@default<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Priskribo de algoritmo</h2>
All files (*.*)QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayersĈiuj dosieroj (*.*)There is not active layer.Active layer is not a vector layer.Active layer is not editable (and editing could not be turned on).{0} files (*.{1})QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers{0} dosieroj (*.{1})All files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications.Could not prepare selected algorithm.Error adding processed features back into the layer.{0} files (*.{1})ParameterRaster{0} dosieroj (*.{1}){0} files (*.{1})ParameterVector{0} dosieroj (*.{1})Default extension<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<h2>Enigaj parametroj</h2>
<p align="right">Algorithm author: {0}</p><p align="right">Aŭtoro de algoritmo: {0}</p><p align="right">Help author: {0}</p><p align="right">Aŭtoro de helpo: {0}</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: {0}</p><p align="right">versio de algoritmo: {0}</p>ErrorEraroSeems some outputs are temporary files. To create test you need to redirect all algorithm outputs to filesŜajnas, ke kelkaj eliroj estas provizoraj dosieroj. Por krei teston vi devas redirekti ĉiujn algoritmajn elirojn al dosierojAPIsDialogPythonConsoleGenerating prepared API file (please wait)...Generado de API dosieroj (bonvolu pacienci)...AddModelFromFileActionAdd Model to Toolbox…ToolsOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionMalfermi modelonProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionThe selected file does not contain a valid modelAddModelFromFileActionLa elektita dosiero ne enhavas validan modelonAddScriptFromFileActionAdd Script to Toolbox…ToolsAdd script(s)Aldoni skripto(j)nProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)Could not copy script '{}'
{}AddScriptFromTemplateCreate New Script from Template…AddScriptFromTemplateActionToolsAddTableFieldIntegerEntjeroFloatGlitpunktaStringĈenoVector tableVektora tabeloField nameNomo de kampoField typeKampa tipoField lengthGrando de kampoField precisionKampprecizecoAddedAldonitaAdd field to attributes tableAldoni kampon al la atributa tabeloAggregateVector geometryVektora geometrioAggregateArigadoInput layerEniga tavoloGroup by expression (NULL to group all features)Grupigi laŭ esprimo (NULL por grupigi ĉiujn funkciojn)AggregatesModelInput expressionEniga esprimoAggregate functionFunkcio por arigiDelimiterApartigiloOutput field nameEliga kampnomoTypeTipoLengthLongoPrecisionPrecizecoAlgorithmClassificationPolygon intersectionPlurangula intersekcoVectorize raster layerVektorigi rastruman tavolonInterpolate (Inverse distance weighting)RGB to PCTRGB al PCTRasterize vector layerRastrumigi vektoran tavolonPolygon identityPlurangula identoPolygon dissolve (all polygons)Polygon unionInterpolate (Natural neighbor)Interpoli (natura najbaro)Merge raster layersKunfandi rastrumajn tavolojnRemove small pixel clumps (nearest neighbour)Interpolate (Nearest Neighbor)Interpoli (plej proksima najbaro)Interpolate (Cubic spline)Interpolate (Data metrics)Reproject raster layerReprojekcii rastruman tavolonExport raster layerEksporti rastruman tavolonPCT to RGBPCT al RGBExport vector layerEksporti vektoran tavolonPolygon dissolve (by attribute)Remove small pixel clumps (to no-data)Interpolate (Modified quadratic shepard)Merge vector layersKunfandi vektorajn tavolojnReclassify (simple)Rekategoriigi (simpla)Execute SQL on vector layerPlenumi SQL sur la vektora tavoloRaster layer informationInformo pri rastruma tavoloContour linesNivelliniojCreate graticuleKrei gratikulonFire spreading simulationPolygon differenceCreate graticule from extentKrei gratikulon el la ĉirkaŭa ortanguloPolygon symmetrical differenceVector layer informationInformo pri vektora tavoloPolygon updateInterpolate (Average)Interpolado (mezvalora)AlgorithmDialogRun as Batch Process…Unmatching CRS'sUnable to execute algorithmNe eblas plenumi la algoritmonProcessing algorithm…<b>Algorithm '{0}' starting…</b>Parameters do not all use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results.
Do you want to continue?Modify Selected FeaturesModify All FeaturesCancelNuligiInput parameters:Enigaj parametroj:Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsResults:Rezultoj:Execution failed after {0:0.2f} secondsExecuting “{}”Wrong or missing parameter value: {0}Algorithm '{0}' finishedAlgoritmo '{0}' finitaHTML output has been generated by this algorithm.
Open the results dialog to check it.AlgorithmExecutorExecuting iteration {0}/{1}…AlgorithmLocatorFilterProcessing AlgorithmsAlgoritmo de traktadoMissing dependencyAnimation3DWidgetFormFormularoKeyframeAdd keyframe + Remove keyframe - Edit keyframe......Duplicate keyframeInterpolationInterpoladoLinearLinearaInQuadOutQuadInOutQuadOutInQuadInCubicOutCubicInOutCubicOutInCubicInQuartOutQuartInOutQuartOutInQuartInQuintOutQuintInOutQuintOutInQuintInSineOutSineInOutSineOutInSineInExpoOutExpoInOutExpoOutInExpoInCircOutCircInOutCircOutInCirc>>RepeatAspectRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoElevation layerZ factorZ faktoroAspectAspektoAssignProjectionAssign projectionAtribui projekcionInput layerEniga tavoloDesired CRSLayer with projectionTavolo kun projekcioRaster projectionsBarPlotGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloCategory name fieldValue fieldValora kampoBar plotBastona diagramoHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)BasicStatisticsForFieldstats,statistics,date,time,datetime,string,number,text,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,summaryVector analysisInput layerEniga tavoloField to calculate statistics onStatisticsStatistikoHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)CountNombroNumber of unique valuesNombro da unikaj valorojNumber of empty (null) valuesNombro da malplenaj (null) valorojNumber of non-empty valuesMinimum valueMinimuma valoroMaximum valueMaksimuma valoroMinimum lengthMinimuma longoMaximum lengthMaksimuma longoMean lengthMezuma longoCoefficient of VariationSumSumoMean valueMezuma valoroStandard deviationRangeIntervaloMedianMedianoMinority (rarest occurring value)Majority (most frequently occurring value)First quartileThird quartileInterquartile Range (IQR)Basic statistics for fieldsBazaj statistikoj pri kampojAnalyzed field: {}Count: {}Nombro: {}Unique values: {}Unikaj valoroj: {}NULL (missing) values: {}Minimum value: {}Minimuma valoro: {}Maximum value: {}Maksimuma valoro: {}Range: {}Intervalo: {}Sum: {}Sumo: {}Mean value: {}Mezvaloro: {}Median value: {}Medianvaloro: {}Standard deviation: {}Norma devio: {}Coefficient of Variation: {}Minority (rarest occurring value): {}Majority (most frequently occurring value): {}First quartile: {}Third quartile: {}Interquartile Range (IQR): {}Minimum length: {}Minimuma longo: {}Maximum length: {}Maksimuma longo: {}Mean length: {}Mezuma longo: {}BatchAlgorithmDialogBatch Processing - {0}Wrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1})Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1})Input parameters:Enigaj parametroj:
Processing algorithm {0}/{1}…<b>Algorithm {0} starting…</b>Algorithm {0} correctly executed…Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsResults:Rezultoj:Batch execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsBatchInputSelectionPanelSelect from Open Layers…Select from File System…Select FilesElekti dosierojnBatchOutputSelectionPanelSave FileKonservi dosieronOutput DirectoryEliga dosierujoBatchPanelLoad in QGISEnmeti en QGISOpen BatchWrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1})Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1})Save BatchYesJesNoNeJSON files (*.json)JSON-dosieroj (*.json)ErrorEraroAn error occurred while reading your file.Eraro okazis dum legado de vian dosieron.BooleanWidgetWrapperYesJesNoNeBoxPlotGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloCategory name fieldValue fieldValora kampoShow MeanMontri mezvaloronShow Standard DeviationMontri norman devionDon't show Mean and Standard DeviationAdditional Statistic LinesBox plotHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)BufferInput layerEniga tavoloGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoBuffer distanceBufra distancoDissolve by attributeDissolve all resultsProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsBufferBufroBuffer vectorsVector geoprocessingCharacterWidget<p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Value: 0x%3CheckValidityVector geometryVektora geometriovalid,invalid,detectThe one selected in digitizing settingsInput layerEniga tavoloMethodMetodoValid outputValida eligoCount of valid featuresInvalid outputNevalida eligoCount of invalid featuresError outputErara eligoCount of errorsCheck validityKontroli la validonCheckboxesPanelSelect AllElekti ĉiujnClear SelectionClipRasterByExtentInput layerEniga tavoloClipping extentEltonda ampleksoAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeClipped (extent)Eltondita (amplekso)Clip raster by extentEltondi rastrumon amplekseRaster extractionClipRasterByMaskInput layerEniga tavoloMask layerMaska tavoloAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCreate an output alpha bandKrei eligan alfan bendonMatch the extent of the clipped raster to the extent of the mask layerKeep resolution of output rasterKonservi la distingivon de la eliga rastrumoAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeClipped (mask)Eltondita (masko)Clip raster by mask layerEltondi rastrumon per maska tavoloRaster extractionClipVectorByExtentInput layerEniga tavoloClipping extentEltonda ampleksoAdditional creation optionsClipped (extent)Eltondita (amplekso)Clip vector by extentVector geoprocessingClipVectorByMaskInput layerEniga tavoloMask layerMaska tavoloAdditional creation optionsClipped (mask)Eltondita (masko)Clip vector by mask layerVector geoprocessingColorReliefUse strict color matchingUse closest RGBA quadrupletUse smoothly blended colorsInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroCompute edgesColor configuration fileKolora agorda dosieroMatching modeKongrua modoAdditional creation optionsColor reliefRaster analysisConcaveHullVector geometryVektora geometrioInput point layerEniga punkta tavoloThreshold (0-1, where 1 is equivalent with Convex Hull)Allow holesPermesi truojnSplit multipart geometry into singleparts geometriesConcave hullConcave hull (alpha shapes)Creates a concave hull using the alpha shapes algorithm.Creating Delaunay triangles…Computing edges max length…Removing features…Dissolving Delaunay triangles…Saving data…No Delaunay triangles created.ConfigDialogSearch…Serĉi…SettingAgordoValueValoroGeneralĜeneralaModelsModelojScriptsSkriptojProvidersProvizantojMenusMenuojReset to defaultsRekomencigi al defaŭltojWrong value for parameter "{0}":
{1}Wrong valueMalĝusta valoroContextGeneratorIterate over this layer, creating a separate output for every feature in the layer (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional] [malnepra]DescriptionPriskriboShow advanced parametersMontri specialajn parametrojn[Enter name if this is a final result]Parent algorithmsPatraj algoritmojHide advanced parametersKaŝi specialajn parametrojn'{0}' from algorithm '{1}'ErrorEraroWrong or missing value for parameter '{}'CoordinateCaptureCoordinate CaptureClick on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard.Alkliku en la mapo por vidi koordinatojn kaj kapti al la tondejo.Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate displayCoordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north)Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north)Copy to ClipboardKopii al tondejoClick to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stopStart captureClick to enable coordinate captureCreateAttributeIndexVector generalInput LayerEniga tavoloAttribute to indexIndeksota atributoIndexed layerIndeksa tavoloCreate attribute indexKrei atributan indeksoCan not create attribute index on "{}"Ne eblas krei atributan indekson en "{}"Could not create attribute indexNe eblis krei atributan indeksonLayer's data provider does not support creating attribute indexesCreateConstantRasterRaster toolsRastrumilojDesired extentTarget CRSPixel sizeGrando de rastrumeroConstant valueKonstanta valoroConstantKonstantoCreate constant raster layerCould not create raster output: {}Could not create raster output {}: {}CreateNewModelActionCreate New Model…ToolsCreateNewScriptActionCreate New Script…ToolsCrsWidgetWrapperSelect CRSElekti CRSDBManagerNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Mankas elektitan datumbazon, aŭ vi ne konektas al ĝinSelect the table you want export to file.Elekti la tabelon ke vi volas eksporti al dosiero.Select a vector or a tabular layer you want export.Query ({0})Layer ({0})Tavolo ({0})QueryInformpetoDB ManagerDB AdministriloInfoTableTabeloPreviewAntaŭrigardoProvidersProvizantoj&Database&Datumbazo&Schema&Skemo&Table&TabeloDefaultDefaŭlto&Refresh&Aktualigi&SQL Window&Import Layer/File…&Export to File…&Eksporti kiel dosiero…&Exit&EliriDBManagerPluginUnable to find a valid unique fieldNe eblas trovi validan unikan kampoCopyKopiiDB ManagerDB AdministriloSelect an empty schema for deletion.Elekti maplena skemo por forigo.Select a table/view for deletion.Select a table to empty it.Elekti tabelon por malplenigi ĝin.Select a table/view.&Elekti tabelon/vidon.Server version: Host:Gastiga komputilo:User:Uzanto:Library:Biblioteko:<warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.create new schemaskrei novajn skemojncreate temporary tableskrei provizorajn tabelojnNot connectedNe konektitaConnection detailsGeneral info<warning> This user has no privileges!User has privileges:PrivilegesPrivilegiojOwner:Posedanto:Comment:Komento:Materialized View informationcreate new objectskrei novajn objektojnaccess objectsSchema details<warning> This user has no privileges to access this schema!Relation type:Tipo de rilato:ViewVidoTableTabeloRows:Vicoj:Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>)NameNomoTypeTipoNullNuloDefaultDefaŭltoColumn(s)Kolumno(j)FunctionFunkcio<warning> This is not a spatial table.FieldsKampojConstraintsLimigojIndexesIndeksojTriggersView definitionVidi difinonColumn:Kolumno:&Delete (Empty) Schema…Geometry:Geometrio:Qgis Geometry type:Qgis geometria tipo:Dimension:Dimensio:UndefinedNedifinitaSpatial ref:Estimated extent:(unknown) (<a href="action:extent/get">find out</a>)Extent:<warning> {0} support not enabled!<warning> No spatial index defined (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">create it</a>)Materialized view&Create Schema…&Delete (Empty) SchemaDelete Selected Item&Create Table…&Edit Table…&Delete Table/View…&Empty Table…&Move to Schema&Change Logging…Pages:Paĝoj:Rows (estimation):Privileges:Privilegioj:<warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema!Rows (counted):Vicoj (nombritaj):<warning> This user has read-only privileges.<warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>.<warning> No primary key defined for this table!Scripts:Skriptoj:<warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts!
This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade.<warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.LengthLongoEnabledŜaltitaYesJesNoNe<a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a>DefinitionDifinoRulesReguloj&Table&Tabelo"{0}" not found"{0}" ne trovitaFilename:Dosiernomo:SQLite version:SQLite versio:&Re-connect&Rekonekti&Database&Datumbazo&Schema&SkemoCannot delete the selected item.Ne eblas forigi la elektitan eron.No database selected or you are not connected to it.Mankas elektitan datumbazon, aŭ vi ne konektas al ĝinNew schemaNova skemoEnter new schema nameEnigi novan skemnomonTable triggersTable triggerSpatial IndexSpaca indeksoCheckKontroliPrimary keyĈefŝlosiloForeign keyFremda ŝlosiloUniqueUnikaExclusionUnknownNekonataTable IndexTabela indeksoDatabase:Datumbazo:{0} is not supported yetError:
{0}Really remove connection to {0}?Really delete schema {0}?Select a table to edit.Really delete table/view {0}?Really delete all items from table {0}?Do you want to {0} all triggers?Do you want to {0} trigger {1}?Do you want to {0} spatial index for field {1}?SQLite list tables cache:Oracle Spatial:Object type:Tipo de objekto:Creation Date:Dato de kreado:Last Modification Date:CommentKomentoColumnKolumnoStatusStatoValidatedValiditaGeneratedGeneritaCheck conditionForeign TableFremda tabeloForeign columnFremda kolumnoOn DeleteForiganteIndex TypeIndekstipoLast analyzedCompressionDensigoUniquenessActionAgoEventEventoRefresh Mode:Modo de aktualigo:Refresh Method:Metodo de aktualigo:Build Mode:Last Refresh Date:Last Refresh Type:Fast Refreshable:Staleness:Stale since:Compile State:Use no index:Executing SQLDB Manager…Update SQL Layer…<warning> There is no entry in geometry_columns!DBModelDatabasesDatumbazojInvalid layerNevalida tavoloUnable to load the layer {0}DBTreeRename…Renomi…Delete…Forigi…Add to CanvasRe-connectRekonektiRemoveForigiNew Connection…%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 estas nevalida tavolo - ne estas ŝargita%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.Datasources2VrtVector generalInput datasourcesEnigaj datumfontojCreate "unioned" VRTDbManagerDlgAddGeometryColumnAdd geometry columnAldoni geometrian kolumnonNameNomoTypeTipoDimensionsDimensiojSRIDSRIDDbManagerDlgCreateConstraintAdd constraintAldoni limigonColumnKolumnoPrimary keyĈefŝlosiloUniqueUnikaDbManagerDlgCreateIndexCreate indexKrei indeksonColumnKolumnoNameNomoDbManagerDlgCreateTableCreate TableKrei tabelonSchemaSkemoNameNomoAdd fieldAldoni kamponDelete fieldForigi kamponUpSuprenDownMalsuprenPrimary keyĈefŝlosiloCreate geometry columnKrei geometrian kolumnonDimensionsDimensiojSRIDSRIDCreate spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonDbManagerDlgDbErrorDatabase ErrorDatumbaza eraroAn error occurredAn error occurred when executing a queryQueryInformpetoDbManagerDlgExportVectorExport to vector fileExporti kiel vektordosieroSave asKonservi kielOptionsOpciojReplace destination file (if exists)Anstataŭigi celdosieron (se ĝi ekzistas)Source SRIDFonta SRIDTarget SRIDEncodingKodoprezento……FormatFormoDbManagerDlgFieldPropertiesField propertiesKampoatributojNameNomoTypeTipoCan be NULLDefault value expression<html><head/><body><p>Properly quoted PostgreSQL expression (e.g. <code>4</code>, <code>'text'</code> or <code>nextval('foo_id_seq')</code><br/></p></body></html>LengthLongoDbManagerDlgImportVectorImport vector layerImporti vektoran tavolonInputEnigo……Import only selected featuresImporti nur la elektitajn entojnUpdate optionsOutput tableEliga tabeloSchemaSkemoTableTabeloOptionsOpciojPrimary keyĈefŝlosiloGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSource SRIDFonta SRIDTarget SRIDEncodingKodoprezentoCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partCreate spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonReplace destination table (if exists)Anstataŭigi celtabelon (se ĝi ekzistas)Convert field names to lowercaseKonverti kampnomojn minusklenDbManagerDlgSqlLayerWindow<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idUpdateĜisdatigiNameNomoDeleteForigi&Clear&VakigiColumn(s) with
unique valuesGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoRetrieve
kolumnojnSQL WindowSaved querySaveKonserviExecute query (Ctrl+R)ExecutePlenumiCtrl+RCtrl+RLayer name (prefix)TypeTipoVectorVektoroRasterRastrumoSet filterDbManagerDlgSqlWindowColumn(s) with
unique valuesSet filterDeleteForigiCreate a viewKrei vidon&Clear&VakigiLoad as new layerŜargi kiel nova tavoloGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoRetrieve
kolumnojnSQL WindowQueryInformpetoRows affectedDuration (secs)Query HistoryLoadŜargiLayer name (prefix)TypeTipoVectorVektoroRasterRastrumoSaved querySaveKonserviExecute query (Ctrl+R)ExecutePlenumiCtrl+RCtrl+RCancel query (ESC)CancelNuligi<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idNameNomoDbManagerDlgTablePropertiesTable propertiesTabeloatributojColumnsKolumnojTable columns:Tabelaj kolumnoj:Add columnAldoni kolumnonAdd geometry columnAldoni geometrian kolumnonEdit columnRedakti kolumnonDelete columnForigi kolumnonConstraintsLimigojPrimary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints:Add primary key / uniqueAldoni ĉefŝlosilo / unikaDelete constraintForigi limigonIndexesIndeksojIndexes defined for this table:Indeksoj difinitaj por tio tabelo:Add indexAldoni indeksonAdd spatial indexAldoni spacan indeksonDelete indexForigi indeksonDbManagerQueryBuilderDlgColumnsKolumnojGroup byGrupigi laŭOrder byOrdigi perDataDatumoShow system tablesTablesTabelojSQL Query BuilderWhereAggregatesFunctionsFunkciojMathStrings functionsOperatorsOperatorojColumns' valuesOnly 10 first valuesSpatial indexSpaca indeksoTable (with spatial index)Tabelo (kun spaca indekso)Table (Target)Use spatial indexUzi spacan indekson&Reset&RekomecigiDefineProjectionVector generalInput LayerEniga tavoloLayer with projectionTavolo kun projekcioDefine layer projectionData source isn't a shapefile, skipping .prj/.qpj creationDelaunayVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloDelaunay triangulationInput file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.DeleteColumndrop,delete,remove,fields,columns,attributesVector tableVektora tabeloFields to dropDrop field(s)Remaining fieldsField “{}” does not exist in input layerDeleteDuplicateGeometriesVector generalInput layerEniga tavoloCleanedDelete duplicate geometriesForigi la duobligitajn geometriojnDeleteModelActionDelete Model…Are you sure you want to delete this model from the current project?DeleteModelActionDelete ModelDeleteModelActionAre you sure you want to delete this model?DeleteModelActionĈu vi vere vola forigi tion modelon?DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionDelete Preconfigured Algorithm…Delete AlgorithmDeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionAre you sure you want to delete this algorithm?DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionĈu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi tion algoritmon?DeleteScriptActionDelete Script…Delete ScriptAre you sure you want to delete this script?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi tion skripton?Can not find corresponding script file.DensifyGeometriesadd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesVector geometryVektora geometrioVertices to addDensify by countDensifiedDensifyGeometriesIntervaladd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesVector geometryVektora geometrioInterval between vertices to addDensify by intervalDensifiedDestinationSelectionPanel[Save to temporary file][Konservi en provizora dosiero][Save to temporary folder][Create temporary layer][Krei provizoran tavolon][Skip output]Save to GeoPackage…Skip OutputCreate Temporary LayerSave to a Temporary FileSave to File…Save to PostGIS Table…Change File Encoding ({})…GeoPackage files (*.gpkg);;All files (*.*)OutputFileGeoPackage-dosieroj (*.gpkg);;Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)Save to GeoPackageLayer nameTavola nomoSave fileKonservi dosieronFile encodingDosiera kodoprezentoSelect DirectoryDialogParametersParametrojDialogDialogujoLogCancelNuligi output tableeliga tabeloSelect connection and schemaElekti konekton kaj skemonTable nameNew expressionNova esprimoNameNomoExpressionEsprimoPredefined formulaAntaŭdifinita formuloVariablesVariablojDirectorySelectorDialogAddAldoniRemoveForigiRemove allForigi ĉiujnSelect directoryElekti dosierujonDissolveInput layerEniga tavoloDissolve fieldGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileKeep input attributesKonservi la enigajn atributojnCount dissolved featuresCompute area and perimeter of dissolved featuresCompute min/max/sum/mean for attributeNumeric attribute to calculate statistics onAdditional creation optionsDissolvedDissolveVector geoprocessingDistanceInputPanelDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.DlgAddGeometryColumnDB ManagerDB AdministriloField name must not be empty.DlgAutofillAutofill settingsAutofill modeDo not autofillFill with numbersPlenigi kun numerojFill with parameter valuesPlenigi kun parametraj valorojParameter to useDlgCancelTaskQueryDialogDialogujoExecuting SQL...CancelNuligiDlgConfigProcessing optionsTraktadaj agordojEnter setting name to filter listDlgCreateIndexErrorEraroPlease enter a name for the index.DlgCreateTable&Create&KreiDB ManagerDB AdministriloNo field selected.Neniu elektita kampo.Field is already at the top.Field is already at the bottom.A valid schema must be selected first.A valid table name is required.At least one field is required.A name is required for the geometry column.Table created successfully.DlgExportVectorChoose where to save the fileExport to fileEksporti kiel dosieroOutput file name is requiredBezonas eligan dosiernomonInvalid source srid: must be an integerInvalid target srid: must be an integerError {0}
{1}Eraro {0}
{1}Export finished.Eksporto finis.DlgFieldPropertiesDB ManagerDB AdministriloField name must not be empty.Field type must not be empty.DlgFixedTableFixed tableFiksita tabeloDlgHelpEditionHelp EditorSelect element to editElement descriptionElementa priskriboDlgHistoryHistoryHistorioDlgImportVectorChoose the file to importImport to DatabaseInput layer missing or not valid.Output table name is required.Invalid source srid: must be a valid crs.Invalid target srid: must be a valid crs.Error {0}
{1}Eraro {0}
{1}Import was successful.Importo suksesisDlgModelerExport as imageEksporti kiel bildoExport as Python scriptEksporti kiel Python-skriptoEdit model helpRedakti helpon de la modeloProcessing ModelerNavigationNavigadoOpen model...Malfermi modelon...Open model (Ctrl+O)Malfermi modelon (Ctrl+O)Ctrl+OCtrl+OSave modelKonservi modelonSave model (Ctrl+S)Konservi modelon (Ctrl+S)Ctrl+SCtrl+SSave model as...Konservi modelon kiel...Save model as (Ctrl+S)Konservi modelon kiel (Ctrl+S)Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+SZoom to &100%Ctrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom inZomiCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom outMalzomiCtrl+-Ctrl+-Export as image...Eksporti kiel bildo...Zoom fullCtrl+0Ctrl+0Export as PDF...Eksporti kiel PDF...Export as PDFEksporti kiel PDFExport as SVG...Eksporti kiel SVG...Export as SVGEksporti kiel SVGExport as Python script...Eksporti kiel Python-skripto...Edit model help...Redakti helpon de la modelo...Run model...Ruli modelon...Run model (F5)Ruli modelon (F5)F5F5Save model in projectDlgMultipleSelectionMultiple selectionPlura elektaĵoDlgNumberInputEnter number or expressionEnigi numeron aŭ esprimon<html><head/><body><p>Enter expression in the text field. Double-click on elements in the tree to add their values to the expression.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Warning</span>: if expression result is float value, but integer required, result will be rounded to integer.</p></body></html>DlgRenderingStylesDialogDialogujoOutputEligoStyleStiloDlgSqlLayerWindowColumn(s) with unique valuesColumn with unique values{0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsDlgSqlWindow{0} - {1} [{2}]{0} - {1} [{2}]Column(s) with unique valuesColumn with unique valuesCancel (ESC){0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsDlgTablePropertiesDB ManagerDB AdministriloNo columns were selected.Delete ColumnForigi kolumnonAre you sure you want to delete column '{0}'?Delete ConstraintAre you sure you want to delete constraint '{0}'?No constraints were selected.The selected table has no geometry.Create Spatial IndexCreate spatial index for field {0}?No indices were selected.Delete IndexAre you sure you want to delete index '{0}'?DlgVersioningSchemaSkemoTableTabeloNew columnsNovaj kolumnojAdd Change Logging Support to a TableTable should be empty, with a primary keyCreate a view with current content (<TABLE>_current)Primary keyĈefŝlosiloid_histid_histStart timetime_starttime_startEnd timeFintempotime_endtime_endUser roleuser_roleSQL to be executedDnDTreeBase configurationBaza agordoConfigure ContainerControl visibility by expressionVisibility ExpressionTitleTitoloColumn countNombro da kolumnojShow as group boxMontri kiel grupkestoConfigure Relation EditorShow link buttonShow unlink buttonConfigure QML WidgetInsert QML code here...Free text...RectangleOrtanguloPie chartTorta diagramoBar chartQML CodeConfigure FieldDockWidgetResults ViewerDualEdgeTriangulationReading points…WarningAvertoFile could not be written.EditModelActionEdit Model…EditScriptActionEdit Script…Edit ScriptCan not find corresponding script file.EffectPropertiesWidgetFormFormularoEffect typeThis effect doesn't have any editable propertiesEliminateSelectionVector geometryVektora geometrioLargest AreaSmallest AreaLargest Common BoundaryInput layerEniga tavoloMerge selection with the neighbouring polygon with theEliminatedEliminate selected polygons{0}: (No selection in input layer "{1}")Could not replace geometry of feature with id {0}Could not commit changesEnumModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to delete all items?ExampleAlgorithmCreate copy of layerKrei kopion de la tavoloAlgorithms for vector layersAlgoritmoj por vektoraj tavolojInput layerEniga tavoloOutput layer with selected featuresEliga tavolo kun elektitaj entojExampleProcessingAlgorithmMy ScriptExample scriptsExample algorithm short descriptionInput layerEniga tavoloOutput layerEliga tavoloExecuteSQLExecute SQLPlenumi SQLVector generalAdditional input datasources (called input1, .., inputN in the query)SQL querySQL-informpetoUnique identifier fieldUnika identigila kampoGeometry fieldGeometria kampoAutodetectAŭtomate rekoniNo geometrySen geometrioGeometry typeGeometritipoCRSCRSSQL OutputEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Malplena SQL. Bonvolu enigi validan SQL esprimon kaj ree provi.ExecuteSqlNoneNeniuOGR SQLOGR SQLSQLiteSQLiteInput layerEniga tavoloSQL expressionSQL dialectAdditional creation optionsSQL resultSQL-rezultoExecute SQLPlenumi SQLVector miscellaneousEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Malplena SQL. Bonvolu enigi validan SQL esprimon kaj ree provi.ExportGeometryInfoexport,add,information,measurements,areas,lengths,perimeters,latitudes,longitudes,x,y,z,extract,points,lines,polygons,sinuosity,fieldsVector geometryVektora geometrioLayer CRSProject CRSProjekta RKSEllipsoidalInput layerEniga tavoloCalculate usingAdded geom infoAdd geometry attributesExtentFromLayerpolygon,from,vector,raster,extent,envelope,bounds,bounding,boundary,layerLayer toolsInput layerEniga tavoloExtract layer extentExtentExtentSelectionPanel[Leave blank to use min covering extent]Use Canvas ExtentUse Layer Extent…Select Extent on CanvasUse Min Covering Extent from Input LayersSelect ExtentUse extent fromExtractProjectionInput fileEniga dosieroCreate also .prj fileExtract projectionEltiri projekcionRaster projectionsExtractSpecificVerticesVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloVertex indicesVerticesExtract specific verticespoints,vertex,nodes'{}' is not a valid vertex indexFeatureSourceWidgetWrapperSelect fileElekti dosieronSelected features onlyFieldsCalculatorField calculatorKampo kalkuliloCreate a new fieldKrei novan kamponOutput field nameEliga kampnomoOutput field typeEliga kampa tipoOutput field widthEliga kampa larĝoWidth of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width.PrecisionPrecizecoInput layerEniga tavoloUpdate existing fieldOutput fileEliga dosiero......Vector tableVektora tabeloFloatGlitpunktaIntegerEntjeroStringĈenoDateDatoResult field nameField typeKampa tipoField lengthGrando de kampoField precisionKampprecizecoCreate new fieldKrei novan kamponFormulaFormuloCalculatedKalkulitaField name is not set. Please enter a field nameFieldsCalculatorDialog[Save to temporary file][Konservi en provizora dosiero]Save fileKonservi dosieronUnable to execute algorithmNe eblas plenumi la algoritmonProcessingTraktadoFieldsMapperattributes,tableFields mappingKampa mapigoRefactoredParser error in expression "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}Eraro de taksado en la esprimo "{}": {}Refactor fieldsVector tableVektora tabeloFieldsMappingModelSource expressionField nameNomo de kampoTypeTipoLengthLongoPrecisionPrecizecoFieldsMappingPanelDo you want to reset the field mapping?FieldsPyculatorVector tableVektora tabeloIntegerEntjeroFloatGlitpunktaStringĈenoInput layerEniga tavoloResult field nameField typeKampa tipoField lengthGrando de kampoField precisionKampprecizecoGlobal expressionMalloka esprimoFormulaFormuloCalculatedKalkulitaFieldPyculator code execute error.Global code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error. Field code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error
Field code block does not return '{0}' variable! Please declare this variable in your code!Advanced Python field calculatorAltnivela Python kampa kalkuliloFileDirectorySelectorSelect directoryElekti dosierujonSelect fileElekti dosieronAll files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)FileSelectionPanelSelect FolderSelect FileElekti dosieron{} files{} dosieroj);;All files (*.*));;Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)FileWidgetWrapperSelect fileElekti dosieron{} files{} dosieroj);;All files (*.*));;Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)All files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)Select FileElekti dosieronFindProjectioncrs,srs,coordinate,reference,system,guess,estimate,finder,determineVector generalInput layerEniga tavoloTarget area for layerCRS candidatesFind projectionFound candidate CRS: {}No matching projections foundFixedTableDialogAdd rowAldoni viconRemove row(s)Forigi vico(j)nRemove allForigi ĉiujnFixedTablePanelFixed table {0}x{1}FormFormFormularoInsertEnmeti((sqrtsqrt))^^--//>>**ANDAND<=<=LayersTavolojOperatorsOperatorojacosacosasinasin<<sinsintantan>=>=atanatancoscoslog10log10ORORlnlnAdd…Aldoni…Save…Konservi…==!=!=++ExpressionEsprimoPredefined expressionsAntaŭdifinitaj esprimojVector layerVektora tavoloInterpolation attributeInterpolada atributoAttributeAtributoTypeTipoUse Z-coordinate for interpolationUzi Z-koordinaton por la interpolado......Toggle advanced modeLower boundMalsupra limoUpper boundSupra limoColorKoloroAdd rowAldoni viconRemove rowForigi viconMove upMove downLoad colors from fileŜargi kolorojn el dosieroSave colors to fileKonservi kolorojn al dosieroGenerate color table automaticallyAŭtomate generi kolortabelonRemove row(s)Forigi vico(j)nOpenMalfermiSaveKonserviLoad layers on completionIterate over this layerIteracii la tavolonAdvanced parametersSpecialaj parametrojMinMinMaxMaxFieldsKampojAdd new fieldAldoni novan kamponaddaldoniDelete selected fieldForigi elektitan kampondeleteforigiMove selected field upupMove selected field downdownReset all fieldsRekomenigi ĉiujn kampojnresetLoad fields from layerŜargi kampojn el tavoloLoad fields from selected layerŜargi kampojn el elektita tavoloLoad fieldsŜargi kampojnequalscontainsenhavastouchestouchesintersectsintersectswithinwithinoverlapsoverlapscrossescrossesdisjointdisjointNumber of rows (pixels) in output rasterColumnsKolumnojResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsPixel size XNumber of columns (pixels) in output rasterRowsVicojPixel size Y……Remove itemForigi eronAdd itemClear allVakigi ĉiunAllow multiple selectionFixed number of rowsAdd columnAldoni kolumnonRemove columnGPKGDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".GPKGDatabaseRun &VacuumRuli &vacuum&Database&DatumbazoNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Mankas elektitan datumbazon, aŭ vi ne konektas al ĝinGdalAlgorithmProviderActivateAktivigiLocation of GDAL docsGdalParametersPanelGDAL/OGR console call[temporary file][provizora dosiero]Invalid value for parameter '{0}'GeometryByExpressionVector geometryVektora geometrioPolygonPluranguloOutput geometry typeEliga geometritipoOutput geometry has z dimensionEliga geometrio havas z dimensionOutput geometry has m valuesEliga geometrio havas m valorojnGeometry expressionGeometry by expressionModified geometryModifita geometrioEvaluation error: {0}Eraro de taksado: {0}{} is not a geometryGeometryConvertVector geometryVektora geometrioCentroidsNodesNodojLinestringsMultilinestringsPolygonsPlurangulojInput layerEniga tavoloNew geometry typeConvertedKonvertitaCannot convert from {0} to LineStringsCannot convert from {0} to MultiLineStringsCannot convert from Point to PolygonConvert geometry typeGeometryGeneratorWidgetBaseFormFormularoGeometry typeGeometritipoGlobePluginLaunch Globe&GlobeGrass7AlgorithmCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}ProcessingTraktadoGRASS GIS 7 region extentGRASS GIS 7 region cellsize (leave 0 for default)Output Rasters format options (createopt)Output Rasters format metadata options (metaopt)v.in.ogr snap tolerance (-1 = no snap)v.in.ogr min areav.out.ogr output typev.out.ogr output data source options (dsco)v.out.ogr output layer options (lco)GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 execution commandsprocessInputs end. Commands: {}processCommands end. Commands: {}Grass7AlgorithmProviderActivateAktivigiGRASS7 folderGRASS7-dosierujoLog execution commandsLog console outputLocation of GRASS docsFor vector layers, use v.external (faster) instead of v.in.ogrCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}ProcessingTraktadoCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}Grass7UtilsGRASS GIS 7 execution console outputGRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 binary {0} can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH {1} environment variable.GRASS 7 can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH environment variable.The specified GRASS 7 folder "{}" does not contain a valid set of GRASS 7 modules.
