný znak(y) Regular Expression Regulárny výraz Add as a favourite Pridať do obľúbených Remove favourite Odobrať obľúbenú Properties Vlastnosti Fast scan this dir. Rýchle prehľadanie tohto adresára Add Layer Pridať vrstvu Add Selected Layers Pridať vybrané vrstvy Add a directory Pridať adresár Add directory to favourites Pridať adresár k obľúbeným Error Chyba Layer Properties Vlastnosti vrstvy Directory Properties Vlastnosti adresára QgsBrowserDockWidgetBase Browser Prehliadač Refresh Obnoviť Add Selected Layers Pridať vybrané vrstvy Add Pridať Filter Files Filter súborov ... ... Collapse All Zbaliť všetko Options Možnosti Filter files Filter súborov QgsBrowserLayerPropertiesBase Dialog Dialógové okno Display Name Zobraziť názov Layer Source Zdroj vrstvy Provider Zdroj Metadata Meta údaje QgsBrowserModel Project home Domovský adresár projektu Home Domovský adresár Favourites Obľúbené QgsBrushStyleComboBox Solid Plná No Brush Bez výplne Horizontal Vodorovne Vertical Zvisle Cross Kríž BDiagonal Diagonálne zľava nahor FDiagonal Diagonálne zľava nadol Diagonal X Diagonálne z oboch strán Dense 1 Hustota 1 Dense 2 Hustota 2 Dense 3 Hustota 3 Dense 4 Hustota 4 Dense 5 Hustota 5 Dense 6 Hustota 6 Dense 7 Hustota 7 QgsBusyIndicatorDialog QGIS QGIS QgsCalendarConfigDlgBase Form A calendar widget to enter a date. Date format <html><head/><body><p>Example formats:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html> QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Model Symbol Symbol Value Hodnota Legend QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Widget Column Stĺpec Symbol Symbol Change... Zmeniť... Color ramp Farebná škála Invert Classify Klasifikovať Add Pridať Delete Odstrániť Delete all Odstrániť všetky Join Pripojiť Advanced Pokročilé Random colors Symbol levels... Úrovne symbolu... High number of classes! Vysoký počet tried! Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue? Klasifikácia by priniesla záznamy %1, ktoré nie sú očakávané. Pokračovať? Error Chyba There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. Nie sú dostupné farebné škály. Pridať ich môžete cez Správcu štýlov. The selected color ramp is not available. Vybraná farebná škála nie je dostupná. Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Klasifikačné pole sa zmenilo z %1 na %2. Majú byť pred klasifikáciou odstránené doposiaľ existujúce triedy? QgsCharacterSelectorBase Character Selector Výber znaku Font: Písmo: Current font family and style Aktuálny druh a štýl písma QgsCheckBoxConfigDlgBase Form Representation for checked state Representation for unchecked state QgsCodeEditorCSS CSS Editor QgsCodeEditorHTML HTML Editor QgsCodeEditorPython Python Editor QgsCodeEditorSQL SQL Editor QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic Shift-click to expand, then collapse others Ctrl (or Alt)-click to toggle all QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxPlugin A collapsible group box A collapsible group box with save state capability QgsColorButton Select Color Výber farby Copy color Paste color Pick color QgsColorButtonPlugin Select color QgsColorButtonV2 Select Color No color Default color Copy color Paste color Pick color Choose color... QgsColorButtonV2Plugin Select color QgsColorDialog Select Color Výber farby QgsColorDialogBase Color picker H S J V R G B Opacity HTML notation Color ramp Color wheel Color swatches ... Sample average radius px Sample color <i>Press space to sample a color from under the mouse cursor</i> Current Old Import Colors... Import colors from file Export Colors... Export colors to file Paste Colors Paste colors from clipboard Import Palette... Import palette from file Remove Palette Remove current palette New Palette... Create a new palette Copy Colors Copy selected colors QgsColorDialogV2 Reset Select Color Select palette file Invalid file Error, file does not exist or is not readable Error, no colors found in palette file Palette file is not readable No colors found in palette file Remove Color Palette Are you sure you want to remove %1? Create New Palette Enter a name for the new palette: New palette new_palette Palette file Error exporting Error writing palette file QgsColorRampComboBox Random colors New color ramp... Nová farebná škála... QgsColorSchemeModel Color Farba Label Popis QgsColorSliderWidget % % QgsColorSwatchDelegate Select color QgsColorSwatchGrid rgb(%1, %2, %3) QgsColorTextWidget rgb( %1, %2, %3 ) rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 ) #RRGGBB #RRGGBBAA rgb( r, g, b ) rgba( r, g, b, a ) QgsCompassPlugin Show compass &About QgsCompassPluginGui Pixmap not found QgsCompassPluginGuiBase Internal Compass Azimut QgsComposer Close Zatvoriť QGIS QGIS &Composer Print &Composers &Edit &Normal Simulate Photocopy (&Grayscale) Simulate Fax (&Mono) Simulate Color Blindness (&Protanope) Simulate Color Blindness (&Deuteranope) &View P&anels &Toolbars &Layout &Atlas &Settings Composer Tlačový výstup Cu&t Cut &Copy Copy &Paste Paste Normal Simulate photocopy (grayscale) Simulate fax (mono) Simulate color blindness (Protanope) Simulate color blindness (Deuteranope) Window Okno Help Pomocník %1% Composition Kompozícia Item properties Command history História príkazov Atlas generation Tvorba atlasu Items Set as atlas feature for %1 x: %1 mm y: %1 mm page: %3 Enable atlas preview Atlas in not currently enabled for this composition! No matching atlas features found! Choose a file name to save the map as Vyberte názov súboru pre uloženie mapy PDF Format Formát PDF Empty filename pattern Prázdna kolónka pre názov súboru The filename pattern is empty. A default one will be used. Kolónka pre názov súboru je prázdna. Použitý bude predvolený názov. Directory where to save PDF files Adresár pre uloženie súborov formátu PDF Unable to write into the directory Nie je možné zapisovať do adresára The given output directory is not writable. Cancelling. Výstupný adresár nie je zapisovateľný. Zrušenie. Atlas processing error Chyba pri spracovávaní atlasu Feature filter parser error: %1 Error creating %1. Rendering maps... Vykresľovanie máp... Abort Prerušiť Big image Priveľký obrázok To create image %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed? Vytvorenie obrázku %1x%2 si vyžaduje okolo %3 MB pamäte. Pokračovať? Choose a file name to save the map image as Vyberte názov súboru pre uloženie obrázku mapy Memory Allocation Error Chyba pri alokovaní pamäte Trying to create image #%1( %2x%3 @ %4dpi ) may result in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller papersize Pokus o vytvorenie obrázka #%1( %2x%3 @ %4dpi ) môže mať za následok preplnenie pamäte. Skúste prosím nižšie rozlíšenie alebo menšiu veľkosť papiera Image export error Directory where to save image files Adresár pre uloženie súborov obrázku Image format: Formát obrázka: SVG warning Upozornenie formátu SVG Don't show this message again Nabudúce už túto správu nezobrazovať <p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the <p>Funkcia exportu do formátu SVG obsahuje niekoľko chýb Qt4 svg code. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p> Kód SVG Qt4. Existujú problémy s vrstvami umiestnenými mimo ohraničujúceho územia mapy. </p> If you require a vector-based output file from Qgis it is suggested that you try printing to PostScript if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p> Pri požiadavke vektorového výstupného súboru navrhujeme vyskúšať tlač do PostScriptu, v prípade ak výstup vo formáte SVG nie je uspokojivý. </p> SVG Format Formát SVG Directory where to save SVG files Adresár pre uloženie súborov formátu SVG SVG export error on page SVG error There was an error in SVG output for SVG layer copy kopírovať Duplicating composer... Duplikovanie tlačového výstupu... Duplicate Composer Duplikovať tlačový výstup Composer duplication failed. Zlyhalo duplikovanie tlačového výstupu. Save template Uložiť šablónu Composer templates Šablóny tlačového výstupu Save error Chyba pri ukladaní Error, could not save file Chyba, nie je možné uložiť súbor Load template Načítať šablónu Read error Chyba pri čítaní Error, could not read file Chyba, nie je možné čítať súbor Composer error Chyba na strane tlačového výstupu Error, could not create new composer Chyba, nie je možné vytvoriť nový tlačový výstup Loading template into composer... Načitávanie šablóny do tlačového výstupu... Project contains WMS layers Projekt obsahuje vrstvy WMS Some WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printed Niektoré WMS servery (napr. UMN mapserver) obsahujú obmedzenia na parametre WIDTH a HEIGHT. Tlač vrstiev z takýchto serverov môže presiahnuť tieto obmedzenia. V takomto prípade nebude vrstva WMS vytlačená Project contains composition effects Projekt obsahuje efekty kompozície Advanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this project, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended. Pokročilé efekty kompozície ako režimy prelínania a priehľadnosť vektorovej vrstvy sú povolené v tomto projekte a nie je ich možné použiť pri vektorovej tlači. Odporúča sa použitie tlače do rastrového formátu. Print as raster Vytlačiť ako raster Landscape QgsComposerArrowWidget Arrowhead width Šírka hlavičky smerovej ružice Arrow head outline width Arrow head fill color Arrow head outline color Select arrow head fill color Select arrow head outline color Transparent outline Transparent fill Arrow marker changed Značka smerovej ružice zmenená Arrow start marker Značka počiatku smerovej ružice Arrow end marker Značka ukončenia smerovej ružice Start marker svg file Súbor SVG obsahujúci značku počiatku End marker svg file Súbor SVG obsahujúci značku ukončenia Arrow line style changed QgsComposerArrowWidgetBase Form Formulár Arrow Smerová ružica Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti mm mm Arrow head width Šírka hlavičky smerovej ružice Line style... Arrow markers Značky smerovej ružice Default Predvolené None Žiadne SVG SVG Arrow outline color Arrow fill color Arrow outline width Start marker Značka počiatku ... ... End marker Značka ukončenia QgsComposerAttributeTableColumnModel Center Right Napravo Left Naľavo Attribute Heading Alignment QgsComposerAttributeTableColumnModelV2 Center Right Napravo Left Naľavo Automatic Automaticky %1 mm Attribute Heading Alignment Width Šírka QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 <attribute table> QgsComposerAttributeTableWidget Use existing frames Extend to next page Repeat until finished Draw headers only Hide entire table Show set message Layer features Select header font color Select content font color Select grid color Select background color No background Map %1 Table attribute settings Table map changed Table maximum columns Table margin changed Select Font Table header font Table header font color Table content font Table content font color Table grid stroke Table grid color Table grid toggled Table background color Current atlas feature Relation children Table visible only toggled Table remove duplicates changed Empty frame mode toggled Hide background if empty toggled Table filter to atlas changed Table feature filter toggled Table feature filter modified Expression based filter Table header alignment changed Table header mode changed Table layer changed Change resize mode Change table source Change table source relation Change empty table behaviour Show empty rows changed Empty table message changed QgsComposerAttributeTableWidgetBase Attribute Table Attribute table Main properties Layer Vrstva Refresh table data Attributes... mm mm Feature filtering Maximum rows Composer map Filter with ... Background color Farba pozadia Show empty rows Show grid Stroke width Color Farba Fonts and text styling Table heading Follow column alignment Left Naľavo Center Right Napravo Alignment Font Písmo Choose font... Don't export page if frame is empty Don't draw background if frame is empty On first frame Source Zdroj Relation Show only features visible within a map Show only features intersecting atlas feature Remove duplicate rows from table Appearance Cell margins Display header On all frames No header Empty tables Message to display Table contents Frames Resize mode Add Frame QgsComposerBase MainWindow Tvorca tlačových výstupov Composer Tlačový výstup Paper Navigation Navigácia po hárku Composer Item Actions Akcie položky tlačového výstupu Composer Items Položky tlačového výstupu Atlas &Print... &Tlačiť... Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Zoom full Priblížiť na rozmery okna Ctrl+0 Zoom in Priblížiť Ctrl++ Zoom out Oddialiť Ctrl+- Zoom to 100% Ctrl+1 Zoom Približovanie/oddaľovanie Z Add new map Pridať novú mapu Add new label Pridať nový popisok Add new legend Pridať novú legendu Select/Move item Vybrať/presunúť položku V Export as image Exportovať ako obrázok Add new scalebar Pridať novú grafickú mierku Refresh view Obnoviť pohľad F5 Show grid Ctrl+' Snap to grid Ctrl+Shift+' Show guides Ctrl+; Snap to guides Ctrl+Shift+; Smart guides Ctrl+Alt+; Clear guides Add image Pridať obrázok Move item content Presunúť obsah položky C Group items Zoskupiť položky Ctrl+G Ungroup items Rozdeliť položky Ctrl+Shift+G Raise selected items Presunúť vyššie vybrané položky Ctrl+] Lower selected items Presunúť nižšie vybrané položky Ctrl+[ Move selected items to top Presunúť vybrané položky nahor Ctrl+Shift+] Move selected items to bottom Presunúť vybrané položky nadol Ctrl+Shift+[ Zoom &Full Zoom &In Zoom &Out Zoom to &100% Add &Map Add Lab&el Add Legen&d Move &Item Export as &Image... &Export as PDF... Export as S&VG... Add &Scalebar &Refresh Show &Grid S&nap to Grid Show G&uides &Snap to Guides S&mart Guides &Clear Guides Add Im&age Move &Content &Group &Ungroup &Raise &Lower Bring to &Front Send to &Back &Add Items from Template... Save as &Template... Save as template Uložiť ako šablónu Align Left Zarovnať vľavo Align selected items left Zarovnať vybrané položky vľavo Align Center Zarovnať na stred Align center horizontal Zarovnať na stred vodorovne Align Right Zarovnať vpravo Align selected items right Zarovnať vybrané položky vpravo Align Top Zarovnať nahor Align selected items to top Zarovnať vybrané položky nahor Align Center Vertical Zarovnať na stred zvisle Align center vertical Zarovnať na stred zvisle Align Bottom Zarovnať nadol Align selected items bottom Zarovnať vybrané položky nadol &Quit &Ukončiť Quit Ukončiť Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Paste in P&lace D&eselect All &Select All Composer &Options... Show Ru&lers &First Feature P&revious Feature &Next Feature &Last Feature Preview &Atlas &Print Atlas... Export Atlas as &Images... Export Atlas as S&VG... &Export Atlas as PDF... Atlas &Settings Add arrow Pridať smerovú ružicu Add Table Pridať tabuľku Add table Add attribute table Pridať atribútovú tabuľku Page setup Nastavenie strany Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P &Undo &Redo Add &HTML Composer &Manager... &New Composer... &Duplicate Composer... Loc&k Selected Items Unl&ock All Ctrl+Shift+L Paste in place Ctrl+Shift+V &Delete Delete selected items Del Deselect all Ctrl+Shift+A Select all items Ctrl+A &Invert Selection Invert selection Select Next Item &Below Select next item below Ctrl+Alt+[ Select Next Item &Above Select next item above Ctrl+Alt+] Pan Composer P Show rulers Ctrl+R Ctrl+< Ctrl+, Ctrl+. Ctrl+> Ctrl+Alt+/ Export Atlas as PDF Revert last change Vrátiť poslednú zmenu Add items from template Add Arro&w Add Attribute &Table Pa&ge Setup... Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z Restore last change Obnoviť poslednú zmenu Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Add Rectangle Pridať obdĺžnik Add rectangle Pridať obdĺžnik Add Triangle Pridať trojuholník Add triangle Pridať trojuholník Add Ellipse Pridať elipsu Add ellipse Pridať elipsu Add html frame Pridať rám HTML dokumentu Composer manager Správca tlačového výstupu New composer Nový tlačový výstup Ctrl+N Ctrl+N &Save Project &Uložiť projekt Save project Uložiť projekt Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Duplicate composer Duplikovať tlačový výstup Ctrl+L Unlock All Items Show Bounding Boxes Show bounding boxes Ctrl+Shift+B Toggle Full Scr&een Toggle full screen mode F11 &Hide Panels Hide panels F10 QgsComposerColumnAlignmentDelegate Left Naľavo Center Right Napravo QgsComposerColumnSortOrderDelegate Ascending Descending QgsComposerColumnWidthDelegate mm mm Automatic Automaticky QgsComposerFrame <frame> QgsComposerHtml <html frame> QgsComposerHtmlWidget Use existing frames Použiť existujúce rámy Extend to next page Roztiahnuť na ďalšiu stranu Repeat on every page Opakovať na každej strane Repeat until finished Opakovať až do skončenia Change html url Upraviť URL adresu pre HTML dokument Select HTML document Vybrať HTML dokument Change resize mode Zmeniť režim zmeny veľkosti Evaluate expressions changed Use smart breaks changed Page break distance changed HTML changed User stylesheet changed User stylesheet toggled Empty frame mode toggled Hide background if empty toggled HTML source changed Insert expression url string QgsComposerHtmlWidgetBase HTML Frame Rám HTML dokumentu HTML frame Rám HTML dokumentu URL URL ... ... HTML Source If checked, expressions inside [% %] tags will be evaluated prior to rendering the HTML Evaluate QGIS expressions in HTML source Source: Insert an expression Frames Don't export page if frame is empty Resize mode Režim zmeny veľkosti Add Frame Don't draw background if frame is empty Use smart page breaks Maximum distance mm mm User stylesheet Update HTML Refresh HTML QgsComposerItem <arrow> <group> <label> <legend> <map> <picture> <scale bar> <shape> <table> <attribute table> <text table> <frame> <item> QgsComposerItemWidget Frame color changed Farba orámovania zmenená Background color changed Farba pozadia zmenená Item position changed Poloha položky zmenená Item outline width Hrúbka obrysu položky Item frame join style Item frame toggled Orámovanie položky povolené/zakázané Item background toggled Pozadie položky povolené/zakázané Select background color Vyberte farbu pozadia Select frame color Vyberte farbu orámovania Item blend mode changed Item transparency changed Item id changed ID položky zmenené Item rotation changed Exclude from exports changed QgsComposerItemWidgetBase Global Options Všeobecné možnosti Position and size Poloha a veľkosť Reference point Referenčný bod X X Y Y Width Šírka Height Výška Page Rotation ° ... Frame Orámovanie mm mm Join style Frame color Background color Farba pozadia Rendering Vykresľovanie Blending mode Režim prelínania Exclude item from exports Thickness Hrúbka Background Pozadie Transparency Priehľadnosť Item ID ID položky Id ID QgsComposerLabel <HTML label> <label> %1... QgsComposerLabelWidget Select font color Label text HTML state changed Stav popisku HTML dokumentu zmenený Label text changed Text popisku zmenený Label font changed Písmo popisku zmenené Label margin changed Okraj popisku zmenený Label color changed Insert expression Vložiť výraz Label alignment changed Zarovnanie popisku zmenené QgsComposerLabelWidgetBase Label Options Možnosti popisku Label Popisok Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Render as HTML Vykresliť ako HTML dokument Insert an expression... Appearance Font... Font color Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Top Nahor Middle Na stred Bottom Nadol Left Vľavo Center Na stred Right Vpravo mm mm Horizontal margin Vertical margin QgsComposerLegend <legend> %1... QgsComposerLegendItemDialogBase Legend item properties Vlastnosti položky legendy Item text Text položky QgsComposerLegendLayersDialogBase Add layer to legend Pridať vrstvu do legendy QgsComposerLegendMenuProvider Reset to defaults QgsComposerLegendWidget Select font color Item wrapping changed Obtekanie položky zmenené Legend title changed Názov legendy zmenený Legend title alignment changed Legend column count Počet stĺpcov v legende Legend split layers Triedy vrstvy v legende rozdelené Legend equal column width Rovnaká šírka stĺpcov legendy Legend symbol width Šírka symbolu legendy Legend symbol height Výška symbolu legendy Wms Legend width Wms Legend height Legend title space bottom Dolný rozostup názvu legendy Legend group space Rozostup skupiny legendy Legend layer space Rozostup vrstvy v legende Legend symbol space Rozostup legendy symbolu Legend icon label space Rozostup popisku ikony legendy Title font changed Písmo názvu zmenené Legend group font changed Písmo skupiny legendy zmenené Legend layer font changed Písmo vrstvy legendy zmenené Legend item font changed Písmo položky legendy zmenené Legend font color changed Farba písma legendy zmenená Legend box space Rozostup rámu legendy Legend map changed Mapa legendy zmenená Legend item properties Item text Legend item edited Položka legendy upravená Legend updated Legenda aktualizovaná Legend group added Skupina legendy pridaná Group Skupina Map %1 Mapa %1 None Žiadna QgsComposerLegendWidgetBase Legend Options Možnosti legendy Legend Legenda Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti &Title &Názov Map Mapa Wrap text on Obtekanie textu Legend items Položky legendy Add group Pridať skupinu Show feature count for each class of vector layer. Zobraziť počet objektov pre každú triedu vektorovej vrstvy. Fonts Písma Space above text using subgroup style. Rozostup nad textom použitím štýlu podskupiny. Subgroup space Rozostup podskupiny Space above symbol and symbol label. Rozostup nad symbolom a popiskom symbolu. Column space Rozostup stĺpca Columns Stĺpce Count Počet Equal column widths Rovnaké šírky stĺpca Allow to split layer items into multiple columns. Rozdeliť položky vrstvy do viacerých stĺpcov. Split layers Rozdeliť triedy vrstvy Spacing Rozostupy mm mm Title alignment: Left Naľavo Center Right Napravo Update whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted. Aktualizovať celú legendu. Vrstvy budú pridané/odobrané podľa legendy hlavnej aplikácie. Popisky definované používateľom budú odstránené. Update all Aktualizovať všetky ... ... Auto update Filter Legend By Map Content Title font... Subgroup font... Group font... Item font... Font color Symbol Symbol Symbol width Šírka symbolu Symbol height Výška symbolu WMS LegendGraphic Legend width Legend height Space above text using group style. Rozostup nad textom použitím štýlu skupiny. Group Space Rozostup skupiny Symbol space Rozostup symbolu Space between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin). Rozostup medzi ikonou symbolu a popiskom symbolu (okraj popisku symbolu vľavo). Icon label space Rozostup popisku ikony Box space Rozostup rámu legendy Space below title. Rozostup pod názvom. Title space Rozostup názvu QgsComposerManager &Show &Zobraziť &Duplicate &Duplikovať &Remove &Odobrať Re&name Preme&novať Empty composer Prázdny tlačový výstup Specific Špecifický Template error Chyba na strane šablóny Error, template file not found Chyba, súbor šablóny nebol nájdený Error, could not read file Chyba, nie je možné čítať súbor Composer error Chyba na strane tlačového výstupu Error, could not create composer Chyba, nie je možné vytvoriť tlačový výstup Loading template into composer... Načitávanie šablóny do tlačového výstupu... Error, could not load template file Chyba, nie je možné načítať súbor šablóny Choose template Vybrať šablónu Composer templates Šablóny tlačového výstupu File system error Chyba na strane súborového systému Error, could not open or create local directory Chyba, nie je možné otvoriť alebo vytvoriť lokálny adresár Remove composer Odobrať tlačový výstup Do you really want to remove the map composer '%1'? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať tlačový výstup '%1'? copy kopírovať Duplicating composer... Duplikovanie tlačového výstupu... Duplicate Composer Duplikovať tlačový výstup Composer duplication failed. Zlyhalo duplikovanie tlačového výstupu. QgsComposerManagerBase Composer manager Správca tlačového výstupu New from template Nový zo šablóny Add Pridať ... ... Open template directory Otvoriť adresár so šablónami user používateľský default predvolený QgsComposerMap Map %1 Mapa %1 Map will be printed here Tu bude vytlačená mapa Grid %1 Overview %1 QgsComposerMapWidget Cache Vyrovnávacia pamäť Render Vykresľovať Rectangle Obdĺžnik Solid Plná Cross Kríž Markers Decimal Desatinný Zebra Zebra Map scale changed Mierka mapy zmenená Map rotation changed Otočenie mapy zmenené Map extent changed Rozsah mapy zmenený Select font color Vyberte farbu písma Select grid frame color Select grid frame fill color Set layer list from a visibility preset No presets defined Canvas items toggled Položky mapového okna povolené/zakázané None Žiadna Overview %1 Add map overview Draw "%1" overview Overview checkbox toggled Overview map changed Overview frame style changed Grid %1 Frame and annotations only Decimal with suffix Degree, minute Degree, minute with suffix Degree, minute aligned Degree, minute, second Degree, minute, second with suffix Degree, minute, second aligned Transparent frame Transparent fill Add map grid Draw "%1" grid Map unit Millimeter Centimeter change... Grid markers style changed Cross width changed Frame width changed Frame left side changed Frame right side changed Frame top side changed Frame bottom side changed Interior ticks Exterior ticks Interior and exterior ticks Line border Changed grid unit Grid blend mode changed Grid CRS changed Annotation color changed Grid checkbox toggled Zaškrtávacie políčko mriežky povolené/zakázané Overview blend mode changed Overview inverted toggled Overview centered toggled Grid interval changed Interval mriežky zmenený Grid offset changed Odsadenie mriežky zmenené Grid line style changed Grid type changed Typ mriežky zmenený Annotation font changed Písmo anotácie zmenené Annotation distance changed Vzdialenosť anotácie zmenená Annotation format changed Formát anotácie zmenený Annotation toggled Anotácia povolená/zakázaná Changed annotation precision Presnosť anotácie zmenená Changed grid frame style Štýl rámu mriežky zmenený Changed grid frame line thickness Grid frame color changed Grid frame first fill color changed Grid frame second fill color changed Inside frame Vo vnútri rámu Outside frame Mimo rámu Disabled Zablokované Horizontal Vodorovne Vertical Zvisle Annotation position changed Poloha anotácie zmenená Changed annotation direction Smer anotácie zmenený Map %1 Mapa %1 Frame divisions changed Annotation display changed Show all Show latitude only Show longitude only All Latitude/Y only Longitude/X only QgsComposerMapWidgetBase Map Options Možnosti mapy Map Mapa Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Update preview Aktualizovať náhľad Scale Mierka Map rotation Draw map canvas items Zobraziť položky mapového okna Lock layers for map item Uzamknúť vrstvy pre položku mapy Extents Rozsahy X max X max Y min Y min Y max Y max Set to map canvas extent Nastaviť rozsah mapového okna X min X min ... View extent in map canvas Controlled by atlas Margin around feature % % Fixed scale Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the atlas feature best fits. Predefined scale (best fit) Offset Odsadenie mm mm Blend mode Režim prelínania Interval Interval Grid frame Frame size Frame line thickness Frame fill colors Marker style Invert overview Opačný prehľad Center on overview X X ° Y Y Cross width Šírka kríža Frame style Štýl rámu Line style Štýl čiary Grids Add a new grid Remove selected grid Move selected grid up Move selected grid down Draw grid Grid type CRS change... zmeniť... Interval units Map unit Millimeter Centimeter Left side Right side Top side Bottom side No frame Zebra Interior ticks Exterior ticks Interior and exterior ticks Line border Draw coordinates Zobraziť súradnice Format Formát Left Vľavo Right Vpravo Top Nahor Bottom Nadol Font Písmo Font... Písmo... Font color Distance to map frame Vzdialenosť od mapového rámu Coordinate precision Presnosť súradnice Overviews Draw overview Map frame Blending mode Change... Zmeniť... Right divisions Left divisions Top divisions Bottom divisions QgsComposerModel Item QgsComposerMouseHandles Change item position Change item size %1 items selected 1 item selected dx: %1 mm dy: %2 mm width: %1 mm height: %2 mm QgsComposerMultiFrame <frame> QgsComposerNameDelegate Rename composer There is already a composer named "%1" QgsComposerPicture Picture expression eval error QgsComposerPictureWidget Select svg or image file Vyberte súbor SVG alebo obrázok Picture changed Obrázok zmenený Picture rotation changed Otočenie obrázka zmenené Select new preview directory Vybrať adresár pre uloženie náhľadov Picture resize mode changed Picture placement changed Rotation synchronisation toggled Synchronizácia otočenia povolená/zakázaná Rotation map changed Otočenie mapy zmenené Map %1 Mapa %1 Creating icon for file %1 Vytváranie ikony pre súbor %1 QgsComposerPictureWidgetBase Picture Options Možnosti obrázka Picture Obrázok Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Image source ... ... Resize mode Placement Umiestnenie Zoom Približovanie/oddaľovanie Stretch Clip Zoom and resize frame Resize frame to image size Top left Top center Top right Middle left Middle Middle right Bottom left Bottom center Bottom right Search directories Vyhľadať adresáre Loading previews... Načitávanie náhľadov... Image search paths Cesty ku obrázkom Remove Odobrať Add... Pridať... Image rotation Sync with map Synchronizovať s mapou ° ° QgsComposerScaleBar units km km m m miles ft Nm QgsComposerScaleBarWidget Single Box Jednoduchý rámček Double Box Dvojitý rámček Line Ticks Middle Lišta s dielikom v strede Line Ticks Down Lišta s dielikom dole Line Ticks Up Lišta s dielikom hore Numeric Číselná mierka Left Vľavo Middle Na stred Right Vpravo Map units Mapové jednotky Meters Metre Feet Stopy Nautical Miles Select fill color Transparent fill Select alternate fill color Select font color Select stroke color Transparent stroke Map %1 Mapa %1 Scalebar map changed Mapa mierky zmenená Scalebar line width Hrúbka lišty mierky Scalebar segment size Veľkosť dielika mierky Scalebar segments left Dieliky mierky vľavo Number of scalebar segments changed Počet dielikov mierky zmenený Scalebar height changed Výška dielika mierky zmenená Scalebar font changed Písmo mierky zmenené Scalebar font color changed Farba písma mierky zmenená Scalebar color changed Farba mierky zmenená Scalebar secondary color changed Scalebar stroke color changed Farba obrysu mierky zmenená Scalebar unit text Textová jednotka mierky Scalebar map units per segment Mapové jednotky mierky na dielik Scalebar style changed Štýl mierky zmenený Scalebar label bar space Rozostup popisnej lišty mierky Scalebar box content space Rozostup rámčeka mierky Scalebar alignment Zarovnanie grafickej mierky Scalebar changed to map units Scalebar changed to feet Scalebar changed to nautical miles Scalebar changed to meters Scalebar line join style Scalebar line cap style QgsComposerScaleBarWidgetBase Barscale Options Možnosti grafickej mierky Scalebar Grafická mierka Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Map Mapa Style Štýl Units Jednotky Label Popisok Map units per bar unit Mapové jednotky na jednotku mierky Segments Dieliky left vľavo right vpravo Size Veľkosť units jednotky Height Výška mm mm Display Zobrazenie Box margin Okraj rámčeka mierky Labels margin Okraj popisku mierky Line width Hrúbka lišty mierky Join style Cap style Alignment Zarovnanie Fonts and colors Písma a farby Font color Fill color Secondary fill color Stroke color Font... Písmo... QgsComposerShape <ellipse> <rectangle> <triangle> <shape> QgsComposerShapeWidget Ellipse Elipsa Rectangle Obdĺžnik Triangle Trojuholník Shape style changed Shape radius changed Shape type changed Typ tvaru zmenený QgsComposerShapeWidgetBase Form Formulár Shape Tvar Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Corner radius mm mm Style Change... QgsComposerTableSortColumnsProxyModel Descending Ascending Attribute Sort Order QgsComposerTableSortColumnsProxyModelV2 Descending Ascending Attribute Sort Order QgsComposerTableV2 No matching records QgsComposerTableWidget Map %1 Mapa %1 Table feature filter toggled Table feature filter modified Expression based filter Table header alignment changed Table layer changed Vrstva tabuľky zmenená Table attribute settings Atribút tabuľky zmenený Select header font color Select content font color Table map changed Mapa tabuľky zmenená Table maximum columns Počet riadkov v tabuľke zmenený Select Font Vyberte písmo Table header font Písmo hlavičky tabuľky Table header font color Table content font Písmo obsahu tabuľky Table content font color Table grid stroke Obrys mriežky tabuľky Select grid color Vyberte farbu mriežky tabuľky Table grid color Farba mriežky tabuľky Table grid toggled Tabuľka mriežky povolená/zakázaná Table visible only toggled Viditeľnosť len tabuľky povolená/zakázaná QgsComposerTableWidgetBase Attribute Table Atribútová tabuľka Attribute table Atribútová tabuľka Main properties Hlavné vlastnosti Layer Vrstva Attributes... Atribúty... Feature filtering Composer map Tlačový výstup Color Farba Fonts and text styling Table heading Alignment Font Písmo Choose font... Table contents Maximum rows Max. počet riadkov Margin Okraj Show only visible features Zobraziť len viditeľné objekty Refresh table data Filter with ... mm mm Show grid Zobraziť mriežku tabuľky Stroke width Šírka mriežky Follow column alignment Left Naľavo Center Right Napravo QgsComposerVectorLegendBase Vector Legend Options Možnosti vektorovej legendy Preview Náhľad Map Mapa Title Názov Layers Vrstvy Group Skupina ID ID Box Rám Font Písmo QgsComposerView QGIS QGIS Label added Popisok pridaný Scale bar added Smerová ružica pridaná Legend added Legenda pridaná Picture added Obrázok pridaný Table added Tabuľka pridaná Shape added Tvar pridaný Move item content Presunúť obsah položky Arrow added Smerová ružica pridaná Map added Mapa pridaná Attribute table added Attribute table frame added Html item added Pridaná položka HTML dokumentu Html frame added Rám HTML dokumentu pridaný Item moved Položka presunutá Zoom item content Priblížiť obsah položky QgsComposition Label added Popisok pridaný Map added Mapa pridaná Arrow added Smerová ružica pridaná Scale bar added Grafická mierka pridaná Shape added Tvar pridaný Picture added Obrázok pridaný Legend added Legenda pridaná Table added Tabuľka pridaná Aligned items left Položky zarovnané vľavo Aligned items horizontal center Položky zarovnané na stred vodorovne Aligned items vertical center Položky zarovnané na stred zvisle Aligned items right Položky zarovnané vpravo Aligned items top Položky zarovnané nahor Aligned items bottom Položky zarovnané nadol Items locked Items unlocked Item z-order changed Z-index položky zmenený Remove item group Skupina položky odobraná Frame deleted Rám odstránený Item deleted Položka odstránená Multiframe removed Multirám odobraný QgsCompositionBase Composition Kompozícia Paper Papier Size Veľkosť Units Jednotky Width Šírka Height Výška Orientation Orientácia QgsCompositionWidget mm mm inch inch Landscape Na šírku Portrait Na výšku Map %1 A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 in) Legal (8.5x14 in) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 in) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 in) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 in) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 in) ANSI C (17x22 in) ANSI C (17x22 in) ANSI D (22x34 in) ANSI D (22x34 in) ANSI E (34x44 in) ANSI E (34x44 in) Arch A (9x12 in) Arch A (9x12 in) Arch B (12x18 in) Arch B (12x18 in) Arch C (18x24 in) Arch C (18x24 in) Arch D (24x36 in) Arch D (24x36 in) Arch E (36x48 in) Arch E (36x48 in) Arch E1 (30x42 in) Arch E1 (30x42 in) Custom Vlastné QgsCompositionWidgetBase Composition Kompozícia Paper and quality Papier a kvalita Presets Predvolená veľkosť ... Width Šírka Height Výška Units Jednotky Number of pages Počet strán Orientation Orientácia Export resolution Rozlíšenie exportu Print as raster Vytlačiť ako raster Change... Page background Snap tolerance px dpi dpi World file on Guides and Grid Grid spacing mm mm Grid offset Odsadenie mriežky x: x: y: y: QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog Configure shortcuts Konfigurovať klávesové skratky Action Akcia Shortcut Klávesová skratka Change Zmeniť Set none Nastaviť žiadnu Set default Nastaviť predvolené Load... Načítať... Save... Uložiť... Save shortcuts Uložiť klávesové skratky XML file Súbor XML All files Všetky súbory Saving shortcuts Ukladanie klávesových skratiek Cannot write file %1: %2. Nie je možné zapísať súbor %1: %2. Load shortcuts Načítať klávesové skratky Loading shortcuts Načítavanie klávesových skratiek Cannot read file %1: %2. Nie je možné čítať súbor %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Chyba pri spracovaní riadku %1, stĺpca %2: %3 The file is not an shortcuts exchange file. Súbor nie je výmenný súbor pre klávesové skratky. The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it. Súbor obsahuje klávesové skratky vytvorené s odlišnou lokáciou, takže ho nemôžete použiť. None Žiadna Set default (%1) Nastaviť predvolené (%1) Input: Vstup: Shortcut conflict Konflikt klávesových skratiek This shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign? Tejto klávesovej skratke už je pripísaná akcia %1 Prepísať? QgsContextHelp Error starting help viewer [%1] Chyba pri spúšťaní pomocníka [%1] Context help Pomocník <h3>Oops! QGIS can't find help for this form.</h3>The help file for %1 was not found for your language<br>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team <h3>QGIS nemôže nájsť pomocníka pre tento formulár.</h3>Súbor pomocníka pre %1 nebol nájdený vo Vašom jazyku<br>Ak si ho prajete vytvoriť, kontaktujte prosím vývojársky tím QGISu QgsCoordinateTransform The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 CRS The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 inverse transform forward transform %1 of %2PROJ.4: %3 +to %4 Error: %5 QgsCptCityBrowserModel Name Názov Info Info QgsCptCityColorRampItem colors farby discrete nespojitý continuous spojitý continuous (multi) spojitý (multi) variants varianty QgsCptCityColorRampV2Dialog Selections by theme Výbery podľa témy All by author Všetky podľa autora You can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager). Nainštalovaním zásuvného modulu "Color Ramp Manager" si môžete stiahnuť kompletnejší súbor prechodov cpt-city (musíte zapnúť Experimentálne zásuvné moduly v Správcovi zásuvných modulov). All Ramps (%1) Všetky škály (%1) Error - cpt-city gradient files not found. You have two means of installing them: 1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package. You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS. 2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] . This file can be found at [%2] and current file is [%3] Chyba - súbory prechodu škály cpt-city nenájdené. Máte k dispozícii dva spôsoby, ako ich nainštalovať: 1) Nainštalujte zásuvný modul "Color Ramp Manager" (musíte mať zapnuté Experimentálne zásuvné moduly v Správcovi zásuvných modulov) a použite ho na stiahnutie najnovšieho balíčka cpt-city. Môžete si nainštalovať celý archív cpt-city alebo len výber pre QGIS. 2) Stiahnite kompletný archív (vo formáte SVG) a rozbaľte ho do adresára Vašich nastavení QGISu [%1] . Tento súbor môžete nájsť v [%2] a súčasný súbor je [%3] %1 directory details %1 detaily adresára %1 gradient details %1 detaily prechodu QgsCptCityColorRampV2DialogBase cpt-city color ramp farebná škála cpt-city Selection and preview Výber a náhľad License Licencia Palette Paleta Path Cesta Information Informácie Author(s) Autor(i) Source Zdroj Details Detaily Save as standard gradient Uložiť ako štandardný prechod QgsCredentialDialog Enter Credentials Zadajte prístupové údaje Username Meno používateľa Password Heslo TextLabel TextLabel Realm Oblasť QgsCustomColorScheme Standard colors QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget Control rendering order QgsCustomProjectionDialog QGIS Custom Projection Vlastná projekcia QGISu This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Táto definícia mapového zobrazenia pre proj4 nie je platná. new CRS nový súradnicový systém The proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid. Definícia proj4 '%1' nie je platná. Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form. Northing (posun na sever) a Easting (posun na východ) musia byť vo forme desatinného čísla. Internal Error (source projection invalid?) Vnútorná chyba (chybný zdroj mapového zobrazenia?) Error Chyba QgsCustomProjectionDialogBase Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition Definícia vlastného súradnicového systému Define Definovať ID ID You can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS. Tu si môžete zadefinovať vlastný súradnicový systém. Definícia musí zodpovedať formátu proj4. Name Názov Parameters Parametre Test Skúška Use the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate. Textové polia dole slúžia na otestovanie definície súradnicového systému. Vložte súradnice, ktorých hodnoty v danom súradnicovom systéme poznáte (napríklad odčítaním z mapy). Následne stlačením tlačitka Vypočítať možno overiť, či daná definícia súradnicového systému je zadaná správne. Geographic / WGS84 Zemepisný / WGS84 Destination CRS Cieľový súrad. systém North Sever East Východ Name: Názov: Parameters: Parametre: Copy existing CRS Kopírovať existujúci súrad. systém Add new CRS Pridať nový súradnicový systém Remove Odobrať Calculate Vypočítať QgsCustomizationDialog Object name Názov objektu Label Popisok Description Popis Choose a customization INI file Vybrať INI súbor s prispôsobením Customization files (*.ini) Súbory s prispôsobením (*.ini) QgsCustomizationDialogBase Customization Prispôsobenie Enable customization Zapnúť prispôsobenie toolBar panel nástrojov Catch Zachytiť Switch to catching widgets in main application Prepnúť na zachytávanie grafických prvkov v hlavnej aplikácii Save Uložiť Save to file Uložiť do súboru Load Načítať Load from file Načítať zo súboru Expand All Rozbaliť všetko Collapse All Zbaliť všetko Select All Vybrať všetko QgsDashSpaceDialogBase Dash space pattern Vzor prerušovanej čiary Dash Pomlčka Space Medzera QgsDataDefinedButton Description... Popis... Edit... Upraviť... Paste Vložiť Copy Kopírovať Clear Vyčistiť string reťazec int int double veľké číslo Field type: Typ poľa: integer celé číslo unknown type neznámy typ Data defined override Prepísanie definované dátami expression výraz field pole Deactivate Deaktivovať Activate Aktivovať Attribute field Atribútové pole No matching field types found Neboli nájdené žiadne zodpovedajúce typy polí Expression Výraz Current: Aktuálny: Data definition description Popis definície dát undefined nedefinované Parse error: %1 Chyba pri spracovaní: %1 '%1' field missing '%1' pole chýba <b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br> <b><u>Prepísanie definované dátami</u></b><br> <b>Active: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br> <b>Aktívny: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|pravý klik prepne)</i><br> yes áno no nie <b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Použitie:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Očakávaný vstup</b><br>%1<br> <b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Platné typy vstupov:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Current definition %1:</b><br>%2 <b>Aktuálna definícia %1:</b><br>%2 string reťazec bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False] bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False] string of variable length reťazec variabilnej dĺžky int [&lt;= 0 =&gt;] int [&lt;= 0 =&gt;] int [&gt;= 0] int [&gt;= 0] int [&gt;= 1] int [&gt;= 1] double [&lt;= 0.0 =&gt;] double [&lt;= 0.0 =&gt;] double [&gt;= 0.0] double [&gt;= 0.0] double coord [<b>X,Y</b>] as &lt;= 0.0 =&gt; double coord [<b>X,Y</b>] as &lt;= 0.0 =&gt; double [-180.0 - 180.0] double [-180.0 - 180.0] int [0-100] int [0-100] string [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 string [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 QgsDataDefinedButtonPlugin A widget to define the scale range A widget to define the scale range. QgsDataDefinedSymbolDialog Data defined properties Vlastnosti definované dátami Property Vlastnosť Expression Výraz Help Pomocník double veľké číslo '<red>,<green>,<blue>,<alpha>' '<cervena>,<zelena>,<modra>,<alfa>' '<filename>' '<nazovsuboru>' 'linear'|'radial'|'conical' 'feature'|'viewport' 'pad'|'repeat'|'reflect' 0 (false)|1 (true) QgsDateTimeEditConfig Form <html><head/><body><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Examples result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><br/></p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Expression</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Date output</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">d</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">dd</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">ddd</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.</span><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qlocale.html#system"><span style=" font-family:'Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline; color:#00732f;">QLocale::system</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;">().</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">dddd</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to '</span><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qt.html#DayOfWeek-enum"><span style=" font-family:'Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline; color:#00732f;">Qt::Sunday</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;">'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.</span><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qlocale.html#system"><span style=" font-family:'Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline; color:#00732f;">QLocale::system</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;">().</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">M</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">MM</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">MMM</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.</span><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qlocale.html#system"><span style=" font-family:'Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline; color:#00732f;">QLocale::system</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;">().</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">MMMM</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.</span><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qlocale.html#system"><span style=" font-family:'Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline; color:#00732f;">QLocale::system</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;">().</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the year as two digit number (00-99)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the year as four digit number</span></p></td></tr></table><p><br/></p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Expression</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Time output</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">h</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">hh</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">H</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">HH</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">m</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">mm</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">s</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ss</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">z</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">AP or A</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">use AM/PM display.</span><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; font-style:italic; color:#66666e;">A/AP</span><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;"> will be replaced by either &quot;AM&quot; or &quot;PM&quot;.</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ap or a</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">use am/pm display.</span><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; font-style:italic; color:#66666e;">a/ap</span><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e;"> will be replaced by either &quot;am&quot; or &quot;pm&quot;.</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">t</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">the timezone (for example &quot;CEST&quot;)</span></p></td></tr></table><p><br/></p></body></html> Field format date time date & time custom format ... Widget display calendar popup default custom allow NULL values preview QgsDateTimeEditPlugin Define date QgsDateTimeEditWrapper The usual date/time widget QDateTimeEdit cannot be configured to allow NULL values. For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used. QgsDatumTransformDialog File '%1' not found in directory '%2' unknown QgsDatumTransformDialogBase Select datum transformations src transform dst transform Remember selection Hide deprecated Destination CRS Source CRS Layer Vrstva QgsDbSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS layers Pridať vrstvy PostGIS Connections Pripojenia Connect Pripojiť New Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Odstrániť Load Load connections from file Načítať Save connections to file Uložiť pripojenia do súboru Save Uložiť Also list tables with no geometry Vypísať tiež zoznam tabuliek bez geometrie Keep dialog open Search options Možnosti vyhľadávania Search Vyhľadávanie Search mode Režim vyhľadávania Search in columns Vyhľadávanie v stĺpcoch QgsDecorationCopyright Bottom Left Vľavo dole Top Left Vľavo hore Top Right Vpravo hore Bottom Right Vpravo dole QgsDecorationCopyrightDialog Copyright Label Decoration Autorské práva Enable copyright label Zapnúť popisok autorských práv &Enter your copyright label here: &Zadajte tu Vaše označenie autorských práv: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt;">© QGIS 2013</span></p></body></html> &Placement &Umiestnenie Bottom Left Vľavo dole Top Left Vľavo hore Bottom Right Vpravo dole Top Right Vpravo hore &Orientation &Orientácia Horizontal Vodorovne Vertical Zvisle Color Farba Select text color QgsDecorationGrid Error Chyba No active layer Žiadna aktívna vrstva Please select a raster layer Prosím vyberte rastrovú vrstvu Invalid raster layer Chybná rastrová vrstva Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS Súradnicový systém vrstvy sa musí zhodovať so súradnicovým systémom projektu QgsDecorationGridDialog Grid properties Enable grid Zapnúť mriežku Interval X Interval X Interval Y Interval Y Grid type Typ mriežky Line symbol Líniový symbol Draw annotation Nakresliť anotáciu Annotation direction Smer anotácie Font... Písmo... Distance to map frame Vzdialenost od mapového rámu Coordinate precision Presnosť súradnice Marker symbol Symbol značky Offset X Odsadenie X Offset Y Odsadenie Y Update Interval / Offset from Aktualizovať interval / Odsadenie od Canvas Extents Rozsah mapového okna Active Raster Layer Aktívna rastrová vrstva Line Línia Marker Značka Horizontal Vodorovne Vertical Zvisle Boundary direction Smer podľa hranice Horizontal and Vertical Vodorovne a zvisle QgsDecorationNorthArrow Bottom Left Vľavo dole Top Left Vľavo hore Top Right Vpravo hore Bottom Right Vpravo dole North arrow pixmap not found Obrázok smerovej ružice sa nenašiel QgsDecorationNorthArrowDialog North Arrow Decoration Smerová ružica Preview of north arrow Náhľad smerovej ružice Angle Uhol Placement Umiestnenie Placement on screen Umiestnenie na obrazovke Top Left Vľavo hore Top Right Vpravo hore Bottom Left Vľavo dole Bottom Right Vpravo dole Enable North Arrow Zapnúť smerovú ružicu Set direction automatically Nastaviť smer automaticky Pixmap not found Obrázok sa nenašiel QgsDecorationScaleBar Bottom Left Vľavo dole Top Left Vľavo hore Top Right Vpravo hore Bottom Right Vpravo dole Tick Down Dielik dole Tick Up Dielik hore Bar Lišta Box Rámček km km mm mm cm cm m m miles míle mile míľa inches palce foot stopa feet stopa degree stupeň degrees stupne unknown neznáma QgsDecorationScaleBarDialog Scale Bar Decoration Grafická mierka Placement Umiestnenie Top Left Vľavo hore Top Right Vpravo hore Bottom Left Vľavo dole Bottom Right Vpravo dole Scale bar style Štýl grafickej mierky Select the style of the scale bar Vyberte štýl grafickej mierky Tick Down Dielik dole Tick Up Dielik hore Box Rámček Bar Lišta Color of bar Farba grafickej mierky Size of bar Veľkosť grafickej mierky Enable scale bar Zapnúť grafickú mierku Automatically snap to round number on resize Pri zmene veľkosti automaticky zaokrúhliť číselnú hodnotu mierky metres/km metre/km feet/miles stopy/míle degrees stupne Select scalebar color QgsDefaultRasterLayerLegend following %1 items not displayed QgsDelAttrDialogBase Delete Attributes Zmazať atribúty Provider fields can only be deleted when the layer is in edit mode. Provider does not support deleting attributes. QgsDelimitedTextProvider File type string in %1 is not correctly formatted Reťazec typu súboru %1 nie je správne naformátovaný File cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid Súbor nemôže byť otvorený alebo nie sú platné parametre oddeľovača %0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file %0 pole %1 nie je definované v textovom súbore Invalid record format at line %1 Neplatný formát záznamu na riadku %1 Invalid WKT at line %1 Neplatný záznam WKT na riadku %1 Invalid X or Y fields at line %1 Neplatné pole X alebo Y na riadku %1 %1 records discarded due to invalid format %1 zázmamov vyradených kvôli neplatnému fotmátu %1 records discarded due to missing geometry definitions %1 záznamov vyradených kvôli chýbajúcej definícii geometrie %1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions %1 záznamov vyradených kvôli neplatnej definícii geometrie %1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types %1 záznamov vyradených kvôli nekompatibilným typom geometrie Errors in file %1 Chyby v súbore %1 The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors: Nasledovné riadky neboli načítané do QGISu kvôli chybám: There are %1 additional errors in the file Existuje %1 ďalších chýb v súbore Delimited text file errors Chyby textového súboru Invalid subset string %1 for %2 Neplatný reťazec podskupiny %1 pre %2 The file has been updated by another application - reloading Súbor bol aktualizovaný inou aplikáciou - prebieha opätovné načitávanie QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelect No layer name Žiadny názov vrstvy Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map Zadajte prosím názov vrstvy skôr, ako ju pridáte do mapy No delimiters set Nenastavený žiadny oddeľovač Use one or more characters as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type Použite jeden alebo viac znakov ako oddeľovač alebo vyberte iný typ oddeľovača Invalid regular expression Neplatný regulárny výraz Please enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type Zadajte prosím platný regulárny výraz ako oddeľovač alebo vyberte iný typ oddeľovača Invalid delimited text file Neplatný textový súbor Please enter a valid file and delimiter Zadajte prosím platný súbor a oddeľovač Choose a delimited text file to open Vyberte textový súbor na otvorenie Text files Textové súbory Please select an input file Vyberte prosím vstupný súbor File %1 does not exist Súbor %1 neexistuje Please enter a layer name Zadajte prosím názov vrstvy At least one delimiter character must be specified Musí byť vybraný minimálne jeden znak oddeľovača Regular expression is not valid Regulárny výraz je neplatný ^.. expression needs capture groups Definition of filename and delimiters is not valid Definícia názvu súboru a oddeľovačov nie je platná No data found in file Nenájdené žiadne dáta v súbore %1 badly formatted records discarded %1 zle naformátované záznamy vyradené X and Y field names must be selected Musia byť vybrané názvy polí X a Y X and Y field names cannot be the same Polia X a Y nemôžu byť totožné The WKT field name must be selected Musí byť vybrané pole obsahujúce WKT %1 badly formatted records discarded from sample data %1 zle naformátované záznamy vyradené zo vzorových dát All files Všetky súbory QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBase Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File Vytvoriť vrstvu z textového súboru File Name Názov súboru Full path to the delimited text file Úplná cesta k textovému súboru Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. Úplná cesta k textovému súboru. Na to, aby bolo možné správne oddeliť polia v súbore, musí byť pred zadaním názvu súboru najskôr definovaný oddeľovač textu. Na výber vstupného súboru použite tlačidlo napravo od tohto poľa. Layer name Názov vrstvy Name to display in the map legend Názov, ktorý sa objaví v mapovej legende Name displayed in the map legend Názov zobrazený v legende mapy Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed Prechádzať a nájsť textový súbor, ktorý bude spracovaný Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. Toto tlačidlo slúži na nájdenie umiestnenia, kde sa nachádza textový súbor. Tlačidlo nebude prístupné, kým nebude vyplnené pole <i>Oddeľovač</i>. Po vybratí súboru bude automaticky (podľa obsahu textového súboru) naplnené aj rozbaľovacie menu s poliami X a Y. Browse... Prechádzať... Field names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numbered The file is a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by " Súbor s čiarkou oddelenými hodnotami, kde polia sú oddelené čiarkami a ohraničené " Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each field Každý riadok v súbore je rozdelený regulárnym výrazom na zadefinovanie konca každého poľa Tab Tabulátor Space Medzera Comma Čiarka Encoding Kódovanie Select the file encoding Vyberte kódovanie súboru X and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds Súradnice X a Y sú vyjadrené v stupňoch/minútach/sekundách DMS coordinates Súradnice vo formáte DMS Geometry field Pole s geometriou Name of the field containing well known text value Názov poľa obsahujúceho hodnotu WKT Geometry type Typ geometrie Detect Zistiť Point Bod Line Línia Polygon Polygón Record options Možnosti záznamu Field options Možnosti poľa File format Formát súboru Number of header lines to discard Počet riadkov hlavičky na vyradenie The number of lines to discard from the beginning of the file Počet riadkov na vyradenie zo začiatku súboru First record has field names Prvý záznam obsahuje názvy polí CSV (comma separated values) CSV (čiarkou oddelené hodnoty) Fields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape characters Polia sú definované oddeľovačom, znakom ohraničenia a únikovým znakom Custom delimiters Vlastné oddeľovače Regular expression delimiter Oddeľovač regulárneho výrazu Use a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting features Použiť priestorový index na zlepšenie výkonu zobrazovania a priestorového výberu objektov Use spatial index Použiť priestorový index Use an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties) Zlepšenie výkonu výberu podskupín záznamov (nastaviť vo vlastnostiach vrstvy) Use subset index Použiť index pre výber podskupiny Watch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is running Zmeny v súbore vykonané inými aplikáciami Watch file Sledovať súbor Geometry definition Definícia geometrie Geometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fields Geometria je bod definovaný x-ovou a y-ovou súradnicou Point coordinates Súradnice bodu Geometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fields Geometria je načítavaná ako WKT z vybraných polí Well known text (WKT) Well known text (WKT) The file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the map Súbor obsahuje len atribúty - nebude zobrazený na mape No geometry (attribute only table) Žiadna geometria (tabuľka len s atribútmi) Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields Odstrániť počiatočné a koncové medzery z polí Trim fields Odstrániť polia Discard empty fields in each record Vyradiť prázdne polia v každom zázname Discard empty fields Vyradiť prázdne polia Number fields use comma for a decimal separator V poliach s číslami sa použije čiarka ako desatinný oddeľovač Decimal separator is comma Desatinný oddeľovač je čiarka Comma character is one of the delimiters Znak čiarky je jedným z oddeľovačov Tab character is one of the delimiters Znak tabulátora je jedným z oddeľovačov Space character is one of the delimiters Znak medzery je jedným z oddeľovačov Colon character is one of the delimiters Znak dvojbodky je jedným z oddeľovačov Semicolon character is one of the delimiters Znak bodkočiarky je jedným z oddeľovačov Semicolon Bodkočiarka Other delimiters Ďalšie oddeľovače Delimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options. The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes. Quote Znak ohraničenia The quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines Znak ohraničenia uzatvára polia, ktoré môžu obsahovať oddeľovače a nové riadky " " Escape Únikový znak Expression Výraz Regular expression used to split each line into fields Regulárny výraz používaný na rozdelenie každého riadku do polí Layer settings Nastavenia vrstvy Sample data Vzorové dáta Colon Dvojbodka <p align="right">X field</p> <p align="right">Pole X</p> Name of the field containing x values Názov poľa obsahujúceho x-ové hodnoty <p align="right">Y field</p> <p align="right">Pole Y</p> Name of the field containing y values Názov poľa obsahujúceho y-ové hodnoty QgsDetailedItemWidgetBase Form Formulár Heading Label Popisok hlavičky Detail label Popisok detailu Category label Popisok kategórie QgsDiagramProperties Select background color Transparent background Select pen color Transparent outline mm mm Map units Mapové jednotky Around Point Okolo bodu Over Point Cez bod Line Línia Horizontal Vodorovne Free Voľne On line Na línii Above line Nad líniou Below Line Pod líniou Map orientation Orientácia mapy Pie chart Koláčový graf Text diagram Textový diagram Histogram Stĺpcový graf (histogram) Height Výška x-height x-výška Area Rozloha Diameter Priemer None Žiadna Top Nahor Right Vpravo Bottom Nadol Left Vľavo Unknown diagram type. Neznámy typ diagramu. The diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you. Neznámy typ diagramu '%1'. Vybraný je pre Vás predvolený typ. Bar length: Scale linearly, such as the following value matches the specified size. Rozpätie stĺpčeka: Lineárna stupnica (nasledovná hodnota zodpovedá vybranej veľkosti). Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: Lineárna stupnica medzi 0 a nasledujúcou hodnotou atribútu / veľkosť diagramu: Transparency: %1% Priehľadnosť: %1% Diagrams: No attributes added. Diagramy: Nepridané žiadne atribúty. Interpolation value Hodnota interpolácie You did not specify an interpolation value. A default value of %1 has been set. Neuviedli ste hodnotu interpolácie. Bola nastavená predvolená hodnota %1. Expression based attribute You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams. Nepridali ste žiadne atribúty do diagramu tejto vrstvy. Prosím uveďte atribúty pre vizualizáciu v diagramoch alebo diagramy vypnite. QgsDiagramPropertiesBase Display diagrams Zobraziť diagramy Diagram type Typ diagramu Priority: Priorita: Low Nízka High Vysoká Appearance Vzhľad Background color Farba pozadia Line color Farba línie Line width Hrúbka línie Font... Písmo... Bar width Šírka stĺpčeka Transparency 0% Priehľadnosť 0% Start Angle Počiatočný uhol Only show diagrams with a size inside the specified range. Zobraziť len diagramy s veľkosťou v uvedenom rozsahu. Hide diagrams with a size outside the specified range. Skry diagramy s veľkosťou mimo uvedeného rozsahu. Scale dependent visibility Viditeľnosť v závislosti od mierky Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Size Veľkosť Fixed size Pevná veľkosť Size units Veľkostné jednotky Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: Lineárna stupnica medzi 0 a nasledujúcou hodnotou atribútu / veľkosť diagramu: Attribute Atribút Edit expression Find maximum value Nájsť maximálnu hodnotu The attribute value you enter here will correspond to the size entered in the field "Size" and the chosen "Size unit". Leave empty to automatically apply the maximum value. Hodnota atribútu, ktorú zadáte tu, bude zodpovedať veľkosti zadanej v poli. "Veľkosť" a vybraná "Veľkostná jednotka".Nevypĺňajte na automatické použitie maximálnej hodnoty. Scale Mierka Will scale diagrams with a size smaller than the minimum size to the minimum size Zväčší diagramy s veľkosťou menšou než minimálna veľkosť na minimálnu veľkosť Increase size of small diagrams Zväčšiť veľkosť malých diagramov Minimum size Minimálna veľkosť Position Pozícia Placement Umiestnenie Line Options Možnosti línie Distance Vzdialenosť Data defined position Pozícia definovaná dátami x x y y Automated placement settings Nastavenia automatického umiestnenia Options Možnosti Label placement Umiestnenie popisku Bar Orientation Orientácia stĺpčeka Up Nahor Down Nadol Right Vpravo Left Vľavo Attributes Atribúty Available attributes Dostupné atribúty Add expression Assigned attributes Priradené atribúty Drag and drop to reorder Potiahni a pusti pre zmenu usporiadania Color Farba QgsDirectoryParamWidget Name Názov Size Veľkosť Date Dátum Permissions Povolenia Owner Vlastník Group Skupina Type Typ folder priečinok file súbor link odkaz QgsDisplayAngle %1 degrees %1 stupňov %1 radians %1 radiánov %1 gon %1 gonov QgsDisplayAngleBase Angle Uhol QgsDualView Expression based preview Náhľad založený na výraze Could not set preview column Nie je možné nastaviť stĺpec s náhľadom Could not set column '%1' as preview column. Parser error: %2 Nie je možné nastaviť stĺpec '%1' ako stĺpec s náhľadom. Chyba pri spracovávaní: %2 Run layer action Open form Otvoriť formulár Loading features... Načitávanie objektov... Abort Prerušiť Attribute table Atribútová tabuľka %1 features loaded. %1 načítaných objektov. QgsDualViewBase ... ... Expression Výraz Column Preview Náhľad stĺpca QgsDummyConfigDlgBase Form Dummy Text QgsDxfExportDialog Export as DXF DXF files *.dxf *.DXF QgsDxfExportDialogBase DXF export Symbology mode Symbology scale Save as Uložiť ako ... No symbology Feature symbology Symbol layer symbology Select all Unselect all Layer attribute Export features intersecting the current map extent QgsEditorWidgetRegistry Unknown attribute editor widget '%1' Could not save unknown editor widget type '%1'. QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select fill color Transparent fill Select border color Transparent border Symbol width Šírka symbolu Symbol height Výška symbolu Rotation Otočenie Outline width Hrúbka obrysu Fill color Farba výplne Border color Farba ohraničenia Symbol name Názov symbolu Offset Odsadenie Horizontal anchor point Vertical anchor point QgsEncodingFileDialog Encoding: Kódovanie: Cancel &All Zrušiť &všetky QgsEngineConfigDialog Search method Vyhľadávacia metóda Chain (fast) Chain (rýchla) Popmusic Tabu Popmusic Tabu Popmusic Chain Popmusic Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain FALP (fastest) FALP (najrýchlejšia) Number of candidates Počet kandidátov Point Bod Line Línia Polygon Polygón (i.e. including colliding objects) (t.j. vrátane kolidujúcich objektov) Draw text as outlines (recommended) Show shadow rectangles (for debugging) Zobraziť tieň obdĺžníkov (pre ladenie chýb) Show partials labels Show all labels and features for all layers Zobraziť všetky popisky a objekty všetkých vrstiev Automated Placement Engine Show candidates (for debugging) Zobraziť kandiátov (pre ladenie chýb) QgsErrorDialog Error Chyba QgsErrorDialogBase Dialog Dialógové okno <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Summary</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Zhrnutie</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Detailed report.</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Podrobná správa</p></body></html> Always show details Vždy zobraziť detaily Details >> Detaily >> QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBase Expression string builder Tvorca výrazov QgsExpressionBuilderWidget (String Concatenation) (Spojenie reťazca) Joins two values together into a string Spojí dve hodnoty do reťazca Usage Použitie 'Dia' || Diameter 'Dia' || Priemer Search Vyhľadávanie Addition operator Operátor sčítania Subtraction operator Operátor odčítania Multiplication operator Operátor násobenia Division operator Operátor delenia Modulo operator Operátor percentá Power operator Equal operator Operátor rovnosti Greater as operator Operátor "väčší ako" Less than operator Operátor "menší ako" Unequal operator Operátor nerovnosti Less or equal operator Operátor "menší alebo rovný" Greater or equal operator Operátor "väčší alebo rovný" Recent (%1) Parser Error Chyba pri spracovaní Eval Error Chyba pri vyhodnocovaní Expression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a> Výraz je neplatný <a href=viac>(viac info)</a> More info on expression error Viac informácií o chybe výrazu Load top 10 unique values Načítať prvých 10 jedinečných hodnôt Load all unique values Načítať všetky jedinečné hodnoty QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBase Form Formulár Function list Selected function help Field values Load values all unique 10 samples Operators Operátory Equal operator = = Addition operator + + Subtraction operator - - Division operator / / Multiplication operator * * Power operator ^ ^ String Concatenation || || Open Bracket ( ( Close Bracket ) ) Output preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer. Náhľad výstupu je vytváraný <br> pomocou prvého objektu z vrstvy. Output preview: Expression Výraz QgsExpressionSelectionDialogBase Select By Expression Výber podľa výrazu Close Zatvoriť ... ... Select Vybrať Add to selection Pridať do výberu Remove from selection Odobrať z výberu Select within selection Vybrať v rámci výberu QgsExtentGroupBox layer Vrstva map view user defined Extent (current: %1) QgsExtentGroupBoxWidget Form West Západ East Východ North Sever South Juh Layer extent Map view extent QgsFeatureAction Run actions Spustiť akcie QgsFeatureSelectionDlg Dialog QgsFieldCalculator Not available for layer Nie je k dispozícii pre vrstvu Only update %1 selected features Evaluation error Chyba pri vyhodnocovaní Provider error Chyba na strane zdroja Could not add the new field to the provider. Nie je možné pridať nové pole do zdroja. Error Chyba An error occured while evaluating the calculation string: %1 Vyskytla sa chyba počas vyhodnocovania reťazca výpočtu: %1 Please enter a field name Zadajte prosím názov poľa The expression is invalid see (more info) for details Výraz je neplatný, pozri detaily pre viac informácií QgsFieldCalculatorBase Field calculator Atribútová kalkulačka Only update selected features Aktualizovať len vybrané objekty You are editing information on this layer but the layer is currently not in edit mode. If you click Ok, edit mode will automatically be turned on. This layer does not support adding new provider fields. You can only add virtual fields. Create a new field Vytvoriť nové pole Output field name Názov výstupného poľa Output field type Typ výstupného poľa <p>A virtual field will be recalculated every time it is used. Its definition will be saved in the project file. It will not be saved in the dataprovider and therefore its values not be available in other software.</p> Create virtual field Output field width Šírka výstupného poľa Width of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width. Šírka celého výstupu. Napríklad pri hodnote 123,456 je šírka poľa 6. Precision Presnosť Update existing field Aktualizovať existujúce pole QgsFieldComboBoxPlugin A combo box to list the fields of a layer A combo box to list the field of a layer. QgsFieldExpressionWidget Expression dialog QgsFieldExpressionWidgetPlugin An editable combo box to enter an expression An editable combo box to enter an expression. A button allows opening the expression dialog. Expression are evaluated to detect errors. QgsFieldsProperties Label Popisok Id ID Name Názov Type Typ Type name Názov typu Length Dĺžka Precision Presnosť Comment Komentár Edit widget Upraviť grafický prvok Alias Alias Layer Vrstva Field Added attribute Pridaný atribút Failed to add field Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique? Deleted attributes Line edit Editovateľný riadok Unique values Jedinečné hodnoty Unique values editable Editovateľné jedinečné hodnoty Classification Klasifikácia Value map Mapa hodnôt Edit range Upraviť rozsah Slider range Rozsah posuvníka Dial range File name Názov súboru Enumeration Výpočet Immutable Nemeniteľný Hidden Skrytý Checkbox Zaškrtávacie políčko Text edit Úprava textu Calendar Kalendár Value relation Relácia hodnôt UUID generator Generátor UUID Photo Fotografia Web view Webové zobrazenie Color Farba Editor Widget Select edit form Vyberte formulár UI file Súbor UI QgsFieldsPropertiesBase Field calculator Atribútová kalkulačka Click to toggle table editing Kliknutím sa povolia alebo zakážu úpravy Toggle editing mode Povoliť/Zakázať úpravy New column Nový stĺpec Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Delete column Odstrániť stĺpec QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened. Use this function to add extra logic to your forms. An example is (in module MyForms.py): def open(dialog, layer, feature): geom = feature.geometry() control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit") Reference in Python Init Function like so: MyForms.open MyForms.py must live on PYTHONPATH, .qgis/python, or inside the project folder. Fields Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Relations ... ... Edit UI Upraviť UI + + - - > > ^ ^ v v Suppress attribute form pop-up after feature creation Default On Off Autogenerate Automaticky generovaný Drag and drop designer Potiahnúť a presunúť Provide ui-file Poskytnúť súbor UI Attribute editor layout: Rozloženie editora atribútu: Python Init function Funkcia Python Init QgsFileNameWidgetWrapper ... Select a file QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select symbol color QgsFormAnnotationDialog Delete Odstrániť Qt designer file Súbor Qt designer QgsFormAnnotationDialogBase Form annotation Anotácia formulára ... ... QgsGCPListModel map units mapové jednotky pixels pixely QgsGCPListWidget Recenter Remove Odobrať QgsGPSDetector internal GPS local gpsd QgsGPSDeviceDialog New device %1 Nové zariadenie %1 Are you sure? Ste si istý? Are you sure that you want to delete this device? Ste si istý, že chcete odstrániť toto zariadenie? QgsGPSDeviceDialogBase GPS Device Editor Editor zariadení GPS Devices Delete Vymazať New Nové Update Aktualizovať Device name This is the name of the device as it will appear in the lists Názov zariadenia tak, ako sa bude objavovať v zoznamoch Commands Príkazy Track download Príkazy Route upload Waypoint download The command that is used to download routes from the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na stiahnutie ciest (routes) z tohoto zariadenia Route download The command that is used to upload waypoints to the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na nahratie orientačných bodov (waypoints) do tohoto zariadenia Track upload The command that is used to download tracks from the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na stiahnutie stôp (tracks) z tohoto zariadenia The command that is used to upload routes to the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na nahratie ciest (rosutes) do tohoto zariadenia The command that is used to download waypoints from the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na stiahnutie orientačných bodov (waypoints) z tohoto zariadenia The command that is used to upload tracks to the device Príkaz, ktorý sa používa na nahratie stôp (tracks) do zariadenia Waypoint upload <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html> QgsGPSInformationWidget /gps /gps No path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again. Nie je vybraná žiadna cesta k portu pre GPS. Zadajte prosím cestu alebo skúste opäť. Connecting... Pripája sa... Connecting to GPS device... Pripája sa k zariadeniu GPS... Timed out! Čas vypršal! Failed to connect to GPS device. Zlyhalo pripojenie k GPS zariadeniu. Connected! Pripojené! Dis&connect O&dpojiť Connected to GPS device. Pripojené k GPS zariadeniu. Error opening log file. Chyba pri otváraní log súboru. Disconnected... Odpojené... &Connect &Pripojiť Disconnected from GPS device. Odpojené od GPS zariadenia. %1 m %1 m %1 km/h %1 km/h Automatic Automaticky Manual Manuálne 3D 3D 2D 2D No fix Bez polohy Differential Diferenciálna Non-differential Nediferenciálna No position Bez polohy Valid Platné Invalid Neplatné Not enough vertices Nedostatok uzlov Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices. Nie je možné dokončiť líniu objektu, kým nie je zložená aspoň z dvoch uzlov. Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices. Nie je možné dokončiť polygón objektu, kým nie je zložený apoň z troch uzlov. Feature added Objekt pridaný Error Chyba Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 Nie je možné odoslať zmeny do vrstvy %1 Chyby: %2 The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type Objekt nie je možné pridať, pretože odobratím priesečníkov polygónov by sa zmenil typ geometrie An error was reported during intersection removal Bola zaznamenaná chyba pri odoberaní priesečníka Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again. Nie je možné pridať objekt. Neznámy typ WKB. Vyberte inú vrstvu a skúste opäť. Save GPS log file as Uložiť GPS log súbor ako NMEA files Súbory NMEA &Add feature &Pridať objekt &Add Point &Pridať bod &Add Line &Pridať líniu &Add Polygon &Pridať polygón QgsGPSInformationWidgetBase GPS Connect Pripojiť GPS &Add feature &Pridať objekt Quick status indicator: green = good or 3D fix yellow = good 2D fix red = no fix or bad fix gray = no data 2D/3D depends on this information being available Add track point Pridať bod trasy Reset track Obnoviť trasu ... ... Position Poloha Signal Signál Satellite Satelit Options Možnosti Debug Ladiť chyby &Connect &Pripojiť latitude of position fix (degrees) zemepisná šírka stanovenej polohy (v stupňoch) Longitude Zemepisná dĺžka longitude of position fix (degrees) zemepisná dĺžka stanovenej polohy (v stupňoch) antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level) nadmorská výška antény s ohľadom na geoid (stredná hladina mora) Altitude Nadmorská výška Latitude Zemepisná šírka Time of fix Čas stanovenia polohy date/time of position fix (UTC) dátum/čas stanovenia polohy (UTC) speed over ground rýchlosť nad zemou Speed Rýchlosť track direction (degrees) smer trasy (v stupňoch) Direction Smer Horizontal Dilution of Precision Horizontálne zoslabenie presnosti HDOP HDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision Vertikálne zoslabenie presnosti VDOP VDOP Position Dilution of Precision Polohové zoslabenie presnosti PDOP PDOP GPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or Manual Mode Režim position fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fix Rozmery stanovenej polohy: 2D, 3D alebo bez stanovenia Dimensions Rozmery quality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No position kvalita stanovenej polohy: diferenciálna, nediferenciálna alebo bez polohy Quality Kvalita position fix status: Valid or Invalid stav stanovenej polohy: platný alebo neplatný Status Stav number of satellites used in the position fix počet satelitov použitých pre stanovenie polohy Satellites Satelity H accurancy Horizontálna presnosť V accurancy Vertikálna presnosť Connection Pripojenie Autodetect Automatická detekcia Serial device Sériové zariadenie Refresh serial device list Obnoviť zoznam sériových zariadení Port Port Host Hostiteľ Device Zariadenie 00000; 00000; gpsd Internal Vnútorné Digitizing Digitalizácia Track Trasa Automatically add points Automaticky pridať body Track width in pixels Šírka trasy v pixeloch width šírka Color Farba save layer after every feature added uložiť vrstvu po každom pridaní objektu Automatically save added feature Automaticky uložiť pridaný objekt save GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a file uložiť GPS dáta (NMEA) do súboru Log File Log súbor browse for log file vyhľadať log súbor Map centering Centrovanie mapy when leaving pri opustení % of map extent % z rozsahu mapy never nikdy always vždy Cursor Kurzor Small Malý Large Veľký QgsGPSPlugin &GPS Tools &Create new GPX layer Vytvoriť &novú vrstvu GPX Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas Vytvorí novú vrstvu GPX a zobrazí ju v mapovom pohľade &GPS Save new GPX file as... Uložiť novú vrstvu GPX ako... GPS eXchange file Súbor GPS eXchange Could not create file Nemožno vytvoriť súbor Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory. GPX Loader Nahrávač GPX Unable to read the selected file. Please reselect a valid file. Could not start process Nemožno spustiť proces Could not start GPSBabel! Nemožno spustiť GPSBabel! Importing data... Importujú sa údaje... Cancel Zrušiť Could not import data from %1! Nemožno importovať údaje z %1! Error importing data Chyba pri importe údajov Could not convert data from %1! Error converting data Not supported Nepodporované This device does not support downloading of %1. Downloading data... Sťahujú sa údaje... Could not download data from GPS! Nemožno stiahnuť údaje z GPS! Error downloading data Chyba pri sťahovaní údajov This device does not support uploading of %1. Uploading data... Nahrávajú sa údaje... Error while uploading data to GPS! Chyba pri nahrávaní údajov do GPS! Error uploading data Chyba pri nahrávaní údajov QgsGPSPluginGui Waypoints Orientačné body (waypoints) Routes Cesty (routes) Tracks Stopy (tracks) Choose a file name to save under GPS eXchange format Select GPX file Vyberte súbor GPX Select file and format to import Vyberte súbor a formát na import Waypoints from a route Waypoints from a track Route from waypoints Track from waypoints GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) Výmennný súbor GPS (*.gpx) QgsGPSPluginGuiBase GPS Tools Nástroje na prácu s GPS Load GPX file Nahrať GPX súbor File Súbor Browse... Feature types Waypoints Orientačné body (waypoints) Routes Cesty (routes) Tracks Stopy (tracks) Import other file Importovať iný súbor File to import Feature type Layer name GPX output file Save As... Uložiť ako... (Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!) Download from GPS Stiahnuť z GPS GPS device Edit devices... Port Refresh Obnoviť Output file Upload to GPS Nahrať do GPS Data layer Edit devices Upraviť zariadenia GPX Conversions GPX input file Conversion QgsGPXProvider Bad URI - you need to specify the feature type. Chybné URI - je potrebné manuálne určiť typ objektu. GPS eXchange file Súbor GPS eXchange Digitized in QGIS Digitalizované v QGISe QgsGdalProvider Dataset Description Band %1 X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 Dimensions Origin Pixel Size Band Kanál Format not supported Cannot read data Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 QgsGenericProjectionSelector Define this layer's coordinate reference system: This layer appears to have no projection specification. By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below. QgsGenericProjectionSelectorBase Coordinate Reference System Selector QgsGeomColumnTypeThread Retrieving tables of %1... Scanning column %1.%2.%3... Table retrieval finished. QgsGeorefConfigDialog A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) ANSI C (17x22 inches) ANSI D (22x34 inches) ANSI E (34x44 inches) Arch A (9x12 inches) Arch B (12x18 inches) Arch C (18x24 inches) Arch D (24x36 inches) Arch E (36x48 inches) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) QgsGeorefConfigDialogBase Configure Georeferencer Point tip Show IDs Show coords Residual units Pixels Use map units if possible PDF report Left margin mm mm Right margin Show Georeferencer window docked PDF map Paper size QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBase Description georeferencer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html> QgsGeorefPlugin &Georeferencer... &Georeferencer &Georeferencer QgsGeorefPluginGui Georeferencer All other files (*) Open raster %1 is not a supported raster data source Unsupported Data Source Nepodporovaný zdroj údajov Raster loaded: %1 Georeferencer - %1 Transform: Info GDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation Load GCP points GCP file No GCP points to save Save GCP points Please load raster to be georeferenced Help Panels Toolbars Current transform parametrisation Coordinate: Current map coordinate None Žiadna Coordinate of image(column/line) Unable to open GCP points file %1 Save GCPs Save GCP points? Failed to get linear transform parameters World file exists <p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p> Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable Error Chyba Could not write to %1 map units pixels Transformation parameters Translation x Translation y Scale x Scale y Rotation [degrees] Mean error [%1] Residuals yes áno no nie Translation (%1, %2) Scale (%1, %2) Rotation: %1 Mean error: %1 Copy in clipboard %1 GDAL script Please set transformation type Please set output raster name %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more Linear Helmert Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Projective Not set QgsGeorefPluginGuiBase Georeferencer File Súbor View Edit Upraviť Settings Nastavenia GCP table toolBar Open raster Ctrl+O Zoom In Priblížiť Ctrl++ Zoom Out Oddialiť Ctrl+- Zoom to Layer Ctrl+Shift+F Pan Transformation settings Add point Ctrl+A Delete point Ctrl+D Quit Start georeferencing Ctrl+G Generate GDAL script Ctrl+C Link Georeferencer to QGIS Link QGIS to Georeferencer Save GCP points as... Ctrl+S Load GCP points Ctrl+L Configure Georeferencer Ctrl+P Raster properties Move GCP point Zoom Next Zoom Last Local histogram stretch Full histogram stretch QgsGlobePluginDialog GDAL files DEM files All files Open raster file Invalid Path: The file is either unreadable or does not exist Invalid URL: Do you want to add the datasource anyway? Open 3D model file Model files QgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBase Globe Settings Elevation Type Typ Raster TMS URL/File ... Up Map Mapa Base Layer URL URL TextLabel Sky Date / Time (UTC) dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm Auto ambient Vertical Scale Down Add Pridať Remove Odobrať Cache Path Video Anti Aliasing Samples [Leave empty for maximum] <i>Changing video settings requires a restart of the globe plugin</i> Model Point Layer 3D Model Stereo Stereo Mode Screen distance (m) Screen width (m) Split stereo horizontal separation (px) Split stereo vertical separation (px) Split stereo vertical eye mapping Screen height (m) Eye separation (m) Reset to defaults Split stereo horizontal eye mapping QgsGml Loading GML data %1 Načitávanie dát GML %1 Abort Prerušiť Error: %1 on line %2, column %3 Chyba: %1 na riadku %2, stĺpec %3 WFS WFS GML Getfeature network request failed with error: %1 Požiadavka GML GetFeature zlyhala s chybou: %1 Network Sieť QgsGmlSchema Cannot guess schema QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select gradient color Transparent Color (start) Color (end) Angle Gradient type Coordinate mode Spread Reference Point 1 (x) Reference Point 1 (y) Reference Point 1 (is centroid) Reference Point 2 (x) Reference Point 2 (y) Reference Point 2 (is centroid) QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Model Symbol Symbol Values Legend QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget Column Stĺpec Symbol Symbol Change... Zmeniť... Classes Triedy Color ramp Farebná škála Precision of upper and lower values in label text. Positive is number of decimal places Negative rounds to powers of 10 Check to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point from the upper and lower values in the legend. Template for the legend text associated with each classification. Use "%1" for the lower bound of the classification, and "%2" for the upper bound. Mode Režim Equal Interval Rovnaký interval Quantile (Equal Count) Quantile (Rovnaký počet) Natural Breaks (Jenks) Natural Breaks (Jenks) Standard Deviation Štandardná odchýlka Pretty Breaks Pretty Breaks Invert Legend Format Precision Presnosť Trim Classify Klasifikovať Add class Pridať triedu Delete Odstrániť Delete all Odstrániť všetky Link class boundaries Advanced Pokročilé Symbol levels... Úrovne symbolu... Error Chyba There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. Nie sú dostupné farebné škály. Pridať ich môžete cez Správcu štýlov. The selected color ramp is not available. Vybraná farebná škála nie je dostupná. Warning Upozornenie Natural break classification (Jenks) is O(n2) complexity, your classification may take a long time. Press cancel to abort breaks calculation or OK to continue. Linked range warning Rows will be reordered before linking boundaries. Continue? QgsGrassAttributes Column Stĺpec Value Hodnota Type Typ Layer Vrstva Warning Upozornenie ERROR CHYBA OK OK QgsGrassAttributesBase GRASS Attributes GRASS - atribúty Tab 1 result výsledok Update database record Aktualizovať záznam v databáze Update Aktualizovať Add new category using settings in GRASS Edit toolbox Pridať novú kategóriu s použitím nastavení v nástrojovom paneli GRASS - Úpravy New Nový Delete selected category Vymazať vybranú kategóriu Delete Vymazať QgsGrassBrowser Tools Nástroje Add selected map to canvas Pridať vybranú mapu na plátno Copy selected map Kopírovať vybranú mapu Rename selected map Premenovať vybranú mapu Delete selected map Vymazať vybranú mapu Set current region to selected map Nastaviť aktuálny región na rozsah vybranej mapy Refresh Obnoviť New name Nové meno New name for layer "%1" Warning Upozornenie Cannot copy map %1@%2 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot rename map %1 Information Informácie Remove the selected layer(s) from canvas before continue. Question Are you sure you want to delete %n selected layer(s)? number of layers to delete Cannot delete map %1 Cannot write new region Nemožno zapísať nový región QgsGrassEdit Warning Upozornenie You are not owner of the mapset, cannot open the vector for editing. Nie ste vlastníkom tohto súboru máp (mapsetu), vektorovú vrstvu nemožno otvoriť pre úpravy. Cannot open vector for update. Edit tools Nástroje na úpravy New point Nový bod New line Nová línia New boundary Nové ohraničenie New centroid Nový centroid Move vertex Presunúť uzol Add vertex Pridať uzol Delete vertex Vymazať uzol Move element Posun prvku Split line Rozdeliť líniu Delete element Vymazať prvok Edit attributes Upraviť atribúty Close Zatvoriť Background Pozadie Highlight Zvýraznenie Dynamic Point Bod Line Línia Boundary (no area) Ohraničenie (nie oblasť) Boundary (1 area) Ohraničenie (1 oblasť) Boundary (2 areas) Ohraničenie (2 oblasti) Centroid (in area) Centroid (v oblasti) Centroid (outside area) Centroid (mimo oblasti) Centroid (duplicate in area) Node (1 line) Node (2 lines) Next not used Najbližšie nepoužité Manual entry Ručné vkladanie No category Bez kategórie Info The table was created Tool not yet implemented. Nástroj nie je zatiaľ implementovaný. Cannot check orphan record: %1 Orphan record was left in attribute table. <br>Delete the record? V tabuľke atribútov ostal osirelý záznam. <br>Zmazať tento záznam? Cannot delete orphan record: Nemožno zmazať osirelý záznam: Cannot describe table for field %1 Left: %1 -- Middle: %1 -- Right: %1 QgsGrassEditAddVertex Select line segment New vertex position Release QgsGrassEditAttributes Select element QgsGrassEditBase GRASS Edit GRASS - úpravy Category Kategória Mode Mód Layer Vrstva Settings Nastavenia Snapping in screen pixels Zameriavanie v obrazovkových pixeloch Symbology Symbolika Line width Hrúbka čiary Marker size Veľkosť značky Disp Color Farba Type Typ Index Table Tabuľka Column Stĺpec Length Add Column Pridať stĺpec Create / Alter Table Vytvoriť / vymeniť tabuľku QgsGrassEditDeleteLine Select element Delete selected / select next Release selected QgsGrassEditDeleteVertex Select vertex Delete vertex Vymazať uzol Release vertex QgsGrassEditMoveLine Select element New location Release selected QgsGrassEditMoveVertex Select vertex Select new position QgsGrassEditNewLine New vertex Undo last vertex Close line QgsGrassEditNewPoint New centroid Nový centroid New point Nový bod QgsGrassEditSplitLine Select position on line Split the line Release the line Select point on line QgsGrassElementDialog Cancel Zrušiť Ok OK <font color='red'>Enter a name!</font> <font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font> <font color='red'>Exists!</font> <font color='red'>Existuje!</font> Overwrite QgsGrassMapcalc Mapcalc tools Nástroje mapcalc Add map Pridať mapu Add constant value Pridať konštantnú hodnotu Add operator or function Pridať operátor alebo funkciu Add connection Pridať spojenie Select item Vybrať položku Delete selected item Vymazať vybranú položku Open Otvoriť Save Uložiť Save as Uložiť ako Addition Sčítanie Subtraction Odčítanie Multiplication Násobenie Division Delenie Modulus Modulo (zvyšok po celočíselnom delení) Exponentiation Mocnina Equal Rovnosť Not equal Nerovnosť Greater than Väčší než Greater than or equal Väčší alebo rovný Less than Menší než Less than or equal Menší alebo rovný And A Or Alebo Absolute value of x Absolútna hodnota z x Inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) Arkus tangens (výsledok v stupňoch) Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) Arkus tangens z y/x (výsledok v stupňoch) Current column of moving window (starts with 1) Aktuálny stĺpec z pohybujúceho sa okna (začína s 1) Cosine of x (x is in degrees) Kosínus x (x je v stupňoch) Convert x to double-precision floating point Prekonvertuje x na číslo s pohyblivou rádovou čiarkou s dvojitou presnosťou Current east-west resolution Aktuálne rozlíšenie vo východo-západnom smere Exponential function of x Exponenciálna funkcia e na x-tú x to the power y x na y (mocnina) Convert x to single-precision floating point Prekonvertuje x na číslo s pohyblivou rádovou čiarkou s jednoduchou presnosťou Decision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise Rozhodnutie: 1 ak x je nenulové, 0 v ostatných prípadoch Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwise Rozhodnutie: a ak x je nenulové, 0 v ostatných prípadoch Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwise Rozhodnutie: a ak x je nenulové, b v ostatných prípadoch Decision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 Rozhodnutie: a ak x > 0, b ak x je nula, c ak x < 0 Convert x to integer [ truncates ] Prekonvertuje x na celé číslo [ zanedbá desatinnú časť ] Check if x = NULL Skontroluje či x = NULL (prázdna hodnota) Natural log of x Prirodzený logaritmus z x Log of x base b Logaritmus z x pri základe b Largest value Najväčšia hotnota Median value Stredná hodnota (medián) Smallest value Najmenšia hodnota Mode value Modus 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise 1 ak x je nula, 0 v ostatných pípadoch Current north-south resolution Aktuálne rozlíšenie v severo-južnom smere NULL value hodnota NULL (prázdna hodnota) Random value between a and b Náhodná hodnota medzi a a b Round x to nearest integer Zaokrúhliť x k najbližšiemu celému číslu Current row of moving window (Starts with 1) Aktuálny rad pohybujúceho sa okna (začína s 1) Sine of x (x is in degrees) sin(x) Sínus x (x je v stupňoch) Square root of x sqrt(x) Druhá odmocnina z x Tangent of x (x is in degrees) tan(x) Tangens x (x je v stupňoch) Current x-coordinate of moving window Aktuálna x-ová súradnica pohybujúceho sa okna Current y-coordinate of moving window Aktuálna y-ová súradnica pohybujúceho sa okna Output Výstup Warning Upozornenie Cannot get current region Nemožno zistiť aktuálny región Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot get region of map %1 No GRASS raster maps currently in QGIS V QGISe sa momentálne nenachádzajú žiadne rastrové vrstvy GRASSu Cannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset. V aktuálnom súbore máp (mapsete) nemožno vytvoriť adresár 'mapcalc'. New mapcalc Enter new mapcalc name: Enter vector name The file already exists. Overwrite? Save mapcalc File name empty Prázdne meno súboru Cannot open mapcalc file The mapcalc schema (%1) not found. Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1) Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 QgsGrassMapcalcBase MainWindow MapCalc Output Výstup QgsGrassModule Module: %1 Warning Upozornenie The module file (%1) not found. Cannot open module file (%1) Cannot read module file (%1) %1 at line %2 column %3 Module %1 not found Cannot find man page %1 Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed. Not available, description not found (%1) Not available, cannot open description (%1) Not available, incorrect description (%1) Run Spustiť Cannot get input region Input %1 outside current region! Use Input Region Output %1 exists! Overwrite? Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module: %1 Stop Zastaviť <B>Successfully finished</B> <B>Úspešne dokončené</B> <B>Finished with error</B> <B>Dokončené s chybami</B> <B>Module crashed or killed</B> <B>Modul havaroval alebo bol zabitý</B> QgsGrassModuleBase GRASS Module GRASS - moduly Options Možnosti Output Výstup Manual Manuál TextLabel Run Spustiť View output Prezrieť výstup Close Zatvoriť QgsGrassModuleField Attribute field Warning Upozornenie 'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing. QgsGrassModuleFile File Súbor %1:&nbsp;missing value %1:&nbsp;directory does not exist QgsGrassModuleGdalInput OGR/PostGIS/GDAL Input Warning Upozornenie Cannot find layeroption %1 Cannot find whereoption %1 Password Select a layer PostGIS driver in OGR does not support schemas!<br>Only the table name will be used.<br>It can result in wrong input if more tables of the same name<br>are present in the database. %1:&nbsp;no input QgsGrassModuleInput Input Warning Upozornenie Cannot find typeoption %1 Cannot find values for typeoption %1 Cannot find layeroption %1 GRASS element %1 not supported Use region of this map Select a layer %1 (band %2) Cannot get provider %1:&nbsp;no input QgsGrassModuleOption Browse Output file GeoTIFF Warning Upozornenie Cannot parse version_min %1 Cannot parse version_max %1 %1:&nbsp;missing value QgsGrassModuleSelection Selected categories QgsGrassModuleStandardOptions Warning Upozornenie Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module %1 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot read module description (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Region Input layers Current map canvas Cannot find key %1 << Hide advanced options Show advanced options >> Item with key %1 not found Item with id %1 not found Cannot get current region Nemožno zistiť aktuálny región Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot set region Cannot get selected layer Cannot get provider The layer CRS (defined in QGIS) and data source CRS differ. We are not yet able to pass the layer CRS to GRASS module. Please set correct data source CRS or change layer CRS to data source CRS. Cannot get raster provider Cannot set region of map %1 QgsGrassNewMapset Database Databáza Location 1 Lokalita 1 System mapset User's mapset Location 2 Lokalita 2 Enter path to GRASS database Zadajte cestu k databáze GRASSu The directory doesn't exist! No writable locations, the database is not writable! Enter location name! The location exists! Selected projection is not supported by GRASS! Warning Upozornenie Cannot create projection. Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set. North must be greater than south East must be greater than west Regions file (%1) not found. Cannot open locations file (%1) Cannot read locations file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem Cannot reproject selected region. Cannot reproject region Enter mapset name. The mapset already exists Database: Databáza: Location: Lokalita: Mapset: Súbor máp: Create location Cannot create new location: %1 Create mapset Cannot create new mapset directory Cannot open DEFAULT_WIND Cannot open WIND New mapset Nový súbor máp (mapset) New mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1 New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset. QgsGrassNewMapsetBase New Mapset GRASS Database Tree Comment Example directory tree: Príklad adresárovej štruktúry: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html> Database Error Chyba databázy Database: Databáza: Browse... Select existing directory or create a new one: Vyberte existujúci adresár alebo vytvorte nový: GRASS Location Location Lokalita Select location Vybrať lokalitu Create new location Vytvoriť novú lokalitu Location Error Chyba v lokalite <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.</p></body></html> Projection Mapové zobrazenie Projection Error Chyba mapového zobrazenia Coordinate system Súradnicový systém Not defined Nedefinované Default GRASS Region <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.</p></body></html> Set current QGIS extent Nastaviť na aktuálny rozsah v QGISe Set Nastaviť Region Error Chyba v regióne S J W Z E V N S Mapset Mapset New mapset: Nový súbor máp (mapset): Mapset Error Chyba v súbore máp <p align="center">Existing mapsets</p> Owner <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).</p></body></html> Create New Mapset Location: Lokalita: Mapset: Súbor máp: QgsGrassPlugin GrassVector 0.1 0.1 GRASS layer Vrstva GRASSu Plugins Add GRASS raster layer Pridať rastrovú vrstvu GRASSu Open GRASS tools Otvoriť nástroje GRASSu Display Current Grass Region Zobraziť aktuálny región GRASSu Edit Current Grass Region Upraviť aktuálny región GRASSu Edit Grass Vector layer Upraviť vektorovú vrstvu GRASSu Open Mapset New Mapset Close Mapset Add GRASS Vector Layer Adds a GRASS vector layer to the map canvas Na mapové plátno pridá vektorovú vrstvu GRASSu Adds a GRASS raster layer to the map canvas Na mapové plátno pridá rastrovú vrstvu GRASSu Open GRASS Tools Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas Zobrazí na mapovom plátne aktuálny región GRASSu ako obdĺžnik Edit the current GRASS region Upraví aktuálny región GRASSu Edit the currently selected GRASS vector layer. Upraví vybranú vektorovú vrstvu GRASSu. Create New Grass Vector &GRASS &GRASS GRASS GRASS Warning Upozornenie Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using v.build module). Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 Cannot open GRASS vector: %1 GRASS Edit is already running. New vector name Cannot create new vector: %1 New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider. Cannot start editing. Cannot open vector for update. GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. Cannot read current region: %1 Cannot open the mapset. %1 Cannot close mapset. %1 Cannot close current mapset. %1 Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1 QgsGrassProvider GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology? QgsGrassRasterProvider cellhd file %1 does not exist Groups not yet supported Format not supported Cannot read data QgsGrassRegion Warning Upozornenie GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. Cannot read current region: %1 Select color Cannot write region QgsGrassRegionBase GRASS Region Settings Nastavenie pracovnej oblasti GRASSu Extent North Sever West Západ East Východ South Juh Select the extent by dragging on canvas or change the following values Resolution Cell width Cell height Columns Stĺpcov Rows Riadky Border Color Farba Width Hrúbka QgsGrassSelect Select GRASS Vector Layer Vyberte vektorovú vrstvu GRASSu Select GRASS Raster Layer Vyberte rastrovú vrstvu GRASSu Select GRASS mapcalc schema Vyberte schému mapcalcu Select GRASS Mapset Vyberte súbor máp (mapset) GRASSu Choose existing GISDBASE Vyberte existujúcu GISDBASE Wrong GISDBASE, no locations available. Chybná GISDBASE, nie sú dostupné žiadne lokality (locations). Wrong GISDBASE Chybná GISDBASE Select a map. Vyberte mapu. No map Žiadna mapa No layer Žiadna vrstva No layers available in this map V tejto mape sa nenachádzajú žiadne vrstvy QgsGrassSelectBase Add GRASS Layer Pridať vrstvu GRASSu Gisdbase Gisdbase Location Lokalita Mapset Mapset Map name Meno mapy Select or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters) Vyberte alebo napíšte meno mapy (pre rastre budú akceptované aj označovacie konvencie '*' a '?') Layer Vrstva Browse... QgsGrassShell Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+C Warning Upozornenie Cannot rename the lock file %1 QgsGrassTools GRASS Tools Nástroje GRASSu GRASS Tools: %1/%2 GRASS Direct Tools Modules Tree Modules List Browser Prehliadač Direct Modules Tree Direct Modules List Cannot start command shell (%1) Warning Upozornenie GRASS Shell is not compiled. The config file (%1) not found. Cannot open config file (%1). Cannot read config file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 QgsGrassToolsBase Grass Tools Modules Tree 1 Modules List Filter Direct Modules Tree Direct Modules List QgsGuiVectorLayerTools Add feature Start editing failed Provider cannot be opened for editing Stop editing Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? Error Chyba Problems during roll back Commit errors Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %1 Show more QgsHandleBadLayers Browse Prechádzať Layer name Názov vrstvy Type Typ Provider Zdroj Datasource none žiadny Select file to replace '%1' Vybrať súbor na nahradenie '%1' Please select exactly one file. Prosím vyberte práve jeden súbor. Select new directory of selected files Vyberte nový adresár vybraných súborov Unhandled layer will be lost. Neošetrená vrstva sa stratí. There are still %n unhandled layer(s), that will be lost if you closed now. unhandled layers Je tu stále %n neošetrená vrstva. ktorá sa stratí, ak ju teraz uzavriete.Je tu stále %n neošetrených vrstiev. ktoré sa stratia, ak ich teraz uzavriete. QgsHandleBadLayersBase Handle bad layers Ošetriť zlé vrstvy QgsHandleBadLayersHandler Handle bad layers %1 of %2 bad layers were not fixable. %1 z %2 zlých vrstiev nebolo možné opraviť. QgsHelpViewer QGIS Help Pomocník QGISu QgsHelpViewerBase QGIS Help QGIS Pomocník about:blank o:prázdne QgsHtmlAnnotationDialog HTML annotation Delete Odstrániť html HTML QgsHttpTransaction WMS Server responded unexpectedly with HTTP Status Code %1 (%2) WMS Server odpovedal neočakávane s kódom stavu HTTP %1 (%2) Received %1 of %2 bytes Prijatých %1 z %2 bajtov Received %1 bytes (total unknown) HTTP response completed, however there was an error: %1 Požiadavka HTTP dokončená, avšak vyskytla sa chyba: %1 HTTP transaction completed, however there was an error: %1 HTTP prenos dokončený, avšak vyskytla sa chyba: %1 Not connected Nepripojený Looking up '%1' Hľadá sa '%1' Connecting to '%1' Pripája sa k '%1' Sending request '%1' Posiela sa požiadavka na '%1' Receiving reply Prijíma sa odpoveď Response is complete Odpoveď dokončená Closing down connection Zatvára sa spojenie Network timed out after %n second(s) of inactivity. This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. inactivity timeout Sieť vypršala po %n sekundovej nečinnosti. Môže byť problém vo Vašom sieťovom pripojení alebo na strane WMS servera. QgsIDWInterpolatorDialogBase Dialog Distance coefficient P QgsIdentifyMenu Identify %1 all (%2) QgsIdentifyResultsBase Identify Results Výsledky identifikácie Expand tree Collapse tree Layer Vrstva FID Attribute Value Hodnota ... ... Clear Results Help Select identify mode Mode Mód Select view mode for raster layers View Auto open form New results will be expanded by default. Nové výsledky budú rozšírené predvoleným nastavením. Copy selected feature to clipboard. Skopírovať vybraný objekt do schránky. Print selected HTML response. Vytlačiť odpoveď vo formáte HTML. QgsIdentifyResultsDialog Identify Results Výsledky identifikácie Feature Objekt Value Hodnota Current layer Top down, stop at first Top down Layer selection (Derived) (Odvodené) (Actions) (Akcie) Edit feature form Upraviť formulár objektu View feature form Zobraziť formulár objektu Table Tabuľka Tree Graph feature id Format Formát No attributes. Zoom to feature Priblížiť na objekt Copy feature Kopírovať objekt Toggle feature selection Copy attribute value Kopírovať hodnotu atribútu Copy feature attributes Kopírovať atribúty objektu Copy GetFeatureInfo request URL Kopírovať URL požiadavky GetFeatureInfo Clear results Vyčistiť výsledky Clear highlights Vymazať zvýraznenia Highlight all Zvýrazniť všetko Highlight layer Zvýrazniť vrstvu Activate layer Layer properties... Vlastnosti vrstvy... Expand all Rozbaliť všetko Collapse all Zbaliť všetko Attributes changed Cannot print Nie je možné tlačiť Cannot print this item Nie je možné vytlačiť túto položku QgsIdentifyResultsWebView Print Tlačiť QgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItem Loading... Načitávanie... QgsImageWarper Progress indication QgsInterpolationDialog Triangular interpolation (TIN) Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) No input data for interpolation Please add one or more input layers Output file name invalid Please enter a valid output file name Break lines Structure lines Points Body Save interpolated raster as... QgsInterpolationDialogBase Interpolation plugin Input Vector layers Interpolation attribute Use z-Coordinate for interpolation Add Pridať Remove Odobrať Vector layer Attribute Type Typ Output Výstup Interpolation method ... Number of columns Number of rows Cellsize X Cellsize Y X min X max Y min Y max Set to current extent Output file Add result to project QgsInterpolationPlugin &Interpolation QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidget The inverted polygon renderer only applies to polygon and multipolygon layers. '%1' is not a polygon layer and then cannot be displayed QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetBase Form Sub renderer: Merge polygons before rendering (slow) QgsLUDialogBase Enter class bounds Vložiť hranice triedy Lower value Spodná hodnota Upper value Vrchná hodnota QgsLabelDialog Auto Automaticky QgsLabelDialogBase Form1 Popisy Label Properties Vlastnosti popisku Placement Umiestnenie Below Right Vpravo dole Right Vpravo Below Nadol Over Skrz Above Nahor Left Vľavo Below Left Vľavo dole Above Right Vpravo hore Above Left Vľavo hore Use scale dependent rendering Použiť vykresľovanie v závislosti od mierky Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Buffer labels Popisky okolia Buffer size Veľkosť okolia In points V bodoch In map units V mapových jednotkách Color Farba % % Transparency Priehľadnosť Offset Odsadenie X offset Odsadenie na osi X Y offset Odsadenie na osi Y Basic label options Možnosti základného popisku Field containing label Pole obsahujúce popisok Default label Predvolený popisok Font size Veľkosť písma Angle (deg) Uhol (v stupňoch) ° ° Font Písmo Multiline labels? Viacriadkové popisy? Label only selected features Popisok len vybraných objektov Advanced Pokročilé Data defined placement Umiestnenie definované dátami Data defined properties Vlastnosti definované dátami &Font family &Druh písma &Bold &Tučné &Italic &Kurzíva &Underline &Podčiarknuté &Size &Veľkosť Size units Veľkostné jednotky &Color &Farba Strikeout Prečiarknuté Data defined buffer Okolie definované dátami Transparency: Priehľadnosť: Size: Veľkosť: Data defined position Pozícia definovaná dátami X Coordinate X-ová súradnica Y Coordinate Y-ová súradnica X Offset (pts) Odsadenie na osi X (v bodoch) Y Offset (pts) Odsadenie na osi Y (v bodoch) Preview: Náhľad: QGIS Rocks! QGIS je najlepší! QgsLabelPropertyDialog Expression result Výsledok výrazu Font color Farba písma Buffer color Farba okolia QgsLabelPropertyDialogBase Label properties Vlastnosti popisku Text Text Font Písmo Available typeface styles Dostupné štýly písma Size Veľkosť Style Štýl Underlined text Podčiarknutý text U U Strikeout text Prečiarknutý text S S Bold text (data defined only, overrides Style) Tučný text (definovaný iba dátami, prepisuje štýl) B B Italic text (data defined only, overrides Style) Text s kurzívou (definovaný iba dátami, prepisuje štýl) I I Display Zobrazenie Scale-based Na základe mierky Min Min Max Max Show label Zobraziť popisok Ignores priority and permits collisions/overlaps Ignoruje prioritu a povolí kolízie/prekrývanie Always show (exceptions above) Zobraziť vždy Buffer Okolie Position Umiestnenie Label distance Vzdialenosť popisku X Coordinate X-ová súradnica Y Coordinate Y-ová súradnica Horizontal alignment Vodorovné zarovnanie Vertical alignment Zvislé zarovnanie Rotation Otočenie QgsLabelingGui points map units mm % of length Select fill color Select text color Select buffer color Select border color Select shadow color %1 not found. Default substituted. %1 nenájdený. Nahradený predvoleným. Chosen font Vybrané písmo string reťazec [<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx] [<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx] [<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light Italic [<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light Italic double [0.0-10.0] double [0.0-10.0] int [0-20] int [0-20] int [0-2000] int [0-2000] int<br> int<br> double coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0] double coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0] In edit mode, layer's relevant labeling map tool is:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Defined attribute field -&gt; <i>enabled</i><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Defined expression -&gt; <i>disabled</i> V režime úprav je relevantný mapový nástroj popisku vrstvy:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Definované pole atribútu -&gt; <i>povolené</i><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Definovaný výraz -&gt; <i>zablokovaný</i> Value &lt; 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit. Hodnota &lt; 0 reprezentuje mierku bližšiu ako 1:1, napr. -10 = 10:1 <br>Hodnota 0 zakazuje špecifický limit. int [1-1000] int [1-1000] int [1-10000] int [1-10000] Text/Buffer sample Vzor textu/okolia @ %1 pts (using map units) @ %1 bodov (v mapových jednotkách) @ %1 pts (using map units, BUFFER IN MILLIMETERS) @ %1 bodov (v mapových jednotkách, OKOLIE V MILIMETROCH) (BUFFER NOT SHOWN, in map units) (OKOLIE NEZOBRAZENÉ. v mapových jednotkách) No change Bez zmeny All uppercase Všetky znaky veľkými písmenami All lowercase Všetky znaky malými písmenami Capitalize first letter Veľké začiatočné písmeno Size%1 Veľkosť%1 X X File not found Súbor nenájdený QgsLabelingGuiBase Layer labeling settings Nastavenia popiskov vrstvy Label this layer with Popisok tejto vrstvy s ... ... Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Sample text Vzor textu Reset sample text Obnoviť vzor textu Size for sample text in map units Veľkosť pre vzorový text v mapových jednotkách Sample background color Vzor farby pozadia Line direction symbol Symbol smeru riadka Formatted numbers Formátované čísla Decimal places Desatinné miesta Show plus sign Zobraziť znamienko plus Multiple lines Viac riadkov Automated placement settings (apply to all layers) Automatické nastavenia umiestnenia (použiť na všetky vrstvy) Text/Buffer Sample Vzor textu/okolia Text Text Formatting Formátovanie Shadow Tieňovanie Rendering Vykresľovanie letter písmeno Spacing Rozostupy Blend mode Režim prelínania word slovo Underlined text Podčiarknutý text Bold text (data defined only, overrides Style) Tučný text (definovaný iba dátami, prepisuje štýl) B B Italic text (data defined only, overrides Style) Text s kurzívou (definovaný iba dátami, prepisuje štýl) I I Font is missing. Text formatting Formátovanie textu Wrap on character Zalomiť na znaku Line height Výška riadku Line height spacing for multi-line text Výška rozostupu riadku pre viacriadkový text line riadok Alignment Zarovnanie Paragraph style alignment of multi-line text Štýl odseku zarovnania viacriadkového textu Left Vľavo Center Na stred Right Vpravo Force point inside polygon Repeat Discourage labels from covering features Prispôsobiť popisky prekrývajúcich sa objektov Text style Štýl textu Available typeface styles Dostupné typy písma U U Strikeout text Prečiarknutý text S S Style Štýl Transparency Priehľadnosť % % Capitalization style of text Štýl textu s veľkými písmenami Space in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choice Medzera v pixeloch alebo v mapových jednotkách, relatívne k vybranej jednotke veľkosti Type case Veľkosť znakov písma Font Písmo Color Farba Size Veľkosť Buffer Okolie Labels will not show if larger than this on screen Popisky sa nezobrazia, ak sú väčšie než tie na obrazovke px px Data defined Definované dáta X X Y Y Coordinate Súradnica Preserve data rotation values Zachovať hodnoty otočenia dát horizontal horizontálne vertical vertikálne Label options Možnosti popisku Value &lt; 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1.<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit. Hodnota &lt; 0 reprezentuje mierku bližšiu ako 1:1, napr. -10 = 10:1 <br>Hodnota 0 zakazuje špecifický limit. Maximum Maximum Pixel size-based visibility (labels in map units) Viditeľnosť na základe veľkosti pixelu Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen Popisky sa nezobrazia, ak sú menšie než tie na obrazovke Minimum Minimum < < Scale-based visibility Viditeľnosť na základe mierky > > Placement Umiestnenie left/right vľavo/vpravo above nad below pod Reverse direction Opačný smer Priority Priorita Low Nízka High Vysoká Around point Okolo bodu Offset from point Odsadiť od bodu Parallel Paralelné Curved Zakrivené Text buffer Text okolia Draw text buffer Nakresliť text okolia Color buffer's fill Farba výplne okolia Draw background Nakresliť pozadie Size X Veľkosť X Size type Typ rozsahu Size Y Veľkosť Y Fill color Farba výplne Border color Farba ohraničenia Draw drop shadow Nakresliť vrhnutý tieň Blur radius Polomer rozostrenia Blur only alpha pixels Rozostriť len alfa pixely Label's rotation is ignored Otočenie popisku je ignorované Use global shadow Použiť globálny tieň ˚ ˚ Lowest label component Najnižší komponent popisku Draw under Nakresliť pod Horizontal Vodorovné Offset from centroid Odsadiť od centroidu Around centroid Okolo centroidu Horizontal (slow) Vodorovné (pomalé) Free (slow) Voľné (pomalé) Using perimeter Použitie obvodu visible polygon viditeľného polygónu whole polygon celého polygónu Rotation Otočenie Above line Nad riadok On line Na riadok Below line Pod riadok Line orientation dependent position Pozícia závislá na orientácii riadku Centroid Centroid abc abc Quadrant Kvadrant Distance Vzdialenosť outside vonkajší inside vnútorný Maximum angle between curved characters Maximálny uhol medzi zakrivenými znakmi Pen join style Štýl pera pri pripájaní Drop shadow Vrhnúť tieň Offset Odsadenie Scale Mierka Background Pozadie Load symbol parameters Načítať parametre symbolu Fixed Pevné Offset X,Y Odsadenie X, Y Rectangle Obdĺžnik Square Štvorec Ellipse Elipsa Circle Kruh SVG SVG Shape Tvar Sync with label Synchronizovať s popiskom Offset of label Odsadiť od popisku Radius X,Y Polomer X, Y Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia symbol units jednotky symbolu Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels Zlúčiť pripojené riadky, aby sa zabránilo duplicitným popiskom Label every part of multi-part features Popisok pre každú časť zložených objektov Feature options Možnosti objektu Suppress labeling of features smaller than Potlačiť popisok objektov menších ako mm mm Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels) Zobraziť všetky popisky pre túto vrstvu (vrátane kolidujúcich popiskov) Show upside-down labels Zobraziť obrátené popisky never nikdy when rotation defined keď je definované otočenie always vždy Limit number of features to be labeled to Obmedziť počet objektov, ktoré majú byť označené popiskom, na Number of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeled Počet objektov odoslaných na popisok, aj keď nie všetky môžu byť označené popiskom Position Pozícia Uncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpin Odškrtnúť políčko na popisok rotácie pri pripnutí a NULL pri odopnutí Always show Zobraziť vždy Show label Zobraziť popisok QgsLayerPropertiesWidget Outline: %1 Obrys: %1 QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions &Add Group &Remove &Odobrať &Show in overview Re&name Preme&novať Show Feature Count &Zoom to Layer &Zoom to Group &Move to Top-level &Group Selected QgsLegendModel Group Skupina No Legend Available QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayerWidget Millimeter Map unit Angle Uhol Distance Vzdialenosť Line width Hrúbka čiary Color Farba QgsLoadStyleFromDBDialogLayout Styles related to the layer Štýly vzťahujúce sa k vrstve Other styles on the database Ďalšie štýly v databáze Cancel Zrušiť Load Style Načítať štýl QgsManageConnectionsDialog Select all Vybrať všetko Clear selection Vyčistiť výber Select connections to import Vyberte pripojenia na import Import Import Export Export Export/import error Chyba na strane exportu/importu You should select at least one connection from list. Mali by ste vybrať minimálne jedno pripojenie zo zoznamu. Save connections Uložiť pripojenia XML files (*.xml *.XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Saving connections Ukladanie pripojení Cannot write file %1: %2. Nie je možné zapísať súbor %1: %2. Loading connections Načitávanie pripojení Cannot read file %1: %2. Nie je možné čítať súbor %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Chyba pri spracovaní riadku %1, stĺpca %2: %3 The file is not an WMS connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia WMS. The file is not an WFS connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia WFS. The file is not an WCS connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia WCS. The file is not an PostGIS connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia PostGIS. The file is not an MSSQL connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia MSSQL. The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia Oracle. The file is not an %1 connections exchange file. Súbor nie je platný výmenný súbor pripojenia %1. Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Pripojenie s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? QgsManageConnectionsDialogBase Manage connections Spravovať pripojenia Select connections to export Vybrať pripojenia na export QgsMapCanvas canvas Rendering Vykresľovanie Canvas refresh: %1 ms QgsMapCoordsDialog From map canvas Z mapového okna QgsMapCoordsDialogBase Enter map coordinates Zadajte mapové súradnice Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (dd mm ss.ss), DD (dd.dd) or projected coordinates (mmmm.mm)) which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point. Zadajte súradnice, ktoré zodpovedajú vybranému bodu na obrázku. Prípadne kliknite na tlačítko s ikonkou ceruzky a potom na zodpovedajúci bod v mapovom okne QGISu, aby ste vyplnili súradnice tohto bodu. X / East: X / Východ: Y / North: Y / Sever: Snap to background layers Prichytiť na pozadie vrstiev QgsMapLayer Specify CRS for layer %1 Uveďte súradnicový systém pre vrstvu %1 %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 na riadku %2 stĺpec %3 Error: qgis element could not be found in %1 Chyba: prvok QGISu nebolo možné nájsť v %1 Loading style file %1 failed because: %2 Načitávanie súboru so štýlom %1 zlyhalo, pretože: %2 Could not save symbology because: %1 Nebolo možné uložiť symboliku, pretože: %1 The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable! Adresár obsahujúci Vaše dáta musí byť zapisovateľný! Style not found in database Created default style file as %1 Vytvorený predvolený súbor so štýlom ako %1 ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. CHYBA: Zlyhalo vytvorenie predvoleného súboru so štýlom ako %1. Skontrolujte oprávnenia súboru a skúste opäť. User database could not be opened. Nebolo možné otvoriť používateľskú databázu. The style table could not be created. Nebolo možné vytvoriť tabuľku so štýlom. The style %1 was saved to database Štýl %1 bol uložený do databázy The style %1 was updated in the database. Štýl %1 bol aktualizovaný v databáze. The style %1 could not be updated in the database. Štýl %1 sa v databáze nepodarilo aktualizovať. The style %1 could not be inserted into database. Štýl %1 nebolo možné vložiť do databázy. ERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. CHYBA: Zlyhalo vytvorenie súboru s SLD štýlom ako %1. Skontrolujte oprávnenia súboru a skúste opäť. Unable to open file %1 Nie je možné otvoriť súbor %1 QgsMapLayerComboBoxPlugin A combo box to list the layers A combo box to list the layers registered in QGIS. Layers might be filtered according to their type. QgsMapRenderer Transform error caught: %1 Zachytená chyba pri transformácii: %1 CRS Súradnicový systém QgsMapRendererJob Layer not found in registry. There was a problem transforming the layer's extent. Layer skipped. Insufficient memory for image %1x%2 QgsMapToolAddFeature add feature pridať objekt The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. Zdroj dát pre túto vrstvu nepodporuje pridávanie objektov. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Tento bod nemožno transformovať do súradnicového systému vrstiev Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer Add feature Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type Nie je možné pridať objekt. Neznámy typ WKB The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type Objekt nie je možné pridať, pretože odobratím priesečníkov polygónov by sa zmenil typ geometrie An error was reported during intersection removal Bola zaznamenaná chyba pri odoberaní priesečníka The feature cannot be added because it's geometry is empty Objekt nie je možné pridať, pretože jeho geometria je prázdna The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance Objekt nie je možné pridať, pretože jeho geometria sa zrušila kvôli zabráneniu priesečníka QgsMapToolAddPart No feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute table Nebol vybraný žiadny objekt. Prosím vyberte objekt pomocou nástroja výberu alebo v atribútovej tabuľke Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added. Je vybraných niekoľko objektov. Prosím vyberte len jeden objekt, ku ktorému sa má pridať časť. Part added Časť pridaná Could not add part. %1 Add part Coordinate transform error. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Selected feature is not multi part. Vybraný objekt nie je zložený. New part's geometry is not valid. Geometria novej časti nie je platná. New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons. Nová polygónová diera nie je disjunktná s existujúcimi polygónmi. Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added. Je vybraných niekoľko objektov. Prosím vyberte len jeden objekt, ku ktorému sa má pridať časť. Selected geometry could not be found Vybraná geometria nebola nájdená QgsMapToolAddRing Add ring Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Tento bod nemožno transformovať do súradnicového systému vrstiev Ring added Diera pridaná a problem with geometry type occured the inserted ring is not closed the inserted ring is not a valid geometry the inserted ring crosses existing rings the inserted ring is not contained in a feature an unknown error occured could not add ring since %1. QgsMapToolCapture Validation started. Overovanie spustené. Validation finished. Overovanie dokončené. QgsMapToolChangeLabelProperties Changed properties for label Zmenené vlastnosti pre popisok QgsMapToolDeletePart Delete part Part of multipart feature deleted Časť zloženého objektu odstránená Couldn't remove the selected part. Nie je možné odobrať vybranú časť. QgsMapToolDeleteRing Delete ring Delete ring can only be used in a polygon layer. Ring deleted Diera odstránená QgsMapToolEdit No active vector layer Žiadna vrstva nie je aktívna Layer not editable Vrstva nie je editovateľná QgsMapToolFeatureAction To run an action, you must choose an active vector layer. The active vector layer has no defined actions Aktívna vektorová vrstva nemá definované akcie No features at this position found. Nenájdené žiadne objekty na tejto pozícii. QgsMapToolFillRing Fill ring Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Ring added and filled a problem with geometry type occured the inserted Ring is not closed the inserted Ring is not a valid geometry the inserted Ring crosses existing rings the inserted Ring is not contained in a feature an unknown error occured could not add ring since %1. QgsMapToolIdentify No active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer. Žiadna vrstva nie je aktívna. Na identifikovanie objektov musíte vybrať aktívnu vrstvu. Identifying on %1... Identifikovanie na %1... Identifying done. Identifikovanie dokončené. (clicked coordinate) feature id ID objektu new feature nový objekt Length Dĺžka firstX attributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this one firstY lastX attributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this one lastY Area Rozloha Perimeter Obvod no data žiadne dáta Error Chyba Identify error QgsMapToolIdentifyAction Identify Show attribute table No features at this position found. Nenájdené žiadne objekty na tejto pozícii. QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature Identify feature QgsMapToolMeasureAngle Measure angle QgsMapToolMoveFeature Move feature Feature moved Objekt presunutý QgsMapToolMoveLabel Move label Moved label Presunutý popisok QgsMapToolNodeTool Node tool could not snap to a segment on the current layer. Inserted vertex Vložený uzol QgsMapToolOffsetCurve Offset curve Odsadenie krivky Offset: Odsadenie: Creating offset geometry failed Vytvorenie geometrie odsadenia zlyhalo QgsMapToolPan Pan QgsMapToolPinLabels Pin labels Pinned label Pripnutý popisok Unpinned label Odopnutý popisok QgsMapToolReshape Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Tento bod nemožno transformovať do súradnicového systému vrstiev Reshape Zmeniť tvar QgsMapToolRotateFeature Features Rotated Objekty otočené QgsMapToolRotateLabel Rotated label Popisok otočený QgsMapToolRotatePointSymbols No point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Serch radius for vertex edits Nezistený žiadny bodový objekt na vybranej pozícii. Prosím kliknite bližšie na objekt alebo zlepšite toleranciu v Nastaveniach->Možnosti->Digitalizácia->Vyhľadávací polomer na editáciu uzlov The active point layer does not have a rotation attribute. Rotate symbol Otočiť symbol QgsMapToolSelect Select QgsMapToolSelectFeatures Select features QgsMapToolShowHideLabels Show/hide labels Hid labels Skryté popisky Showed labels Zobrazené popisky CRS Exception: selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. QgsMapToolSimplify Geometry simplified Geometria zjednodušená Multipart features are not supported for simplification. Zložené objekty nie sú podporované pre zjednodušovanie. This feature cannot be simplified. Check if feature has enough vertices to be simplified. Tento objekt nie je možné zjednodušiť. Skontrolujte, či má objekt dostatok uzlov na zjednodušenie. QgsMapToolSplitFeatures Coordinate transform error Chyba pri transformácii súradnice Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Tento bod nemožno transformovať do súradnicového systému vrstiev Features split Rozdelenie objektov No features were split If there are selected features, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection. No feature split done Nebolo vykonané rozdelenie objektov An error occured during splitting. Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts. Nesprávne umiestnená rozdeľovacia línia. Uistite sa, že línia rozdelí objekty do viacerých častí. Split features The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. Geometria je neplatná. Prosím opravte ju predtým, ako sa ju pokúsite rozdeliť. QgsMapToolSplitParts Coordinate transform error Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Parts split No parts were split If there are selected parts, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all parts under the split line, clear the selection. No part split done An error occured during splitting. Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits parts into multiple parts. Split parts The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. Split error QgsMapToolZoom Zoom Približovanie/oddaľovanie QgsMapUnitScaleDialog Adjust scaling range Maximum scale: Minimum scale: Scale only within the following map unit scale range: QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Interval Interval Line offset Odsadenie línie Placement Umiestnenie 'vertex'|'lastvertex'|'firstvertex'|'centerpoint' 'uzol'|'poslednyuzol'|'prvyuzol'|'centralnybod' Offset along line QgsMeasureBase Measure Meranie Total Celkom Segments Úseky QgsMeasureDialog &New &Nové The calculations are based on: Výpočty sú založené na: Project CRS transformation is turned off. Transformácia súradnicového systému projektu je vypnutá. Canvas units setting is taken from project properties setting (%1). Nastavenie jednotiek mapového okna je prevzaté z nastavenia vlastností projektu (%1). Ellipsoidal calculation is not possible, as project CRS is undefined. Výpočet na elipsoide nie je možný, keďže nie je zadefinovaný súradnicový systém projektu. Measure (OTF off) Project CRS transformation is turned on and ellipsoidal calculation is selected. Transformácia súradnicového systému projektu je zapnutá a je vybraný výpočet na elipsoide. The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the result is in meters Súradnice sú transformované do vybraného elipsoidu (%1) a výsledok je v metroch Project CRS transformation is turned on but ellipsoidal calculation is not selected. Transformácia súradnicového systému projektu je zapnutá, ale výpočet na elipsoide nie je vybraný. The canvas units setting is taken from the project CRS (%1). Nastavenie jednotiek mapového okna je prevzaté zo súradnicového systému projektu (%1). Measure (OTF on) Finally, the value is converted from %1 to %2. Hodnota je konvertovaná z %1 na %2. Segments [%1] Úseky [%1] QgsMeasureTool Incorrect measure results Nesprávny výsledok merania <p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu. Táto mapa je definovaná so zemepisným súradnicovým systémom (šírka/dĺžka) ale z rozsahu mapy vyplýva, že je to už mapový súradnicový systém (napr. Mercator). Ak je to naozaj tak, výsledky z merania dĺžky a rozlohy nebudú správne.</p><p>Môžete to napraviť explicitným zadaním správneho súradnicového systému cez menu <tt>Projekt: Vlastnosti projektu</tt>. QgsMemoryProvider Whole number (integer) Celé číslo (integer) Decimal number (real) Desatinné číslo (real) Text (string) Text (string) Date Whole number (smallint - 16bit) Whole number (integer - 32bit) Whole number (integer - 64bit) Decimal number (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Decimal number (double) Text, unlimited length (text) QgsMergeAttributesDialog Skip attribute Preskočiť atribút Id ID Merge Zlúčiť Feature %1 Objekt %1 Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Median Medián Sum Súčet Concatenation Spojenie Mean Priemer Skipped Preskočený QgsMergeAttributesDialogBase Merge feature attributes Zlúčiť atribúty objektu Take attributes from selected feature Prebrať atribúty z vybraného objektu Remove feature from selection Odobrať objekt z výberu QgsMessageBar Remaining messages Zostávajúce správy Close all Zavrieť všetky Close Zatvoriť %n more unread messages QgsMessageLogViewer QGIS Log Správy QGISu No messages. Žiadne správy. Message(s) logged. General Všeobecné QgsMessageViewer QGIS Message Správa QGIS Don't show this message again Nezozbrazovať viac toto upozornenie QgsMssqlConnectionItem Show non-spatial tables Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Nie je vektorová vrstva! %1: OK! %1: OK! Import to MSSQL database Import do databázy MSSQL Failed to import some layers! Zlyhalo importovanie niektorých vrstiev! Import was successful. Import prebehol úspešne. QgsMssqlNewConnection Saving passwords Ukladanie hesiel WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. UPOZORNENIE: Rozhodli ste sa uložiť Vaše heslo. Uložené bude v obyčajnom texte vo Vašich súboroch projektu a vo Vašom domovskom adresári na Unixovom systéme alebo vo Vašom používateľskom profile vo Windowse. Ak si neprajete, aby sa to stalo, prosím stlačte tlačítko Zrušiť. Save connection Uložiť pripojenie Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Prepísať existujúce pripojenie %1? Test connection Skúška pripojenia Connection failed - Host name hasn't been specified. Pripojenie zlyhalo - nie je špecifikovaný názov hostiteľa. Connection failed - Database name hasn't been specified. Pripojenie zlyhalo - nie je vybraný názov databázy. Connection to %1 was successful Pripojenie k databáze %1 bolo úspešné QgsMssqlNewConnectionBase Create a New MSSQL connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie MSSQL Connection Information Informácie o pripojení Name Názov Provider/DSN Zdroj/DSN Host Hostiteľ Database Databáza Username Meno používateľa Password Heslo Name of the new connection Názov nového pripojenia Trusted Connection Dôveryhodné pripojenie Save Username Uložiť meno používateľa &Test Connect &Skúška pripojenia Save Password Uložiť heslo Only look in the geometry_columns metadata table Použiť iba vrstvy existujúce v tabuľke 'geometry_columns' Also list tables with no geometry Vypísať tiež zoznam tabuliek bez geometrie Use estimated table parameters Použiť odhadované parametre tabuľky QgsMssqlProvider 8 Bytes integer 8 Bytes integer 4 Bytes integer 4 Bytes integer 2 Bytes integer 2 Bytes integer 1 Bytes integer 1 Bytes integer Decimal number (numeric) Desatinné číslo Decimal number (decimal) Desatinné číslo Decimal number (real) Desatinné číslo Decimal number (double) Desatinné číslo Text, fixed length (char) Text s pevnou dĺžkou Text, limited variable length (varchar) Text s obmedzenou dĺžkou Text, fixed length unicode (nchar) Text s pevnou dĺžkou, unicode Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar) Text s obmedzenou dĺžkou, unicode Text, unlimited length (text) Text s neobmedzenou dĺžkou Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext) Text s neobmedzenou dĺžkou, unicode QgsMssqlRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... QgsMssqlSchemaItem %1 as %2 in %3 %1 ako %2 v %3 as geometryless table ako tabuľka bez geometrie QgsMssqlSourceSelect Add MSSQL Table(s) Pridať tabuľku(y) MSSQL &Add Prid&ať &Set Filter &Nastaviť filter Set Filter Nastaviť filter Wildcard Zástupný znak RegExp Regulárny výraz All Všetko Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Primary key column Stĺpec s jedinečným kľúčom SRID ID súr. systému Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Load connections Načítať pripojenia XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Vyberte tabuľku You must select a table in order to add a layer. Musíte vybrať tabuľku, aby ste pridali vrstvu. MSSQL Provider Zdroj MSSQL Stop Zastaviť Connect Pripojiť QgsMssqlSourceSelectDelegate Select... Vybrať... QgsMssqlTableModel Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou SRID ID súr. systému Primary key column Stĺpec s jedinečným kľúčom Select at id Sql Sql Detecting... Zisťovanie... Select... Vybrať... Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). Zablokovaná schopnosť rýchleho prístupu k objektom podľa ID s cieľom udržať atribútovú tabuľku v pamäti (napr. v prípade rozsiahlych pohľadov). Enter... Zadať... Point Bod Multipoint Multibod Line Línia Multiline Multilínia Polygon Polygón Multipolygon Multipolygón No Geometry Bez geometrie Unknown Geometry Neznáma geometria QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget Not set Bez nastavenia No enhancement Bez vylepšenia Stretch to MinMax Natiahnuť na interval MinMax Stretch and clip to MinMax Zúžiť rozsah a natiahnuť na interval MinMax Clip to MinMax Zúžiť rozsah na MinMax Red Červená Green Zelená Blue Modrá QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetBase Form Formulár Contrast enhancement Vylepšenie kontrastu Min/max Min/max Red band Červený kanál Green band Zelený kanál Blue band Modrý kanál QgsNetworkAccessManager Network request %1 timed out Network QgsNetworkContentFetcher HTTP fetch %1 failed with error %2 QgsNetworkReplyParser Cannot find boundary in multipart content type QgsNewHttpConnection Create a new %1 connection Vytvoriť nové %1 pripojenie all off QGIS UMN GeoServer Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities Ignorovať požiadavku GetCoverage URI Ignore axis orientation Ignorovať orientáciu osí Save connection Uložiť pripojenie Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Prepísať existujúce pripojenie %1? Saving passwords Ukladanie hesiel WARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. Note: giving the password is optional. It will be requested interactivly, when needed. UPOZORNENIE: Zadali ste heslo. Uložené bude v obyčajnom texte vo Vašich súboroch projektu a vo Vašom domovskom adresári na Unixovom systéme alebo vo Vašom používateľskom profile vo Windowse. Ak si neprajete, aby sa to stalo, prosím stlačte tlačítko Zrušiť. Poznámka: uvedenie hesla je voliteľné. V prípade potreby bude požadované interaktívne. QgsNewHttpConnectionBase Create a new WMS connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie WMS Connection details Detaily pripojenia DPI-Mode URL URL If the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional password Ak služba požaduje základnú autentifikáciu, zadajte prosím meno používateľa a heslo Password Heslo &User name &Meno používateľa Name Názov Name of the new connection Názov nového pripojenia HTTP address of the Web Map Server HTTP adresa WMS servera Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilities Ignorovať požiadavku GetFeatureInfo URI Ignore GetMap/GetTile URI reported in capabilities Ignore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS) Ignorovať orientáciu osí (WMS 1.3/WMTS) Invert axis orientation Opačná orientácia osí Smooth pixmap transform Jemná transformácia obrázka Referer Referer QgsNewOgrConnection Test connection Vyskúšať spojenie Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 Pripojenie zlyhalo - Skontrolujte nastavenia a skúste opäť. Rozšírená informácia o chybe: %1 Connection to %1 was successful Spojenie k databáze %1 bolo úspešné Save connection Uložiť pripojenie Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Prepísať existujúce pripojenie %1? QgsNewOgrConnectionBase Create a New OGR Database connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie k databáze OGR Connection Information Informácie o spojení Type Typ Name Názov Name of the new connection Meno nového spojenia Host Hostiteľ Database Databáza Port Port Username Meno používateľa Password Heslo Save Password Uložiť heslo &Test Connect &Skúška pripojenia QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog Text data Textová dáta Whole number Celé číslo Decimal number Desatinné číslo New SpatiaLite Database File Nový databázový súbor SpatiaLite SpatiaLite SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Database Databáza SpatiaLite Unable to open the database Nie je možné otvoriť databázu Error Chyba Failed to load SRIDS: %1 Nepodarilo sa načítať ID súradnicových systémov: %1 @ @ Registered new database! Zaregistrovaná nová databáza! Unable to open the database: %1 Nie je možné otvoriť databázu: %1 Error Creating SpatiaLite Table Chyba pri vytváraní tabuľky SpatiaLite Failed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned: %2 Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť tabuľku SpatiaLite %1. Databáza obnovená:%2 Error Creating Geometry Column Chyba pri vytváraní stĺpca s geometriou Failed to create the geometry column. The database returned: %1 Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť stĺpec s geometriou. Databáza obnovená:%1 Error Creating Spatial Index Chyba pri vytváraní priestorového indexu Failed to create the spatial index. The database returned: %1 Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť priestorový index. Databáza obnovená: %1 Invalid Layer Neplatná vrstva %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 je chybná vrstva a nemôže byť načítaná. QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBase New Spatialite Layer Nová vrstva SpatiaLite Database Databáza Create a new Spatialite database Vytvoriť novú databázu SpatiaLite ... ... Layer name Názov vrstvy Name for the new layer Názov novej vrstvy Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou geometry geometria Type Typ Point Bod Line Línia Polygon Polygón MultiPoint Multibod Multiline Multilínia Multipolygon Multipolygón Spatial Reference Id ID súradnicového systému Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Uviesť súradnicový systém vrstvy. Specify CRS Uviesť súr. systém Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layer Pridať ID pole s hodnotou reálneho čísla ako jedinečný kľúč pre novú vrstvu Create an autoincrementing primary key Vytvoriť automaticky narastajúci jedinečný kľúč New attribute Nový atribút Name Názov An attribute name Názov atribútu Add attribute to list Pridať atribút do zoznamu Add to attributes list Pridať do zoznamu atribútov Attributes list Zoznam atribútov Delete selected attribute Odstrániť vybraný atribút Remove attribute Odobrať atribút QgsNewVectorLayerDialog Text data Textové dáta Whole number Celé číslo Decimal number Desatinné číslo Date Dátum ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile Comma Separated Value Čiarkou oddelená hodnota GML GML Mapinfo File Súbor Mapinfo Save layer as... QgsNewVectorLayerDialogBase New Vector Layer Nová vektorová vrstva File format Formát súboru Type Typ Point Bod Line Línia Polygon Polygón New attribute Nový atribút Name Názov Width Šírka Precision Presnosť Add attribute to list Pridať atribút do zoznamu Add to attributes list Pridať do zoznamu atribútov Attributes list Zoznam atribútov Delete selected attribute Odstrániť vybraný atribút Remove attribute Odobrať atribút Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Uviesť súradnicový systém vrstvy. Specify CRS Uviesť súradnicový systém File encoding QgsOSMDownload No query has been specified. There is already a pending request for data. Cannot open output file: %1 QgsOSMDownloadDialog Download OpenStreetMap data Extent From map canvas From layer Manual Ručne Output file ... OpenStreetMap files (*.osm) Download error OpenStreetMap download Could not transform canvas extent. Could not transform layer extent. Would you like to abort download? Download failed. %1 Download has been successful. QgsOSMExportDialog Export OpenStreetMap topology to SpatiaLite Input DB file ... Export type Points (nodes) Polylines (open ways) Polygons (closed ways) Output layer name Exported tags Load from DB &Load into canvas when finished Tag Count SQLite databases (*.db) Unable to open database: %1 OpenStreetMap export Export has been successful. Failed to export OSM data: %1 QgsOSMImportDialog OpenStreetMap Import Input XML file (.osm) ... Output SpatiaLite DB file Create connection (SpatiaLite) after import Connection name OpenStreetMap files (*.osm) SQLite databases (*.db) OpenStreetMap import Output database file exists already. Overwrite? Failed to import OSM data: %1 Import has been successful. QgsOWSConnectionItem Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť QgsOWSRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... QgsOWSSourceSelect Add Layer(s) from a %1 Server &Add Prid&ať Add selected layers to map Pridať vybrané vrstvy do mapy Always cache Vždy použiť vyrovnávajúcu pamäť Prefer cache Preferovať vyrovnávajúcu pamäť Prefer network Preferovať sieť Always network Vždy použiť sieť Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Load connections Načítať pripojenia XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Súradnicový systém (%n dostupných) Coordinate Reference System Súradnicový systém Could not understand the response: %1 Nie je možné porozumieť odpovedi: %1 WMS proxies WMS proxy servery Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. Niekoľko WMS serverov bolo pridaných do zoznamu serverov. Nezabudnite, že polia pre proxy ostali prázdne a pokiaľ sa pripájate do internetu prostredníctvom proxy servera budete musieť polia proxy s príslušnými hodnotami nastaviť zvlášť. parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 chyba pri spracovávaní na riadku %1, stĺpci %2: %3 network error: %1 chyba siete: %1 QgsOWSSourceSelectBase Add Layer(s) from a Server Pridať vrstvu (vrstvy) zo servera Ready Pripravený Layers Vrstvy C&onnect &Pripojiť &New &Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Odstrániť Load connections from file Načítať pripojenia zo súboru Load Načítať Save connections to file Uložiť pripojenia do súboru Save Uložiť Adds a few example WMS servers Pridá na ukážku niekoľko WMS serverov Add default servers Pridať predvolené servery ID ID Name Názov Title Nadpis Abstract Abstrakt Time Čas Coordinate Reference System: Súradnicový systém: Selected Coordinate Reference System Vybraný súradnicový systém Change... Format Formát Options Možnosti Layer name Názov vrstvy Tile size Veľkosť štvorca Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo Limit objektu pre GetFeatureInfo Cache Z vyrovnávacej pamäte Cache preference Always cache: load from cache, even if it expired Prefer cache: load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache Prefer network: default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers) Preferencie vyrovnávajúcej pamäte Vždy použiť vyrovnávajúcu pamäť: načítavať z vyrovnávajúcej pamäte aj po expirácii Preferovať vyrovnávajúcu pamäť: načítavať z vyrovnávajúcej pamäte, ak je k dispozícii, inak načítavať zo siete. To môže vrátiť možné zastaralé (ale nie expirované) položky z pamäte Preferovať sieť: predvolená hodnota; načítavať zo siete, ak je pamäťový záznam starší ako sieťový Vždy použiť sieť: vždy načítavať zo siete a nekontrolovať, či vyrovnávajúca pamäť má platný záznam (podobné ako "Znovu načítať" objekt v prehliadačoch) Layer Order Poradie vrstiev Move selected layer UP Presunúť vybranú vrstvu NAHOR Up Nahor Move selected layer DOWN Presunúť vybranú vrstvu NADOL Down Nadol Layer Vrstva Style Štýl Tilesets Mapové štvorce Styles Štýly Size Veľkosť CRS Súradnicový systém Server Search Vyhľadávanie servera Search Vyhľadávanie Description Popis URL URL adresa Add selected row to WMS list Pridať vybraný riadok do zoznamu WMS QgsOfflineEditing Could not open the spatialite database Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Could not create a new database Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints Unknown data type %1 QGIS wkbType %1 not supported Offline Editing Plugin Could not open the spatialite logging database QgsOfflineEditingPlugin Convert to offline project Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project &Offline Editing Synchronize Synchronize offline project with remote layers Converting to offline project Synchronizing to remote layers %v / %m features copied %v / %m features processed %v / %m fields added %v / %m features added %v / %m features removed %v / %m feature updates %v / %m feature geometry updates QgsOfflineEditingPluginGui Select target database for offline data SpatiaLite DB All files Offline Editing Plugin Converting to offline project. Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite? QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBase Create offline project Offline data Browse... Select remote layers Show only editable layers QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialog Layer %1 of %2.. QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBase Dialog TextLabel QgsOgrLayerItem Couldn't open file %1.prj OGR Couldn't open file %1.qpj QgsOgrProvider Data source is invalid, no layer found (%1) OGR Data source is invalid (%1) Whole number (integer) Decimal number (real) Text (string) Date Date & Time OGR[%1] error %2: %3 Unknown OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2 type %1 for attribute %2 not found OGR error creating feature %1: %2 type %1 for field %2 not found OGR error creating field %1: %2 OGR error deleting field %1: %2 Deleting fields is not supported prior to GDAL 1.9.0 OGR error on feature %1: id too large Feature %1 for attribute update not found. Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist. Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown. OGR error setting feature %1: %2 OGR error syncing to disk: %1 OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not found OGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2 OGR error in feature %1: geometry is null OGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2 Possible corruption after REPACK detected. %1 still exists. This may point to a permission or locking problem of the original DBF. Original layer could not be reopened. Original datasource could not be reopened. OGR error deleting feature %1: %2 Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only. QgsOpenRasterDialog Open raster Otvoriť raster Raster file: Rastrový súbor: ... ... Save raster as: Uložiť raster ako: Choose a name of the raster Vyberte názov rastra Error Chyba The selected file is not a valid raster file. Vybraný súbor nie je platný rastrový súbor. Choose a name for the modified raster Vyberte názov pre upravený raster -modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name -upravený QgsOpenVectorLayerDialog Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer Otvoriť vektorovú vrstvu podporovanú knižnicou OGR Open Directory Otvoriť adresár Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Add vector layer Pridať vektorovú vrstvu No database selected. Nie je vybraná žiadna databáza. Password for Heslo pre Please enter your password: Prosím zadajte Vaše heslo: No protocol URI entered. Nie je zadaný žiadny URI identifikátor protokolu. No layers selected. Nie sú vybrané žiadne vrstvy. No directory selected. Nie je vybraný žiadny adresár. QgsOpenVectorLayerDialogBase Add vector layer Pridať vektorovú vrstvu Source type Typ zdroja File Súbor Directory Adresár Database Databáza Protocol Protokol Encoding Kódovanie Type Typ URI URI Source Zdroj Dataset Dátová sada Browse Prechádzať Connections Pripojenia New Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Odstrániť QgsOpstionDialogTemplate Options Dialog Template Možnosti dialógového okna šablóny GroupBox Skupiny QgsOptions Identify highlight color not present nie je k dispozícii System value: %1 Systémová hodnota: %1 Show all features Zobraziť všetky objekty Show selected features Zobraziť vybrané objekty All Always Vždy If needed Ak je to potrebné Never Nikdy Load all Načítať všetky Check file contents Skontrolovať obsah súboru Check extension Skontrolovať rozšírenie No Nie Basic scan Základné vyhľadanie Full scan Plné vyhľadanie Cumulative pixel count cut Rez kumulatívneho počtu pixelov Minimum / maximum Minimum / maximum Mean +/- standard deviation Stredná +/- hodnota smerodajnej odchýlky Set selection color Set canvas color Set measuring tool color Select grid color Solid Dots Crosses Detected active locale on your system: %1 Zistené aktívne miestne nastavenie Vášho systému: %1 To vertex Na uzol To segment Na úsek To vertex and segment Na uzol a úsek map units mapové jednotky pixels pixely Semi transparent circle Polopriehľadný kruh Cross Kríž None Žiadny QGIS files Súbory QGISu Select color Select palette file Invalid file Error, file does not exist or is not readable Error, no colors found in palette file Palette file Error exporting Error writing palette file Off Vypnuté QGIS QGIS GEOS GEOS Round Guľatý Mitre Skosený Bevel Zaoblený Save default project Uložiť predvolený projekt You must set a default project Musíte nastaviť predvolený projekt Current project saved as default Aktuálny projekt uložený ako predvolený Error saving current project as default Chyba pri ukladaní aktuálneho projektu ako predvoleného Choose a directory to store project template files Vyberte adresár na uloženie šablóny súborov projektu Show features visible on map Zobraziť objekty viditeľné na mape Choose project file to open at launch Vyberte súbor projektu, ktorý sa otvorí pri spustení Create Options - %1 Driver Možnosti vytvárania - %1 ovládač Create Options - pyramids Možnosti vytvárania - pyramídy Restore UI defaults Are you sure to reset the UI to default (needs restart)? Overwrite Prepísať If Undefined Pokiaľ nie je definované Unset Vypnúť Prepend Predradiť Append Pripojiť Choose a directory Vyberte adresár Enter scale Zadajte mierku Scale denominator Menovateľ mierky Load scales Načítať mierky XML files (*.xml *.XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Save scales Uložiť mierky No Stretch Bez úprav Stretch To MinMax Natiahnuť na interval MinMax Stretch And Clip To MinMax Zúžiť rozsah a natiahnuť na MinMax Clip To MinMax Zúžiť rozsah na MinMax None / Planimetric Žiadny / Planimetrický QgsOptionsBase Options Možnosti General Všeobecné System Systém Data Sources Zdroje dát Data sources Zdroje dát Rendering Vykresľovanie Colors Canvas & Legend Mapové okno & legenda Canvas and legend Mapové okno legenda Map Tools Mapové nástroje Map tools Mapové nástroje Digitizing Digitalizácia GDAL Nástroje GDAL CRS Súradnicový systém Locale Miestne Network Sieť Application Aplikácia Style <i>(QGIS restart required)</i> Štýl <i>(vyžaduje reštart QGISu)</i> Icon theme Téma ikon Icon size Veľkosť ikon 16 16 24 24 32 32 Font Písmo Qt default Predvolený Qt Size Veľkosť Timeout for timed messages or dialogs Časový limit pre časované správy alebo dialógy s s Hide splash screen at startup Skryť úvodnú obrazovku pri spustení Show tips at start up Zobraziť tipy pri spustení Bold group box titles Tučné nadpisy podskupín skupiny QGIS-styled group boxes QGIS štýl podskupín skupiny Project files Súbory projektu New Nový Most recent Naposledy otvorený Specific Špecifický ... ... Open project on launch Otvoriť projekt pri spustení Create new project from default project Vytvoriť nový projekt z predvoleného projektu Set current project as default Nastaviť aktuálny projekt ako predvolený Reset default Obnoviť predvolený Template folder Priečinok so šablónou Browse Prechádzať Reset Obnoviť Prompt to save project and data source changes when required Vyzvať na uloženie projektu a zmien v zdroji dát v prípade potreby Prompt for confirmation when a layer is to be removed Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Upozorniť na otváranie súboru projektu uloženého v staršej verzii QGISu Enable macros Zapnúť makrá Never Nikdy Ask Opýtať sa For this session only Len pre túto reláciu Always (not recommended) Vždy (neodporúča sa) QSettings Environment Prostredie Apply Použiť Variable Premenná Value Hodnota Remove Odobrať Add Pridať Current environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup) Aktuálne premenné prostredia (len na čítanie - tučným písmom sú označené zmeny po spustení) Show only QGIS-specific variables Zobraziť len špecifické premenné QGISu Use custom variables (restart required - include separators) Použiť vlastné premenné (vyžaduje sa reštart - vrátane oddeľovačov) Plugin paths Cesty k zásuvným modulom Path(s) to search for additional C++ plugins libraries Cesta(y) na vyhľadanie dodatočných C++ knižníc zásuvných modulov SVG paths Cesty k SVG 48 64 Use native color chooser dialogs Path(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols Cesta(y) na vyhľadanie symbolov vo formáte SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) Reset user interface to default settings (restart required) Feature attributes and table Atribúty objektu a tabuľka Open attribute table in a dock window (QGIS restart required) Otvoriť atribútovú tabuľku v ukotviteľnom okne (vyžaduje sa reštart QGISu) Copy geometry in WKT representation from attribute table Kopírovať geometriu vo WKT reprezentácii z atribútovej tabuľky Attribute table behaviour Nastavenie atribútovej tabuľky Attribute table row cache Vyrovnávacia pamäť atribútovej tabuľky Representation for NULL values Reprezentácia pre hodnoty NULL Data source handling Manipulácia so zdrojmi dát Scan for valid items in the browser dock Vyhľadať platné položky v ukotvenom okne prehliadača Scan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dock Vyhľadať obsahy komprimovaných súborov (.zip) v ukotvenom okne prehliadača Prompt for raster sublayers when opening Opýtať sa na rastrové subvrstvy pri otvorení Add PostGIS layers with double click and select in extended mode Pridať vrstvy PostGIS dvojklikom a vyberať v rozšírenom režime Rendering behavior Nastavenie vykresľovania By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed Zobrazovať (vykresľovať) &novopridané vrstvy do mapy Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws Ak je to možné, použiť vyrovnávaciu pamäť na zrýchlenie vykresľovania Render layers in parallel using many CPU cores Max cores to use: Maximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies): Rendering quality Kvalita vykresľovania Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance Vyhladiť línie na úrok nižšieho výkonu vykresľovania Rasters Rastre RGB band selection Výber RGB kanálov Red band Červený kanál Green band Zelený kanál Blue band Modrý kanál Contrast enhancement Vylepšenie kontrastu Single band gray Jeden kanál v odtieni šedej Multi band color (byte / band) Viackanálová farba (byte / kanál) Multi band color (> byte / band) Viackanálová farba (> byte / kanál) Limits (minimum/maximum) Limity (minimum/maximum) Cumulative pixel count cut limits Limity rezov podľa kumulatívneho počtu pixelov - - % % Standard deviation multiplier Multiplikátor smerodajnej odchýlky Debugging Ladenie Show these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab) Zobraziť tieto udalosti v paneli prihlasovacej správy (pod záložkou Vykresľovanie) Map canvas refresh Obnoviť mapové okno Paste colors Export Add color Remove color Copy colors Import Default map appearance (overridden by project properties) Predvolený vzhľad mapy (prepísané podľa vlastností projektu) Selection color Výber farby Highlight color <html><head/><body><p>The color used to highlight identified feature. The alpha channel is only used for polygons fill, lines and outlines are fully opaque.</p></body></html> Buffer Lines / outlines buffer in millimeters. Minimum width Minimum line / outline width in millimeters. Grid color Grid and guide defaults Grid spacing px Suppress attribute form pop-up after feature creation Background color Farba pozadia Use live-updating color chooser dialogs Použiť v reálnom čase aktualizované dialógy výberu farieb Ignore shapefile encoding declaration Ignorovať shapefile kódovaciu deklaráciu Disable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8 Vypnúť automatickú konverziu kódovania do UTF-8 pomocou knižnice OGR Composer Custom side bar style Add Oracle layers with double click and select in extended mode Pridať vrstvy Oracle dvojklikom a vyberať v rozšírenom režime <b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification): Higher values result in more simplification Simplify on provider side if possible Layer legend Legenda vrstvy Double click action in legend Akcia dvojkliku v legende Open layer properties Otvoriť vlastnosti vrstvy Open attribute table Otvoriť atribútovú tabuľku Capitalise layer names Názvy vrstiev veľkými písmenami Bold layer names Tučné názvy vrstvy Display classification attribute names Zobraziť atribútové názvy klasifikácie Bold group names Tučné názvy skupiny Create raster icons (may be slow) Vytvoriť rastrové ikony (môže byť pomalé) Legend item styles Štýly položiek legendy WMS getLegendGraphic Resolution Identify Identifikovať <b>Note:</b> Specify the search radius as a percentage of the map width <b>Poznámka</b> Upresňuje polomer vyhľadávania ako percento zo šírky mapy Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips Polomer vyhľadávania pri identifikácii objektov a zobrazovaní mapových tipov Measure tool Nástroj na meranie Rubberband color Preferred measurements units Preferované meracie jednotky Meters Metre Feet Stopy Nautical Miles Preferred angle units Preferované uhlové jednotky Degrees Stupne Map update interval ms Enable feature simplification by default for newly added layers Radians Radiány Decimal places Desatinné miesta Keep base unit Ponechať základnú jednotku Gon Gon Panning and zooming Posun a zmena pohľadu Zoom factor Faktor zväčšovania Mouse wheel action Akcia kolieska myši Zoom Priblížiť/Oddialiť Zoom and recenter Priblížiť/Oddialiť a vycentrovať Zoom to mouse cursor Priblížiť/Oddialiť na kurzor myši Nothing Žiadna Predefined scales Preddefinované mierky Add predefined scale Pridať preddefinovanú mierku Remove selected Odobrať vybrané Insert default scales Vložiť predvolené mierky Import from file Import zo súboru Export to file Export do súboru Composition defaults Default font Grid appearance Grid style mm mm Grid offset x: y: Snap tolerance Feature creation Vytváranie objektu Validate geometries Overiť platnosť geometrií Reuse last entered attribute values Znova použije posledné zadané hodnoty atribútov Rubberband Line color Farba línie Line width in pixels Hrúbka línie v pixeloch Line width Hrúbka línie Snapping Prichytávanie Default snap mode Predvolený režim prichytávania Default snapping tolerance Predvolená tolerancia prichytávania Search radius for vertex edits Vyhľadávací polomer na editáciu uzlov map units mapové jednotky pixels pixely Open snapping options in a dock window (QGIS restart required) Otvoriť možností prichytávania v ukotviteľnom okne (vyžaduje reštart QGISu) Vertex markers Značky uzlov Marker style Štýl značky Marker size Veľkosť značky Show markers only for selected features Zobraziť značky len u vybraných objektov Curve offset tool Nástroj na odsadenie krivky Miter limit Limit úkosu Join style Štýl spoja Quadrant segments Segmenty kvadrantu GDAL driver options Možnosti ovládača GDAL Edit Pyramids Options Upraviť možnosti pyramíd Edit Create Options Upraviť možnosti vytvárania GDAL drivers Ovládače GDAL In some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use. V niektorých prípadoch je možné použiť viac než jeden ovládač GDAL na načítanie rovnakého rastrového formátu. Použite nižšie uvedený zoznam na presné určenie, ktorý ovládač sa má použiť. Name Názov ext ext Flags Vlajky Description Popis CRS for new layers Súradnicový systém pre nové vrstvy Select... Vybrať... Use &project CRS Použiť súradnicový systém &projektu Prompt for &CRS Opýtať sa na &súradnicový systém Use default CRS displa&yed below Použiť predvolený súradnicový systém &uvedený nižšie When a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRS Vrstva po vytvorení alebo načítaní nemá žiadny súradnicový systém Default CRS for new projects Predvolený súradnicový systém pre nové projekty Automatically enable 'on the fly' reprojection if CRS of a new added layer differ from CRS of layer(s) already present. CRS of present layer(s) will be used. Povoliť automatickú transformáciu medzi súradnicovými systémami ('on the fly' reprojekcia) , ak je súradnicový systém novopridanej vrstvy/vrstiev odlišný od práve používaného. Použitý bude súradnicový systém tejto vrstvy (vrstiev). Automatically enable 'on the fly' reprojection if layers have different CRS Povoliť automatickú transformáciu medzi súradnicovými systémami ('on the fly' reprojekcia), ak majú vrstvy odlišné súradnicové systémy Always start new projects with this CRS Vždy spustiť nové projekty s týmto súradnicovým systémom Enable 'on the &fly' reprojection by default Povoliť automatickú trans&formáciu medzi súradnicovými systémami v predvolenom nastavení Standard colors Don't enable 'on the fly' reprojection Default datum transformations Source CRS Destination CRS Source datum transform Destination datum transform Ask for datum transformation when no default is defined Override system locale Ignorovať miestne nastavenie systému Locale to use instead Namiesto miestneho nastavenia použiť <b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing overide on local requires an application restart <b>Poznámka:</b> Zmena miestneho nastavenia vyžaduje reštart aplikácie Additional Info Doplňujúce informácie Detected active locale on your system: Zistené aktívne miestne nastavenie Vášho systému: WMS search address Vyhľadávač adresy WMS Timeout for network requests (ms) Časový limit pre sieťové požiadavky (ms) Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours) Predvolená expiračná doba pre mapové štvorce WMS-C/WMTS (v hodinách) Max retry in case of tile request errors User-Agent Cache settings Pamäťové nastavenia Directory Adresár Size [KiB] Clear Vyčistiť Use proxy for web access Použiť proxy server pre webový prístup Host Hostiteľ Port Port User Používateľ Leave this blank if no proxy username / password are required Pokiaľ nie je potrebné meno používateľa / heslo k proxy, nechajte toto pole prázdne Password Heslo Proxy type Typ proxy Exclude URLs (starting with) Vylúčiť URL adresy (začínajúce na) QgsOptionsDialogBase Missing objects Chýbajúce objekty Base options dialog could not be initialized. Missing some of the .ui template objects: Dialógové okno základných možností nemôže byť inicializované. Chýbajú niektoré z .ui šablón objektov: QgsOracleColumnTypeThread Retrieving tables of %1... Scanning column %1.%2.%3... Table retrieval finished. QgsOracleConn Connection to database failed Oracle SQL:%1 error:%2 Querying available tables failed. SQL:%1 error:%2 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database Unsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignored View %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys. Point Bod Multipoint Line Línia Multiline Polygon Bod Multipolygon No Geometry Unknown Geometry QgsOracleConnectionItem Edit... Delete Vymazať Refresh Obnoviť Copying features... Abort Prerušiť Import layer %1: Not a vector layer! %1: OK! Import to Oracle database Failed to import some layers! Import was successful. QgsOracleLayerItem Delete layer Layer deleted successfully. QgsOracleNewConnection Saving passwords WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. Save connection Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Test connection Connection to %1 was successful Connection failed - Check settings and try again. QgsOracleNewConnectionBase Create a New Oracle connection Connection Information Password Save Username Username Name of the new connection Meno nového spojenia Database Databáza Name Meno Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata table When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user. <html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html> Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others. Only existing geometry types <html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html> Only look in meta data table Only look for user's tables Also list tables with no geometry Port 1521 &Test Connect Save Password Host Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. <html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html> Use estimated table metadata Options Možnosti QgsOracleOwnerItem %1 as %2 in %3 as geometryless table QgsOraclePlugin Add Oracle GeoRaster Layer... Add a Oracle Spatial GeoRaster... QgsOracleProvider Whole number Whole big number Decimal number (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Decimal number (real) Decimal number (double) Text, fixed length (char) Text, limited variable length (varchar2) Text, unlimited length (long) FAILURE: Field %1 not found. Oracle Read attempt on an invalid oracle data source Loading comment for table %1.%2 failed [%3] Loading comment for columns of table %1.%2 failed [%3] Other spatial field %1.%2.%3 ignored Loading field types for table %1.%2 failed [%3] Invalid spatial index %1 on column %2.%3.%4 found - expect poor performance. No spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 found - expect poor performance. Probing for spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 failed [%4] Retrieving fields from '%1' failed [%2] Unable to determine geometry column access privileges for column %1.%2. The error message from the database was: %3. SQL: %4 Unable to determine table access privileges for the table %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 The custom query is not a select query. Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Primary key field %1 not found in %2 Primary key field '%1' for view not unique. Key field '%1' for view not found. No key field for view given. No key field for query given. Evaluation of default value failed Could not start transaction Could not prepare insert statement Could not insert feature %1 Could not commit transaction Oracle error while adding features: %1 Could not rollback transaction Deletion of feature %1 failed Oracle error while deleting features: %1 Adding attribute %1 failed Setting comment on %1 failed Oracle error while adding attributes: %1 Could not reload fields. Dropping column %1 failed Oracle error while deleting attributes: %1 Update of feature %1 failed Oracle error while changing attributes: %1 Could not prepare update statement. Oracle error while changing geometry values: %1 Could not retrieve extents: %1 SQL: %2 Could not execute query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Could not retrieve SRID of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Could not determine SRID of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 %1 has no valid geometry types. SQL: %2 Could not determine geometry type of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2) Could not update metadata for %1.%2. SQL:%3 Error: %4 Could not insert metadata for %1.%2. SQL:%3 Error: %4 Creation spatial index failed. SQL:%1 Error: %2 Rebuild of spatial index failed. SQL:%1 Error: %2 Could not determine table existence. Table %1 could not be dropped. Table %1 already exists. Table creation failed. Could not lookup authid %1:%2 Could not lookup WKT. Could not determine new srid. CRS not found and could not be created. Could not insert metadata. Drop created table %1 failed. SQL:%2 Error: %3 Oracle SRID %1 not found. Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed. SQL:%2 Error:%3 Oracle error: %1 SQL: %2 Error: %3 Oracle error: %1 Error: %2 QgsOracleRootItem New Connection... QgsOracleSelectGeoraster Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Confirm Delete Potvrdenie mazania Password for %1/<password>@%2 Please enter your password: Open failed The connection to %1 failed. Please verify your connection parameters. Make sure you have the GDAL GeoRaster plugin installed. QgsOracleSourceSelect Add Oracle Table(s) &Add &Set Filter Set Filter Wildcard RegExp All Owner Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Primary key column SRID Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Confirm Delete Potvrdenie mazania Load connections XML files (*.xml *XML) Select Table You must select a table in order to add a layer. Stop Zastaviť Connect QgsOracleSourceSelectDelegate Select... Enter... QgsOracleTableModel Owner Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column SRID Primary key column Select at id Sql Specify a geometry type Enter a SRID Select a primary key Select... Enter... Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). QgsPGConnectionItem Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť Refresh Obnoviť Copying features... Kopírovanie objektov... Abort Prerušiť Import layer Import vrstvy %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Nie je vektorová vrstva! %1: OK! %1: OK! Import to PostGIS database Import do databázy PostGIS Failed to import some layers! Zlyhalo importovanie niektorých vrstiev! Import was successful. Import prebehol úspešne. QgsPGLayerItem Delete layer Odstrániť vrstvu Layer deleted successfully. Vrstva bola úspešne odstránená. QgsPGRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... QgsPGSchemaItem %1 as %2 in %3 %1 ako %2 v %3 as geometryless table ako tabuľku bez geometrie QgsPalettedRendererWidgetBase Form Formulár Band Kanál Value Hodnota Color Farba Label Popis QgsPasteTransformationsBase Paste Transformations Vložiť transformácie <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> <b>Poznámka: Táto funkcia zatiaľ nie je použiteľná!</b> Source Zdroj Destination Cieľ QgsPenCapStyleComboBox Square Hranatý Flat Plochý Round Guľatý QgsPenJoinStyleComboBox Bevel Zaoblený Miter Skosený Round Guľatý QgsPenStyleComboBox Solid Line Plná čiara No Pen Bez pera Dash Line Čiarkovaná čiara Dot Line Bodkovaná čiara Dash Dot Line Bodkočiarkovaná čiara Dash Dot Dot Line Bodko-bodkočiarkovaná čiara QgsPgNewConnection disable zablokovať allow povoliť prefer preferovať require požadovať Saving passwords Ukladanie hesiel WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. UPOZORNENIE: Rozhodli ste sa uložiť Vaše heslo. Uložené bude v obyčajnom texte vo Vašich súboroch projektu a vo Vašom domovskom adresári na Unixovom systéme alebo vo Vašom používateľskom profile vo Windowse. Ak si neprajete, aby sa to stalo, prosím stlačte tlačítko Zrušiť. Save connection Uložiť pripojenie Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Prepísať existujúce pripojenie %1? Test connection Skúška pripojenia Connection to %1 was successful Pripojenie k databáze %1 bolo úspešné Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Pripojenie zlyhalo - skontrolujte nastavenia a skúste opäť. QgsPgNewConnectionBase Create a New PostGIS connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie PostGIS Connection Information Informácie o pripojení Name Názov Service Služba Host Hostiteľ Port Port Database Databáza SSL mode Režim SSL Username Meno používateľa Password Heslo Name of the new connection Názov nového pripojenia 5432 5432 Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the layer registries. Obmedziť zobrazené tabuľky na tie, ktoré sa nachádzajú v zoznamoch vrstiev. Restricts the displayed tables to those that are found in the layer registries (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. Obmedzí zobrazované tabuľky na tie, ktoré sa nachádzajú v zoznamoch vrstviev (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). Môže to urýchliť počiatočné zobrazenie zoznamu vrstiev. Only show layers in the layer registries Restrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns table Obmedziť vyhľadávanie priestorových tabuliek nenachádzajúcich sa v tabuľke geometry_columns iba na schému public When searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time) Obmedziť vyhľadávanie priestorových tabuliek nenachádzajúcich sa v tabuľke geometry_columns iba na schému public (pri neiktorých databázach to môže ušetriť veľa času) Only look in the 'public' schema Nahliadať len do schémy 'public' Save Username Uložiť meno používateľa &Test Connect &Skúška pripojenia Save Password Uložiť heslo Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. Použiť odhadované štatistiky tabuľky pre meta údaje vrstvy. <html> <body> <p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p> <p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p> <p>1) Row count is determined from table statistics obtained from running the PostgreSQL table analyse function.</p> <p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p> <p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p> </body> </html> <html> <body> <p>Ak vrstva obsahuje rôzne meta údaje, vyžaduje sa tabuľka PostGIS. Tá zahŕňa informácie ako počet riadkov tabuľky, typ geometrie a priestorové rozsahy dát v stĺpci s geometriou. Ak tabuľka obsahuje veľký počet riadkov určujúcich tieto meta údaje, je to časovo náročné.</p> <p>Aktivovaním tejto možnosti sa vykonajú nasledovné rýchle operácie pre tabuľku s meta údajmi:</p> <p>1) Počet riadkov je určený zo štatistiky tabuľky získanej zo spustenej funkcie analýzy tabuľky PostgreSQL.</p> <p>2) Rozsahy tabuľky sú vždy určené pomocou funkcie estimated_extent PostGIS, dokonca aj keď je použitý filter vrstvy.</p> <p>3) Ak je typ geometrie tabuľky neznámy a nie je výhradne zobraný z tabuľky geometry_columns, potom sa určí z prvých 100 nenulových geometrií riadkov v tabuľke.</p> </body> </html> Use estimated table metadata Použiť odhadované meta údaje tabuľky Also list tables with no geometry Vypísať tiež tabuľky bez geometrie Don't resolve type of unrestricted columns (GEOMETRY) Neriešiť typ geometrických stĺpcov s nešpecifikovaným typom geometrie (GEOMETRY) QgsPgSourceSelect Add PostGIS Table(s) Pridať tabuľku(y) PostGIS &Add Prid&ať &Set Filter &Nastaviť filter Set Filter Nastaviť filter Wildcard Zástupný znak RegExp Regulárny výraz All Všetko Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Primary key column Stĺpec s jedinečným kľúčom SRID ID súr. systému Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Load connections Načítať pripojenia XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Vyberte tabuľku You must select a table in order to add a layer. Musíte vybrať tabuľku, aby ste pridali vrstvu. Stop Zastaviť Connect Pripojiť QgsPgSourceSelectDelegate Select... Vybrať... Enter... Zadať... QgsPgTableModel Schema Schéma Table Tabuľka Column Stĺpec Data Type Typ dát Spatial Type Geometrický typ SRID ID súr. systému Primary Key Jedinečný kľúč Select at id Vybrať ID Sql Sql Select a primary key Vyberte jedinečný kľúč Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). Zablokovaná schopnosť rýchleho prístupu k objektom podľa ID s cieľom udržať atribútovú tabuľku v pamäti (napr. v prípade rozsiahlych pohľadov). Select... Vybrať... Specify a geometry type Uveďte typ geometrie Enter a SRID Zadajte ID súradnicového systému Enter... Zadať... QgsPhotoConfigDlgBase Form The field contains a filename for a picture. The widget will show a preview of this picture. Picture size Width Šírka Height Výška Specify the size of the preview. If you leave it set to 0, an optimal size will be estimated. QgsPhotoWidgetWrapper Select a picture ... QgsPluginInstaller Looking for new plugins... There is a new plugin available There is a plugin update available QGIS Python Plugin Installer If you haven't cancelled the download manually, it was most likely caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options window. Server response is 200 OK, but doesn't contain plugin metatada. This is most likely caused by a proxy or a wrong repository URL. You can configure proxy settings in QGIS options. Status code: The plugin exited with error status: {0} Unknown error Missing metadata file Error reading metadata Uninstall (recommended) I will uninstall it later Obsolete plugin: QGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version? Error reading repository: Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer! Plugin installation failed Plugin has disappeared The plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory. Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue. Plugin installed successfully Plugin reinstalled successfully Python plugin reinstalled. You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it. The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions: The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it: The plugin is broken. Python said: Plugin uninstall failed Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin? Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository! Plugin uninstalled successfully Unable to add another repository with the same URL! This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version You can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed. Are you sure you want to remove the following repository? If you haven't cancelled the download manually, it might be caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options. QGIS Official Plugin Repository Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist: Failed to remove the directory: Check permissions or remove it manually QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog Success Resolving host name... Connecting... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... Sťahujú sa údaje... Idle Closing connection... Error Chyba QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBase Fetching repositories Overall progress: Abort fetching Repository State QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog Installing... Resolving host name... Connecting... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... Sťahujú sa údaje... Idle Closing connection... Error Chyba Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory: Aborted by user QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer Inštalátor zásuvných modulov Installing plugin: Inštaluje sa zásuvný modul: Connecting... Pripája sa... QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog no error message received QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBase Error loading plugin The plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below: Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this. QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBase Repository details Enter a name for the repository Name Meno Enter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" Zadajte URL repozitára začínajúce sa na "http://" Enable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted) Parameters Parametre ?qgis= URL URL Enabled QgsPluginManager Plugins Zásuvné moduly sort by name zoradiť podľa názvu sort by downloads zoradiť podľa počtu stiahnutí sort by vote zoradiť podľa počtu hlasov sort by status zoradiť podľa stavu No Plugins Žiadne zásuvné moduly No QGIS plugins found in %1 Nenájdené žiadne zásuvné moduly QGISu v %1 Only locally available category: plugins that are only locally available Dostupné len lokálne Reinstallable category: plugins that are installed and available Nainštalované a dostupné Upgradeable category: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version available Dostupná aktualizácia Downgradeable category: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version available Nainštalované a dostupná nižšia verzia Installable category: plugins that are available for installation This plugin is incompatible with this version of QGIS Tento zásuvný modul je nekompatibilný s verziou QGISu Plugin designed for QGIS %1 compatible QGIS version(s) Zásuvný modul vytvorený pre QGIS %1 This plugin requires a missing module Tento zásuvný modul požaduje chýbajúci modul This plugin is broken Tento zásuvný modul je poškodený There is a new version available K dispozícii je nová verzia This is a new plugin Toto je nový zásuvný modul Installed version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repository Nainštalovaná verzia tohto zásuvného modulu je vyššia ako akákoľvek verzia nájdená v repozitári This plugin is experimental Tento zásuvný modul je experimentálny This plugin is deprecated Category Kategória Tags Štítky code_repository Author Autor More info Viac informácií %1 rating vote(s) %1 downloads %1 stiahnutí homepage domovská stránka tracker tracker Installed version: %1 (in %2)<br/> Nainštalovaná verzia: %1 (v %2)<br/> Available version: %1 (in %2)<br/> Dostupná verzia: %1 (v %2)<br/> changelog:<br/>%1 <br/> história zmien:<br/>%1 <br/> Upgrade plugin Aktualizovať zásuvný modul Downgrade plugin Znížiť verziu zásuvného modulu Install plugin Nainštalovať zásuvný modul Reinstall plugin Znova nainštalovať zásuvný modul Reload all repositories Znova načítať všetky repozitáre Only show plugins from selected repository Zobraziť len zásuvné moduly z vybraného repozitára Clear filter Vyčistiť filter connected The repository is connected Repozitár je pripojený unavailable nedostupné The repository is enabled, but unavailable Repozitár je zapnutý, ale nedostupný disabled vypnutý The repository is disabled Repozitár je vypnutý The repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version Repozitár je zablokovaný kvôli nekompatibilite s Vašou verziou QGISu Vote sent successfully Sending vote to the plugin repository failed. <h3>Upgradable plugins</h3><p>Here are <b>upgradeable plugins</b>. It means more recent versions of installed plugins are available in the repositories.</p> <h3>Dostupná aktualizácia zásuvných modulov</h3><p>Tu sú <b>dostupné aktualizácie zásuvných modulov</b>. To znamená, že v repozitároch sú dostupné novšie verzie nainštalovaných zásuvných modulov.</p> <h3>All Plugins</h3><p>On the left you see the list of all plugins available for your QGIS, both installed and available for download. Some plugins come with your QGIS installation while most of them are made available via the plugin repositories.</p><p>You can temporarily enable or disable a plugin. To <i>enable</i> or <i>disable</i> a plugin, click its checkbox or doubleclick its name...</p><p>Plugins showing in <span style='color:red'>red</span> are not loaded because there is a problem. They are also listed on the 'Invalid' tab. Click on the plugin name to see more details, or to reinstall or uninstall this plugin.</p> <h3>Installed Plugins</h3><p>Here you only see plugins <b>installed on your QGIS</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details. </p><p>Click the checkbox or doubleclick the name to <i>activate</i> or <i>deactivate</i> the plugin.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p> <h3>Not installed plugins</h3><p>Here you see the list of all plugins available in the repositories, but which are <b>not yet installed</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><p>A plugin can be downloaded and installed by clicking on it's name, and then click the 'Install plugin' button.</p> <h3>New plugins</h3><p>Here you see brand <b>new</b> plugins which can be installed.</p> <h3>Nové zásuvné moduly</h3><p>Tu vidíte vyznačené <b>nové</b> zásuvné moduly, ktoré môžu byť nainštalované.</p> <h3>Invalid plugins</h3><p>Plugins in this list here are <b>broken or incompatible</b> with your version of QGIS.</p><p>Click on an individual plugin; if possible QGIS shows you more information.</p><p>The main reasons to have invalid plugins is that this plugin is not build for this version of QGIS. Maybe you can download another version from <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Another common reason is that a python plugin needs some external python libraries (dependencies). You can install them yourself, depending on your operating system. After a correct install the plugin should work.</p> <h3>Neplatné zásuvné moduly</h3><p>Zásuvné moduly v tomto zozname sú <b>poškodené alebo nekompatibilné</b> s Vašou verziou QGISu.</p><p>Kliknutím na ľubovoľný zásuvný modul QGIS zobrazí (ak je to možné) viac informácií.</p><p>Hlavnou príčinou neplatných zásuvných modulov je to, že daný zásuvný modul nie je vytvorený pre danú verziu QGISu. Inú verziu aplikácie si môžete stiahnuť zo stránky <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Ďalšou častou príčinou je to, že zásuvný modul jazyka Python potrebuje isté externé knižnice. Nainštalovať si ich môžete sami v závislosti od Vášho operačného systému. Po správnej inštalácii by mal zásuvný modul fungovať.</p> QgsPluginManagerBase Plugin Manager Správca zásuvných modulov All Installed Nainštalované Installed plugins Nainštalované zásuvné moduly Not installed plugins available for download Nenainštalované zásuvné moduly dostupné na stiahnutie Upgradeable Dostupná aktualizácia Installed plugins with more recent version available for download Nainštalované zásuvné moduly s dostupnou novšou verziou na stiahnutie New Nové Not installed plugins seen for the first time Nenainštalované zásuvné moduly videné po prvýkrát Invalid Neplatné Broken and incompatible installed plugins Poškodené a nekompatibilné nainštalované zásuvné moduly Settings Nastavenia Search Vyhľadávanie Not installed about:blank Upgrade all upgradeable plugins Aktualizovať všetky dostupné aktualizácie zásuvných modulov Upgrade all Aktualizovať všetky Uninstall the selected plugin Odinštalovať vybraný zásuvný modul Uninstall plugin Odinštalovať zásuvný modul Install, reinstall or upgrade the selected plugin Inštalovať, znovu inštalovať alebo aktualizovať vybraný zásuvný modul Reinstall plugin Znova nainštalovať zásuvný modul The settings on this tab are only applicable for Python Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available. Nastavenia tejto záložky sú použiteľné pre zásuvné moduly jazyka Python. Ak nebude zistená podpora jazyka Python, nebudú k dispozícii ani žiadne nastavenia. Check for updates on startup Skontrolovať aktualizácie pri štarte every time QGIS starts vždy pri spustení QGISu once a day raz za deň every 3 days každé tri dni every week každý týždeň every 2 weeks každé 2 týždne every month každý mesiac <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Manager window.</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Poznámka:</span> Ak je táto funkcia zapnutá, QGIS Vás bude informovať, či je dostupný nový zásuvný modul alebo aktualizácia zásuvného modulu. Získavanie repozitárov sa bude inak vykonávať počas otvárania okna Správca zásuvných modulov.</p></body></html> Show also experimental plugins Zobraziť tiež experimentálne zásuvné moduly <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Poznámka:</span> Experimentálne zásuvné moduly sú všeobecne nevhodné pre produkčné využitie. Sú v raných fázach vývoja a mali by byť považované za neúplné alebo skúšobné nástroje. QGIS neodporúča inštaláciu týchto zásuvných modulov v prípade, že ich nemáte v úmysle používať na testovacie účely.</p></body></html> Show also deprecated plugins <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Note:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Deprecated plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are unmaintained, and should be considered 'obsolete' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you still need it and there are no other alternatives available.</span></p></body></html> Plugin repositories Repozitáre zásuvných modulov Status Stav Name Názov URL URL adresa Reload repository contents (useful when you uploaded a plugin there) Znova načítať obsahy repozitára (užitočné ak ste práve nahrali zásuvný modul do repozitára) Reload repository Znova načítať repozitár Configure an additional plugin repository Nakonfigurovať ďalší repozitár zásuvného modulu Add a new plugin repository Pridať nový repozitár zásuvných modulov Add... Pridať... Edit the selected repository Upraviť vybraný repozitár Edit... Upraviť... Remove the selected repository Odobrať vybraný repozitár Delete Odstrániť QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidget None Žiadny Select color Label Font Písmo popisku The point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers. '%1' is not a point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer Vykresľovač premiestnenia bodu sa vzťahuje len na (jednotlivú) bodovú vrstvu. '%1' nie je bodová vrstva a nemôže byť zobrazená pomocou vykresľovača premiestnenia bodu QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBase Form Formulár Center symbol: Strediskový symbol: Renderer: Vykresľovač: Renderer settings... Nastavenie vykresľovača... Label font: Font... Max scale denominator: Displacement circles Circle pen width: Hrúbka pera kruhu: Circle color: Farba kruhu: Circle radius modification: Modifikácia polomera kruhu: Point distance tolerance: Tolerancia vzdialenosti bodu: Labels Popisky Label attribute: Atribút popisku: Label color: Farba popisku: Use scale dependent labelling Použiť popisok v závislosti do mierky QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayerWidget Millimeter Map unit Horizontal distance Horizontálna vzdialenosť Vertical distance Vertikálna vzdialenosť Horizontal displacement Horizontálne umiestnenie Vertical displacement Vertikálne umiestnenie QgsPostgresConn Connection to database failed Pripojenie k databáze zlyhalo PostGIS PostGIS error in setting encoding chyba v nastavení kódovania undefined return value from encoding setting neznáma hodnota vrátená z nastavenia kódovania Your database has no working PostGIS support. Vaša databáza nemá podporu PostGISu. Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net) Vaša inštalácia PostGISu nemá podporu GEOSu. Výber objektov a identifikácia nebudú pracovať správne. Nainštalujte si prosím PostGIS s podporou GEOSu (http://geos.refractions.net) SQL:%1 result:%2 error:%3 SQL:%1 výsledok:%2 chyba:%3 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. Pripojenie k databáze bolo úspešné, ale neboli zistené žiadne dostupné tabuľky. Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Pripojenie k databáze bolo úspešné, ale neboli zistené žiadne dostupné tabuľky. Chybové hlásenie z databázy bolo: %1 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Pripojenie k databáze bolo úspešné, ale neboli zistené žiadne dostupné tabuľky. Chybové hlásenie z databázy bolo: %1 Database connection was successful, but no accessible tables were found. Please verify that you have SELECT privilege on a table carrying PostGIS geometry. Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database Nie je možné získať zoznam priestorových tabuliek z databázy Retrieval of postgis version failed Získanie verzie PostGISu zlyhalo Could not parse postgis version string '%1' Nebolo možné spracovať reťazec verzie PostGISu '%1' Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3] Chyba pripojenia: %1 vrátených %2 [%3] Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3] Chybný dopyt: %1 vrátených %2 [%3] Query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer Dopyt zlyhal: %1 Chyba: bez výsledku Query: %1 returned %2 [%3] Dopyt: %1 vrátených %2 [%3] %1 cursor states lost. SQL: %2 Result: %3 (%4) %1 kurzor stratený. SQL: %2 Výsledok: %3 (%4) resetting bad connection. resetovanie chybného pripojenia. retry after reset succeeded. opakované resetovanie úspešné. retry after reset failed again. opakované resetovanie zlyhalo. connection still bad after reset. pripojenie stále chybné aj po zresetovaní. bad connection, not retrying. chybné pripojenie, bez opakovania. Point Bod Multipoint Multibod Line Línia Multiline Multilínia Polygon Polygón Multipolygon Multipolygón No Geometry Bez geometrie Unknown Geometry Neznáma geometria None Žiadna Geometry Geometria Geography Geografia TopoGeometry TopoGemetry Query could not be canceled [%1] Dopyt nemohol byť zrušený [%1] PQgetCancel failed Požiadavka PQgetCancel zlyhala QgsPostgresProvider invalid PostgreSQL layer neplatná vrstva PostgreSQL PostGIS PostGIS invalid PostgreSQL topology layer neplatná topológia vrstvy PostgreSQL PostgreSQL layer has no primary key. Vrstva PostgreSQL nemá žiadny jedinečný kľúč. Whole number (smallint - 16bit) Whole number (smallint - 16bit) Whole number (integer - 32bit) Celé číslo (integer - 32bit) Whole number (integer - 64bit) Celé číslo (integer - 64bit) Decimal number (numeric) Desatinné číslo Decimal number (decimal) Desatinné číslo Decimal number (real) Desatinné číslo (real) Decimal number (double) Desatinné číslo (double) Text, fixed length (char) Text s pevnou dĺžkou Text, limited variable length (varchar) Text s obmedzenou dĺžkou Text, unlimited length (text) Text s neobmedzenou dĺžkou Date Dátum PostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type. Vrstva PostgreSQL má neznámy typ jedinečného kľúča. Read attempt on an invalid postgresql data source Pokus o čítanie na neplatnom zdroji dát PostgreSQL FAILURE: Field %1 not found. ZLYHANIE: Pole %1 nenájdené. unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2 neočakávaný formátovaný typ poľa '%1' pre pole %2 Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2 Pole %1 ignorované kvôli nepodporovanému typu %2 Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type type %2 Pole %1 ignorované kvôli nepodporovanému typu %2 Duplicate field %1 found Nájdené duplicitné pole %1 Unable to access the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Nie je možné sprístupniť %1 reláciu. Chybové hlásenie z databázy bolo: %2. SQL: %3 PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash (or you are connected to a (read-only) slave). Write accesses will be denied. PostgreSQL je stále v procese obnovovania po páde databázy, alebo ste pripojení k podriadenému serveru určenému len na čítanie. Nebude povolený zápis. Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Nie je možné určiť oprávnenia prístupu k tabuľke pre %1 reláciu. Chybové hlásenie z databázy bolo: %2. SQL: %3 The custom query is not a select query. Vlastný dopyt nie je výberovým dopytom. Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Nie je možné vykonať dopyt. Chybové hlásenie z databázy bolo: %1. SQL: %2 The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables. Tabuľka neobsahuje stĺpec vhodný pre využitie ako jedinečný kľúč. QGIS vyžaduje jedinečný kľúč, oid stĺpec PostgreSQL alebo ctid stĺpec pre tabuľky. Primary key field '%1' for view not unique. Pole jedinečného kľúča '%1' pre zobrazenie nie je jedinečné. Key field '%1' for view not found. Pole jedinečného kľúča '%1' pre zobrazenie nenájdené. No key field for view given. Nezadané žiadne pole jedinečného kľúča pre zobrazenie. Unexpected relation type '%1'. Neočakávaný typ relácie '%1'. No key field for query given. Nezadané žiadne pole jedinečného kľúča pre dopyt. Could not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3 Nebolo možné nájsť topológiu vrstvy %1.%2.%3 PostGIS error while adding features: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri pridávaní objektov: %1 PostGIS error while deleting features: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri odstraňovaní objektov: %1 PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri pridávaní atribútov: %1 PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri odstraňovaní atribútov: %1 PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri zmene atribútov: %1 PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1 Chyba PostGISu pri zmene hodnôt geometrie: %1 result of extents query invalid: %1 výsledok dopytu rozsahov neplatný: %1 Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. Typ geometrie a ID súradnicového systému pre prázdny stĺpec %1 z %2 nedefinované. Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. Typ objektu alebo ID súradnicového systému %1 z %2 nebolo možné určiť alebo neboli požadované. Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2) Úpravy a pridávanie zakázané pre 2D+ vrstvu (%1; %2) PostgreSQL version: unknown Verzia PostgreSQL: neznáma unknown neznáma PostgreSQL not connected Databáza PostgreSQL nepripojená PostgreSQL/PostGIS provider %1 PostGIS %2 Zdroj PostgreSQL/PostGIS %1 PostGIS %2 QgsProject Loading layer %1 Načitávanie vrstvy %1 Unable to open %1 Nie je možné otvoriť %1 Project File Read Error Chyba pri čítaní súboru projektu %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 na riadku %2 stĺpec %3 Project file read error: %1 at line %2 column %3 Chyba pri čítaní súboru projektu: %1 na riadku %2 stĺpec %3 %1 for file %2 %1 pre súbor %2 Unable to save to file %1 Nie je možné uložiť súbor %1 %1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again. %1 nie je zapisovateľný. Upravte prosím prístupové práva (ak je to možné) a skúste opäť. Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again. Nie je možné uložiť súbor %1. Váš projekt môže byť poškodený na disku. Skúste vytvoriť viac miesta na disku a skontrolujte prístupové práva súboru pred opätovným uložením. QgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandler Ignore Ignorovať QGIS Project Read Error Chyba pri čítaní QGIS projektu Unable to open one or more project layers. Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to return to your pre-project load state. Choose OK to try to find the missing layers. Nie je možné otvoriť jednu alebo viac vrstiev projektu. Vyberte možnosť Ignorovať na pokračovanie v načítávaní bez chýbajúcich vrstiev. Vyberte možnosť Zrušiť na vrátenie stavu projektu pred načítaním. Vyberte možnosť OK na vyskúšanie nájdenia chýbajúcich vrstiev. QgsProjectColorScheme Project colors QgsProjectLayerGroupDialog Select project file Vyberte súbor projektu QGIS files Súbory QGISu Recursive embedding not possible Rekurzívne vloženie nie je možné It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project. Nie je možné vložiť vrstvy / skupiny z aktuálneho projektu. QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogBase Select layers and groups to embed Vyberte vrstvy a skupiny na vloženie Project file Súbor projektu ... ... QgsProjectProperties Layer Vrstva Type Typ Identifiable Identifikovateľná Vector Vektor WMS WMS Raster Raster Coordinate System Restriction Obmedzenie súradnicového systému No coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction. Nie je vybraný žiadny súradnicový systém. Zablokovanie obmedzenia. Selection color Výber farby Measure tool (CRS transformation: %1) Nástroj na meranie (transformácia súr. systému: %1) Canvas units (CRS transformation: %1) Jednotky mapového okna (transformácia súr. systému: %1) OFF Vypnúť ON Zapnúť CRS %1 was already selected Súradnicový systém %1 bol už vybraný Coordinate System Restrictions Obmedzenia súradnicového systému The current selection of coordinate systems will be lost. Proceed? Aktuálny výber súradnicových systémov bude stratený. Pokračovať? Select print composer Vyberte tlačový výstup Composer Title Názov tlačového výstupu Select restricted layers and groups Vyberte obmedzené vrstvy a skupiny Enter scale Zadajte mierku Scale denominator Menovateľ mierky Load scales Načítať mierky XML files (*.xml *.XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Save scales Uložiť mierky Select a valid symbol Vyberte platný symbol Invalid symbol : Neplatný symbol : Parameters: Parametre: Select %1 from pull-down menu to adjust radii Can only use ellipsoidal calculations when CRS transformation is enabled Výpočty na elipsoide sú možné, len ak je povolená transformácia súradnicového systému Select Color Select palette file Invalid file Error, file does not exist or is not readable Error, no colors found in palette file Palette file Error exporting Error writing palette file QgsProjectPropertiesBase Project Properties Vlastnosti projektu General Všeobecné General settings Všeobecné nastavenia Project title Názov projektu Descriptive project name Popisný názov projektu Default project title Štandardný názov projektu Selection color Výber farby Background color Farba pozadia absolute absolútne relative relatívne Save paths Uložiť cesty Measure tool Nástroj na meranie Semi-minor Vedľajšia poloos Semi-major Hlavná poloos Used when CRS transformation is turned off Používa sa, ak je transformácia súradnicového systému vypnutá Canvas units Jednotky mapového okna Meters Metre Feet Stopy CRS Súradnicový systém Coordinate Reference System Súradnicový systém Identify layers Identifikovať vrstvy Default styles Predvolené štýly OWS server OWS server Ellipsoid (for distance calculations) Elipsoid (pre výpočty vzdialenosti) Degree Stupeň Degree display Zobrazenie stupňov Decimal degrees Desatinné stupne Degrees, Minutes Stupne, minúty Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Stupne, minúty, sekundy Precision Presnosť Automatically sets the number of decimal places in the mouse position display Automaticky nastaví počet počet desatinných miest v zobrazovaní polohy myši (kurzora) The number of decimal places that are used when displaying the mouse position is automatically set to be enough so that moving the mouse by one pixel gives a change in the position display Počet desatinných miest, ktoré sú použité pri zobrazovaní polohy myši je automaticky nastavený tak, aby posun myši o jeden pixel spôsobil zmenu v zobrazovanej polohe Automatic Automaticky Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display Nastaví počet desatinných miest použitých pri zobrazovaní polohy myši Manual Ručne The number of decimal places for the manual option Počet desatinných miest pre ručnú voľbu decimal places desatinné miesta Project scales Mierky projektu ... ... Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation Povoliť automatickú transformáciu medzi súradnicovými systémami ('on the fly' transformácia) Identifiable layers Identifikovateľné vrstvy Project layers Vrstvy projektu Layer Vrstva Type Typ Identifiable Identifikovateľná Marker Značka Line Línia Default symbols Predvolené symboly Fill Výplň Color Ramp Farebná škála Transparency Priehľadnosť % % Style Manager Správca štýlov Options Možnosti Relations Project file Nautical miles Assign random colors to symbols Priradiť symbolom náhodné farby Project colors Copy colors Add color Paste colors Remove color Import Export Service capabilities Person Osoba Title Názov Organization Organizácia Online resource Online zdroj E-Mail E-mail Phone Telefón Abstract Abstrakt Fees Poplatky Access constraints Obmedzenia prístupu Keyword list Zoznam kľúčových slov WMS capabilities Add geometry to feature response Min. X Min. X Min. Y Min. Y Max. X Max. X Max. Y Max Y Use Current Canvas Extent Použiť rozsah aktuálneho mapového okna Used Použitý Exclude composers Vylúčiť tlačové výstupy WFS capabilities WCS capabilities Exclude layers Vylúčiť vrstvy Quality for JPEG images ( 10 : smaller image - 100 : best quality ) Use layer ids as names GetFeatureInfo geometry precision (decimal places) Published Puplikované Geometry precision (decimal places) Update Aktualizovať Insert Vložiť Delete Odstrániť Unselect all Zrušiť výber Select all Vybrať všetko Macros Makrá Advertised URL Uvádzaná URL adresa Width Šírka Height Výška Maximums for GetMap request Maximá pre požiadavky GetMap Advertised extent Uvádzaný rozsah CRS restrictions Obmedzenia súr. systému Python macros Makrá jazyka Python QgsProjectionSelector User Defined Coordinate Systems Používateľom definované súradnicové systémy Geographic Coordinate Systems Zemepisné súradnicové systémy Projected Coordinate Systems Mapové súradnicové systémy Resource Location Error Chyba pri lokalizácii zdroja Error reading database file from: %1 Because of this the projection selector will not work... Chyba pri čítaní databázového súboru: %1 Kvôli tomu nebude fungovať výber mapového zobrazenia... QgsProjectionSelectorBase Coordinate Reference System Selector Výber súradnicového systému Filter Filter Recently used coordinate reference systems Nedávno použité súradnicové systémy Coordinate Reference System Súradnicový systém Selected CRS: Vybraný súradnicový systém: Authority ID ID autority ID ID Coordinate reference systems of the world Súradnicové systémy sveta Hide deprecated CRSs Skryť zastaralé súr. systémy QgsQueryBuilder &Test &Skúška &Clear &Vyčistiť Set provider filter on %1 Query Result Výsledok dopytu The where clause returned %n row(s). returned test rows Klauzula WHERE vrátila %n riadok/riadkov. Query Failed Dopyt zlyhal An error occurred when executing the query. Vyskytla sa chyba pri vykonávaní dopytu. The data provider said: %1 Zdroj dát prehásil: %1 Error in Query Chyba v dopyte The subset string could not be set Podskupina reťazca nemohla byť nastavená QgsQueryBuilderBase Query Builder Tvorba dopytov Datasource Zdroj dát Fields Polia <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Zoznam polí v tomto vektorovom súbore</p></body></html> Values Hodnoty <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Zoznam hodnôt aktuálneho poľa.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Získať <span style=" font-weight:600;">vzorku</span> záznamov z vektorového súboru</p></body></html> Sample Vzorka <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Získať <span style=" font-weight:600;">všetky</span> záznamy z vektorového súboru (<span style=" font-style:italic;">pokiaľ je tabuľka veľká, operácia môže trvať aj dlhší čas</span>)</p></body></html> All Všetko Use unfiltered layer Použiť nefiltrovanú vrstvu Operators Operátory = = < < NOT NOT OR OR AND AND % % IN IN NOT IN NOT IN != != > > LIKE LIKE ILIKE ILIKE >= >= <= <= Provider specific filter expression Výraz filtra špecifický pre zdroj QgsRangeConfigDlg Editable Slider Dial Current minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2. Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable. QgsRangeConfigDlgBase Form Allows setting of numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. Step Advanced options Suffix Inactive Maximum Allow NULL Minimum Local minimum/maximum = 0/0 QgsRasterCalcDialog Enter result file Zadať súbor výsledku Expression valid Výraz platný Expression invalid Výraz neplatný QgsRasterCalcDialogBase Raster calculator Rastrová kalkulačka Raster bands Rastrové kanály Result layer Vrstva výsledku Output layer Výstupná vrstva ... ... Current layer extent Rozsah aktuálnej vrstvy X min X min XMax X max Y min Y min Y max Y max Columns Stĺpce Rows Riadky Output format Výstupný formát Add result to project Pridať výsledok do projektu Operators Operátory + + * * sqrt sin sin ^ acos arccos ( - - / / cos cos asin arcsin tan tg atan arctg ) ) < < > > = = OR ALEBO AND A <= <= >= >= Raster calculator expression Výraz rastrovej kalkulačky QgsRasterDataProvider Format not supported Formát nepodporovaný Value Hodnota Text Html HTML Feature Objekt QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget Default Predvolené No compression Bez kompresie Low compression Nízka kompresia High compression Vysoká kompresia JPEG compression Kompresia JPEG Cannot get create options for driver %1 Nie je možné získať dodatočné parametre vytvárania pre ovládač %1 For details on pyramids options please see the following pages Pre viac podrobností o možnostiach pyramíd si prosím pozrite nasledujúce stránky No help available Nie je k dispozícii žiadny pomocník cannot validate pyramid options nie je možné overiť možnosti pyramíd Cannot validate creation options Nie je možné overiť dodatočné parametre vytvárania Valid Platné Invalid %1: %2 Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. Neplatný %1: %2 Kliknite na tlačítko pomocníka a získajte platné možnosti dodatočných parametrov vytvárania pre tento formát. pyramid creation option možnosť vytvorenia pyramíd creation option dodatočné parametre vytvárania Profile name: Názov profilu: Use simple interface Použiť jednoduché rozhranie Use table interface Použiť tabuľkové rozhranie QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetBase Form Formulár New Nový Remove Odobrať Reset Obnoviť Profile Profil Name Názov Value Hodnota + + Validate Overiť Help Pomocník - - Insert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spaces Vložte dvojicu KĽÚČ=HODNOTA oddelenú medzerami QgsRasterHistogramWidget Visibility Viditeľnosť Min/Max options Možnosti Min/Max Always show min/max markers Vždy zobraziť označenia min/max Zoom to min/max Priblížiť na min/max Update style to min/max Aktualizovať štýl na min/max Show all bands Zobraziť všetky kanály Show RGB/Gray band(s) Zobraziť kanály RGB/Šedý Show selected band Zobraziť vybraný kanál Display Draw as lines Draw as lines (only int layers) Actions Akcie Reset Obnoviť Load min/max Načítať min/max Estimate (faster) Odhadované (rýchlejšie) Actual (slower) Skutočné (pomalšie) Current extent Aktuálny rozsah Use stddev (1.0) Použiť smerodajnú odchýlku (1.0) Use stddev (custom) Použiť smerodajnú odchýlku (vlastnú) Load for each band Načítať pre každý kanál Recompute Histogram Prepočítať histogram Band %1 Kanál %1 Choose a file name to save the map image as Vyberte názov súboru pre uloženie mapového obrázku ako QgsRasterHistogramWidgetBase Form Formulár Set min/max style for Nastaviť min/max štýlu pre Min Min Pick Min value on graph Vybrať minimálnu hodnotu na grafe ... ... Max Max Pick Max value on graph Vybrať maximálnu hodnotu na grafe Prefs/Actions Preferencie/Akcie Save plot Uložiť zakreslenie Save as image... Uložiť ako obrázok... Compute Histogram Vypočítať histogram QgsRasterInterface Identify Identifikovať Build Pyramids Vytvoriť pyramídy Create Datasources Vytvoriť zdroje dát Remove Datasources Odobrať zdroje dát Band Kanál QgsRasterLayer Not Set Nenastavené QgsRasterLayer created Vytvorená rastrová vrstva QGISu Raster Raster No Data Value Hodnota prázdnej bunky NoDataValue not set NoDataValue nie je nastavená Could not determine raster data type. Nebolo možné určiť typ rastrových dát. Driver Ovládač Data Type Typ dát Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point CInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt32 - Complex Int32 CInt32 - Complex Int32 CFloat32 - Complex Float32 CFloat32 - Complex Float32 CFloat64 - Complex Float64 CFloat64 - Complex Float64 Pyramid overviews Prehľady pyramídy Layer Spatial Reference System Súradnicový systém vrstvy Layer Extent (layer original source projection) Rozsah vrstvy (pôvodná zdrojová projekcia vrstvy) Project Spatial Reference System Súradnicový systém projektu Band Kanál Band No Kanál č. No Stats Žiadna štatistika No stats collected yet Zatiaľ neboli zozbierané žiadne štatistické údaje Min Val Minimálna hodnota Max Val Maximálna hodnota Range Rozpätie (valencia) Mean Priemer Sum of squares Rozptyl Standard Deviation Smerodajná odchýlka Sum of all cells Suma všetkých buniek Cell Count Počet buniek Cannot instantiate the '%1' data provider Nie je možné vytvoriť inštanciu '%1' dátového zdroja Provider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2 Zdroj nie je platný (zdroj: %1, URI: %2) <maplayer> not found. <vrstva> nenájdená. QgsRasterLayerProperties Not Set Nenastavené Description Popis Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. Vyššie rozlíšenie rastrových vrstiev môže spomaliť pohyb v mape. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. Vytvorením kópií údajov v nižšom rozlíšení (pyramíd) je možné značne zlepšiť výkon tým, že QGIS pri vykresľovaní rastra vyberie raster s najvhodnejším rozlíšením v závislosti od úrovne pohľadu. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. Pri tvorbe pyramíd musíte mať právo na zápis do adresára, v ktorom sa nachádzajú originálne dáta. Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed! Tvorba interných pyramíd môže pozmeniť pôvodné dáta súboru a pokiaľ sú pyramídy už raz vytvorené, nemožno ich odobrať! Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first! Pri tvorbe pyramíd môže dôjsť k poškodeniu Vašich dát, preto si vždy pred touto operáciou vytvorte záložnú kópiu! Layer Properties - %1 Vlastnosti vrstvy - %1 Nearest neighbour Metóda najbližšieho suseda Bilinear Bilineárna Cubic Kubická Average Priemer Select color None Žiadna Red Červená Green Zelená Blue Modrá Percent Transparent Priehľadnosť v percentách Gray Šedá Indexed Value Indexovaná hodnota From Od To Do not defined nedefinované Columns: %1 Stĺpce: %1 Rows: %1 Riadky: %1 Columns: Stĺpce: n/a -- Rows: Riadky: No-Data Value: Prázdna hodnota: No-Data Value: %1 Hodnota prázdnej bunky: %1 Write access denied Prístup k zápisu odmietnutý Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Prístup k zápisu odmietnutý. Upravte práva súboru a skúste znova. Building pyramids failed. Vytvorenie pyramíd zlyhalo. The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Súbor nebol zapisovateľný. Niektoré formáty nepodporujú pyramídy. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. Tento typ rastra nepodporuje vytváranie pyramíd. Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. Tvorba pyramíd nie je podporovaná rastrovými vrstvami s kompresiou JPEG a verziou Vašej knižnice libtiff. Save file Uložiť súbor Textfile Textový súbor QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File Súbor obsahujúci hodnotu priehľadných buniek Value Hodnota Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Prístup k zápisu odmietnutý. Upravte práva súboru a skúste znova. Open file Otvoriť súbor Import Error Chyba pri importovaní The following lines contained errors %1 Nasledujúce riadky obsahovali chyby %1 Read access denied Prístup k čítaniu súboru zamietnutý Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Prístup k čítaniu súboru zamietnutý. Upravte práva súboru a skúste znova. Default Style Predvolený štýl Load layer properties from style file Načítať vlastnosti vrstvy zo súboru štýlu QGIS Layer Style File Súbor štýlu vrstvy QGISu Saved Style Uložený štýl Save layer properties as style file Uložiť vlastnosti vrstvy ako súbor štýlu QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties Vlastnosti rastrovej vrstvy Resolutions Rozlíšenia Save As Default Uložiť ako predvolené Load Style... Restore Default Style Obnoviť predvolený štýl Render type Typ vykresľovača Resampling Prevzorkovanie Oversampling Prevzorkovanie Transparency Priehľadnosť Style Štýl Layer info Informácie o vrstve <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p></body></html> Description Popis Keyword list Zoznam kľúčových slov Format Formát Data Url Attribution Krátky popis vrstvy Url URL MetadataUrl URL adresa meta údajov Type Typ LegendUrl image/png image/jpeg image/jpg Properties Vlastnosti Band rendering Kanál vykresľovania Color rendering Farba vykresľovania Saturation Sýtosť Off Vypnuté By lightness Podľa svetlosti By luminosity Podľa svetelnosti By average Podľa priemeru Hue Odtieň Blending mode Režim prelínania Brightness Jas Contrast Kontrast Grayscale Stupne šedej Colorize Vyfarbenie Strength Sila % % Reset all color rendering options to default Obnoviť všetky možnosti farby vykresľovania na predvolené Reset Obnoviť Zoomed: in Priblížené out Oddialené Global transparency Všeobecná priehľadnosť None Žiadny 00% 00% <p align="right">Full</p> <p align="right">Úplná</p> No data value Hodnota prázdnej bunky Use original source no data value. Použiť pôvodnú hodnotu prázdnej bunky. No data value: Hodnota prázdnej bunky: Original data source no data value, if exists. Použiť pôvodnú hodnotu prázdnej bunky, ak existuje. <src no data value> <src no data value> Additional user defined no data value. Dodatočná používateľom definovaná hodnota prázdnej bunky. Additional no data value Dodatočná hodnota prázdnej bunky Custom transparency options Vlastné možnosti priehľadnosti Transparency band Kanál priehľadnosti Add values from display Pridať hodnoty zo zobrazenia Transparent pixel list Zoznam priehľadných pixelov Save Style... Add values manually Pridať hodnoty ručne ... ... Remove selected row Odobrať vybraný riadok Default values Predvolené hodnoty Import from file Import zo súboru Export to file Export do súboru General Všeobecné Layer name Názov vrstvy displayed as zobrazená ako Layer source Zdroj vrstvy Columns Stĺpce Rows Riadky No Data Prázdna hodnota Scale dependent visibility Viditeľnosť závislá od mierky Coordinate reference system Súradnicový systém Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Uveďte súradnicový systém vrstvy. Specify... Uviesť... Thumbnail Miniatúry Legend Legenda Palette Paleta Metadata Meta údaje Title Názov Abstract Abstrakt Pyramids Pyramídy Average Priemer Nearest Neighbour Metóda najbližšieho suseda Build pyramids Vytvoriť pyramídy Resampling method Metóda prevzorkovania Overview format Formát náhľadu External Externý Internal (if possible) Interný (ak je možný) External (Erdas Imagine) Externý (Erdas Imagine) Histogram Stĺpcový graf (histogram) QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog From Od To Do Select output directory Vyberte výstupný adresár Warning Upozornenie The directory %1 contains files which will be overwritten: %2 Adresár %1 obsahuje súbory, ktoré budú prepísané: %2 Select output file Vyberte výstupný súbor GeoTIFF GeoTIFF layer vrstva user defined používateľom definované Resolution (current: %1) Rozlíšenie (aktuálne: %1) Layer (%1, %2) Vrstva (%1, %2) Project (%1, %2) Projekt (%1, %2) Selected (%1, %2) Vybrané (%1, %2) QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogBase Save raster layer as... Uložiť raster ako... Output mode Režim výstupu Write out raw raster layer data. Optionally user defined no data values may be applied. Vytvoriť surové dáta rastrovej vrstvy. Použité môžu byť aj používateľom definované hodnoty prázdnej bunky. Raw data Surové dáta Write out 3 bands RGB image rendered using current layer style. Vytvoriť trojkanálový RGB obrázok vykreslený použitím aktuálneho štýlu vrstvy. Rendered image Vykreslený obrázok Format Formát Create GDAL Virtual Format composed of multiple datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Vytvoriť virtuálny formát knižnice GDAL zložený z viacerých dátových sád s maximálnou šírkou a výškou uvedenou nižšie. Create VRT Vytvoriť VRT Save as Uložiť ako Browse... Prechádzať... CRS Súradnicový systém Change... Extent Rozsah Resolution Rozlíšenie Horizontal Vodorovne Columns Stĺpce Rows Riadky Layer resolution Rozlíšenie vrstvy Layer size Veľkosť vrstvy Vertical Zvisle VRT Tiles Mapové štvorce VRT Maximum number of columns in one tile. Maximálny počet stĺpcov v jednom štvorci. Max columns Maximum stĺpcov Maximum number of rows in one tile. Maximálny počet riadkov v jednom štvorci. Max rows Maximum riadkov Create Options Vytvoriť možnosti Pyramids Pyramídy Resolutions Rozlíšenia Pyramid resolutions corresponding to levels given Rozlíšenie pyramídy zodpovedajúce zadaným úrovniam Use existing Použiť existujúce Additional no data values. The specified values will be set to no data in output raster. Dodatočné hodnoty prázdnej bunky. Vybrané hodnoty budú nastavené na hodnoty prázdnej bunky vo výstupnom rastri. No data values Hodnoty prázdnej bunky Add values manually Pridať hodnoty ručne ... ... Load user defined fully transparent (100%) values Načítať používateľom definované úplne priehľadné (100%) hodnoty Remove selected row Odobrať vybraný riadok Clear all Vyčistiť všetko QgsRasterMinMaxWidget No option selected Please select an option to load min/max values. QgsRasterMinMaxWidgetBase Form Formulár Load min/max values Načítať min/max hodnoty - - % % Min / max Min / max Extent Rozsah Full Celý Current Aktuálny Accuracy Presnosť Actual (slower) Skutočná (pomalšie) Estimate (faster) Odhadovaná (rýchlejšie) Cumulative count cut Kumulatívny počet rezov Mean +/- standard deviation × Stredná +/- hodnota smerodajnej odchýlky × Load Načítať QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetBase Form Formulár Insert positive integer values separated by spaces Vložiť kladné hodnoty celého čísla oddelené medzerami External (GTiff .ovr) Externý (GTiff .ovr) Internal (if possible) Interný (ak je možný) External (Erdas Imagine .aux) Externý (Erdas Imagine .aux) Levels Úrovne Create Options Vytvoriť možnosti Resampling method Metóda prevzorkovania Average Priemer Nearest Neighbour Metóda najbližšieho suseda Custom levels Vlastné úrovne Overview format Formát náhľadu QgsRasterRenderer Unknown User defined Estimated Exact min / max cumulative cut standard deviation full extent sub extent %1 %2 of %3. min/max origin label in raster properties, where %1 - estimated/exact, %2 - values (min/max, stddev, etc.), %3 - extent QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialog Export Frequency distribution as csv Export Colors and elevations as xml Import Colors and elevations from xml Error opening file The relief color file could not be opened Error parsing xml The xml file could not be loaded Enter result file Enter lower elevation class bound Elevation Enter upper elevation class bound Select color for relief class QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialogBase Dialog Elevation layer Output layer ... Output format Z factor Add result to project Illumination Azimuth (horizontal angle) Vertical angle Relief colors Create automatically Export distribution... Up Down + - Lower bound Upper bound Color Farba Export colors... Import colors... QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisPlugin Slope Aspect Hillshade Terrain Analysis Aspect... Hillshade... Relief... Ruggedness Index... Relief Calculating hillshade... Abort Prerušiť Calculating relief... Calculating slope... Calculating aspect... Ruggedness Calculating ruggedness... QgsRecentColorScheme Recent colors QgsRelReferenceConfigDlgBase Dialog Display expression On map identification (for geometric layers only) Use a read-only line edit instead of a combobox Allow NULL value Show embedded form Relation QgsRelation Cannot create relation. Unexpected tag '%1' Relation defined for layer '%1' which does not exist. Relation defined for layer '%1' which is not of type VectorLayer. QgsRelationAddDlg [Generated automatically] QgsRelationAddDlgBase Add relation Referencing Field Referenced Layer (Parent) Referenced Field Referencing Layer (Child) Name Meno Id QgsRelationEditorWidget Toggle editing Add feature Delete feature Link feature Unlink feature Form view Table view QgsRelationEditorWidgetPlugin Relation editor QgsRelationManagerDialogBase Dialog Name Meno Referencing Layer Referencing Field Referenced Layer Referenced Field Id Add Relation Remove Relation QgsRelationReferenceWidget Open related feature form Highlight feature Scale and highlight feature Pan and highlight feature Select on map No selection The relation is not valid. Please make sure your relation definitions are ok. %1 (no selection) Identify a feature of %1 to be associated. Press <ESC> to cancel. QgsRelationReferenceWidgetPlugin Relation reference QgsRendererRulePropsDialog Rule properties Vlastnosti pravidla Label Popisok Filter Filter ... ... Test Skúška Description Popis Scale range Rozsah mierky Symbol Symbol Error Chyba Filter expression parsing error: Chyba pri spracovávaní filtra výrazov: Evaluation error Chyba pri vyhodnocovaní Filter returned %n feature(s) number of filtered features Filter vrátil %n objektFilter vrátil %n objektov QgsRendererV2DataDefinedMenus Rotation field Size scale field Scale area Scale diameter - expression - - no field - - žiadne pole - QgsRendererV2PropsDialogBase Renderer settings Nastavenia vykresľovača Layer rendering Vykresľovanie vrstvy Layer transparency Priehľadnosť vrstvy Feature blending mode Režim prelínania objektu Layer blending mode Režim prelínania vrstvy This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface. Tento vykresľovač neimplementuje grafické rozhranie. QgsRendererV2Widget Copy Paste Change color Zmeniť farbu Change transparency Zmeniť priehľadnosť Change output unit Zmeniť jednotku výstupu Change width Zmeniť šírku Change size Zmeniť veľkosť Transparency Priehľadnosť Change symbol transparency [%] Zmeniť symbol priehľadnosti [%] Symbol unit Jednotka symbolu Select symbol unit Vybrať jednotku symbolu Millimeter Milimeter Map unit Mapová jednotka Width Šírka Change symbol width Zmeniť šírku symbolu Size Veľkosť Change symbol size Zmeniť veľkosť symbolu QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Model (no filter) (žiadny filter) <li><nobr>%1 features also in rule %2</nobr></li> <li><nobr>%1 objektov tiež v pravidle %2</nobr></li> Label Popisok Rule Pravidlo Min. scale Min. mierka Count Počet Duplicate count Duplicitný počet Max. scale Max. mierka Number of features in this rule. Počet objektov v tomto pravidle. Number of features in this rule which are also present in other rule(s). Počet objektov v tomto pravidle, ktoré sú prítomné aj v inom pravidle/pravidlách. QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Widget Add rule Pridať pravidlo Edit rule Upraviť pravidlo Remove rule Odobrať pravidlo Refine current rules Vylepšiť aktuálne pravidlá Count features Spočítať objekty Rendering order... Poradie vykresľovania... Remove Rule Refine current rule Vylepšiť aktuálne pravidlo Add scales to rule Pridať mierky do pravidla Add categories to rule Pridať kategórie do pravidla Add ranges to rule Pridať rozpätia do pravidla Refine a rule to categories Vylepšiť pravidlo pre kategórie Refine a rule to ranges Vylepšiť pravidlo pre rozpätia Scale refinement Vylepšenie mierky Parent rule %1 must have a symbol for this operation. Materské pravidlo %1 musí obsahovať symbol pre túto operáciu. Please enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000): Prosím zadajte menovatele mierky, ktorými bude pravidlo predelené, oddeľte ich čiarkami (napr. 1000,5000): Error Chyba "%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it. "%1" nie je platný menovateľ mierky, bude ignorovaný. Calculating feature count. Výpočet počtu objektov. Abort Prerušiť QgsRunProcess <b>Starting %1...</b> <b>Spúšťa sa %1...</b> Action Akcia Unable to run command %1 Nie je možné spustiť príkaz %1 Done Dokončené Unable to run command %1 Nie je možné spustiť príkaz %1 QgsSLConnectionItem Database does not exist Databáza neexistuje Failed to open database Nepodarilo sa otvoriť databázu Failed to check metadata Nepodarilo sa skontrolovať meta údaje Failed to get list of tables Nepodarilo sa získať zoznam tabuliek Unknown error Neznáma chyba Delete Odstrániť %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Nie je vektorová vrstva! %1: OK! %1: OK! Import to SpatiaLite database Import do databázy SpatiaLite Failed to import some layers! Nepodarilo sa importovať niektoré vrstvy! Import was successful. Import prebehol úspešne. QgsSLLayerItem Delete layer Odstrániť vrstvu Layer deleted successfully. Vrstva bola úspešne odstránená. QgsSLRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... Create database... Vytvoriť databázu... New SpatiaLite Database File Nový databázový súbor SpatiaLite SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Create SpatiaLite database Vytvoriť databázu SpatiaLite The database has been created Databáza bola vytvorená Failed to create the database: Zlyhalo vytvorenie databázy: QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget Texture width Hrúbka textúry SVG file Súbor SVG Millimeter Map unit Select fill color Select border color Select SVG texture file All files Rotation Otočenie Color Farba Border color Farba ohraničenia Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia QgsSaveStyleToDbDialog Save style in database A name is mandatory Attach Qt Designer UI file Qt Designer UI file .ui Wrong file The selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file. QgsSaveToDBDialog Save style Description UI Style Name Use as default style for this layer Open... Optionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the database QgsScaleRangeWidget Minimum (exclusive) Minimum scale, i.e. maximum scale denominator. This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale. Maximum (inclusive) Maximum scale, i.e. minimum scale denominator. This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale. current QgsScaleRangeWidgetPlugin A widget to define the scale range A widget to define the scale range. QgsScaleVisibilityDialog Scale visibility QgsSearchQueryBuilder Search query builder Vyhľadať dopyt &Test &Skúška &Clear &Vyčistiť &Save... &Uložiť... Save query to an xml file Uložiť dopyt do XML súboru &Load... &Načítať... Load query from xml file Načítať dopyt z XML súboru Search results Výsledky vyhľadávania Found %n matching feature(s). test result Nájdený %n zhodujúci sa objektNájdených %n zhodujúcich sa objektov Search string parsing error Chyba pri kontrole reťazca Evaluation error Chyba pri vyhodnocovaní Error during search Chyba počas vyhľadávania No Records Žiadne záznamy The query you specified results in zero records being returned. Dopyt, ktorý ste zadali, vrátil nula záznamov. Save query to file Uložiť dopyt do súboru Error Chyba Could not open file for writing Nie je možné otvoriť súbor na zapisovanie Load query from file Načítať dopyt zo súboru Query files Súbory dopytov All files Všetky súbory Could not open file for reading Nie je možné otvoriť súbor na čítanie File is not a valid xml document Súbor nie je platným XML dokumentom File is not a valid query document Súbor nie je platným dokumentom dopytu Select attribute Vybrať atribút There is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute V aktuálnej vektorovej vrstve nie je žiadny atribút '%1'. Vyberte prosím existujúci atribút QgsSelectedFeature Validation started. Overovanie spustené. Validation finished (%n error(s) found). number of geometry errors Overovanie dokončené (%n chyba/chýb nájdených). ring %1, vertex %2 diera %1, uzol %2 polygon %1, ring %2, vertex %3 polygón %1, diera %2, uzol %3 polyline %1, vertex %2 polylínia %1, uzol %2 vertex %1 uzol %1 point %1 bod %1 single point jeden bod QgsShapeFile Scanning The database gave an error while executing this SQL: %1 The error was: %2 The database gave an error while executing this SQL: Databáza vrátila chyby pri vykonávaní SQL dopytu: ... (rest of SQL trimmed) is appended to a truncated SQL statement ... (zvyšok SQL odrezaný) The error was: %1 QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select gradient color Transparent Color (start) Color (end) Blur radius Integer between 0 and 18 Use whole shape Maximum distance Ignore rings QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select fill color Transparent fill Select border color Transparent border Color Farba Border color Farba ohraničenia Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select line color Color Farba Pen width Hrúbka pera Offset Odsadenie Dash pattern Vzor prerušovanej čiary Join style Štýl spoja Cap style Štýl konca QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select fill color Transparent fill Select border color Transparent border Name Názov Fill color Farba výplne Border color Farba ohraničenia Outline width Hrúbka obrysu Angle Uhol Offset Odsadenie Horizontal anchor point Vertical anchor point QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget Black to white Čierna do bielej White to black Biela do čiernej No enhancement Bez vylepšenia Stretch to MinMax Natiahnuť na interval MinMax Stretch and clip to MinMax Zúžiť rozsah a natiahnuť na interval MinMax Clip to MinMax Zúžiť rozsah na interval MinMax QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBase Form Formulár Contrast enhancement Vylepšenie kontrastu Gray band Kanál v odtieni šedej Min Min Max Max Color gradient Prechod farby QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget Discrete Diskrétna Linear Lineárna Exact Presná Continuous Spojitý Equal interval Rovnaký interval Custom color map entry Vlastný záznam mapy farieb Load Color Map Načítať mapu farieb The color map for band %1 has no entries Mapa farby pre kanál %1 neobsahuje žiadne záznamy Open file Otvoriť súbor Textfile (*.txt) Textový súbor (*.txt) Import Error Chyba pri importovaní The following lines contained errors Nasledujúce riadky obsahovali chyby Read access denied Prístup k čítaniu súboru zamietnutý Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Prístup k čítaniu súboru zamietnutý. Upravte práva súboru a skúste znova. Save file Uložiť súbor QGIS Generated Color Map Export File Exportovaný súbor mapy farieb Write access denied Prístup k zápisu odmietnutý Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Prístup k zápisu odmietnutý. Upravte práva súboru a skúste znova. QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetBase Form Formulár Band Kanál Color interpolation Interpolácia farby Add values manually Pridať hodnoty ručne ... ... Remove selected row Odobrať vybraný riadok Sort colormap items Zoradiť položky mapy farieb Load color map from band Načítať mapu farieb z kanála Load color map from file Načítať mapu farieb zo súboru Export color map to file Exportovať mapu farieb do súboru Value Hodnota Color Farba Label Popisok Clip Prichytiť Generate new color map Vygenerovať novú mapu farieb Mode Režim Classes Triedy Min Min Max Max Invert Obrátiť Classify Klasifikovať Min / max origin: Pôvodné Min / Max: Min / Max origin Pôvodné Min / Max QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2Widget Symbol levels... Úrovne symbolu... QgsSmartGroupCondition has the tag is a member of group has a part of name matching does NOT have the tag is NOT a member of group has NO part of name matching QgsSmartGroupConditionWidget Form Formulár The Symbol Symbol QgsSmartGroupEditorDialog ALL the constraints any ONE of the constraints Invalid name Neplatný názov The smart group name field is empty. Kindly provide a name Pole s názvom inteligentnej skupiny je prázdne. Prosím zadajte názov QgsSmartGroupEditorDialogBase Smart Group Editor Editor inteligentnej skupiny Smart Group Name Názov inteligentnej skupiny Condition matches Podmienka zodpovedá Add Condition Pridať podmienku Conditions Podmienky QgsSnappingDialog Snapping and Digitizing Options Možnosti prichytávania a digitalizácie to vertex na uzol to segment na úsek to vertex and segment na uzol a úsek map units mapové jednotky pixels pixely QgsSnappingDialogBase Snapping options Možnosti prichytávania Layer Vrstva Mode Režim Tolerance Tolerancia Units Jednotky Avoid intersections Avoid intersections of new polygons Zabrániť pretínaniu sa s novými polygónmi Enable topological editing Zapnúť topologické editovanie Enable snapping on intersection Zapnúť prichytávanie na priesečníku QgsSpatiaLiteConnection obsolete libspatialite: connecting to this DB requires using v.4.0 (or any subsequent) zastaralá knižnica SpatiaLite: pripájanie k tejto databáze vyžaduje verziu 4.0 (alebo vyššiu) unknown error cause neznáma príčina chyby obsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupported zastaralá knižnica SpatiaLite: AbstractInterface nie je podporovaný table info on %1 failed informácia tabuľky o %1 zlyhala UNKNOWN UNKNOWN GEOMETRY GEOMETRY POINT POINT LINESTRING LINESTRING POLYGON POLYGON MULTIPOINT MULTIPOINT MULTILINESTRING MULTILINESTRING MULTIPOLYGON MULTIPOLYGON GEOMETRYCOLLECTION GEOMETRYCOLLECTION QgsSpatiaLiteProvider Binary object (BLOB) (BLOD) Text Text Decimal number (double) Desatinné číslo (double) Whole number (integer) Celé číslo (integer) Retrieval of spatialite version failed Získanie verzie SpatiaLite zlyhalo SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Could not parse spatialite version string '%1' Nie je možné spracovať reťazec '%1' verzie SpatiaLite SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 Chyba SQLite: %2 SQL: %1 unknown cause neznáma príčina FAILURE: Field %1 not found. ZLYHANIE: Pole %1 nenájdené. QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelect Add SpatiaLite Table(s) Pridať tabuľku(y) SpatiaLite Databases Databázy &Update statistics &Aktualizovať štatistiky &Add Prid&ať &Set Filter &Nastaviť filter Wildcard Zástupný znak RegExp RegVyraz All Všetko Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Sql Sql Are you sure you want to update the internal statistics for DB: %1? This could take a long time (depending on the DB size), but implies better performance thereafter. Ste si istí, že chcete aktualizovať vnútorné štatistiky pre databázu: %1? Mohlo by to trvať dlhší čas (v závislosti od veľkosti databázy), ale prinesie to potom lepší výkon. Confirm Update Statistics Potvrdiť aktualizáciu štatistík Update Statistics Aktualizovať štatistiky Internal statistics successfully updated for: %1 Vnútorné štatistiky úspešne aktualizované pre: %1 Error while updating internal statistics for: %1 Chyba pri aktualizovaní vnútorných štatistík pre: %1 @ @ Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to open Vyberte databázu SpatiaLite/SQLite na otvorenie SpatiaLite DB Databáza SpatiaLite All files Všetky súbory Error Chyba Cannot add connection '%1' : a connection with the same name already exists. Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Select Table Vyberte tabuľku You must select a table in order to add a Layer. Musíte vybrať tabuľku, aby ste mohli pridať vrstvu. SpatiaLite DB Open Error Chyba pri otvorení databázy SpatiaLite Database does not exist: %1 Databáza neexistuje: %1 Failure while connecting to: %1 %2 Zlyhanie počas pripájania k %1 %2 SpatiaLite getTableInfo Error Chyba getTableInfo v databáze SpatiaLite Failure exploring tables from: %1 %2 Zlyhanie pri preskúmaní tabuliek z: %1 %2 SpatiaLite Error Chyba SpatiaLite Unexpected error when working with: %1 %2 Neočakávaná chyba pri práci s: %1 %2 QgsSpatiaLiteTableModel Table Tabuľka Type Typ Geometry column Stĺpec s geometriou Sql Sql Point Bod Multipoint Multibod Line Línia Multiline Multilínia Polygon Polygón Multipolygon Multipolygón QgsSpatialQueryDialog The spatial query requires at least two vector layers %n selected geometries selected geometries Selected geometries %1)Query Begin at %L1 < %1 > Total of features = %1 Total of invalid features: Finish at %L1 (processing time %L2 minutes) Using the field "%1" for subset Sorry! Only this providers are enable: OGR, POSTGRES and SPATIALITE. %1 of %2 all = %1 %1 of %2(selected features) Create new selection Add to current selection Remove from current selection Result query Invalid source Invalid reference %1 of %2 selected by "%3" user Map "%1" "on the fly" transformation. enable disable Coordinate reference system(CRS) of "%1" is invalid(see CRS of provider). CRS of map is %1. %2. Zoom to feature Missing reference layer Select reference layer! Missing target layer Select target layer! Create new layer from items The query from "%1" using "%2" in field not possible. Create new layer from selected %1 of %2 identified QgsSpatialQueryDialogBase Spatial Query Layer on which the topological operation will select geometries Select source features from Select the target layer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;">When checked the operation will only consider selected geometries of the target layer</span></p></body></html> Selected feature(s) only Where the feature Select the topological operation Layer whose geometries will be used as reference by the topological operation Reference features of Select the reference layer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;">When checked the operation will be only consider selected geometries of the reference layer</span></p></body></html> And use the result to Selected features Number of selected features in map Create layer with selected Result feature ID's Select one FID to identify geometry of feature Create layer with list of items Zoom to item Check to show log processing of query Log messages Run query or close the window QgsSpatialQueryPlugin &Spatial Query Query not executed DEBUG QgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBase Select a Spatialite Spatial Reference System Vyberte súradnicový systém SpatiaLite SRID ID súr. systému Authority Autorita Reference Name Referenčný názov Search Vyhľadávanie Filter Filter Name Názov QgsSpit File Name Meno súboru Feature Class Trieda objektu Features Objekty DB Relation Name Schema Schéma Are you sure you want to remove the [%1] connection and all associated settings? Confirm Delete Potvrdenie mazania Add Shapefiles Pridať súbory Shape Shapefiles All files The following Shapefile(s) could not be loaded: Nasledujúci/e súbor(y) shape nie je možné nahrať: REASON: File cannot be opened DÔVOD: Súbor sa nedá otvoriť REASON: One or both of the Shapefile files (*.dbf, *.shx) missing DÔVOD: Jeden alebo oba súbory shape (*.dbf, *.shx) chýbajú General Interface Help: Pomocník k hlavnému rozhraniu: PostgreSQL Connections: Spojenia PostgreSQL: [New ...] - create a new connection [Nové ...] - vytvoriť nové spojenie [Edit ...] - edit the currently selected connection [Upraviť ...] - upraviť práve vybraté spojenie [Remove] - remove the currently selected connection [Odstrániť] - odstrániť práve vybraté spojenie -you need to select a connection that works (connects properly) in order to import files -aby bol umožnený import súborov je potrebné vybrať fungujúce spojenie (pripojiť sa správne) -when changing connections Global Schema also changes accordingly -keď sa menia spojenia Global Schema sa mení vzhľadom na ne Shapefile List: Zoznam súborov shape: [Add ...] - open a File dialog and browse to the desired file(s) to import [Pridať ...] - otvorí Dialóg so súbormi, kde je možné nalistovať a vybrať požadovaný/é súbor(y) na import [Remove] - remove the currently selected file(s) from the list [Odobrať] - odoberie zo zoznamu vybraný/é súbory [Remove All] - remove all the files in the list [Odobrať všetko] - zo zoznamu odoberie všetky súbory [SRID] - Reference ID for the shapefiles to be imported [SRID] - Referenčné ID pre importované súbory shape [Use Default (SRID)] - set SRID to -1 [Použiť predvolené (SRID)] - nastaví SRID na -1 [Geometry Column Name] - name of the geometry column in the database [Meno stĺpca s geometriou] - meno stĺpca v databáze obsahujúceho geometriu [Use Default (Geometry Column Name)] - set column name to 'the_geom' [Použiť predvolené (Meno stĺpca s geometriou)] - nastaví meno stĺpca na 'the_geom' [Global Schema] - set the schema for all files to be imported into [Import] - import the current shapefiles in the list [Import] - naimportuje súbory shape z aktuálneho zoznamu [Quit] - quit the program [Koniec] - ukončí program [Help] - display this help dialog [Pomocník] - zobrazí tento pomocný text Import Shapefiles Importovať súbory shape You need to specify a Connection first Najprv je potrebné vybrať Spojenie Password for %1 Please enter your password: Connection failed - Check settings and try again Spojenie zlyhalo - skontrolujte nastavenia a skúste znova PostGIS not available PostGIS nie je dostupný <p>The chosen database does not have PostGIS installed, but this is required for storage of spatial data.</p> You need to add shapefiles to the list first Najskôr je potrebné pridať do zoznamu súbory shape Importing files Importujú sa súbory Cancel Zrušiť Progress Priebeh Problem inserting features from file: Pri vkladaní objektov zo súboru nastal problém: %1 Invalid table name. %1 No fields detected. %1 The following fields are duplicates: %2 Importing files %1 %1 <p>Error while executing the SQL:</p><p>%2</p><p>The database said:%3</p> Import Shapefiles - Relation Exists Import súborov shape - Relácia existuje The Shapefile: %1 will use [%2] relation for its data, which already exists and possibly contains data. To avoid data loss change the "DB Relation Name" for this Shapefile in the main dialog file list. Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? %1 of %2 shapefiles could not be imported. QgsSpitBase SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool SPIT - Nástroj na import súboru shape do PostGIS PostgreSQL connections Connect to PostGIS Connect Create a new PostGIS connection Vytvoriť spojenie PostGIS New Nové Edit the current PostGIS connection Upraviť toto spojenie PostGIS Edit Upraviť Remove the current PostGIS connection Odobrať aktuálne spojenie PostGIS Remove Odobrať Import options and shapefile list Geometry column name Set the geometry column name to the default value Pridať shape súbor do zoznamu importovaných súborov Use default geometry column name SRID Set the SRID to the default value Nastaviť SRID na obvyklú hodnotu Use default SRID Primary key column name Global schema Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported Pridať súbor shape do zoznamu importovaných súborov Add Pridať Remove the selected shapefile from the import list Odobrať označený súbor shape zo zoznamu importovaných súborov Remove all the shapefiles from the import list Odobrať všetky shape súbory zo zoznamu súborov určených na import Remove All Odobrať všetko QgsSpitPlugin &Import Shapefiles to PostgreSQL &Import súborov Shape do PostgreSQL Import shapefiles into a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. The schema and field names can be customized on import Importuje shape súbory do databázy PostgreSQL s rozšírením PostGIS. Schému a názvy polí možno pred importom upraviť &Spit &Spit QgsSponsorsBase QGIS Sponsors Sponzori QGISu TextLabel Textový popisok <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">We work really hard to make this nice software for you. See all the cool features it has? Get a warm fuzzy feeling when you use it? QGIS is a labour of love by a dedicated team of developers. We want you to copy &amp; share it and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of QGIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project.<br /><br />Please see the </span><a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/sponsorship/sponsorship.html"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> for more details. In the </span><a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-sponsors"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Sponsors page</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;"> you can see the fine people and companies that are helping us financially - a great big 'thank you' to you all!</span></p> <hr /> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/gold.png" /></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/aas_300wide.png" /></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p> <hr /> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/silver.png" /></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/vorarlberg.png" /> <img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/gaia.png" /></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p> <hr /> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/bronze.png" /></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/ibw.png" /> <img src=":/images/sponsors/sponsors/geosynergy.png" /></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p> <hr /></body></html> QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialog Select all Vybrať všetko Clear selection Vyčistiť výber Import style(s) Importovať štýl(y) file specified below súbor uvedený nižšie URL specified below URL adresa uvedená nižšie Select symbols to import Vybrať symboly na import Import Import Export style(s) Exportovať štýl(y) Export Export Export/import error Chyba exportu/importu You should select at least one symbol/color ramp. Mali by ste vybrať aspoň jeden symbol/farebnú škálu. Save styles Uložiť štýly XML files (*.xml *.XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Error when saving selected symbols to file: %1 Chyba pri ukladaní vybraných symbolov do súboru: %1 Import error Chyba pri importovaní An error occured during import: %1 Vyskytla sa chyba počas importu: %1 Group Name Názov skupiny Please enter a name for new group: Zadajte prosím názov novej skupiny: imported importované New Group Nová skupina New group cannot be created without a name. Kindly enter a name. Nová skupina nemôže byť vytvorená bez názvu. Zadajte prosím názov. New group Nová skupina Cannot create a group without name. Enter a name. Nie je možné vytvoriť skupinu bez názvu. Zadajte názov. Duplicate names Duplicitné názvy Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Symbol s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Farebná škála s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? Load styles Načítať štýly XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) Downloading style ... Sťahovanie štýlu ... HTTP Error! Chyba HTTP! Download failed: %1. Stiahnutie zlyhalo: %1. QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialogBase Styles import/export Import/Export štýlov Import from Importovať z Location Poloha Save to group Uložiť do skupiny Select symbols to export Vyberte symboly na export QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog Type here to filter symbols... Share Menu Export Import Group Actions Group Symbols Edit Smart Group Marker symbol (%1) Symbol značky (%1) Line symbol (%1) Symbol línie (%1) Fill symbol (%1) Výplň symbolu (%1) Color ramp (%1) Farebná škála (%1) Gradient Prechod Random Ľubovoľná ColorBrewer Farebný kruh cpt-city cpt-city new symbol nový symbol new marker nová značka new line nová línia new fill symbol nová výplň symbolu Symbol Name Názov symbolu Please enter a name for new symbol: Zadajte prosím názov nového symbolu: Save symbol Uložiť symbol Cannot save symbol without name. Enter a name. Nie je možné uložiť symbol bez názvu. Zadajte názov. Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Symbol s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? Color ramp type Typ farebnej škály Please select color ramp type: Vyberte prosím typ farebnej škály: new ramp nová škála new gradient ramp nová prechodová škála new random ramp nová ľubovoľná škála Color Ramp Name Názov farebnej škály Please enter a name for new color ramp: Zadajte prosím názov novej farebnej škály: Save Color Ramp Uložiť farebnú škálu Cannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name. Nie je možné uložiť farebnú škálu bez názvu, Zadajte názov. Save color ramp Uložiť farebnú škálu Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Farebná škála s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? All Symbols Groups Ungrouped Smart Groups Invalid Selection Neplatný výber The parent group you have selected is not user editable. Kindly select a user defined group. Materská skupina, ktorú ste vybrali, nie je editovateľná používateľom. Vyberte prosím skupinu definovanú používateľom. Operation Not Allowed Operácia nie je povolená Creation of nested smart groups are not allowed Select the 'Smart Group' to create a new group. Vytvorenie včlenených inteligentných skupín nie je povolené. Vyberte 'Inteligentnú skupinu' na vytvorenie novej skupiny. New Group Invalid selection Neplatný výber Cannot delete system defined categories. Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete. Nie je možné odstrániť kategórie definované systémom. Vyberte skupinu alebo inteligentnú skupinu, ktorú budete chcieť odstrániť. Error! Chyba! New group could not be created. There was a problem with your symbol database. Nová skupina nemohla byť vytvorená. Nastal problém s Vašou databázou symbolov. Finish Grouping Database Error Chyba databázy There was a problem with the Symbols database while regrouping. Nastal problém s databázou symbolov pri preskupovaní. Edit Group Add Group Remove Group Apply Group Un-group You have not selected a Smart Group. Kindly select a Smart Group to edit. Nevybrali ste inteligentnú skupinu. Vyberte prosím inteligentnú skupinu na úpravy. Database Error! Chyba databázy! There was some error while editing the smart group. Nastala nejaká chyba počas editovania inteligentnej skupiny. QgsStyleV2ManagerDialogBase Style Manager Správca štýlov Marker Značka Line Línia Fill Výplň Color ramp Farebná škála Tags Štítky Add item Pridať položku Edit item Upraviť položku Edit Upraviť Remove item Odobrať položku Share Zdielať QgsSublayersDialog Select vector layers to add... Vybrať vektorové vrstvy na pridanie... Layer ID ID vrstvy Layer name Názov vrstvy Number of features Počet objektov Geometry type Typ geometrie Select raster layers to add... Vybrať rastrové vrstvy na pridanie... Select layers to add... Vybrať vrstvy na pridanie... Type Typ Select All Vybrať všetky QgsSublayersDialogBase Select layers to load Vybrať vrstvy na načítanie 1 1 QgsSvgAnnotationDialog SVG annotation Anotácia SVG Delete Odstrániť Select SVG file Vyberte súbor SVG SVG files Súbory SVG QgsSvgCache SVG request failed [error: %1 - url: %2] Požiadavka SVG zlyhala [chyba: %1 - URL: %2] SVG SVG SVG request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] Chyba požiadavky SVG [stav: %1 - dôvod frázy: %2] %1 of %2 bytes of svg image downloaded. %1 z %2 bajtov SVG obrázku stiahnutých. QgsSvgExportOptionsDialog SVG export options Export map layers as svg groups (may affect label placement) Render text as outline QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget Millimeter Map unit Select fill color Select border color Select SVG file Vyberte súbor SVG SVG files Súbory SVG Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia Angle Uhol Offset Odsadenie SVG file Súbor SVG Color Farba Border color Farba ohraničenia Horizontal anchor point Vertical anchor point QgsSvgSelectorGroupsModel App Symbols Symboly aplikácie User Symbols Používateľské symboly QgsSvgSelectorWidget Select SVG file Vyberte súbor SVG SVG files Súbory SVG File not found Súbor nenájdený QgsSymbolLayerV2Widget Size Veľkosť area diameter QgsSymbolLevelsV2Dialog Layer %1 Vrstva %1 QgsSymbolLevelsV2DialogBase Symbol Levels Úrovne symbolu Enable symbol levels Zapnúť úrovne symbolu Define the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn. Definujte poradie, v ktorom sú vykresľované vrstvy symbolu. Čísla v bunkách definujú, v ktorej vykresľovacej fáze bude vrstva vykreslená. QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog Symbol name Názov symbolu Please enter name for the symbol: Zadajte prosím názov symbolu: New symbol Nový symbol Save symbol Uložiť symbol Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Symbol s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialogBase Symbol selector Voľba symbolu Add symbol layer Pridať vrstvu symbolu Remove symbol layer Odobrať vrstvu symbolu Lock layer's color Uzamknúť farbu vrstvy Move up Posunúť nahor Move down Posunúť nadol Save symbol Uložiť symbol Save Uložiť QgsSymbolsListWidget Millimeter Map unit Select color Symbol name Názov symbolu Please enter name for the symbol: Zadajte prosím názov symbolu: New symbol Nový symbol Save symbol Uložiť symbol Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Symbol s názvom '%1' už existuje. Prepísať? Transparency %1% Priehľadnosť %1% QgsTINInterpolatorDialog Linear Clough-Toucher (cubic) Save triangulation to file QgsTINInterpolatorDialogBase Triangle based interpolation Interpolation method Export triangulation to shapefile after interpolation Output file ... QgsTextAnnotationDialog Delete Odstrániť Select font color Vyberte farbu písma QgsTextAnnotationDialogBase Annotation text Text anotácie B B I I QgsTextEditConfigDlg Form Multiline HTML QgsTileScaleWidget Form Formulár Tile scale Mierka QgsTipFactory QGIS Publications Publikácie o QGISe If you write a scientific paper or any other article that refers to QGIS we would love to include your work in the <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/case_studies/index.html">case studies section</a> of the QGIS home page. Ak píšete vedeckú publikáciu alebo nejaký iný článok, ktorý sa týka QGISu, veľmi radi zahrnieme Vašu prácu do <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/case_studies/index.html">sekcie Prípadových štúdií</a> na domovskej stránke QGISu. Become an QGIS translator Staňte sa prekladateľom QGISu QGIS Mailing lists E-mailová konferencia QGISu Is it 'QGIS' or 'Quantum GIS'? 'QGIS' alebo 'Quantum GIS'? QGIS is open source OGIS je open source QGIS is open source software. This means that the software source code can be freely viewed and modified. The GPL places a restriction that any modifications you make must be made available in source form to whoever you give modified versions to, and that you can not create a new version of QGIS under a 'closed source' license. Visit <a href="http://qgis.org"> the QGIS home page (http://qgis.org)</a> for more information. QGIS je open source softvér. To znamená, že zdrojový kód softvéru môže byť slobodne prezeraný a upravovaný. Jediným obmedzením GPL licencie je to, že akékoľvek úpravy, ktoré vykonáte, musia byť prístupné pre kohokoľvek, komu sa poskytnú upravené verzie QGISu. Navštívte <a href="http://qgis.org"> domovskú stránku QGISu (http://qgis.org)</a> pre viac informácií. How do I refer to QGIS? Ako sa môžem odvolať na QGIS? QGIS is spelled in all caps. We have various subprojects of the QGIS project and it will help to avoid confusion if you refer to each by its name:<ul><li>QGIS Library - this is the C++ library that contains the core logic that is used to build the QGIS user interface and other applications.</li><li>QGIS Application - this is the desktop application that you know and love so much :-).</li><li>QGIS Mapserver - this is a server-side application based on the QGIS Library that will serve up your .qgs projects using the WMS protocol.</li></ul> Výraz QGIS sa píše veľkými písmenami. Máme rôzne podprojekty projektu QGIS, a to nám pomôže predísť zmätku pri odvolávaní sa na každý podľa jeho názvu: <ul><li>Knižnica QGISu - ide o knižncu C++, ktorá obsahuje základnú logiku, ktorá je používaná pri tvorbe používateľského rozhrania QGISu a iných aplikácií</li><li>Aplikácia QGISu - ide o desktopovú aplikáciu, ktorú poznáte a máte tak radi :-).</li><li>QGIS Mapserver - ide o serverovú aplikáciu založenú na knižnici QGISu, ktorá bude slúžiť pre Vaše .qgs projekty využitím protokolu WMS.</li></ul> Add the current date to a map layout Pridanie aktuálneho dátumu do mapového výstupu Moving Elements and Maps in the Print Composer Presúvanie prvkov a máp v tlačovom výstupe In the print composer tool bar you can find two buttons for moving elements. The left one (right arrow icon) selects and moves elements in the layout. After selecting the element with this tool you can also move them around with the arrow keys. For accurate positioning use the <strong>Position and Size</strong> section, which can be found in the tab <strong>Item Properties -> Position and Size</strong>. The other move tool (map canvas icon with right arrow) allows one to move the map content within a map frame. V paneli nástroja tlačového výstupu nájdete dve tlačítka na presúvanie prvkov. Ľavé z nich (ikonka šípky doprava) vyberie a presunie prvky vo výstupe. Po výbere prvku týmto nástrojom ho môžete presúvať tiež pomocou klávesových šípok. Na presné polohovanie použite dialóg <strong>Poloha a veľkosť, ktoré môžete nájsť v záložke <strong>Vlastnosti položky -> Poloha a veľkosť</strong>. Iný nástroj na presúvanie (ikonka mapového okna so šípkou doprava) umožňuje presúvať obsah mapy v rámci mapového rámu. Lock an element in the layout view Uzamkýnanie prvku v mapovom výstupe By left clicking an element in the layout view you can select it, by right clicking an element you can lock it. A lock symbol will appear in the upper left corner of the selected element. This prevents the element from accidentally being moved with the mouse. While in a locked state, you cannot move an element with the mouse but you can still move it with the arrow keys or by absolutely positioning it by setting its <strong>Position and Size</strong>. Kliknutím ľavým tlačítkom myši na prvok v mapovom výstupe ho vyberiete, pravým tlačítkom ho uzamknete. Symbol zámku sa objaví v ľavom hornom rohu vybraného prvku. Tým sa zabráni náhodnému presúvaniu prvku myšou. V uzamknutom stave nemôžete presúvať prvok myšou, avšak stále ho môžete presunúť pomocou klávesových šípok alebo absolútnym polohovaním na základe nastavenia jeho <strong>Pozície a veľkosti</strong>. Rotating a map and linking a north arrow Otáčanie mapy a pripojenie smerovej ružice Add an action to layer Action in a layer allow user to trigger action when clicking on a geometry with 'Run Feature Action' tools.For example, you can open an html page using the field value of the geometry as a parameter. Look at the <a href="http://docs.qgis.org/latest/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_vector/vector_properties.html?#actions-menu">documentation</a>. Copy, paste and cut in QGIS Copy, paste, and cut work as in another applications in QGIS. Select a feature (a geometry or an attribut row in the attribute table) and use one of this shortcuts: Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+X to cut, and Ctrl+V to paste. Right click with identify tools Right click with the identify tool to show a context menu from which you can choose the layer in which to identify a feature. A sub menu will list features identified and a third sub-menu will show the action link setup for the layer.If one of this sub-menu doesn't contain any information, the next sub-menuwill appear instead. For example, if you have just one layer, and click somewhere with several features, the first menu will list the feature list instead of layer list. Would you like to see QGIS in your native language? We are looking for more translators and would appreciate your help! The translation process is fairly straight forward - instructions are available in the QGIS wiki <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/translate.html#howto-translate-gui">translator's page.</a> Chceli by ste pracovať s QGISom vo Vašom materinskom jazyku? Hľadáme prekladateľov a oceníme Vašu pomoc! Proces prekladu je pomerne jednoduchý - inštrukcie sú k dispozícii na wiki QGISu <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/translate.html#howto-translate-gui">na prekladateľskej stránke.</a> You can add a current date variable to your map layout. Create a regular text label and add the string $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) to the text box. See the <a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdate.html#toString">QDate::toString format documentation</a> for the possible date formats. Môžete pridať premennú aktuálneho dátumu do Vášho mapového výstupu. Vytvorte popisok obyčajného textu a pridajte reťazec $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) do textového rámčeka. Pozrite <a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdate.html#toString">dokumentáciu QDate::toString format </a> pre možné formáty dátumu. Numeric scale value in map layout linked to map frame Číselná hodnota mierky v mapovom výstupe prepojená s mapovým rámom If you want to place a text label as a placeholder for the current scale, linked to a map frame, you need to place a scalebar and set the style to 'Numeric'. You also need to select the map frame, if there is more than one. Ak chcete umiestniť textový popisok, ktorý zobrazuje aktuálnu mierku a je prepojený s mapovým rámom, potrebujete umiestniť grafickú mierku a nastaviť jej štýl ako 'Číselná mierka'. Taktiež potrebujete vybrať mapový rám v prípade, ak sú zvolené viaceré mapové rámy. Using the mouse scroll wheel Použitie rolovacieho kolieska myši You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in, out and pan the map. Scroll forwards to zoom in, scroll backwards to zoom out and press and hold the scroll wheel down to pan the map. You can configure options for scroll wheel behaviour in the Options panel. Rolovacie koliesko myši môžete použiť na približovanie, oddiaľovanie a posúvanie mapy. Rolovaním smerom dopredu si mapu približujete, smerom dozadu oddiaľujete a stlačením a podržaním rolovacieho kolieska ju presúvate. Možnosti pre správanie rolovacieho kolieska si môžete nakonfigurovať v paneli Možnosti. Stopping rendering Zastavenie vykresľovania If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of QGIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our regular hackfest meetings, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/sponsorship/sponsorship.html">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</a> for more details. Ak Vám QGIS ušetrí peniaze alebo sa Vám páči naša práca a máte možnosť nám finančne pomôcť, zvážte prosím sponzorovanie vývoja QGISu. Peniaze od sponzorov používame na preplácanie cestovania, nákladov spojených s každoročnými stretnutiami vývojárov a používateľov ako aj so všeobecnou podporou cieľov nášho projektu. Navštívte prosím <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/sponsorship/sponsorship.html">webovú stránku sponzorstva QGISu</a> pre viac informácií. QGIS has plugins that extend its functionality. QGIS ships with some core plugins you can explore from the Plugins->Manage and Install Plugins menu. In addition there are a lot of <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org/">Python plugins </a> contributed by the user community that can be installed via this same menu. Don't miss out on all QGIS has to offer! Check out the plugins and see what they can do for you. QGIS má zásuvné moduly, ktoré rozširujú jeho funkcionalitu. Aplikácia je dodávaná s niekoľkými základnými zásuvnými modulmi. Okrem toho je tu veľa <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org/">zásuvných modulov jazyka Python </a> poskytovaných používateľskou komunitou. Nájsť a nainštalovať si ich môžete cez záložku 'Zásuvné moduly' v hlavnom okne aplikácie. Join intersected polylines when rendering Spojte pretínajúce sa multilínie pri vykresľovaní If you need help using QGIS we have a 'users' mailing list where users help each other with issues related to using our sofware. We also have a 'developers' mailing list. for those wanting help and to discuss things relating to the QGIS code base. Details on how to subscribe are in the <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/support.html#mailing-lists">community section</a> of the QGIS home page. Both used to be correct, but we recently decided to just use 'QGIS'. For articles we suggest you write 'QGIS is ....' In the Print Composer you can rotate a map by setting its rotation value in the tab <strong>Item Properties -> Map -> Main properties</strong> section. To place a north arrow in your layout you can use the <strong>Add Image</strong> tool. After the selection and placement of the north arrow in the layout you can link it with a specific map frame by activating the <strong>Sync with map</strong> checkbox and selecting a map frame. Whenever you change the rotation value of a linked map, the north arrow will now automatically adjust its rotation. V tlačovom výstupe môžete otáčať mapu na základe nastavenia jej hodnoty otočenia v záložke <strong>Vlastnosti položky -> Mapa -> Hlavné vlastnosti</strong>. Na umiestnenie smerovej ružice vo Vašom mapovom výstupe môžete použiť nástroj <strong>Pridať obrázok. Po vybraní a umiestnení smerovej ružice v rozložení ju môžete pripojiť k vybranému mapovému rámu </strong>zaškrtnutím políčka <strong>Synchronizovať s mapou a vybraním mapového rámu. Kedykoľvek zmeníte hodnotu otočenia pripojenej mapy, smerová ružica bude automaticky prispôsobená otočeniu mapy. Sometimes you have a very large dataset which takes ages to draw. You can press 'Esc' (the escape key), or click the 'Stop map rendering' icon in the status bar to the bottom of the window at any time to halt rendering. If you are going to be performing several actions (e.g. modifying symbology options) and wish to temporarily disable map rendering while you do so, you can uncheck the 'Render' checkbox in the bottom right of the status bar. Don't forget to check it on again when you are ready to have the map draw itself again! Niekedy pracujete s dátami veľkého rozsahu, ktorých vykreslenie trvá veľmi dlhý čas. Ak si prajete kedykoľvek prerušiť vykresľovanie, môžete stlačiť klávesu 'Esc' alebo kliknúť na ikonku 'Stopnúť vykresľovanie mapy' v stavovom riadku v spodnej časti okna. Ak sa chystáte vykonať niekoľko akcií (napr. nastavenie mapových symbolov), môžete si vypnúť vykresľovanie mapy odškrtnutím políčka 'Vykresľovanie' v spodnej časti stavového riadku. Nezabudnite ho ale znova zaškrtnúť, ak chcete vykresľovanie mapy povoliť! When applying layered styles to a polyline layer, you can join intersecting lines together simply by enabling symbol levels. The image below shows a before (left) and after (right) view of an intersection when symbol levels are enabled. Pri zobrazovaní líniovej vrstvy môžete spojiť pretínajúce sa línie jednoducho zapnutím úrovní symbolu. Obrázok dole zobrazuje pohľad predtým (vľavo) a potom (vpravo) na priesečník, ak sú zapnuté úrovne symbolu. Auto-enable on the fly projection Automatická transformácia súradnicového systému projektu In the options dialog, under the CRS tab, you can set QGIS so that whenever you create a new project, 'on the fly projection' is enabled automatically and a pre-selected Coordinate Reference System of your choice is used. V dialógovom okne Možnosti pod záložkou Súradnicový systém môžete nastaviť QGIS tak, že kedykoľvek ak vytvoríte nový projekt, bude povolená automatická transformácia súradnicového systému projektu a bude použitý prednastavený súradnicový systém podľa Vášho výberu. Sponsor QGIS Sponzorujte QGIS QGIS has Plugins! QGIS obsahuje zásuvné moduly! QgsTipGui &Previous &Predchádzajúci &Next &Ďalší QgsTipGuiBase QGIS Tips! Tipy pre používanie QGISu! <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here...</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">Zobrazí sa tu dobrý tip...</span></p></body></html> I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more! Mám už dostatok tipov, nezobrazovať ich už viac pri štarte! QgsTransformOptionsDialog Dialog Select transformation type: Linear Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Generate ESRI world file (.tfw) QgsTransformSettingsDialog Transformation settings Transformation type: Resampling method: Nearest neighbour Linear Cubic Cubic Spline Lanczos Compression: Output raster: ... Target SRS: Generate pdf report: Set Target Resolution Horizontal Vertical Create world file Generate pdf map: Use 0 for transparency when needed Load in QGIS when done Helmert Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin Plate Spline Projective Info Please set output name %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more Invalid output file name Save raster Select save PDF file PDF Format _modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name QgsUniqueValuesConfigDlgBase Form The user can select one of the values already used in the attribute. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used. Editable QgsUnitSelectionWidget Form Adjust scaling range QgsValueMapConfigDlg Select a file Error Chyba Could not open file %1 Error was:%2 QgsValueMapWidget Form Combo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box. Load Data from layer Load Data from CSV file Value Hodnota Description Remove Selected QgsValueRelationConfigDlg Edit filter expression QgsValueRelationConfigDlgBase Form Select layer, key column and value column Layer Vrstva Key column Stĺpec s kľúčom Value column Allow null value Order by value Allow multiple selections Filter expression ... QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper (no selection) QgsVectorColorBrewerColorRampV2DialogBase ColorBrewer ramp Škála farebného kruhu Scheme name Názov schémy Colors Farby Preview Náhľad QgsVectorDataProvider Codec %1 not found. Falling back to system locale Kódovanie %1 nebolo nájdené. Bude použité predvolené kódovanie Vášho systému Add Features Pridať objekty Delete Features Odstrániť objekty Change Attribute Values Zmeniť hodnoty atribútu Add Attributes Pridať atribúty Delete Attributes Odstrániť atribúty Create Spatial Index Vytvoriť priestorový index Fast Access to Features at ID Rýchly prístup k objektom podľa ID Change Geometries Zmeniť geometriu Simplify Geometries Simplify Geometries with topological validation QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidget X attribute Atribút X Y attribute Atribút Y Length attribute Atribút dĺžka Angle attribute Atribút uhol Height attribute Atribút výška QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Dialog Select ramp color Transparent Discrete Prerušovaný Continuous Spojitý Gradient file : %1 Súbor prechodu: %1 License file : %1 Licenčný súbor: %1 Edit Stop Color Upraviť farbu zarážky Offset of the stop Odsadenie zarážky Please enter offset in percents (%) of the new stop Prosím zadajte odsadenie v percentách (%) novej zarážky Add Color Stop Pridať farbu zarážky QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2DialogBase Gradient color ramp Prechodová farebná škála Color 1 Farba 1 Color 2 Farba 2 Type Typ Multiple stops Viacnásobné zarážky Add stop Pridať zarážku Remove stop Odobrať zarážku Color Farba Offset (%) Odsadenie (%) Preview Náhľad Information Informácie QgsVectorLayer Updating feature count for layer %1 Aktualizácia počtu objektov vrstvy %1 Abort Prerušiť ERROR: no provider CHYBA: žiadny zdroj ERROR: layer not editable CHYBA: vrstva nie je editovateľná Commit errors: %1 Chyby pri odosielaní: %1 General Všeobecné Layer comment Komentár vrstvy Storage type of this layer Typ uloženia tejto vrstvy Description of this provider Popis tohto zdroja Source for this layer Zdroj tejto vrstvy Geometry type of the features in this layer Typ geometrie objektov v tejto vrstve Primary key attributes Atribúty jedinečného kľúča The number of features in this layer Počet objektov v tejto vrstve Editing capabilities of this layer Možnosti úpravy tejto vrstvy Extents Rozsahy In layer spatial reference system units V jednotkách súradnicového systému vrstvy In project spatial reference system units V jednotkách súradnicového systému projektu Layer Spatial Reference System Súradnicový systém vrstvy Project (Output) Spatial Reference System Súradnicový systém projektu (výstupu) Attribute field info Informácie o atribútovom poli Error: qgis element could not be found Chyba: Prvok QGISu nebolo možné nájsť xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 unknown extent neznámy rozsah (Invalid transformation of layer extents) (Neplatná transformácia rozsahov vrstvy) Field Pole Type Typ Length Dĺžka Precision Presnosť Comment Komentár QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted. deleted attributes count ÚSPECH: %n atribút odstránený.ÚSPECH: %n atribútov odstránených. ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted. not deleted attributes count CHYBA: %n atribút neodstránený.CHYBA: %n atribútov neodstránených. SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added. added attributes count ÚSPECH: %n atribút pridaný.ÚSPECH: %n atribútov pridaných. ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not added not added attributes count CHYBA: %n nový atribút nepridanýCHYBA: %n nových atribútov nepridaných ERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields! CHYBA: nesprávny počet polí po pridaní/odobratí! ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same! CHYBA: pole s indexom %1 nie je totožné! Provider: %1 Storage: %1 expected field retrieved field SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed. changed attribute values count ÚSPECH: %n hodnota atribútu zmenená.ÚSPECH: %n hodnôt atribútu zmenených. ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied. not changed attribute values count CHYBA: %n zmena hodnoty atribútu nepoužitá.CHYBA: %n zmeny hodnoty atribútu nepoužité. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted. deleted features count ÚSPECH: %n objekt odstránený.ÚSPECH: %n objektov odstránených. ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted. not deleted features count CHYBA: %n objektov neodstránených.CHYBA: %n objektov neodstránených. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added. added features count ÚSPECH: %n objekt pridaný.ÚSPECH: %n objektov pridaných. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added. not added features count CHYBA: %n objekt nepridaný.CHYBA: %n objektov nepridaných. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features. not added features count CHYBA: %n objekt nepridaný -zdroj nepodporuje pridávanie objektov.CHYBA: %n objektov nepridaných -zdroj nepodporuje pridávanie objektov. SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed. changed geometries count ÚSPECH: %n geometria bola zmenená.ÚSPECH: %n geometrií bolo zmenených. ERROR: %n geometries not changed. not changed geometries count CHYBA: %n geometria nezmenená.CHYBA: %n geometrií nezmenených. Provider errors: Chyby na strane zdroja: QgsVectorLayerProperties QGIS Layer Style File Súbor štýlu vrstvy QGISu SLD File Súbor SLD Load from file Načítať zo súboru Load from database Načítať z databázy Save in database (%1) Uložiť do databázy (%1) Layer Properties - %1 Vlastnosti vrstvy - %1 Stop editing mode to enable this. Pre aktiváciu vypnite režim úprav. Insert expression Vložiť výraz This button opens the query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layer Toto tlačítko otvorí Tvorcu dopytov a dovolí Vám vytvoriť podskupinu objektov, ktoré sa zobrazia namiesto všetkých objektov vo vrstve The query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder button Dopyt použitý na obmedzenie objektov vo vrstve je zobrazený tu. Na zadanie alebo upravenie dopytu kliknite na tlačítko Tvorca dopytov Not supported Nepodporované Spatial Index Priestorový index Creation of spatial index successful Vytvorenie priestorového indexu bolo úspešné Creation of spatial index failed Vytvorenie priestorového indexu zlyhalo Load default style from: Načítať predvolený štýl z: Cancel Zrušiť Local database Lokálna databáza Datasource database Databáza zdroja dát Default Style Predvolený štýl Loaded from Provider Načítaný zo zdroja No default style was found for this layer Nebol nájdený žiadny predvolený štýl pre túto vrstvu Save default style to: Uložiť predvolený štýl do: Load layer properties from style file Načítať vlastnosti vrstvy zo súboru štýlu Load Style Načítať štýl Style saved Štýl uložený Save layer properties as style file Uložiť vlastnosti projektu ako súbor štýlu Saved Style Uložený štýl Error occured retrieving styles from database Vyskytla sa chyba pri vyberaní štýlov z databázy The retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1 Vybraný štýl nie je platný pomenovaný štýl. Hlásenie chyby: %1 Save Style Uložiť štýl QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties Vlastnosti vrstvy Load Style... Restore Default Style Obnoviť predvolený štýl Save As Default Uložiť ako predvolený A widget to define the scale visibility A widget to define the scale visibility. Memory cache Description Popis Keyword list Zoznam kľúčových slov DataUrl URL adresa dát Format Formát Attribution Krátky popis vrstvy Url URL MetadataUrl URL adresa meta údajov Type Typ LegendUrl image/png image/jpeg image/jpg Properties Vlastnosti Style Štýl Labels Popisky Labels (deprecated) Popisky (zastaralé) Display labels Zobraziť popisky Fields Polia General Všeobecné Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Uveďte súradnicový systém vrstvy. Query Builder Tvorba dopytov Display Zobrazenie Rendering Layer info Informácie o vrstve Layer source Zdroj vrstvy Data source encoding Kódovanie zdroja dát Coordinate reference system Súradnicový systém Specify... Uviesť... Create spatial index Vytvoriť priestorový index Update extents Aktualizovať rozsahy Scale dependent visibility Viditeľnosť v závislosti od mierky Feature subset Podskupina objektov Simplify geometry <b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification): Higher values result in more simplification pixels Simplify on provider side if possible Maximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies): Map Tip display text Zobraziť text mapových tipov Inserts an expression into the action Vloží výraz do akcie Insert expression... Vložiť výraz... The valid attribute names for this layer Platné názvy atribútov pre túto vrstvu Inserts the selected field into the action Vloží vybrané pole do akcie Insert field Vložiť pole HTML HTML Field Pole Save Style... Layer name Názov vrstvy displayed as zobrazená ako Metadata Meta údaje Title Názov Abstract Abstrakt Actions Akcie Joins Pripojenia Join layer Pripojiť vrstvu Join field Pripojiť pole Target field Cieľové pole Diagrams Diagramy QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog Layer CRS Súradnicový systém vrstvy Project CRS Súradnicový systém projektu Selected CRS Vybraný súradnicový systém No symbology Žiadna symbolika Feature symbology Symbolika objektu Symbol layer symbology Symbolika vrstvy symbolov <Default> Save layer as... Uložiť vrstvu ako... Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. Vyberte súradnicový systém pre vektorový súbor. Bodové dáta budú transformované zo súradnicového systému vrstvy. QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBase Save vector layer as... Uložiť vektorovú vrstvu ako... Browse Prechádzať Encoding Kódovanie CRS Súradnicový systém Symbology export Export symboliky Datasource Options Custom Options Layer Options Save as Uložiť ako Format Formát Change... Save only selected features Data source Zdroj dát Layer Vrstva This allows one to surpress attribute creation as some OGR drivers (eg. DGN, DXF) don't support it. Zabráni vytvoreniu atribútu, ak ho nejaké ovládače OGR (napr. DGN, DXF) nepodporujú. Skip attribute creation Preskočiť vytvorenie atribútu Add saved file to map Pridať uložený súbor do mapy 1: 1: Scale Mierka QgsVectorRandomColorRampV2DialogBase Random color ramp Škála náhodných farieb Hue Odtieň from od to do Saturation Sýtosť Value Hodnota Classes Triedy Preview Náhľad QgsVisibilityPresets Add Preset... Remove Current Preset Visibility Presets Name of the new preset QgsWCSConnectionItem Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť QgsWCSRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... QgsWCSSourceSelect Select a layer Vyberte vrstvu No CRS selected Nie je vybraný žiadny súradnicový systém QgsWFSCapabilities Either the WFS server does not support WFS version 1.0.0 or the WFS url is wrong Server WFS nepodporuje WFS verziu 1.0.0 alebo je URL adresa WFS servera neplatná QgsWFSConnectionItem Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť Modify WFS connection Upraviť pripojenie WFS QgsWFSProvider DescribeFeatureType failed for url %1 Zlyhala požiadavka DescribeFeatureType pre URL adresu %1 WFS WFS unknown neznámy received %1 bytes from %2 prijatých %1 z %2 bajtov empty response WFS service exception:%1 unsuccessful service response: %1 WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2) missing unhandled response: %1 QgsWFSRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... Create a new WFS connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie WFS QgsWFSSourceSelect &Add Prid&ať &Build query &Vytvoriť dopyt Build query Vytvoriť dopyt Network Error Chyba siete Capabilities document is not valid Dokument možností je neplatný Server Exception Chyba na strane servera Error Chyba No Layers Žiadne vrstvy capabilities document contained no layers. dokument možností neobsahoval žiadne vrstvy. Create a new WFS connection Vytvoriť nové pripojenie WFS Modify WFS connection Upraviť pripojenie WFS Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Load connections Načítať pripojenia XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) QgsWFSSourceSelectBase Add WFS Layer from a Server Pridať vrstvu WFS zo servera Change... Filter: Filter: Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstract Zobraziť typy objektu WFS obsahujúcich toto slovo v nadpise, názve alebo abstrakte Server connections Serverové pripojenia C&onnect &Pripojiť &New &Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Odstrániť Load connections from file Načítať pripojenia zo súboru Load Načítať Save connections to file Uložiť pripojenia do súboru Save Uložiť Use title for layer name Použiť nadpis pre názov vrstvy Coordinate reference system Súradnicový systém QgsWMSConnectionItem Failed to parse WMS URI Failed to download capabilities Failed to parse capabilities Edit... Upraviť... Delete Odstrániť QgsWMSRootItem New Connection... Nové pripojenie... QgsWMSSourceSelect &Add Prid&ať Add selected layers to map Pridať vybrané vrstvy do mapy Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ste si istí, že chcete odobrať pripojenie %1 a všetky súvisiace nastavenia? Confirm Delete Potvrdiť odstránenie Load connections Načítať pripojenia XML files (*.xml *XML) Súbory XML (*.xml *.XML) encoding %1 not supported. kódovanie %1 nie je podporované. WMS Provider Zdroj WMS Failed to parse WMS URI Failed to download capabilities: The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL. Instead of the capabilities string that was expected, the following response has been received: %1 Options (%n coordinate reference systems available) crs count Možnosti (%n dostupných súradnicových systémov) Select layer(s) Vyberte vrstvu(y) Select layer(s) or a tileset Vyberte vrstvu(y) alebo mapové štvorce Select either layer(s) or a tileset Vyberte buď vrstvu(y) alebo mapové štvorce Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Súradnicový systém (%n dostupných) No common CRS for selected layers. Žiadny spoločný súradnicový systém pre vybrané vrstvy. No CRS selected Nie je vybraný žiadny súradnicový systém No image encoding selected Nie je vybrané žiadne kódovanie obrázka %n Layer(s) selected selected layer count Tileset selected Mapový štvorec vybraný Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 WMS proxies WMS proxy servery Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. Niekoľko WMS serverov bolo pridaných do zoznamu serverov. Nezabudnite, že polia pre proxy ostali prázdne a pokiaľ sa pripájate do internetu prostredníctvom proxy servera budete musieť polia proxy s príslušnými hodnotami nastaviť zvlášť. parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 chyba pri spracovávaní na riadku %1, stĺpci %2: %3 network error: %1 chyba siete: %1 The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Pripojenie %1 už existuje. Prajete si ho prepísať? Confirm Overwrite Potvrdiť prepísanie QgsWMSSourceSelectBase Ready Pripravený Layers Vrstvy C&onnect &Pripojiť &New &Nové Edit Upraviť Delete Odstrániť Adds a few example WMS servers Pridá na ukážku niekoľko WMS serverov Add default servers Pridať predvolené servery ID ID Name Názov Title Nadpis Abstract Abstrakt Image encoding Kódovanie obrázka Save connections to file Uložiť pripojenia do súboru Save Uložiť Load connections from file Načítať pripojenia zo súboru Load Načítať Options Možnosti Change... Layer name Názov vrstvy Coordinate Reference System Súradnicový systém Add Layer(s) from a WM(T)S Server Tile size Veľkosť štvorca Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo Limit objektu pre GetFeatureInfo 10 10 Layer Order Poradie vrstiev Move selected layer UP Presunúť vybranú vrstvu NAHOR Up Nahor Move selected layer DOWN Presunúť vybranú vrstvu NADOL Down Nadol Layer Vrstva Style Štýl Tilesets Mapové štvorce Format Formát Tileset Mapový štvorec CRS Súradnicový systém Server Search Vyhľadávanie servera Search Vyhľadávanie Description Popis URL URL Add selected row to WMS list Pridať vybraný riadok do zoznamu WMS QgsWcsCapabilities empty capabilities document prázdny dokument možností Tried URL: %1 Vyskúšaná URL adresa: %1 Capabilities request redirected. Požiadavka možností presmerovaná. empty of capabilities: %1 prázdne z možností %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1 Stiahnutie možností zlyhalo: %1 WCS WCS %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. %1 z %2 bajtov možností stiahnutých. Exception Výnimka Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 Nebolo možné získať možnosti WCS: %1 Dom Exception Výnimka DOM Could not get WCS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 found. This might be due to an incorrect WCS Server URL. Tag:%3 Response was: %4 Nebolo možné získať možnosti WCS v očakávanom formáte (DTD): %1 nenájdený Je to pravdepodobne kvôli nesprávnej URL adrese WCS servera. Štítok:%3 Odpoveď bola: %4 Version not supported Verzia nie je podporovaná WCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) Verzia WCS servera %1 nie je podporovaná QGISom (podporované verzie: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WCS Server URL. Response was: %4 Nebolo možné získať možnosti WCS: %1 na riadku %2 stĺpec %3 Je to pravdepodobne kvôli nesprávnej URL adrese WCS servera. Odpoveď bola: %4 QgsWcsDownloadHandler Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL:%3) WCS Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>) Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL:%3) Cannot parse multipart response: %1 Expected 2 parts, %1 received More than 2 parts (%1) received Map request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) Map request error (Response: %1; URL:%2) Content-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supported Map request failed [error:%1 url:%2] Not logging more than 100 request errors. %1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded. QgsWcsProvider Cannot describe coverage Nie je možné získať informácie o rastri Coverage not found Raster nebol nájdený Cannot calculate extent Nie je možné vypočítať rozsah Cannot get test dataset. Nie je možné otestovať dátovú sadu. Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2) Získaný raster má nesprávny rozsah %1 (očakávaný %2) WCS WCS Rotating raster Otáčanie rastra Block read OK Čítanie bloku OK Received coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4) Získaný raster má nesprávnu veľkosť %1 x %2 (očakávaný %3 x %4) Getting map via WCS. Získanie mapy pomocou WCS. No data received Neprijaté žiadne dáta Cannot create memory file Nie je možné vytvoriť pamäťový súbor Dom Exception Výnimka DOM Could not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3 Response was: %4 Service Exception Request contains a format not offered by the server. Požiadavka obsahuje formát, ktorý nie je ponúkaný serverom. Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance. Požiadavka je na raster, ktorý nie je ponúkaný službou servera. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Hodnota (voliteľného) parametra UpdateSequence v požiadavke GetCapabilities je rovnaká ako aktuálna hodnota service metadata update sequence number. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Hodnota (voliteľného) parametra UpdateSequence v požiadavke GetCapabilities je väčšia ako aktuálna hodnota service metadata update sequence number. Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension. Požiadavka nezahŕňa hodnotu parametra a inštancia servera nedeklaruje predvolenú hodnotu pre tento rozmer. Request contains an invalid parameter value. Požiadavka obsahuje neplatnú hodnotu parametra. No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception. Žiadny chybový kód špecifikovaný touto službou nezodpovedá výnimke. Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format. Požiadavka na operáciu obsahuje výstupný súradnicový systém, ktorý nemôže byť použitý vo výstupnom formáte. Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this. Požiadavka predpokladá uloženie výsledku, avšak nie je dostatočné miesto na jej uloženie. (No error code was reported) (Žiadny kód chyby nebol hlásený) (Unknown error code) (Neznámy kód chyby) The WCS vendor also reported: Poskytovateľ služby WCS taktiež hlásil: composed error message '%1'. zložené chybové hlásenie '%1'. Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1 Nie je možné overiť plný rozsah rastra: %1 Property Vlastnosť Value Hodnota Name (identifier) Názov (identifikátor) Title Názov Abstract Abstrakt Fixed Width Pevná šírka Fixed Height Pevná výška Native CRS Pôvodný súradnicový systém Native Bounding Box Pôvodné ohraničenie územia WGS 84 Bounding Box Ohraničenie územia pre WGS 84 Available in CRS Dostupná v súradnicovom systéme (and %n more) crs (a %n ďalších) Available in format Dostupná vo formáte Coverages Rastre Cache Stats Štatistiky vyrovnávajúcej pamäte Server Properties Vlastnosti servera Keywords Kľúčové slová Online Resource Online zdroj Contact Person Kontaktná osoba Fees Poplatky Access Constraints Obmedzenia prístupu Image Formats Formáty obrázku GetCapabilitiesUrl URL adresa požiadavky GetCapabilities Get Coverage Url URL adresa požiadavky GetCoverage &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> &nbsp;<font color="red">(uvádzané ale ignorované)</font> And %1 more coverages A %1 ďalších rastrov Format not supported Formát nie je podporovaný Read data error Chyba pri čítaní dát RasterIO error: Chyba na strane rastra: QgsWebViewWidgetConfigDlgBase Form Field contains a filename or URL for a webpage Width Šírka Height Výška QgsWebViewWidgetWrapper ... Select a file QgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. Capabilities request redirected. Redirect loop detected: %1 WMS empty of capabilities: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1 QgsWmsImageDownloadHandler Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL:%3) WMS Returned image is flawed [Content-Type:%1; URL:%2] Map request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL:%4) Map request failed [error:%1 url:%2] Not logging more than 100 request errors. %1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded. QgsWmsProvider Cannot parse URI Nie je možné spracovať URI Cannot calculate extent Nie je možné vypočítať rozsah Cannot set CRS Nie je možné nastaviť súradnicový systém Number of layers and styles don't match Počet vrstiev a štýlov sa nezhoduje WMS WMS Number of tile layers must be one Počet vrstiev skladajúcich sa z mapových štvorcov musí byť jeden Tile layer not found Vrstva mapových štvorcov nenájdená Tile layer or tile matrix set not found Vrstva mapových štvorcov alebo súbor štvorcovej siete nenájdené Getting map via WMS. Získanie mapy z WMS. Getting tiles. Získanie mapových štvorcov. %n tile requests in background tile request count %n požiadaviek mapových štvorcov v pozadí , %n cache hits tile cache hits , %n zásahov vyrovnávajúcej pamäte , %n cache misses. tile cache missed , %n chýb vyrovnávajúcej pamäte. , %n errors. errors , %n chýb. image is NULL obrázok je prázdny unexpected image size neočakávaná veľkosť obrázka Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 Stav: %1 Dôvod frázy: %2 Redirect loop detected: %1 Zistená presmerovacia slučka: %1 Dom Exception Výnimka DOM Service Exception Chyba na strane servera Request contains a format not offered by the server. Požiadavka obshauje formát, ktorý tento server neponúka. Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Požiadavka obsahuje súradnicový systém, ktorý nie je v ponuke servera pre jednu alebo viac vrstiev v tejto požiadavke. Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Požiadavka obsahuje súradnicový systém, ktorý nie je v ponuke servera pre jednu alebo viac vrstiev v požiadavke. GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map. Požiadavka GetMap je pre vrstvu, ktorú server neponúka alebo požiadavka GetFeatureInfo je pre vrstvu, ktorá nie je zobrazená na mape. Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server. Požiadavka je pre vrstvu v štýle, ktorý tento server neponúka. GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable. Požiadavka GetFeatureInfo je použitá na vrstvu, ktorá nie je uvedená ako dopytovateľná. GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value. Požiadavka GetFeatureInfo obsahuje neplatné hodnoty X alebo Y. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Hodnota (voliteľného) parametra UpdateSequence v požiadavke GetCapabilities je rovnaká ako aktuálna hodnota service metadata update sequence number. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Hodnota (voliteľného) parametra UpdateSequence v požiadavke GetCapabilities je väčšia ako aktuálna hodnota service metadata update sequence number. Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension. Požiadavka neobsahuje hodnoty veľkosti vzorky a server neurčuje predvolenú hodnotu. Request contains an invalid sample dimension value. Požiadavka obsahuje neplatnú vzorku hodnoty rozmeru. Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server. Požiadavka je na voliteľnú operáciu, ktorú tento server nepodporuje. (No error code was reported) (Žiadny kód chyby nebol hlásený) (Unknown error code) (Neznámy kód chyby) The WMS vendor also reported: Správa od poskytovateľa WMS: Property Vlastnosť Value Hodnota Name Meno Visibility Viditeľnosť Visible Viditeľná Hidden Skrytá Title Názov Abstract Abstrakt Can Identify Je možné identifikovať Yes Áno No Nie Can be Transparent Môže byť priehľadná Can Zoom In Je možné priblížiť Cascade Count Kaskádové počítanie (počet) Fixed Width Pevná sírka Fixed Height Pevná výška Available in CRS Dostupná v súradnicovom systéme (and %n more) crs (a %n ďalších) Available in style Dostupná v štýle LegendURLs Server Properties Vlastnosti servera Selected Layers Vybrané vrstvy Other Layers Ďalšie vrstvy Tile Layer Properties Vlastnosti vrstvy mapových štvorcov Cache Stats Štatistiky vyrovnávajúcej pamäte WMS Version Verzia WMS Keywords Kľúčové slová Online Resource Online zdroje Contact Person Kontaktná osoba Fees Poplatky Access Constraints Obmedzenia prístupu Image Formats Formát obrázkov Identify Formats Formáty pre identifikáciu Layer Count Počet vrstiev Tile Layer Count Počet vrstiev mapových štvorcov Could not get WMS Service Exception: %1 at line %2 column %3 Response was: %4 GetCapabilitiesUrl URL adresa požiadavky GetCapabilities GetMapUrl URL adresa požiadavky GetMap &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> &nbsp;<font color="red">(uvádzané ale ignorované)</font> GetFeatureInfoUrl URL adresa požiadavky GetFeatureInfo GetLegendGraphic GetTileUrl URL adresa požiadavky GetTile Tile templates Šablóny mapového štvorca FeatureInfo templates Šablóny FeatureInfo Tileset Properties Vlastnosti mapového štvorca Identifier Tile mode WMTS WMTS WMS-C WMS-C Invalid tile mode Selected Vybrané Available Styles Dostupné štýly CRS Súradnicový systém Bounding Box Ohraničenie územia Available Tilesets Dostupné mapové štvorce Selected tile matrix set Scale Tile size [px] Tile size [mu] Matrix size Matrix extent [mu] Bounds Width Šírka Height Výška Top Left Naľavo Bottom Right Napravo %n missing row(s) Layer's upper bound: %1 %n missing column(s) Layer's left bound: %1 Layer's lower bound: %1 Layer's right bound: %1 Cache stats Štatistiky vyrovnávajúcej pamäte Hits Úspešné stiahnutia Misses Neúspešné stiahnutia Errors Chyby Format not supported Formát nie je podporovaný Context not fully specified (extent was defined but width and/or height was not). Get feature info request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) Chyba na strane požiadavky GetFeatureInfo (Názov:%1; Chyba:%2; URL: %3) GML schema is not valid GML schéma nie je platná GML is not valid GML nie je platný Cannot identify Result parsing failed. %1 feature types were guessed from gml (%2) but no features were parsed. identify request redirected. požiadavka na identifikáciu presmerovaná. Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2 Chyba na strane požiadavky GetFeatureInfo %1: %2 Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1 Nie je možné spracovať požiadavku GetFeatureInfo: %1 Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2] Chyba na strane požiadavky GetFeatureInfo: %1 [%2] GetLegendGraphic request redirected. GetLegendGraphic request error Returned legend image is flawed [URL: %1] Download of GetLegendGraphic failed: %1 %1 of %2 bytes of GetLegendGraphic downloaded. QgsWmsTiledImageDownloadHandler Tile request error Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 Tile request error (Title:%1; Error:%2; URL: %3) WMS Tile request error (Status:%1; Content-Type:%2; Length:%3; URL: %4) Returned image is flawed [Content-Type:%1; URL: %2] %n tile requests in background tile request count , %n cache hits tile cache hits , %n cache misses. tile cache missed , %n errors. errors Not logging more than 100 request errors. Tile request max retry error. Failed %1 requests for tile %2 of tileRequest %3 (url: %4) repeat tileRequest %1 tile %2(retry %3) QgsWmtsDimensionsBase Select dimensions Dimension Rozmer Value Hodnota Abstract Abstrakt Default Predvolené QgsZonalStatisticsDialogBase Dialog Raster layer: Polygon layer containing the zones: Output column prefix: QgsZonalStatisticsPlugin &Zonal statistics Calculating zonal statistics... Abort... RangePanel Min Max RasterLayerBoundsAlgorithm Raster layer bounds Modeler-only tools Layer Vrstva min X max X min Y max Y Extent RecordDialog Record Metadata RenderingStyleFilePanel Select style file QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml *.QML) RgExportDlg Export feature Select destination layer New temporary layer RgLineVectorLayerSettingsWidget Transportation layer Layer Vrstva Direction field Value for forward direction Value for reverse direction Value two-way direction Speed field km/h m/s Default settings Direction Two-way direction Forward direction Reverse direction Cost Line lengths Speed Always use default RgSettingsDlg Road graph plugin settings Time unit Distance unit Topology tolerance second hour meter kilometer RgShortestPathWidget Shortest path Start Stop Zastaviť Criterion Length Time Calculate Vypočítať Export Clear Help Point not selected First, select start and stop points. Plugin isn't configured Plugin isn't configured! Tie point failed Start point doesn't tie to the road! Stop point doesn't tie to the road! Cannot calculate path The created graph is empty. Please check your input data. Path not found RoadGraphPlugin Settings Nastavenia Road graph plugin settings Road graph SLDatabase Run &Vacuum &Database No database selected or you are not connected to it. ScriptAlgorithm User scripts Could not load script: %s Problem with line: %d [Test scripts] [Unnamed algorithm] Could not load script: %s. Problem with line %d ScriptAlgorithmProvider Create new script Scripts folder Scripts ScriptEditorDialog Python scripts (*.py) Processing R script (*.rsx) Save script I/O error Unable to save edits. Reason: %s SelectGeoRasterBase Select Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Server Connections Edit Upraviť Delete Vymazať &New &Nové C&onnect &Pripojiť Subdatasets Selection Update Aktualizovať Ready Pripravený SettingsDialogPythonConsole Editor Editor Auto-save script before running Automatické uloženie skriptu pred spustením Font and Colors Default: Keyword: Class name: Function: Decorator: Comment: Comment block: Cursor: Caretline: Single quote: Double quote: Triple single quote: Triple double quote: Background: Reset to default colors Typing Automatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx' Autocompletion Automatické doplňovanie Get autocompletion from current document Získať automatické doplňovanie z aktuálneho dokumentu from Document z dokumentu Get autocompletion from current document and installed APIs Získať automatické doplňovanie z aktuálneho dokumentu a nainštalovaných API rozhraní from Doc and APIs z dokumentu a súborov API rozhraní Get autocompletion from installed APIs Získať automatické doplňovanie z nainštalovaných API rozhraní from APIs files zo súborov API rozhraní Autocompletion threshold Prah automatického doplňovania Error: Automatic parentheses insertion Automatické vloženie okrúhlych zátvoriek Font Písmo Size Veľkosť Enable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow) Zapnúť inšpektora objektov (prepínanie medzi záložkami môže byť pomalé) Console Konzola APIs API rozhrania Using preloaded APIs file Použiť vopred načítaný súbor API rozhraní Path Cesta Using prepared APIs file Použiť pripravený súbor API rozhraní Compile APIs... Kompilovať API rozhrania... Settings Python Console Nastavenia konzoly jazyka Python ShowTestDialog Unit test SimplifyLineDialog Simplify line tolerance Set tolerance OK OK SymbolsListWidget Form Formulár Unit Jednotka Opacity Priehľadnosť Color Farba Open Library Size Veľkosť Rotation Otočenie ° ° Width Šírka Symbols in group Symbol Name Názov symbolu Advanced Pokročilé Topol TopologyChecker Topology Checker for vector layer &Topology Checker UndoWidget Undo/Redo Krok späť/Krok vpred Undo Krok späť Redo Krok vpred ValidateDialog Check geometry validity Geometry errors Total encountered errors Error! Please specify input vector layer Please specify input field Please specify output shapefile Cancel Zrušiť Geometry Error loading output shapefile: %s Created output shapefile: %s %s Feature Error(s) VectorLayerBoundsAlgorithm Vector layer bounds Modeler-only tools Layer Vrstva min X max X min Y max Y Extent VisualDialog Error! Please specify input vector layer Please specify input field List unique values Unique values Total unique values Basics statistics Statistics output Nearest neighbour analysis Nearest neighbour statistics Cancel Zrušiť Parameter Value Hodnota WidgetCentroidFill Form Formulár Force point inside polygon WidgetEllipseBase Form Formulár Colors Farby Fill Výplň Border Ohraničenie Left Naľavo HCenter Right Napravo Top VCenter Bottom Outline style Outline width Hrúbka obrysu Rotation Otočenie Anchor point Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Offset X,Y Odsadenie X, Y Symbol width Šírka symbolu Symbol height Výška symbolu WidgetFontMarker Form Formulár Offset X,Y Odsadenie X, Y Rotation Otočenie Anchor point Left Naľavo HCenter Right Napravo Top VCenter Bottom Size Veľkosť Color Farba Font family Druh písma ° ° WidgetGradientFill Form Two color Color ramp Edit Upraviť Gradient type Linear Radial Conical Coord mode Object Viewport Spread Pad Repeat Reflect Reference Point 1 x y Feature centroid Reference Point 2 Angle ° Data defined properties... Offset X,Y WidgetLinePatternFill Form Formulár Angle Uhol Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Distance Vzdialenosť Offset Odsadenie WidgetMarkerLine Form Formulár Marker placement Umiestnenie značky with interval s intervalom on every vertex na každý uzol on last vertex only len na posledný uzol on first vertex only len na prvý uzol Offset along line Rotate marker Otočiť značku Line offset Odsadenie línie Data defined properties Vlastnosti definované dátami on central point na stredový bod WidgetPointPatternFill Form Formulár Vertical distance Vertikálna vzdialenosť Vertical displacement Vertikálne umiestnenie Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované v dátach... Horizontal displacement Horizontálne umiestnenie Horizontal distance Horizontálna vzdialenosť WidgetSVGFill Form Formulár Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia Rotation Otočenie Texture width Hrúbka textúry Colors Farby Fill Výplň Border Ohraničenie Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... SVG Groups Skupiny SVG SVG Symbols Symboly SVG ... ... WidgetShapeburstFill Form Gradient colors Two color Color ramp Edit Upraviť Shading style Shade whole shape Ignore rings in polygons while shading Shade to a set distance: Blur strength Offset X,Y Data defined properties... WidgetSimpleFill Form Formulár Offset X,Y Odsadenie X,Y Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia Fill style Štýl výplne Colors Farby Border style Štýl ohraničenia Join style Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Fill Výplň Border Ohraničenie WidgetSimpleLine Form Formulár Color Farba Change Zmeniť Pen width Hrúbka pera Offset Odsadenie Pen style Štýl pera Join style Štýl spoja Cap style Štýl konca Use custom dash pattern Použiť vlastný vzor prerušovanej čiary Dash pattern unit Jednotka vzoru prerušovanej čiary Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Draw line only inside polygon WidgetSimpleMarker Form Formulár Size Veľkosť Fill Výplň Border Ohraničenie Outline style Outline width Hrúbka obrysu Anchor point Left Naľavo HCenter Right Napravo Top VCenter Bottom Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Colors Farby Angle Uhol ° ° Offset X,Y Odsadenie X,Y WidgetSvgMarker Form Formulár Colors Farby Fill Výplň Border Ohraničenie Offset X,Y Odsadenie X,Y Anchor point Left Naľavo HCenter Right Napravo Top VCenter Bottom Data defined properties... Vlastnosti definované dátami... Border width Hrúbka ohraničenia Angle Uhol Size Veľkosť SVG Groups Skupina SVG SVG Image Obrázok SVG ... ... WidgetSvgSelector Form Formulár SVG Images Obrázky SVG SVG Groups Skupiny SVG ... ... Generated path will be relative to current SVG search directories or to Project file Vytvorená cesta bude relatívna k aktuálnym adresárom SVG alebo k súboru projektu Relative path Relatívna cesta WidgetVectorFieldBase Form Formulár Y attribute Atribút Y Scale Mierka X attribute Atribút X Vector field type Typ vektorového poľa Height only Len výškový Polar Polárny Cartesian Karteziánsky Angle units Jednotky uhla Degrees Stupne Radians Radiány Angle orientation Orientácia uhla Counterclockwise from east Proti smeru hodinových ručičiek od východu Clockwise from north V smere hodinových ručičiek od severu Distance unit Jednotka vzdialenosti XMLDialog XML Request / Response Request Response [pluginname]GuiBase QGIS Plugin Template Šablóna zásuvného modulu QGISu Plugin Template Šablóna zásuvného modulu checkDock Topology Checker Validate All Validate Extent Topology not checked yet Configure Show topology errors Show errors Select automatic fix Fix! No errors were found Invalid first layer Topology plugin Invalid first geometry Topology test Feature not found in the layer. The layer has probably changed. Run topology check again. Invalid second layer Invalid second geometry Invalid conflict %1 errors were found Topology fix error Fixing failed! Layer %1 not found in registry. Abort Prerušiť context_help <h3>Database connection</h3> <h3>Create a new WMS connection</h3> WMS layers can be added quite simply, as long as you know the URL to access the WMS server, you have a serviceable connection to that server, and the server understands HTTP as the data transport mechanism.<p> QGIS currently can act as a WMS client that understands WMS 1.1, 1.1.1 and 1.3 servers. <p> <a href="#serv">Servers</a><br/> <a href="#load">Loading WMS Layers</a><br/> <a href="#lay">Layer Order</a><br/> <a href="#search">Server Search</a><br/> <a name="serv"> <h4>Servers</h4> </a> To define a new WMS server in the <label>Server Connections</label> section, select <label>New</label>. Then enter the parameters to connect to your desired WMS server.<p> You can add some servers to play with by clicking the <label>Add default servers</label> button. This will add at least three WMS servers for you to use.<p> Once the new WMS Server connection has been created, it will be preserved for future QGIS sessions. <a name="load"> <h5>Loading WMS Layers</h5> </a> Select the <label>Connect</label> button to retrieve the capabilities of the selected server. This includes the Image encoding, Layers, Layer Styles and Projections.<br/> While downloading data from the WMS server, the download progress is visualized in the left bottom of the WMS Plugin dialog.<p> The <label>Image encoding</label> section now lists the formats that are supported by both the client and server.<br/> Choose one depending on your image accuracy requirements.<p> You can select several layers at once, they will be combined at the WMS Server and transmitted to QGIS in one go.<p> Each WMS Layer can be presented in multiple CRSs, depending on the capability of the WMS server. To choose a CRS, select <label>Change...</label> <a name="lay"> <h4>Layer Order</h4> </a> On this tab you can change the order of loaded WMS layers. <a name="search"> <h4>Server Search</h4> </a> On this tab you can search for WMS servers. It is possible to enter a search-string in the text field an hit the <label>Search</label> button.<p> To visualize the results, select an table entry, press the <label>Add selected row to WMS list</label> button and change back to the <label>Servers</label> tab.<p> You only need to request the list of layers by clicking the <label>Connect</label> button. <h3>Identify Features</h3> <p> The results dialog shows all the features identified within the search tolerance. To see the results details, expand the feature information on the left of each feature. </p> <p> The search radius can be set in the options dialog <label>Settings > Options > Map tools</label>, Identify section, as a percentage of map width. In this section you may also set identify mode to <label>Current layer</label>, <label>Top down, stop at first</label>, <label>Top down</label>. <br> You may also tick an <label>Open feature form, if a single feature is identified</label> option.<br> Identifiable layers can be set in the Project Properties dialog <label>Settings > Project Properties > Identifiable layers</label> where all the layers names are listed, their type (vector, raster, etc.) and ability to be identified. </p> <h3>Create a New Oracle Connection</h3> This dialog allows you to define the settings for a connection to a Oracle database. <p> <ul> <li> <label>Name</label> A name to identify the connection settings. <li> <label>Database</label> SID or SERVICE_NAME of the Oracle instance. <li> <label>Host</label> Name or IP address of the computer hosting the database server <li> <label>Port</label> IP port used by the database server <li> <label>Username</label> Database user name. <li> <label>Password</label> Database password. <li> <label>Save Username</label> Indicates whether to save the database user name in the connection configuration. <li> <label>Save Password</label> Indicates whether to save the database password in the connection settings. <font color="red">Passwords are saved in <strong>clear text</strong> in the system configuration and in the project files!</font> <li> <label>Only look in meta data table</label> Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. <li> <label>Only look for user's tables</label> When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owner by the user. <li> <label>Also list tables with no geometry</label> Indicates that tables without geometry should also be listed by default. <li> <label>Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata</label> When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming. By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done: Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows. Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied. The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table. <li> <label>Only existing geometry types</label> Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others. </ul> <h3>GPS Plugin</h3> <h3>Add PostGIS Tables</h3> This dialog allows you to add PostGIS layers (tables with a geometry column) to the QGIS map canvas. <p> <a href="#connect">Connections</a><br/> <a href="#add">Adding Layers</a><br/> <a href="#filter">Filtering a Layer</a><br/> <a href="#search">Search options</a><br/> <a href="#connect"> <h4>Connections</h4> </a> <ul> <li>Choose the connection to use from the drop-down box and click <label>Connect</label>. <li>If there are no connections, use the <label>New</label> button to create a connection. <li>To modify a connection, click the <label>Edit</label> button. </ul> <a name="add"> <h4>Adding Layers</h4> </a> To add a layer: <ol> <li>Choose the desired connection from the drop-down box. <li>Click <label>Connect</label>. <li>Find the layer you want to add in the list and click on it to select it. <li>You can select additional layers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking. <li>Click <label>Add</label> to add the layer(s) to the map. </ol> <a name="filter"> <h4>Filtering a Layer</h4> </a> To filter a layer before adding it to the map, double click on its name or use <label>Build query</label> button. This will open the Query Builder, allowing you to build up a SQL statement to use in filtering the records. <a name="search"> <h4>Search options</h4> </a> Ticking <label>Search options</label> enables additional options for searching in different column types and using 2 search modes: <label>Wildcard</label> or <label>RegExp</label>. <h3>Field Calculator</h3> The field calculator allows you to update fields with expressions. <h4>Supported Operations</h4> <table border=1> <tr> <th>Operation</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <tt>column_name</tt><br> <tt>"column_name"</tt> </td> <td>value of field <tt>column_name</tt></td> </tr> <tr><td>'<tt>string</tt>'</td><td>literal string value</td></tr> <tr><td><tt>number</tt></td><td>number</td></tr> <tr><td>NULL</td><td>null value</td></tr> <tr><td>exp(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>Euler's number e to the power of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>ln(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>natural log (i.e. base e) of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>log10(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>log base 10 of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>log(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>b</tt>)</td><td>log base <tt>b</tt> of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>sqrt(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>square root</td></tr> <tr><td>sin(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>sine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>cos(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>cosine of <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>tan(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>tangent of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>asin(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse sine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>acos(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse cosine of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>atan(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>inverse tangent of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>to int(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to integer</td></tr> <tr><td>to real(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to real</td></tr> <tr><td>to string(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert number <tt>a</tt> to string</td></tr> <tr><td>lower(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to lower case</td></tr> <tr><td>upper(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>convert string <tt>a</tt> to upper case</td></tr> <tr><td>length(<tt>a</tt>)</td><td>length of string <tt>a</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>atan2(<tt>y</tt>,<tt>x</tt>)</td><td>inverse tangent of <tt>y</tt>/<tt>x</tt> using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result.</td></tr> <tr><td>replace(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>replacethis</tt>,<tt>withthat</tt>)</td><td>replace <tt>replacethis</tt> with <tt>withthat</tt> in string <tt>a</tt></td></td> <tr><td>regexp_replace(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>replacethis</tt>,<tt>withthat</tt>)</td><td>replace the regular expression <tt>replacethis</tt> with <tt>withthat</tt> in string <tt>a</tt></td></td> <tr><td>substr(<tt>a</tt>,<tt>from</tt>,<tt>len</tt>)</td><td><tt>len</tt> characters of string <tt>a</tt> starting from <tt>from</tt> (first character index is 1)</td></td> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> || <tt>b</tt></td><td>concatenate strings <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>$rownum</td><td>number current row</td></tr> <tr><td>$area</td><td>area of polygon</td></tr> <tr><td>$perimeter</td><td>perimeter of polygon</td></tr> <tr><td>$length</td><td>area of line</td></tr> <tr><td>$id</td><td>feature id</td></tr> <tr><td>$x</td><td>x coordinate of point</td></tr> <tr><td>$y</td><td>y coordinate of point</td></tr> <tr><td>xat(<tt>n</tt>)</td><td>x coordinate of <tt>n</tt>th point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index)</td></tr> <tr><td>yat(<tt>n</tt>)</td><td>y coordinate of <tt>n</tt>th point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index)</td></tr> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> ^ <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> raised to the power of <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> * <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> multiplied by <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> / <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> divided by <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> + <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> plus <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td><tt>a</tt> - <tt>b</tt></td><td><tt>a</tt> minus <tt>b</tt></td></tr> <tr><td>+<tt>a</tt></td><td>positive sign</td></tr> <tr><td>-<tt>a</tt></td><td>negative value of <tt>a</tt></td></tr> </table> <h3>New OGR Database Connection Dialog</h3> <h3> North Arrow Plugin</h3> Displays a north arrow overlayed onto the map. <p> At present there is only one style available. You can adjust the angle of the arrow or let QGIS set the direction automatically. If you choose to let QGIS determine the direction, it makes its best guess as to how the arrow should be oriented. For placement of the arrow you have four options, corresponding to the four corners of the map canvas. <h3>Scale bar Plugin</h3> Draws a scale bar on the map. <p> You can control the style and placement, as well as the labeling of the bar. QGIS only supports displaying the scale in the same units as your map frame. So if the units of your layers are in meters, you can't create a scale bar in feet. Likewise if you are using decimal degrees, you can't create a scale bar to display distance in meters.</p> <p> To add a scale bar: <ol> <li>Choose the placement from the <label>Placement</label> drop-down list.</li> <li>Choose the style from the <label>Scale bar style</label> list.</li> <li>Select the color for the bar <label>Color of bar</label> or use the default black color.</li> <li>Set the size of the bar and its label <label>Size of bar</label>. </li> <li>Make sure the <label>Enable scale bar</label> checkbox is checked.</li> <li>Optionally choose to automatically snap to a round number when the canvas is resized <label>Automatically snap to round number on resize</label>.</li> <li>Click <label>OK</label>.</li> </ol> <h3>Heatmap Plugin Help</h3> <p>The Heatmap plugin uses Kernel Density Estimation to create a density (heatmap) raster of an input point vector layer. The density is calculated based on the number of points in a location, with larger numbers of clustered points resulting in larger values. Heatmaps allow easy identification of "hotspots" and clustering of points.</p> <h2>Dialog Parameters</h2> <h3>Input point layer</h3> <p>The input is always a vector layer of point type. All the point vector layers that are currently loaded in the canvas are shown in the drop-down list. Click the dropdown button and select the desired layer.</p> <h3>Output raster</h3> <p>The output raster location and filename can be set by clicking the <label>...</label> button next to the output raster textbox.<br/> <b>Note:</b> The file format is automatically added depending upon the output format selected, if not explicitly given.</p> <h3>Output format</h3> <p>All the file creation supporting GDAL formats are available in the drop down list. Click and select the required output format for your file.<br/> <b>Note:</b> GeoTiff and ERDAS Imagine .img formats are recommended. Some formats make the application crash. Kindly stick to the recommended formats until the crash issue is resolved or use other formats if you know GDAL supports it completely.</p> <h3>Radius (bandwidth)</h3> <p>Used to specify the heatmap search radius (or kernel bandwidth) in meters or map units. The radius specifies the distance around a point at which the influence of the point will be felt. Larger values result in greater smoothing, but smaller values may show finer details and variation in point density.</p> <h3>Advanced Options</h3> <h4>Rows and Columns</h4> <p>Used to change the dimensions of the output raster file. These values are also linked to the <b>Cell size X</b> and <b>Cell size Y</b> values. Increasing the number of rows or colums will decrease the cell size and increase the file size of the output file. The values in Rows and Columns are also linked, so doubling the number of rows will automatically double the number of columns and the cell sizes will also be halved. The geographical area of the output raster will remain the same!</p> <h4>Cell size X and Y</h4> <p>Control the geographic size of each pixel in the output raster. Changing these values will also change the number of Rows and Columns in the output raster.</p> <h4>Kernel shape</h4> <p>The kernel shape controls the rate at which the influence of a point decreases as the distance from the point increases. Different kernels decay at different rates, so a triweight kernel gives features greater weight for distances closer to the point than the Epanechnikov kernel does. Consequently, triweight results in "sharper" hotspots, and Epanechnikov results in "smoother" hotspots. A number of standard kernel functions are available in QGIS, which are described and illustrated on <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(statistics)#Kernel_functions_in_common_use">Wikipedia</a>.</p> <h4>Decay ratio</h4> <p>For triangular kernels, the decay ratio defines amount of influence that applies to the outermost pixels in the buffer radius. A value of 0 reflects a standard triangular kernel, where the influences drops to zero as the distance from the pixel to the point approaches the specified radius. In contrast, a value of 1 indicates that no falloff occurs as the distance from the point increases.</p> <h4>Use radius from field</h4> <p>Optionally, the value in a specified field can be used to control the kernel radius for each point in the input layer.</p> <h4>Use weight from field</h4> <p>Optionally, a attribute containing weights for points can be used to weight some points in the input layer more than others.</p> <h2>Further Details</h2> <p>Contact the author through aruntheguy at gmail dot com</p> <h3>Python Console for QGIS</h3> <a href="#console">Console</a><br> <a href="#editor">Editor</a><br> <a href="#settings">Settings</a><br><br> <table> <tr> <td> The QGIS Python Console is an interactive shell for the python command executions. It also has a python file editor that allows you to edit and save your python scripts. Both console and editor are based on PyQScintilla2 package.<br> The console is split in two main panes, top and bottom one resizable by using the horizontal splitter. Output area pane is a widget read-only which shows the commands output. You can drag and drop or copy and paste text into input area and execute code snippets from the output pane by selecting some text and clicking on the <label>Enter selected</label> command from the context menu. No matter if selected text contains the interpreter prompt (>>>, ...). Input area pane is the interactive python shell for input commands.<br>To access to the python file editor use the <label>Show editor</label> button from the toolbar. The editor allows editing and saving python files and it offers basic functionality for managing your code (comment and uncomment code, check syntax, share the code via codepad.org and much more). </p> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="console"> <h4>Console</h4> </a> <b><i>Main features:</i></b> <table> <tr> <td> <ul> <li>Code completion, highlighting syntax and calltips for the following APIs: <ol> <li>Python</li> <li>PyQGIS</li> <li>PyQt4</li> <li>QScintilla2</li> <li>osgeo-gdal-ogr</li> </ol> </li> <br> <li><label>Ctrl+Alt+Space</label> to view the auto-completion list.</li> <br> <li><label>Ctrl+Shift+Space</label> to view the command history list.</li> <br> <li>Execute code snippets with the <label>Enter selected</label> command from output pane.</li> <br> <li>Open QGIS API documentation by typing <label>_api</label>.</li> <br> <li>Open PyQGIS Cookbook by typing <label>_pyqgis</label>.</li> <br> <li>Save and clear the command history accessing from context menu of input pane. The history will be saved into the file ~/.qgis2/console_history.txt</li> <br> </ul> </td> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/consoleHelp.png" /></td> </tr> <table> <b><i>Toolbar:</i></b> <table width="100%" id='toolbarConsole'> <tr> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconClearConsole.png" /></td> <td colspan="2">Clear python console</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconClassConsole.png" /></td> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconProcessingConsole.png" /></td> <td>Import Processing class</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconQtCoreConsole.png" /></td> <td>Import PyQt4.QtCore class</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconQtGuiConsole.png" /></td> <td>Tool to import PyQt4.QtGui class</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconRunConsole.png" /></td> <td colspan="2">Run command (like Enter key pressed)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconSettingsConsole.png" /></td> <td colspan="2">Settings</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/iconHelpConsole.png" /></td> <td colspan="2">Help</td> </tr> </table> <a name="editor"> <h4>Editor</h4> </a> <b><i>Main features:</i></b> <table> <tr> <td> <img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/editorHelp.png" /> <img src="qrc:/images/themes/default/console/classBrowserHelp.png" /> </td> <td> <ul> <li>Code completion, highlighting syntax and calltips for the following APIs: <ol> <li>Python</li> <li>PyQGIS</li> <li>PyQt4</li> <li>QScintilla2</li> <li>osgeo-gdal-ogr</li> </ol> </li> <br> <li><label>Ctrl+Space</label> to view the auto-completion list.</li> <br> <li>Sharing code snippets via codepad.org.</li> <br> <li><label>Ctrl+4</label> Syntax check.</li> <br> <li>Object inspector: a class and function browser.</li> <br> <li>Go to an object definition with a mouse click. (from Object inspector)</li> <br> <li>Execute code snippets with the <label>Enter selected</label> command.</li> <br> <li>Execute the whole script with the <label>Run script</label> command (this creates a byte-compiled file with the extension .pyc)</li> <br> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="settings"> <h4>Settings</h4> </a> <b><i>Further settings for python console:</i></b> <ul> <li><label>Autocompletion:</label> If checked the code completion is enabled. You can get autocompletion from current document, from installed APIs and both from APIs and current document</li> <br> <li><label>Autocompletion threshold:</label> Sets the threshold to display the autocompletion list (in chars typed)</li> <br> <li><label>Automatic parentheses insertion:</label> If checked enables the autoclosing for bracket</li> <br> <li><label>Auto-save script before running:</label> Allows you to save automatically the script to be executed in order to avoid to save it after any modification. This action will store a temporary file into the temporary system directory that will be automatically deleted after running.</li> <br> <li><label>Using preloaded APIs file:</label> You can choose whether use the preload APIs file or load some APIs files saved on your system.</li> <br> <li><label>Using prepared APIs file:</label> If checked the *.pap file will be used for code completion. To generate a prepared APIs file you have to load least an *.api file and then compile it by clicking on <label>Compile Apis...</label> button.</li> </ul> <p style='border: 1px solid; background:#f6f6f6;' align='justify'> <b>Note:</b> To save the state of console's widgets you have to close the Python Console from the close button. This allows you to save the geometry to be restored to the next start. </p> <h3>Project Properties</h3> This dialog allows you to set a number of properties related to the <label>Project</label>. A Project is a saved set of layers and their settings, as well as other information required to restore the project from disk.<p> <a href="#general">General Tab</a><br/> <a href="#crs">Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Tab</a><br/> <a href="#layers">Identifiable layers Tab</a><br/> <a name="general"> <h4>General Tab</h4> </a> <table border=1> <tr><td><label>Project title</label></td><td>A descriptive title for the project. This title will be displayed in the title bar of the QGIS window</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Selection color</label></td><td>Selected features are displayed on the map using this color.</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Background color</label></td><td>The color of the map canvas.</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Save paths</label></td><td>Ability to save the paths as absolute or relative.</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Layer units</label></td><td>Choose the units appropriate for the layers in the project.</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Precision</label></td><td>Use the manual setting to set the precision of the display in the status bar. As the mouse is moved over the map canvas, the coordinates are updated and displayed in the status bar using the precision you choose. Automatic (the default) results in a default precision based on the map units.</td></tr> <tr><td><label>Digitizing</label></td><td>The option <label> Enable topological editing</label> enables editing and maintaining common boundaries in polygon mosaics. Editing a vertex in shared boundary will result in updating both boundaries.<p> To avoid digitizing all vertices of the common boundary select <label>Avoid intersections of new polygons</label>. In the dialog window tick appropriate layers to which the new polygon will be adjusted. Draw the new polygon in the way it overlap the existing one, it will be cut automatically. <p> <label>Snapping options</label> allows you to set the snapping tolerance in pixels or map units and the snapping mode: <label>to vertex</label>, <label>to segment</label>, <label>to vertex and segment</label> for every layer separately.</td></tr> </table> <a name="crs"> <h4>Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Tab</h4> </a> The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) tab allows you to set the projection for the current project and enable on the fly transformation. You do not need to have a saved project to setup and enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation. <p>To use 'on the fly' CRS transformation, click the <label>Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation</label> check box. Then choose the projection for the project (map canvas) from the list of Geographic or Projected coordinate systems. <p>You can find a coordinate system by entering its name, EPSG code or the QGIS ID and clicking the <label>Find</label> button. <p>The list of recently used coordinate systems will be available on the bottom for quick access. <a name="layers"> <h4>Identifiable layers Tab</h4> </a> On this tab you can choose on which layers the identify tool will work. <h3>Add SpatiaLite Tables</h3> To define a new connection, click on <label>New</label> button and use the file browser to point to your SpatiaLite database, which is a file with a <i>.sqlite</i> extension.<p> The connections you define will be remembered for further use and available to choose from the drop down menu. <h3>Vector Layer Properties</h3> This dialog allows you to work with vector layer settings and properties. There are seven tabs: <p> <a href="#symbology">Symbology</a><br/> <a href="#labels">Labels</a><br/> <a href="#attributes">Attributes</a><br/> <a href="#general">General</a><br/> <a href="#metadata">Metadata</a><br/> <a href="#actions">Actions</a><br/> <a href="#diagram">Diagram Overlay</a><br/> <a name="symbology"> <h4>Symbology</h4> </a> To change the symbology for a layer, simply double click on its legend entry and the vector <label>Layer Properties</label> dialog will be shown.<p> Within this dialog you can style your vector layer. Depending on the selected rendering option you have the possibility to also classify your map features. <h5>Legend type</h5> QGIS supports a number of symbology renderers to control how vector features are displayed. Currently the following renderers are available: <ul> <li><label>Single symbol</label> - a single style is applied to every object in the layer. <li><label>Graduated symbol</label> - objects within the layer are displayed with different symbols classified by the values of a particular field. <li><label>Continuous color</label> - objects within the layer are displayed with a spread of colors classified by the numerical values within a specified field. <li><label>Unique value</label> - objects are classified by the unique values within a specified field with each value having a different symbol. </ul> <h5>New symbology</h5> Click <label>New symbology</label> button to use new symbology implementation for the layer. <h5>Vector transparency</h5> QGIS allows setting a transparency for every vector layer. This can be done with the slider <label>Transparency</label>. This is very useful for overlaying several vector layers. <h5>Saving styles</h5> Once you have styled your layer you also could save your layer-style to a separate file (with *.qml ending). To do this, use the button <label>Save Style...</label>. No need to say that <label>Load Style...</label> loads your saved layer-style-file.<br/> If you wish to always use a particular style whenever the layer is loaded, use the <label>Save As Default</label> button to make your style the default. Also, if you make changes to the style that you are not happy with, use the <label>Restore Default Style</label> button to revert to your default style. <a name="labels"> <h4>Labels</h4> </a> The Labels tab allows you to enable labeling features and control a number of options related to fonts, placement, style, alignment and buffering.<br/> Check the <label>Display labels</label> check box to enable labeling. <h5>Basic Label options</h5> Choose the field to label with.<p> Select the use the <label>Font</label> and <label>Color</label> buttons to set the font and color. You can also change the angle and the placement of the text-label.<p> If have labels extending over several lines, check <label>Multiline labels?</label>. QGIS will check for a true line return in your label field and insert the line breaks accordingly. A true line return is a single character &#92;n, (not two separate characters, like a backslash &#92; followed by the character n). <h5>Placement</h5> Change the label placement by selecting one of the radio buttons in the <label>Placement</label> group. <h5>Font size units</h5> The <label>Font size units</label> allows you to select between <label>Points</label> or <label>Map units</label>. <h5>Buffer labels</h5> To buffer the labels means putting a backdrop around them to make them stand out better. To buffer the lakes labels: <ol> <li>Click the <label>Buffer Labels</label> check box to enable buffering. <li>Choose a size for the buffer using the spin box. <li>Choose a color by clicking on <label>Color</label> and choosing your favorite from the color selector. You can also set some transparency for the buffer if you prefer. <li>Click <label>Apply</label> to see if you like the changes. </ol> Notice you can also specify the buffer size in map units if that works out better for you. <h5>Data defined placement, properties, buffer, position</h5> The remaining entries inside the <label>Label</label> tab allow you control the appearance of the labels using attributes stored in the layer. The entries beginning with <label>Data defined</label> allow you to set all the parameters for the labels using fields in the layer. <a name="attributes"> <h4>Attributes</h4> </a> Within the <label>Attributes</label> tab the attributes of the selected data set can be manipulated. The buttons <label>New Column</label> and <label>Delete Column</label> can be used, when the data set is in editing mode. The OGR library supports to add new columns, but not to remove them, if you have a GDAL version >= 1.6 installed. Otherwise only columns from PostGIS layers can be edited.<p> The <label>Toggle editing mode</label> button toggles this mode.<p> Within the Attributes tab you also find an edit widget column. This column can be used to define values or a range of values that are allowed to be added to the specific attribute table column. If you click on the <label>edit widget</label> button, a dialog opens, where you can define different widgets. These widgets are:<br/> <ul> <li><label>Line edit</label> an edit field which allows entering simple text (or restrict to numbers for numeric attributes). <li><label>Classification</label> Displays a combo box with the values used for classification, if you have chosen <label>unique value</label> as legend type in the symbology tab of the properties dialog. <li><label>Range</label> Allows setting of numeric values from a specific range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. <li><label>Unique value</label> The user can select one of the values already used in the attribute table. If <label>editable</label> is activated, a line edit is shown with auto completion support, but additional values are possible, otherwise a combo box is used. <li><label>File name</label> Simplifies the selection by adding a file chooser dialog. <li><label>Value map</label> a combo box with predefined items. The value is stored in the attribute, the description is shown in the combo box. You can define values manually or load them from a layer or a csv file. <li><label>Enumeration</label> Opens a combo box with values that can be used within the columns type. This is currently only supported by the Postgres provider. <li><label>Immutable</label> The immutable attribute column is read-only. The user is not able to modify the content. <li><label>Hidden</label> A hidden attribute column is invisible to the user. <li><label>Checkbox</label> A check box is shown. The value representing the state of the check box in the attribute has to be entered. <li><label>Text edit</label> A text edit field is shown, that allows entering multiline text. </ul> <a name="general"> <h4>General</h4> </a> The General tab allows you to change the display name, set scale dependent rendering options, create a spatial index of the vector file (only for OGR supported formats and PostGIS) and view or change the projection of the specific vector layer.<p> You can also set a provider specific filter expressions using the <label>Query Builder</label>. <h5>Subset</h5> The <label>Query Builder</label> button allows you to limit the features of a layer to a subset matching an provider specific filter expression. <a name="metadata"> <h4>Metadata</h4> </a> The <label>Metadata</label> tab contains information about the layer, including specifics about the type and location, number of features, feature type, and the editing capabilities. The Layer Spatial Reference System section, providing projection information, is displayed on this tab. This is a quick way to get information about the layer. <a name="actions"> <h4>Actions</h4> </a> QGIS provides the ability to perform an action based on the attributes of a feature. This can be used to perform any number of actions, for example, running a program with arguments built from the attributes of a feature or passing parameters to a web reporting tool. <br/> Actions are useful when you frequently want to run an external application or view a web page based on one or more values in your vector layer.<p> The new implementation of actions uses the QGIS expression engine to do evaluations. Each expression is evaluated and replaced by its result at runtime.<p> An expression must be enclosed between <code>[%</code> and <code>%]</code> - the GUI has some buttons which do that for you automatically. The <label>Insert expression...</label> button launches the <label>Expression builder</label> which allows writing an expression easily, the <label>Insert field</label> button inserts into the action a placeholder like <code>[% "fieldname" %]</code> where fieldname is the name of the field selected in the field dropdown list.<p> See the User Guide for further information. <h5>Using Actions</h5> Actions can be invoked from the <label>Identify Results</label> dialog or using the <label>Run feature action</label> tool on the toolbar.<p> Each action adds a little set of custom expressions to the default set available in the <label>Expression builder</label>.<br/> While running actions from the <label>Identify Results</label> dialog the custom expression <code>$currfield</code> will be replaced with the value of the selected field in the dialog, using the <label>Run feature action</label> tool the following custom expressions are available (instead of $currfield): <ul> <li><code>$clickx</code> returns the x coordinate of the click position on the canvas</li> <li><code>$clicky</code> returns the y coordinate of the click position on the canvas</li> <li><code>$layerid</code> returns the ID of the selected layer in the legend</li> </ul> Note: the <label>Run feature action</label> tool executes the actions on all the matching features, where as <label>Identify Results</label> allows you to select which specific feature to run action on.<p> <h5>Action Examples</h5> You can add some example actions by clicking on the <label>Add default actions</label> button. <a name="diagram"> <h4>Diagram Overlay</h4> </a> The Diagram tab allows you to add a graphic overlay to a vector layer. To activate this feature, open the <label>Plugin Manager</label> and select the <label>Diagram Overlay</label> plugin. After this, there is a new tab in the vector <label>Layer Properties</label> dialog where the settings for diagrams may be entered.<p> The current implementation of diagrams provides support for pie- and bar charts and for linear scaling of the diagram size according to a classification attribute. <h3>Spatial Bookmarks</h3> Spatial Bookmarks allow you to "bookmark" a geographic location and return to it later. <p> <a href="#creating">Creating a Bookmark</a><br/> <a href="#working">Working with Bookmarks</a><br/> <a href="#zooming">Zooming to a Bookmark</a><br/> <a href="#deleting">Deleting a Bookmark</a><br/> <a href="#updating">Updating a Bookmark</a><br/> <a name="creating"> <h4>Creating a Bookmark</h4> </a> To create a bookmark: <ol> <li>Zoom or pan to the area of interest. <li>Click on the <label>New bookmark</label> or type Ctrl-B. <li>Enter a descriptive name for the bookmark (up to 255 characters). <li>Click <label>OK</label> to add the bookmark or <label>Cancel</label> to exit without adding the bookmark. </ol> Note that you can have multiple bookmarks with the same name. <a name="working"> <h4>Working with Bookmarks</h4> </a> To use or manage bookmarks, click on the <label>Show bookmarks</label> button or choose <label>Show Bookmarks</label> from the <label>View</label> menu. The bookmarks dialog allows you to zoom to or delete a bookmark. You can not edit the bookmark name or coordinates. <a name="zooming"> <h5>Zooming to a Bookmark</h5> </a> From the Geo spatial Bookmarks dialog, select the desired bookmark by clicking on it, then click the <label>Zoom to</label> button. <p> You can also zoom to a bookmark by double-clicking on it. <a name="deleting"> <h5>Deleting a Bookmark</h5> </a> To delete a bookmark from the Bookmarks dialog, click on it then click the <label>Delete</label> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <label>OK</label> or cancel the delete by clicking <label>Cancel</label>. <a name="updating"> <h5>Updating a Bookmark</h5> </a> To update the extent of a bookmark, click on it then click the <label>Update</label> button. Confirm your choice by clicking <label>OK</label> or cancel the update by clicking <label>Cancel</label>. <h3>Road graph plugin settings</h3> <p>Road graph is a C++ plugin for QGIS, that calculates the shortest path between two points on any polyline layer and plots this path over the road network.</p> <p> <a href="#creating">Plugin units</a><br/> <a href="#topologyTolerance">Topology tolerance</a><br/> <a href="#layerSettings">Transport layer settings</a><br/> </p> <a name="creating"> <h4>Plugin units</h4> </a> <p>You can adjust the units of the calculated distance and time of the path. Select the units in <label>Distance unit</label> and <label>Time unit</label>.</p> <a name="topologyTolerance"> <h4>Topology tolerance</h4> </a> <p><label>Topology tolerance</label> - the distance in units of the project. If the distance of two points falls short the topological tolerance, they are considered to be the vertex. A topological tolerance value greater than zero slows down the plugin, but you can use not ideal data sources.</p> <h5>Note</h5> <p>The Road graph plugin considers two roads as linked, if they have a common node. A Node is uniquely identified by it's coordinates. However, in the process of digitizing errors may occur. The errors sometimes occur when the network is transformed from one coordinate reference system to another. This might cause the Road graph plugin to consider connected roads as disconnected. In that case the topological tolerance should be set to a value greater than zero.</p> <a name="LayerSettings"> <h4>Transport layer settings</h4> </a> <p><label>Layer</label> - the data layer of roads.</p> <p><label>Field direction</label> - the value of this field indicates how to interpret the Road graph plugin layers feature. <label>Value for forward direction</label> - the direction of movement corresponds to the order of points in a feature. <label>Value for reverse direction</label> - the direction of movement corresponds to the reverse order of points in the feature. <label>Value for two-way direction</label> - both possible.</p> <p>Speed field</p> - field containing the recorded speed on the road.</p> <h5>Default settings</h5> <p>If the attribute table of your linear layer does not contain the required fields or fields contain unexpected values, the plugin will use default values. You can set them in the default tab <label>Default settings</label>.</p> <h3>Query Builder</h3> The query builder allows you to create provider specific filter expressions. These are usually evaluated much faster than the generic QGIS expressions, but are sometimes limited (e.g. for shape files) or behave diffently. <h4>Providers</h4> <table border=1> <tr> <th>Provider</th> <th>Documentation</th> </tr> <tr> <td>OGR</td> <td>where clauses depending on the <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html">format</a> (eg. <a href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_sql.html">OGR SQL</a> for shape files) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>PostgreSQL/PostGIS</td> <td>where clauses using <a href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/">PostgreSQL</a> and <a href="http://postgis.net/documentation">PostGIS</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>SpatiaLite</td> <td>where clauses using <a href="http://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html">SQLite</a> and <a href="http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/spatialite-sql-4.1.0.html">SpatiaLite</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oracle Spatial/Locator</td> <td>where clauses using <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28400/sdo_index_query.htm#autoId9">Oracle Spatial/Locator</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>...</td> </tr> </table> <h3>Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition</h3> If QGIS does not provide the coordinate reference system you need, you can define a custom CRS. <p> To define a CRS, select <label>Custom CRS</label> from the <label>Edit</label> (Gnome, OSX) or <label>Settings</label> (KDE, Windows) menu. Custom CRS are stored in your QGIS user database. In addition to your custom CRS, this database also contains your spatial bookmarks and other custom data. <h4>Define</h4> To create a new CRS, click the <label>New</label> button and enter: <ul> <li>descriptive name <li>CRS parameters </ul> Note that the Parameters must begin with a +proj=-block, to represent the new coordinate reference system. <p> Defining a custom CRS in QGIS requires a good understanding of the Proj.4 projection library. To begin, refer to the <a href="ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/proj/OF90-284.pdf">Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment</a> - A User's Manual by Gerald I. Evenden, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-284, 1990. This manual describes the use of the <i>proj.4</i> and related command line utilities. The cartographic parameters used with <i>proj.4</i> are described in the user manual, and are the same as those used by QGIS. <h3>Copyright Label</h3> Draws a copyright label with information.<br/> You can add any random text to the map not only a copyright label. <p> <a href="#howto">How to</a><br/> <a href="#text">Text formatting</a><br/> <a name="howto"> <h4>How to</h4> </a> <ol> <li>Make sure the plugin is loaded. <li>Click on <label>View > Decorations > Copyright Label</label>. <li>Enter the text you want to place on the map. You can use HTML. <li>Choose the placement of the label from the <label>Placement Bottom Right</label> drop-down box. <li>Make sure the <label>Enable Copyright Label check box</label> is checked. <li>Click <label>OK</label>. </ol> <a name="text"> <h4> Text formatting </h4> </a> This plugin supports basic HTML markup tags for formatting text. For example: <ul> <li>&lt;B&gt;<b> Bold text </b>&lt;/B&gt; </li> <li>&lt;I&gt;<i> Italics </i>&lt;/I&gt; </li> <li>&lt;U&gt;<u> Underlined text </u>&lt;/U&gt; </li> </ul> <h3>Delimited Text File Layer</h3> Loads and displays delimited text files <p> <a href="#re">Overview</a><br/> <a href="#creating">Creating a delimited text layer</a><br/> <a href="#csv">How the delimiter, quote, and escape characters work</a><br /> <a href="#regexp">How regular expression delimiters work</a><br /> <a href="#wkt">How WKT text is interpreted</a><br /> <a href="#attributes">Attributes in delimited text files</a><br /> <a href="#example">Example of a text file with X,Y point coordinates</a><br/> <a href="#wkt_example">Example of a text file with WKT geometries</a><br/> <a href="#python">Using delimited text layers in Python</a><br/> </p> <h4><a name="re">Overview</a></h4> <p>A &quot;delimited text file&quot; contains data in which each record starts on a new line, and is split into fields by a delimiter such as a comma. This type of file is commonly exported from spreadsheets (for example CSV files) or databases. Typically the first line of a delimited text file contains the names of the fields. </p> <p> Delimited text files can be loaded into QGIS as a layer. The records can be displayed spatially either as a point defined by X and Y coordinates, or using a Well Known Text (WKT) definition of a geometry which may describe points, lines, and polygons of arbitrary complexity. The file can also be loaded as an attribute only table, which can then be joined to other tables in QGIS. </p> <p> In addition to the geometry definition the file can contain text, integer, and real number fields. By default QGIS will choose the type of field based on its the non blank values of the field. If all can be interpreted as integer then the type will be integer, if all can be interpreted as real numbers then the type will be double, otherwise the type will be text. </p> <p> QGIS can also read the types from an OGR CSV driver compatible &quot;csvt&quot; file. This is a file alongside the data file, but with a &quot;t&quot; appended to the file name. The file should just contain one line which lists the type of each field. Valid types are &quot;integer&quot;, &quot;real&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;date&quot;, &quot;time&quot;, and &quot;datetime&quot;. The date, time, and datetime types are treated as strings in QGIS. Each type may be followed by a width and precision, for example &quot;real(10.4)&quot;. The list of types are separated by commas, regardless of the delimiter used in the data file. An example of a valid format file would be: </p> <pre> &quot;integer&quot;,&quot;string&quot;,&quot;string(20)&quot;,&quot;real(20.4)&quot; </pre> <h4><a name="creating">Creating a delimited text layer</a></h4> <p>Creating a delimited text layer involves choosing the data file, defining the format (how each record is to be split into fields), and defining the geometry is represented. This is managed with the delimited text dialog as detailed below. The dialog box displays a sample from the beginning of the file which shows how the format options have been applied. </p> <h5>Choosing the data file</h5> <p>Use the &quot;Browse...&quot; button to select the data file. Once the file is selected the layer name will automatically be populated based on the file name. The layer name is used to represent the data in the QGIS legend. </p> <p> By default files are assumed to be encoded as UTF-8. However other file encodings can be selected. For example &quot;System&quot; uses the default encoding for the operating system. It is safer to use an explicit coding if the QGIS project needs to be portable. </p> <h5>Specifying the file format</h5> <p>The file format can be one of <ul> <li>CSV file format. This is a format commonly used by spreadsheets, in which fields are delimited by a comma character, and quoted using a &quot;(quote) character. Within quoted fields, a quote mark is entered as &quot;&quot;.</li> <li>Selected delimiters. Each record is split into fields using one or more delimiter character. Quote characters are used for fields which may contain delimiters. Escape characters may be used to treat the following character as a normal character (ie to include delimiter, quote, and new line characters in text fields). The use of delimiter, quote, and escape characters is detailed <a href="#csv">below</a>. <li>Regular expression. Each line is split into fields using a &quot;regular expression&quot; delimiter. The use of regular expressions is details <a href="#regexp">below</a>. </ul> <h5>Record and field options</h5> <p>The following options affect the selection of records and fields from the data file</p> <ul> <li>Number of header lines to discard: used to ignore header lines at the beginning of the text file</li> <li>First record has fields names: if selected then the first record in the file (after the discarded lines) is interpreted as names of fields, rather than as a data record.</li> <li>Trim fields: if selected then leading and trailing whitespace characters will be removed from each field (except quoted fields). </li> <li>Discard empty fields: if selected then empty fields (after trimming) will be discard. This affects the alignment of data into fields and is equivalent to treating consecutive delimiters as a single delimiter. Quoted fields are never discarded.</li> <li>Decimal separator is comma: if selected then commas instead of points are used as the decimal separator in real numbers. For example <tt>-51,354</tt> is equivalent to -51.354. </li> </ul> <h5>Geometry definition</h5> <p>The geometry is can be define as one of</p> <ul> <li>Point coordinates: each feature is represented as a point defined by X and Y coordinates.</li> <li>Well known text (WKT) geometry: each feature is represented as a well known text string, for example <tt>POINT(1.525622 51.20836)</tt>. See details of the <a href="#wkt">well known text</a> format. <li>No geometry (attribute only table): records will not be displayed on the map, but can be viewed in the attribute table and joined to other layers in QGIS</li> </ul> <p>For point coordinates the following options apply:</p> <ul> <li>X field: specifies the field containing the X coordinate</li> <li>Y field: specifies the field containing the Y coordinate</li> <li>DMS angles: if selected coordinates are represented as degrees/minutes/seconds or degrees/minutes. QGIS is quite permissive in its interpretation of degrees/minutes/seconds. A valid DMS coordinate will contain three numeric fields with an optional hemisphere prefix or suffix (N, E, or + are positive, S, W, or - are negative). Additional non numeric characters are generally discarded. For example <tt>N41d54'01.54&quot;</tt> is a valid coordinate. </li> </ul> <p>For well known text geometry the following options apply:</p> <ul> <li>Geometry field: the field containing the well known text definition.