/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/gui/attributetable/qgsdualview.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsDualView : QStackedWidget { %Docstring This widget is used to show the attributes of a set of features of a QgsVectorLayer. The attributes can be edited. It supports two different layouts: the table layout, in which the attributes for the features are shown in a table and the editor layout, where the features are shown as a selectable list and the attributes for the currently selected feature are shown in a form. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdualview.h" %End public: enum ViewMode { AttributeTable, AttributeEditor }; enum FeatureListBrowsingAction { NoAction, PanToFeature, ZoomToFeature, }; explicit QgsDualView( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); %Docstring Constructor :param parent: The parent widget %End ~QgsDualView(); void init( QgsVectorLayer *layer, QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas, const QgsFeatureRequest &request = QgsFeatureRequest(), const QgsAttributeEditorContext &context = QgsAttributeEditorContext(), bool loadFeatures = true ); %Docstring Has to be called to initialize the dual view. :param layer: The layer which should be used to fetch features :param mapCanvas: The mapCanvas (used for the FilterMode QgsAttributeTableFilterModel.ShowVisible) :param request: Use a modified request to limit the shown features :param context: The context in which this view is shown :param loadFeatures: whether to initially load all features into the view. If set to ``False``, limited features can later be loaded using setFilterMode() %End void setView( ViewMode view ); %Docstring Change the current view mode. :param view: The view mode to set .. seealso:: :py:func:`view` %End ViewMode view() const; %Docstring Returns the current view mode. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setView` .. versionadded:: 2.16 %End void setFilterMode( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode filterMode ); %Docstring Set the filter mode :param filterMode: %End QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode filterMode(); %Docstring Gets the filter mode :return: the filter mode %End void setSelectedOnTop( bool selectedOnTop ); %Docstring Toggle the selectedOnTop flag. If enabled, selected features will be moved to top. :param selectedOnTop: ``True``: Show selected features on top. ``False``: Use defined sorting column. %End int featureCount(); %Docstring Returns the number of features on the layer. :return: Number of features %End int filteredFeatureCount(); %Docstring Returns the number of features which are currently visible, according to the filter restrictions :return: Number of features %End void setFilteredFeatures( const QgsFeatureIds &filteredFeatures ); %Docstring Set a list of currently visible features :param filteredFeatures: A list of feature ids %End QgsFeatureIds filteredFeatures(); %Docstring Gets a list of currently visible feature ids. %End QgsAttributeTableModel *masterModel() const; %Docstring Returns the model which has the information about all features (not only filtered) :return: The master model %End void setRequest( const QgsFeatureRequest &request ); %Docstring Set the request :param request: The request %End void setFeatureSelectionManager( QgsIFeatureSelectionManager *featureSelectionManager ); %Docstring Set the feature selection model :param featureSelectionManager: the feature selection model %End QgsAttributeTableView *tableView(); %Docstring Returns the table view :return: The table view %End void setAttributeTableConfig( const QgsAttributeTableConfig &config ); %Docstring Set the attribute table config which should be used to control the appearance of the attribute table. %End void setSortExpression( const QString &sortExpression, Qt::SortOrder sortOrder = Qt::AscendingOrder ); %Docstring Set the expression used for sorting the table and feature list. %End QString sortExpression() const; %Docstring Gets the expression used for sorting the table and feature list. %End QgsAttributeTableConfig attributeTableConfig() const; %Docstring The config used for the attribute table. :return: The config used for the attribute table. %End public slots: void setCurrentEditSelection( const QgsFeatureIds &fids ); %Docstring Set the current edit selection in the AttributeEditor mode. :param fids: A list of edited features (Currently only one at a time is supported) %End bool saveEditChanges(); %Docstring saveEditChanges :return: ``True`` if the saving was OK. ``False`` is possible due to connected validation logic. %End void openConditionalStyles(); void setMultiEditEnabled( bool enabled ); %Docstring Sets whether multi edit mode is enabled. .. versionadded:: 2.16 %End void toggleSearchMode( bool enabled ); %Docstring Toggles whether search mode should be enabled in the form. :param enabled: set to ``True`` to switch on search mode .. versionadded:: 2.16 %End void copyCellContent() const; %Docstring Copy the content of the selected cell in the clipboard. .. versionadded:: 1.16 %End void cancelProgress( ); %Docstring Cancel the progress dialog (if any) .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End signals: void displayExpressionChanged( const QString &expression ); %Docstring Emitted whenever the display expression is successfully changed :param expression: The expression that was applied %End void filterChanged(); %Docstring Emitted whenever the filter changes %End void filterExpressionSet( const QString &expression, QgsAttributeForm::FilterType type ); %Docstring Emitted when a filter expression is set using the view. :param expression: filter expression :param type: filter type .. versionadded:: 2.16 %End void formModeChanged( QgsAttributeEditorContext::Mode mode ); %Docstring Emitted when the form changes mode. :param mode: new mode %End void showContextMenuExternally( QgsActionMenu *menu, QgsFeatureId fid ); %Docstring Emitted when selecting context menu on the feature list to create the context menu individually :param menu: context menu :param fid: feature id of the selected feature %End protected: virtual void hideEvent( QHideEvent *event ); }; class QgsAttributeTableAction : QAction { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdualview.h" %End public: QgsAttributeTableAction( const QString &name, QgsDualView *dualView, QUuid action, const QModelIndex &fieldIdx ); %Docstring Create a new attribute table action. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End public slots: void execute(); void featureForm(); }; class QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction : QAction { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdualview.h" %End public: QgsAttributeTableMapLayerAction( const QString &name, QgsDualView *dualView, QgsMapLayerAction *action, const QModelIndex &fieldIdx ); public slots: void execute(); }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/gui/attributetable/qgsdualview.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/