Please, go to the Processing settings dialog, and check that the GRASS 7
folder is correctly configuredGrassAlgorithmr.horizon.height - Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.r.sunmask.datetime - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.sunmask.position - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.in.lidar.info - Extract information from LAS filePerforms bilinear or bicubic spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).Calculates solar elevation, solar azimuth, and sun hours.Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.renyi.ascii - Calculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapr.blend.combine - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and export into a unique raster.Performs contextual image classification using sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) estimation.Generates spectral signatures for land cover types in an image using a clustering algorithm.i.eb.hsebal01.coords - Computes sensible heat flux iteration SEBAL 01. Inline coordinatesComputes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculation.Calculates Optimum-Index-Factor table for spectral bandsRaster map calculator.Calculates shape index on a raster mapCalculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapComputes potential evapotranspiration calculation with hourly Penman-Monteith.r.li.shape.ascii - Calculates shape index on a raster mapIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.Computes topographic correction of reflectance.Computes evapotranspiration calculation Priestley and Taylor formulation, 1972.Calculates different types of vegetation indices.Generates statistics for i.smap from raster map.Computes evaporative fraction (Bastiaanssen, 1995) and root zone soil moisture (Makin, Molden and Bastiaanssen, 2001).Actual evapotranspiration for diurnal period (Bastiaanssen, 1995). r.mask.rast - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation.i.topo.coor.ill - Creates illumination model for topographic correction of reflectance.Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapr.walk.points - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from point vector layers.Computes broad band albedo from surface reflectance. Imports SPOT VGT NDVI data into a raster map.Performs Landsat TM/ETM+ Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment (ACCA).Performs auto-balancing of colors for RGB images.Computes evapotranspiration calculation modified or original Hargreaves formulation, 2001.Principal components analysis (PCA) for image processing.Calculates top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLIClassifies the cell spectral reflectances in imagery data.Performs Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation.Computes temporal integration of satellite ET actual (ETa) following the daily ET reference (ETo) from meteorological station(s).Net radiation approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).r.li.pielou.ascii - Calculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapRegroup multiple mono-band rasters into a single multiband raster.Rapidly fills 'no data' cells (NULLs) of a raster map with interpolated values (IDW).Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsSoil heat flux approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).Mosaics several images and extends colormap.Calculates Top of Atmosphere Radiance/Reflectance/Brightness Temperature from ASTER DN.r.li.simpson.ascii - Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapr.stats.quantile.out - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output statisticsCalculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapCalculates multiple linear regression from raster maps.r.topmodel.topidxstats - Builds a TOPMODEL topographic index statistics file.r.category.out - Exports category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapFinds shortest path using timetables.Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POV-RayImports E00 file into a vector mapExports a vector map to a GRASS ASCII vector representation.Exports a vector map layer to PostGIS feature table. Converts raster maps into the VTK-ASCII formatA simple utility for converting bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa. It assumes a Cartesian coordinate systemExports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-FileSplit lines to shorter segments by length.r.li.edgedensity.ascii - Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmConverts (rasterize) a vector layer into a raster layer.Computes bridges and articulation points in the network.Export a raster layer into a GRASS ASCII text fileExports a raster map to a text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersSelects vector objects from a vector layer and creates a new layer containing only the selected objects.Converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image fileUploads raster values at positions of vector centroids to the table.Creates a vector map from an ASCII points file or ASCII vector file.Creates a buffer around vector features of given type. Performs network maintenanceCalculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics)Reclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas lower than a user specified sizeExport a GRASS raster map as a non-georeferenced PNG imageConverts 2D vector features to 3D by sampling of elevation raster map.r.walk.coords - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a list of coordinates.Fills lake at given point to given level.Re-projects a vector map from one location to the current locationPerforms surface interpolation from vector points map by splines.Converts raster map series to MPEG moviePerforms cluster identificationProduces a vector map of specified contours from a raster map. Exports a vector map to SVG file.Decimates a point cloudr.li.shannon.ascii - Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapCalculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCalculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCalculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.what.coords - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a point.Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmCreates/modifies the color table associated with a raster map.r.li.padcv.ascii - Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapSplits a raster map into tilesCreates a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension.r.li.mps.ascii - Calculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmGenerates random surface(s) with spatial dependence.r.what.points - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a layer of points.Creates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values (low-memory alternative).Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapManages category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.Calculates range of patch area size on a raster mapCalculates richness index on a raster mapr.stats.quantile.rast - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output rasters.r.blend.rgb - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and exports into three rasters.Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapGenerates rate of spread raster maps.Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapMakes each output cell value an accumulation function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.Computes USLE R factor, Rainfall erosivity index.Interpolates raster maps located (temporal or spatial) in between input raster maps at specific sampling positions.Imagery (i.*)r.li.cwed.ascii - Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapr.mask.vect - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation with a vector layer.Creates topographic index layer from elevation raster layerCalculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapResamples raster map layers using an analytic kernel.Exports the color table associated with a raster map.Queries colors for a raster map layer. Splits a raster map into red, green and blue maps.Computes USLE Soil Erodibility Factor (K).r.li.dominance.ascii - Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapLocates the closest points between objects in two raster maps.r.li.padsd.ascii - Calculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.walk.rast - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a raster.r.li.patchnum.ascii - Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.patchdensity.ascii - Calculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmNumerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined solute transport in two dimensionsCreates a latitude/longitude raster map.Simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.Simulates elliptically anisotropic spread.Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map. Exports GRASS vector map layers to DXF file format.Generates a raster layer with contiguous areas grown by one cell.Converts a raster layer to a PPM image file at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region.Generates random cell values with spatial dependence.Stream network extractionMiscellaneous (m.*)Create a new vector map layer by combining other vector map layers.Performs an affine transformation on a vector layer.Reinterpolates using regularized spline with tension and smoothing.Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.Creates parallel line to input vector lines.Recodes categorical raster maps.Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.Exports GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)Indices for quadrat counts of vector point lists.Detects the object's edges from a LIDAR data set.Thins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster layer.Maldikigas la nenulajn ĉelojn kiu denotas liniaj entoj en rastruma tavolo.Import GetFeature from WFSProduces a raster layer of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user.Produces the quantization file for a floating-point map.Creates a GRASS vector layer of a user-defined grid.Extracts terrain parameters from a DEM.Creates a composite raster layer by using one (or more) layer(s) to fill in areas of "no data" in another map layer.Raster (r.*)Rastrumo (r.*)Transforms raster maps from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space to HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space.Correction of the v.lidar.growing output. It is the last of the three algorithms for LIDAR filtering.Generates watershed subbasins raster map.Outputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified raster layer(s).Compute quantiles using two passes.Vector (v.*)Vektoro (v.*)Classifies attribute data, e.g. for thematic mapping.Random location perturbations of GRASS vector pointsChanges vector category values for an existing vector map according to results of SQL queries or a value in attribute table column.Reports statistics for raster layers.r.relief.scaling - Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).Randomly generate a 2D/3D vector points map.Resamples raster layers to a coarser grid using aggregation.Calculates category or object oriented statistics.Create points along input linesComputes minimum spanning tree for the network.Computes the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in the networkComputes vertex connectivity between two sets of nodes in the network.Creates Steiner tree for the network and given terminalsv.net.report - Reports lines information of a networkPerforms visibility graph construction.Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result.Flow computation for massive grids.Computes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse land. Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a raster map.Surface interpolation from vector point data by Inverse Distance Squared Weighting.Construction of flowlines, flowpath lengths, and flowaccumulation (contributing areas) from a raster digital elevation model (DEM).Generates raster layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster layer.Tests for normality for points.Calculates linear regression from two raster layers : y = a + b*x.Finds the mode of values in a cover layer within areas assigned the same category value in a user-specified base layer.Reports geometry statistics for vectors.Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.Watershed basin creation program.Resamples raster map to a finer grid using interpolation.Generates red, green and blue raster layers combining hue, intensity and saturation (HIS) values from user-specified input raster layers.Produces tilings of the source projection for use in the destination region and projection.r.li.richness.ascii - Calculates richness index on a raster mapr.li.mpa.ascii - Calculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapSets color rules based on stddev from a raster map's mean value.Generate images with textural features from a raster map.r.li.padrange.ascii - Calculates range of patch area size on a raster mapCreates a Delaunay triangulation from an input vector map containing points or centroids.Generates area statistics for raster layers.Traces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map.Produces a convex hull for a given vector map.Creates points/segments from input vector lines and positions.Samples a raster layer at vector point locations.Creates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer.Transforms raster maps from HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space.Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map.Calculates univariate statistics for attribute. Variance and standard deviation is calculated only for points if specified.Zero-crossing "edge detection" raster function for image processing.Prints vector map attributesPerforms raster map matrix filter.Prints terse list of category values found in a raster layer.Overlays two vector maps.Builds polylines from lines or boundaries.Imports geonames.org country files into a GRASS vector points map.Converts vector polygons or points to lines.Konverti vektorajn plurangulojn aŭ punktojn en liniojn.Converts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.Import ASCII x,y[,z] coordinates as a series of lines.v.kernel.vector - Generates a vector density map from vector points on a vector network.Rectifies a vector by computing a coordinate transformation for each object in the vector based on the control points.v.kernel.rast - Generates a raster density map from vector points map.Change the type of geometry elements.Imports Mapgen or Matlab-ASCII vector maps into GRASS.Exports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file.Removes outliers from vector point data.Edits a vector map, allows adding, deleting and modifying selected vector features.Converts a vector map to VTK ASCII output.Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with defined height.Performs transformation of 2D vector features to 3D.v.build.check - Checks for topological errors.Creates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.Calculates univariate statistics from a raster map based on vector polygons and uploads statistics to new attribute columns.Count points in areas and calculate statistics.Nombri punktojn en aeroj kaj kalkuli statistikojn.Uploads vector values at positions of vector points to the table.Surface area estimation for rasters.Combines red, green and blue raster maps into a single composite raster map.Converts a raster into a vector layer.Konvertas rastrumon en vektoran tavolonCreates a cross product of the category values from multiple raster map layers.Fills no-data areas in raster maps using spline interpolation.Visualization and animation tool for GRASS data.Canonical components analysis (CCA) program for image processing.Extracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layers.Generates statistics for i.maxlik from raster map.Computes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes in the network.v.net.nreport - Reports nodes information of a networkCreates raster plane layer given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point.Splits network by cost isolines.Output basic information about a raster layer.Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute.Allocates subnets for nearest centers (direction from center)Computes shortest distance via the network between the given sets of features.Finds the nearest element in vector map 'to' for elements in vector map 'from'.Computes strongly and weakly connected components in the network.Computes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness and eigenvector centrality measures in the network.Creates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem)Finds shortest path on vector networkCreates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values.Filters and generates a depressionless elevation layer and a flow direction layer from a given elevation raster layer.GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability using nearest neighbors.Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster layer.Manages NULL-values of given raster map.Makes each cell category value a function of the category values assigned to the cells around itSediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).Generates a raster layer of distance to features in input layer.Tabulates the mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two raster map layers.Watershed basin analysis program.Creates a raster layer of Gaussian deviates.Creates a raster layer and vector point map containing randomly located points.Selects features from vector map (A) by features from other vector map (B).Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point.Recategorizes data in a raster map by grouping cells that form physically discrete areas into unique categories.Creates a Voronoi diagram from an input vector layer containing points.Outputs the raster layer values lying on user-defined line(s).Outputs basic information about a user-specified vector map.Randomly partition points into test/train sets.Takes vector stream data, transforms it to raster and subtracts depth from the output DEM.Building contour determination and Region Growing algorithm for determining the building insideOverland flow hydrologic simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster layers.Creates a raster layer of cumulative cost of moving across a raster layer whose cell values represent cost.Rescales the range of category values in a raster layer.Solar irradiance and irradiation model.Computes the viewshed of a point on an elevation raster map.Calculates the volume of data "clumps".Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.Vector based generalization.Surface generation program from rasterized contours.Converts to POV-Ray format, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,z,ySurface interpolation utility for raster layers.Visualization(NVIZ)Makes each cell value a function of attribute values and stores in an output raster map.Converts files in DXF format to GRASS vector map format.Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for image processing.Performs atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm.Export a raster layer to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)Numerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined groundwater flow in two dimensions.GridCreate gridKrei kradongrid,lines,polygons,vector,create,fishnet,diamond,hexagonVector creationPointPunktoLineLinioRectangle (polygon)Ortangulo (plurangulo)Diamond (polygon)Hexagon (polygon)Grid typeTipo de kradoGrid extentHorizontal spacingVertical spacingHorizontal overlayVertical overlayGridKradoInvalid grid spacing: {0}/{1}Horizontal spacing is too large for the covered areaInvalid overlay: {0}/{1}Vertical spacing is too large for the covered areaTo preserve symmetry, hspacing is fixed relative to vspacing
hspacing is fixed at: {0} and hoverlay is fixed at: {1}
hoverlay cannot be negative. Increase hoverlay.GridAveragePoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (moving average)Grid (Moving average)Raster analysisGridDataMetricsMinimumMinimumaMaximumMaksimumaRangeIntervaloCountNombroAverage distanceAverage distance between pointsPoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldData metric to useThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (data metrics)Grid (Data metrics)Raster analysisGridInverseDistancePoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldWeighting powerSmoothingThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Maximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (IDW)Grid (Inverse distance to a power)Raster analysisGridInverseDistanceNearestNeighborPoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldWeighting powerSmoothingThe radius of the search circleMaximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (IDW with NN search)Grid (IDW with nearest neighbor searching)Raster analysisGridLinearPoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldSearch distance NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (Linear)Grid (Linear)Raster analysisGridNearestNeighborPoint layerPunkta tavoloZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeInterpolated (Nearest neighbor)Grid (Nearest neighbor)Raster analysisHeatmapheatmap,kde,hotspotInterpolationInterpoladoHeatmap (Kernel Density Estimation)QuarticTriangularUniformTriweightEpanechnikovRawScaledPoint layerPunkta tavoloRadiusRadiusoRadius from fieldHeatmapPixelSizeWidgetWrapperResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsHelpEditionDialogCannot open help file: {0}ProcessingTraktado<h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<h2>Priskribo de algoritmo</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<h2>Enigaj parametroj</h2>
Algorithm descriptionAlgoritma priskriboShort descriptionInput parametersEnigaj parametrojOutputsAlgorithm created byAlgoritmo kreata porAlgorithm help written byAlgorithm versionDocumentation help URLHillshadeRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoElevation layerZ factorZ faktoroAzimuth (horizontal angle)Azimuto (horizontala angulo)Vertical angleVertikala anguloHillshadeHistoryDialogClearVakigiConfirmationKonfirmoClear historyVakigi historionSave As…Konservi kiel…Save historyKonservi historionAre you sure you want to clear the history?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas vakigi la historion?Save FileKonservi dosieronCreate Test…Log files (*.log *.LOG)Protokolaj dosieroj (*.log *.LOG)HistoryDialogPythonConsoleDialogDialogujoReloadSaveKonserviHubDistanceLinesVector analysisMetersMetrojFeetMilesMejlojKilometersKilometrojLayer unitsTavolaj unuojSource points layerFonta punkta tavoloDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitMezurunuoHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (line to hub)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHubDistancePointsVector analysisMetersMetrojFeetMilesMejlojKilometersKilometrojLayer unitsTavolaj unuojSource points layerFonta punkta tavoloDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitMezurunuoHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (points)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHypsometricCurvesRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoDEM to analyzeBoundary layerLima tavoloStepUse % of area instead of absolute valueHypsometric curvesFeature {0} does not intersect raster or entirely located in NODATA areaFeature {0} is smaller than raster cell sizeAreaElevationIdwInterpolationInterpolationInterpoladoInput layer(s)Distance coefficient PNumber of columnsNombro da kolumnojNumber of rowsNombro da vicojExtentInterpolatedInterpolitaIDW interpolationYou need to specify at least one input layer.ImportIntoPostGISDatabaseDatumbazoLayer to importImportoda tavoloDatabase (connection name)Datumbazo (konekta nomo)Schema (schema name)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Primary key fieldĈefŝlosila kampoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoEncodingKodoprezentoOverwriteAnstataŭigiCreate spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonConvert field names to lowercaseKonverti kampnomojn minusklenDrop length constraints on character fieldsCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partExport to PostgreSQLExports a vector layer to a PostgreSQL databaseimport,postgis,table,layer,into,copyError importing to PostGIS
{0}ImportIntoSpatialiteDatabaseDatumbazoLayer to importImportoda tavoloFile databaseDosiera datumbazoTable to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Primary key fieldĈefŝlosila kampoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoEncodingKodoprezentoOverwriteAnstataŭigiCreate spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonConvert field names to lowercaseKonverti kampnomojn minusklenDrop length constraints on character fieldsCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partExport to SpatiaLiteExports a vector layer to a SpatiaLite databaseimport,table,layer,into,copyError importing to Spatialite
{0}InPlaceAlgorithmLocatorFilterEdit Selected FeaturesMissing dependencyInfoViewerDB ManagerDB AdministriloInterpolationDataWidgetPointsPunktojStructure linesBreak linesKNearestConcaveHullConcave hull (k-nearest neighbor)Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.Vector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloNumber of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother)Field (set if creating concave hulls by class)Concave hullKeepNBiggestPartsVector geometryVektora geometrioPolygonsPlurangulojParts to keepPartsKeep N biggest partsKonsole::TerminalDisplay<qt>Output has been <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control">suspended</a> by pressing Ctrl+S. Press <b>Ctrl+Q</b> to resume.</qt>Konsole::Vt102EmulationNo keyboard translator available. The information needed to convert key presses into characters to send to the terminal is missing.LayerPropertiesWidgetFormFormularoSymbol layer typeThis layer doesn't have any editable propertiesTiu tavolo havas nenian redakteblan atributonEnable layerŜalti tavolon……Line3DSymbolWidgetFormFormularoHeightAltoExtrusionAbsoluteAbsolutaRelativeRelativaTerrainTerenoAltitude clampingAltitude bindingVertexVerticoCentroidWidthLarĝoRender as simple 3D linesLinesToPolygonsline,polygon,convertVector geometryVektora geometrioLines to polygonsLinioj al plurangulojPolygonsPlurangulojOne or more line ignored due to geometry not having a minimum of three vertices.MainWindow&Edit&Redakti&View&VidoSelectElektiMeasureMezuriSave ToOpen FromImport/Export&Decorations&Layer&Tavolo&Plugins&Kromprogramoj&Help&Helpo&Settings&Agordoj&Raster&RastrumoVect&orVekt&oroCtrl+NCtrl+NCase sensitiveWhole wordReplaceFind what:Replace with:FindSerĉiProcessing Script EditorToolbarOpen Script…Open ScriptSave Script…Save ScriptSave Script as…Save Script asRun ScriptRuli skriptonIncrease Font SizeDecrease Font SizeFind && &ReplaceCtrl+OCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+SCtrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+SCutEltondiCopyKopiiPasteAlgluiUndoMalfariRedoRefariCtrl+PCtrl+PMenu ToolbarMenuaj ilobretojPreview ModeAntaŭrigarda modoCreate LayerKrei tavolonAdd LayerAldoni tavolonStatusbarManage Layers ToolbarAdministri la tavolan ilobretonDigitizing ToolbarCifereciga ilobretoAdvanced Digitizing ToolbarAltnivela cifereciga ilobretoMap Navigation ToolbarMapnavigada ilobretoAttributes ToolbarPlugins ToolbarKromprograma ilobretoHelp ToolbarHelpa ilobretoRaster ToolbarLabel ToolbarEtikeda ilobretoVector ToolbarDatabase ToolbarWeb Toolbar&New&Nova&Save&KonserviExit QGISEliri el QGISCtrl+QCtrl+Q&Undo&MalfariCtrl+ZCtrl+Z&Redo&RefariCtrl+Shift+ZCtrl+Shift+ZCut FeaturesEltondi entojnCtrl+XCtrl+XCopy FeaturesKopii entojnCtrl+CCtrl+CPaste FeaturesAlglui entojnCtrl+VCtrl+VAdd FeatureAldoni entonCtrl+.Ctrl+.Move Feature(s)Movi ento(j)nReshape FeaturesSplit FeaturesSplit PartsDelete SelectedForigi elektitanAdd RingAldoni ringonAdd PartSimplify FeatureSimpligi entojnDelete RingForigi ringonDelete PartMerge Selected FeaturesKunfandi elektitajn entojnMerge Attributes of Selected FeaturesKunfandi atributojn de elektitaj entojRotate Point SymbolsTurni punktajn simbolojnOffset Point SymbolReverse line&Snapping Options…Pan MapZoom InZomiZoom OutMalzomiSelect Features by PolygonElekti entojn pluranguleSelect Features by FreehandElekti entojn libermaneSelect Features by RadiusDeselect Features from All LayersMalselekti entojn el ĉiuj tavolojSelect All FeaturesElekti ĉiujn entojnCtrl+ACtrl+AInvert Feature SelectionInversigi entan elektaĵonIdentify FeaturesIdentigi entojnCtrl+Shift+ICtrl+Shift+IMeasure LineMezuri linionCtrl+Shift+MCtrl+Shift+MMeasure AreaMezuri areonCtrl+Shift+JCtrl+Shift+JMeasure AngleMezuri angulonCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+JCtrl+JZoom LastZoom NextShow information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over itMontri informojn pri ento kiam la muso glisas sur ĝiNew Bookmark...Nova legosigno...Ctrl+BCtrl+BShow BookmarksMontri la legosignojnCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BRefreshAktualigiText AnnotationTeksta prinotoForm AnnotationFormulara prinotoMove AnnotationMovi prinotonLabelingEtikedadoLayer Labeling OptionsTavolaj etikedadaj agordojNew Shapefile Layer...Nova Shapefile-tavolo...F6F6Save Layer AsLayer PropertiesTavolaj atributojShow in OverviewShow All in OverviewHide All from OverviewToggle Full Scr&een ModeToggle Panel &VisibilityCtrl+TabCtrl+TabToggle Map OnlyCtrl+Shift+Tab&Properties…Project PropertiesProjektoatributojCustom Projections...Keyboard Shortcuts...Move Label and DiagramRotate Label
Ctrl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg.Interface Customization...&Copyright Label…&Kopirajta etikedo…Copyright LabelKopirajta etikedo&North Arrow…North Arrow&Scale Bar…Scale BarCopy StyleKopii stilonPaste StyleAlglui stilon&Grid…&Krado…Export Project to DXF…Import Layers from DWG/DXF…&Add Circle by a Center Point and Another Point&Add Rectangle from ExtentAdd &Rectangle from Center and a Point&Add Regular Polygon from Center and a PointAdd &Regular Polygon from 2 PointsAdd Rectangle &from 3 PointsAdd Circle &from 2 Tangents and a PointAdd Regular &Polygon from Center and a CornerNew &Print Layout…New &Report…CloseFermiRevert…Copy LayerPaste Layer/Group&Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Select Features by Expression...Ctrl+F3Ctrl+F3Temporary Scratch Layer...Hide Deselected LayersCtrl+Shift+NCtrl+Shift+NSelect Features by ValueCopy and Move Feature(s)Kopii kaj movi ento(j)n&Layout Extents…Layout Extents&Data Source ManagerOpen Data Source ManagerCtrl+LCtrl+LAdd Circle from &2 PointsAdd circle from 2 pointsAdd Circle from &3 PointsAdd circle from 3 pointsAdd Circle by a center point and another point&Add Ellipse from Center and 2 PointsAdd Ellipse from center and 2 pointsAdd Ellipse from &Center and a PointAdd Ellipse from center and a pointAdd Ellipse from &ExtentAdd Ellipse from extentAdd Ellipse from &FociAdd Ellipse from fociAdd rectangle from extentAdd rectangle from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from 2 pointsAdd &Circle from 3 TangentsAdd circle from 3 tangentsAdd rectangle from 3 pointsAdd circle from 2 tangents and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a cornerNew &3D Map ViewNew 3D Map ViewLayout Manager…Show Layout ManagerNew Print LayoutNew ReportClose ProjectRevert Project to Saved versionAdd Circular StringPaste Features AsNew Project&Open…Open ProjectSave ProjectSave &As…Save Project AsExport Map to &Image…Save Map as ImageExport Map to &PDF…Save Map as PDF&Vertex Tool (All Layers)Vertex Tool (All Layers)Show Map TipsAdd Circular String by RadiusDiagram OptionsDiagramaj agordojLayer Diagram OptionsTavolaj diagramaj agordojNew GeoPackage Layer...Nova GeoPackage-tavolo...Modify Attributes of Selected FeaturesModify the Attributes of all Selected Features SimultaneouslySelect Features by Value...Elekti entojn valore...F3F3Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ALayoutsAdd CircleAldoni cirklonAdd EllipseAldoni elipsonAdd RectangleAldoni ortangulonAdd Regular PolygonSnapping ToolbarData Source Manager ToolbarNew &Map ViewNew Map ViewAdd Vector Layer...Aldoni vektoran tavolon...Ctrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VAdd Raster Layer...Aldoni rastruman tavolon...Ctrl+Shift+RCtrl+Shift+RAdd PostGIS Layers...Aldoni PostGIS tavolojn...Ctrl+Shift+DCtrl+Shift+DAdd SpatiaLite Layer...Aldoni SpatiaLite tavolon...Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LAdd MSSQL Spatial Layer...Aldoni MSSQL Spatial tavolon...Add Oracle Spatial Layer...Ctrl+Shift+OCtrl+Shift+OAdd WMS/WMTS Layer...Aldoni WMS/WMTS-tavolon...Ctrl+Shift+WCtrl+Shift+WToggle EditingToggles the editing state of the current layerSave for Selected Layer(s)Save edits to current layer, but continue editingRemove Layer/GroupForigi tavolon/gruponFilter...Filtri...API DocumentationAPI dokumentadoFull Histogram StretchShow/Hide Labels And Diagrams
Click or marquee on feature to show label and diagram
Shift+click or marquee on label or diagram to hide it
Acts on currently active editable layerHTML AnnotationHTML prinotoSVG AnnotationSVG prinotoIncrease BrightnessPliigi la brileconDecrease BrightnessMalpliigi brileconIncrease ContrastPliigi la kontrastonDecrease ContrastMalpliigi la kontrastonNeed Commercial Support?Open Field Calculator...Malfermi kampan kalkulilon...New Vector Layer...Nova vektora tavolo...Paste features in clipboard into a new temporary scratch layer.Add from Layer Definition File...Aldoni el tavola difindosieronSave As Layer Definition File...Konservi kiel tavola difindosieronNormalNormalaNormal preview modeNormala antaŭrigarda modoSimulate Photocopy (Grayscale)Simulate photocopy (grayscale)Simulate Fax (Mono)Simulate fax (mono)Simulate Color Blindness (Protanope)Simulate color blindness (protanope)Simulate Color Blindness (Deuteranope)Simulate color blindness (deuteranope)Set Scale Visibility of Layer(s)Show Selected LayersMontri elektitajn tavolojnHide Selected LayersKaŝi elektitajn tavolojnStatistical SummaryShow statistical summaryAlign Rasters...Ĝisrandigi rastrumojn...Add circular stringAdd circular string by radiusReport an issueCtrl+DCtrl+DNew SpatiaLite Layer...Nova SpatiaLite-tavolo...New from TemplateShape Digitizing ToolbarRaster Calculator...Set CRS of Layer(s)Ctrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CSet Project CRS from LayerShow All LayersMontri ĉiujn tavolojnCtrl+Shift+UCtrl+Shift+UHide All LayersKaŝi ĉiujn tavolojnCtrl+Shift+HCtrl+Shift+HManage and Install Plugins...Administri kaj instali kromprogramojn...Open Field CalculatorMalfermi kampan kalkulilonAdd Delimited Text Layer...Add Delimited Text LayerPaste features in clipboard into a new OGR vector layer.Alglui entojn el la tondejo al nova OGR vektora tavolo.Project ToolbarProjekta ilobretoCtrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt+-Ctrl+Alt+-Select Feature(s)Elekti ento(j)nSelect Features by area or single clickZoom to Native Resolution (100%)F5F5Add DB2 Spatial Layer...Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+FCtrl+FF11F11Ctrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLocal Histogram StretchStretch histogram of active raster to view extentsHelp ContentsHelpaj enhavojF1F1QGIS Home PageQGIS hejmpaĝoCtrl+HCtrl+HCheck QGIS VersionKontroli QGIS-versionCheck if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access)AboutPriQGIS SponsorsQGIS sponsorojRotate LabelTurni etikedonChange LabelŜanĝi etikedonStyle Manager...Stila administrilo...Python ConsolePython konzoloStretch Histogram to Full DatasetThis is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomizationCtrl+MCtrl+MEmbed Layers and Groups...Enkorpigi tavolojn kaj grupojnEmbed layers and groups from other project filesEnkorpigi tavolojn kaj grupojn el aliaj projektdosierojCreates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas."Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas""Kreas nordsagon,ke estas vidigita sur la mapareo"Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvasKreas skalbreton, ke estas vidigita sur la mapareoAdd WFS Layer...Aldoni WFS-tavolonAdd WFS LayerAldoni WFS-tavolonFeature ActionEnta aktoRun Feature ActionRuli entan aktonPan Map to SelectionOffset CurveAdd WCS Layer...Aldoni WCS-tavolon...GridKradoPin/Unpin Labels and DiagramsPin/Unpin Labels and Diagrams
Click or marquee on label/diagram to pin
Shift unpins, Ctrl (Cmd) toggles state
Acts on all editable layersHighlight Pinned Labels and DiagramsNew Blank ProjectNova malplena projektoLocal Cumulative Cut StretchLocal cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values.Full Dataset Cumulative Cut StretchCumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values.Show/Hide Labels and DiagramsDuplicate Layer(s)Duobligi tavolo(j)nSave for All LayersKonservi por ĉiuj tavolojRollback for All LayersCancel for All LayersNuligi por ĉiaj tavolojRollback for Selected Layer(s)Current EditsCancel for Selected Layer(s)Nuligi por la elektitaj tavolojSave Layer EditsKonservi tavolajn redaktojnRotate Feature(s)Turni ento(j)nSelect features using an expressionElekti entojn esprimeAdd/Edit Virtual Layer...Aldoni/redakti virtualan tavolon...Add/Edit Virtual LayerAldoni/redakti virtualan tavolonFill RingAdd Arc&GIS MapServer Layer...Aldoni Arc&GIS MapServer-tavolon...Add ArcGIS MapServer LayerAldoni ArcGIS MapServer-tavolonAdd Ar&cGIS FeatureServer Layer...Aldoni Ar&cGIS FeatureServer-tavolon...Add ArcGIS FeatureServer LayerAldoni ArcGIS FeatureServer-tavolonOpen &RecentMalfermi &lastanPro&jectPro&jektoZoom &FullZoom to &LayerZoom to &SelectionOpen &Attribute TableMalfermi &atributan tabelon&Save As...&Konservi kiel...&Properties...&Atributoj...&Options...&Opcioj...Ctrl+Alt+PCtrl+Alt+PNew Temporary Scratch Layer...New temporary scratch layerProcessing AlgorithmsAlgoritmo de traktadoProcessing Algorithms ToolbarManageConnectionsDialogManage ConnectionsSave to fileKonservi en dosieroBrowseFoliumiLoad from fileŜargi el dosieroLoadŜargiSaveKonservieXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML)eXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML)Load ConnectionsSaved to {0}.File {0} exists. Overwrite?Save ConnectionsKonservi konektojnLoading ConnectionsŜargado de konektojMap3DConfigWidgetConfigure 3D Map RenderingTerrainTerenoTile resolutionElevationVertical scaleVertikala skalo px pxSkirt height map unitsMax. ground errorMap tile resolutionMax. screen errorZoom levels00Show labelsShow map tile infoShow bounding boxesMontri la limigajn kestojnShow camera's view centerMapLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileElekti dosieronMatrixModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to clear table?Enter column nameColumn nameMeanAndStdDevPlotGraphicsGrafikoInput tableEniga tabeloCategory name fieldValue fieldValora kampoPlotHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Mean and standard deviation plotMessageBarProgressExecuting algorithm <i>{0}</i>Plenumado de la algoritmo <i>{0}</i>Problem executing algorithmProblemo dum la plenumo de la algoritmoMetaSearchMetaSearch pluginMetaSearch kromprogramoSearch Metadata CatalogsMetaSearch plugin helpGet Help on MetaSearchMetaSearchDialogMetaSearchSearchSerĉiFindSerĉiSet globalMap extentAmplekso de la mapo-180-1809090-90-90180180 FromKeywordsŜlosilvortojXmaxXmaxYmaxYmaxXminXminYminYminResultsRezultojView Search Results as XML>>Service InfoGetCapabilities ResponseNew…Edit…Delete…Forigi…Save…Konservi…Add Default ServicesLoad…Connection NamingServer TimeoutResults Paging<<<<Add WCSAldoni WCSAdd WMS/WMTSAldoni WMS/WMTS<<Add WFSAldoni WFSTypeTipoTitleTitoloDouble-click to see full record information>>>>Add DataAdd ArcGIS MapServerAdd ArcGIS FeatureServerAdd GIS FileServicesServojSettingsAgordojShowMontriresults at a timeNo services/connections defined. To get started with MetaSearch, create a new connection by clicking 'New' or click 'Add default services'.Loading connectionsŜargado de konektojSearch errorSerĉa eraroConnection errorEraro de konektoSearch keywordsNew Catalog ServiceEdit Catalog ServiceRemove service {0}?Delete Service{0} exists. Overwrite?Search error: {0}Connection error: {0}0 results0 rezultojShowing {0} - {1} of %n result(s)number of resultsCoordinate Transformation ErrorEnd of results. Go to start?NavigationNavigadoStart of results. Go to end?Connection {0} exists. Overwrite?Error getting response: {0}Unable to locate record identifierError connecting to service: {0}Value Error: {0}Valora eraro: {0}Unknown Error: {0}Nekonata eraro: {0}Saving serverGetRecords errorCSW Connection errorCSW konekta erarosecondssekundojRecord parsing errorWhen saving the connection of an OWS serviceUse the OWS Service Title and ask before overwritingUse the OWS Service Title and always overwrite if already availableUse a temporary name, which you can change laterMinimumBoundingGeometryVector geometryVektora geometrioEnvelope (Bounding Box)Minimum Oriented RectangleMinimum Enclosing CircleConvex HullInput layerEniga tavoloField (optional, set if features should be grouped by class)Geometry typeGeometritipoBounding geometryMinimum bounding geometrybounding,box,bounds,envelope,minimum,oriented,rectangle,enclosing,circle,convex,hull,generalizationModelerAlgorithmProviderModels folderModelerAlgorithmProviderModela dosierujoModelsModelerAlgorithmProviderModelojCould not load model {0}ModelerAlgorithmProviderNe eblas ŝargi modelon {0}ProcessingTraktadoCould not load model {0}
{1}ModelerAlgorithmProviderNe eblas ŝargi modelon {0}
{1}ModelerDialogSearch…Serĉi…Enter model name hereEnigi ĉi tie la nomon de la modeloNameNomoGroupGrupoEnter group name hereEnigi ĉi tie grupnomonModel propertiesModeloatributojInputsEnigojAlgorithmsAlgoritmojEnter algorithm name to filter listEnigi algoritman nomon por filtrigi la listonSave Model?There are unsaved changes in this model. Do you want to keep those?Model doesn't contain any algorithm and/or parameter and can't be executedModel was saved inside current projectSave Model As ImageKonservi modelon kiel bildoPNG files (*.png *.PNG)PNG-dosieroj (*.png *.PNG)Save Model As PDFKonservi modelon kiel PDFPDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)PDF-dosieroj (*.pdf *.PDF)Save Model As SVGKonservi modelon kiel SVGSVG files (*.svg *.SVG)SVG-dosieroj (*.svg *.SVG)Save Model As Python ScriptKonservi modelon kiel Python-skriptoPlease a enter model name before savingUnable to save edits. Reason:
{0}Model was correctly savedSave ModelKonservi modelonI/O errorI/O eraroCan't save modelNe eblas konservi modelonThe selected model could not be loaded.