</li> <li>Geometry type: one of &quot;Detect&quot; (detect), &quot;Point&quot;, &quot;Line&quot;, or &quot;Polygon&quot;. QGIS layers can only display one type of geometry feature (point, line, or polygon). This option selects which geometry type is displayed in text files containing multiple geometry types. Records containing other geometry types are discarded. If &quot;Detect&quot; is selected then the type of the first geometry in the file will be used. &quot;Point&quot; includes POINT and MULTIPOINT WKT types, &quot;Line&quot; includes LINESTRING and MULTLINESTRING WKT types, and &quot;Polygon&quot; includes POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON WKT types. </ul> <h5>Layer settings</h5> <p>Layer settings control the way the layer is managed in QGIS. The options available are:</p> <ul> <li>Use spatial index. Create a spatial index to improve the performance of displaying and selecting spatial objects. This option may be useful for files larger than a few megabytes in size.</li> <li>Use subset index. Create an index if a subset of records is being used (either by explicitly setting a subset string from the layer properties dialog, or an implicit subset of features for which the geometry is valid in files for which all not geometries are valid). The index will only be created when a subset is defined.</li> <li>Watch file. If this options is selected QGIS will watch the file for changes by other applications, and reload the file when it is changed. The map will not be updated until refreshed by the user, but indexes and extents will be reloaded. This option should be selected if indexes are used and it is likely that another application will change the file. </li> </ul> <h4><a name="csv">How the delimiter, quote, and escape characters work</a></h4> <p>Records are split into fields using three character sets: delimiter characters, quote characters, and escape characters. Other characters in the record are considered as data, split into fields by delimiter characters. Quote characters occur in pairs and cause the text between them to be treated as a data. Escape characters cause the character following them to be treated as data. </p> <p> Quote and escape characters cannot be the same as delimiter characters - they will be ignored if they are. Escape characters can be the same as quote characters, but behave differently if they are.</p> <p>The delimiter characters are used to mark the end of each field. If more than one delimiter character is defined then any one of the characters can mark the end of a field. The quote and escape characters can override the delimiter character, so that it is treated as a normal data character.</p> <p>Quote characters may be used to mark the beginning and end of quoted fields. Quoted fields can contain delimiters and may span multiple lines in the text file. If a field is quoted then it must start and end with the same quote character. Quote characters cannot occur within a field unless they are escaped.</p> <p>Escape characters which are not quote characters force the following character to be treated as data. (that is, to stop it being treated as a new line, delimiter, or quote character). </p> <p>Escape characters that are also quote characters have much more limited effect. They only apply within quotes and only escape themselves. For example, if <tt>'</tt> is a quote and escape character, then the string <tt>'Smith''s&nbsp;Creek'</tt> will represent the value Smith's&nbsp;Creek. </p> <h4><a name="regexp">How regular expression delimiters work</a></h4> <p>Regular expressions are mini-language used to represent character patterns. There are many variations of regular expression syntax - QGIS uses the syntax provided by the <a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qregexp.html">QRegExp</a> class of the <a href="http://qt.digia.com">Qt</a> framework.</p> <p>In a regular expression delimited file each line is treated as a record. Each match of the regular expression in the line is treated as the end of a field. If the regular expression contains capture groups (eg <tt>(cat|dog)</tt>) then these are extracted as fields. If this is not desired then use non-capturing groups (eg <tt>(?:cat|dog)</tt>). </p> <p>The regular expression is treated differently if it is anchored to the start of the line (that is, the pattern starts with <tt>^</tt>). In this case the regular expression is matched against each line. If the line does not match it is discarded as an invalid record. Each capture group in the expression is treated as a field. The regular expression is invalid if it does not have capture groups. As an example this can be used as a (somewhat unintuitive) means of loading data with fixed width fields. For example the expression <pre> ^(.{5})(.{10})(.{20})(.{20}) </pre> <p>will extract four fields of widths 5, 10, 20, and 20 characters from each line. Lines less than 55 characters long will be discarded. </p> <h4><a name="wkt">How WKT text is interpreted</a></h4> <p> The delimited text layer recognizes the following <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text">well known text</a> types - <tt>POINT</tt>, <tt>MULTIPOINT</tt>, <tt>LINESTRING</tt>, <tt>MULTILINESTRING</tt>, <tt>POLYGON</tt>, and <tt>MULTIPOLYGON</tt>. It will accept geometries with a Z coordinate (eg <tt>POINT&nbsp;Z</tt>), a measure (<tt>POINT&nbsp;M</tt>), or both (<tt>POINT&nbsp;ZM</tt>). </p> <p> It can also handle the PostGIS EWKT variation, in which the geometry is preceded by an spatial reference system id (eg <tt>SRID=4326;POINT(175.3&nbsp;41.2)</tt>), and a variant used by Informix in which the WKT is preceded by an integer spatial reference id (eg <tt>1 POINT(175.3&nbsp;41.2)</tt>). In both cases the SRID is ignored. </p> <h4><a name="attributes">Attributes in delimited text files</a></h4> <p>Each record in the delimited text file is split into fields representing attributes of the record. Usually the attribute names are taken from the first data record in the file. However if this does not contain attribute names, then they will be named <tt>field_1</tt>, <tt>field_2</tt>, and so on. Also if records have more fields than are defined in the header record then these will be named <tt>field_#</tt>, where # is the field number (note that empty fields at the end of a record are ignored). QGIS may override the names in the text file if they are numbers, or have names like <tt>field_#</tt>, or are duplicated. </p> <p> In addition to the attributes explicitly in the data file QGIS assigns a unique feature id to each record which is the line number in the source file on which the record starts. </p> <p> Each attribute also has a data type, one of string (text), integer, or real number. The data type is inferred from the content of the fields - if every non blank value is a valid integer then the type is integer, otherwise if it is a valid real number then the type is real, otherwise the type is string. Note that this is based on the content of the fields - quoting fields does not change the way they are interpreted. </p> <h4><a name="example">Example of a text file with X,Y point coordinates</a></h4> <pre> X;Y;ELEV -300120;7689960;13 -654360;7562040;52 1640;7512840;3 </pre> <p>This file:</p> <ul> <li> Uses <b>;</b> as delimiter. Any character can be used to delimit the fields.</li> <li>The first row is the header row. It contains the field names X, Y and ELEV.</li> <li>The x coordinates are contained in the X field.</li> <li>The y coordinates are contained in the Y field.</li> </ul> <h4><a name="wkt_example">Example of a text file with WKT geometries</a></h4> <pre> id|wkt 1|POINT(172.0702250 -43.6031036) 2|POINT(172.0702250 -43.6031036) 3|POINT(172.1543206 -43.5731302) 4|POINT(171.9282585 -43.5493308) 5|POINT(171.8827359 -43.5875983) </pre> <p>This file:</p> <ul> <li>Has two fields defined in the header row: id and wkt. <li>Uses <b>|</b> as a delimiter.</li> <li>Specifies each point using the WKT notation </ul> <h4><a name="python">Using delimited text layers in Python</a></h4> <p>Delimited text data sources can be creating from Python in a similar way to other vector layers. The pattern is: </p> <pre> from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl, QString from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsMapLayerRegistry # Define the data source filename="test.csv" uri=QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) uri.addQueryItem("type","csv") uri.addQueryItem("delimiter","|") uri.addQueryItem("wktField","wkt") # ... other delimited text parameters layer=QgsVectorLayer(QString(uri.toEncoded()),"Test CSV layer","delimitedtext") # Add the layer to the map if layer.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer( layer ) </pre> <p>This could be used to load the second example file above.</p> <p>The configuration of the delimited text layer is defined by adding query items to the uri. The following options can be added </p> <ul> <li><tt>encoding=..</tt> defines the file encoding. The default is &quot;UTF-8&quot;</li> <li><tt>type=(csv|regexp|whitespace)</tt> defines the delimiter type. Valid values are csv, regexp, and whitespace (which is just a special case of regexp). The default is csv.</li> <li><tt>delimiter=...</tt> defines the delimiters that will be used for csv formatted files, or the regular expression for regexp formatted files. The default is , for CSV files. There is no default for regexp files.</li> <li><tt>quote=..</tt> (for csv files) defines the characters used to quote fields. The default is &quot;</li> <li><tt>escape=..</tt> (for csv files) defines the characters used to escape the special meaning of the next character. The default is &quot;</li> <li><tt>skipLines=#</tt> defines the number of lines to discard from the beginning of the file. The default is 0.</li> <li><tt>useHeader=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether the first data record contains the names of the data fields. The default is yes.</li> <li><tt>trimFields=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether leading and trailing whitespace is to be removed from unquoted fields. The default is no.</li> <li><tt>maxFields=#</tt> defines the maximum number of fields that will be loaded from the file. Additional fields in each record will be discarded. The default is 0 - include all fields. (This option is not available from the delimited text layer dialog box).</li> <li><tt>skipEmptyFields=(yes|no)</tt> defines whether empty unquoted fields will be discarded (applied after trimFields). The default is no.</li> <li><tt>decimalPoint=.</tt> specifies an alternative character that may be used as a decimal point in numeric fields. The default is a point (full stop) character.</li> <li><tt>wktField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field containing a well known text geometry definition</li> <li><tt>xField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field the X coordinate (only applies if wktField is not defined)</li> <li><tt>yField=fieldname</tt> specifies the name or number (starting at 1) of the field the Y coordinate (only applies if wktField is not defined)</li> <li><tt>geomType=(auto|point|line|polygon|none)</tt> specifies type of geometry for wkt fields, or none to load the file as an attribute-only table. The default is auto.</li> <li><tt>subset=expression</tt> specifies an expression used to identify a subset of the records that will be used.</li> <li><tt>crs=...</tt> specifies the coordinate system to use for the vector layer, in a format accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.createFromString (for example &quot;EPSG:4167&quot;). If this is not specified then a dialog box may request this information from the user when the layer is loaded (depending on QGIS CRS settings).</li> <li><tt>subsetIndex=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should build an index to define subset during the initial file scan. The index will apply both for explicitly defined subsets, and for the implicit subset of features for which the geometry definition is valid. By default the subset index is built if it is applicable.</li> <li><tt>spatialIndex=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should build a spatial index during the initial file scan. By default the spatial index is not built. </li> <li><tt>watchFile=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether the provider should use a file system watcher to monitor for changes to the file.</li> <li><tt>quiet=(yes|no)</tt> specifies whether errors encountered loading the layer are presented in a dialog box (they will be written to the QGIS log in any case). The default is no. This option is not available from the GUI</li> </ul> <h3>Create a New SpatiaLite Layer</h3> You can use this dialog to create a new SpatiaLite database and/or an empty SpatiaLite layer for editing. See below for an explanation of the dialog inputs. <h4>Database</h4> Choose the database from the drop-down list. This list is created from your saved SpatiaLite connections. If you don't have a saved connection or want to create a new database, click on the button (<label>...</label>) to the right of the drop-down. <h4>Layer name</h4> Enter a name for the layer you want to create. The name should be one word. You can use underscores in the name if you like. <h4>Geometry column</h4> Enter a name for the geometry column or accept the default. <h4>Type</h4> Choose the type of layer you want to create. <h4>EPSG SRID</h4> Enter the EPSG number for the spatial reference id (SRID). By default the SRID for WGS 84 is filled in for you. Click on <label>Find SRID</label> button to change the coordinate reference system of the layer if needed. The SRID must exist within the spatial_ref_sys in your SpatiaLite database. You can search for the SRID using partial matches on both name and SRID. <h4>Create an auto-incrementing Primary Key</h4> Clicking this check box will add a primary key to the new layer. This key field will be auto-incrementing, meaning you don't have to enter a value for it when adding features to the attribute table of the layer. <h4>New attribute</h4> Add the desired attributes by clicking on the <label>Add to attributes list</label> button after you have specified a name and type for the attribute. Only real, integer, and string attributes are supported.<br/> Width and precision are irrelevant in a SpatiaLite database so you do not have to specify these. <h4>Attributes list</h4> In this section you can see the list of attributes. To delete one of them, click on it and choose <label>Remove selected attribute</label> button. <p> Click on <label>OK</label> to create the layer and close the dialog. <label>Cancel</label> will close the layer without further changes. <h3>Open Vector Layer Dialog</h3> The open vector layer dialog is used to add vector data to the QGIS map view. Vector data are spatial data described using geometries of points, lines and polygons (enclosed areas).</p> QGIS supports vector data in a number of formats, including those supported by the OGR library data provider plugin, such as ESRI shape files, MapInfo MIF (interchange format) and MapInfo TAB (native format).</p> QGIS supports PostGIS layers in a PostgreSQL database and SpatiaLite layers. Support for additional data types (eg. delimited text) is provided by additional data provider plugins. A list of OGR supported vector formats can be found in Appendix A.1 of the User Guide.</p> Detailed description how to proceed with vector data is described in chapter 5 'Working with Vector Data'. <h3>Create a New PostGIS Connection</h3> This dialog allows you to define the settings for a connection to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. <p> <ul> <li> <label>Name</label> A name to identify the connection settings. <li> <label>Service</label> A name of a service listed in the <a href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgservice.html">Connection Service File</a>. <li> <label>Host</label> Name or IP address of the computer hosting the database server (leave blank for local connections or services). <li> <label>Port</label> IP port used by the database server (leave blank for local connections or to use default port 5432). <li> <label>Database</label> Name of the database (leave blank for default database). <li> <label>SSL mode</label> <a href="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/libpq-ssl.html#LIBPQ-SSL-SSLMODE-STATEMENTS">SSL mode</a> of the connection <li> <label>Username</label> Database user name. <li> <label>Password</label> Database password. <li> <label>Save Username</label> Indicates whether to save the database user name in the connection configuration. <li> <label>Save Password</label> Indicates whether to save the database password in the connection settings. <font color="red">Passwords are saved in <strong>clear text</strong> in the system configuration and in the project files!</font> <li> <label>Only look in the geometry_columns table</label> Indicates that only "listed" geometry columns should be used - opposed to scanning all tables for geometry columns. <li> <label>Only look in the 'public' schema</label> Indicates that only tables in the 'public' schema should be considers - opposed to all accessible tables. <li> <label>Also list tables with no geometry</label> Indicates that tables without geometry should also be listed by default. <li> <label>Use estimated table metadata</label> When initializing layers, various queries may be needed to establish the characteristics of the geometries stored in the database table. When this option is checked, these queries examine only a sample of the rows and use the table statistics, rather than the entire table. This can drastically speed up operations on large datasets, but may result in incorrect characterization of layers (eg. the <font color="red">feature count</font> of filtered layers will not be accurately determined). </ul> <h3>Manage and install Plugins</h3> <p> Manage and install plugins. </p> <a href="#installedtab">Installed tab</a><br/> <a href="#getmoretab">Get more tab</a><br/> <a href="#newtab">New tab</a><br/> <a href="#upgradabletab">Upgradable tab</a><br/> <a href="#invalidtab">Invalid tab</a><br/> <a href="#settingstab">Settings tab</a><br/> <a name="installedtab"> <h4>Installed tab</h4> </a> <p> This tab shows you the list of currently installed plugins on your system. Both python and C++ plugins are listed. </p> <p> You can enable or disable them by clicking the checkbox in front of the name.<br/> Selecting an item show the plugin information in the detail pane. </p> <p> There is a context menu (right click) available, to change the sorting on: name, number of downloads, votes and status. </p> <a name="getmoretab"> <h4>Get more tab</h4> </a> <p> This tab shows you the list of available plugins from the remote repositories. It is downloaded once if you start up. But you can change that in the Settings </p> <p> Selecting an item shows you the plugin information in the detail pane. </p> <a name="newtab"> <h4>New tab</h4> </a> <p> This tab will be shown when a new plugin is made available! It will be shown just once. </p> <a name="upgradabletab"> <h4>Upgradable tab</h4> </a> <p> This tab is only available if one of your installed plugins can be upgraded from the remote repositories. </p> <a name="Invalid tab"> <h4>Invalid tab</h4> </a> <p> This tab is only available if there is a invalid plugin. Mostly caused by an error during loading the plugin. </p> <a name="settingstab"> <h4>Settings tab</h4> </a> <p> In this tab you can change the Settings for the plugin manager. </p> <p> It is possible to check how often QGIS will download the list and update information from the available repositories. </p> <p> By checking the 'Show experimental plugins' checkbox, all plugins will be shown in the lists, even the ones that are considered 'experimental' by the author. <table border=1 width='95%' align='center'><tr><td> Note: Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in the early stages of development, and should be considered "incomplete" or "proof of concept" tools. The QGIS development team does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes. </td></tr></table> </p> <h3>Style Manager</h3> <h3>Finding shortest path</h3> <p>Road graph is a C++ plugin for QGIS, that calculates the shortest path between two points on any line layer and plots this path over the road network. Before using the plugin to configure it. This can be done in the menu <label>Vector &rarr; Road graph &rarr; Settings</label></p> <p> <a href="#howto">How to</a><br/> </p> <a name="howto"> <h4>How to</h4> </a> <p>You can select start and end points with the select buttons next to the fields. Pressing the <label>Calculate</label> button will run the shortest path calculation using the optimization criterion selected in the <label>Criterion</label> combobox. The <label>Export</label> button allow you to export a calculated path to a new vector layer, and the button <label>Clear</label> will erase all fields and remove the points and calculated path from map canvas.</p> <h5>Note</h5> <p>In order to bind the start and stop points of the route to the road network Road graph selects the nearest point or arc of the graph. In fact it can bind to any part of the road network. Nevertheless, their route and its characteristics do not take into account the distance from the starting point to the road network and of the road network to the stopping point.</p> <h3>Options</h3> This dialog allows you to select some basic options for QGIS. There are eight tabs: <p> <a href="#general">General</a><br/> <a href="#ren">Rendering & SVG</a><br/> <a href="#map">Map tools</a><br/> <a href="#over">Overlay</a><br/> <a href="#digit">Digitizing</a><br/> <a href="#crs">CRS</a><br/> <a href="#loc">Locale</a><br/> <a href="#net">Network & Proxy</a><br/> <a name="general"> <h4>General</h4> </a> On this tab you can set general options for project behavior on opening/saving, default map appearance, your favorite icon theme and many others. <a name="ren"> <h4>Rendering & SVG</h4> </a> Within this tab you can set general rendering options for map layers.<br> By default, QGIS renders all visible layers whenever the map canvas must be refreshed. The events that trigger a refresh of the map canvas include: <ul> <li>Adding a layer <li>Panning or zooming <li>Resizing the QGIS window <li>Changing the visibility of a layer or layers </ul> QGIS allows you to control the rendering process in a number of ways:<p> You can set an option to always load new layers without drawing them.<br> This means the layer will be added to the map, but its visibility check box in the legend will be unchecked by default. To set this option, uncheck the <label>By default new layers added to the map should be displayed</label> check box.<p> You can set an option to update the map display as features are drawn. <br> By default, QGIS does not display any features for a layer until the entire layer has been rendered. To update the display as features are read from the data store, set the <label>Number of features to draw before updating the display</label> to an appropriate value. Setting a value of 0 disables update during drawing (this is the default). Setting a value too low will result in poor performance as the map canvas is continually updated during the reading of the features. A suggested value to start with is 500. <a name="map"> <h4>Map tools</h4> </a> <h5>Identify</h5> The <label>Mode</label> setting determines which layers will be shown by the <label>Identify</label> tool. By switching to <label>Top down</label> instead of <label>Current layer</label> attributes for all identifiable layers will be shown with the <label>Identify</label> tool. <h5>Measure tool</h5> Here you can set an ellipsoid for distance calculations, measurement units and preferred color of rubber band. <h5>Panning and zooming</h5> Allows defining mouse wheel action and zoom factor. <a name="over"> <h4>Overlay</h4> </a> Define placement algorithm for labels. Choose between <label>central point (fastest)</label>, <label>chain (fast)</label>, <label>popmusic tabu chain (slow)</label>, <label>popmusic tabu (slow)</label> and <label>popmusic chain (very slow)</label>. <a name="digit"> <h4>Digitizing</h4> </a> <h5>Rubber band</h5> In the <label>Digitizing</label> tab you can define settings for digitizing line width and color. <h5>Snapping</h5> Here you can define a general, project wide snapping tolerance. <p> You can select between <label>To vertex</label>, <label>To segment</label> or <label>To vertex and segment</label> as default snap mode. You can also define a default snapping tolerance and a search radius for vertex edits. The tolerance can be set either in map units or in pixels. The advantage of choosing pixels, is that the snapping tolerance doesn't have to be changed after zoom operations.<p> A layer based snapping tolerance can be defined by choosing <label>Settings</label> (or <label>File</label>) > <label>Project Properties...</label>. In the <label>General</label> tab, section <label>Digitize</label> you can click on <label>Snapping options...</label> to enable and adjust snapping mode and tolerance on a layer basis. <h5>Vertex markers</h5> You can define marker style as <label>Semi transparent circle</label>, <label>Cross</label> or <label>None</label> and size; you can also set showing markers only for selected features. <h5>Enter attribute values</h5> By default, after digitizing a new feature, QGIS asks you to enter attribute values for that feature. Ticking <label>Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature</label> allows you to enter the attributes later. <a name="crs"> <h4>CRS</h4> </a> QGIS no longer sets the map CRS to the coordinate reference system of the first layer loaded. When you start a QGIS session with layers that do not have a CRS, you need to check and define the CRS definition for these layers. This can be done globally on this tab.<p> The global default CRS <i>proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs</i> comes predefined in QGIS but can of course be changed, and the new definition will be saved for subsequent QGIS sessions. <a name="lov"> <h4>Locale</h4> </a> Informs you about active system locale. To change it tick <label>Override system locale</label> and restart QGIS. <a name="net"> <h4>Network & Proxy</h4> </a> Tick <label>Use proxy for web access</label> to define host, port, user, and password. <h3>Create New Vector Layer</h3> To create a new layer for editing, choose <label>New Vector Layer</label> from the <label>Layer</label> menu.<br/> With this dialog you can create a shape file layer. <h4>Type</h4> Choose the type of layer <label>Point</label>, <label>Line</label> or <label>Polygon</label>.<br/> Click on <label>Specify CRS</label> button to change the coordinate reference system of the layer if needed. <h4>New attribute</h4> Add the desired attributes by clicking on the <label>Add to attributes list</label> button after you have specified a name and type for the attribute. Only real, integer, and string attributes are supported.<br/> You can also define the width and precision of the new attribute column. <h4>Attributes list</h4> In this section you can see the list of attributes. To delete one of them, click on it and choose <label>Remove selected attribute</label> button. <h3>Save vector layer as...</h3> <p>This dialog allows you to save vector data in various formats using GDAL/OGR. <ul> <li>From the <label>Format</label> list you can select the destination format (as advertised by OGR). <li>At <label>Save as</label> you can enter a destination files name or select one using the <label>Browse</label> button. <li>In the <label>Encoding</label> list you can define in which encoding the data should be saved. <li>Using the <label>CRS</label> you can select a CRS into which the data about to be saved should be reprojected. <li>OGR also has various options for the different formats it supports. Use the <label>datasource</label> creation field to set the datasource options and the <label>layer</label> creation options. Enter one options per line (e.g. <code>SPATIALITE=yes</code> in the <label>datasource</label> to create a spatialite database using the SQLite driver). </ul> See <a href="http://gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html">OGR Vector formats</a> for a list of supported formats and the available options. <h3>Print Composer</h3> <p> The print composer lets you arrange items onto a page, which can then be printed. Items include the content of the map canvas, the scale bar, the legend, and arbitrary images. </p> <p> Click on one of the icons along the top of the composer window to select what type of item to place on the page, then click and draw on the page to place the item. The size of some items, such as the map canvas and scale bar can be set by clicking and dragging on the page. Other items have a fixed size, but which can be changed later on by highlighting the item and then adjusting the size fields in the left hand pane. </p> <h3>Attribute table</h3> The attribute table displays features of a selected layer. Each row in the table represents one map feature with its attributes shown in several columns. The features in the table can be searched, selected, moved or even edited. By default the attribute table is a separate window. If you opened it and cannot see it anymore, it is most likely hidden under the main QGIS window. You can make it also a docked window, by checking <label>Open attribute table in a dock window</label> in <label>Settings > Options > Data Sources</label>.<p> The number of total number of layer features, filtered features and selected features is printed on the window header.<p> At the bottom right of the dialog, you can choose whether to display features in a form or in a table.<p> <p> <a href="#Selecting">Selecting</a><br/> <a href="#Sorting">Sorting</a><br/> <a href="#Filtering">Filtering</a><br/> <a href="#Editing">Editing</a><br/> <a href="#FieldCalc">Field Calculator</a><br/> <a href="#FieldCalcBar">Field Calculator bar</a><br/> <a name="Selecting"> <h4>Selecting</h4> </a> Rows can be selected by clicking on the row number on the left side of the row. Subsequent rows can be selected by holding the mouse button down and moving the mouse to the other end of the selection. Multiple non-subsequent rows can be selected by holding the <label>Ctrl</label> key.<br> A continuous selection can be made by holding the <label>Shift</label> key and clicking on several row headers on the left side of the rows. All rows between the current cursor position and the clicked row are selected. <a name="Sorting"> <h4>Sorting</h4> </a> Each column can be sorted by clicking on its column header. A small arrow indicates the sort order (downward pointing means descending values from the top row down, upward pointing means ascending values from the top row down).<br> <a name="Filtering"> <h4>Filtering</h4> </a> To only navigate through parts of your data, you can use the filter button on the bottom left. The following options are available. <h5>Show All Features</h5> Shows all features of the layer. <h5>Show Selected Features</h5> Shows all features which are currently selected. <h5>Show Features Visible on Map</h5> Shows all features which are currently visible on the map canvas, taking the currently visible extent and scale based visibility into account. <h5>Show Edited and New Features</h5> Shows only edited and new features. In this mode, features with uncommitted changes are shown and this is therefore a good filter to review changes, before committing them. Please note, that deleted features are not shown in this mode. <h5>Column Filter</h5> A simple filter, which lets you filter by an attribute. If the attribute contains text, it looks for sub-strings also. Searching for <b>man</b> will therefore also show records containing <b>woman</b>. After changing the filter text, press <label>Enter</label> or click on <label>Apply</label>. You can also toggle the check-box <label>Case sensitive</label>, so your filter will also match <b>Night</b> when your search text is <b>night</b>. <h5>Advanced Filter</h5> For more complex searches, this mode offers a powerful expression builder, which is similar to a SQL WHERE clause. Please refer to the built-in help of the expression builder for details on the syntax. <a name="Editing"> <h4>Editing</h4> </a> To edit values, you first have to switch the layer to editing mode. To switch to editing mode click on the <label>Toggle editing mode</label> (pencil) button or press <label>Ctrl + E</label>. Afterwards double-click on the value you want to edit or place the cursor on it and use the <label>Space</label>-Key. You can customize the widgets used for field editing in <label>Vector Layer Properties > Fields</label> <br> You can also edit a field's value for many rows at once. You need to select the rows you want to edit and then use the <label>Field Calculator</label> or the <label>Field Calculator Bar</label>. If no row is selected, the edition will apply on all the features. <a name="FieldCalc"> <h4>Field Calculator</h4> </a> The <label>Field Calculator</label> button in the attribute table allows performing calculations on basis of existing attribute values or defined functions, e.g. to calculate length or area of geometry features.<br> The results can be written to a new attribute column or it can be used to update values in an already existing column.<br> The vector layer needs to be in editing mode, before you can click on the <label>Field calculator</label> icon to open the dialog. <a name="FieldCalcBar"> <h4>Field Calculator Bar</h4> </a> When you toggle to edition the layer, a new row of functions appears in the attribute table: the <label>Field Calculator Bar</label>. This allows quick editing values of existing fields by performing calculations on basis of existing attribute values or defined functions button in the attribute table, e.g. to calculate length or area of geometry features.<br> To edit values, select the field to modify with the filter button on the left and fill the text box with the new value or an expression to calculate new value. Then, press <label>Update all</label> button to update all the rows of the attribute table or <label>Update selected</label> button if some features are selected or a filter is applied on the attribute table display. You can also use the <label>Expression builder</label> button to calculate the new value in the column.<br> <h3>Measure Tools</h3> There are three measure tools: length, area and angle. With them, you can measure distances, areas and angles on the map canvas. The tools provide results in the units set in <label>Settings > Options > Map tools</label>. <h4>Measuring Lengths</h4> To measure lengths, select the tool and click along the path you want to measure. The length of each segment is displayed as is the total length for the path. A single right mouse click stops the measuring. <h4>Measuring Areas</h4> To measure areas, select the tool and click to create the area. The total area is dynamically displayed as you click. A single right mouse click stops the measuring, while two right mouse clicks starts measuring a new. <h4>Measuring Angles</h4> To measure angles, select the tool and click on three points to create an angle between these points. The second point selected is the vertex of the angle. The angle is dynamically displayed once you clicked the second point. dxf2shpConverter Converts DXF files in Shapefile format &Dxf2Shp dxf2shpConverterGui Dxf Importer Input and output Input DXF file ... Output file Export text labels Output file type Polyline Polygon Bod Point Bod Warning Upozornenie Please specify a file to convert. Please specify an output file Fields description: * Input DXF file: path to the DXF file to be converted * Output Shp file: desired name of the shape file to be created * Shp output file type: specifies the type of the output shape file * Export text labels checkbox: if checked, an additional shp points layer will be created, and the associated dbf table will contain information about the "TEXT" fields found in the dxf file, and the text strings themselves --- Developed by Paolo L. Scala, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Marco Padula CNR, Milan Unit (Information Technology), Construction Technologies Institute. For support send a mail to scala@itc.cnr.it Choose a DXF file to open DXF files Choose a file name to save to Shapefile eVis eVis Database Connection eVis Event Id Tool eVis Event Browser Create layer from a database query Open an Event Browers and display the selected feature Open an Event Browser to explore the current layer's features eVisDatabaseConnectionGui Undefined No predefined queries loaded Open File New Database connection requested... Error: You must select a database type Error: No host name entered Error: No database name entered Connection to [%1.%2] established connected Tables Connection to [%1.%2] failed: %3 Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Error: Unabled to open file [%1] Error: Query failed: %1 Error: Could not create temporary file, process halted Error: A database connection is not currently established eVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBase Database Connection Predefined Queries Load predefined queries Loads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide. The description of the selected query. Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window. not connected <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html> Database Host Enter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. Password to access the database. Enter the name of the database. Username Enter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used. Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. Connect User name to access the database. Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu. Database Name Password Database Type Port SQL Query Run the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below. Run Query Enter the query you want to run in this window. A window for status messages to be displayed. Output Console eVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBase Database File Selection The name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points. The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points. Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS. Y Coordinate X Coordinate Name of New Layer eVisGenericEventBrowserGui Generic Event Browser Field Value Hodnota Warning Upozornenie This tool only supports vector data No active layers found Error Chyba Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface An invalid feature was received during initialization Event Browser - Displaying records 01 of %1 Attribute Contents Event Browser - Displaying records %1 of %2 Select Application All ( * ) eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBase Display Use the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display. Previous Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display. Next All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green. 1 Image display area Display area for the image. Options Možnosti File path Attribute containing path to file Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path. If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below. Path is relative If checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session. Remember this Reset to default Resets the values on this line to the default setting. Reset Compass bearing Attribute containing compass bearing Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image. This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image. Display compass bearing If checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session. Compass offset Define the compass offset manually. Manual Ručne A value to be added to the compass bearing. This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. Define the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table. From Attribute Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset. This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. If checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session. Resets the compass offset values to the default settings. Relative paths The base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative” Base Path The Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended. If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session. Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information. If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute) If checked, the current check-box setting will be saved for the next session. Clears the check-box on this line. If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files. If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter. Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane. Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings. It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. Configure External Applications File extension and external application in which to load a document of that type A table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. Extension Application Add new file type Add a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file. Delete current row Delete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application. eVisImageDisplayWidget Zoom in Zoom in to see more detail. Zoom out Zoom out to see more area. Zoom to full extent Zoom to display the entire image. fTools QGIS version detected: This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. &Analysis Tools Distance Matrix... Sum Line Lengths... Points in Polygon... Basic Statistics... List Unique Values... Nearest Neighbour Analysis... Mean Coordinate(s)... Line Intersections... Random Selection... Random Selection Within Subsets... Random Points... Regular Points... Vector Grid... Select by Location... Polygon from Layer Extent... Convex Hull(s)... Buffer(s)... Intersect... Union... Symetrical Difference... Clip... Dissolve... Difference... Eliminate Sliver Polygons... Export/Add Geometry Columns... Check Geometry Validity... Polygon Centroids... Delaunay Triangulation... Voronoi Polygons... Extract Nodes... Simplify Geometries... Densify Geometries... Multipart to Singleparts... Singleparts to Multipart... Polygons to Lines... Lines to Polygons... Define Current Projection... Join Attributes by Location... Split Vector Layer... Merge Shapefiles to One... Create Spatial Index... &Research Tools &Geoprocessing Tools G&eometry Tools &Data Management Tools function_help <h3>week() function</h3> Extract the week number from a date, or the number of weeks from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>week(date)</code><br> <code>week(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the week from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of weeks from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>week('2012-05-12') &rarr; 19</code><br> <code>week(tointerval('3 weeks')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>week(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 104.285...</code><br> <h3>CASE expression</h3> A conditional expression that can be used to evaluate multiple expressions and return a result. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre> CASE WHEN <i>condition</i> THEN <i>result</i> [ ...n ] [ ELSE <i>result</i> ] END </pre> [ ] marks optional components <h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> WHEN condition</i> - The condition expression to evaluate. <br> <i> THEN result</i> - If <i>condition</i> evaluates to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> <i> ELSE result</i> - If none of the above conditions evaluated to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <pre> CASE WHEN <i>"column" IS NULL</i> THEN <i>'None'</i> ELSE <i>"column"</i> END </pre> <h3>right() function</h3> Returns a substring that contains the <i>n</i> rightmost characters of the string. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>right(string, pos)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. The string. <br> <code>length</code> - is int. The number of characters from the right to return. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>right('Hello World',5) &rarr; 'World'</code><br> <h3>Color Group</h3> This group contains functions for manipulating colors <h3>length() function</h3> Returns the length of a string. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> length(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to count the length of.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> length('HELLO') &rarr; 5</p> <h3>upper() function</h3> Converts a string to upper case letters. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> upper(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to upper case.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> upper('hello WOrld') &rarr; 'HELLO WORLD'</p> <h3>bbox function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometries spatially intersect the bounding box defined and 0 if they don't. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>bbox( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre>bbox( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre>bbox( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(6 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POLYGON((3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5, 3 3))' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>left() function</h3> Returns a substring that contains the <i>n</i> leftmost characters of the string. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>left(string, length)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. The string. <br> <code>length</code> - is int. The number of characters from the left to return. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>left('Hello World',5) &rarr; 'Hello'</code><br> <h3>$scale function</h3> Returns the current scale of the map canvas. <br> Note: This function is only available in some contexts and will be 0 otherwise. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>$scale</code><br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>$scale &rarr; 10000</code><br> <h3>ceil() function</h3> Rounds a number upwards. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>ceil(value)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>value</code> - a number. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>ceil(4.9) &rarr; 5</code><br> <code>ceil(-4.9) &rarr; -4</code><br> <h3>toreal() function</h3> Converts a string to real number. Nothing changed if a value cannot be converted to real (e.g '123.56asd' is invalid). Numbers are rounded after saving changes if the precision is smaller than the result of the conversion. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> toreal(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to real number.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> toreal('123.45') &rarr; 123.45</p> <h3>xat() function</h3> Retrieves a x coordinate of the current feature <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>xat(i)</code> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>i<code> - is int. index of point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index). <h4>Example</h4> <pre>xat(1) &rarr; 5</pre> <h3>$numpages function</h3> Returns the total number of pages in the composition. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$numpages</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$numpages &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>strpos() function</h3> Return the index of a regular expression in a string. <h4>Syntax</h4> strpos(<i>haystack</i>, <i>needle</i>) <br><br> Returns -1 if the expression isn't found. <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> haystack</i> &rarr; is string. The string that is to be searched.<br> <i> needle</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to look for.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> strpos('HELLO WORLD','WORLD') &rarr; 6<br> strpos('HELLO WORLD','GOODBYE') &rarr; -1<br> <h3>rand() function</h3> Returns a random integer within the range specified by the minimum and maximum argument (inclusive). <br> This function takes two arguments. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>rand(min, max)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>min</code> - an integer representing the smallest possible random number desired.<br> <code>max</code> - an integer representing the largest possible random number desired. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>rand(1, 10) &rarr; 8</code><br> <h3>$atlasgeometry function</h3> Returns the geometry of the current feature iterated in atlas. Can be used for rule based display of geometry when using atlas. For example to only show geometries of other layers when their geometry intersects the iterated geometry of features using atlas. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$atlasgeometry</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> intersects( $atlasgeometry, $geometry ) </pre> <h3>$atlasfeatureid function</h3> Returns the feature id of the current row while using atlas. This enables you to use features of atlas in rules and for example show or hide features based on their id. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$atlasfeatureid</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$atlasfeatureid = $id</pre> <h3>bounds_width function</h3> Returns the width of the bounding box of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>bounds_width(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> bounds_width($geometry) &rarr; returns width of bounding box of $geometry</pre> <h3>floor() function</h3> Rounds a number downwards. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>floor(value)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>value</code> - a number. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>floor(4.9) &rarr; 4</code><br> <code>floor(-4.9) &rarr; -5</code><br> <h3>bounds_height function</h3> Returns the height of the bounding box of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>bounds_height(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> bounds_height($geometry) &rarr; returns height of bounding box of $geometry</pre> <h3>toint() function</h3> Converts a string to integer number. Nothing changed if a value cannot be converted to integer (e.g '123asd' is invalid). <p><h4>Syntax</h4> toint(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to integer number.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> toint('123') &rarr; 123</p> <h3>yat() function</h3> Retrieves a y coordinate of the current feature <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>yat(i)</code> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>i<code> - is int. index of point of a line (indices start at 0; negative values apply to the last index). <h4>Example</h4> <pre>yat(1) &rarr; 5</pre> <h3>tostring() function</h3> Converts a number to string. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> tostring(<i>number</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i>number</i> &rarr; is integer or real. The number to convert to string.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> tostring(123) &rarr; '123'</p> <h3>$rownum function</h3> Returns the number of the current row. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$rownum</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$rownum &rarr; 4711</pre> <h3>atan2() function</h3> Returns arcustangens of y/x using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result <p><h4>Syntax</h4> atan2(<i>real</i>, <i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; y coordinate difference<br> <i>real</i> &rarr; x coordinate difference</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> atan2(1.0, 1.732) &rarr; 0.523611477769969</p> <h3>sin() function</h3> Returns sinus of an angle. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> sin(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> sin(1.571) &rarr; 0.999999682931835</p> <h3>month() function</h3> Extract the month part from a date, or the number of months from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>month(date)</code><br> <code>month(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the month from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of months from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>month('2012-05-12') &rarr; 05</code><br> <code>month(tointerval('3 months')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>month(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 4.033...</code><br> <h3>$area function</h3> Returns the area size of the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$area</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$area &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>day() function</h3> Extract the day from a date, or the number of days from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>day(date)</code><br> <code>day(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the day from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of days from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>day('2012-05-12') &rarr; 12</code><br> <code>day(tointerval('3 days')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>day(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 730</code><br> <h3>todate() function</h3> Convert a string into Qt data type. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>todate('string')</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string in Qt date format. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>todate('2012-05-04') &rarr; 2012-05-04</code><br> <h3>lpad() function</h3> Returns a string with supplied width padded using the fill character. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>lpad(string, length, fill)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. The string. <br> <code>length</code> - is int. The length of the new string. <br> <code>fill</code> - is char. The character to padd the remaining space with. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>lpad('Hello', 10, 'x') &rarr; 'Helloxxxxx'</code><br> <h3>acos() function</h3> Returns arcuscosinus of a value in radians. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> acos(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; cos of an angle.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> acos(0.5) &rarr; 1.0471975511966</p> <h3>Fields and Values</h3> Contains a list of fields from the layer. Sample values can also be accessed via right-click. <br><br> Select the field name from the list then right-click to access context menu with options to load sample values from the selected field. <p><h4>Note:</h4> Loading field values from WFS layers isn't supported, before the layer is actually inserted, ie. when building queries. </p> <h3>log() function</h3> Returns the value of the logarithm of the passed value and base. <br> This function takes two arguments. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>log(base, value)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>base</code> - any positive number.<br> <code>value</code> - any positive number. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>log(2, 32) &rarr; 5</code><br> <code>log(0.5, 32) &rarr; -5</code><br> <h3>Geometry Group</h3> This group contains functions that operate on geometry objects e.g length, area. <h3>Field</h3> Double click to add field name to expression string. <br><br> Right-Click on field name to open context menu sample value loading options. <p><h4>Note:</h4> Loading field values from WFS layers isn't supported, before the layer is actually inserted, ie. when building queries. </p> <h3>$page function</h3> Returns the current page number within a composition. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$page</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$page &rarr; 2</pre> <h3>exp() function</h3> Returns exponential of an value. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> exp(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; number.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> exp(1.0) &rarr; 2.71828182845905</p> <h3>rpad() function</h3> Returns a string with supplied width padded using the fill character. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>rpad(string, width, fill)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. The string. <br> <code>width</code> - is int. The length of the new string. <br> <code>fill</code> - is char. The character to padd the remaining space with. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>rpad('Hello', 10, 'x') &rarr; 'xxxxxHello'</code><br> <h3>round() function</h3> Rounds a number to number of decimal places. <br> This function can take one or two arguments depending on what is needed. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>round(decimal,places)</code><br> <code>round(decimal)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>decimal</code> - is decimal. The decimal number to be rounded. <br> <code>places</code> - is int. The number of places to round decimal too. Can be negative. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>round(1234.567, 2 ) &rarr; 1234.57</code><br> use <code>round(decimal)</code> to round to the nearest integer<br> <code>round(1234.567) &rarr; 1235</code><br> <h3>$now function</h3> Returns the current date and time <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$now</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$now &rarr; 2012-07-22T13:24:57</pre> <h3>color_hsl() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, and lightness attributes <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_hsl(<i>hue, saturation, lightness</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> <i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> lightness</i> &rarr; the lightness percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_hsl(100,50,70) &rarr; '166,217,140'</p> <h3>scale_exp() function</h3> Transforms a given value from an input domain to an output range using an exponential curve. This function can be used to ease values in or out of the specified output range. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> scale_exp(<i>val</i>,<i>domain_min</i>,<i>domain_max</i>,<i>range_min</i>,<i>range_max</i>,<i>exponent</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> val</i> &rarr; is a value in the input domain. The function will return a corresponding scaled value in the output range.<br> <i> domain_min, domain_max</i> &rarr; specify the input domain, the smallest and largest values the input <i>val</i> should take.<br> <i> range_min, range_max</i> &rarr; specify the output range, the smallest and largest values which should be output by the function.<br> <i> exponent</i> &rarr; a positive value (greater than 0), which dictates the way input values are mapped to the output range. Large exponents will cause the output values to 'ease in', starting slowly before accelerating as the input values approach the domain maximum. Smaller exponents (less than 1) will cause output values to 'ease out', where the mapping starts quickly but slows as it approaches the domain maximum.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <b>Easing in, using an exponent of 2:</b><br> scale_exp(5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 25<br> scale_exp(7.5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 56.25<br> scale_exp(9.5,0,10,0,100,2) &rarr; 90.25<br> <br> <b>Easing out, using an exponent of 0.5:</b><br> scale_exp(3,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 54.772<br> scale_exp(6,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 77.459<br> scale_exp(9,0,10,0,100,0.5) &rarr; 94.868<br> <h3>convexHull function</h3> Returns the convex hull of a geometry. It represents the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries within the set. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>convexHull( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry a &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( convexHull( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 4 10)' )) ) &rarr; returns POLYGON((3 3,4 10,4 4,3 3)) </pre> <h3>union function</h3> Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the geometries. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>union( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( union( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 4)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT(5 5)' )) ) &rarr; returns MULTIPOINT(4 4, 5 5)</pre> <h3>xmax function</h3> Returns the maximum x coordinate of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>xmax(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> xmax($geometry) &rarr; returns maximum x coordinate of $geometry</pre> <h3>bounds function</h3> Returns a geometry which represents the bounding box of an input geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>bounds(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> bounds($geometry) &rarr; returns bounding box of $geometry</pre> <h3>ymax function</h3> Returns the maximum y coordinate of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>ymax(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> ymax($geometry) &rarr; returns maximum y coordinate of $geometry</pre> <h3>contains function</h3> Returns true if and only if no points of b lie in the exterior of a, and at least one point of the interior of b lies in the interior of a. