class QgsRasterHistogram { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsRasterHistogram(); /** Compares region, size etc. not histogram itself */ bool operator==( const QgsRasterHistogram &h ) const; /** \brief The gdal band number (starts at 1)*/ int bandNumber; /** \brief Number of bins (intervals,buckets) in histogram. */ int binCount; /** \brief The number of non NULL cells used to calculate histogram. */ int nonNullCount; /** \brief Whether histogram includes out of range values (in first and last bin) */ bool includeOutOfRange; /** \brief Store the histogram for a given layer * @note not available via python binding */ // HistogramVector histogramVector; /** \brief The maximum histogram value. */ double maximum; /** \brief The minimum histogram value. */ double minimum; /** \brief Number of columns used to calc histogram */ int width; /** \brief Number of rows used to calc histogram */ int height; /** \brief Extent used to calc histogram */ QgsRectangle extent; /** \brief Histogram is valid */ bool valid; };