See the log for more information.Open ModelMalfermi modelonProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)Successfully exported model as image to <a href="{}">{}</a>Successfully exported model as PDF to <a href="{}">{}</a>Successfully exported model as SVG to <a href="{}">{}</a>Processing scripts (*.py *.PY)Successfully exported model as python script to <a href="{}">{}</a>Model was correctly saved to <a href="{}">{}</a>Could not load model {0}Ne eblas ŝargi modelon {0}ProcessingTraktadoParametersParametrojModelerNumberInputPanelExpression Based InputModelerParameterDefinitionDialogParameter nameCheckedParent layerPatra tavoloAllowed data typePermesita datumtipoAnyNumberStringĈenoDate/timeDato/tempoAccept multiple fieldsDefault field name, or ; separated list of field names for multiple field parametersGeometry typeGeometritipoGeometry Not RequiredPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloAny Geometry TypeData typeDatumtipoRasterRastrumoDefault valueDefaŭlta valoro00TypeTipoFileDosieroParameter DefinitionAny Map LayerVector (No Geometry Required)Vector (Point)Vector (Line)Vector (Polygon)Vector (Any Geometry Type)Min valueMax valueNoneNeniuFolderDosierujoMandatoryNepraUnable to define parameterInvalid parameter nameWrong or missing parameter valuesThe parameter `{}` is not registered, are you missing a required plugin?MultilineTextPanel[Use text below]MultipleFileInputDialogAll files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)Add fileAldoni dosieronRemove file(s)Forigi dosiero(j)nRemove allForigi ĉiujnSelect File(s)Elekti dosiero(j)nMultipleInputDialogSelect AllElekti ĉiujnClear SelectionToggle SelectionAdd File(s)…All files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*){0} files (*.{1}){0} dosieroj (*.{1})Select File(s)Elekti dosiero(j)nMultipleInputPanel0 elements selected0 elektitaj elementoj{0} elements selectedNearestNeighbourAnalysisVector analysisInput layerEniga tavoloNearest neighbourHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Observed mean distanceExpected mean distanceNearest neighbour indexNumber of pointsNombro da punktojZ-ScoreNearest neighbour analysisNewConnectionDialogCreate a new Catalog connectionNameNomoURLURLAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloIf the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional passwordUser namePasswordPasvortoSave ConnectionBoth Name and URL must be provided.Name cannot contain '/'.Overwrite {0}?NewPreconfiguredAlgorithmActionCreate Preconfigured Algorithm…NumberInputPanelNot setOffsetCurveInput layerEniga tavoloGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoOffset distance (left-sided: positive, right-sided: negative)Additional creation optionsOffset curveVector geoprocessingOgr2OgrTableToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Datumbazo (konekta nomo)Input layerEniga tavoloShape encodingSchema nameSkema nomoTable name, leave blank to use input namePrimary keyĈefŝlosiloPrimary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAnstataŭigi ekzistantan tabelonAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tablePostaldoni kaj aldoni novajn kapmojn al la tabeloDo not launder columns/table namesContinue after a failure, skipping the failed recordKeep width and precision of input attributesAdditional creation optionsImport layer/table as geometryless table into PostgreSQL databaseVector miscellaneousSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Ogr2OgrToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Datumbazo (konekta nomo)Input layerEniga tavoloShape encodingOutput geometry typeEliga geometritipoGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoVector dimensionsVektoraj dimensiojDistance tolerance for simplificationMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentGroup N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAnstataŭigi ekzistantan tabelonAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tablePostaldoni kaj aldoni novajn kapmojn al la tabeloDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexNe krei spacan indeksonContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featureAdditional creation optionsExport to PostgreSQL (available connections)Exports a vector layer to an existing PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousAssign an output CRSReproject to this CRS on output Reprojekcii al ĉiu RKS eligeOverride source CRSSchema (schema name)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Primary key (new field)Ĉefŝlosilo (nova kampo)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Promote to MultipartPlurpartigiKeep width and precision of input attributesSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')OgrToPostGisInput layerEniga tavoloShape encodingOutput geometry typeEliga geometritipoAssign an output CRSReproject to this CRS on output Reprojekcii al ĉiu RKS eligeOverride source CRSHostGastiga komputiloPortPordoUsernameDatabase nameNomo de datumbazoPasswordPasvortoSchema nameSkema nomoTable name, leave blank to use input namePrimary key (new field)Ĉefŝlosilo (nova kampo)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Geometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoVector dimensionsVektoraj dimensiojDistance tolerance for simplificationMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentFields to include (leave empty to use all fields)Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAnstataŭigi ekzistantan tabelonAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tablePostaldoni kaj aldoni novajn kapmojn al la tabeloDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexNe krei spacan indeksonContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featurePromote to MultipartPlurpartigiKeep width and precision of input attributesAdditional creation optionsExport to PostgreSQL (new connection)Exports a vector layer to a new PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousOneSideBufferRightLeftMaldekstraInput layerEniga tavoloGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoBuffer distanceBufra distancoBuffer sideDissolve by attributeDissolve all resultsProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsOne-sided bufferOne side bufferVector geoprocessingOpenModelFromFileActionOpen Existing Model…ToolsOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionMalfermi modelonProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionOpenScriptFromFileActionOpen Existing Script…ToolsOpen ScriptAddScriptFromFileActionProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)AddScriptFromFileActionOracleDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".OrderByDialogBaseDefine OrderExpressionEsprimoAsc / DescNULLs handlingOrthogonalizerectangle,perpendicular,right,angles,square,quadrilateraliseVector geometryVektora geometrioMaximum angle tolerance (degrees)Maximum algorithm iterationsOrthogonalizeOrthogonalizedError orthogonalizing geometryPGDatabase&Table&TabeloRun &Vacuum AnalyzeRuli &Vacuum AnalyseRun &Refresh Materialized ViewRuli &Refresh Materialized ViewSelect a table for vacuum analyze.Select a materialized view for refresh.PGTableDo you want to {0} rule {1}?Table ruleParameterAggregatesAggregatesAggregatedParser error in expression "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}Eraro de taksado en la esprimo "{}": {}ParameterHeatmapPixelSizeOutput raster sizeEliga grando de rastrumoWeight from fieldKernel shapeDecay ratio (Triangular kernels only)Output value scalingHeatmapVarmomapoCould not create destination layerNe eblas krei celtavolonError adding feature with ID {} to heatmapCould not save destination layerNe eblas konservi celtavolonParameterRasterCalculatorExpressionExpressionEsprimoReference layer(s) (used for automated extent, cellsize, and CRS)Cell size (use 0 or empty to set it automatically)Output extentEliga ampleksoOutputEligoRaster calculatorRastruma kalkuliloNo reference layer selected nor CRS providedNo reference layer selected nor extent box providedNo reference layer selected nor cellsize value providedOutput '%1' from algorithm '%2'Error parsing formulaParameterVectorVrtDestinationVirtual vectorVirtual stringBuild virtual vectorInvalid datasource: {}Nevalida datumfonto: {}ParameterVrtDestinationInput layersEnigaj tavolojResolutionDistingivoPlace each input file into a separate bandAllow projection differenceEbligi projekciajn malsamojnAdd alpha mask band to VRT when source raster has noneOverride projection for the output fileResampling algorithmVirtualParametersPanel[Not selected][Neelektita]Python identifier: ‘{}’Open output file after running algorithmPhongMaterialWidgetFormFormularoDiffuseAmbientSpecularShininessPoint3DSymbolWidgetFormFormularoShapeRadiusRadiusoSizeGrandoLengthLongoModelModelo......Overwrite model materialMinor radiusTop radiusBottom radiusAltitude clampingAbsoluteAbsolutaRelativeRelativaTerrainTerenoXXYYZZTranslationScaleSkaloRotationRotacioPointDistanceVector analysisLinear (N*k x 3) distance matrixLineara (N*k x 3) distanca maticoStandard (N x T) distance matrixSummary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max)Input point layerEniga punkta tavoloInput unique ID fieldTarget point layerTarget unique ID fieldOutput matrix typeUse only the nearest (k) target pointsDistance matrixDistanca matricoPointsAlongGeometrycreate,interpolate,points,lines,regular,distance,byVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloDistanceDistancoStart offsetEnd offsetPointsPunktojPoints along geometryPointsAlongLinesInput layerEniga tavoloGeometry column nameNomo de la geometria kolumnoDistance from line start represented as fraction of line lengthAdditional creation optionsPoints along linesVector geoprocessingPointsDisplacementVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloMinimum distance to other pointsDisplacement distanceHorizontal distribution for two point caseDisplacedPoints displacementPointsFromLinesVector creationRaster layerRastruma tavoloVector layerVektora tavoloPoints along linesGenerate points (pixel centroids) along linePointsFromPolygonsVector creationRaster layerRastruma tavoloVector layerVektora tavoloPoints inside polygonsGenerate points (pixel centroids) inside polygonsPointsInPolygonVector analysisPolygonsPlurangulojPointsPunktojWeight fieldClass fieldKlasa kampoCount field nameCountNombroCount points in polygonNombri punktojn en pluranguloPointsLayerFromTablepoints,create,values,attributesVector creationInput layerEniga tavoloX fieldX-kampoY fieldY-kampoZ fieldZ-kampoM fieldM-kampoTarget CRSPoints from tableCreate points layer from tablePointsToPathsInput point layerEniga punkta tavoloGroup fieldGrupa kampoOrder fieldOrda kampoVector creationjoin,points,lines,connectDate format (if order field is DateTime)Data formo (se la orda kampo estas DateTime)PathsDirectory for text outputPoints to pathPolarPlotGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloCategory name fieldValue fieldValora kampoPolar plotHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)PoleOfInaccessibilityfurthest,point,distant,extreme,maximum,centroid,center,centreVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloTolerancePointPunktoPole of inaccessibilityError calculating pole of inaccessibilityPolygon3DSymbolWidgetFormFormularoNo cullingFrontBack......HeightAltoExtrusionAbsoluteAbsolutaInvert normals (experimental)Altitude bindingRelativeRelativaTerrainTerenoAltitude clampingCulling modeAdd back facesVertexVerticoCentroidPolygonizecreate,lines,polygons,convertVector geometryVektora geometrioProcessing lines…Noding lines…Polygonizing…Saving polygons…No polygons were created!Input layerEniga tavoloKeep table structure of line layerPolygons from linesPluranguloj el liniojPolygonizePolygonsToLinesline,polygon,convertVector geometryVektora geometrioPolygons to linesLinesLiniojPostGISThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Action canceled by userPostGISExecuteAndLoadSQLDatabaseDatumbazoDatabase (connection name)Datumbazo (konekta nomo)SQL querySQL-informpetoUnique ID field nameGeometry field nameOutput layerEliga tavoloPostgreSQL execute and load SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL database and loads the result as a tablepostgis,table,databaseThis layer is invalid!
Please check the PostGIS log for error messages.PostGISExecuteSQLDatabaseDatumbazoDatabase (connection name)Datumbazo (konekta nomo)SQL querySQL-informpetoPostgreSQL execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL databasepostgis,databaseError executing SQL:
{0}PostGisDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".PostprocessingLoading resulting layersŜargado de la rezultaj tavolojError loading result layer:The following layers were not correctly generated.You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.PreconfiguredAlgorithmDialogOKUnable to execute algorithmNe eblas plenumi la algoritmonMissing parameter value: {0}Wrong or missing parameter valuesPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderPreconfigured algorithmsPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderAntaŭagordaj algoritmojPrepareAPIDialogErrorEraroDoneProcessingError: Algorithm {0} not found
ProcessingTraktadoUnable to execute algorithm
{0}Ne eblas plenumi la algoritmon
{0}Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS.
This can cause unexpected results.There were errors executing the algorithm.Eraroj okazis dum la plenumo de la algoritmo.[Preconfigure]Fields MapperA mapping of field names to field type definitions and expressions. Used for the refactor fields algorithm.Error: Provider {0} could not be activated
Results: {}&Analysis Tools&Analiziloj&Research ToolsSe&rĉiloj&Geoprocessing ToolsG&eometry Tools&Data Management Tools&Datumaj administrilojMissing AlgorithmThe algorithm "{}" is no longer available. (Perhaps a plugin was uninstalled?)Missing DependencyProjectionsProjekciojConversionKonvertoExtractionEltiroAnalysisAnalizoMiscellaneousDiversaĵojInvalid algorithm ID for menu: {}……<h3>Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}A numeric parameter, including float or integer values.A raster layer parameter.A vector layer parameter, e.g. for algorithms which change layer styles, edit layers in place, or other operations which affect an entire layer.Map LayerAn expression parameter, to add custom expressions based on layer fields.ExpressionEsprimoAn enumerated type parameter.A file or folder parameter, for use with non-map layer file sources or folders.File/FolderVector FieldA vector layer destination parameter.A generic file based destination parameter.A folder destination parameter.A raster layer destination parameter.Multiple InputA vector feature parameter, e.g. for algorithms which operate on the features within a layer.Vector FeaturesA feature sink destination parameter.Feature SinkA freeform string parameter.A boolean parameter, for true/false values.A vector field parameter, for selecting an existing field from a vector source.A map extent parameter.A geographic point parameter.A coordinate reference system (CRS) input parameter.Raster LayerRastruma tavoloVector LayerBooleanCRSCRSA numeric range parameter for processing algorithms.RangeIntervaloPointPunktoEnumExtentA table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms.MatrixVector DestinationFile DestinationFolder DestinationRaster DestinationStringĈenoAn input allowing selection of multiple sources, including multiple map layers or file sources.NumberA numeric parameter representing a distance measure.DistanceDistancoA raster band parameter, for selecting an existing band from a raster source.Raster BandA generic map layer parameter, which accepts either vector or raster layers.Could not load parameter %1 of type %2.ProcessingConfigGeneralĜeneralaKeep dialog open after running an algorithmUse filename as layer nameShow tooltip when there are disabled providersOutput folderEliga dosierujoShow layer CRS definition in selection boxesWarn before executing if parameter CRS's do not matchStyle for raster layersStyle for point layersStyle for line layersStyle for polygon layersPre-execution scriptPost-execution scriptDo not filter (better performance)Ignore features with invalid geometriesStop algorithm execution when a geometry is invalidInvalid features filteringDefault output vector layer extensionDefault output raster layer extensionProcessingPlugin&Run Model…&Edit Model…ProcessingTraktadoPro&cessing&Toolbox&IlaroGraphical &Modeler…&History…&Results ViewerEdit Features In-PlaceOptionsOpciojProcessingToolboxProcessing ToolboxEnter algorithm name to filter listEnigi algoritman nomon por filtrigi la liston<html><head/><body><p>You can add more algorithms to the toolbox, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">enable additional providers.</span></a> <a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[close]</span></a></p></body></html>Search…Serĉi…Execute…Execute as Batch Process…Edit Rendering Styles for Outputs…{} completeError executing algorithm<h3>This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}ProjectProviderProject modelsProjectProviderModels embedded in the current projectProjectProviderCould not load model from projectProjectProviderProcessingTraktadoPropertyAssistantBaseOutputEligoInputEnigotoalSourceFontoValues fromFetch value range from layerApply transform curvePropertyColorAssistantColor when NULLColor rampKoloretendoPropertyGenericNumericAssistantOutput fromOutput when NULLExponentEksponentotoalPropertySizeAssistantSize fromGrando elSize when NULLExponentEksponentotoalScale methodMetodo de skaloPythonPython warningPython version:Python versio:QGIS version:QGIS versio:Couldn't load plugin '{0}'{0} due to an error when calling its classFactory() method{0} due to an error when calling its initGui() methodError while unloading plugin {0}Couldn't load server plugin {0}{0} due to an error when calling its serverClassFactory() methodPython errorPython eraroAn error has occurred while executing Python code:See message log (Python Error) for more details.Stack traceView message logVidigi la mesaĝprotokolonPython Path:PythonConsolePython ConsolePython konzoloCompile APIsSavedKonservitaDoneHide EditorKaŝi redaktilonCheck SyntaxRun ScriptRuli skriptonUndoMalfariRedoRefariFind TextOpen in External EditorMalfermi eksteran redaktilonCutEltondiCopyKopiiPasteAlgluiCommentKomentiUncommentForkomentiHide/Show Object InspectorSelect AllElekti ĉiujnOpen Script…Save As…Konservi kiel…Object Inspector…Options…Help…Enter text to find…Saving prepared file…Error preparing file…<b>"{0}"</b> was not found.URL copied to clipboard.Connection error: Eraro de konekto: [Temporary file saved in {0}]## Script error: {0}## Script executed successfully: {0}Cannot execute file {0}. Error: {1}
Ne eblas plenumo la dosieron {0}. Eraro: {1}
Hey, type something to run!Python Console: Save filePython konzolo: konservi dosieronScript was correctly saved.La skripto estis ĝuste konservita.Click on button to restore all tabs from last session.Restore tabsCloseFermiList all tabsNew EditorNova redaktiloClose TabClose AllFermi ĉiujnClose OthersSave AsKonservi kielThe file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1}
Ne eblas malfermi la dosieron {0}. Eraro: {1}
Untitled-{0}Python Console: Save FilePython konzolo: konservi dosieronThe file <b>'{0}'</b> has been modified, save changes?Unable to restore the file:
Python Console
Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info
Security warning: typing commands from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leakHide/Show ToolbarKaŝi/Montri ilobretonDouble-click on item to executeShow EditorClear ConsoleVakigi la konzolonRun CommandRuli komandonEnter SelectedObject InspectorSaveKonserviFind NextPluserĉiFind PreviousAntaŭserĉiCase SensitiveUsklecodistingaWhole WordWrap AroundOpen FileMalfermi dosieronThe file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved. Error: {1}Ne eblas konservi la dosieron <b>{0}</b>. Eraro: {1}Save File AsKonservi dosieron kielRun SelectedShare on CodepadHistory saved successfully.Suksesis konservi la historion.Session and file history cleared successfully.History cleared successfully.Suksesis vagigi la historion.Command HistoryKomanda historioShowMontriClear FileVakigi la dosieronClear SessionVakigi seanconPython Console - Command HistoryAdd API pathRemove API pathThe file <b>"{0}"</b> has been deleted or is not accessibleThe file <b>"{0}"</b> is read only, please save to different file first.QCoreApplicationArraysGeneralĜeneralaCountNombroCount DistinctCount MissingMinMinMaxMaxSumsumMeanMedianMedianoStdevStdev SampleRangeIntervaloMinorityMajorityQ1Q1Q3Q3InterQuartileRangeMin LengthMax LengthConcatenateCollectArray AggregateQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleQCoreApplication.selfErrorEraroQOCISpatialDriverUnable to initializeQOCISpatialDriverNe eblas pravaloriziUnable to logonUnable to begin transactionUnable to commit transactionUnable to rollback transactionQOCISpatialResultUnable to bind column for batch executeUnable to execute batch statementUnable to goto nextUnable to alloc statementUnable to prepare statementUnable to get statement typeUnable to bind valueNe eblas bindi la valoronUnable to execute statementQObjectQGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported.
You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set.
Invalid globalsettingsfile path: %1Successfully loaded globalsettingsfile path: %1Moved verticesNo active vector layerTo select features, choose a vector layer in the legendPor elekti entojn, elektu vektoran tavolon en la tavolaroCRS ExceptionSelection extends beyond layer's coordinate systemPython is not enabled in QGIS.Python ne estas ŝaltita en QGIS.PluginsKromprogramojPlugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS.
It will be disabled.Loaded %1 (package: %2)Library name is %1
Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2)Attempting to resolve the classFactory function
Loaded %1 (Path: %2)Loading PluginsThere was an error loading a plugin. The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue:
%1.Unable to find the class factory for %1.Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loadedPlugin %1Kromprogramo %1The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.Error when reading metadata of plugin %1Could not open CRS database %1
Error(%2): %3CRSCRSProject points (Cartesian)bearing,azimuth,distance,angleProjectedThis algorithm projects point geometries by a specified distance and bearing (azimuth), creating a new point layer with the projected points.
The distance is specified in layer units, and the bearing in degrees clockwise from North.Bearing (degrees from North)Projection distanceGenerated CRSA CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for descriptionSaved user CRS [%1]Imported from GDALCaught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area.Cannot convert '%1' to doubleNe eblas konverti '%1' en doubleCannot convert '%1' to intNe eblas konverti '%1' en intCannot convert '%1' to native intCannot convert '%1' to DateTimeNe eblas konverti '%1' en DateTimeCannot convert '%1' to DateNe eblas konverti '%1' en DateCannot convert '%1' to TimeNe eblas konverti '%1' en TimeCannot convert '%1' to intervalCannot convert '%1' to gradient rampCannot convert '%1' to arrayNe eblas konverti '%1' en arrayCannot convert '%1' to mapNe eblas konverti '%1' en mapCannot convert '%1' to booleanNe eblas konverti '%1' en booleanDomain max must be greater than domain minExponent must be greater than 0Exponento devas esti pli granda ol 0Cannot find layer with name or ID '%1'No such aggregate '%1'Could not calculate aggregate for: %1Cannot use relation aggregate function in this contextCannot find relation with id '%1'Cannot use aggregate function in this contextInvalid pair of array, length not identicalFunction replace requires 2 or 3 argumentsInvalid regular expression '%1': %2Nevalida regula esprimo '%1': %2Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster layer.Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster band number.Function `raster_value` requires a valid point geometry.Function `is_selected` requires no more than two parameters. %1 given.Function `num_selected` requires no more than one parameter. %1 given.Invalid formatting parameter: '%1'. It must be empty, or 'suffix' or 'aligned'.Invalid axis name: '%1'. It must be either 'x' or 'y'.Point index is out of rangeFunction make_point requires 2-4 argumentsFunction make_polygon requires an argumentSegment must be greater than 2Number of edges/sides must be greater than 2Option can be 0 (inscribed) or 1 (circumscribed)Index is out of rangeFunction `wedge_buffer` requires a point value for the center.Function `tapered_buffer` requires a line geometry.Function `buffer_by_m` requires a line geometry.Function `azimuth` requires exactly two parameters. %1 given.Function `azimuth` requires two points as arguments.line_substring requires a curve geometry inputNumber of places must be positiveCannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to colorNe eblas konverti '%1:%2:%3' en koloroCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to colorNe eblas konverti '%1:%2:%3:%4' en koloro"%1" is not a valid color rampCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to colorNe eblas konverti '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' en koloroCannot convert '%1' to colorNe eblas konverti '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' en koloro {1'?}Unknown color component '%1'A minimum of two colors is required to create a rampTransform error caught in transform() function: %1Invalid band number %1 for layer %2Invalid raster statistic: '%1'Nevalida rastruma statistiko: '%1'Exception: %1Escepto: %1GEOSGEOSsegment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7ring %1 with less than four pointsringo %1 havas malpi ol kvar punktojnring %1 not closedringo %1 ne estas fermataline %1 with less than two pointsline %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2number of duplicate nodessegments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4Ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ringTopology validation errorGEOS ErrorRepeated pointGEOS ErrorHole lies outside shellGEOS ErrorHoles are nestedGEOS ErrorInterior is disconnectedGEOS ErrorSelf-intersectionGEOS ErrorRing self-intersectionGEOS ErrorNested shellsGEOS ErrorDuplicate ringsGEOS ErrorToo few points in geometry componentGEOS ErrorInvalid coordinateGEOS ErrorRing is not closedGEOS ErrorPolygon %1 has no ringsPolygon %1 lies inside polygon %2GEOS error: could not produce geometry for GEOS (check log window)Unknown geometry type %1Nekonata geometritipo %1Geometry validation was aborted.Geometry has %1 errors.Geometry is valid.Geometrio estas valida.invalid linenevalida linioShapeNode ItemMapMapoPictureBildoLabelEtikedoLorem ipsumScale BarRectangleOrtanguloEllipseElipsoTriangleTrianguloPolygonPluranguloPolylineHTMLHTMLAttribute TableConsoleKonzoloinfinite--WESSNNo QGIS data provider plugins found in:
No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installationNo Data ProvidersNeniu datumliverantoNo data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loadedInvalid data provider %1Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1No QGIS auth method plugins found in:
No authentication methods can be used. Check your QGIS installationNo Authentication MethodsNo authentication method plugins are available.Failed to load %1: %2Unable to instantiate the auth method plugin %1OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2)unsupported type for field %1nesubtenata tipo por kampo %1Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4OGROGRReserved attribute name ogc_fid replaced with %1By default, BNA files are created in multi-line format. For each record, the first line contains the identifiers and the type/number of coordinates to follow. Each following line contains a pair of coordinates.If the database is of the SpatiaLite flavor, and if OGR is linked against libspatialite, this option can be used to control if a spatial index must be created.If the format of the geometry BLOB is of the SpatiaLite flavor, this option can be used to control if the compressed format for geometries (LINESTRINGs, POLYGONs) must be used.Path to the GCT: the GCT file describes the GeoConcept types definitions: In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments.Defines the feature to be created. The TYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a type section. The SUBTYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a sub-type section within the previous type section.By default, the driver will read the first lines of each sheet to detect if the first line might be the name of columns. If set to FORCE, the driver will consider the first line as the header line. If set to DISABLE, it will be considered as the first feature. Otherwise auto-detection will occur.MS Office Open XML spreadsheet [XLSX]Open Document Spreadsheet [ODS]Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1)Feature creation error (OGR error: %1)Eraro dum la kreado de ento (OGR eraro: %1)Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2)Feature write errors:Eraroj dum la skribado de entoj:Stopping after %1 errors
Only %1 of %2 features written.
Nur %1 el %2 skribitaj entoj.Arc/Info ASCII CoverageAtlas BNAComma Separated ValueESRI ShapefileFMEObjects GatewayEmpty filename givenMalplena dosiernomo donitaNew BNA files are created by the systems default line termination conventions. This may be overridden here.The BNA writer will try to recognize ellipses and circles when writing a polygon. This will only work if the feature has previously been read from a BNA file. As some software packages do not support ellipses/circles in BNA data file, it may be useful to tell the writer by specifying ELLIPSES_AS_ELLIPSES=NO not to export them as such, but keep them as polygons.Limit the number of coordinate pairs per line in multiline format.Set the number of decimal for coordinates. Default value is 10.By default, the geometry of a feature written to a .csv file is discarded. It is possible to export the geometry in its WKT representation by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_WKT. It is also possible to export point geometries into their X,Y,Z components by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_YX.Create the associated .csvt file to describe the type of each column of the layer and its optional width and precision.Double-quote strings. IF_AMBIGUOUS means that string values that look like numbers will be quoted.Write a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of the file.Comma Separated Value [CSV]Perkome disigita valoro [CSV]Set to YES to resize fields to their optimal size.DBF FileDBF-dosieroSet to YES to write a bbox property with the bounding box of the geometries at the feature and feature collection level.Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. Default to 15. Truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros.GeoJSONGeoJSONwhether the document must be in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format. Default value : RSSThe encoding of location information. Default value : SIMPLE. W3C_GEO only supports point geometries. SIMPLE or W3C_GEO only support geometries in geographic WGS84 coordinates.If defined to NO, only <entry> or <item> elements will be written. The user will have to provide the appropriate header and footer of the document.Value put inside the <title> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <description> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <link> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <updated> element in the header. Should be formatted as a XML datetime. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <author><name> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <id> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.GeoRSSGeoRSSIf provided, this URI will be inserted as the schema location. Note that the schema file isn't actually accessed by OGR, so it is up to the user to ensure it will match the schema of the OGR produced GML data file.This writes a GML application schema file to a corresponding .xsd file (with the same basename). If INTERNAL is used the schema is written within the GML file, but this is experimental and almost certainly not valid XML. OFF disables schema generation (and is implicit if XSISCHEMAURI is used).This is the prefix for the application target namespace.Can be set to TRUE to avoid writing the prefix of the application target namespace in the GML file.Defaults to 'http://ogr.maptools.org/'. This is the application target namespace.If not specified, GML2 will be used.only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If set to NO, the <gml:boundedBy> element will not be written for each feature.Default to YES. If YES, the output will be indented with spaces for more readability, but at the expense of file size.Geography Markup Language [GML]Geografia MarkLingvo [GML]Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer contentHuman-readable description for the layer contentHome legibla priskribo pri la enhavo de la tavoloName for the feature identifier columnName for the geometry columnNomo por la geometria kolumnoIf a spatial index must be created.Generic Mapping Tools [GMT]By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as routes. If FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES is specified, they will be written as tracks.By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbMultiLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as tracks. If FORCE_GPX_ROUTE=YES is specified, they will be written as routes, provided that the multilines are composed of only one single line.If GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES is specified, extra fields will be written inside the <extensions> tag.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL is set. The namespace value used for extension tags. By default, 'ogr'.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS is set. The namespace URI. By default, 'http://osgeo.org/gdal'.By default files are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through use of the LINEFORMAT layer creation option which may have a value of CRLF (DOS format) or LF (Unix format).GPS eXchange Format [GPX]INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 2INTERLIS 2Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <description> element.Allows you to specify the AltitudeMode to use for KML geometries. This will only affect 3D geometries and must be one of the valid KML options.Keyhole Markup Language [KML]Keyhole MarkLingvo [KML]Use this to turn on 'quick spatial index mode'. In this mode writing files can be about 5 times faster, but spatial queries can be up to 30 times slower.Mapinfo TABMapinfo TABMapinfo MIFMapinfo MIFDetermine whether 2D (seed_2d.dgn) or 3D (seed_3d.dgn) seed file should be used. This option is ignored if the SEED option is provided.Override the seed file to use.Indicate whether the whole seed file should be copied. If not, only the first three elements will be copied.Indicates whether the color table should be copied from the seed file.Override the master unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the sub unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the number of subunits per master unit. By default the seed file value is used.Override the number of UORs (Units of Resolution) per sub unit. By default the seed file value is used.ORIGIN=x,y,z: Override the origin of the design plane. By default the origin from the seed file is used.Microstation DGNShould all the low level geometry primitives be returned as special IsolatedNode, ConnectedNode, Edge and Face layers.If enabled, numeric attributes assigned an empty string as a value will be preserved as a special numeric value. This option should not generally be needed, but may be useful when translated S-57 to S-57 losslessly.Should LNAM and LNAM_REFS fields be attached to features capturing the feature to feature relationships in the FFPT group of the S-57 file.Should additional attributes relating features to their underlying geometric primitives be attached. These are the values of the FSPT group, and are primarily needed when doing S-57 to S-57 translations.Should attribute values be recoded to UTF-8 from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record.S-57 Base fileS-57 Base-dosieroSpatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS]Can be used to avoid creating the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in a new database. By default these metadata tables are created when a new database is created.column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.By default when creating new .csv files they are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on Win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through the use of the LINEFORMAT option.Creation of data source failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of data source in update mode failed (OGR error: %1)Overwriting of existing layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of layer failed (OGR error: %1)No available replacement for internal fieldname ogc_fid foundCreation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Fiaskis krei la kampon %1 (OGR eraro: %2)Created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2)BNA records may contain from 2 to 4 identifiers per record. Some software packages only support a precise number of identifiers. You can override the default value (2) by a precise value.Field separator character.Override the type of shapefile created. Can be one of NULL for a simple .dbf file with no .shp file, POINT, ARC, POLYGON or MULTIPOINT for 2D, or POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ for 3D; POINTM, ARCM, POLYGONM or MULTIPOINTM for measured geometries and POINTZM, ARCZM, POLYGONZM or MULTIPOINTZM for 3D measured geometries. MULTIPATCH files are supported since GDAL 2.2.Set the encoding value in the DBF file. The default value is LDID/87. It is not clear what other values may be appropriate.If defined to YES, extension fields will be written. If the field name not found in the base schema matches the foo_bar pattern, foo will be considered as the namespace of the element, and a <foo:bar> element will be written. Otherwise, elements will be written in the <ogr:> namespace.XML content that will be put between the <channel> element and the first <item> element for a RSS document, or between the xml tag and the first <entry> element for an Atom document.Only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2. Default to YES. If YES, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::' prefix. In the case the SRS is a geographic SRS without explicit AXIS order, but that the same SRS authority code imported with ImportFromEPSGA() should be treated as lat/long, then the function will take care of coordinate order swapping. If set to NO, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'EPSG:' prefix, even if they are in lat/long order.Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <name> element.The DOCUMENT_ID datasource creation option can be used to specified the id of the root <Document> node. The default value is root_doc.(multiples of 512): Block size for .map files. Defaults to 512. MapInfo 15.2 and above creates .tab files with a blocksize of 16384 bytes. Any MapInfo version should be able to handle block sizes from 512 to 32256.xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax: Define custom layer bounds to increase the accuracy of the coordinates. Note: the geometry of written features must be within the defined box.Should update files be incorporated into the base data on the fly.Should multipoint soundings be split into many single point sounding features. Multipoint geometries are not well handled by many formats, so it can be convenient to split single sounding features with many points into many single point features.Should a DEPTH attribute be added on SOUNDG features and assign the depth of the sounding. This should only be enabled when SPLIT_MULTIPOINT is also enabled.Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB. This is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text).Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be converted to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores.column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or querying compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.SQLiteSQLiteInsert the content of the EPSG CSV files into the spatial_ref_sys table. Set to NO for regular SQLite databases.Used to force the SRID number of the SRS associated with the layer. When this option isn't specified and that a SRS is associated with the layer, a search is made in the spatial_ref_sys to find a match for the SRS, and, if there is no match, a new entry is inserted for the SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table. When the SRID option is specified, this search (and the eventual insertion of a new entry) will not be done: the specified SRID is used as such.SpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOverride the header file used - in place of header.dxf.Override the trailer file used - in place of trailer.dxf.AutoCAD DXFAutoCAD DXFIndicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used.GeoconceptWhen this option is set, the new layer will be created inside the named FeatureDataset folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.Set name of geometry column in new layer. Defaults to 'SHAPE'.Name of the OID column to create. Defaults to 'OBJECTID'.ESRI FileGDBESRI FileGDBBy default, the driver will try to detect the data type of fields. If set to STRING, all fields will be of String type.Cannot overwrite a OGR layer in placeFailed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1)Unable to load %1 providerNe eblas ŝargi la %1 datumprovizantonProvider %1 has no %2 methodLoaded from ProviderŜargita el liverantoLoading of layer failedLa ŝargado de la tavolo fiaskisCreation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was:
%3Import was canceled at %1 of %2Vector importVektora importoOnly %1 of %2 features written.Nur %1 el %2 skribitaj entoj.Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.Building PyramidsThe file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Multiband colorPlurbenda koloroPaletted/Unique valuesSingleband grayUnubenda grizoSingleband pseudocolorUnubenda pseŭdokoloroSingleband color dataUnubenda kolora datumoHillshadeAll RampsNo symbolsNeniuj simbolojSingle symbolCategorizedGraduatedRule-basedPoint displacementPoint clusterInverted polygonsInversitaj pluranguloj2.5 D2.5 DSimple lineSimpla linioMarker lineMarka linioArrowSagoSimple markerSimpla markoFilled markerPlena markoSVG markerSVG-markoFont markerTipara markoEllipse markerElipsa markoVector field markerVektora kampa markoSimple fillSimpla plenigoGradient fillKolortransiga plenigoShapeburst fillSVG fillSVG plenigoCentroid fillLine pattern fillLinia modela plenigoPoint pattern fillPunkta modela plenigoGeometry generatorGeometria generiloRaster HistogramRastruma histogramoPixel ValueFrequencyFrekvencoInternal CompassShows a QtSensors compass readingVersion 0.9Versio 0.9Coordinate CaptureCapture mouse coordinates in different CRSVectorVektoroVersion 0.1Versio 0.1eViseVisAn event visualization tool - view images associated with vector featuresPackage layersgeopackage,collect,merge,combineDatabaseDatumbazoDestination GeoPackageGeoPackage files (*.gpkg)GeoPackage-dosieroj (*.gpkg)Overwrite existing GeoPackageLayers within new packageThis algorithm collects a number of existing layers and packages them together into a single GeoPackage database.No output file specified.Removing existing file '%1'Could not remove existing file '%1'GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Raster layers are not currently supported.Packaging plugin layers is not supported.Packaging mesh layers is not supported.Error obtained while packaging one or more layers.Packaging layer failed: %1Version 1.1.0Versio 1.1.0WarningAvertoGeoreferencer GDALGeoreferencilo GDALGeoreferencing rasters using GDALGeoreferenci rastrumojn uzante GDALRasterRastrumoCould not reproject view extent: %1Could not reproject layer extent: %1Ne eblas reprojekcii la amplekson de la tavolo: %1Version 3.1.9Versio 3.1.9Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points.Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points.Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points.Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points.GlobeOverlay data on a 3D globeVersion 1.0Versio 1.0GPS ToolsGPS-ilojTools for loading and importing GPS dataHeatmapVarmomapoOfflineEditingAllow offline editing and synchronizing with databaseEqual to (=)Egala (=)Greater than (>)Pli ol (>)Less than (<)Malpli ol (<)Not equal to (≠)Greater than or equal to (≥)Less than or equal to (≤)Between (inclusive)Not between (inclusive)Case insensitiveUsklecomaldistingaContainsEnhavasDoes not containNe enhavasIs missing (null)Is not missing (not null)Starts withEnds withGDAL/OGR VSIFileHandlerThis raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer.Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1Nearest NeighbourAverageGaussCubicKubaCubic SplineKuba splajnoLanczosModeReĝimoNoneNeniuCouldn't open the data source: %1Parse error at line %1 : %2GPS eXchange format providerChoose GRASS installation path (GISBASE)GISBASE is not set.%1 is not a GRASS mapset.Cannot start %1Mapset is already in use.Mapset lock failed (%1)Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writableCannot create temporary directory %1Cannot create %1Ne eblas krei %1Cannot remove mapset lock: %1Cannot create table: %1Cannot read vector map regionNe eblas legi la vektoran mapan areonCannot find module %1Ne eblas trovi modulon %1Cannot open GISRC fileNe eblas malfermi GISRC-dosieronCannot run modulecommand: %1 %2
stdout: %3
stderr: %4Attempt to copy from different location.Delete confirmationForigi konfirmonAre you sure you want to delete %1 %2?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi %1 %2?Cannot insert, statement: '%1' error: '%2'Loading of the MSSQL provider failedUnsupported type for field %1Creation of fields failedLa kreado de la kampoj fiaskisOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] eraro %2: %3Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.Unable to get driver %1Arc/Info Binary CoverageDODSDODSCouchDBCouchDBOpenFileGDBOpenFileGDBESRI Personal GeoDatabaseESRI Personal GeoDatabaseLayer %2 of %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.ESRI ArcSDEESRI ArcSDEESRI ShapefilesGeoPackageGeoPackageGrass VectorInformix DataBladeInformix DataBladeIngresMapinfo FileMapinfo dosieroMySQLMySQLMSSQLMSSQLOracle SpatialODBCODBCOGDI VectorsPostgreSQLPostgreSQLSystematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI]SQLite/SpatiaLiteSQLite/SpatiaLiteStorage and eXchange FormatUK. NTF2UK. NTF2U.S. Census TIGER/LineVRT - Virtual DatasourceVRT - Virtuala datumfontoX-Plane/FlightgearOpen Document SpreadsheetMS Office Open XML spreadsheetMS Excel formatMS Excel-formoEDIGEOEDIGEONAS - ALKISNAS - ALKISWAsPWAsPPCI Geomatics Database FileGPSTrackMakerCzech Cadastral Exchange Data FormatOpenStreetMapOpenStreetMapSpecial Use Airspace FormatOpenAir Special Use Airspace FormatPlanetary Data Systems TABLEHydrographic Transfer FormatScalable Vector GraphicsArc/Info GenerateGeospatial PDFSEG-YSEG-YSEG-P1SEG-P1UKOOA P1/90UKOOA P1/90Error updating styleCannot find layer_styles layerInvalid style identifierNevalida stila identigiloNo style corresponding to style identifierNot enough data to deserializeNot enough memoryUnsupported geometry typeUnsupported operationCorrupt dataFailureUnsupported SRSInvalid handleNon existing featureSuccessGDAL result code: %1Layer not found: %1GeoPackage Database (*.gpkg)Cannot open transaction on %1, since it is is not currently openedAll filesĈiuj dosierojDuplicate field (10 significant characters): %1Creating the data source %1 failed: %2Kreado de la datumfonto %1 fiaskis: %2Unknown vector type of %1Creation of OGR data source %1 failed: %2Kreado de la OGR datumfonto %1 fiaskis: %2field %1 with unsupported type %2 skippedcreation of field %1 failedLa kreado de la kampo %1 fiaskisCouldn't create file %1.qpjNe eblas krei dosieron %1.qpjFetching features failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2OracleOracleConnection to database failedKonekto al datumbazo fiaskisNo owner name foundCreation of data source %1 failed:
%2Kreado de la datumfonto %1 fiaskis:
%2Loading of the layer %1 failedLa ŝargado de la tavolo %1 fiaskisField name clash found (%1 not remappable)%1 not owner of the table %2.Unable to determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2:
%3Unable to delete layer %1.%2:
%3Ne eblas forigi tavolon %1.%2:
%3Unable to clean metadata %1.%2:
%3Could not connect to databaseNe eblis konekti al datumbazoUnable to check layer style existence [%1]Unable to create layer style table [%1]Unable to check style existence [%1]Unable to find layer style table [%1]Ne eblas trovi la tabelon de tavolstilo [%1]Layer style table does not exist [%1]Could not load layer style table [%1]Ne eblas ŝargi la tabelon de tavolstilo [%1]Cannot fetch new layer style id.Ne eblas venigi la nova id de la tavolstiloCould not prepare insert/update [%1]Could not execute insert/update [%1]Could not reset default status [%1]Could not retrieve style [%1]Ne eblas ricevi stilon [%1]Style not foundStilo ne trovitaCould not verify existence of layer style table [%1]No style for layer foundNo styles found in layer table [%1]no result buffernerezulta bufrareoFetching from cursor %1 failed
Database error: %2PostGISPostGISInfinite filter rectangle specifiedUnable to delete layer %1:
%2Ne eblas forigi tavolon %1:
%2Unable to delete schema %1:
%2Ne eblas forigi skemon %1:
%2Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database adminUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database adminSave style in databaseKonservi stilon en la datumbazonA style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it?Stilo kun la nomo %1 jam ekzistas en la datumbazo. Ĉu vi volas anstataŭigi ĝin?Operation aborted. No changes were made in the databaseUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database administrator.No styles available on DB, or there is an error connecting to the database.Mankas stilon en la datumbazo, aŭ eraro okazis dum konektado de la datumbazo.Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator.Connection to database failed using username: %1Error executing query: %1Eraro dum la plenumo de la informpeto: %1Error executing the select query for related styles. The query was loggedError executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was loggedError executing the delete query. The query was loggedError executing the select query. The query was loggedConsistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be uniqueSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite eraro: %2
SQL: %1SQLite error getting feature: %1creation of data source %1 failed. %2Kreado de la datumfonto %1 fiaskis. %2loading of the layer %1 failedLa ŝargado de la tavolo %1 fiaskiscreation of fields failedLa kreado de la kampoj fiaskisUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Ne eblas pravalorizi SpatialMetadata:
Could not create a new database
Ne ablas krei novan datumbazon
Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1]Unable to delete table %1
Ne eblas forigi tabelon %1
Could not load styles from %1 (Query: %2)Style with id %1 not found in %2 (Query: %3)Error looking for style. The query was loggedUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database.Cannot find layer %1.Ne eblas trovi tavolo %1.Cannot open %1.Operation abortedError executing loading style. The query was loggedNo styles available on DBError loading styles. The query was loggedThe extra plugin path '%1' does not exist!Couldn't load SIP module.Python support will be disabled.Couldn't set SIP API versions.Couldn't load PyQt.Ne eblas ŝargi PyQt.Couldn't load PyQGIS.Ne eblas ŝargi PyQGIS.Couldn't load QGIS utils.An error occurred during execution of following code:Python version:Python versio:QGIS version:QGIS versio:Python path:Python errorPython eraroUndefinedNedifinitaHiddenKaŝitaTitleTitoloGroupGrupoFrameKadroScalebarSkalbretoText TableSubgroupGrupidoSymbolSimboloSymbol labelSimbola etikdoTopology CheckerA Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layersUsing fix %1.Topology pluginSelect automatic fixintersecting geometriesIntersekcantaj geometriojMove blue featureMove red featureDelete blue featureDelete red featureUnion to blue featureUnion to red featurefeatures too closeSnap to segmentpoint not covered by segmentDelete pointForigi punktonsegment too shortDelete featureForigi entoninvalid geometryMalvalida geometriodangling endduplicate geometryDuobligi geometrionpseudo nodepseŭdonodooverlapsoverlapsgapsbreĉojpoint not coveredline ends not covered by pointpoint not in polygonpunkto ne estas en plurangulopolygon does not contain pointplurangulo ne enhavas punktonmultipart featureplurparta entoSave style to DB (%1)Konservi stilon al DB (%1)Delete Auxiliary FieldUnable to remove auxiliary field (%1)Could not save metadataCould not save symbology because:
%1Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2]ErrorEraroGlobalMallokaFormFormularoProjectProjektoLoad layer into projectload,open,layer,raster,vector,projectModeler toolsThis algorithm loads a layer to the current project.LayerTavoloLoaded layer nameInvalid input layerInvalid (empty) layer nameMap SettingsMapaj agordojMap Tool CaptureLayoutAranĝoAtlasLayout ItemAlgorithmAlgoritmoFeature IDEnta IDlinearlineararadialradiusaconicalkonusafeatureentoviewportvidujopadrepeatreflectCould not allocate sufficient memory for shapeburst fillNo renderer for drawing.Simplify transform error caught: %1empty capabilities documentmalplena dokumento de kapabloDom ExceptionDom esceptoCould not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Response was:
%4Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Generated default styleStyle was missing in capabilitiesMankis stilon en la kapablojField contains a color.La kampo enhavas koloronCombo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider.Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty.LegendMapklarigoRaster image fillRastrumbilda plenigoCouldn't load PyQGIS Server.Ne eblas ŝargi PyQGIS servilo.Couldn't load qgis.user.Ne eblas ŝargi qgis.user.NOTICE: %1BlurMalklarigoDrop ShadowInner ShadowStackOuter GlowInner GlowSourceFontoTransformColoriseKolorigiGRASS %1GRASS %1GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)Version 2.0Versio 2.0GRASS editExtract by attributeEltiri atributeextract,filter,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionSelection attributeOperatorOperatoro==≠>>>=>=<<<=<=begins withcontainsenhavasis nullis not nulldoes not containValueValoroExtracted (attribute)Eltirita (atributo)Extracted (non-matching)This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer.Field '%1' was not found in INPUT sourceOperator '%1' can be used only with string fields.CountNombroCount (distinct)Count (missing)Minimum (earliest)Minimuma (plej frua)Maximum (latest)Maksimumo (plej malfrua)Range (interval)SumSumoMeanMedianMedianoSt dev (pop)St dev (sample)Output no data valueRange boundariesmin < value <= maxmin <= value < maxmin <= value <= maxmin < value < maxUse no data when no range matches valueOutput data typeReclassified rasterInvalid band number for RASTER_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Could not create raster output: %1Could not create raster output %1: %2Reclassify by layerraster,reclassify,classes,calculatorThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a vector table.Layer containing class breaksMinimum class value fieldMaximum class value fieldOutput value fieldInvalid field specified for MIN_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for MAX_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for VALUE_FIELD: %1Invalid value for minimum: %1Invalid value for maximum: %1Invalid output value: %1Reclassify by tableThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a fixed table.Reclassification tableFilteredFilters away vertices based on their %1, returning geometries with only vertex points that have a %1 ≥ the specified minimum value and ≤ the maximum value.