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>contains( geometry a , geometry b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> contains( geomFromWKT( 'POLYGON((0 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 0 ))' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT( 0.5 0.5 )' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> contains( geomFromWKT( 'POLYGON((0 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 0 ))' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>wordwrap() function</h3> Returns a string wrapped to a maximum/minimum number of characters. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> wordwrap(<i>string,wrap_length[,delimiter_string]</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to be wrapped.<br> <i> wrap_length</i> &rarr; is number. If positive, the number represents the ideal maximum number of characters to wrap; if negative, the number represents the minimum number of characters to wrap.<br> <i> delimiter_string</i> &rarr; is string. The delimiter string to wrap to a new line (<u>optional</u>).<br></p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> wordwrap('UNIVERSITY OF QGIS',13) &rarr; 'UNIVERSITY OF&#92;nQGIS'<br> wordwrap('UNIVERSITY OF QGIS',-3) &rarr; 'UNIVERSITY&#92;nOF QGIS'</p> <h3>color_rgb() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its red, green, and blue components <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_rgb(<i>red, green, blue</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> red</i> &rarr; the red component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <i> green</i> &rarr; the green component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <i> blue</i> &rarr; the blue component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_rgb(255,127,0) &rarr; '255,127,0'</p> <h3>color_cmyk() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its cyan, magenta, yellow and black components <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_cmyk(<i>cyan, magenta, yellow, black</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> cyan</i> &rarr; the cyan component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> magenta</i> &rarr; the magenta component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> yellow</i> &rarr; the yellow component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> black</i> &rarr; the black component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_cmyk(100,50,0,10) &rarr; '0,115,230'</p> <h3>intersection function</h3> Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geometry a and geometry b. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>intersection( geometry a , geometry b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( intersection( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 )' )) ) &rarr; returns LINESTRING(3 3, 4 4)</pre> <h3>ramp_color() function</h3> Returns a string representing a color from a color ramp. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> ramp_color(<i>ramp_name,value</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> ramp_name</i> &rarr; the name of the color ramp as a string, for example 'Spectral'.<br> <i> value</i> &rarr; the position on the ramp to select the color from as a real number between 0 and 1.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> ramp_color('Spectral',0.3) &rarr; '253,190,115,255'</p> <p><h4>Note:</h4> The color ramps available vary between QGIS installations. This function may not give the expected results if you move your Quantum project. </p> <h3>IS expression</h3> Returns 1 if a is the same as b. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>a IS b</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 'A' IS 'A' &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'A' IS 'a' &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <pre> 4 IS 4 &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 4 IS 2+2 &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 4 IS 2 &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <pre> $geometry IS NULL &rarr; returns 0, if your geometry is not NULL</pre> <h3>color_hsv() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, and value attributes <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_hsv(<i>hue, saturation, value</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> <i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> value</i> &rarr; the value percentage of the color as an integer from 0 to 100.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_hsv(40,100,100) &rarr; '255,170,0'</p> <h3>ILIKE expression</h3> Returns 1 if the first parameter matches case-insensitive the supplied pattern. LIKE can be used instead of ILIKE to make the match case-sensitive. Works with numbers also. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>string/number ILIKE pattern</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 'A' ILIKE 'A' &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'A' ILIKE 'a' &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'A' ILIKE 'B' &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>LIKE expression</h3> Returns 1 if the first parameter matches the supplied pattern. Works with numbers also. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>string/number LIKE pattern</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 'A' LIKE 'A' &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'A' LIKE 'a' &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <pre> 'A' LIKE 'B' &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>ymin function</h3> Returns the minimum y coordinate of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>ymin(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> ymin($geometry) &rarr; returns minimum y coordinate of $geometry</pre> <h3>geomFromGML function</h3> Returns a geometry from a GML representation of geometry <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>geomFromGML(text)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> text &rarr; GML representation of a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomFromGML( '<gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates>4,4 5,5 6,6</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString>') &rarr; returns a geometry</pre> <h3>Date and Time Group</h3> This group contains functions for handling date and time data. <h3>combine function</h3> Returns the combination of geometry a and geometry b. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>combine( geometry a , geometry b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( combine( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5 )' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4, 2 1 )' )) ) &rarr; returns MULTILINESTRING((4 4, 2 1), (3 3, 4 4), (4 4, 5 5)) </pre> <pre> geomToWKT( combine( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 )' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 6 6, 2 1 )' )) ) &rarr; returns LINESTRING(3 3, 4 4, 6 6, 2 1) </pre> <h3>intersects function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometries spatially intersect (share any portion of space) and 0 if they don't. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>intersects( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> intersects( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 4)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> intersects( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT(5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>clamp() function</h3> Restricts an input value to a specified range. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> clamp(<i>minimum</i>,<i>input</i>,<i>maximum</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> minimum</i> &rarr; The smallest value <i>input</i> is allowed to take.<br> <i> input</i> &rarr; a value which will be restricted to the range specified by <i>minimum</i> and <i>maximum</i>.<br> <i> maximum</i> &rarr; The largest value <i>input</i> is allowed to take.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> clamp(1,5,10) &rarr; 5 (<i>input</i> is between 1 and 10 so is returned unchanged)<br> clamp(1,0,10) &rarr; 1 (<i>input</i> is less than minimum value of 1, so function returns 1)<br> clamp(1,11,10) &rarr; 10 (<i>input</i> is greater than maximum value of 10, so function returns 10)<br> <h3>disjoint function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometries do not "spatially intersect" - if they do not share any space together. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>disjoint( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> disjoint( geomFromWKT( 'POLYGON((0 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 0 ))' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> disjoint( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 4)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>geomFromWKT function</h3> Returns a geometry created from a Well-Known Text (WKT) representation. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>geomFromWKT(text)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> text &rarr; Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 5)' ) &rarr; returns a geometry</pre> <h3>buffer function</h3> Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from this geometry is less than or equal to distance. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>buffer(a, b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; distance for the buffer <h4>Example</h4> <pre> buffer($geometry, 10.5 ) &rarr; returns a polygon</pre> <h3>$atlasfeature function</h3> In atlas generation, returns the current feature that is iterated over on the coverage layer. This can be used with the 'attribute' function to return attribute values from the current atlas feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$atlasfeature</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>attribute( $atlasfeature, 'name' ) &rarr; returns value stored in 'name' attribute for the current atlas feature</pre> <h3>$currentfeature function</h3> Returns the current feature being evaluated. This can be used with the 'attribute' function to evaluate attribute values from the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$currentfeature</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>attribute( $currentfeature, 'name' ) &rarr; returns value stored in 'name' attribute for the current feature</pre> <h3>$id function</h3> Returns the feature id of the current row. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$id</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$id &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>$uuid function</h3> Generates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for each row using the Qt <a href='http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/quuid.html#createUuid'>QUuid::createUuid</a> method. Each UUID is 38 characters long. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$uuid</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$uuid &rarr; {0bd2f60f-f157-4a6d-96af-d4ba4cb366a1}</pre> <h3>IN expression</h3> Returns 1 if value is found within a list of values <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>'a' IN ('a', 'b')</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 'A' IN ('A','B") &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'A' IN ('C','B") &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>attribute function</h3> Returns the value of a specified attribute from a feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>attribute( feature, attribute_name )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> feature &rarr; a feature<br /> attribute_name &rarr; name of attribute to be returned <h4>Example</h4> <pre>attribute( $currentfeature, 'name' ) &rarr; returns value stored in 'name' attribute for the current feature</pre> <h3>crosses function</h3> Returns 1 if the supplied geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>crosses( $geometry , $geometry)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> crosses( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 5 , 4 4 , 5 3)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> crosses( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>geomToWKT function</h3> Returns the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry without SRID metadata. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>geomToWKT(a)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( $geometry ) &rarr; POINT(6 50)</pre> <h3>getFeature function</h3> Returns the first feature of a layer matching a given attribute value <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>getFeature( layer, attributeField, value )</pre> <h3>touches function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometries have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>touches( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> touches( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(5 3 , 4 4)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> touches( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 4)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT(5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>overlaps function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometries share space, are of the same dimension, but are not completely contained by each other. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>overlaps( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> overlaps( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 5 , 4 4 , 5 5 , 5 3)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> overlaps( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(0 0 , 1 1)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' )) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>AND logical operator</h3> Returns 1 when condition a and b are true. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre> condition a AND condition b </pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 4 = 2+2 AND 1 = 1 &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 4 = 2+2 AND 1 = 2 &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>$geometry function</h3> Returns the geometry of the current feature. Can be used for processing with other functions. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$geometry</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( $geometry ) &rarr; POINT(6 50)</pre> <h3>OR logical operator</h3> Returns 1 when condition a or b is true. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre> condition a OR condition b </pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 4 = 2+2 OR 1 = 1 &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 4 = 2+2 OR 1 = 2 &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 4 = 2 OR 1 = 2 &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>centroid function</h3> Returns the geometric center of a geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>centroid(a)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> centroid($geometry) &rarr; returns a point geometry</pre> <h3>within function</h3> Returns 1 if the geometry a is completely inside geometry b <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>within( geometry a , geometry b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> within( geomFromWKT( 'POINT( 0.5 0.5 )') , geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 0 ))' ) ) &rarr; returns 1</pre> <pre> within( geomFromWKT( 'POINT( 5 5 )') , geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0 , 0 1 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 0 ))' ) ) &rarr; returns 0</pre> <h3>$map function</h3> Returns the id of the current map item if the map is being drawn in a composition, or "canvas" if the map is being drawn within the main QGIS window. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$map</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <pre>$map &rarr; "overview_map" (within a composer item)<br /> $map &rarr; "canvas" (within the main QGIS main canvas)</pre> <h3>distance function</h3> Returns the minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>distance( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> a &rarr; geometry b &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> distance( geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 4)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'POINT(4 8)' )) &rarr; returns 4</pre> <h3>difference function</h3> Returns a geometry that represents that part of geometry a that does not intersect with geometry b. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>difference( a, b )</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( difference( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4)' )) ) &rarr; returns LINESTRING(4 4, 5 5)</pre> <h3>NOT</h3> Returns 1 if a is not the same as b. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre> a NOT b </pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre> 'a' IS NOT 'b' &rarr; returns 1 </pre> <pre> 'a' IS NOT 'a' &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <pre> 4 IS NOT 2+2 &rarr; returns 0 </pre> <h3>symDifference function</h3> Returns a geometry that represents the portions of a and b that do not intersect. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>symDifference( geometry a, geometry b)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geometry &rarr; geometry geometry &rarr; geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> geomToWKT( symDifference( geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5)' ) , geomFromWKT( 'LINESTRING(3 3 , 8 8)' )) ) &rarr; returns LINESTRING(5 5, 8 8)</pre> <h3>$perimeter function</h3> Returns the perimeter length of the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$perimeter</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$perimeter &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>tointerval() function</h3> Converts a string to a interval type. Can be used to take days, hours, month, etc off a date. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>tointerval('string')</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. Format {n} days {n} hours {n} months <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>todatetime('2012-05-05 12:00:00') - tointerval('1 day 2 hours') &rarr; 2012-05-04T10:00:00</code><br> <h3>hour() function</h3> Extract the hour from a datetime or time, or the number of hours from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>hour(datetime)</code><br> <code>hour(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the hour from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of hours from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>hour('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 13</code><br> <code>hour(tointerval('3 hours')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>hour(age('2012-07-22T13:00:00','2012-07-22T10:00:00')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>hour(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 17520</code><br> <h3>color_hsla() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, lightness and alpha (transparency) attributes <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_hsla(<i>hue, saturation, lightness, alpha</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> <i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> lightness</i> &rarr; the lightness percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_hsla(100,50,70,200) &rarr; '166,217,140,200'</p> <h3>$pi constant</h3> Returns pi as value for calculations <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$pi</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$pi &rarr; 3.14159265358979</pre> <h3>Record Group</h3> This group contains functions that operate on record identifiers. <h3>totime() function</h3> Convert a string into Qt time type. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>totime('string')</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string in Qt time format. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>totime('12:30:01') &rarr; 12:30:01</code><br> <h3>replace() function</h3> Returns a string with the the supplied string replaced. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> replace(<i>string,before,after</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The start string.<br> <i> before</i> &rarr; is string. The string to replace.<br> <i> after</i> &rarr; is string. The string that will replace <i>before</i><br></p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> replace('QGIS SHOULD ROCK','SHOULD','DOES') &rarr; 'QGIS DOES ROCK'</p> <h3>Conditionals Group</h3> This group contains functions to handle conditional checks in expressions. <h3>abs() function</h3> Returns the absolute value of a number.<br> <h4>Syntax</h4> abs(<i>value</i>)<br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>value</code> - a number.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <code>abs(-2) &rarr; 2</code><br> <h3>max() function</h3> Returns the largest value in a set of values. <h4>Syntax</h4> max(<i>value<i>[,<i>value</i>...]) <h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> value</i> &rarr; a number.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> max(2,10.2,5.5) &rarr; 10.2 <h3>sqrt() function</h3> Returns square root of a value <p><h4>Syntax</h4> sqrt(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; number.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> sqrt(9) &rarr; 3</p> <h3>Conditions Group</h3> This group contains functions that operate on condition. <h3>color_cmyka() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its cyan, magenta, yellow, black and alpha (transparency) components <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_cmyka(<i>cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> cyan</i> &rarr; the cyan component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> magenta</i> &rarr; the magenta component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> yellow</i> &rarr; the yellow component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> black</i> &rarr; the black component of the color, as a percentage integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_cmyka(100,50,0,10,200) &rarr; '0,115,230,200'</p> <h3>format_number() function</h3> Returns a number formatted with the locale separator for thousands. Also truncates the number to the number of supplied places. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>format_number(number,places)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>number</code> - is number. The number to be formatted. <br> <code>places</code> - is int. The number of decimal places to truncate the string to. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>format_number(10000000.332,2) &rarr; 10,000,000.33</code> <h3>year() function</h3> Extract the year part from a date, or the number of years from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>year(date)</code><br> <code>year(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is date or datetime. The date to extract the year from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of years from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>year('2012-05-12') &rarr; 2012</code><br> <code>year(tointerval('3 Years')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>year(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 1.9986..</code><br> <h3>CASE expression</h3> A conditional expression that can be used to evaluate multiple expressions and return a result. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre> CASE WHEN <i>condition</i> THEN <i>result</i> [ ...n ] [ ELSE <i>result</i> ] END </pre> [ ] marks optional components <h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> WHEN condition</i> - The condition expression to evaluate. <br> <i> THEN result</i> - If <i>condition</i> evaluates to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> <i> ELSE result</i> - If none of the above conditions evaluated to True then <i>result</i> is evaluated and returned. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <pre> CASE WHEN <i>"column" IS NULL</i> THEN <i>'None'</i> END </pre> <h3>randf() function</h3> Returns a random float within the range specified by the minimum and maximum argument (inclusive). <br> This function takes two arguments. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>randf(min, max)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>min</code> - a float representing the smallest possible random number desired.<br> <code>max</code> - a float representing the largest possible random number desired. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>randf(1, 10) &rarr; 4.59258286403147</code><br> <h3>xmin function</h3> Returns the minimum x coordinate of a geometry. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>xmin(geom)</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> geom &rarr; a geometry <h4>Example</h4> <pre> xmin($geometry) &rarr; returns minimum x coordinate of $geometry</pre> <h3>scale_linear() function</h3> Transforms a given value from an input domain to an output range using linear interpolation. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> scale_linear(<i>val</i>,<i>domain_min</i>,<i>domain_max</i>,<i>range_min</i>,<i>range_max</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> val</i> &rarr; is a value in the input domain. The function will return a corresponding scaled value in the output range.<br> <i> domain_min, domain_max</i> &rarr; specify the input domain, the smallest and largest values the input <i>val</i> should take.<br> <i> range_min, range_max</i> &rarr; specify the output range, the smallest and largest values which should be output by the function.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> scale_linear(5,0,10,0,100) &rarr; 50<br> scale_linear(0.2,0,1,0,360) &rarr; 72 <i>(eg, scaling a value between 0 and 1 to an angle between 0 and 360)</i><br> scale_linear(1500,1000,10000,9,20) &rarr; 10.22 <i>(eg, scaling a population which varies between 1000 and 10000 to a font size between 9 and 20)</i><br> <h3>trim() function</h3> Removes all leading and trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc) from a string. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> trim(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to trim.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> trim(' hello world ') &rarr; 'hello world'</p> <h3>minute() function</h3> Extract the minute from a datetime or time, or the number of minutes from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>minute(datetime)</code><br> <code>minute(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the minute from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of minutes from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>minute('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 24</code><br> <code>minute(tointerval('3 minutes')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>minute(age('2012-07-22T00:20:00','2012-07-22T00:00:00')) &rarr; 20</code><br> <code>minute(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 1051200</code><br> <h3>age() function</h3> Returns the difference between two dates. <br><br> The difference is returned as a <code>Interval</code> and needs to be used with one of the following functions in order to extract useful information: <ul> <li><code>year</code> <li><code>month</code> <li><code>week</code> <li><code>day</code> <li><code>hour</code> <li><code>minute</code> <li><code>second</code> </ul> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>age(string,string)</code><br> <code>age(datetime,datetime)</code><br> <code>age(string,datetime)</code><br> <code>age(datetime,string)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. A string in date format. <br> <code>datetime</code> - is date or datetime. A date or datetime type. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>age('2012-05-12','2012-05-2') &rarr; Interval</code><br> use <code>day</code> to extract number of days<br> <code>day(age('2012-05-12','2012-05-2')) &rarr; 10</code><br> <h3>log10() function</h3> Returns the value of the base 10 logarithm of the passed expression. <br> This function takes one argument. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>log10(value)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>value</code> - any positive number. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>log10(1) &rarr; 0</code><br> <code>log10(100) &rarr; 2</code><br> <h3>Conversions Group</h3> This group contains functions to convert on data type to another e.g string to integer, integer to string. <h3>cos() function</h3> Returns cosinus of an angle. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> cos(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> cos(1.571) &rarr; 0.000796326710733263</p> <h3>Operators Group</h3> This group contains operators e.g + - * <h3>second() function</h3> Extract the seconds from a datetime or time, or the number of seconds from a <code>Interval</code> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>second(datetime)</code><br> <code>second(Interval)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>date</code> - is datetime or time. The date to extract the second from. <br> <code>Interval</code> - is Interval. The Interval to return the number of seconds from. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>second('2012-07-22T13:24:57') &rarr; 57</code><br> <code>second(tointerval('3 seconds')) &rarr; 3</code><br> <code>second(age('2012-07-22T00:20:00','2012-07-22T00:00:00')) &rarr; 1200</code><br> <code>second(age('2012-01-01','2010-01-01')) &rarr; 63072000</code><br> <h3>atan() function</h3> Returns arcustanget of a value in radians. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> atan(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; tan of an angle.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> atan(0.5) &rarr; 0.463647609000806</p> <h3>$length function</h3> Returns the length of the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$length</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$length &rarr; 42.4711</pre> <h3>title() function</h3> Converts all words of a string to title case (all words lower case with leading capital letter). <p><h4>Syntax</h4> title(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to convert to title case.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> upper('hello WOrld') &rarr; 'Hello World'</p> <h3>regexp_match() function</h3> Returns true if any part of a string matches the supplied regular expression. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> regexp_match(<i>string,regex</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The string to test against the regular expression.<br> <i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to test against. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character). Non-greedy regular expressions are not supported.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> regexp_match('QGIS ROCKS','&#92;&#92;sROCKS') &rarr; 1</p> <h3>substr() function</h3> Return a part of a string <p><h4>Syntax</h4> substr(<i>string,startpos,length</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The full string.<br> <i> startpos</i> &rarr; is number. The start position to extract from.<br> <i> length</i> &rarr; is number. The length of the string to extract.<br></p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> substr('HELLO WORLD',3,5) &rarr; 'LLO W'</p> <h3>format() function</h3> Format a string using supplied arguments. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>format('string', arg, [arg...n])</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. String with Qt QString place holders. Use %1, %2, etc for placeholders. Placeholders can be repeated. <br> <code>arg [arg...n]</code> - any type. Any number of args. <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>format('This %1 a %2','is', 'test') &rarr; This is a test</code><br> <h3>regexp_replace() function</h3> Returns a string with the supplied regular expression replaced. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> regexp_replace(<i>string,regex,after</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The start string.<br> <i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to replace. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character). Non-greedy regular expressions are not supported.<br> <i> after</i> &rarr; is string. The string that will replace any matching occurences of the supplied regular expression. Captured groups can be inserted into the replacement string using &#92;&#92;1, &#92;&#92;2, etc. <br></p> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> regexp_replace('QGIS SHOULD ROCK','&#92;&#92;sSHOULD&#92;&#92;s',' DOES ') &rarr; 'QGIS DOES ROCK'</p> <h3>regexp_substr() function</h3> Returns the portion of a string which matches a supplied regular expression. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> regexp_substr(<i>string,regex</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The input string.<br> <i> regex</i> &rarr; is string. The regular expression to match against. Backslash characters must be double escaped (eg "&#92;&#92;s" to match a white space character). Non-greedy regular expressions are not supported.<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> regexp_substr('abc123','(&#92;&#92;d+)') &rarr; '123'</p> <h3>$y function</h3> Returns the y coordinate of the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$y</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$y &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>color_rgba() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) components <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_rgba(<i>red, green, blue, alpha</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> red</i> &rarr; the red component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <i> green</i> &rarr; the green component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <i> blue</i> &rarr; the blue component as an integer value from 0 to 255.<br> <i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_rgba(255,127,0,200) &rarr; '255,127,0,200'</p> <h3>$x function</h3> Returns the x coordinate of the current feature. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$x</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$x &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>Math Group</h3> This group contains math functions e.g square root, sin and cos <h3>min() function</h3> Returns the smallest value in a set of values. <h4>Syntax</h4> min(<i>value<i>[,<i>value</i>...]) <h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> value</i> &rarr; a number.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> min(20.5,10,6.2) &rarr; 6.2 <h3>lower() function</h3> Converts a string to lower case letters. <p><h4> Syntax</h4> lower(<i>string</i>)</p> <p><h4> Arguments</h4> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. The String to convert to lower case.</p> <p><h4> Example</h4> lower('HELLO World') &rarr; 'hello world'</p> <h3>$numfeatures function</h3> In atlas generation, returns the total number of features within the coverage layer. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$numfeatures</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$numfeatures &rarr; 42</pre> <h3>String Group</h3> This group contains functions that operate on strings e.g replace, convert to upper case. <h3>concat() function</h3> Concatenates several strings to one. <h4>Syntax</h4> concat(<i>string<i>[,<i>string</i>...]) <h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> string</i> &rarr; is string. a string.<br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> concat('a','b','c','d','e') &rarr; 'abcde' <h3>coalesce() function</h3> Returns the first non-NULL value from the expression list. <br> This function can take any number of arguments. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>coalesce(expression1, expression2 ...)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>expression</code> - any valid expression or value, irregardless of type. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>coalesce(NULL, 2) &rarr; 2</code><br> <code>coalesce(NULL, 2, 3) &rarr; 2</code><br> <code>coalesce(7, NULL, 3*2) &rarr; 7</code><br><br> <code>coalesce("fieldA", "fallbackField", 'ERROR') &rarr; value of fieldA if it is non-NULL else the value of "fallbackField" or the string 'ERROR' if both are NULL</code><br> <h3>asin() function</h3> Returns arcussinus of a value in radians. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> asin(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; sin of an angle.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> asin(1.0) &rarr; 1.5707963267949</p> <h3>todatetime() function</h3> Convert a string into Qt data time type. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>todatetime('string')</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string in Qt date time format. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>todatetime('2012-05-04 12:50:00') &rarr; 2012-05-04T12:50:00</code><br> <h3>format_date() function</h3> Format a date type or string into a custom string format. Uses Qt data time format strings. See <a href='http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qdatetime.html#toString'>QDateTime::toString</a> <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>format_date('string', 'format_string')</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>string</code> - is string. Date/Time/DateTime string. <br> <code>format_string</code> - is string. String template used to format the string. <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Expression</th> <th>Output</th> </tr> </thead> <tr valign="top"> <td>d</td> <td>the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>dd</td> <td>the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>ddd</td> <td>the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses <a href= "qdate.html#shortDayName">QDate::shortDayName</a>().</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>dddd</td> <td>the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Sunday'). Uses <a href= "qdate.html#longDayName">QDate::longDayName</a>().</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>M</td> <td>the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>MM</td> <td>the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>MMM</td> <td>the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses <a href= "qdate.html#shortMonthName">QDate::shortMonthName</a>().</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>MMMM</td> <td>the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses <a href= "qdate.html#longMonthName">QDate::longMonthName</a>().</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>yy</td> <td>the year as two digit number (00-99)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>yyyy</td> <td>the year as four digit number</td> </tr> </table> <p>These expressions may be used for the time part of the format string:</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Expression</th> <th>Output</th> </tr> </thead> <tr valign="top"> <td>h</td> <td>the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>hh</td> <td>the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>H</td> <td>the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>HH</td> <td>the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>m</td> <td>the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>mm</td> <td>the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>s</td> <td>the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>ss</td> <td>the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>z</td> <td>the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>zzz</td> <td>the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>AP or A</td> <td>interpret as an AM/PM time. <i>AP</i> must be either "AM" or "PM".</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>ap or a</td> <td>Interpret as an AM/PM time. <i>ap</i> must be either "am" or "pm".</td> </tr> </table> <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>format_date('2012-05-15','dd.mm.yyyy') &rarr; 15.05.2012</code><br> <h3>tan() function</h3> Returns tangent of an angle. <p><h4>Syntax</h4> tan(<i>real</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <i>real</i> &rarr; angle in radians.</p> <p><h4>Example</h4> tan(1.0) &rarr; 1.5574077246549</p> <h3>$feature function</h3> In atlas generation, returns the current feature number that is iterated over on the coverage layer. <h4>Syntax</h4> <pre>$feature</pre> <h4>Arguments</h4> None <h4>Example</h4> <pre>$feature &rarr; 2</pre> <h3>ln() function</h3> Returns the value of the natural logarithm of the passed expression. <br> This function takes one argument. <h4>Syntax</h4> <code>ln(value)</code><br> <h4>Arguments</h4> <code>value</code> - any positive number. <br> <h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> <code>ln(1) &rarr; 0</code><br> <code>ln(2.7182818284590452354) &rarr; 1</code><br> <h3>color_hsva() function</h3> Returns a string representation of a color based on its hue, saturation, value and alpha (transparency) attributes <p><h4>Syntax</h4> color_hsva(<i>hue, saturation, value, alpha</i>)</p> <p><h4>Arguments</h4> <!-- List args for functions here--> <i> hue</i> &rarr; the hue of the color, as an integer value from 0 to 360.<br> <i> saturation</i> &rarr; the saturation percentage of the color as an integer value from 0 to 100.<br> <i> value</i> &rarr; the value percentage of the color as an integer from 0 to 100.<br> <i> alpha</i> &rarr; the alpha component as an integer value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).<br> <p><h4>Example</h4> <!-- Show example of function.--> color_hsva(40,100,100,200) &rarr; '255,170,0,200'</p> geometryThread Merge all Spojiť všetky Polygon area Plocha polygónu Polygon perimeter Obvod polygónu Line length Dĺžka línie Point x ordinate Súradnica bodu x Point y ordinate Súradnica bodu y grasslabel (1-256) (Optional) column to read labels 3D-Viewer (NVIZ) 3d Visualization Add a value to the current category values Add elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!) Add missing centroids to closed boundaries Add one or more columns to attribute table Allocate network Assign constant value to column Assign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUE Assign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute table Assign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUE Attribute field Attribute field (interpolated values) Attribute field to (over)write Attribute field to join Auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM raster Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization Bilinear interpolation utility for raster maps Blend color components for two rasters by given ratio Blend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color raster Break (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are different Break lines at each intersection of vector Brovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channels Buffer Build polylines from lines Calculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rasters Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result Calculate geometry statistics for vectors Calculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*x Calculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM raster Calculate raster surface area Calculate shadow maps from exact sun position Calculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/time Calculate statistics for raster Calculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data table Calculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objects Calculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of raster Calculate univariate statistics of vector map features Calculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumps Category or object oriented statistics Cats Cats (select from the map or using their id) Change category values and labels Change field Change layer number Change resolution Change the type of boundary dangle to line Change the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to line Change the type of geometry elements Choose appropriate format Columns management Compares bit patterns with raster Compress and decompress raster Compress raster Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control points Concentric circles Connect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman) Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree) Connect vector to database Convert 2D vector to 3D by sampling raster Convert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbour Convert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vector Convert a raster to vector within GRASS Convert a vector to raster within GRASS Convert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa Convert boundaries to lines Convert centroids to points Convert coordinates Convert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend) Convert lines to boundaries Convert points to centroids Convert raster to vector areas Convert raster to vector lines Convert raster to vector points Convert vector to raster using attribute values Convert vector to raster using constant Convex hull Copy a table Copy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported) Count of neighbouring points Create 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rasters Create a MASK for limiting raster operation Create a map containing concentric rings Create a raster plane Create and add new table to vector Create and/or modify raster support files Create aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create cross product of category values from multiple rasters Create fractal surface of given fractal dimension Create grid in current region Create new GRASS location and transfer data into it Create new GRASS location from metadata file Create new GRASS location from raster data Create new GRASS location from vector data Create new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing raster Create new location from .prj (WKT) file Create new raster by combining other rasters Create new vector by combining other vectors Create new vector with current region extent Create nodes on network Create parallel line to input lines Create points Create points along input lines Create points/segments from input vector lines and positions Create quantization file for floating-point raster Create random 2D/3D vector points Create random cell values with spatial dependence Create random points Create random raster Create random vector point contained in raster Create raster images with textural features from raster (first serie of indices) Create raster of distance to features in input layer Create raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviation Create raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined range Create raster with contiguous areas grown by one cell Create raster with textural features from raster (second serie of indices) Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rasters Create shaded map Create slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create standard vectors Create surface from rasterized contours Create vector contour from raster at specified levels Create vector contour from raster at specified steps Create watershed basin Create watershed subbasins raster Cut network by cost isolines DXF vector layer Database Databáza Database connection Database file Database management Delaunay triangulation (areas) Delaunay triangulation (lines) Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hull Delete category values Develop images and group Develop map Directory of rasters to be linked Disconnect vector from database Display general DB connection Display list of category values found in raster Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on it Display projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) Display projection information of the current location Display raster category values and labels Display results of SQL selection from database Display the HTML manual pages of GRASS Display vector attributes Display vector map attributes with SQL Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute Download and import data from WMS server Drop column from attribute table E00 vector layer Elevation raster for height extraction (optional) Execute any SQL statement Export 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Export from GRASS Export raster as non-georeferenced PNG image format Export raster from GRASS Export raster series to MPEG movie Export raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current region Export raster to ASCII text file Export raster to ESRI ARCGRID Export raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) Export raster to Geo TIFF Export raster to POVRAY height-field file Export raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Export raster to VTK-ASCII Export raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Export raster to binary MAT-File Export raster to binary array Export raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centers Export raster to various formats (GDAL library) Export vector from GRASS Export vector table from GRASS to database format Export vector to DXF Export vector to GML Export vector to Mapinfo Export vector to POV-Ray Export vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database table Export vector to SVG Export vector to Shapefile Export vector to VTK-ASCII Export vector to various formats (OGR library) Exports attribute tables into various format Extract features from vector Extract selected features Extracts terrain parameters from DEM Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with fixed height Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with height based on attribute Fast fourier transform for image processing Feature type (for polygons, choose Boundary) File management Fill lake from seed at given level Fill lake from seed point at given level Fill no-data areas in raster using v.surf.rst splines interpolation Filter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation raster Filter image Find nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from' Find shortest path on vector network GRASS MODULES GRASS shell Gaussian kernel density Generalization Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) raster Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vector Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vector Generate surface Generate vector contour lines Generates area statistics for rasters Georeferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarp Graphical raster map calculator Help Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform function Hydrologic modelling Imagery Import ASCII raster Import DXF vector Import ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRID Import ESRI E00 vector Import GDAL supported raster Import GDAL supported raster and create a fitted location Import GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL) Import MapGen or MatLab vector Import OGR vector Import OGR vector and create a fitted location Import OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vector Import SPOT VGT NDVI Import SRTM HGT Import US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country file Import all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted location Import attribute tables in various formats Import binary MAT-File(v4) Import binary raster Import from database into GRASS Import geonames.org country files Import into GRASS Import loaded raster Import loaded raster and create a fitted location Import loaded vector Import loaded vector and create a fitted location Import only some layers of a DXF vector Import raster from ASCII polygon/line Import raster from coordinates using univariate statistics Import raster into GRASS Import raster into GRASS from QGIS view Import raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASS Import text file Import vector from gps using gpsbabel Import vector from gps using gpstrans Import vector into GRASS Import vector points from database table containing coordinates Input nodes Input table Interpolate surface Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector points Inverse fast fourier transform for image processing Join table to existing vector table Layers categories management Line-of-sight raster analysis Link GDAL supported raster as GRASS raster Link GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS raster Link all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rasters Loaded layer Locate the closest points between objects in two raster maps Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rasters Manage features Manage image colors Manage map colors Manage raster cells value Manage training dataset Map algebra Map type conversion MapGen or MatLab vector layer Mask Maximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification) Metadata support Meta údaje Minimum size for each basin (number of cells) Mosaic up to 4 images Name for new raster file (specify file extension) Name for new vector file (specify file extension) Name for output vector map (optional) Name for the output raster map (optional) Neighborhood analysis Network analysis Network maintenance Number of rows to be skipped Others Output GML file Output Shapefile Output layer name (used in GML file) Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s) Overlay Overlay maps Path to GRASS database of input location (optional) Path to the OGR data source Percentage of first layer (0-99) Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vector Print projection information from a georeferenced file Print projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on it Print projection information of the current location Projection conversion of vector Projection management Put geometry variables in database Query rasters on their category values and labels Random location perturbations of vector points Randomly partition points into test/train sets Raster Raster buffer Raster file matrix filter Raster neighbours analysis Raster support Re-project raster from a location to the current location Rebuild topology of a vector in mapset Rebuild topology of all vectors in mapset Recategorize contiguous cells to unique categories Reclass category values Reclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive) Reclass category values using a rules file Reclass raster using reclassification rules Reclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares) Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares) Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares) Recode categorical raster using reclassification rules Recode raster Reconnect vector to a new database Red Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation function Region settings Register external data sources in GRASS Regularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector points Reinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothing Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length Remove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands Remove dangles Remove duplicate area centroids Remove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!) Remove existing attribute table of vector Remove outliers from vector point data Remove small angles between lines at nodes Remove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removed Remove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachement of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changed Rename column in attribute table Reports Reports and statistics Reproject raster from another Location Reproject vector from another Location Resample raster using aggregation Resample raster using interpolation Resample raster. Set new resolution first Rescale the range of category values in raster Sample raster at site locations Save the current region as a named region Select features by attributes Select features overlapped by features in another map Separator (| , etc.) Set PostgreSQL DB connection Set boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w) Set boundary definitions for raster Set boundary definitions from raster Set boundary definitions from vector Set boundary definitions to current or default region Set color rules based on stddev from a map's mean value Set general DB connection Set general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only) Set raster color table Set raster color table from existing raster Set raster color table from setted tables Set raster color table from user-defined rules Set region to align to raster Set the region to match multiple rasters Set the region to match multiple vectors Set user/password for driver/database Sets the boundary definitions for a raster map Show database connection for vector Shrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from raster Simple map algebra Simplify vector Snap lines to vertex in threshold Solar and irradiation model Spatial analysis Spatial models Split lines to shorter segments Statistics Sum raster cell values Surface management Tables management Tabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rasters Take vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEM Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 7 raster Tassled cap vegetation index Terrain analysis Tests of normality on vector points Text file Thin no-zero cells that denote line features Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map Topology management Trace a flow through an elevation model Transform cells with value in null cells Transform features Transform image Transform null cells in value cells Transform value cells in null cells Type in map names separated by a comma Update raster statistics Update vector map metadata Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the table Upload vector values at positions of vector points Vector Vector buffer Vector geometry analysis Vector intersection Vector non-intersection Vector subtraction Vector union Vector update by other maps Visibility graph construction Voronoi diagram (area) Voronoi diagram (lines) Watershed Analysis Which column for the X coordinate? The first is 1 Which column for the Y coordinate? Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not used Work with vector points Write only features link to a record Zero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processing optionsDialog Warning! Upozornenie! You need to add some APIs file in order to compile Musíte pridať nejaký súbor API rozhrania pre umožnenie kompilácie Please specify API file or check "Use preloaded API files" Prosím zadajte súbor API rozhrania alebo zaškrtnite "Použiť predom nahraté súbory API rozhrania" The APIs file was not compiled, click on "Compile APIs..." Súbor API rozhrania nebol skompilovaný, kliknite na "Kompilovať API rozhrania..." parent Cannot parse XML file: %s Cannot open file: %s Invalid CSW connections XML. Loading Connections rulesDialog Topology Rule Settings Current Rules Add Rule Rule Layer #1 Layer #2 Tolerance Layer1ID Layer2ID No layer Žiadna vrstva Delete Rule topolTest Invalid second geometry. Topology plugin Invalid first geometry. First geometry invalid in dangling line test. Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in dangling line test. Invalid second geometry in duplicate geometry test. Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in duplicate geometry test. Invalid second geometry in overlaps test. Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in overlaps test. Skipping invalid second geometry of feature %1 in overlaps test. Skipping invalid first geometry in pseudo line test. Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in pseudo line test. Invalid geometry in validity test. Invalid geometry in covering test. Second geometry missing. Second geometry missing or GEOS import failed. Missing geometry in multipart check. First layer not found in registry. Second layer not found in registry. visualThread Max. len: Min. len: Mean. len: Filled: Empty: N: Mean: StdDev: Sum: Min: Max: CV: Number of unique values: Range: Median: Observed mean distance: Expected mean distance: Nearest neighbour index: Z-Score: widgetNumberInput Form Open number input dialog ... widgetOutputSelect Form ...