/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/layout/qgslayout.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsLayout : QGraphicsScene, QgsExpressionContextGenerator, QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface { %Docstring Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgslayout.h" %End public: enum ZValues { ZPage, ZItem, ZGrid, ZGuide, ZSmartGuide, ZMouseHandles, ZMapTool, ZSnapIndicator, }; QgsLayout( QgsProject *project ); %Docstring Construct a new layout linked to the specified ``project``. If the layout is a "new" layout (as opposed to a layout which will restore a previous state from XML) then initializeDefaults() should be called on the new layout. %End ~QgsLayout(); void initializeDefaults(); %Docstring Initializes an empty layout, e.g. by adding a default page to the layout. This should be called after creating a new layout. %End QgsProject *project() const; %Docstring The project associated with the layout. Used to get access to layers, map themes, relations and various other bits. It is never null. :rtype: QgsProject %End QgsLayoutModel *itemsModel(); %Docstring Returns the items model attached to the layout. :rtype: QgsLayoutModel %End QgsLayoutExporter &exporter(); %Docstring Returns the layout's exporter, which is used for rendering the layout and exporting to various formats. :rtype: QgsLayoutExporter %End QString name() const; %Docstring Returns the layout's name. .. seealso:: setName() :rtype: str %End void setName( const QString &name ); %Docstring Sets the layout's name. .. seealso:: name() %End QList selectedLayoutItems( const bool includeLockedItems = true ); %Docstring Returns list of selected layout items. If ``includeLockedItems`` is set to true, then locked items will also be included in the returned list. :rtype: list of QgsLayoutItem %End void setSelectedItem( QgsLayoutItem *item ); %Docstring Clears any selected items and sets ``item`` as the current selection. %End void deselectAll(); %Docstring Clears any selected items in the layout. Call this method rather than QGraphicsScene.clearSelection, as the latter does not correctly emit signals to allow the layout's model to update. %End bool raiseItem( QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate = false ); %Docstring Raises an ``item`` up the z-order. Returns true if the item was successfully raised. If ``deferUpdate`` is true, the scene will not be visibly updated to reflect the new stacking order. This allows multiple raiseItem() calls to be made in sequence without the cost of updating the scene for each one. .. seealso:: lowerItem() .. seealso:: updateZValues() :rtype: bool %End bool lowerItem( QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate = false ); %Docstring Lowers an ``item`` down the z-order. Returns true if the item was successfully lowered. If ``deferUpdate`` is true, the scene will not be visibly updated to reflect the new stacking order. This allows multiple raiseItem() calls to be made in sequence without the cost of updating the scene for each one. .. seealso:: raiseItem() .. seealso:: updateZValues() :rtype: bool %End bool moveItemToTop( QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate = false ); %Docstring Raises an ``item`` up to the top of the z-order. Returns true if the item was successfully raised. If ``deferUpdate`` is true, the scene will not be visibly updated to reflect the new stacking order. This allows multiple raiseItem() calls to be made in sequence without the cost of updating the scene for each one. .. seealso:: moveItemToBottom() .. seealso:: updateZValues() :rtype: bool %End bool moveItemToBottom( QgsLayoutItem *item, bool deferUpdate = false ); %Docstring Lowers an ``item`` down to the bottom of the z-order. Returns true if the item was successfully lowered. If ``deferUpdate`` is true, the scene will not be visibly updated to reflect the new stacking order. This allows multiple raiseItem() calls to be made in sequence without the cost of updating the scene for each one. .. seealso:: moveItemToTop() .. seealso:: updateZValues() :rtype: bool %End void updateZValues( const bool addUndoCommands = true ); %Docstring Resets the z-values of items based on their position in the internal z order list. This should be called after any stacking changes which deferred z-order updates. %End QgsLayoutItem *itemByUuid( const QString &uuid ); %Docstring Returns the layout item with matching ``uuid`` unique identifier, or a None if a matching item could not be found. :rtype: QgsLayoutItem %End QgsLayoutItem *layoutItemAt( QPointF position, const bool ignoreLocked = false ) const; %Docstring Returns the topmost layout item at a specified ``position``. Ignores paper items. If ``ignoreLocked`` is set to true any locked items will be ignored. :rtype: QgsLayoutItem %End QgsLayoutItem *layoutItemAt( QPointF position, const QgsLayoutItem *belowItem, const bool ignoreLocked = false ) const; %Docstring Returns the topmost composer item at a specified ``position`` which is below a specified ``item``. Ignores paper items. If ``ignoreLocked`` is set to true any locked items will be ignored. :rtype: QgsLayoutItem %End void setUnits( QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units ); %Docstring Sets the native measurement ``units`` for the layout. These also form the default unit for measurements for the layout. .. seealso:: units() .. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits() %End QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units() const; %Docstring Returns the native units for the layout. .. seealso:: setUnits() .. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits() :rtype: QgsUnitTypes.LayoutUnit %End double convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutMeasurement &measurement ) const; %Docstring Converts a measurement into the layout's native units. :return: length of measurement in layout units .. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: float %End QSizeF convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutSize &size ) const; %Docstring Converts a size into the layout's native units. :return: size of measurement in layout units .. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: QSizeF %End QPointF convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutPoint &point ) const; %Docstring Converts a ``point`` into the layout's native units. :return: point in layout units .. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: QPointF %End QgsLayoutMeasurement convertFromLayoutUnits( const double length, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const; %Docstring Converts a ``length`` measurement from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``. :return: length of measurement in specified units .. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: QgsLayoutMeasurement %End QgsLayoutSize convertFromLayoutUnits( const QSizeF &size, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const; %Docstring Converts a ``size`` from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``. :return: size of measurement in specified units .. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: QgsLayoutSize %End QgsLayoutPoint convertFromLayoutUnits( const QPointF &point, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const; %Docstring Converts a ``point`` from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``. :return: point in specified units .. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits() .. seealso:: units() :rtype: QgsLayoutPoint %End QgsLayoutContext &context(); %Docstring Returns a reference to the layout's context, which stores information relating to the current context and rendering settings for the layout. :rtype: QgsLayoutContext %End QgsLayoutSnapper &snapper(); %Docstring Returns a reference to the layout's snapper, which stores handles layout snap grids and lines and snapping points to the nearest matching point. :rtype: QgsLayoutSnapper %End QgsLayoutGridSettings &gridSettings(); %Docstring Returns a reference to the layout's grid settings, which stores settings relating to grid appearance, spacing and offsets. :rtype: QgsLayoutGridSettings %End QgsLayoutGuideCollection &guides(); %Docstring Returns a reference to the layout's guide collection, which manages page snap guides. :rtype: QgsLayoutGuideCollection %End virtual QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const; %Docstring Creates an expression context relating to the layout's current state. The context includes scopes for global, project, layout and layout context properties. :rtype: QgsExpressionContext %End void setCustomProperty( const QString &key, const QVariant &value ); %Docstring Set a custom property for the layout. \param key property key. If a property with the same key already exists it will be overwritten. \param value property value .. seealso:: customProperty() .. seealso:: removeCustomProperty() .. seealso:: customProperties() %End QVariant customProperty( const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant() ) const; %Docstring Read a custom property from the layout. \param key property key \param defaultValue default value to return if property with matching key does not exist :return: value of matching property .. seealso:: setCustomProperty() .. seealso:: removeCustomProperty() .. seealso:: customProperties() :rtype: QVariant %End void removeCustomProperty( const QString &key ); %Docstring Remove a custom property from the layout. \param key property key .. seealso:: setCustomProperty() .. seealso:: customProperty() .. seealso:: customProperties() %End QStringList customProperties() const; %Docstring Return list of keys stored in custom properties for the layout. .. seealso:: setCustomProperty() .. seealso:: customProperty() .. seealso:: removeCustomProperty() :rtype: list of str %End QgsLayoutItemMap *referenceMap() const; %Docstring :rtype: QgsLayoutItemMap %End void setReferenceMap( QgsLayoutItemMap *map ); QgsLayoutPageCollection *pageCollection(); %Docstring Returns a pointer to the layout's page collection, which stores and manages page items in the layout. :rtype: QgsLayoutPageCollection %End QRectF layoutBounds( bool ignorePages = false, double margin = 0.0 ) const; %Docstring Calculates the bounds of all non-gui items in the layout. Ignores snap lines, mouse handles and other cosmetic items. \param ignorePages set to true to ignore page items \param margin optional marginal (in percent, e.g., 0.05 = 5% ) to add around items :return: layout bounds, in layout units. :rtype: QRectF %End void addLayoutItem( QgsLayoutItem *item /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Adds an ``item`` to the layout. This should be called instead of the base class addItem() method. Ownership of the item is transferred to the layout. %End void removeLayoutItem( QgsLayoutItem *item ); %Docstring Removes an ``item`` from the layout. This should be called instead of the base class removeItem() method. The item will also be deleted. %End QDomElement writeXml( QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const; %Docstring Returns the layout's state encapsulated in a DOM element. .. seealso:: readXml() :rtype: QDomElement %End bool readXml( const QDomElement &layoutElement, const QDomDocument &document, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ); %Docstring Sets the collection's state from a DOM element. ``layoutElement`` is the DOM node corresponding to the layout. .. seealso:: writeXml() :rtype: bool %End QgsLayoutUndoStack *undoStack(); %Docstring Returns a pointer to the layout's undo stack, which manages undo/redo states for the layout and it's associated objects. :rtype: QgsLayoutUndoStack %End virtual QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand *createCommand( const QString &text, int id = 0, QUndoCommand *parent = 0 ) /Factory/; QgsLayoutItemGroup *groupItems( const QList &items ); %Docstring Creates a new group from a list of layout ``items`` and adds the group to the layout. If grouping was not possible, a None will be returned. .. seealso:: ungroupItems() :rtype: QgsLayoutItemGroup %End QList ungroupItems( QgsLayoutItemGroup *group ); %Docstring Ungroups items by removing them from an item ``group`` and removing the group from the layout. Child items will remain in the layout and will not be deleted. Returns a list of the items removed from the group, or an empty list if ungrouping was not successful. .. seealso:: groupItems() :rtype: list of QgsLayoutItem %End public slots: void refresh(); %Docstring Forces the layout, and all items contained within it, to refresh. For instance, this causes maps to redraw and rebuild cached images, html items to reload their source url, and attribute tables to refresh their contents. Calling this also triggers a recalculation of all data defined attributes within the layout. .. seealso:: refreshed() %End void updateBounds(); %Docstring Updates the scene bounds of the layout. %End signals: void variablesChanged(); %Docstring Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the layout have been changed. %End void selectedItemChanged( QgsLayoutItem *selected ); %Docstring Emitted whenever the selected item changes. If None, no item is selected. %End void refreshed(); %Docstring Is emitted when the layout has been refreshed and items should also be refreshed and updated. %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/layout/qgslayout.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/