If the minimum value is not specified than only the maximum value is tested, and similarly if the maximum value is not specified than only the minimum value is tested.
Depending on the input geometry attributes and the filters used, the resultant geometries created by this algorithm may no longer be valid.MinimumMinimumaMinimum valueMinimuma valoroMaximumMaksimumaMaximum valueMaksimuma valoroFilter vertices by m valuefilter,points,vertex,mm-valueFilter vertices by z valuefilter,points,vertex,zz-valueInvalid value for TABLE: list must contain a multiple of 3 elements (found %1)RangeIntervaloMinorityMajorityVarietyQ1Q1Q3Q3IQRIQRRename GRASS %1Renomi GRASS %1Cannot delete %1Ne eblas forigi %1Cannot rename %1 to %2Ne eblas renomi %1 al %2Recent colorsLastatempaj kolorojStandard colorsProject colorsProjektaj kolorojDelete ConnectionForigi konektonAre you sure you want to delete the connection to %1?Ĉu vi estas certa, ĉu forigi la konekton al %1?Delete ObjectForigi objektonDelete TableForigi tabelonAre you sure you want to delete [%1].[%2]?Are you sure you want to truncate [%1].[%2]?
This will delete all data within the table.Are you sure you want to delete %1.%2?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi %1 %2? {1.%2??}Truncate TableAre you sure you want to truncate %1.%2?
This will delete all data within the table.Refresh Materialized ViewAre you sure you want to refresh the materialized view %1.%2?
This will update all data within the table.Delete SchemaForigi skemonSchema '%1' contains objects:
Are you sure you want to delete the schema and all these objects?Are you sure you want to delete the schema '%1'?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la skemon '%1'?Are you sure you want to delete %1?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi %1 %2? {1??}Unable to reproject.Ne eblas reprojekciiCell size must not be zero.Ĉelogrando ne dovas esti nula.No common intersecting area.Unable to open input file: %1Ne eblas malfermi enigan dosieron: %1Unable to create output file: %1Ne eblas krei eligan dosieron: %1Un-named Color SchemeAccessible Color SchemeOpen LinkMalfermi ligilonCopy Link AddressKopii ligilan adresonSend Email To…Copy Email AddressCannot open database %1 by driver %2Cannot describe table %1GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology?Key column '%1' not found in the table '%2'SecureProtocolsTlsV1SslV3TlsV1SslV3TlsV1TlsV1SslV3SslV3SslV2SslV2(Organization not defined)System Root CASystem Root AuthoritiesFile CAAuthorities from FileDatabase CAAuthorities in DatabaseConnection CAAuthorities from connectionDefaultDefaŭltoTrustedFidataUntrustedCertificate is valid.Root CA rejected the certificate purpose.Certificate is not trusted.Signature does not match.Certificate Authority is invalid or not found.Purpose does not match the intended usage.Certificate is self-signed, and is not found in the list of trusted certificates.Certificate has been revoked.Path length from the root CA to this certificate is too long.Certificate has expired or is not yet valid.Certificate Authority has expired.Validity is unknown.SHA1, with EMSA1SHA1, kun EMSA1SHA1, with EMSA3SHA1, kun EMSA3MD5, with EMSA3MD5, kun EMSA3MD2, with EMSA3MD2, kun EMSA3RIPEMD160, with EMSA3RIPEMD160, kun EMSA3EMSA3, without digestSHA224, with EMSA3SHA224, kun EMSA3SHA256, with EMSA3SHA256, kun EMSA3SHA384, with EMSA3SHA384, kun EMSA3SHA512, with EMSA3SHA512, kun EMSA3Unknown (possibly Elliptic Curve)Digital SignatureCifereca subskriboNon-repudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementKey Certificate SignCRL SignEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlyServer AuthenticationClient AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionIPSec EndpointIPSec TunnelIPSec UserTime StampingOCSP SigningAny or unspecifiedCertificate AuthorityCertificate IssuerTLS/SSL ServerTLS/SSL-serviloTLS/SSL Server EVTLS/SSL ClientTLS/SSL-klientoCRL SigningUndetermined usageUnable to Get Issuer CertificateUnable to Decrypt Certificate SignatureUnable to Decode Issuer Public KeyUnable to Get Local Issuer CertificateUnable to Verify First CertificateCertificate Signature FailedCertificate Not Yet ValidCertificate ExpiredInvalid Not Before FieldInvalid Not After FieldSelf-signed CertificateSelf-signed Certificate In ChainCertificate RevokedInvalid CA CertificatePath Length ExceededInvalid PurposeCertificate UntrustedCertificate RejectedSubject Issuer MismatchAuthority Issuer Serial Number MismatchNo Peer CertificateHost Name MismatchUnspecified ErrorCertificate BlacklistedNo ErrorNeniu eraroNo SSL SupportClient certificate is NULL.Client certificate key is NULL.Private key does not match client certificate public key.Authentication ManagerAŭtentokontrola administriloMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your KeyChainMaster Password <-> Password Manager storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Password ManagerMaster Password <-> Wallet/KeyRing storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyRingMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyChain/Password ManagerAuthentication methodCould not set trust policy for imported certificatesAuthorities ManagerCould not store sort by preferenceCould not store default trust policy.Could not store 'CA file path' in authentication database.Could not store 'CA file allow invalids' setting in authentication database.Could not set trust policy for imported certificates.Could not remove 'CA file path' from authentication database.Could not remove 'CA file allow invalids' setting from authentication database.Authentication SystemDISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessedMaster password already set.Master password not cleared because it is not set.Master password cleared (NOTE: network connections may be cached).Master password FAILED to be cleared.Master password resetMaster password reset: NO current password hash in databaseMaster password FAILED to be reset (database backup: %1)Cached authentication configurations for session clearedRemove ConfigurationsForigi agordojnAre you sure you want to remove ALL authentication configurations?
Operation can NOT be undone!Authentication configurations removed.Authentication configurations FAILED to be removed.Active authentication database erased.Authentication database FAILED to be erased.Delete PasswordDo you really want to delete the master password from your %1?Master password was successfully deleted from your %1Password helper deleteMaster password is not set and cannot be stored in your %1.Master password has been successfully stored in your %1.Password helper writeYour %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.Erase DatabaseViŝi datumbazonAre you sure you want to ERASE the entire authentication database?
Operation can NOT be undone!
(Current database will be backed up and new one created.) (backup: %1) (savkopio: %1)RESTART QGISRESTARTIGI QGISFile not foundDosiero ne trovitaCould not store sort by preference.Authentication IdentitiesAuthentication SSL ConfigsConfiguration loaded from databaseAgordo ŝargita el datumbazoConfiguration not found in databaseMankas agordon en la datumbazoTrusted Authorities/IssuersEntry token invalid : '%1'. The token will not be saved to file.Project translationA hidden field will be invisible - the user is not able to see its contents.VLayerExpression SorterEsprima ordiloDisplays a combo box containing values of attributes used for classification.
Only available when the layer uses a categorized symbol renderer.Error: %1 on line %2, column %3Eraro: %1 ĉe linio %2, kolumno %3WFSWFSunable to convert '%1' element to a valid expression: it is not supported yet or it has invalid arguments'%1' binary operator not supported.invalid left operand for '%1' binary operatornevalida maldekstra operando por '%1' binara operatoroinvalid right operand for '%1' binary operatornevalida dekstra operando por '%1' binara operatoroonly one operand for '%1' binary operatornur unu operando por '%1' binara operatoroNo OGC Geometry foundNe trovis OGC geometrion%1:PropertyName expected, got %2%1:Literal expected, got %2'%1' is an invalid or not supported content for %2:Literalinvalid operand for '%1' unary operatorNode type not supported: %1This use of unary operator not implemented yet<BBOX> is currently supported only in form: bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('…'))Unary operator %1 not implemented yetBinary operator %1 not implemented yetNode type not supported in expression translation: %1Unary operator '%1' not implemented yetLiteral type not supported: %1Unable to translate spatial operator: at least one must refer to geometry.spatial operator: the other operator must be a geometry constructor functiongeom_from_wkt: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: unable to parse XMLspatial operator: unknown geometry constructor functionSpecial columns/constants are not supported.%1: Last argument must be string or integer literalFunction %1 should have 1 or 2 argumentsFunkcio %1 devus havi 1 aŭ 2 argumentojn%1: First argument must be string literal%1: invalid WKT%1: nevalida WKTFunction %1 should have 4 or 5 argumentsFunkcio %1 devus havi 4 aŭ 5 argumentojn%1: Argument %2 must be numeric literal%1 Argument %2 must be numeric literalFunction %1 should have 1 argumentFunkcio %1 devus havi 1 argumenton%1: Argument must be string literalST_GeomFromGML: unable to parse XMLFunction %1 should have 2 argumentsFunkcio %1 devus havi 2 argumentojnFunction %1 should have 3 argumentsFunkcio %1 devus havi 3 argumentojnFunction %1 3rd argument should be a numeric value or a string made of a numeric value followed by a stringJoins are only supported with WFS 2.0%1:Function expected, got %2missing some required sub-elements in %1:PropertyIsBetweensecond|secondslist of words separated by | which reference yearsminute|minuteslist of words separated by | which reference minuteshour|hourslist of words separated by | which reference minutes hoursday|dayslist of words separated by | which reference daysweek|weekswordlist separated by | which reference weeksmonth|monthslist of words separated by | which reference monthsyear|yearslist of words separated by | which reference yearsMinimum lengthMinimuma longoMaximum lengthMaksimuma longoMean lengthMezuma longoFunction '%1' is not declared by the WFS serverColumn '%1' references a non existing tableKolumno '%1' referencas neekzistantan tabelonColumn '%1' references a non existing fieldKolumno '%1' referencas neekzistantan kampon%1 to %2 arguments1 argument1 argumento%1 arguments%1 argumentoj%1 arguments or more1 argument or more0 argument or moreStyle ManagerStila administriloTessellate3d,triangleVector geometryVektora geometrioTessellatedThis algorithm tessellates a polygon geometry layer, dividing the geometries into triangular components.The output layer consists of multipolygon geometries for each input feature, with each multipolygon consisting of multiple triangle component polygons.HeightAltoExtrusionHeightAdd autoincremental fieldAldoni aŭtomate inkrementan kamponThis algorithm adds a new integer field to a vector layer, with a sequential value for each feature.
This field can be used as a unique ID for features in the layer. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
The initial starting value for the incremental series can be specified.
Optionally, grouping fields can be specified. If group fields are present, then the field value will be reset for each combination of these group field values.
The sort order for features may be specified, if so, then the incremental field will respect this sort order.add,create,serial,primary,key,unique,fieldsVector tableVektora tabeloIncrementedAlkrementitaField nameNomo de kampoStart values atGroup values bySort expressionSort ascendingOrdigi kreskanteSort nulls firstAssign projectionAtribui projekcionassign,set,transform,reproject,crs,srs,warpVector generalAssigned CRSThis algorithm assigns a new projection to a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the exact same features and geometries as the input one, but assigned to a new CRS. E.g. the geometries are not reprojected, they are just assigned to a different CRS. This algorithm can be used to repair layers which have been assigned an incorrect projection.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.BoundaryLimoboundary,ring,border,exteriorReturns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers.No boundary for feature %1 (possibly a closed linestring?)'Bounding boxesLimihaj kestojbounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extentBoundsLimojThis algorithm calculates the bounding box (envelope) for each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.BufferBufrobuffer,grow,fixed,variable,distanceInput layerEniga tavoloDistanceDistancoBuffer distanceBufra distancoSegmentsSegmentojEnd cap styleRoundFlatPlataSquareKvadratoJoin styleMiterBevelMiter limitDissolve resultBufferedThis algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Could not load source layer for INPUTError calculating buffer for feature %1ProcessingTraktadoCentroidscentroid,center,average,point,middleThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer.
The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features.Create point on surface for each partError calculating centroid for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating centroid for feature %1: %2ClipEltondiclip,intersect,intersection,maskVector overlayOverlay layerThis algorithm clips a vector layer using the features of an additional polygon layer. Only the parts of the features in the Input layer that fall within the polygons of the Overlay layer will be added to the resulting layer.The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.ClippedEltonditaCould not create the combined clip geometry: %1Convex hullconvex,hull,bounds,boundingConvex hullsThis algorithm calculates the convex hull for each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a convex hull calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Cannot calculate convex hull for a single Point feature (try 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm instead).Dissolvedissolve,union,combine,collectDissolve field(s)This algorithm takes a vector layer and combines their features into new features. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve features belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all features can be dissolved in a single one.
All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased.Unique ID fieldsUnikaj ID-kampojDissolvedCollect geometriesunion,combine,collect,multipart,parts,singleCollectedThis algorithm takes a vector layer and collects its geometries into new multipart geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to collect only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be collected.All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries, even those with just a single part. This algorithm does not dissolve overlapping geometries - they will be collected together without modifying the shape of each geometry part.See the 'Promote to multipart' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Drop geometriesremove,drop,delete,geometry,objectsDropped geometriesThis algorithm removes any geometries from an input layer and returns a layer containing only the feature attributes.Drop M/Z valuesdrop,set,convert,m,measure,z,25d,3d,valuesZ/M DroppedThis algorithm can remove any measure (M) or Z values from input geometries.Drop M ValuesDrop Z ValuesExtentThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that contains a single feature with geometry matching an extent parameter.
It can be used in models to convert an extent into a layer which can be used for other algorithms which require a layer based input.Create layer from extentextent,layer,polygon,create,newExtract by expressionEltiri esprimeextract,filter,expression,fieldExpressionEsprimoMatching featuresNon-matchingThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression.
For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a>Extract/clip by extentclip,extract,intersect,intersection,mask,extentClip features to extentExtractedThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains features which fall within a specified extent. Any features which intersect the extent will be included.
Optionally, feature geometries can also be clipped to the extent. If this option is selected, then the output geometries will automatically be converted to multi geometries to ensure uniform output geometry types.Where the features (geometric predicate)intersectcontaindisjointdisjointequaltouchoverlapare withincrosscreating new selectionadding to current selectionselecting within current selectionremoving from current selectionSelect features fromBy comparing to the features fromModify current selection bySelect by locationselect,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.Extract features fromExtracted (location)Eltirita (loke)Extract by locationEltiri lokeextract,filter,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.All files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)Fix geometriesrepair,invalid,geometry,make,validFixed geometriesThis algorithm attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry without losing any of the input vertices. Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention. Always outputs multi-geometry layer.
NOTE: M values will be dropped from the output.makeValid failed for feature %1 Fixing geometry for feature %1 resulted in %2, geometry has been dropped.Join attributes by field valuejoin,connect,attributes,values,fields,tablesCreate separate feature for each matching feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first matching feature only (one-to-one)Table fieldInput layer 2Eniga tavolo 2Table field 2Layer 2 fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerKunmetita tavoloUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableNumber of unjoinable features from input tableThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. An attribute is selected in each of them to define the join criteria.%1 feature(s) from input layer were successfully matched%1 feature(s) from input layer could not be matchedInvalid join fieldsJoin by lines (hub lines)join,connect,lines,points,hub,spokeVector analysisHub layerHub ID fieldHub layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Spoke layerSpoke ID fieldSpoke layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Hub linesThis algorithm creates hub and spoke diagrams by connecting lines from points on the Spoke layer to matching points in the Hub layer.
Determination of which hub goes with each point is based on a match between the Hub ID field on the hub points and the Spoke ID field on the spoke points.
If input layers are not point layers, a point on the surface of the geometries will be taken as the connecting location.Same layer given for both hubs and spokesInvalid ID fieldLine intersectionsLiniaj intersekcojline,intersectionIntersect layerIntersekca tavoloIntersectionIntersekcoThis algorithm extracts the overlapping portions of features in the Input and Overlay layers. Features in the output Intersection layer are assigned the attributes of the overlapping features from both the Input and Overlay layers.Overlay fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Input fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Intersect fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.GEOS geoprocessing error: difference failed.IntersectionsIntersekcojThis algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer.Mean coordinate(s)mean,average,coordinateWeight fieldUnique ID fieldMean coordinatesThis algorithm computes a point layer with the center of mass of geometries in an input layer.
An attribute can be specified as containing weights to be applied to each feature when computing the center of mass.
If an attribute is selected in the <Unique ID field> parameter, features will be grouped according to values in this field. Instead of a single point with the center of mass of the whole layer, the output layer will contain a center of mass for the features in each category.Negative weight value found. Please fix your data and try again.Merge linesKunfandi liniojnline,merge,join,partsMergedKunfanditajThis algorithm joins all connected parts of MultiLineString geometries into single LineString geometries.
If any parts of the input MultiLineString geometries are not connected, the resultant geometry will be a MultiLineString containing any lines which could be merged and any non-connected line parts.Error merging lines for feature %1Merge vector layersKunfandi vektorajn tavolojnvector,layers,collect,merge,combineInput layersEnigaj tavolojDestination CRSThis algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one.
If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source.
If any input layers contain Z or M values, then the output layer will also contain these values. Similarly, if any of the input layers are multi-part, the output layer will also be a multi-part layer.
Optionally, the destination coordinate reference system (CRS) for the merged layer can be set. If it is not set, the CRS will be taken from the first input layer. All layers will all be reprojected to match this CRS.Using specified destination CRS %1Error retrieving map layer.All layers must be vector layers!Taking destination CRS %1 from layerAll layers must have same geometry type! Encountered a %1 layer when expecting a %2 layer.Found a layer with M values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with Z values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with multiparts, upgrading output type to %1Setting output type to %1%1 field in layer %2 has different data type than in other layers (%3 instead of %4)Packaging layer %1/%2: %3Error obtained while merging one or more layers.Minimum enclosing circlesminimum,circle,ellipse,extent,bounds,boundingNumber of segments in circlesThis algorithm calculates the minimum enclosing circle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a minimal enclosing circle calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Multipart to singlepartsPlurparta al unupartamulti,single,multiple,split,dumpSingle partsThis algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them.Order by expressionorderby,sort,expression,fieldOrderedThis algorithm sorts a vector layer according to an expression. Be careful, it might not work as expected with some providers, the order might not be kept every time.Oriented minimum bounding boxOrientita minimuma limiga kestobounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extent,oriented,angleThis algorithm calculates the minimum area rotated rectangle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a oriented bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Promote to multipartmulti,single,multiple,convert,force,partsMultipartsThis algorithm takes a vector layer with singlepart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries are multipart. Input features which are already multipart features will remain unchanged.This algorithm can be used to force geometries to multipart types in order to be compatibility with data providers with strict singlepart/multipart compatibility checks.See the 'Collect geometries' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Raster layer unique values reportcount,area,statisticsRaster analysisUpdatedBand numberBenda numeroValue for nodata or non-intersecting verticesScale factorTransform error while reprojecting feature {}Drape (set z-value from raster)3d,vertex,vertices,elevation,height,sample,dem,update,featureThis algorithm sets the z value of every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.The raster values can optionally be scaled by a preset amount.Sets the z value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.Set m-value from rasterdrape,vertex,vertices,sample,dem,update,feature,measureThis algorithm sets the m-value for every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.Sets the m-value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.Unique values reportHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Unique values tableCRS authority identifierWidth in pixelsHeight in pixelsTotal pixel countNODATA pixel countThis algorithm returns the count and area of each unique value in a given raster layer.Invalid band number for BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Analyzed fileband<p>%1: %2</p>
<p>%1: %2</p>
<p>%1: %2 (%3)</p>
<p>%1: %2 (%3)</p>
ProjectionProjekcio<p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p>
<p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p>
units per pixelPixel countAreaCleanedRemove duplicate verticespoints,valid,overlapping,vertex,nodesThis algorithm removes duplicate vertices from features, wherever removing the vertices does not result in a degenerate geometry.
The tolerance parameter specifies the tolerance for coordinates when determining whether vertices are identical.
By default, z values are not considered when detecting duplicate vertices. E.g. two vertices with the same x and y coordinate but different z values will still be considered duplicate and one will be removed. If the Use Z Value parameter is true, then the z values are also tested and vertices with the same x and y but different z will be maintained.
Note that duplicate vertices are not tested between different parts of a multipart geometry. E.g. a multipoint geometry with overlapping points will not be changed by this method.ToleranceTolerance distanceUse Z ValueRemove null geometriesForigi la null-ajn geometriojnremove,drop,delete,empty,geometryNon null geometriesNull geometriesThis algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged.
Optionally, the features with null geometries can be saved to a separate output.Rename layerchange,layer,name,titleThis algorithm renames a layer.New nameNova nomoSelected featuresExtract selected featuresEltiri elektitajn entojnselection,save,byThis algorithm creates a new layer with all the selected features in a given vector layer.
If the selected layer has no selected features, the newly created layer will be empty.Simplifysimplify,generalize,douglas,peucker,visvalingamSimplifiedThis algorithm simplifies the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a lower number of vertices.
The algorithm gives a choice of simplification methods, including distance based (the "Douglas-Peucker" algorithm), area based ("Visvalingam" algorithm) and snapping geometries to a grid.Distance (Douglas-Peucker)Distanco (Douglas-Peucker)Snap to gridKapti per kradoArea (Visvalingam)Simplification methodSmoothsmooth,curve,generalize,round,bend,cornersSmoothedThis algorithm smooths the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a higher number of vertices and corners in the geometries smoothed out.
The iterations parameter dictates how many smoothing iterations will be applied to each geometry. A higher number of iterations results in smoother geometries with the cost of greater number of nodes in the geometries.
The offset parameter controls how "tightly" the smoothed geometries follow the original geometries. Smaller values results in a tighter fit, and larger values will create a looser fit.
The maximum angle parameter can be used to prevent smoothing of nodes with large angles. Any node where the angle of the segments to either side is larger than this will not be smoothed. For example, setting the maximum angle to 90 degrees or lower would preserve right angles in the geometry.
If input geometries contain Z or M values, these will also be smoothed and the output geometry will retain the same dimensionality as the input geometry.IterationsIteraciojOffset linesoffset,linestringOffsetDeŝovoThis algorithm offsets lines by a specified distance. Positive distances will offset lines to the left, and negative distances will offset to the right of lines.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Offsets lines by a specified distance.Maximum node angle to smoothError smoothing geometry %1Snap points to gridsnapped,grid,simplify,round,precisionSnappedThis algorithm modifies the coordinates of geometries in a vector layer, so that all points or vertices are snapped to the closest point of the grid.
If the snapped geometry cannot be calculated (or is totally collapsed) the feature's geometry will be cleared.
Note that snapping to grid may generate an invalid geometry in some corner cases.
Snapping can be performed on the X, Y, Z or M axis. A grid spacing of 0 for any axis will disable snapping for that axis.X Grid SpacingY Grid SpacingZ Grid SpacingM Grid SpacingError snapping geometry %1Split with linessplit,cut,linesSplit layerSplitThis algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points.String concatenationstring,concatenation,mergeThis algorithm concatenates two strings together.Input 1Input 2ConcatenationKunmetoMaximum nodes in partsSubdividesubdivide,segmentize,split,tessellateSubdivides the geometry. The returned geometry will be a collection containing subdivided parts from the original geometry, where no part has more then the specified maximum number of nodes.
This is useful for dividing a complex geometry into less complex parts, which are better able to be spatially indexed and faster to perform further operations such as intersects on. The returned geometry parts may not be valid and may contain self-intersections.
Curved geometries will be segmentized before subdivision.SubdividedError calculating subdivision for feature %1Transecttransect,station,lines,extend,Length of the transectAngle in degrees from the original line at the verticesAngle in degreesSide to create the transectsLeftMaldekstraRightBothThis algorithm creates transects on vertices for (multi)linestring.
A transect is a line oriented from an angle (by default perpendicular) to the input polylines (at vertices).Field(s) from feature(s) are returned in the transect with these new fields:
- TR_FID: ID of the original feature
- TR_ID: ID of the transect. Each transect have an unique ID
- TR_SEGMENT: ID of the segment of the linestring
- TR_ANGLE: Angle in degrees from the original line at the vertex
- TR_LENGTH: Total length of the transect returned
- TR_ORIENT: Side of the transect (only on the left or right of the line, or both side)
Target CRSReprojectedReprojekciitaReproject layerReprojekcii tavolontransform,reprojection,crs,srs,warpThis algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.Translatemove,shift,transform,z,m,values,addTranslatedThis algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement.Z and M values present in the geometry can also be translated.Array of translated featurestranslate,parallel,offset,duplicate,grid,spaced,moved,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of features in a layer, by creating multiple translated versions of each feature. Each copy is incrementally displaced by a preset amount in the x/y/z/m axis.Creates multiple translated copies of features in a layer.Number of features to createStep distance (x-axis)Offset distance (x-axis)Step distance (y-axis)Offset distance (y-axis)Step distance (z-axis)Offset distance (z-axis)Step distance (m values)Offset distance (m values)DWG/DXF importDWG/DXF importoNot yet implemented %1SQL statement failed
Database: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not start transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Could not commit transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Drawing %1 is unreadableCould not open database [%1]Ne eblas malfermi la datumbazon [%1]Query for drawing %1 failed.Could not retrieve drawing name from database [%1]Recorded last modification date unreadable [%1]Drawing already uptodate in database.Imported drawingsHeadersPaĝokapojLine typesTipoj de liniojLayer listTavola listoDimension stylesDimensiaj stilojText stylesApplication dataAplikaĵa datumoBLOCK entitiesBLOCK-entojPOINT entitiesPOINT-entojLINE entitiesLINE-entojPOLYLINE entitiesPOLYLINE-entojTEXT entitiesTEXT-entojHATCH entitiesHATCH-entojINSERT entitiesINSERT-entojCould not load geopackage driverCreation of datasource failed [%1]Kreado de la datumfonto fiaskis [%1]Creation of drawing layer %1 failed [%2]Creation of field definition for %1.%2 failed [%3]Creation of field %1.%2 failed [%3]Could not update drawing record [%1]Updating database from %1 [%2].File %1 is not a DWG/DXF fileDosiero %1 ne estas DWG/DXF-dosieroNo error.Neniu eraro.Unknown error.Nekonata eraro.error opening file.eraro dum malfermado de dosiero.unsupported version.nesubtenata versio.error reading metadata.eraro dum legado de metadatumoj.error in file header read process.error in header vars read process.error in object map read process.error in classes read process.error in tables read process.error in block read process.error in entities read process.error in objects read process.Could not update comment in drawing record [%1]Could not add %3 %1 [%2]Ne eblas aldoni %2 [%1] {3 %1 ?} {2]?}header recorddotted linetypes - dot ignoredline typeTipo de liniolayertavoloField %1 not foundKampo %1 ne trovitaLine width defaultDefaŭlta linia larĝodimension styledimensia stilotext styleCould not create geometry [%1]Ne eblis krei geometrion [%1]Could not add %2 [%1]Ne eblas aldoni %2 [%1]blockpointRAY entitiesRAY-entojXLINE entitiesXLINE-entojarccircleline stringpolygonsplinesplajnoKNOT entitiesKNOT-entojTRACE entitiesTRACE-entoj3DFACE entities3DFACE-entojDIMALIGN entitiesDIMALIGN-entojDIMLINEAR entitiesDIMLINEAR-entojDIMRADIAL entitiesDIMRADIAL-entojDIMDIAMETRIC entitiesDIMDIAMETRIC-entojDIMANGULAR entitiesDIMANGULAR-entojDIMANGULAR3P entitiesDIMANGULAR3P-entojDIMORDINAL entitiesDIMORDINAL-entojLEADER entitiesLEADER-entojVIEWPORT entitiesVIEWPORT-entojIMAGE entitiesIMAGE-entojimage linksBildaj ligilojcommentskomentojCould not copy feature of block %2 from layer %1 [Errors: %3]Not logging more errors%1 write errors during block expansion%1 block insertion expanded.PagePaĝoDelete style %1 from %2Delete StyleAre you sure you want to delete the style %1?Paper sizePapergrandostring Page widthLarĝo de paĝoPage heightAlto de paĝoNumber of pagesNombro da paĝojSymbol sizeGrando de la simboloPage numberPosition (X)Position (Y)WidthLarĝoRotation angleTransparencyTravideblecoOpacityOpakecoBlend modeExclude item from exportsFrame colorKadra koloroBackground colorFona koloroMap rotationRotacio de la mapoMap scaleExtent minimum XExtent minimum YExtent maximum XExtent maximum YAtlas marginPicture source (URL)Source URLSVG background colorSVG stroke colorSVG stroke widthLegend titleNumber of columnsNombro da kolumnojFill colorPleniga koloroSecondary fill colorLine colorLinikoloroLine widthLinia larĝolist of map layer names separated by | charactersGrid %1Krado %1No matching recordsDistribute Items by LeftDistribute Items by CenterDistribute Items by RightDistribute Items by TopDistribute Items by Vertical CenterDistribute Items by BottomResize Items to NarrowestResize Items to WidestResize Items to ShortestResize Items to TallestResize Items to SquareAlign Items to LeftAlign Items to CenterAlign Items to RightAlign Items to TopAlign Items to Vertical CenterAlign Items to BottomExporting %1 of %2Exporting section %1Cannot write to %1. This file may be open in another application or may be an invalid path.Printing %1 of %2Printing section %1Layer %1Tavolo %1Change Grid ResolutionChange Grid OffsetA6A6A5A5A4A4A3A3A2A2A1A1A0A0B6B6B5B5B4B4B3B3B2B2B1B1B0B0LegalLetterANSI AANSI AANSI BANSI BANSI CANSI CANSI DANSI DANSI EANSI EArch AArch AArch BArch BArch CArch CArch DArch DArch EArch EArch E1Arch E1Arch E2Arch E2Arch E3Arch E31920×10802012-05-04T1080 {1920×?}1280×8002012-05-04T800 {1280×?}1024×7682012-05-04T768 {1024×?}ReportGroup: %1 - %2SectionidentifierIdentifier element is required.languageLanguage element is required.typeType element is required.titletitleTitle element is required.abstractAbstract element is required.licenseAt least one license is required.crsA valid CRS element is required.extentA valid CRS element for the spatial extent is required.A valid spatial extent is required.authorA project author is required.creationThe project creation date/time is required.contactsAt least one contact is required.linksAt least one link is required.keywordsKeyword vocabulary cannot be empty.Keyword list cannot be empty.Contact name cannot be empty.Link name cannot be empty.Link type cannot be empty.Link url cannot be empty.modelPrepare algorithm: %1Running %1 [%2/%3]Input Parameters:Error encountered while running %1OK. Execution took %1 s (%2 outputs).Model processed OK. Executed %1 algorithms total in %2 s.Output '%1' from algorithm '%2'Minimum X of %1Minimum Y of %1Maximum X of %1Maximum Y of %1The model you are trying to run contains an algorithm that is not available: <i>%1</i>Incorrect parameter value for %1Duplicate parameter %1 registered for alg %2Duplicate output %1 registered for alg %2Could not load source layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not load source layer for %1: %2 not foundCould not load source layer for %1: invalid valueCould not create destination layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not create destination layer for %1: %2Could not create destination layer for %1: invalid valueEncountered a transform error when reprojecting feature with id %1.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry and has been skipped. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Error transforming extent geometryError transforming point geometryPython identifier: ‘%1’Invalid number parameter "%1": min value %2 is >= max value %3!Minimum value: %1Maximum value: %1Default value: %1Could not create memory layerCould not create layer %1: %2<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Priskribo de algoritmo</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<h2>Enigaj parametroj</h2>
<p align="right">Algorithm author: %1</p><p align="right">Help author: %1</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: %1</p>Feature could not be written to %1%1 feature(s) could not be written to %2Features could not be written to %1Unable to zip contentUnable to save zip file '%1'Unable to execute%1 '%2': %3%1 '%2': %3Could not create transform to calculate true northCould not transform bounding box to target CRSThe source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1La fonta referenca koordinatsistemo (RKS) estas nevalida. Ne eblas reprojekcii la koordinatojn. La RKS estas: %1The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1La cela referenca koordinatsistemo (RKS) estas nevalida. Ne eblas reprojekcii la koordinatojn. La RKS estas: %1forward transforminverse transform%1 of
%2PROJ: %3 +to %4
Error: %5Stroke colorStroke widthPlacement distancePlacement priorityPlacement z-indexDiagram is an obstacleShow diagramAlways show diagramPie chart start angleKBMBMBGBTBbytes%1: Not a vector layer.Memory layer uri does not contain process or layer id.Memory layer from another QGIS instance.Cannot get memory layer.%1: Not a raster layer.%1: Not a mesh layer.Font sizeBold styleItalic styleDraw underlineText colorDraw strikeoutFont familyTipara familio[<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx]Font style[<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light ItalicFont size unitsText transparencyText opacityFont caseLetter spacingWord spacingText blend modeWrap characterAutomatic word wrap line lengthLine heightLine alignmentDraw direction symbolLeft direction symbolRight direction symbolDirection symbol placementReverse direction symbolFormat as numberNumber of decimal placesDraw + signDraw bufferBuffer unitsBuffer colorBuffer transparencyBuffer opacityBuffer join styleBuffer blend modeDraw shapeShape typeShape SVG pathShape size typeShape size (X)Shape size (Y)Shape size unitsShape rotation typeShape rotationShape offsetShape offset unitsShape radiiSymbol radii unitsShape transparencyShape opacityShape blend modeShape fill colorShape stroke colorShape stroke widthShape stroke width unitsShape join styleDraw shadowShadow offset angleShadow offset distanceShadow offset unitsShadow blur radiusShadow blur unitsShadow transparencyShadow opacityShadow scaleShadow colorShadow blend modeCentroid of whole shapeOffset quadrantint<br>int<br>Offset unitsLabel distanceEtikeda distancoLabel distance unitsOffset rotationCurved character anglesdouble coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0]double coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0]Repeat distanceRepeat distance unitLabel prioritydouble [0.0-10.0]double [0.0-10.0]Feature is a label obstacleObstacle factorPredefined position orderComma separated list of placements in order of priority<br>Horizontal alignmentHorizontala ĝisrandigoVertical alignmentVertikala ĝisrandigoLabel rotation (deprecated)Label rotationScale based visibilityMinimum scale (denominator)Maximum scale (denominator)Limit font pixel sizeMinimum pixel sizeMaximum pixel sizeLabel z-indexShow labelMontri etikedonAlways show labelbool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False]bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False]int [<= 0 =>]int [<= 0 =>]int [>= 0]int [>= 0]int [>= 1]int [>= 1]double [<= 0.0 =>]double [<= 0.0 =>]double [>= 0.0]double [>= 0.0]double [0.0-1.0]double [0.0-10.0] {0.0-1.0]?}double [0.0-360.0]double [0.0-10.0] {0.0-1.0]?} {0.0-360.0]?}string of variable lengthint [0-100]int [0-100]string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBBAA</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namestring [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namedouble coord [<b>X,Y</b>]double size [<b>width,height</b>]double offset [<b>x,y</b>]metersdistancemetrojkilometersdistancekilometrojfeetdistanceyardsdistancemilesdistancemejlojdegreesdistancedegreescentimetersdistancecentimetrojmillimetersdistancemilimetroj<unknown>distance<unknown>nautical milesdistancemdistancemkmdistancekmftdistanceyddistancemidistancedegdistancecmdistancemmdistancemmNMdistancesquare metersareasquare kilometersareasquare feetareasquare yardsareasquare milesareahectaresareaacresareasquare nautical milesareasquare degreesareasquare millimetersareasquare centimetersarea<unknown>area<unknown>m²areakm²areaft²areayd²areami²areahaareaac²areaNM²areadeg²areacm²areacm²mm²areamm²degreesangledegreesradiansanglegonangleminutes of arcangleseconds of arcangleturnsangle<unknown>angle<unknown>°angle° radangle gonangle′angle minutes′″angle seconds″ trangle turnmillimetersrendermilimetrojmeters at scalerenderinunit inchmap unitsrendermapaj unuojpixelsrenderbilderojpercentrenderpointsrenderinchesrender<unknown>render<unknown>pxmmmmcmmmftptpicapixelsbilderojmillimetersmilimetrojcentimeterscentimetrojmetersmetrojinchesfeetpointspicasProfile folder doesn't existqgis.db doesn't exist in the user's profile folderUnable to open qgis.db for update.Could not save alias to database: %1Geometry error: One or more input features have invalid geometry.failedadd featuresdelete featureschange geometrychange attribute valueadd attributedelete attributerename attributecustom transactionparser error: %1evaluation error: %1Eraro de taksado: %1%1 check failed%1 kontrolo fiaskisvalue is NULLvalue is not uniqueError zip file does not exist: '%1'Error zip filename is emptyError output dir does not exist: '%1'Error output dir is not a directory: '%1'Error output dir is not writable: '%1'Error reading file: '%1'Error getting files: '%1'Error opening zip archive: '%1'Error input file does not exist: '%1'Error adding file: '%1'Error creating data source: '%1'Error creating zip archive: '%1'Symbol nameSymbol fill colorSymbol stroke colorSymbol stroke widthSymbol stroke styleSymbol offsetMarker character(s)Symbol widthSymbol heightPreserve aspect ratio between width and heightSymbol fill styleOutline join styleAngle for line fillsGradient typeGradient modeGradient spreadReference point 1 (X)Reference point 1 (Y)Reference point 2 (X)Reference point 2 (Y)Reference point 1 follows feature centroidReference point 2 follows feature centroidBlur radiusInteger between 0 and 18Distance between linesShade whole shapeMaximum distance for shapeburst fillIgnore rings in featureSymbol file pathHorizontal distance between markersVertical distance between markersHorizontal displacement between rowsVertical displacement between columnsCustom dash pattern[<b><dash>;<space></b>] e.g. '8;2;1;2'Line cap styleMarker placementMarker intervalOffset along lineHorizontal anchor pointVertical anchor pointLayer enabledArrow line widthArrow line start widthArrow head lengthArrow head thicknessArrow head typeArrow typeSaga tipoRoot pathstring of variable length representing root path to attachmentDocument viewer contentstringKey/Value fieldŜlosila/Valora kampoList fieldLista kampoArcGIS Feature ServerArcGIS Feature ServerArcGIS Map ServerArcGIS Map ServerDB2DB2Delimited TextGeoNodeDelete %1…Forigi %1…Delete GeoPackageAre you sure you want to delete '%1'?The GeoPackage '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Delete LayerForigi tavolonThe layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and delete it?Are you sure you want to delete layer <b>%1</b> from GeoPackage?The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be deleted because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers.Failed to open source layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Failed to import layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Delete FileDelete Layer “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete layer '%1' from datasource?Delete %1 “%2”…Delete %1Forigi %1The %1 '%2' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%3', remove it from the project and retry.Delete File “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete file '%1'?The layer '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Virtual LayerAdd Virtual LayerWCSWCSQUERY_LAYERS parameter is required for GetFeatureInfoLayer '%1' not foundLayer '%1' is not queryableAdd unique value index fieldAldoni kampon de indekso de unua valorocategorize,categories,category,reclassify,classes,createClass fieldKlasa kampoOutput field nameEliga kampnomoLayer with index fieldTavolo kun indeksa kampoClass summaryThis algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes.
The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
Optionally, a separate table can be output which contains a summary of the class field values mapped to the new unique numeric value.Invalid field name %1Extract verticespoints,vertex,nodesThis algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing the vertices in the input lines or polygons. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to.Additional fields are added to the point indicating the vertex index (beginning at 0), the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for original geometry.VerticesHelp location is not configured!QGIS HelpQGIS helpoTrying to open help using key '%1'. Full URI is '%2'…geometry's coordinates are too close to each other and simplification failed - skippingpolygon rings self-intersect or intersect each other - skippingTriangulation failed. Skipping polygon…3D3DMissing Relation in configurationInvalid relationrepresentValue() with inconsistent layer parameter w.r.t relation referencingLayerrepresentValue() with inconsistent fieldIndex parameter w.r.t relation referencingFieldIdxCannot find referenced layerTransform error caught: %1%1 bad layers dismissed: * %1 * %1Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)buffer,grow,multiple,rings,distance,donutThis algorithm computes multi-ring ('donuts') buffer for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance and rings number.Number of ringsDistance between ringsPoint on surfacecentroid,inside,withinPointPunktoReturns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface of a geometry.Error calculating point on surface for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating point on surface for feature %1: %2Rotaterotate,around,center,pointRotatedThis algorithm rotates feature geometries, by the specified angle clockwiseOptionally, the rotation can occur around a preset point. If not set the rotation occurs around each feature's centroid.Rotation (degrees clockwise)Rotation anchor pointCould not transform anchor point to destination CRSCould not calculate centroid for feature %1: %2Segmentize by maximum distancestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circularSegmentizedThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed offset distance between the originalcurve and the segmentized representation.
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum offset distanceSegmentize by maximum anglestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circular,angleThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed radius angle between vertices on the straightened geometry (e.g the angle of the arc created from the original arc center to consecutive output vertices on the linearized geometry).
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum angle between vertices (degrees)Edit form configeVis Event Id ToolThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Map LayersMap themeTable source layerDelete holesForigi truojnremove,delete,drop,holes,rings,fillThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified.
An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed.Remove holes with area less thanImport geotagged photosexif,metadata,gps,jpeg,jpgVector creationInput folderScan recursivelyPhotosInvalid photos tableCreates a point layer corresponding to the geotagged locations from JPEG images from a source folder. Optionally the folder can be recursively scanned.
The point layer will contain a single PointZ feature per input file from which the geotags could be read. Any altitude information from the geotags will be used to set the point's Z value.
Optionally, a table of unreadable or non-geotagged photos can also be created.Directory %1 does not exist!Could not open %1Could not retrieve geotag for %1No metadata found in %1Insert ExpressionExplode linessegments,partsThis algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a new one in which each line is replaced by a set of lines representing the segments in the original line. Each line in the resulting layer contains only a start and an end point, with no intermediate nodes between them.
If the input layer consists of CircularStrings or CompoundCurves, the output layer will be of the same type and contain only single curve segments.ExplodedFeature Filterfilter,proxy,redirect,routeThis algorithm filters features from the input layer and redirects them to one or several outputs.Swap X and Y coordinatesinvert,flip,swap,latitude,longitudeSwappedThis algorithm swaps the X and Y coordinate values in input geometries. It can be used to repair geometries which have accidentally had their latitude and longitude values reversed.Invalid URI for PostgreSQL provider: Could not connect to the database: Table qgis_projects does not exist or it is not accessible.The project '%1' does not exist in schema '%2'.Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to database permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin.Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%2). Please contact your database admin.DifferenceThis algorithm extracts features from the Input layer that fall outside, or partially overlap, features in the Overlay layer. Input layer features that partially overlap feature(s) in the Overlay layer are split along those features' boundary and only the portions outside the Overlay layer features are retained.Attributes are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the difference operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.Symmetrical differenceThis algorithm extracts the portions of features from both the Input and Overlay layers that do not overlap. Overlapping areas between the two layers are removed. The attribute table of the Symmetrical Difference layer contains original attributes from both the Input and Difference layers.Tapered buffersvariable,distance,length,line,bufferThis algorithm creates tapered buffers along line geometries, using a specified start and end buffer diameter corresponding to the buffer diameter at the start and end of the linestrings.Start widthEnd widthError buffering geometry %1: %2Variable width buffer (by m-value)This algorithm creates variable width buffers along lines, using the m-value of the line geometries as the diameter of the buffer at each vertex.UnionThis algorithm checks overlaps between features within the Input layer and creates separate features for overlapping and non-overlapping parts. The area of overlap will create as many identical overlapping features as there are features that participate in that overlap.An Overlay layer can also be used, in which case features from each layer are split at their overlap with features from the other one, creating a layer containing all the portions from both Input and Overlay layers. The attribute table of the Union layer is filled with attribute values from the respective original layer for non-overlapping features, and attribute values from both layers for overlapping features.Create wedge buffersarc,segment,circular,circle,sliceBuffersThis algorithm creates wedge shaped buffers from input points.
The azimuth parameter gives the angle (in degrees) for the middle of the wedge to point. The buffer width (in degrees) is specified by the width parameter. Note that the wedge will extend to half of the angular width either side of the azimuth direction.
The outer radius of the buffer is specified via outer radius, and optionally an inner radius can also be specified.
The native output from this algorithm are CurvePolygon geometries, but these may be automatically segmentized to Polygons depending on the output format.Azimuth (degrees from North)Wedge width (in degrees)Outer radiusInner radiusZonal histogramraster,unique,values,count,area,statisticsRaster layerRastruma tavoloVector layer containing zonesOutput column prefixOutput zonesThis algorithm appends fields representing counts of each unique value from a raster layer contained within zones defined as polygons.a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|s|the|to|vs.|vs|via.|:Reset to Defaultsstr: layer IDstr: layer namestr: layer sourcestr: CRS auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111')str: CRS PROJ4 (e.g. 'PROJ4:...')str: CRS WKT (e.g. 'WKT:...')str: layer ID. CRS of layer is used.str: layer name. CRS of layer is used.str: layer source. CRS of layer is used.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemQgsMapLayer: CRS of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: CRS of source is usedlist[float]: list of 2 float valueslist[str]: list of strings representing floatsstr: as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'str: as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1'str: as string representation of int, e.g. '1'str: as comma delimited list of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105'str: layer ID. Extent of layer is used.str: layer name. Extent of layer is used.str: layer source. Extent of layer is used.QgsMapLayer: Extent of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: Extent of source is usedstr: as comma delimited list of valueslist[str]: list of layer IDslist[str]: list of layer nameslist[str]: list of layer sourcesstr: destination vector file, e.g. 'd:/test.shp'str: 'memory:' to store result in temporary memory layerstr: using vector provider ID prefix and destination URI, e.g. 'postgres:...' to store result in PostGIS tableUsing classes:Warning: Class %1 (%2) overlaps with class %3 (%4)K-means clusteringclustering,clusters,kmeans,pointsNumber of clustersCluster field nameDBSCAN clusteringClusters point features using a density based scan algorithm.clustering,clusters,density,based,pointsMinimum cluster sizeMaximum distance between clustered pointsTreat border points as noise (DBSCAN*)ClustersClusters point features based on a 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm.
The algorithm requires two parameters, a minimum cluster size (“minPts”), and the maximum distance allowed between clustered points (“eps”).Building spatial indexAnalysing clustersFeature %1 is a %2 feature, not a point.Calculates the 2D distance based k-means cluster number for each input feature.
If input geometries are lines or polygons, the clustering is based on the centroid of the feature.Collecting input pointsNumber of geometries is less than the number of clusters requested, not all clusters will get dataCalculating clustersThere are at least %1 duplicate inputs, the number of output clusters may be less than was requestedClustering did not converge after %1 iterationsClustering converged after %1 iterationsRaster pixels to polygonsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixelsThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating polygon features for each individual pixel's extent in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of polygons corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector polygonsRaster pixels to pointsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixels,centersThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating point features for each individual pixel's center in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of points corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector pointsMap CanvasExtend linesEtendi liniojnlinestring,continue,grow,extrapolateExtendedThis algorithm extends line geometries by a specified amount at the start and end of the line. Lines are extended using the bearing of the first and last segment in the line.Extends LineString geometries by extrapolating the start and end segments.Start distanceEnd distanceFina distancoError calculating extended lineEraro dum la kalkulado de etenditaj liniojReverse line directionInversi direkton de la liniajswap,reverse,switch,flip,linestring,orientationReversedInversitaThis algorithm reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Error reversing lineAlgorithm ID: ‘%1’MeshNetwork analysisVector layer representing networkPath type to calculateShortestFastestDirection fieldDirektokampoValue for forward directionValue for backward directionValue for both directionsValoro por ambaŭ direktojDefault directionDefaŭlta direktoForward directionBackward directionBoth directionsAmbaŭ direktojSpeed fieldDefault speed (km/h)Topology toleranceLoading points…Array of offset (parallel) linesoffset,parallel,duplicate,create,spaced,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of line features in a layer, by creating multiple offset versions of each feature. Each copy is offset by a preset distance.Creates multiple offset copies of lines from a layer.Offset step distanceStep distanceShortest path (layer to point)network,path,shortest,fastestThis algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route from multiple start points defined by vector layer and given end point.Vector layer with start pointsEnd pointFina punktoShortest pathBuilding graph…Calculating shortest paths…There is no route from start point (%1) to end point (%2).Shortest path (point to layer)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start point and multiple end points defined by point vector layer.Start pointVector layer with end pointsShortest path (point to point)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start and end points.Travel costCalculating shortest path…There is no route from start point to end point.Writing results…Running OpenCL program: %1Error running OpenCL program: %1 - %2Error loading OpenCL program sourcesError %1 initializing OpenCL device: %2No OpenCL 1.x device could be found.No OpenCL 1.x platform found.Error setting default platform.Active OpenCL device: %1Error %1 searching for OpenCL device: %2Could not load OpenCL program from path %1.Build logs not available!Error building OpenCL program: %1Error %1 building OpenCL program in %2Error loading OpenCL program source from pathOpenCL has been disabled, you can re-enable it in the options dialog.Interpolate point on linelinestring,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateInterpolated pointsThis algorithm creates a point geometry interpolated at a set distance along line or curve geometries.
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when interpolating the point.
If the specified distance is greater than the curve's length, the resultant feature will have a null geometry.Interpolates a point along lines at a set distance.Line substringlinestring,curve,split,shorten,shrink,portion,part,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateSubstringThis algorithm returns the portion of a line (or curve) which falls between the specified start and end distances (measured from the beginning of the line).
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when calculating the substring.Returns the substring of lines which fall between start and end distances.3D MapNo 3D maps definedCan not open srs database (%1): %2%1 [optional]Categorize using expressionStyle database (leave blank to use saved symbols)Use case-sensitive match to symbol namesIgnore non-alphanumeric characters while matchingCategorized layerNon-matching categoriesNon-matching symbol namesCreate categorized renderer from stylesfile,database,symbols,names,category,categoriesCartographySets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using matching symbols from a style database. If no style file is specified, symbols from the user's current style library are used instead.
The specified expression (or field name) is used to create categories for the renderer. A category will be created for each unique value within the layer.
Each category is individually matched to the symbols which exist within the specified QGIS XML style database. Whenever a matching symbol name is found, the category's symbol will be set to this matched symbol.
The matching is case-insensitive by default, but can be made case-sensitive if required.
Optionally, non-alphanumeric characters in both the category value and symbol name can be ignored while performing the match. This allows for greater tolerance when matching categories to symbols.
If desired, tables can also be output containing lists of the categories which could not be matched to symbols, and symbols which were not matched to categories.Sets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using symbols from a style database.An error occurred while reading style file: %1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.
%1 categories could not be matched:
%1 symbols in style were not matched:No raster layer for entry %1Band number %1 is not valid for entry %2Could not allocate required memory for %1Could not obtain driver for %1Could not create output %1Request started [url: %1]Request failed [error: no reply - url: %1]Request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]Request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3Request finished [url: %1]Error %1QTermWidgetColor Scheme ErrorKolorskema eraroCannot load color scheme: %1Ne eblas ŝargi kolorskemon: %1QgisAppMultiple Instances of QgisAppChecking databaseKontrolado de datumbazoReading settingsSetting up the GUIMap canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the mapMapareo. Tio estas, kie rastrumas kaj vektoraj tavoloj estas vidigitaj kiam oni aldonas ilin al la mapo.Ctrl+5Ctrl+5Show Undo/Redo PanelCtrl+4Ctrl+4Show Advanced Digitizing PanelCtrl+6Ctrl+6Show Statistics PanelCtrl+7Ctrl+7Show Bookmarks PanelCtrl+3Ctrl+3Show Style PanelSnapping and Digitizing OptionsAgordo de kapto kaj ciferecigoProject Snapping SettingsChecking provider pluginsStarting PythonRestoring loaded pluginsInitializing file filtersPravalorizado de la dosieraj filtrilojRestoring window statePopulate saved stylesQGIS Ready!Zoom in to canvasZoom in to canvas (secondary)Zoom out of canvasZoom in (secondary)Shift+F6Open Attribute Table (Selected Features)Ctrl+F6Ctrl+F6Open Attribute Table (Visible Features)Loading layersMinimizeMinimumigiCtrl+MMinimize WindowCtrl+MMinimizes the active window to the dockZoomToggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the userBring All to FrontBring forward all open windowsCurrent EditsErrorEraroFailed to open Python console:Fiaskis malfermi la Python konsolon:Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected.
Please contact the developers.
Ctrl+2Ctrl+2Show Browser PanelCtrl+0Ctrl+0Show GPS Information PanelQGIS - %1 ('%2')QGIS - %1 ('%2')PanelsPanelojToolbarsWindowFenestro&Database&Datumbazo&WebRenderBildigiWhen checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering.Toggle map renderingCRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialogReadyMap overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas.Map layer list that displays all layers in drawing order.Private qgis.dbQGISQGISLayer StylingCtrl++Ctrl++Ctrl+=Ctrl+=Ctrl+-Ctrl+-Ctrl+Alt+=Ctrl+Alt+=&User Profiles ° °This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behavior.Ctrl+KTrigger LocatorTransforms are not installed: %1 Missing datum transformsOverviewMap legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the checkbox to turn a layer on or off. Double-click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties.LayersTavolojManage Map ThemesLayer OrderOrdo de la tavolojCtrl+9Ctrl+9Show Layer Order Panel< Blank >http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.htmlQGIS versionQGIS versioQGIS code revisionCompiled against QtRunning against QtCompiled against GDAL/OGRRunning against GDAL/OGRPostgreSQL Client VersionSpatiaLite VersionSpatiaLite versioQWT VersionQWT versioPROJ.4 VersionPROJ.4 versioQScintilla2 VersionQScintilla2 versioThis copy of QGIS writes debugging output.Invalid Data SourceNevalida datumfonto%1 is not a valid or recognized data source%1 estas nevalida aŭ nerekonita datumfontoVectorVektoro%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 estas nevalida tavolo - ne estas ŝargita%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.QGIS filesQGIS-dosierojDiagram PropertiesDiagramaj atributojNew temporary scratch layer nameCannot create new layer.Ne eblas krei novan tavolon.Cannot copy styleNe eblas kopii la stilonCannot parse styleNe eblas analizi la stilonCannot paste styleNe eblas alglui stilonNo legend entries selectedSelect the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend.Remove layers and groupsForigi tavolojn kaj grupojnRemove %n legend entries?number of legend items to remove%n legend entries removed.number of removed legend entries%1 (%2 type unsupported)Cannot copy style to duplicated layer.https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.htmlhttps://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.htmlThe layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map. Reason: %2Map %1Mapo %1Project extent is not valid.3D view currently does not support unprojected coordinate reference systems (CRS).
Please switch project's CRS to a projected CRS.3D Map %1Do you want to save the current project? %1Ĉu vi volas konservi la aktualan projekton? %1Active TasksUntitled ProjectUndo/RedoMalfari/RefariAdvanced DigitizingBrowserDosieresploriloBrowser (2)GPS InformationLog MessagesQGIS starting…Preferences…Open Active Profile FolderNew Profile…Filter Legend by Map ContentOpen the Layer Styling panelCompiled against PROJRunning against PROJAdd Virtual LayerRevert ProjectAre you sure you want to discard all unsaved changes the current project?Save Project AsLayer ExportedSave RasterCannot write raster. Error code: %1Merging features…Create %1 TitleNo features could be successfully pasted.Error copying layerError pasting layerStop EditingThe following tasks are currently running which depend on layers in this project:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.Current CRS: %1Aktuala CRS: %1No projectionAdd Point FeatureAdd Line FeatureAdd Polygon FeatureAdd RecordMap ViewsA view with this name already existsInvalid LayerNevalida tavoloDefault failed to open: %1Default not found: %1Defaŭlto ne trovita: %1Open Template ProjectAuto-open ProjectAŭtomate malfermi projektonFailed to open: %1Fiaskis malfermi: %1Not valid project file: %1Nevalida projektdosiero: %1Project failed to open: %1Fiaskis malfermi la projekton: %1Default template has been reopened: %1File not found: %1Dosiero ne trovita: %1Loading project: %1Ŝargado de la projekto: %1Unable to open projectNe eblas malfermi projektonSecurity warningproject macros have been disabled.Enable macrosCtrl+8Ctrl+8Show Overview PanelCtrl+1Ctrl+1Show Layers PanelProject loadedLa projekto estas ŝargitaChoose a QGIS project fileElekti QGIS projektan dosieronSaved project to: %1Konservis la projekton al: %1Unable to save project %1Ne eblas konservi projekton %1Unable to load %1Ne eblas ŝargi %1Default system font substituted.LabelingEtikedadoFont for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3Ne trovis la tiparon por la tavolo <b><u>%1</u></b> (<i>%2</i>). %3Open labeling dialogMalfermi etikedan dialogonCRS was undefineddefaulting to project CRS %1 - %2defaŭltas al la projekta RKS %1 -%2 defaulting to CRS %1 - %2RotationRotacioAdd GroupAldoni gruponFilter legend by expressionExpand AllEtendi ĉiujnCollapse AllMaletendi ĉiujnQGIS code branchCompiled against GEOSRunning against GEOSNo support%1 doesn't have any layers.%1 is not a valid or recognized data source.RasterRastrumoCannot get virtual layer select dialog from provider.Layer creation failed. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further information.Calculating…Raster calculatorRastruma kalkuliloCalculation complete.Could not create destination file.Ne eblas krei celdosieronCould not read input layer.Ne eblas legi enigan tavolon.Could not parse raster formula.Ne eblas analizi la rastruman formulon.Insufficient memory available for operation.Invalid band number for input layer.Choose a QGIS Project File to OpenDo you want to open the backup file
instead?QGZ filesOpen a ProjectThe loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed. Do you want to overwrite the changes?
Last modification date on load was: %1
Current last modification date is: %2Insufficient permissionsThe project file is not writable.La projekto ne estas skribeblaDXF export completedDXF export failedLa DXF eksporto fiaskisLoad templateCould not read template fileNe eblas legi ŝablonan dosieronCould not load template fileNe eblas ŝargi ŝablonan dosieronNo action selectedRun feature action<br><b>%1</b>Commit ErrorsCommit errorsCould not commit changes to layer %1Errors: %1
Eraroj: %1
Show morePlease select a vector layer firstExport to vector file failed.
Error: %1Eksporto al vektoerdosiero fiaskis.
Eraro: %1No Layer SelectedTo delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legendNo Vector Layer SelectedDeleting features only works on vector layersProvider does not support deletionData provider does not support deleting featuresLayer not editableThe current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar.No Features SelectedNeniu elektita entoFeatures deletedEntojn estas forigitajProblem deleting featuresProblemo okazis dum la forigo de la entoj%n feature(s) deleted.number of features deleted%n forigita ento.%n forigitaj entoj.AbortĈesigiTitle can not be empty!Titolo ne povas esti malplenaTitle already exists!No active layerNo active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer listNot enough features selectedNesufiĉaj elektitaj entojThe merge tool requires at least two selected featuresLa kunfandilo bezonas almenaŭ du elektitajn entojnMerged feature attributes • %1 • %1The following tasks are currently running in the background:
Do you want to try canceling these active tasks?Layer Diagram PropertiesSuccessfully saved raster layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error saving layer definition fileSave as QGIS Layer Style FileQGIS Layer Style FileSuccessfully saved vector layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Save ErrorLoading “%1”Security warning: executing a script from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Layer SavedSuccessfully saved scratch layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent.
Error: %1Save Scratch LayerDelete %n feature(s) from layer "%1"Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?A problem occurred during deletion from layer "%1". %n feature(s) not deleted.print layoutreportEnter a unique %1 title(a title will be automatically generated if left empty)%1 copySet as atlas feature for %1Duplicate featureDuplicate feature and digitizeThe merge tool requires at least two selected features.Invalid resultNevalida rezultoCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2Modifying features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Merge failedLa kunfando fiaskisAn error occurred during the merge operation.Merged featuresKunfanditaj entojCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2.No active vector layerTo invert selection, choose a vector layer in the legendFeatures cutEntoj estas eltonditajFeatures pastedEntoj estas algluitajPaste featuresAlglui entojn%1 features were successfully pasted.%1 entoj estis sukcese algluitaj.Geometry ValidationCould not save changes. Geometry validation failed.%1 of %2 features could be successfully pasted.%1 entoj el %2 povis esti sukcese algluitaj. Geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance.%1 geometries collapsed due to intersection avoidance.PastedAlgluitaLayer nameTavola nomoNo features in clipboard.Estas neniu ento en la tondejo.Multiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry.Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3)Ne eblas krei kampon %1 (%2,%3)Start editing failedProvider cannot be opened for editingNe eblas malfermi la liveranton redakteDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?Problems during roll backCould not %1 changes to layer %2
Errors: %3
rollbackcancelnuligiSaveKonserviallĉiujRollbackCancelNuligiCurrent edits%1 current changes for %2 layer(s)?%1 aktualaj ŝanĝoj pri %2 tavolo(j)?Filter on Joined FieldsYou are about to set a subset filter on a layer that has joined fields. Joined fields cannot be filtered, unless you convert the layer to a virtual layer first. Would you like to create a virtual layer out of this layer first?Datum transformsProject CRS changed and datum transforms might need to be adapted.Required LayersThe following layers are marked as required by the project:
Please deselect them (or unmark as required) and retry.The following tasks are currently running which depend on this layer:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.copyPlugin layerKromprograma tavoloMemory layerMemora tavoloDuplicate layer: %1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer)Layer duplication completeNote that it's using the same data source.Set scale visibility for selected layersCouldn't load Python support library: %1Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol.Python support ENABLED :-) There is a new version of QGIS availableYou are running a development version of QGISYou are running the current version of QGISQGIS Version InformationInformo pri QGS versioUnable to get current version information from serverStyle ManagerStila administriloKeyboard ShortcutsCustom ProjectionsInterface CustomizationTo perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected.To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected.Save ProjectClose ProjectThis project includes one or more temporary scratch layers. These layers are not saved to disk and their contents will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?Task failedQGIS Authentication%1 PanelTransactionCannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1%1 children on layer %2 duplicated%1 features on layer %2 duplicated
%3Digitize the duplicate on layer %1Duplicate digitizedFeature on layer %2 duplicated
%3Save as Local Filehttps://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.htmlhttps://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.htmlLayer is not validLayer %1Tavolo %1The merge features tool only works on vector layers.Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Please select a layer in the layer listInvalid layerNevalida tavoloTo select all, choose a vector layer in the legend.To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend.The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the mapProject has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved!La projekto havas tavolo(j)n en redaktmodo kun nekonservitaj redaktoj; ili NE estos konservitaj!%n feature(s) selected on layer %1.number of selected features%n elektitaj entoj en la tavolo %1.%n elektitaj entoj en la tavolo %1.Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data SourceError adding valid layer to map canvasEraro dum aldonado de valida tavolo al mapareoRaster layerRastruma tavolo%1 is not a supported raster data sourceUnsupported Data SourceExit QGISEliri el QGISDo you really want to quit QGIS?Ĉu vi vere volas ĉesi QGIS?New profile nameTask completeThis project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.La projektdosiero estis konservita per pli malnova QGIS versio. Konservonte la projektdosieron, QGIS ĝisdatigos ĝin al la plej nova versio, ĉio kio eble maluzebligos a projekton por pli maljunaj versioj de QGIS.Project file is olderLa projektdosiero estas pli malnova Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.A network request timed out, any data received is likely incomplete.WarningAvertoThis layer doesn't have a properties dialog.Tiu tavolo ne havas atributan dialogon.Authentication requiredProxy authentication requiredBezonas prokuran aŭtentokontrolonFailed to run Python script:Fiaskis ruli Python skriptoThe current layer has no selected featuresLa aktuala tavolo havas neniun elektitan entonCurrent clockwise map rotation in degreesAktuala horloĝdirekte rotacio de la mapo en gradojShows the current map clockwise rotation in degrees. It also allows editing to set the rotationMessagesMesaĝojError loading layer definitionEraro dum la ŝargado de la tavola difinoQgisAppInterfaceAttributes changedQgisCustomWidgetsQGIS custom widgetsQgs25DRendererWidgetThe 2.5D renderer only can be used with polygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and cannot be rendered in 2.5D.Select Wall ColorSelect Roof ColorSelect Shadow ColorQgs25DRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoHeightAltoAngleAnguloAdvanced ConfigurationAltnivela agordo……Roof colorWall color<html><head/><body><p>Walls will have a different color based on their aspect to make them appear to differently reflect the solar radiation.</p><p><br/></p><p>If this option is enabled, make sure that <span style=" font-style:italic;">simplification </span>is disabled on the rendering tab or some colors may be wrong at small scales.</p></body></html>Shade walls based on aspectShadowColorKoloroSizeGrando°°<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Advanced Styling</span><br/>This page helps to configure the 2.5D effect as easily as possible with some basic parameters.</p><p>Once you have finished the basic styling, you can convert this to another renderer (single, categorized, graduated) and fine-tune the appearance to your liking.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Overlay problems</span></p><p>Features are rendered based on their distance to the camera. It is sometimes possible that parts of a feature are in front of another feature by mistake. This happens if any part of the overlapped feature is closer to the camera than the overlapping feature.</p><p>In such cases you can avoid rendering problems by cutting the feature in front into smaller pieces.</p></body></html>Qgs3DAlgorithmsQGIS (3D)QGIS (3D)Qgs3DAnimationWidget<none>Keyframe timeKeyframe time [seconds]:There is already a keyframe at the given timeQgs3DMapCanvasDockWidgetZoom FullSave as Image…Configure…AnimationsIdentifyIdentigiSave as ImageSuccessfully saved the 3D map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Choose a file name to save the 3D map canvas to an image3D ConfigurationLoading %1 tilesQgsAboutAboutPriAbout QGISPri QGISLicensePermesilo<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html>QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public Licensehttp://www.gnu.org/licenseshttp://www.gnu.org/licensesQGIS Home PageQGIS hejmpaĝoJoin our user mailing listabout:blankabout:blankWhat's NewKio novas?ProvidersProvizantojDevelopersProgramistojContributorsTranslatorsTradukistojDonors<p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p>Available QGIS Data Provider PluginsAvailable QGIS Authentication Method PluginsAvailable Qt Database PluginsAvailable Qt Image PluginsQt Image Plugin Search Paths <br>Developers MapQgsAbstractDataSourceWidget&Add&AldoniAdd selected layers to mapAldoni la selektajn tavolojn al la mapoClose this dialog without adding any layerQgsActionLocatorFilterActionsAgojQgsActionMenu&Actions&AgojNot supported on your platformQgsActionScopeRegistryCanvasAvailable for the action map tool on the canvas.Field ScopeAvailable for individual fields. For example in the attribute table.Feature ScopeAvailable for individual features. For example on feature forms or per row in the attribute table.Layer ScopeAvailable as layer global action. For example on top of the attribute table.QgsActiveLayerFeaturesLocatorFilterActive Layer FeaturesQgsAddAttrDialogAdd FieldInvalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used.No name specified. Please specify a name to create a new field.QgsAddAttrDialogBaseN&ameN&omoCommentKomentoTypeTipoAdd FieldPrecisionPrecizecoLengthLongoProvider typeProvizanta tipoQgsAddTabOrGroupAdd Tab or Group for %1QgsAddTabOrGroupBaseDialogDialogujoCreate categoryasa taba group in containergrupo en konteniloNumber of columnsNombro da kolumnojQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetSome constraints are incompatible. Resulting point might be incorrect.Do Not Snap to Common Angles%1, %2, %3, %4°…Construction modepress c to toggle on/offDistanceDistancopress d for quick accessLock distanceŜlosi la distanconpress Ctrl + d for quick accessContinuously lock distanceKontinue ŝlosi la distanconToggles relative angle to previous segmentpress Shift + a for quick accessAngleAngulopress a for quick accessLock angleŜlosi la angulonpress Ctrl + a for quick accessContinuously lock angleKontinue ŝlosi la angulonToggles relative x to previous nodepress Shift + x for quick accessX coordinateX-koordinatopress x for quick accessLock x coordinateŜlosi x-koordinatonpress Ctrl + x for quick accessContinuously lock x coordinateKontinue ŝlosi la x-koordinatonToggles relative y to previous nodepress Shift + y for quick accessY coordinateY-koordinatopress y for quick accessLock y coordinateŜlosi y-koordinatonpress Ctrl + y for quick accessContinuously lock y coordinateKontinue ŝlosi la y-koordinatonSnapping must be enabled to utilize perpendicular modeSnapping must be enabled to utilize parallel modePerpendicularpress p to switch between perpendicular, parallel and normal modeParallelParalelaCAD tools are not enabled for the current map toolCAD tools can not be used on geographic coordinates. Change the coordinates system in the project properties.Enable advanced digitizing toolsŜalti altnivelajn ciferecigilojnQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetBaseAdvanced DigitizingErrorEraro<html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html>……daaxxyyQgsAfsConnectionItemConnection failed: %1RefreshAktualigiEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionForigi konektonModify ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsProvidergetLayerInfo failedgetLayerInfo fiaskisCould not retrieve layer extentNe eblas ricevi la amplekson de la tavoloCould not parse spatial referenceNe eblas analizi spacian referenconFailed to determine geometry typeFiaskis trovi la geometritipongetObjectIds failed: %1 - %2Failed to determine objectIdFieldName and/or objectIdsSourceFontoQgsAfsRootItemNew Connection…Create a New ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsSourceSelectErrorEraroFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2Layer %1: %2 - %3Tavolo %1: %2 - %3Failed to query some layers:
%1Fiaskis informpeti kelkajn tavolojn:
%1QgsAggregateToolButtonExcludeQgsAlignRasterDialogAlign RastersĜisrandigi rastrumojnRaster layers to alignĜisrandigintaj rastrumaj tavoloj++//--Output sizeReference layerReferenca tavoloCell sizeGrid offsetKrada deŝovoAdd aligned rasters to map canvasCRSCRSClip to ExtentEltondi amplekse [best reference]Failed to align rasters:Fiaskis ĝisrandigi rastrumojn:QgsAlignRasterLayerConfigDialogConfigure Layer ResamplingNearest neighbourBilinear (2x2 kernel)Cubic (4x4 kernel)Kuba (4x4 kerno)Cubic B-Spline (4x4 kernel)Kuba B-splajno (4x4 kerno)Lanczos (6x6 kernel)AverageModeReĝimoMaximumMaksimumaMinimumMinimumaMedianMedianoFirst Quartile (Q1)Third Quartile (Q3)Browse…Rescale values according to the cell sizeInput raster layer:Eniga rastruma tavolo:Output raster filename:Eliga rastruma dosiernomo:Resampling method:Select output fileElekti eliran dosieronGeoTIFFGeoTIFFQgsAllLayersFeaturesLocatorFilterFeatures In All LayersQgsAmsConnectionItemEdit…DeleteForigiModify ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsProviderCould not parse spatial referenceNe eblas analizi spacian referenconService InfoLayer InfoQgsAmsRootItemNew Connection…Create a New ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsSourceSelectErrorEraroFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2Layer %1: unable to parse spatial referenceTavolo %1: ne eblas analizi spacian referenconFailed to query some layers:
%1Fiaskis informpeti kelkajn tavolojn:
%1QgsAngleMagnetWidget°°Snap to Kapti perNo snappingNeniu kaptoQgsAnnotationWidgetBaseFormFormularoFrame styleKadra stiloFixed map positionFiksa posicio de la mapoContents MarginsTop mm mmBottomMalsupraLeftMaldekstraRightAllows the annotation to be associated with a map layer. If set, the annotation will only be visible when the layer is visible.Map markerMapa markoLinked layerQgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider&Expand All&Etendi ĉiujn&Collapse All&Maletendi ĉiujn&Stretch Using Current ExtentZoom to &Visible ScaleSet &Project CRS from LayerMake Permanent…Save Features As…Save Selected Features As…Edit Symbol…&Open Attribute TablePaste Layer/GroupCopy Group&Remove Group…&Set Group CRS…&Set Group WMS Data…ExportEksportiCopy Layer&Duplicate Layer&Remove Layer…&Set Layer Scale Visibility…Set CRSSet Layer CRS…Save as QGIS Layer Style File…&Properties…Save as Layer Definition File…&Filter…Save As…Konservi kiel…Edit Virtual Layer…&Show All Items&Hide All ItemsSymbol Selector&Zoom to Native Resolution (100%)Copy StyleKopii stilonPaste StyleAlglui stilonStylesStilojQgsApplicationExceptionEsceptounknown exceptionnekonata esceptoApplication state:
QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1
Prefix: %2
Plugin Path: %3
Package Data Path: %4
Active Theme Name: %5
Active Theme Path: %6
Default Theme Path: %7
SVG Search Paths: %8
User DB Path: %9
Auth DB Path: %10
match indentation of application state[ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copyCan not make '%1' user writableCould not open qgis.dbNe eblas malfermi qgis.dbMigration of private qgis.db failed.
%1Update of view in private qgis.db failed.
%1QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelect&Build query&Konstrui informpetonCreate a New %1 ConnectionModify %1 ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonNo LayersThe query returned no layers.La informpeto liveris neniun tavolon.QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelectBaseServer ConnectionsConnect to selected databaseKonekti al la elektita datumbazoC&onnectK&onektiCreate a new database connectionKrei novan datumbazan konekton&New&NovaEdit selected database connectionEditRedaktiRemove connection to selected databaseForigi la konekton al la elektita datumbazoRemoveForigiLoad connections from fileŜargi konektojn el dosieroLoadŜargiSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviFi<erDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractUse title for layer nameOnly request features overlapping the current view extentImage EncodingCoordinate Reference SystemChange...Ŝanĝi...QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidgetBaseFormFormularoCurved arrowsKurbaj sagojSingleUnuopa……Single, reversedDoubleOffsetDeŝovoArrow typeSaga tipoHead thicknessHead length<html><head/><body><p>Plain: the arrow will be displayed entirely</p><p>Left/Exterior half: only the half of the head that is on the left of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the exterior for curved arrows will be displayed</p><p>Right/Interior half: only the half of the head that is on the right of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the interior for curved arrows will be displayed</p></body></html>PlainLeft/Exterior halfRight/Interior halfArrow width at startKomenca sagolarĝo<html><head/><body><p>If checked, one arrow will be rendered for each consecutive points (each 2 points for a straight arrow or 3 points for a curved arrow).</p><p>If unchecked, the arrow will be defined by extermum points of the line (the middle point will be used as a control point for a curved arrow)</p></body></html>Repeat arrow on each segmentHead typeArrow widthSagolarĝoQgsAttributeActionDialogGenericKomunaPythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpen URLAdd New ActionEcho attribute's valueAttribute ValueRun an applicationRuli aplikaĵonRun applicationRuli aplikaĵonGet feature idFeature IDEnta IDSelected field's value (Identify features tool)Field ValueClicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool)Clicked CoordinateKlakita koordinatojOpen fileMalfermi dosieronSearch on web based on attribute's valueSearch WebSerĉi reteList feature idsListigi la entajn id-jnDuplicate selected featuresDuplicate selectedEdit ActionQgsAttributeActionDialogBaseAttribute ActionsThis list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item.TypeTipoDescriptionPriskriboShort TitleAction ScopesAgaj regionojOn Notification<html><head/><body><p>If not empty, this will enable provider notification listening and the action will be executed when the notification message matched the specified value. </p></body></html>Only when editableAdd a new actionAldoni novan agonShow in Attribute TableLayoutAranĝoSeparate ButtonsCombo BoxActionAgoAction ListCreate Default ActionsCaptureRemove the selected actionMove the selected action upMove the selected action downQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogSelect an actionFile dialog window titleImages( %1 ); All( *.* )Bildoj( %1 ); Ĉiuj( *.* )Choose Icon…Additional variablesQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogBaseFormFormularoInserts the selected field into the actionEnmetas la elektitan kampon en la aktonInsertEnmetiBrowse for actionClick to browse for an actionKlaku por foliumi agonClicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action<html><head/><body><p>The action text defines what happens if the action is triggered.<br/>The content depends on the type.<br/>For the type <span style=" font-style:italic;">Python</span> the content should be python code<br/>For other types it should be a file or application with optional parameters</p></body></html>TypeTipoDescriptionPriskriboIconPiktogramoShort NameGenericKomunaEnter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (QGIS will make it unique if necessary).……Execute if notification matchesAction Text<html><head/><body><p>If specified, listen to data source notification and performs action if notification message matches the specified value.</p><p>E.g. to match message beginning with <span style=" font-weight:600;">whatever </span>use <span style=" font-weight:600;">^whatever</span></p></body></html>Enable only when editablePythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpenMalfermiAction ScopesAgaj regionojCaptures any output from the actionCaptures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog boxCapture outputEnter the action name hereEnigi ĉi tie la nomon de la aktoMandatory descriptionNepra priskriboLeave empty to use only iconQgsAttributeDialog%1 - Feature Attributes%1 - Entaj atributojQgsAttributeFormAttributes changedApply changes to edited features?%1 matching %2 selectedfeatureentofeaturesentojNo matching features foundNe trovis kongruantan enton!Updated multiple feature attributesUnsaved multiedit changes: <a href="#apply">apply changes</a> or <a href="#reset">reset changes</a>.Select FeaturesAdd to Current SelectionRemove from Current SelectionFilter Current SelectionFilter Within ("AND")Extend Filter ("OR")The python init function (<code>%1</code>) does not accept three arguments as expected!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.No feature joinedJoin settings do not allow editingJoin settings do not allow upsert on editJoined layer is not toggled editable&Reset form&Select features&Elekti entojnMultiedit AttributesEdits will be applied to all selected features.Attribute changes for multiple features applied.Changes could not be applied.Failed to create widget with type '%1'&Flash features&Zoom to featuresFilter featuresFiltri entojnCloseFermiThe python init function (<code>%1</code>) could not be found!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.QgsAttributeLoadValuesLoad Values from LayerLayerTavoloDescriptionPriskriboValueValoroSelect data from attributes in selected layer.Elekti datumon el atributoj en la elektita tavoloView AllInsert NULL value on topQgsAttributeRelationEditFormFormularoRelationRilatoCardinalityFor a many to many (N:M) relation, the direct link has to be selected. The in-between table will be hidden.QgsAttributeTableDelegateAttribute changedQgsAttributeTableDialogAttribute TableInvert selection (Ctrl+R)Ctrl+SCtrl+SCopy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C)Kopii elektitajn vicojn al tondejo (Ctrl+C)Ctrl+CCtrl+CZoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J)Ctrl+JCtrl+JPan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P)Ctrl+PCtrl+PToggle editing mode (Ctrl+E)Ctrl+ECtrl+EReload the tableSelect features using an expressionElekti entojn esprimeDeselect all (Ctrl+Shift+A)Malselekti ĉiujn (Ctrl+Shift+A)Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ASelect all (Ctrl+A)Elekti ĉiujn (Ctrl+A)Toggle multi edit modeCtrl+ACtrl+ASelect/filter features using form (Ctrl+F)Elekti/filtrigi entojn formulare (Ctrl+F)Paste features from clipboard (Ctrl+V)Alglui entojn el tondejo (Ctrl+V)Ctrl+VCtrl+VNew fieldNova kampoCtrl+WCtrl+WFilterFiltriFilters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string.ApplyAplikiTable View==Update AllAdvanced Filter (Expression)Altnivela filtro (esprimo)Use the Expression Builder to define the filterSelect/filter features using formElekti/filtrigi entojn formulareCtrl+FCtrl+FShow All FeaturesMontri ĉiujn entojnShow Selected FeaturesMontri la elektitajn entojnField FilterKampa filtriloShow Edited and New FeaturesMontri la redaktitajn/novajn entojnShow Features Visible On MapMontri la entoj, ke oni vidas sur la mapoDelete field (Ctrl+L)Forigi kampon (Ctrl+L)New field (Ctrl+W)The filter defines which features are currently shown in the list or on the tableSwitch to form viewForm ViewSwitch to table viewFilter all the features which have been edited but not yet savedToggle editing modeSave editsKonservi redaktojnSave edits (Ctrl+S)Konservi redaktojn (Ctrl+S)Delete selected featuresForigi elektitajn entojnDelSelect allElekti ĉiujnInvert selectionDeselect allMalselekti ĉiujnMove selection to topPan map to the selected rowsZoom map to the selected rowsCut selected rows to clipboardCut selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+X)Ctrl+XCtrl+XCopy selected rows to clipboardPaste features from clipboardAlglui entojn el tondejoDelete fieldForigi kamponCtrl+LCtrl+LConditional formattingDock Attribute TableActionsAgojAdd featureAldoni entonOpen field calculatorMalfermi kampan kalkulilonOpen field calculator (Ctrl+I)Malfermi kampan kalkulilon (Ctrl+I)Ctrl+ICtrl+I %1 :: Features Total: %2, Filtered: %3, Selected: %4An error occurred while trying to update the field %1An error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1Update AttributesExpression Based FilterFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?Fiaskis aldoni la kampon '%1' de tipo '%2'. Ĉu la kampnomo estas unika?Parsing errorEvaluation errorEraro de taksadoDelete featureForigi entonUpdate FilteredMultiedit is not supported when using custom UI formsSearch is not supported when using custom UI formsCalculating fieldAttribute addedAtribuo aldonitaAdd FieldDeleted attributeForigi atributonThe attribute(s) could not be deletedNe eblas forigi atributo(j)nAttribute errorAtributa eraroError filteringGeometryless feature addedSengeometria ento estas aldonitaUpdate SelectedCtrl+RCtrl+RQgsAttributeTableFilterModelActionsAgojQgsAttributeTableModelextra columnFeature ID: %1Enta ID: %1QgsAttributeTableViewSelect AllElekti ĉiujnQgsAttributeTypeDialogEdit Widget PropertiesGeneralĜeneralaAliasKromnomoCommentKomentiEditableRedakteblaLabel on topEtikedo suprenWidget TypeConstraintsLimigojUniqueUnikaNot null<p>Enforcing the unique constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce unique constraintExpression descriptionPriskribo de esprimoOptional descriptive name for expression constraint<p>Enforcing the not null constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce not null constraintExpressionEsprimo<p>Enforcing the expression constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce expression constraintDefaultsDefaŭltojDefault valueDefaŭlta valoroPreviewAntaŭrigardo<p>With this option checked, the default value will not only be used when the feature is first created, but also whenever a feature's attribute or geometry is changed.</p><p>This is often useful for a last_modified timestamp or to record the username that last modified the feature.</p>Apply default value on updateThe provider for this layer has a NOT NULL constraint set on the field.The provider for this layer has a UNIQUE constraint set on the field.QgsAttributesFormInitCodePython Init Code ConfigurationThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
Python Init functionThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
External fileEkstera dosieroFunction nameNamo de la funcioEnter the name of the form init function.Load from external fileProvide code in this dialogLoad from the environmentSelect Python FilePython files (*.py *.PY)Python-dosieroj (*.py *.PY)QgsAttributesFormPropertiesFormFormularoSelect attribute layout editorAutogenerateDrag and drop designerProvide ui-fileQGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened.
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.......Edit UIAvailable WidgetsForm Layout%1 (%2)%1 (%2)RelationsRilatojOther WidgetsQML WidgetHide form on add feature (global settings)Show form on add feature (global settings)Hide form on add featureShow form on add feature# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.
Enter the name of the function in the "Python Init function"
An example follows:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget, "MyLineEdit")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.
Enter the name of the function in the "Python Init function"
An example follows:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget, "MyLineEdit")
Many to one relationPluraj-al-unu rilatoSelect edit formUI fileUI-dosieroQgsAuthAuthoritiesEditorCertificate Authorities EditorCertificate Authorities and Issuers <i>(Root/File certificates are read-only)</i>Certificates fileFile of concatenated CAs and/or Issuers……Import certificate(s) to authentication databaseRemove certificate from authentication databaseShow information for certificateGroup by organizationRefresh certificate tree viewCommon NameSerial #Expiry DateTrust PolicyERROR storing CA(s) in authentication databaseCertificate id missingMankas atestilan idRemove Certificate AuthorityAre you sure you want to remove the selected Certificate Authority from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!Certificate could not be found in database for id %1:ERROR removing cert(s) trust policy from authentication database.ERROR removing CA from authentication database for id %1:ERROR removing cert trust policy from authentication database for id %1:Default Trust PolicyChanging the default certificate authority trust policy to 'Untrusted' can cause unexpected SSL network connection results.Default policyQgsAuthBasicEditOptionalMalnepraRequiredBezonataRealmShowMontriUsernamePasswordPasvortoQgsAuthBasicMethodBasic authenticationBasa aŭtentokontroloQgsAuthCertInfoCertificate InfoCertificate HierarchyTextLabelTekstetikedoCertificate InformationTrust policySave certificate trust policy change to databaseSaveKonservi<b>Setup ERROR:</b>
Could not populate QCA certificate collectionCould not set QCA certificateInvalid population of QCA certificate chain.<br><br>Validity message: %1Missing CAFieldKampoValueValoroGeneralĜeneralaDetailsDetalojSubject InfoIssuer InfoPublic Key InfoExtensionsSufiksojPEM TextTypeTipoMissing CA (incomplete local CA chain)self-signedRootUsage typeSubjectIssuerNot valid afterPublic keySignature algorithmCountry (C)State/Province (ST)Locality (L)Organization (O)Organizational unit (OU)Common name (CN)Email address (E)Distinguished nameEmail LegacyIncorporation CountryIncorporation State/ProvinceIncorporation LocalityURIURIDNSDNSIP AddressXMPPXMPPEmail: DNS: DNS: Alternate namesVersionVersioSerial #Not valid beforeMD5 fingerprintSHA1 fingerprintCRL locationsIssuer locationsOCSP locationsAlgorithmAlgoritmoKey sizeExponentEksponentoVerifyEncryptDecryptKey agreementExportEksportiKey usageCertificate Authority: %1YesJesNoNeChain Path Limit: %1Basic constraintsBazaj limigojExtended key usageSubject key IDAuthority key IDQgsAuthCertInfoDialogCertificate InformationQgsAuthCertManagerAuthentication Certificate EditorsIdentitiesServersServilojAuthoritiesNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseCertificate ManagerQgsAuthConfigEditAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloClearVakigiOptional URL resourceNote: Saving writes directly to authentication databaseRequiredBezonataIdIdResourceNameNomoAuthentication config id not loaded: %1QgsAuthConfigEditorEdit Authentication ConfigurationsAdd new authentication configurationRemove selected authentication configurationEdit selected authentication configurationAuthentication ConfigurationsAŭtenta agordoIDIDNameNomoURIURITypeTipoVersionVersioConfigRemove ConfigurationForigi agordonAre you sure you want to remove '%1'?
Operation can NOT be undone!QgsAuthConfigIdEditFormFormularoGeneratedGenerita<html><head/><body><p>Unlock to edit the ID</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">7-character alphanumeric only</span></p><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#a80b0a;">Editing may break things!</span></p></body></html>……QgsAuthConfigSelectAuthentication ConfigurationAŭtenta agordoEdit selected configurationDelete selected configurationDeleteForigiDismissCreate a new authentication configurationNewNovaEditRedaktiAuthentication config id not loaded: %1Missing authentication method description<ul><li><b>Method type:</b> %1</li><li><b>Configuration ID:</b> %2</li></ul>Configuration '%1' not in databaseAgordo %1 ne estas en la datumbazoNo authenticationMankas aŭtentokontrolonRemove AuthenticationAre you sure that you want to permanently remove this configuration right now?
Operation can NOT be undone!QgsAuthConfigUriEditDialogDialogujoEdit Authentication Configuration IDNote: Button actions above affect authentication databaseAuthentication Config ID String EditorNo authcfg in Data Source URIAdding authcfg to URI not supportedQgsAuthEditorWidgetsInput master passwordClear cached master passwordReset master passwordClear cached authentication configurationsRemove all authentication configurationsErase authentication databaseClear network authentication access cacheAutomatically clear network authentication access cache on SSL errorsStore/update the master password in your %1Clear the master password from your %1Integrate master password with your %1Enable password helper debug logAuth cache clearedNetwork authentication cache has been clearedQgsAuthEditorsAuthentication EditorsConfigurationsAgordojManagementAdministradoInstalled PluginsInstalitaj kromprogramojManage CertificatesAdministri atestilojnUtilitiesNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseQgsAuthEsriTokenEditTokenRequiredBezonataQgsAuthEsriTokenMethodESRI token based authenticationQgsAuthIdentCertEditIdentityIdentecoSelect identity…Organization not definedQgsAuthIdentCertMethodPKI stored identity certificateQgsAuthIdentitiesEditorIdentity Certificates EditorUser Identity BundlesImport identity bundle to authentication databaseRemove identity bundle from authentication databaseShow information for bundleGroup by organization……Refresh identity bundle tree viewCommon NameSerial #Expiry DateCertificate BundlesERROR storing identity bundle in authentication database.Certificate id missing.Remove Certificate IdentityAre you sure you want to remove the selected certificate identity from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!ERROR removing cert identity from authentication database for id %1:QgsAuthImportCertDialogImport Certificate(s)PEM/DER-formatted ……Import(s) can contain multiple certificatesPEM textPEM-tekstoFileDosieroTrust policyValidation ResultsAllow invalid certificatesPermesi malvalidajn atestilojnImport Certificate AuthoritiesImportImportiCertificates found: %1
Certificates valid: %2
Authorities/Issuers: %1%2Open Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)QgsAuthImportIdentityDialogImport IdentityKeyŜlosiloCertRequiredBezonata……Validation ResultsOptional passphraseShowMontriBundlePKI PEM/DER Certificate PathsPKI PKCS#12 Certificate BundleValid: %1Valida: %1Invalid: %1Nevalida: %1Open Client Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Open Private Key FileOpen PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)Missing componentsFailed to read client certificate from fileFailed to load client certificate from fileExtra certificates found with identity%1 thru %2Failed to load client private key from filePrivate key password may not matchQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loadedQt cert could not be created from QCA certQt private key could not be created from QCA keyFile not foundDosiero ne trovitaQgsAuthManagerOpening of authentication db FAILEDQCA's OpenSSL plugin (qca-ossl) is missingNo authentication method plugins foundNo authentication method plugins could be loadedAuth db directory path could not be createdAuth db is not readable or writable by userAuth db could not be created and openedAuthentication system is DISABLED:
%1Master password set: FAILED to verify, reset to previousMaster password: FAILED to access databaseMaster password: FAILED to find just one master password record in databaseMaster password: FAILED to verify against hash in databaseMaster password: failed 5 times authentication system DISABLEDMaster password: hash FAILED to be stored in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not clear current password from databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not store new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt configs in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify password can decrypt re-encrypted configsMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt settings in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt identities in databaseMaster password reset: could not remove old database backupConfig ID is emptyStore config: FAILED because config is invalidStore config: FAILED because pre-defined config ID is not uniqueStore config: FAILED because config string is emptyUpdate config: FAILED because config is invalidUpdate config: FAILED because config is emptyUpdate config: FAILED to prepare queryAuthentication database contains duplicate configuration IDsNo authentication database foundCould not back up authentication databaseAuthentication database could not be deletedAuthentication database could not be initializedFAILED to create auth database config tablesFAILED to create auth database cert tablesAuthentication database contains duplicate settingsAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate identityRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create private keyRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create certificateAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate bundlesAuthentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port, id: %1, %2Authentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port: %1Authentication database contains duplicate certificate authoritiesAuthentication database contains duplicate cert trust policiesPassword HelperOpening %1 for DELETE…Opening %1 for READ…Opening %1 for WRITE…Delete password failed: %1.Retrieving password from your %1 failed: %2.Empty password retrieved from your %1.Storing password in your %1 failed: %2.Your %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.There was an error and integration with your %1 system has been disabled. You can re-enable it at any time through the "Utilities" menu in the Authentication pane of the options dialog. %2Error in %1: %2Master password has been successfully read from your %1Master password stored in your %1 is not validMaster password has been successfully written to your %1Master password could not be written to your %1Authentication database contains duplicate setting keysAuthentication database contains duplicate identity IDsUnable to establish authentication database connectionAuth db query exec() FAILEDAuth db query FAILEDAuth db FAILED to start transactionAuth db FAILED to rollback changesQgsAuthMethodPluginsDialogDialogujoInstalled authentication method pluginsMethodMetodoDescriptionPriskriboWorks withQgsAuthOAuth2ConfigCustomPropraPredefinedAuthorization CodeImplicitResource OwnerHeaderForm (POST only)URL QueryQgsAuthOAuth2EditConfigureAgordiGrant FlowExport configuration......Import configurationScopeRequest TimeoutRedirect URLAuthorization-related timeout secondsDescriptionPriskriboOptionalMalnepraAPI KeyRequiredBezonataRequest URLOptional (space delimiter)Access MethodUsernameAdvancedSpecialaPasswordPasvortoResource access token methodPersist between launchesToken URLClient SecretClient IDToken SessionRefresh Token URLhttp:// number//SubdirectoryDefinedDefined configurations are JSON-formatted files, with a single configuration per file. This allows configurations to be swapped out via filesystem tools without affecting user configurations. It is recommended to use the Configure tab’s export function, then edit the resulting file. See QGIS documentation for further details.Add extra config directory to parseSoftware StatementConfiguration UrlRegisterExtra initial request parametersKeyŜlosiloValue (unencoded)TokensRemove cached tokensSelect extra directory to parseSelect software statement fileJSON Web Token (*.jwt)ID: %1
Grant flow: %2
Description: %3No predefined configurations found on diskSave OAuth2 Config FileSelect OAuth2 Config FileDownloading configuration failed with error: %1Configurations files can be placed in the directories:Configuration files can be placed in the directories:
%1QgsAuthOAuth2MethodOAuth2 authenticationAuthenticator linking (login) has failedLinking succeeded, but authenticator access FAILED: null objectLinking apparently succeeded, but authenticator FAILED to verify it is linkedLinking succeededOpen browser requestedClose browser requestedNetwork reply finishedResults: %1Network error but no reply object accessibleNetwork error: %1Network error, HTTP status: %1Attempting token refresh...Token refresh FAILED: authcfg emptyBackground token refresh underway for authcfg: %1Background token refresh FAILED for authcfg %1: could not get authenticator objectToken refresh error: %1QgsAuthPkcs12EditOptional passphraseShowMontriRequiredBezonataBundle……CAsKeyŜlosiloAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddAldoniAdd also root (self-signed) CARootMissing componentsQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loaded%1 thru %2Valid: %1Valida: %1Invalid: %1Nevalida: %1Open PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>QgsAuthPkcs12MethodPKI PKCS#12 authenticationQgsAuthPkiPathsEditRequiredBezonataCAsOptional passphrase……ShowMontriAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddAldoniAdd also root (self-signed) CARootKeyŜlosiloCertMissing componentsFailed to load certificate from file%1 thru %2Valid: %1Valida: %1Invalid: %1Nevalida: %1Open Client Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>Open Private Key FileQgsAuthPkiPathsMethodPKI paths authenticationQgsAuthServersEditorServer Exceptions/SSL Configs EditorServer Certificate Exceptions and SSL ConfigurationsAdd new server certificate configurationRemove selected server certificate configurationEdit selected server certificate configurationGroup by organization……Common NameHostGastiga komputiloExpiry DateSSL Server ConfigurationsSSL custom config id missingSSL custom config host:port missingRemove SSL Custom ConfigurationAre you sure you want to remove the selected SSL custom configuration from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!ERROR removing SSL custom config from authentication database for host:port, id %1:SSL custom config id missing.SSL custom config host:port missing.QgsAuthSettingsWidgetFormFormularoConfigurationsAgordojChoose or create an authentication configurationConfigurations store encrypted credentials in the QGIS authentication database.BasicConvert to configurationStoreWarning text!OptionalMalnepraPasswor&d&User name<div>Warning: credentials stored as plain text in %1.</div>project fileuser settingsConverted config %1Couldn't create a Basic authentication configuration!QgsAuthSslConfigDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationQgsAuthSslConfigWidgetFormFormularoCertificateAtestiloNameNomohost:port (required)Show information for certificate??ServerServiloCustom SSL configurationFieldKampoProtocolProtokoloPeer verificationVerify peer certsDo not verify peer certsPeer verification depth (0 = complete cert chain)Ignore errorsMalatenti erarojnQgsAuthSslErrorsDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationSSL Errors occurred accessing URL:SSL ErrorsShow information for certificate chainConnection certificatesConnection trusted CAsSave SSL server e&xceptionWARNING: Only save SSL configurations when necessary.QgsAuthSslImportDialogConnected to %1: %2Socket CONNECTEDSocket DISCONNECTEDSocket ENCRYPTEDProtocolProtokoloSession cipherSocket ERRORSocket unavailable or not encryptedOpen Server Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Could not load any certs from fileCould not load server cert from fileCertificate does not appear for be for an SSL server. You can still add a configuration, if you know it is the correct certificate.QgsAuthSslTestDialogCustom Certificate Configuration<html><head/><body><p>Save a custom SSL server configuration, importing certificate from server or file. WARNING: Only save configurations when necessary.</p></body></html>Import CertificateFrom serverhttps://https://www.example.comwww.example.com::ConnectKonektiTimeoutTempolimo secFrom filePEM/DER formatted file……QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialogTrusted Certificate AuthoritiesTrusted Certificate Authorities/Issuers (used in secure connections)……Group by organizationCommon NameSerial #Expiry DateAuthorities/IssuersQgsBlendModeComboBoxNormalNormalaLightenScreenDodgeAdditionAdicioDarkenMultiplyObligiBurnOverlaySoft lightHard lightDifferenceSubtractQgsBlurWidgetStack blur (fast)Gaussian blur (quality)QgsBookmarkLocatorFilterSpatial BookmarksQgsBookmarksImport/Export BookmarksUnable to open bookmarks database.
Database: %1
Driver: %2
Database: %3IDIDNameNomoProjectProjektoxMinxMinyMinyMinxMaxxMaxyMaxyMaxSRIDSRIDNew bookmarkNova legosignoAdd BookmarkExport BookmarksXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)?number of rowsReprojected extent is empty.&Export&Eksporti&Import&ImportiSpatial BookmarksDelete BookmarksEmpty ExtentImport BookmarksImporti legosignojnUnable to create the bookmark.
Driver: %1
Database: %2QgsBookmarksBaseSpatial BookmarksAddAldoniAdd bookmarkAldoni legosignonDeleteForigiDelete bookmarkForigi la legosignonZoom toZoom to bookmarkQgsBrowserDirectoryPropertiesBasePathVojoQgsBrowserDockWidgetType here to filter visible items…Case SensitiveUsklecodistingaFilter Pattern SyntaxNormalNormalaWildcard(s)Ĵokero(j)Regular ExpressionRegula esprimofavorite “%1”Rename FavoriteAdd as a FavoriteAldoni kiel preferatoRename Favorite…Remove FavoriteForigi preferatonProperties…Add a Directory…Add directory to favoritesAldoni la dosierujon al la preferatojHide from BrowserFast Scan this DirectoryAdd Selected Layer(s) to CanvasQgsBrowserDockWidgetBaseBrowserDosieresploriloRefreshAktualigiAdd LayersAldoni tavolojnAdd Selected LayersAldoni la selektajn tavolojnFilter BrowserFiltra esploriloShow PropertiesMontri atributojnEnable/disable properties widgetCollapse AllMaletendi ĉiujnOptionsOpciojQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesErrorEraroQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesBaseNameNomonamenomoURIURIProviderProvizantoprovider keyMetadataMetadatumojnoticeQgsBrowserModelProject HomeHomeHejmoFavoritesPreferatojQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogLayer PropertiesTavolaj atributojDirectory PropertiesAtributoj de dosierujoQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogBaseDialogDialogujoQgsBrushStyleComboBoxSolidSolidaNo BrushHorizontalHorizontalaVerticalVertikalaCrossBDiagonalFDiagonalDiagonal XDense 1Dense 2Dense 3Dense 4Dense 5Dense 6Dense 7QgsBusyIndicatorDialogQGISQGISQgsCalendarConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoA calendar widget to enter a date.Date formatData formo<html><head/><body><p>Example formats:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html>QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererModelSymbolSimboloValueValoroLegendMapklarigoQgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnKolumnoSymbolSimboloChange...Ŝanĝi...Color rampKoloretendoClassifyKatergoriigiAddAldoniDeleteForigiDelete AllAdvancedSpecialaMatch to Saved SymbolsMatch to Symbols from File…Symbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Classify CategoriesHigh number of classes. Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue?Delete ClassificationThe classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'.
Should the existing classes be deleted before classification?Matched SymbolsMatched %1 categories to symbols.No categories could be matched to symbols in library.Match to Symbols from FileXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)An error occurred while reading file:
%1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.QgsCharacterSelectorBaseCharacter SelectorSigna elektiloFontTiparoCurrent font family and styleAtualaj tiparo kaj stiloQgsCheckBoxConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoRepresentation for checked stateRepresentation for unchecked stateQgsCheckableComboBoxSelect AllElekti ĉiujnDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnQgsCodeEditorCSSCSS EditorCSS-redaktiloQgsCodeEditorExpressionExpression EditorQgsCodeEditorHTMLHTML EditorHTML-redaktiloQgsCodeEditorPythonPython EditorPython-redaktiloQgsCodeEditorSQLSQL EditorSQL-redaktiloQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasicShift-click to expand, then collapse othersCtrl (or Alt)-click to toggle allQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxPluginA collapsible group boxA collapsible group box with save state capabilityQgsColorBrewerColorRampDialogColorBrewer RampQgsColorBrewerColorRampWidgetBaseColorBrewer RampColorsKolorojScheme namePreviewAntaŭrigardoQgsColorButtonSelect ColorElekti koloronNo colorClear ColorDefault ColorCopy ColorPaste ColorPick ColorChoose Color…QgsColorButtonPluginSelect colorElekti koloronQgsColorDialogResetRekomencigiSelect ColorElekti koloronQgsColorDialogBaseColor PickerImport Colors...Importi kolorojn...Import colors from fileImporti kolorojn el dosieroExport Colors...Eksporti kolorojn...Export colors to fileEksporti kolorojn kiel dosieroPaste ColorsAlglui kolorojnPaste colors from clipboardAlglui kolorojn el tondejoImport Palette...Importi paletron...Import palette from fileImporti paletron el dosieroRemove PaletteForigi paletronRemove current paletteNew Palette...Nova Paletro...Create a new paletteKrei novan paletronCopy ColorsKopii kolorojnCopy selected colorsKopii elektitajn kolorojnQgsColorEffectWidgetOffBy lightnessBy luminosityBy averageQgsColorRampButtonSelect Color RampEdit RampAll Color RampsInvert Color RampClear Current RampDefault Color RampRandom Color RampShuffle Random ColorsCreate New Color Ramp…Edit Color Ramp…Save Color Ramp…GradientKolortransiroCatalog: cpt-cityColor presetsKoloraj antaŭagordojRandomHazardaCatalog: ColorBrewerColor ramp typePlease select color ramp type:Bonvolu elekti koloretenda tipo:Save Color RampKonservi la koloretendonColor ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?QgsColorRampShaderWidgetOptionsOpciojChange Color…Change Opacity…DiscreteLinearLinearaExactEkzaktaContinuousSeninterrompaEqual IntervalQuantileLoad Color MapŜargi kolormaponThe color map for band %1 has no entries.Load Color Map from FileTextfile (*.txt)Tekstdosiero (*.txt)The following lines contained errors
Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Save Color Map as FileQGIS Generated Color Map Export FileWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
ValueValoroValue for color stopValue <=Valoro <=Maximum value for classMaksimuma valoro por la klasoValue =Valoro =Value for colorOpacityOpakecoChange color opacity [%]QgsColorRampShaderWidgetBaseFormFormularoValueValoroColorKoloroLabelEtikedoColor rampKoloretendoInterpolationInterpoladoClassifyKatergoriigiAdd values manuallyPermane aldoni valorojnRemove selected row(s)Forigi la elektita(j)n vico(j)nLoad color map from bandŜargi kolormapon el bendoLoad color map from fileŜargi kolormapon el dosieroExport color map to fileEksporti kolormapon al dosieroIf checked, any pixels with a value out of range will not be renderedClip out of range valuesModeReĝimoClassesKlasojUnit suffixLabel unit
suffixQgsColorSchemeListSelect Palette FileImport ColorsError, file does not exist or is not readable.Error, no colors found in palette file.Palette fileExport ColorsError writing palette file.QgsColorSchemeModelColorKoloroLabelEtikedoQgsColorSliderWidget%%QgsColorSwatchDelegateSelect ColorElekti koloronSelect colorElekti koloronQgsColorTextWidgetrgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )#RRGGBB#RRGGBB#RRGGBBAA#RRGGBBAArgb( r, g, b )rgb( r, g, b )rgba( r, g, b, a )rgba( r, g, b, a )QgsCompassPluginShow compass&About&PriQgsCompassPluginGuiPixmap not foundQgsCompassPluginGuiBaseInternal CompassAzimutQgsCompoundColorWidgetSelect Palette FileImport Color PaletteError, file does not exist or is not readable.Palette file is not readable.No colors found in palette file.Remove Color PaletteAre you sure you want to remove %1?Create New PaletteKrei novan paletronEnter a name for the new palette:New paletteNova paletronew_palettenew_paletteQgsCompoundColorWidgetBaseHSSVRGBOpacityOpakecoHTML notationColor rampKoloretendoColor wheelKolorradoColor swatches……Add current colorRemove selected colorColor pickerKoloroselektiloSample average radius px pxSample colorSpecimena koloro<i>Press space to sample a color from under the mouse cursor</i>CurrentAktualaOldAdd color to swatchImport Colors...Importi kolorojn...Import colors from fileImporti kolorojn el dosieroExport Colors...Eksporti kolorojn...Export colors to fileEksporti kolorojn kiel dosieroPaste ColorsAlglui kolorojnPaste colors from clipboardAlglui kolorojn el tondejoImport Palette...Importi paletron...Import palette from fileImporti paletron el dosieroRemove PaletteForigi paletronRemove current paletteNew Palette...Nova paletro...Create a new paletteKrei novan paletronCopy ColorsKopii kolorojnCopy selected colorsKopii elektitajn kolorojnShow in Color ButtonsQgsConfigCacheError when loading project file '%1': %2 QgsConfigureShortcutsDialogKeyboard ShortcutsSearch...Serĉi...ActionAgoShortcutLigiloChangeŜanĝiSet NoneSet DefaultLoad...Ŝargi...Save...Konservi...XML fileXML-dosieroAll filesĈiuj dosierojCannot write file %1:
%2.Ne eblas skribi dosieron %1:
%2.Save ShortcutsSaving ShortcutsLoad ShortcutsLoading ShortcutsCannot read file %1:
%2.Ne eblas legi dosieron %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3The file is not an shortcuts exchange file.The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it.NoneNeniuSet default (%1)Input: Enigo: Change ShortcutThis shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign?QgsCptCityBrowserModelNameNomoInfoQgsCptCityColorRampDialogError - cpt-city gradient files not found.
You have two means of installing them:
1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package.
You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS.
2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] .
This file can be found at [%2]
and current file is [%3]Selections by themeAll by authorAll Ramps (%1)%1 Directory Details%1 Gradient DetailsYou can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager).
Download More Cpt-city GradientsQgsCptCityColorRampDialogBaseCpt-city Color RampSelection and PreviewLicensePermesiloPalettePaletroPathVojoInformationInformoAuthor(s)Aŭtoro(j)SourceFontoDetailsDetalojSave as standard gradientQgsCptCityColorRampItemcolorskolorojdiscretecontinuousseninterrompacontinuous (multi)seninterrompa (plure)variantsQgsCrashDialogDialogDialogujoCopy ReportTell us something about when you got the crashReport DetailsReload QGISQuitĈesiHeaderMessageHelp MessageOh Uh!:( QGIS CrashedSorry. It looks something unexpected happened that we didn't handle and QGIS crashed.Keen to help us fix bugs? <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html#bugs-features-and-issues">Follow the steps to help our developers.</a><br><br>You can also send us a helpful bug report using the Copy Report button <br>and opening a ticket at <a href="https://issues.qgis.org/">issues.qgis.org</a>QgsCredentialDialogEnter CredentialsUsernamePasswordPasvortoVerify passwordKontroli pasvortonStore master password in your password managerDo not forget it: NOT retrievable!Saved for session, until app is quit.Password attempts: #Erase authentication database?Ĉu viŝi la aŭtentan datumbazon?TextLabelTekstetikedoRealmRequiredBezonataStore/update the master password in your %1Enter CURRENT master authentication passwordSet NEW master authentication passwordPassword attempts: %1QgsCustomLayerOrderWidgetControl rendering orderKontroli la ordon de bildioQgsCustomProjectionDialogQGIS Custom ProjectionThis proj4 projection definition is not valid.Tiu proj4 difino de projekcion estas nevalida.new CRSnova CRSThe proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid.Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form.Internal Error (source projection invalid?)ErrorEraroQgsCustomProjectionDialogBaseCustom Coordinate Reference System DefinitionDefineDifiniIDIDYou can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS.NameNomoParametersParametrojCopy parameters from existing CRSTestTestoUse the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate.Geographic / WGS84Destination CRS NorthNordoEastOrientoAdd new CRSAldoni novan CRSCalculateKalkuliRemove CRSForigi CRSQgsCustomizationDialogObject nameNomo de la objektoLabelEtikedoChoose a customization INI fileCustomization files (*.ini)QgsCustomizationDialogBaseInterface CustomizationEnable customizationŜalti tajloradontoolBarCatchSwitch to catching widgets in main applicationSaveKonserviSave to fileKonservi en dosieronLoadŜargiLoad from fileŜargi el dosieroExpand AllEtendi ĉiujnCollapse AllMaletendi ĉiujnCheck AllKontroli ĉiujnQgsDashSpaceDialogBaseDash Space PatternDashStreketoSpaceQgsDataDefinedRotationDialogRotationRotacioQgsDataDefinedSizeDialogSizeGrandoQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidgetData-defined Size LegendLegend not enabledSeparated legend itemsCollapsed legendLegend Symbol...TitleTitoloManual size classesAdd a class......Remove selected classOptions (collapsed only)Align symbolsBottomMalsupraCenterCentroValueValoroLabelEtikedoAdd Size ClassEnter value for a new classQgsDataDefinedValueBaseDialogDialogDialogujo……LabelEtikedoQgsDataDefinedWidthDialogWidthLarĝoQgsDataSourceManagerDialogData Source ManagerBrowserDosieresploriloCannot get %1 select dialog from source select provider %2.Data Source Manager | %1Add %1 layerQgsDateTimeEditclearQgsDateTimeEditConfigFormFormularoDateDatoTimeTempoDate timeISO date timeQt ISO Date formatISO 8601extended format: either <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> for dates or <code>yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss</code> (e.g. 2017-07-24T15:46:29), or with a time-zone suffix (Z for UTC otherwise an offset as [+|-]HH:mm) where appropriate for combined dates and times.FormatFormoExamples resultExpressionEsprimoDate outputthe day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the year as two digit number (00-99)the year as four digit numberTime outputthe hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)use AM/PM display.will be replaced by eitheroruse am/pm display.will be replaced by either the timezone (for example "CEST")Field Format……Widget DisplayDefaultDefaŭltoCustomPropraCalendar popupAllow NULL valuesPreviewAntaŭrigardoQgsDateTimeEditPluginDefine dateQgsDateTimeEditWrapperDate/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit.UI formsThe usual date/time widget QDateTimeEdit cannot be configured to allow NULL values. For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used.field widgetsQgsDatumTransformDialogSource transformDestination transformFile '%1' not found in directory '%2'QgsDatumTransformDialogBaseSelect Datum TransformationsHide deprecatedDestination CRSSource CRSQgsDatumTransformTableModelSource CRSSource datum transformDestination CRSDestination datum transformQgsDatumTransformTableWidgetBaseFormFormularo......QgsDb2ConnectionItemDB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.Refresh ConnectionEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionForigi konekton%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Not a vector layer!Import to DB2 databaseFailed to import some layers!
Import was successful.Importo suksesisQgsDb2NewConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
Save ConnectionError: %1.Eraro: %1.Connection to %1 was successful.Connection failed: %1.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?QgsDb2NewConnectionBaseConnection InformationInformo pri konektoDriverHostGastiga komputiloPortPordo&Test ConnectionDatabaseDatumbazoCreate a New DB2 ConnectionNameNomoService/DSNAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloQgsDb2Provider8 Bytes integer4 Bytes integer2 Bytes integerDecimal number (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)DateDatoTimeTempoDate & TimeDato & TempoText, fixed length (char)Text, variable length (varchar)Text, variable length large object (clob)Text, variable length large object (dbclob)QgsDb2RootItemNew Connection…QgsDb2SchemaItemDB2 *** %1 as %2 in %3DB2 *** %1 kiel %2 en %3as geometryless tablekiel sengeometria tabeloQgsDb2SourceSelectAdd Db2 Table(s)Aldoni Db2-tabelo(j)n&Set FilterSet FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujSchemaSkemoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Select TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a layer.DB2 ProviderDB2 liverantoDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS Not FoundDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS ne trovitaDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS not found. The DB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.StopConnectKonektiQgsDb2SourceSelectDelegateSelect…QgsDb2TableModelSchemaSkemoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSelect at idSqlSqlDetecting…Select…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).QgsDbSourceSelectBaseAdd PostGIS LayersConnectionsKonektojConnect to selected databaseKonekti al la elektita datumbazoConnectKonektiCreate a new database connectionKrei novan datumbazan konektonNewNovaEdit selected database connectionEditRedaktiRemove connection to selected databaseForigi la konekton al la elektita datumbazoRemoveForigiLoadLoad connections from fileŜargiSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviAlso list tables with no geometryKeep dialog openKonservi dialogon malfermitaSearch optionsAgordo de serĉoSearchSerĉiSearch modeModo de serĉoSearch in columnsSerĉi en kolumnojQgsDecorationCopyrightDialogCopyright Label Decoration&PlacementMargin from edgeHorizontalHorizontalaEnable Copyright LabelCopyright label textTeksto de la kopirajta etikedoVerticalVertikalaInsert an Expression...FontTiparoTop leftSupra-maldekstraTop rightBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraCopyright Label Text FormatQgsDecorationGridNo active layerGet Interval from LayerPlease select a raster layer.Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS.Invalid raster layerNevalida rastruma tavoloQgsDecorationGridDialogInterval XX-intervaloInterval YY-intervaloGrid PropertiesEnable GridDraw AnnotationGrid typeTipo de kradoLine symbolLinia simboloAnnotation directionDirekto de la prinotoDistance to map frameDistanco al mapkadroCoordinate precisionFontTiparoMarker symbolMarksimboloOffset XX-deŝovoOffset YY-deŝovoUpdate Interval / Offset fromCanvas ExtentsActive Raster LayerAktivigi la rastruman tavolonLineLinioMarkerMarkoHorizontalHorizontalaVerticalVertikalaBoundary directionLima direktoHorizontal and VerticalHorizontala kaj vertikalaQgsDecorationLayoutExtent%1: %2%1: %2QgsDecorationLayoutExtentDialogLayout Extents PropertiesShow Layout ExtentsFontTiparoSymbolSimboloLabel extentsQgsDecorationNorthArrowDialogNorth Arrow DecorationSizeGrando mm mmCustom SVG……ColorKoloroFillPlenigoHorizontalHorizontalaVerticalVertikalaAutomaticAŭtomataPreview of north arrowAntaŭrigardo de la nordsagoAngleAnguloEnable North ArrowStrokePlacementMargin from edgePlacement on screenTop leftSupra-maldekstraTop rightBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraSelect SVG fileElekti SVG-dosieronSelect North Arrow Fill ColorSelect North Arrow Outline ColorFile not foundDosiero ne trovitaPixmap not foundQgsDecorationScaleBarTick DownTick UpBarBretoBoxKestokmkmmmmmcmmmmilesmejlojmileinchesfootfeetdegreedegreesdegreesQgsDecorationScaleBarDialogScale Bar DecorationScale bar styleSkalbreta stiloSelect the style of the scale barElekti stilon de la skalbretoMargin from edgeTick DownEnable Scale BarFillPlenigoOutlineKonturoTick UpBoxKestoBarBretoFont of barFontTiparoHorizontalHorizontalaVerticalVertikalaColor of barSize of barGrando de la bretoPlacementAutomatically snap to round number on resize meters/km metroj/km feet/miles degreesgradojTop leftSupra-maldekstraTop rightBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraSelect Scale Bar Fill ColorSelect Scale Bar Outline ColorQgsDefaultRasterLayerLegendfollowing %1 items
not displayedQgsDelAttrDialogBaseDelete FieldsProvider fields can only be deleted when the layer is in edit mode.Provider does not support deleting fields.QgsDelimitedTextProviderFile type string in %1 is not correctly formattedFile cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text fileInvalid record format at line %1Invalid WKT at line %1Nevalida WKT ĉe linio %1Invalid X or Y fields at line %1Nevalida X aŭ Y kampoj al linio %1%1 records discarded due to invalid format%1 records have missing geometry definitions%1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions%1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry typesErrors in file %1Eraroj en la dosiero %1The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors:There are %1 additional errors in the fileDelimited text file errorsInvalid subset string %1 for %2The file has been updated by another application - reloadingWhole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Whole number (integer - 64 bit)Entjero (integer - 64 bitoj)QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectNo layer nameMankas tavolan nomonPlease enter a layer name before adding the layer to the mapBonvolu enigi tavolnomon antaŭ aldoni tavolon al la mapoNo delimiters setUse one or more characters as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typeInvalid regular expressionNevalida regula esprimoPlease enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typeInvalid delimited text filePlease enter a valid file and delimiterChoose a Delimited Text File to OpenText filesTekstaj dosierojPlease select an input fileBonvolu elekti enigan dosieronFile %1 does not existDosiero %1 ne ekzistasPlease enter a layer nameBonvolu enigi tavolnomonAt least one delimiter character must be specifiedRegular expression is not validRegula esprimo estas nevalida^.. expression needs capture groupsDefinition of filename and delimiters is not validNo data found in fileMankas datumon en la dosiero%1 badly formatted records discardedX and Y field names must be selectedX and Y field names cannot be the sameThe WKT field name must be selectedThe CRS must be selected%1 badly formatted records discarded from sample dataAll filesĈiuj dosierojQgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBaseCreate a Layer from a Delimited Text FileLayer nameTavola nomoName to display in the map legendName displayed in the map legendField names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numberedThe file is a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by "Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each fieldTabSpaceCommaKomoFile nameDosiernomoEncodingKodoprezentoSelect the file encodingElekti la dosieran kodoprezentonRecord and Fields OptionsX and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/secondsX kaj Y koordinatoj estas kiel gradok/minutoj/sekundojDMS coordinatesGeometry fieldGeometria kampoName of the field containing well known text valueGeometry typeGeometritipoDetectDetektiPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloNumber of header lines to discardThe number of lines to discard from the beginning of the fileFirst record has field namesCSV (comma separated values)CSV (perkome disigitaj valoroj)File FormatFields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape charactersCustom delimitersRegular expression delimiterOthersDetect field typesGeometry DefinitionWell known text (WKT)<p align="left">X field</p><p align="left">Y field</p>Geometry CRSLayer SettingsUse a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting featuresUse spatial indexUzi spacan indeksonUse an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties)Use subset indexWatch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is runningWatch fileSample DataGeometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fieldsGeometrio estas punkto difinita per X kaj Y koordinataj kampojPoint coordinatesPunktaj koordinatojGeometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fieldsThe file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the mapNo geometry (attribute only table)Sen geometrio (nuratributa tabelo)Trim leading and trailing spaces from fieldsTrim fieldsStuci kampojnDiscard empty fields in each recordDiscard empty fieldsNumber fields use comma for a decimal separatorDecimal separator is commaComma character is one of the delimitersTab character is one of the delimitersSpace character is one of the delimitersColon character is one of the delimitersSemicolon character is one of the delimitersSemicolonPunktokomoDelimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options.The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes.QuoteCitiloThe quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines""EscapeExpressionEsprimoRegular expression used to split each line into fieldsSample dataColonDupunktoName of the field containing x valuesNamo de la kampo enhavanta x valorojnName of the field containing y valuesNamo de la kampo enhavanta y valorojnQgsDetailedItemWidgetBaseFormFormularoHeading LabelTitola etikedoDetail labelDetala etikedoCategory labelKategoria etikedoQgsDiagramPropertiesPie chartTorta diagramoNo diagramsText diagramTeksta diagramoHistogramHistogramoSelect Background ColorSelect Pen ColorHeightAltox-heightAreaDiameterDiametroDiagram PropertiesDiagramaj atributojExpression Based AttributeTopTransparent BackgroundTransparent StrokeRightBottomMalsupraLeftMaldekstraThe diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you.La diagramtipo '%1' estas nekonata. Oni elektas defaŭltan tipon por vi.Bar length: Scale linearly, so that the following value matches the specified bar length:Bar lengthSizeGrandoScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size:Diagrams: No attributes added.Diagramoj: Neniuj aldonitaj atributojYou did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams.QgsDiagramPropertiesBaseLowHighBackground colorFona koloroLine colorLinikoloroLine widthLinia larĝoBar widthBastona larĝoScale dependent visibilitySkale dependa videblecoShow all diagramsMontri ĉiujn diagramojnSizeGrandoFixed sizeFiksita grandoSize unitsUnuoj de la grandoAttributeAtributoOpacityOpakeco……FontTiparoControls how diagrams are drawn on top of each other. Diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn above diagrams and labels with a lower z-index.Always showDiscourage diagrams and labels from covering featuresShow diagramControls whether specific diagrams should be shownControls whether specific diagrams should always be rendered, even when they overlap other diagrams or map labelsAlways show all diagrams, even when they overlap with each other or other map labelsScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram sizeScaleSkaloIncrease size of small diagramsPliigi la grando de malgrandaj diagramojMinimum sizeMinimuma grandoPlacementXXYYDistanceDistancoOptionsOpciojCoordinatesKoordinatojAround pointĈirkaŭ punktoOver pointLabel placementBar OrientationOrientiĝo de la bretojLegendMapklarigoFormatFormoStart angleVisibilityVidebloMaximum valueMaksimuma valoroFindSerĉiScaled sizeSkalita grandoDiagram z-indexAbove lineBelow lineOn lineSur la linioLine orientation dependent positionPosicio laŭ la orientiĝo de la linioPriorityPrioritatoLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Labels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Over LineSur la linioAround LineĈirkaŭ la linioInside PolygonAround CentroidOver CentroidUsing PerimeterUpSuprenDownMalsuprenRightLeftMaldekstraShow legend entries for diagram attributesMontri mapklarigajn erojn por la diagramaj atributojLegend Entries for Diagram Size...AttributesAutomated placement settings (apply to all layers)RenderingBildigoAvailable attributesDisponeblaj atribuojnAdd expressionAldoni esprimonAdd selected attributesRemove selected attributesAssigned attributesDrag and drop to reorderColorKoloroQgsDirectoryItemNew Directory…Create DirectoryDirectory nameThe path “%1” already exists.Could not create directory “%1”.Open Directory…QgsDirectoryParamWidgetNameNomoSizeGrandoDateDatoPermissionsOwnerPosedantoGroupGrupoTypeTipofolderdosierujofiledosieroQgsDiscoverRelationsDlgBaseDiscover RelationsNameNomoReferencing LayerReferencing FieldReferenced LayerReferencata tavoloReferenced FieldReferencata kampoStrengthQgsDisplayAngleBaseAngleAnguloQgsDockWidgetPluginA dock widgetQgsDualViewSort by preview expressionOridigi per antaŭrigarda esprimoExpression Based PreviewColumn PreviewKolumna antaŭrigardoCould not set column '%1' as preview column.
Parser error:
%2&Sort…&AutosizeCopy Cell ContentZoom to FeaturePan to FeatureFlash FeatureRun Layer ActionOpen FormMalfermi formularon&Hide Column&Set Width…&Organize Columns…Set column widthEnter column widthEnigi kolumnan larĝonConfigure Attribute Table Sort OrderLoading features…Attribute TableDefined sort order in attribute tableSort ascendingOrdigi kreskanteAbortĈesigi%1 features loaded.%1 ŝargitaj entoj.QgsDualViewBase……ExpressionEsprimoColumn PreviewKolumna antaŭrigardoQgsDummyConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoDummy TextQgsDwgImportBaseDWG/DXF ImportDWG/DXF importoLayerTavoloVisibleVideblaGroup nameNomo de grupoMerge layersKunfandi tavolojnImportImportiSource drawingTarget packageSelect GeoPackage DatabaseReloadLayers to Import into ProjectDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnSelect AllElekti ĉiujnImport Drawing into GeoPackageCRSCRSLoad layersŜargi tavolojnExpand block referencesEtendi blokajn refeencojnUse curvesQgsDwgImportDialogSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Drawing file was meanwhile updated (%1 > %2).Drawing file unavailable.Could not open layer listNe eblas malfermi la liston de tavolojSelect DWG/DXF fileElekti DWG/DXF-dosieronDXF/DWG filesDXF/DWG-dosierojDrawing import completed.Drawing import failed (%1)QgsDxfExportDialogDXF filesDXF-dosierojSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Export as DXFExporti kiel DXFQgsDxfExportDialogBaseSymbology modeSymbology scaleSave asKonservi kielDXF ExportNo symbologyFeature symbologySymbol layer symbologyCRSCRSSelect AllElekti ĉiujnDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnMap themesExport features intersecting the current map extentEksporti la entojn, ke intersekcas la aktualan mapampleksonForce 2d output (eg. to support polyline width)Export labels as MTEXT elementsEncodingKodoprezentoUse layer title as name if setQgsEditorWidgetRegistryClassificationKategoriadoRangeIntervaloUnique ValuesUnikaj valorojValue MapEnumerationHiddenKaŝitaText EditCheckboxValue RelationUuid GeneratorAttachmentKey/ValueŜlosilo/valoroListListoQgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory not valid.QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory with id %1 already registered.ColorKoloroRelation ReferenceRilata referencoDate/TimeDato/HoroQgsEditorWidgetWrapperNot NULLUniqueUnikaConstraint checks passedQgsEffectDrawModeComboBoxRender onlyBildigi nurModifier onlyRender and modifyBildigi kaj ŝanĝiQgsEffectStackCompactWidgetDraw effectsCustomize effectsQgsEffectStackPropertiesDialogEffect PropertiesQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetEffects PropertiesQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetBaseEffectsEfektojAdd new effectAldoni novan efektonRemove effectForigi efektonMove upMove downQgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillTransparent StrokeSelect Stroke ColorQgsEmbeddedLayerSelectDialogSelect Layers to EmbedQgsEncodingFileDialogEncoding:Kodoprezento:Cancel &AllNuligi ĉi&onQgsEncodingSelectionDialogEncodingKodoprezentoSelect EncodingSystemQgsErrorDialogErrorEraroQgsErrorDialogBaseDialogDialogujoAlways show detailsDetails >>Detaloj >><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Summary</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Detailed report.</span></p></body></html>QgsExpressionNo root node! Parsing failed?function help for %1 missingFunkcia helpo pri %1 mankasgroupgrupo%1 %2%1 %2SyntaxSintaksooperatoroperatorofunctionfunkcioArgumentsArgumentojExamplesEkzemplojNotesNotojempty geometrygeometry: %1map layerfeature: %1interval: %1 daysgradient rampdate: %1time: %1datetime: %1GeneralĜeneralaOperatorsOperatorojConditionalsFields and ValuesKampoj kaj valorojMathConversionsKonvertojDate and TimeDato & HoroStringĈenoColorKoloroGeometryGeometrioRecordVariablesVariablojFuzzy Matching[ ] marks optional componentsRecent (%1)Lastatempaj (%1)<i>NULL</i><i>NULL</i>'%1…'%1…%1…expressionesprimoIf represent_value is called with 1 parameter, it must be an attribute.represent_value must be called with exactly 1 or 2 parameters.QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBaseExpression String BuilderQgsExpressionBuilderWidgetSearch…Serĉi…"""Define a new function using the @qgsfunction decorator.
The function accepts the following parameters
: param [any]: Define any parameters you want to pass to your function before
the following arguments.
: param feature: The current feature
: param parent: The QgsExpression object
: param context: If there is an argument called ``context`` found at the last
position, this variable will contain a ``QgsExpressionContext``
object, that gives access to various additional information like
expression variables. E.g. ``context.variable( 'layer_id' )``
: returns: The result of the expression.
The @qgsfunction decorator accepts the following arguments:
: param args: Defines the number of arguments. With ``args = 'auto'`` the number of
arguments will automatically be extracted from the signature.
With ``args = -1``, any number of arguments are accepted.
: param group: The name of the group under which this expression function will
be listed.
: param handlesnull: Set this to True if your function has custom handling for NULL values.
If False, the result will always be NULL as soon as any parameter is NULL.
Defaults to False.
: param usesgeometry : Set this to False if your function does not access
feature.geometry(). Defaults to True.
: param referenced_columns: An array of attribute names that are required to run
this function. Defaults to [QgsFeatureRequest.ALL_ATTRIBUTES].
"""Enter new file nameEnigi novan dosiernomonFile name:Dosiernomo:Recent (%1)Lastatempaj (%1)Map LayersRelationsRilatojParser ErrorsEval ErrorEraro de taksadoExpression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a>Inserts the relation ID for the relation named '%1'.Current value: '%1'Inserts the layer ID for the layer named '%1'.More Info on Expression ErrorLoad First 10 Unique ValuesLoad All Unique ValuesSaving…QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBaseFormFormularoEqual operator==Addition operatorAdicia operatoro++Subtraction operatorSubtraha operatoro--Division operatorDivida operatoro//Multiplication operatorMultiplika operatoro**Power operatorPotenca operatoro^^String Concatenation||||Open Bracket ((Close Bracket ))'\n''\n'Run the current editor text in QGIS (also saves current script).
Use this when testing your functions.
Saved scripts are auto loaded on QGIS startup.Save and Load FunctionsHelpHelpoOutput preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer.Output preview: Eliga antaŭrigardo:ExpressionEsprimoNew LineExpected Format:string [r,g,b,a] as int 0-255 or #RRGGBBAA as hex or color as color's nameValuesValorojAll Unique10 SamplesFunction EditorFunciredaktiloCreate a new function file based on the template file.
Change the name of the script and save to allow QGIS to auto load on startup.QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetPluginEdit expressionRedakti esprimonQgsExpressionCalculatorLocatorFilterCopy “%1” to clipboardCalculatorKalkuliloQgsExpressionLineEditExpression DialogQgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperatorCan't perform /, *, or % on DateTime and IntervalQgsExpressionNodeColumnRefColumn '%1' not foundKolumno '%1' ne trovitaQgsExpressionNodeLiteral[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperatorUnary minus only for numeric values.QgsExpressionSelectionDialogZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresNo matching features foundNe trovis kongruantan enton!QgsExpressionSelectionDialogBaseSelect by Expression&CloseZoom to Features……Select featuresElekti entojnAdd to current selectionAldoni al la aktuala selektoRemove from current selectionForigi el aktuala elektadoFilter current selectionFiltri la aktualan elektaĵonQgsExtentGroupBoxExtentlayertavolomap viewuser defineddrawn on canvasnoneneniu%1 (current: %2)%1 (aktuala: %2)QgsExtentGroupBoxPluginA group box to enter a map extentQgsExtentGroupBoxWidgetFormFormularoWestOkcidentoEastOrientoMap Canvas ExtentCalculate from LayerDraw on CanvasCurrent Layer ExtentNorthNordoSouthSudoQgsExternalResourceConfigDlgFormFormularoPathVojoDefault pathDefaŭlta vojo<html><head/><body><p>When not empty, always open the file selector at the root of this path for searching new files. If empty, the last used path of this editor widget will be used. If this editor widget has never been used by the user, the project path will be used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If you want to make the attribute to store only relative paths, toggle one of these options.</p></body></html>Relative pathsRelativaj serĉvojoj<html><head/><body><p>Set exclusive file selection methods.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store filenames (this is the default choice).</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store directories and not filenames. The file selector will let you choose only directories and not files.</p></body></html>Relative to project pathRelativa al la projekta vojo……<html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the current QGIS project path.</p><p>For example, if your QGIS project is in <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/my_project.qgs"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"data/files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the default path set just above.</p><p>For example, if your default path is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html>Relative to default pathRelativa al la defaŭlta vojoStorage ModeFile pathsDosieraj vojojDirectory pathsDosierujaj vojoj<html><head/><body><p>This option displays file paths as clickable hyperlinks. When you click on the file path, the file should normally be opened by the default viewer defined in your operating system.</p></body></html>Use a hyperlink for document path (read-only)<html><head/><body><p>By default, the hyperlink is only displayed with the name of the file and not the full path. If you check this option, hyperlinks will be displayed with the complete path.</p></body></html>Display the full pathDisplay button to open file dialogVidiga butonon por malfermi dosierdialogujonFilterFiltri<html><head/><body><p>Filter syntax is borrowed from Qt <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QFileDialog::getOpenFileName</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">.</span></p><p>If you want simple filter on all pdf files, just use:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf</span></p><p>If you want one filter for multiple file extensions (on .pdf, .odt and .doc files):</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf *.odt *.doc</span></p><p>If you want to describe your filter, use parentheses:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">Text documents (*.pdf, *.odt, *.doc)</span></p><p>If you want multiple filters, separate them with ';;':</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"</span></p></body></html>HeightAltoAutoDisplay Resource PathIntegrated Document Viewer px pxWidthLarĝoSpecify the size of the preview. If you leave it set to Auto, an optimal size will be calculated.TypeTipoNo contentImageBildoWeb viewSelect a directoryElekti dosierujonQgsFeatureActionRun ActionsQgsFeatureListComboBoxJust start typing what you are looking for.QgsFeatureSelectionDlgDialogDialogujoQgsFieldCalculatorNot available for layerOnly update %1 selected featuresCould not add the new field to the provider.Ne eblas aldoni la novan kampon al la liverantoEvaluation ErrorCreate New FieldCalculating fieldAn error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1<geometry>Please enter a field nameBonvolu enigi kampnomon
The expression is invalid see (more info) for detailsQgsFieldCalculatorBaseOnly update selected featuresThis layer does not support adding new provider fields. You can only add virtual fields.Create a new fieldKrei novan kamponOutput field nameEliga kampnomoOutput field lengthEliga longo de kampoLength of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field length.Output field typeEliga kampa tipo<p>A virtual field will be recalculated every time it is used. Its definition will be saved in the project file. It will not be saved in the dataprovider and therefore its values not be available in other software.</p>Create virtual fieldKrei virtualan kamponPrecisionPrecizecoField CalculatorYou are editing information on this layer but the layer is currently not in edit mode. If you click OK, edit mode will automatically be turned on.Update existing fieldQgsFieldComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the fields of a layerA combo box to list the fields of a layer.QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidgetConditional Style Rule ExpressionQgsFieldConditionalWidgetFormFormularoFieldKampoNew RuleConditionKondiĉo@valueConditional Format RulesBackgroundFonoTextTekstoIconPiktogramoBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)BItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)IUnderlined textSubstrekita tekstoUUStrikeout textSSNameNomoPresetAntaŭagordoDoneFull row……CancelNuligiDeleteForigiQgsFieldExpressionWidgetExpression DialogQgsFieldExpressionWidgetPluginAn editable combo box to enter an expressionAn editable combo box to enter an expression. A button allows opening the expression dialog. Expression are evaluated to detect errors.QgsFileDownloaderNetwork request %1 timed outNo output filename specifiedCannot open output file: %1Ne eblas malfermi eligan dosieron: %1Download failed: %1Elŝutado fiaskis: %1. {1?}QgsFileDownloaderAlgorithmDownload filefile,downloader,internet,url,fetch,get,httpsFile toolsThis algorithm downloads a URL on the file system.URLURLFile destinationNo URL specifiedOutput file doesn't exist.%1 downloaded.%1 of %2 downloaded.QgsFileDownloaderDialogDownloadElŝutiDownloading %1.Elŝutado de %1.Download FileDownloading %1 of %2 %3.QgsFileWidgetSelected files:<br><ul><li>%1</li></ul><br>Select a fileElekti dosieronSelect one or more filesSelect a directoryElekti dosierujonCreate or select a fileQgsFilterAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetOutput NameFilter ExpressionFinal OutputOutputs and filtersAdd OutputRemove Selected OutputsQgsFirstRunDialogWelcome to QGISBonvenon al QGISLet's get started!Ni eku!Welcome to QGIS 3Bonvenon al QGIS 3<html><head/><body><p><a href="http://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.4-LTR/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2a76c6;">Check out </span></a>the change log for all the new stuff.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">You are running a dev version. We would love your feedback and testing.</span></p></body></html>Ready to go?Import settings from QGIS 2.I want a clean start. Don't import my QGIS 2 settings.Settings will be imported into the default profile and you will only see this screen once.Welcome to QGIS %1QgsFontButtonText FormatFontTiparoAaFont size (%1)Font size (pt)Recent FontsConfigure Format…Copy FormatPaste FormatCopy ColorPaste ColorQgsFontButtonPluginSelect fontQgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Symbol Fill ColorSelect Symbol Stroke ColorQgsFormAnnotationDialogDeleteForigiQt designer fileQgsFormAnnotationDialogBaseForm AnnotationFormulara prinoto……QgsGCPListModelmap unitsmapaj unuojpixelsbilderojVisibleVideblaIDIDSource XFonta XSource YFonta YDest. XDest. YdX (%1)dX (%1)dY (%1)dY (%1)Residual (%1)QgsGCPListWidgetRecenterRecentrigiRemoveForigiQgsGPXProviderBad URI - you need to specify the feature type.GPS eXchange fileDigitized in QGISCiferecigita en QGISQgsGdalLayerItemCould not delete file.File deleted successfully.QgsGdalProviderDataset DescriptionPriskribo de datumaroBand %1Bendo %1X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3DimensionsDimensiojGDAL Driver DescriptionGDAL Driver MetadataCompressionDensigoMore informationMask band (exposed as alpha band)OriginPixel SizeGrando de rastrumeroBandBendoFormat not supportedCannot read dataNe eblas legi datumonCannot get GDAL raster band: %1QgsGdalSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open GDAL Supported Raster Dataset(s)Add raster layerNo layers selected.No protocol URI entered.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.QgsGdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Raster Layer(s)Source typeTipo de fontoF&ileProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.SourceFontoRaster Dataset(s)ProtocolProtokoloTypeTipo&URIBucket or containerObject key......AuthenticationAŭtentokontroloQgsGenericProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorQgsGeoNodeConnectionItemEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionForigi konektonModify GeoNode connectionQgsGeoNodeNewConnectionCreate a New GeoNode ConnectionTest connection
Connection to %1 was successful,
%1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Connection failed,
please check whether %1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Invalid URLNevalida URLYour URL doesn't contain a protocol (e.g. http or https). Please add the protocol.QgsGeoNodeRequest%1 of %2 bytes of request downloaded.Redirect loop detected: %1GeoNodeEmpty capabilities: %1Request failed: %1QgsGeoNodeRootItemNew Connection…QgsGeoNodeSourceSelectTitleTitoloNameNomoTypeTipoWeb ServiceModify GeoNode ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Delete GeoNode ConnectionGeoNodeLayerTavoloWMSWMSWFSWFSXYZXYZConnect to GeoNodeCannot get any feature services.Load ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)MapMapoQgsGeoPackageAbstractLayerItemDelete Layer '%1'…Delete LayerForigi tavolonLayer <b>%1</b> deleted successfully.QgsGeoPackageCollectionItemRemove ConnectionAdd ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)Could not delete GeoPackage.GeoPackage deleted successfully.GeoPackage importYou cannot import layer %1 over itself!%1: %2%1: %2Cannot Overwrite LayerDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Overwriting with raster layers is not currently supported.Overwrite LayerDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Import to GeoPackage databaseImport was successful.Importo suksesisFailed to import some vector layers!
Failed to import some raster layers!
%1: Not a valid layer!Failed to import some layers!
Database compact (VACUUM)Vacuuming %1There was an error compacting (VACUUM) the database <b>%1</b>: %2Layer path is empty: layer cannot be deleted!There was an error deleting the layer %1: %2Layer URI is empty: layer cannot be deleted!QgsGeoPackageConnectionItemRemove ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)QgsGeoPackageRasterWriterTaskSaving %1QgsGeoPackageRootItemNew Connection…Create Database…QgsGeomColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Tabeloj estas ricevitajTable retrieval stopped.Ricevado de la tabeloj haltis.QgsGeometryAngleCheckResulting geometry is degenerateFailed to delete vertexUnknown methodNekonata metodoDelete node with small angleForigi nodon kun malgranda anguloNo actionNeniu agoMinimal angleMinimuma anguloQgsGeometryAreaCheckFailed to merge with neighbor: %1Unknown methodNekonata metodoMerge with neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeMerge with neighboring polygon with largest areaMerge with neighboring polygon with identical attribute value, if any, or leave as isDelete featureForigi entonNo actionNeniu agoMinimal areaMinimuma areoQgsGeometryCheckerDialogCheck GeometriesKontroli geometriojnSetupResultRezultoQgsGeometryCheckerFixDialogFix ErrorsNextSekvaFixSkipSelect how to fix error "%1":<b>Fixed:</b> %1<p>Riparita:</b> %1<span color="red"><b>Fixed failed:</b> %1</span><b>Error is obsolete</b>QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDialogSummaryResumoLayerTavoloObject IDErrorEraroCoordinatesKoordinatojValueValoroThe following checks reported errors:%1 errors were fixed%1 eraroj reparitaj%1 new errors were found%1 novaj trovitaj eraroj%1 errors were not fixed%1 eraroj ne estis reparitaj%1 errors are obsoleteQgsGeometryCheckerPluginGeometry CheckerGeometria kontroliloCheck geometries for errorsSerĉi geometriajn erarojnVectorVektoroVersion 0.1Versio 0.1Check Geometries…QgsGeometryCheckerResultTabFormFormularo<b>Geometry check result:</b><b>Rezulto de la geometria kontrolo:</b>Object IDErrorEraroWhen a row is selected, move canvas toLayerTavoloCoordinatesKoordinatojValueValoroResolutionDistingivoAttributeAtributoExportEksportiTotal errors: 0FeatureEntoDon't &moveHighlight contour of selected featuresMarki la konturon de la elektitaj entojFix selected errors using default resolutionFix selected errors, prompt for resolution methodError resolution settingsShow selected features in attribute tableAttribute to use when merging features by attribute value:The following checks reported errors:Total errors: %1, fixed errors: %2Fixed: %1Riparitaj: %1Fix failed: %1Select Output FileElekti eliran dosieronRemove LayerCheck Errors OccurredExport ErrorsFailed to export errors to %1.Do you want to fix %1 errors?Ĉu vi volas repari %1 erarojn?Fix ErrorsSet Error ResolutionsSelect default error resolutions:One or more layers have been removed.QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTabFormFormularoOnly selected featuresNur elektitaj entojSelf intersectionsMem-intersekcojDuplicate nodesDuobligi nodojnPolygon with less than 3 nodesPlurangulo kun malpli ol 3 nodojInput vector layersAllowed geometry typesPermesitaj geometritipojPointPunktoMultipointPlurpunktoLineLinioMultilinePlurlinioPolygonPluranguloMultipolygonPlur-pluranguloGeometry validityValideco de geometrioSelf contactsGeometry propertiesGeometriaj atributojLines must not have danglesGeometry conditionsGeometriaj kondiĉojMinimum angle between segments (deg)Minimuma angulo inter segmentoj (grad)Minimal segment length (map units)Minimuma longo de segmento (mapaj unuoj)Minimal polygon area (map units sqr.)Minimuma areo de plurangulo (kvad. mapaj unuoj)No sliver polygonsMaximum thinnessMax. area (map units sqr.)Topology checksPoints must be covered by linesLines must not intersect with features of layerCheck for overlaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Serĉi surmetecojn pli malgrandaj ol (mapaj unuoj kvad.)Points must properly lie inside a polygon<i>Note: Topology checks are performed in the current map CRS.</i>Polygons must follow boundaries of layerToleranceOutput vector layersCreate &new layers&Modify input layersFormatFormoOutput directoryEliga dosierujoFilename prefixPolygons and multipolygons may not contain any holesMultipart objects must consist of more that one part<html><head/><body><p>Thinness is the ratio between the area of the minimum square containing the polygon and the area of the polygon itself. A square has thinness 1. Default: 20.</p></body></html>Check for duplicatesLines must not intersect any other linesCheck for gaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Check for features within other featuresBrowseFoliumiRunRuliAbortĈesigichecked_Select Output DirectoryCheck GeometriesKontroli geometriojnThe selected input layers cannot contain a layer also selected for a topology check.The chosen output directory contains one or more input layers.Input layer '%1' is not allowed to be in editing mode.Failed to create one or more output layers:
%1The following output layers are in a format that does not support editing features:
The geometry check can be performed, but it will not be possible to fix any errors. Do you want to continue?<b>Preparing output...</b>The specified output format cannot be recognized.<b>Waiting for running checks to finish...</b><b>Building spatial index...</b>QgsGeometryContainedCheckContained check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidContained check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodNekonata metodoDelete featureForigi entonNo actionNeniu agoWithinQgsGeometryContainedCheckErrorWithin featureQgsGeometryDangleCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoDangleQgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoDelete featureForigi entonNo actionNeniu agoPolygon with less than three nodesPlurangulo kun malpli ol 3 nodojQgsGeometryDuplicateCheckDuplicate check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidDuplicate check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoRemove duplicatesDuplicateDuobligiQgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheckResulting geometry is degenerateFailed to delete vertexUnknown methodNekonata metodoDelete duplicate nodeNo actionNeniu agoDuplicate nodeQgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoPolygon does not follow boundariesQgsGeometryGapCheckGap check: %1Failed to merge with neighbor: %1Unknown methodNekonata metodoAdd gap area to neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeNo actionNeniu agoGapBreĉoQgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidgetPolygon / MultiPolygonPlurangulo / Plur-pluranguloLineString / MultiLineStringPoint / MultiPointPunkto / PlurpunktoQgsGeometryHoleCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoRemove holeForigi truonNo actionNeniu agoPolygon with holeQgsGeometryIsValidCheckIs ValidQgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoIntersectionIntersekcoQgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoIntersectionIntersekcoQgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoAdd missing vertexMissing VertexQgsGeometryMultipartCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoConvert to single part featureKonverti en unupartan entonDelete featureForigi entonNo actionNeniu agoMultipart object with only one featureQgsGeometryOverlapCheckOverlap check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidOverlap check between features %1 and %2 %3Failed to compute intersection between overlapping features: %1Could not find shared edges between intersection and overlapping featuresUnknown methodNekonata metodoRemove overlapping area from neighboring polygon with shortest shared edgeNo actionNeniu agoOverlapQgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoPoint not covered by lineQgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheckPoint in polygon check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoPoint not in polygonQgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoMinimal segment lengthMinimuma longo de segmentoQgsGeometrySelfContactCheckUnknown methodNekonata metodoNo actionNeniu agoSelf contactQgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckResulting geometry is degenerateUnknown methodNekonata metodoSplit feature into a multi-object featureSplit feature into multiple single-object featuresNo actionNeniu agoSelf intersectionMem-intersekcoQgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheckSliver polygonQgsGeometryTypeCheckUnknown geometry typeNekonata geometritipoUnknown methodNekonata metodoConvert to corresponding multi or single type if possible, otherwise delete featureDelete featureForigi entonNo actionNeniu agoGeometry typeGeometritipoQgsGeometryTypeCheckErrorOverlap with %1 at feature %2QgsGeometryValidationDockBaseGeometry ValidationNextSekvaPreviousAntaŭaZoom To FeatureZoom To ProblemDetailed Description......QgsGeometryValidationModel%1: %2%1: %2%1: %n ErrorsQgsGeometryValidationServiceRunning geometry validation checks before saving…Geometry ValidationGeometry errors have been found. Please fix the errors before saving the layer.Geometry errors have been found.QgsGeonodeSourceSelectBaseAdd GeoNode LayerGeoNode ConnectionsConnect to selected serviceKonekti al la elektita servoC&onnectK&onektiCreate a new service connectionKri novan servan konekton&New&NovaEdit selected service connectionRedakti la elektitan serva konektonEditRedaktiRemove connection to selected serviceForigi konekton al la elektita servoRemoveForigiLoad connections from fileŜargi konektojn el dosieroLoadŜargiSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviUse title for layer nameFilterFiltriDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractQgsGeorefConfigDialogA5 (148x210 mm)A5 (148x210 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)Legal (8.5x14 inches)Legal (8.5x14 coloj)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 coloj)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 coloj)ANSI C (17x22 inches)ANSI C (17x22 coloj)ANSI D (22x34 inches)ANSI D (22x34 coloj)ANSI E (34x44 inches)ANSI E (34x44 coloj)Arch A (9x12 inches)Arch A (9x12 coloj)Arch B (12x18 inches)Arch B (12x18 coloj)Arch C (18x24 inches)Arch C (18x24 coloj)Arch D (24x36 inches)Arch D (24x36 coloj)Arch E (36x48 inches)Arch E (36x48 coloj)Arch E1 (30x42 inches)Arch E1 (30x42 coloj)QgsGeorefConfigDialogBaseConfigure GeoreferencerAgordi georeferencilonPoint tipShow IDsShow coordinatesResidual unitsPixelsBilderojUse map units if possibleUzi unuojn de la mapo se eblasPDF reportPDF raportoLeft marginMaldekstra marĝeno mm mmRight marginDekstra marĝenoShow Georeferencer window dockedPDF mapPDF mapoPaper sizePapergrandoQgsGeorefDescriptionDialog<h2>Description</h2><p>This plugin can georeference raster files and set projection. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p>QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBaseDescription georeferencer<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html>QgsGeorefPlugin&Georeferencer…QgsGeorefPluginGuiGeoreferencerGeoreferenciloAll other files (*)Ĉiuj aliaj dosieroj (*)Raster loaded: %1Georeferencer - %1Georeferencilo - %1Georeference SuccessfulGeoreferencilo sukcesisRaster was successfully georeferenced.Rastrumo estas sukcese georeferencitaTransform: Invalid TransformGDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation.No GCP points are available to save.Raster PropertiesRastrumaj atributojPlease load raster to be georeferenced.Bonvolu ŝargi georeferencigotan rastrumon.Write ErrorEraro de skribadoCould not write to GCP points file %1.Transform FailedFailed to calculate linear transform parameters.Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable.Could not write to %1.Copy to ClipboardKopii al tondejoGDAL ScriptNo Raster LoadedMankas ŝargitan rastrumonNot Enough GCPs%1 transformation requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more.GCP fileGCP-dosieroHelpHelpoReset GeoreferencerRekomencigi georeferencilonReset georeferencer and clear all GCP points?GCP file successfully loaded.PanelsPanelojToolbarsCurrent transform parametrisationCoordinate: Koordinato:Current map coordinateAktualaj mapaj koordinatojNoneNeniuCoordinate of image(column/line)Save GCPsSave GCP points?<p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p>Open Raster%1 is not a supported raster data source.Load GCP PointsInvalid GCP file. File could not be read.Save GCP PointsGeoreferenceSave World Filemap unitsmapaj unuojpixelsbilderojTransformation parametersTranslation xTranslation yScale xScale yRotation [degrees]Rotacio [gradoj]Mean error [%1]ResidualsIDIDEnabledŜaltitaPixel XPixel YMap XMapa XMap YMapa YRes X (%1)Res Y (%1)Res Total (%1)yesjesnoneTranslation (%1, %2)Scale (%1, %2)Rotation: %1Rotacio: %1Mean error: %1%1%1Please set transformation type.Please set output raster name.LinearLinearaHelmertPolynomial 1Polynomial 2Polynomial 3Thin plate spline (TPS)ProjectiveNot setQgsGeorefPluginGuiBaseGeoreferencerGeoreferenciloFileDosieroViewVidoEditRedaktiSettingsAgordojGCP tableGCP-tabeloHistogramHistogramoOpen Raster...Malfermi rastrumon...Open rasterMalfermi rastrumonCtrl+OCtrl+OZoom InZomiCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom OutMalzomiCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to LayerCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FPanTransformation Settings...Transformation settingsAdd PointAldoni punktonAdd pointAldoni punktonCtrl+ACtrl+ADelete PointForigi punktonDelete pointForigi punktonCtrl+DCtrl+DClose GeoreferencerFermi la georeferencilonClose georeferencerFermi la georeferencilonQuitĈesiStart GeoreferencingKomenci georeferencadonStart georeferencingKomenci georeferencadonCtrl+GCtrl+GGenerate GDAL ScriptGenerate GDAL scriptCtrl+CCtrl+CLink Georeferencer to QGISLigi la georeferencilon al QGISLink QGIS to GeoreferencerLigi QGIS al la georeferenciloSave GCP Points as...Konservi GCP-punktojn kiel...Save GCP points as...Konservi GCP-punktojn kiel...Ctrl+SCtrl+SLoad GCP Points...Ŝargi GCP-punktojn...Load GCP pointsŜargi GCP-punktojnCtrl+LCtrl+LConfigure Georeferencer...Agordi georeferencilon...Raster Properties...Rastrumaj atributoj...Move GCP PointMovi GCP-punktonLocal Histogram StretchFull Histogram StretchReset GeoreferencerRekomencigi georeferencilonCtrl+PCtrl+PMove GCP pointMovi GCP-punktonZoom NextZoom LastQgsGlobeLayerPropertiesFactoryGlobeQgsGlobePluginDialogCustom…TMSTMSWMSWMSworld.tifworld.tifRasterRastrumoTimeoutTempolimoAdd TMS ImageryAldoni TMS bildonTMS URL:TMS URL:Add WMS ImageryAldoni WMS bildonURL:URL:Add Raster ImageryAldoni rastruman bildonAdd TMS ElevationAdd Raster ElevationQgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBaseGlobe SettingsOverride Date / Time (UTC):ElevationMapMapodd.MM.yyyy HH:mmdd.MM.yyyy HH:mmAddAldoniRemoveForigiVideoAnti AliasingGlatigoSamples[Leave empty for maximum]StereoStereo ModeScreen distance (m)Screen width (m)Split stereo horizontal separation (px)Split stereo vertical separation (px)Split stereo vertical eye mappingScreen height (m)Sk&yAmbient lightingImageryVertical scale:<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Change requires a restart of the globe plugin</span></p></body></html>Eye separation (m)Reset to defaultsRekomencigi al defaŭltojAdvancedSpecialaScrollingSensitivity:Invert scroll wheelEnable feature identificationEnable frustum highlightingSplit stereo horizontal eye mappingQgsGlobeVectorLayerPropertiesPageFormFormularoAltitudeAltitudoClampingTerrain following behaviorTerrain following techniqueTechniqueGranularity at which to sample the terrainBindingBindaĵoElevation data resolution at which to sample terrain heightResolutionDistingivoVertical offset to apply to geometry ZOffsetDeŝovoScale factor to apply to geometry ZScaleSkaloE&xtrusionHeight [m]Alto [m]Extrusion height, either a numeric value, or a field expression00Wall gradientWall coloring gradientWhether the top cap of the extruded geometry should be flatFlattenPlatigiEnable &labelingDeclutterLightingRendering mode:Rendering method for the layerMetodo de bildigo por la tavoloRasterizedRastrumigitaModel (Simple)Modelo (simpla)Model (Advanced)Modelo (speciala)Rasterize the layer to a texture, and drape it on the terrainRender the layer features as modelsNoneNeniuTerrainTerenoRelativeRelativaAbsoluteAbsolutaDo not clamp Z values to the terrain (but still apply the offset, if applicable)Sample the terrain under the point, and set the feature's Z to the terrain height, ignoring the feature's original Z valueSample the terrain under the point, and add the terrain height to the feature's original Z valueThe feature's Z value describes its height above "height zero", which is typically the ellipsoid or MSLMapMapoDrapeGPUGPUSceneClamp geometry to the map model's elevation dataClamp geometry to the terrain's scene graphClamp geometry to the terrain as they are rendered by the GPUClamp geometry at draw time using projective texturingVertexVerticoCentroidClamp every vertex independentlyClamp to the centroid of the entire geometryQgsGlobeWidgetGlobeLayersTavolojSync extentReload sceneGlobe settingsCloseFermiQgsGlowWidgetSelect Glow ColorQgsGmlGML Getfeature network request update failed for authcfg %1GML Getfeature network reply update failed for authcfg %1Loading GML data
%1AbortĈesigiGML Getfeature network request failed with error: %1NetworkRetoQgsGmlSchemaCannot guess schemaQgsGpsDetectorinternal GPSinterna GPSlocal gpsd%1: %2%1: %2QgsGpsDeviceDialogNew device %1Nova aparato %1Delete DeviceAre you sure that you want to delete this device?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi tion aparaton?QgsGpsDeviceDialogBaseGPS Device EditorDevicesAparatojDeleteForigiNewNovaUpdateĜisdatigiDevice nameAparatnomoThis is the name of the device as it will appear in the listsCommandsKomandojTrack downloadRoute uploadWaypoint downloadThe command that is used to download routes from the deviceRoute downloadThe command that is used to upload waypoints to the deviceTrack uploadThe command that is used to download tracks from the deviceThe command that is used to upload routes to the deviceThe command that is used to download waypoints from the deviceThe command that is used to upload tracks to the deviceWaypoint upload<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html>QgsGpsInformationWidget/gps/gpsNo path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again.Timed out!Failed to connect to GPS device.Fiaskis konekti al GPS aparato.Connected!Konektita!Dis&connectMal&konektiConnected to GPS device.Konektita al GPS aparato.Error opening log file.Eraro dum la malfermado de la protokola dosieroConnecting…Track ColorConnecting to GPS device %1…Disconnected…&Connect&KonektiDisconnected from GPS device.Malkonektita el GPS-aparato.%1 m%1 m%1 km/h%1 km/hNot availableAutomaticAŭtomataManualMana3D3D2D2DNo fixDifferentialNon-differentialNo positionValidValidaInvalidNevalidaAdd FeatureAldoni entonSave Layer EditsKonservi tavolajn redaktojnThe feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type.An error was reported during intersection removal.Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices.Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices.Feature addedLa ento estas aldonitaCould not commit changes to layer %1
Errors: %2
Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again.NMEA filesNMEA-dosierojSave GPS log file As&Add feature&Aldoni enton&Add Point&Aldoni punkton&Add Line&Aldoni linion&Add Polygon&Aldoni plurangulonQgsGpsInformationWidgetBaseGPS ConnectGPS konekto&Add feature&Aldoni entonQuick status indicator:
green = good or 3D fix
yellow = good 2D fix
red = no fix or bad fix
gray = no data
2D/3D depends on this information being availableAdd track pointReset track……0000000000Log fileMap CenteringWhen leavingNeverNeniamAlwaysĈiamLine widthLinia larĝo px pxLine colorLinikoloroFilteringDistance threshold (meters)Acquisition interval (seconds)PositionPosicioSignalSatelliteSatelitoOptionsOpciojDebug&Connect&Konektilatitude of position fix (degrees)LongitudeLongitudolongitude of position fix (degrees)antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level)AltitudeAltitudoLatitudeLatitudoTime of fixdate/time of position fix (UTC)speed over groundSpeedRapidotrack direction (degrees)DirectionDirektoHorizontal Dilution of PrecisionHDOPHDOPVertical Dilution of PrecisionVDOPVDOPPosition Dilution of PrecisionPDOPPDOPGPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or ManualModeReĝimoposition fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fixDimensionsDimensiojquality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No positionQualityKvalitoposition fix status: Valid or InvalidStatusStatonumber of satellites used in the position fixSatellitesSatelitojH accuracyV accuracyConnectionKonektoAutodetectAŭtomate rekoniSerial deviceRefresh serial device listPortPordoHostGastiga komputiloDeviceAparatogpsdgpsdInternalInternaDigitizingCiferecigoTrackAutomatically add pointsAŭtomate aldoni punktojnTrack width in pixelssave layer after every feature addedAutomatically save added featureAŭtomate konservi la aldonitan entonsave GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a filebrowse for log file% of map extentCursorSmallLargeQgsGpsPlugin&GPS Tools&GPS-iloj&Create new GPX layer&Krei novan GPX-tavolonCreates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvasImport GPS FileCould not start GPSBabel.Convert GPS FileGPS eXchange fileUnable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory.GPX LoaderUnable to read the selected file.
Please reselect a valid file.Save New GPX File AsSave New GPX FileCould not start GPSBabel!Download from GPSElŝuti el GPSDownloading data…Upload to GPSUploading data…CancelNuligiImporting data…Could not import data from %1!
Could not convert data from %1!
This device does not support downloading of %1.Could not download data from GPS!
Ne eblis elŝuti datumojn el GPS!
This device does not support uploading of %1.Error while uploading data to GPS!
QgsGpsPluginGuiGPX files (*.gpx)WaypointsRoutesTracksChoose a file name to save underGPS eXchange formatSelect GPX fileElekti GPX-dosieronSelect file and format to importWaypoints from a routeWaypoints from a trackRoute from waypointsTrack from waypointsGPS eXchange format (*.gpx)QgsGpsPluginGuiBaseGPS ToolsGPS-ilojLoad GPX fileŜargi GPX-dosieronFileDosieroFeature typesEntotipojWaypointsRoutesTracksImport other fileFile to importBrowse...Foliumi...Feature typeEntotipoLayer nameTavola nomoGPX output fileSave As...Konservi kiel...(Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!)Download from GPSElŝuti el GPSGPS deviceGPS-aparatoEdit devices...PortPordoRefreshAktualigiOutput fileEliga dosieroUpload to GPSData layerDatuma tavoloEdit devicesGPX ConversionsGPX input fileConversionKonvertoQgsGradientColorRampDialogSelect Ramp ColorTransparentTravideblaDiscreteContinuousSeninterrompaGradient file : %1Kolortransira dosiero: %1License file : %1QgsGradientColorRampDialogBaseGradient Color RampColor &1Koloro &1Color &2Koloro &2&Type&TipoGradient StopRelative &positionRelativa &posicio % %&Delete StopPlotHueKolortonoSaturationSaturoLightnessOpacityOpakeco&Information&InformoQgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentTravideblaQgsGraduatedHistogramWidgetRanges are overlapping and can't be edited by the histogramRanges have gaps and can't be edited by the histogramQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererModelSymbolSimboloValuesValorojLegendMapklarigoQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnKolumnoSymbolSimboloChange...Ŝanĝi...Legend formatTemplate for the legend text associated with each classification.
Use "%1" for the lower bound of the classification, and "%2" for the upper bound.Precision of upper and lower values in label text.
Positive is number of decimal places
Negative rounds to powers of 10Precision Check to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point from the upper and lower values in the legend.TrimStuciMethodMetodo<html><head/><body><p>Choose between color and size graduation. </p><p><br/></p><p>If you want to combine both, use a data-defined size for the symbol and graduate by color.</p></body></html>Color rampKoloretendoSize from Grando eltoalClassesKlasojModeReĝimoSymmetric ClassificationAroundCreate class astride symmetry valueDelete AllEqual IntervalQuantile (Equal Count)Natural Breaks (Jenks)Standard DeviationPretty BreaksClassifyKatergoriigiAdd classAldoni klasonDeleteForigiAdvancedSpecialaLink class boundariesHistogramHistogramoSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Select MethodApply ClassificationLink Class BoundariesNo color ramp defined.Mankas difinitan koloretendon.Natural break classification (Jenks) is O(n2) complexity, your classification may take a long time.
Press cancel to abort breaks calculation or OK to continue.Rows will be reordered before linking boundaries. Continue?QgsGrassGRASS was not found in '%1' (GISBASE), provider and plugin will not work.GRASS errorGRASS eraroCannot add mapset %1 to search path:Cannot close mapset. %1Ne eblas fermi la maparon. %1Cannot create new mapset directoryNe eblas krei novan mapara dosierujoCannot copy %1 to %2Ne eblas kopii %1 al %2Cannot write regionno mapset openMankas malferman maparonCannot query raster
%1Cannot delete %1 %2: %3Cannot start modulecommand: %1 %2komando: %1 %2Problem in GRASS initialization, GRASS provider and plugin will not work : %1Cannot remove mapset %1 from search path: %2Cannot read raster map region (%1/%2/%3)Cannot get projectionCannot get raster extentCannot get map infoCannot get colorsCannot create new vector: %1Ne eblas krei novan vektoron: %1QgsGrassElementDialogCancelNuligiOK<font color='red'>Enter a name!</font><font color='red'>Enigu nomon!</font><font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font><font color='red'>Exists!</font><font color='red'>Ekzistas!</font>OverwriteAnstataŭigiQgsGrassFeatureIterator<not editable (layer %1)>QgsGrassImportItemCancelNuligicancelingQgsGrassImportProgressProgress: %1Plenumo: %1QgsGrassItemActionsGRASS OptionsGRASS-opciojNew mapsetNova maparoOpen mapsetMalfermi maparonAdd mapset to search pathRemove mapset from search pathRenameRenomiDeleteForigiNew Point LayerNew Line LayerNova linia tavoloNew Polygon LayerCannot create new mapset: %1Ne eblas krei novan maparon: %1QgsGrassMapcalcMapcalc toolsAdd mapAldoni maponAdd constant valueAldoni konstantan valoronAdd operator or functionAldoni operatoron aŭ fukcionAdd connectionAldoni konektonSelect itemDelete selected itemForigi elektitan eronOpenMalfermiSaveKonserviSave asKonservi kielAdditionAdicioSubtractionMultiplicationObligoDivisionModulusExponentiationEksponentigoEqualNot equalGreater thanPli olGreater than or equalLess thanMalpli olLess than or equalAndKajOrAŭAbsolute value of xAbsoluta valoroInverse tangent of x (result is in degrees)Inversa tangento de x (rezulto en gradoj)Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees)Inversa tangento de x/y (rezulto en gradoj)Current column of moving window (starts with 1)Cosine of x (x is in degrees)Kosinuso de x (x estas en gradoj)Convert x to double-precision floating pointCurrent east-west resolutionExponential function of xx to the power yConvert x to single-precision floating pointDecision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwiseDecision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwiseDecision: a if x not zero, b otherwiseDecision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0Convert x to integer [ truncates ]Check if x = NULLNatural log of xLog of x base bLargest valuePlej granda valoroMedian valueMediana valoroSmallest valuePlej malgranda valoroMode value1 if x is zero, 0 otherwiseCurrent north-south resolutionNULL valueNULL valoroRandom value between a and bRound x to nearest integerCurrent row of moving window (Starts with 1)Sine of x (x is in degrees)sin(x)Sinuso de x (x estas en gradoj)Square root of xsqrt(x)Tangent of x (x is in degrees)tan(x)Tangento de x (x estas en gradoj)Current x-coordinate of moving windowCurrent y-coordinate of moving windowOutputEligoWarningAvertoCannot check region of map %1Cannot get region of map %1No GRASS raster maps availableCannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset.New mapcalcEnter new mapcalc name:Enigi novan mapcalc nomon:Enter vector nameEnigi vektoran nomonThe file already exists. Overwrite?La dosiero jam ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?Save mapcalcFile name emptyMalplena dosiernomoCannot open mapcalc fileNe eblas malfermi mapcalc dosieronThe mapcalc schema (%1) not found.Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1)Ne eblas malfermi mapcalc skemon (%1)Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1):
at line %2 column %3
ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3QgsGrassMapcalcBaseMain WindowOutputEligoEnter constant valueEnigi konstantan valoronQgsGrassMapsetItemtopology missingtopology version not supportedtopology version 6emptymalplena%1 layer type not supportedCannot create provider %1 : %2Provider is not valid %1 : %2Cannot get default location region.Cannot delete %1Ne eblas forigi %1Import to GRASS mapsetFailed to import some layers!
Import to GRASS mapset failedFailed to import %1 to %2: %3Fiaskis importi %1 al %2: %3QgsGrassModuleModule: %1Modulo: %1WarningAvertoThe module file (%1) not found.Cannot open module file (%1)Ne eblas malfermi modulan dosieron (%1)Cannot read module file (%1)
at line %2 column %3
ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3Module %1 not foundModulo %1 ne trovitaCannot find man page %1Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed.Not available, description not found (%1)Not available, cannot open description (%1)Not available, incorrect description (%1)RunRuliCannot get input regionInput %1 outside current region!Use Input RegionUzi enigan areonOutput %1 exists! Overwrite?Eligo %1 ekzistas! Anstataŭigi?Cannot find module %1Ne eblas trovi modulon %1Cannot start module: %1Stop<B>Successfully finished</B><B>Finished with error</B><b>Finita kun eraroj</b><B>Module crashed or killed</B>QgsGrassModuleBaseGRASS ModuleOptionsOpciojOutputEligoManualManaTextLabelTekstetikedoRunRuliView outputVidigi eligonCloseFermiQgsGrassModuleFileFileDosiero%1: missing value%1: directory does not existQgsGrassModuleGdalInputOGR/PostGIS/GDAL InputOGR/PostGIS/GDAL enigoCannot find layeroption %1Cannot find whereoption %1PasswordPasvortoSelect a layerElekti tavolon%1: no inputQgsGrassModuleInputInputEnigoCannot find typeoption %1Cannot find values for typeoption %1Cannot find layeroption %1GRASS element %1 not supportedUse region of this mapSublayerno inputNenio enigocurrent map does not contain features of required typegeometry type not selectedGeometritipo ne estas elektitaQgsGrassModuleOptionUnknown outputTypeBrowseFoliumiOutput fileEliga dosieroGeoTIFFGeoTIFFCannot parse version_min %1Cannot parse version_max %1%1: missing valueQgsGrassModuleSelectionSelected categoriesManual entryMana enigolayer selectionAdd to canvas layerAldoni al la maparea tavoloQgsGrassModuleStandardOptionsCannot get region of map %1Cannot find module %1Ne eblas trovi modulon %1Cannot start module %1commandkomandoCannot read module description (%1):
at line %2 column %3
ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3RegionAreoInput layersEnigaj tavolojCurrent map canvasCannot find key %1Option '%1' should be configured as fieldThis module has no options<< Hide advanced options<< Kaŝi specialajn opciojnShow advanced options >>Montri specialajn opciojn >>Item with key %1 not foundItem with id %1 not foundQgsGrassModuleVectorFieldAttribute field'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing.QgsGrassNewMapsetDatabaseDatumbazoNo writable locations, the database is not writable!Enter location name!Enigu loknomon!The location exists!La loko ekzistas!Selected projection is not supported by GRASS!Cannot create projection.Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set.North must be greater than southEast must be greater than westRegions file (%1) not found.Cannot open locations file (%1)Cannot read locations file (%1):
at line %2 column %3
ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemCannot reproject selected region.Cannot reproject regionLocationPozicioMapsetMaparoCannot create new GRASS database directoryCannot create new mapset: %1Ne eblas krei novan maparon: %1New mapset successfully createdThe mapset already existsLa maparo jam ekzistasCannot create new location: %1New mapsetNova maparoNew mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset.QgsGrassNewMapsetBaseNew MapsetNova maparoGRASS DatabaseGRASS-datumbazoDatabase ErrorDatumbaza eraroThe GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.NorthNordoWestOkcidentoEastOrientoSouthSudoThe GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.New mapsetNova maparoExisting mapsetsEkzistantaj maparojThe GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).DatabaseDatumbazoLocationPozicioOpen new mapsetBrowse...Foliumi...GRASS LocationDatabase directoryDatumbaza dosierujo<html><head/><body><p>GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html>Select locationCreate new locationLocation ErrorLoka eraroProjectionProjekcioProjection ErrorNot definedNedifinitaDefault GRASS RegionSet current QGIS extentSetRegion ErrorMapsetMaparoMapset ErrorEraro de maparoOwnerPosedantoCreate New MapsetKrei novan maparonQgsGrassOptionsGRASS versionGRASS versioDefaultDefaŭltoSelect ColorElekti koloronCurrently selected GRASS installation is not validChoose a directory with configuration files (default.qgc, *.qgm)QgsGrassOptionsBaseGRASS OptionsGRASS-opciojModulesModulojBrowserDosieresploriloRegionAreoModules interface configurationDefaultDefaŭltoGeneralĜeneralaThe version of GRASS which was used to build the GRASS provider and plugin in QGIS. Exactly the same version must be used on runtime.GRASS installationGRASS instaloCustomPropraBrowseFoliumiGIsbase errorDebug modeSencimiga reĝimoImportImportiCRS transformationApproximate CRS transformation is fast but it may be inaccurate.Create a link to the external data for GDAL data sources with the same CRS as target mapset by r.external, instead of making copy of data.Create link to external data if possibleLayersTavolojShow virtual topological layersRegion borderArea borderoColorKoloroWidthLarĝoQgsGrassPluginOpen GRASS toolsDisplay Current Grass RegionOpen MapsetMalfermi maparonNew MapsetNova maparoClose MapsetFermi la maparonOpen GRASS ToolsDisplays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas&GRASS&GRASSGRASSGRASSAdd Closed BoundaryAldoni fermitan limonGRASS init errorWarningAvertoNew vector nameGRASS OptionsGRASS-opciojAdd PointAldoni punktonAdd LineAldoni linionAdd BoundaryAldoni lomonAdd CentroidCannot create new vector: %1Ne eblas krei novan vektoron: %1New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider.Cannot open the mapset. %1Ne eblas malfermi maparon. %1Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1Ne eblas malfermi GRASS-maparon. %1QgsGrassProviderWhole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Decimal number (real)TextTekstoCannot restore record with cat %1Cannot delete orphan record with cat %1GRASS %1 vector providerQgsGrassRasterImportData type %1 not supportedWriting band %1/%2Skribanta bendon %1/%2Cannot convert block (%1) to data type %2QgsGrassRasterProvidercellhd file %1 does not existGroups not yet supportedCannot read raster%1 bytes expected but %2 byte were read from qgis.d.rastFormat not supportedCannot read dataNe eblas legi datumonGRASS raster providerQgsGrassRegionBaseExtentNorthNordoWestOkcidentoRegionAreoEastOrientoSelect the extent by dragging on canvasSizeGrandoN-SE-WSouthSudoResolutionDistingivoColumnsKolumnojRowsVicojQgsGrassSelectSelect GRASS Vector LayerSelect GRASS Raster LayerSelect GRASS Mapcalc SchemaSelect GRASS MapsetElekti GRASS-maparonChoose existing GISDBASEWrong GISDBASE, no locations available.Wrong GISDBASESelect a map.No mapNo layerNo layers available in this mapQgsGrassSelectBaseAdd GRASS LayerAldoni GRASS-tavolonGisdbaseLocationPozicioMapsetMaparoMap nameSelect or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters)LayerTavoloBrowse...Foliumi...QgsGrassShellCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CWarningAvertoCannot rename the lock file %1Ne eblas renomi la ŝlosildosieron %1QgsGrassToolsGRASS ToolsGRASS-ilojGRASS Tools: %1/%2GRASS-iloj: %1/%2Close mapsetFermi la maparonRegionAreoCannot start command shell (%1)WarningAvertoGRASS Shell is not compiled.The config file (%1) not found.Cannot open config file (%1).Cannot read config file (%1):
at line %2 column %3
ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3%1 errors found%1 eraroj estis trovitaj%1 errors%1 erarojQgsGrassToolsBase&GRASS Tools<html><head/><body><p>No mapset is open. You can open a GRASS mapset from the browser using the mapset item's context menu action <span style=" font-style:italic;">Open mapset</span>.</p></body></html>ModulesModuloj……Reload treeRun debugClose debugFilterFiltriQgsGrassVectorCannot open vector on level 2Cannot open vectorQgsGrassVectorImportWriting featuresSkribado de entojQgsGrassVectorMapLayerNo field infoVirtual topology symbol fieldDriver is not openThe table for this field already existsCannot create field infoCannot create link to the table.Ne eblas ligi al la tabeloCreated table %1 could not be deletedNe eblas forigi kreitan tabelon %1Errors updating restored column, update interrupted%1 field cannot be deleted, it is temporary virtual field used for topology symbol.no tableneniu tabeloTable does not existFeature invalidEnto estas nevalidaCannot select record from tableCannot check if record existsField %1 not found in cached attributesQgsGroupWMSDataDialogBaseShort nameA name used to identify the group layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.The title is for the benefit of humans to identify group layer.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the group layer.TitleTitoloSet Group WMS DataAbstractResumoQgsGuiVectorLayerToolsAdd featureAldoni entonStart editing failedProvider cannot be opened for editingNe eblas malfermi la liveranton redakteDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?ErrorEraroProblems during roll backCommit ErrorsCommit errorsCould not commit changes to layer %1Stop EditingErrors: %1
Eraroj: %1
Show moreQgsHandleBadLayersBrowseFoliumiLayer nameTavola nomoTypeTipoProviderProvizantoAuth configDatasourceDatumfontononeneniuEditRedaktiSelect File to Replace '%1'Select New Directory of Selected FilesPlease select exactly one file.Bonvolu elekti ekzakte unu dosieron.Unhandled layer will be lost.There are still %n unhandled layer(s), that will be lost if you closed now.unhandled layersQgsHandleBadLayersBaseHandle Bad LayersQgsHandleBadLayersHandlerHandle bad layers%1 of %2 bad layers were not fixable.QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetThe heatmap renderer only applies to point and multipoint layers.
'%1' is not a point layer and cannot be rendered as a heatmap.La varmmapa bildigo nur aplikas por punktaj aŭ plurpunktaj tavoloj.
'%1' ne estas punktatavolo, do ne povas esti rendigita kiel varmmapo.QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoAutomaticAŭtomataRadiusRadiusoRendering qualityKvalito de rendigo<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Best</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Fastest</span></p></body></html>Color rampKoloretendoMaximum valueMaksimuma valoroWeight points byQgsHillShadeWidgetFormFormularo˚˚AltitudeAltitudoAzimuthZ FactorZ faktoroBandBendoMultidirectionalPlurdirektaQgsHillshadeRendererRenderingBildigoQgsHistogramWidgetBaseFormFormularoLoad ValuesHistogram binsShow mean valueShow standard deviationQgsHtmlAnnotationDialogHTML AnnotationHTML prinotoDeleteForigihtmlhtmlQgsIdentifyMenuIdentifyIdentigi%1 All (%2)QgsIdentifyResultsBaseIdentify ResultsIdentiga rezultojLayerTavoloFIDFIDAttributeAtributoValueValoroExpand New Results by DefaultClear ResultsVakigi la rezultojnCopy Selected Feature to Clipboard Print Selected HTML ResponseIdentify Feature(s)Identify Features by area or single clickIdentify Features by PolygonIdentify Features by FreehandIdentify Features by RadiusHelpHelpoSelect identify modeElekti identigan modonModeReĝimoSelect view mode for raster layersViewVidoAuto open formAŭtomate malfermi formularonExpand TreeCollapse TreeExpand New ResultsEtendi la novajn rezultojnOpen FormMalfermi formularonCopy FeatureKopii entonPrint ResponseQgsIdentifyResultsDialogIdentify ResultsIdentiga rezultojFeatureEntoValueValoroCurrent layerAktiva tavoloTop down, stop at firstTop downLayer selection(Derived)(Actions)Edit feature formRedakti entan formularonView feature formVidigi entan formularonEdit Feature Form…View Feature Form…Zoom to FeatureCopy FeatureKopii entonToggle Feature SelectionCopy Attribute ValueCopy Feature AttributesClear ResultsVakigi la rezultojnClear HighlightsHighlight AllHighlight LayerActivate LayerLayer Properties…Expand AllEtendi ĉiujnCollapse AllMaletendi ĉiujnTableTabeloTreeGraphTitleTitoloFormatFormoNo attributes.Copy GetFeatureInfo request URLPrint HTML ResponseCannot print this item.Attributes changedQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewInvalid URLNevalida URLThe download URL is not valid: %1Save AsKonservi kielPrintPresiQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItemLoading…QgsImageWarperProgress IndicationQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetThe inverted polygon renderer only applies to polygon and multipolygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and then cannot be displayedQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoSub rendererMerge polygons before rendering (slow)Kunfandi plurangulojn antaŭ la bildigo (malrapida)QgsJoinDialogThis option allows values of the joined fields to be automatically reloaded when the "Target Field" is changedThis option allows values of the joined layers to be editable if they're themselves editableAutomatically adds a matching row to the joined table, but if one already exists then update that matching row insteadAutomatically delete the corresponding feature of the linked layer if one existsQgsJoinDialogBaseAdd Vector JoinJoin layerKunmetenda tavoloJoin fieldKunmeta kampoTarget field&Joined FieldsCustom Field &Name PrefixDynamic formEdi&table join layerUpsert on editDelete cascadeCache join layer in virtual memoryCreate attribute index on join fieldQgsLUDialogBaseEnter Class BoundsLower valueUpper valueQgsLabelEngineConfigDialogAutomated Placement EngineSearch methodMetodo de serĉoChain (fast)Ĉeno (rapida)Popmusic TabuPopmusic ChainPopmusic ĈenoPopmusic Tabu ChainPopmusic tabu ĉenoFALP (fastest)FALP (plej rapida)Number of candidatesNombro da kandidatojPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloShow candidates (for debugging)Show all labels for all layers (i.e. including colliding objects)Draw text as outlines (recommended)Show partial labelsQgsLabelPropertyDialogExpression resultEsprima rezultoLayer default (%1)Tavola defaŭlto (%1)Font ColorBuffer ColorLeftMaldekstraCenterCentroRightBottomMalsupraBaseHalfCapTopQgsLabelPropertyDialogBaseTextTekstoFontTiparoAvailable typeface stylesSizeGrandoLabel PropertiesMinimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".StyleStiloUnderlined textSubstrekita tekstoUUStrikeout textSSBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)BItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)I˚˚DisplayVidigiScale-basedShow labelMontri etikedonIgnores priority and permits collisions/overlapsAlways show (exceptions above)BufferBufroPositionPosicioLabel distanceEtikeda distancoX CoordinateX-koordinatoY CoordinateY-koordinatoHorizontal alignmentHorizontala ĝisrandigoVertical alignmentVertikala ĝisrandigoRotationRotacioDefaultDefaŭltoQgsLabelingGuiIn edit mode, layer's relevant labeling map tool is:<br> Defined attribute field -> <i>enabled</i><br> Defined expression -> <i>disabled</i>Value < 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit.This option is not compatible with line direction symbols.Follow label placementQgsLabelingRulePropsWidgetDescriptionPriskriboFilterFiltriRule PropertiesElseCatch-all for other featuresTestTestoScale rangeSkala ampleksoLabelsEtikedojFilter expression parsing error:
Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresLa filitrilo liveris %n ento(j)nLa filitrilo liveris %n ento(j)nQgsLabelingWidgetNo labelsNenio etikedoSingle labelsRule-based labelingBlockingBlokaĵoAutomated placement settings (applies to all layers)QgsLayerCapabilitiesModelLayerTavoloIdentifiableIdentigeblaRead-onlySearchableRequiredBezonataLayers which are protected from inadvertent removal from the project.QgsLayerMetadataFormatterFeesLicensesPermesilojRightsConstraintsLimigojNo contact yet.IDIDNameNomoPositionPosicioOrganizationOrganizaĵoRoleEmailVoiceFaxAddressesCRSCRSGeographicProjectedSpatial ExtentX Minimum:Y Minimum:X Maximum:Y Maximum:Z Minimum:Z Maximum:Temporal ExtentInstant:Start:End:IdentifierParent IdentifierTitleTitoloTypeTipoLanguageLingvoAbstractResumoCategoriesKeywordsŜlosilvortojVocabularyItemsElementojNo history yet.ActionAgoNo links yet.URLURLDescriptionPriskriboFormatFormoMIME TypeSizeGrandoQgsLayerPropertiesWidgetOutline: %1QgsLayerStylingWidgetSymbologyLabelsEtikedoj3D ViewTransparencyTravideblecoHistogramHistogramoHistoryHistorioQgsLayerStylingWidgetBaseFormFormularoNot supported or no layerUndoMalfari……RedoRefariIf checked, the map canvas will automatically update whenever an option has been changed without the requirement to click ApplyLive updateQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetBaseFormFormularoAvailable widgetsUsed widgetsAdd selected widgets->->Remove selected widgets<-<-QgsLayerTreeLocatorFilterProject LayersQgsLayerTreeModel (%1 - %2) (%1 - %2) (%1) (%1)QgsLayerTreeOpacityWidgetOpacity sliderQgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider<b>Bad layer!</b><br>Layer data source could not be found.QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions&Add Group&Aldoni grupon&Remove&Forigi&Show in OverviewRe&name GroupRe&name LayerShow Feature CountMontri entan nombron&Zoom to Layer&Zoom to Selection&Zoom to Group&Move to Top-levelMove Out of &GroupMove to &Top&Group Selected&Grupigi elektitajnMutually Exclusive GroupCheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Check and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Uncheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Uncheck and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Check and All its ParentsQgsLayerTreeViewEmbeddedIndicatorProviderEmbedded from <b>%1</b>QgsLayerTreeViewFilterIndicatorProviderFilterFiltriQgsLayerTreeViewMemoryIndicatorProvider<b>Temporary scratch layer only!</b><br>Contents will be discarded after closing this projectQgsLayerTreeViewNonRemovableIndicatorProviderLayer required by the projectQgsLayoutCreate %1Create ItemDelete ItemsDelete ItemGroup ItemsUngroup ItemsChange Item StackingQgsLayout3DMapWidgetBase3D MapCopy Settings from a 3D View...Scene SettingsCamera PoseCenter XCenter ZCenter Y ° °HeadingTitoloPitchDistanceDistancoSet from a 3D View...QgsLayoutAddPagesDialogPortraitVertikala formatoLandscapeHorizontala formatoCustomPropraQgsLayoutAppMenuProviderGroupGrupoUngroupCopyKopiiCutEltondiPasteAlgluiPage Properties…Remove PageRemove page from layout?Item Properties…QgsLayoutAtlasAtlas name eval error: %1LayoutAranĝoAtlas sort eval error: %1Atlas filename evaluation error: %1No matching atlas featuresAtlas feature %1 of %2Mapara enton %1 el %2QgsLayoutAtlasWidgetChange Atlas LayerChange Atlas FilenameAtlasCould not set filename expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilenameToggle Atlas LayerToggle Atlas SortingChange Atlas SortNo matching atlas features found!Ne trovis kongruantan maparan enton!Change Atlas FilterChange Atlas NameCould not set filter expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilterQgsLayoutAtlasWidgetBaseAtlas GenerationGenerado de maparoGenerate an atlasGeneri maparonConfigurationAgordoSort directionOrdiga direkto……Filter withFiltri kunHidden coverage layerCoverage layer Page nameNomo de la paĝoSort byOrdigi perOutputEligoSingle file export when possibleImage export formatOutput filename expressionQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogAscendingDescendingMalkreskanteQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogBaseSelect AttributesColumnsKolumnojResetRekomencigiClearVakigiSortingOrdigoQgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelTop centerBottom centerMalsupre-centraMiddle centerTop rightBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraMiddle rightTop leftSupra-maldekstraBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraMiddle leftAutomaticAŭtomata%1 mm%1 mmAttributeAtributoHeadingTitoloAlignmentĜisrandigoWidthLarĝoQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetTable PropertiesUse existing framesExtend to next pageEtendi al la sekva paĝoRepeat until finishedDraw headers onlyHide entire tableKaŝi la tutan tabelonShow set messageTruncate textWrap textLayer featuresTavolaj entojSelect Header Font ColorSelect Content Font ColorSelect Grid ColorSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundShow only features intersecting %1 featureChange Table AttributesChange Table MapChange Table RowsChange Table MarginChange Table FontChange Font ColorChange Table Line WidthChange Table Grid ColorToggle Table GridToggled Table GridChange Table ColorCurrent atlas featureAktuala mapara entoRelation childrenToggle Visible Features OnlyToggle Table Filter DuplicatesToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Background DisplayToggle Table Atlas FilterToggle Table Feature FilterChange Table Feature FilterExpression Based FilterChange Table AlignmentChange Table Header ModeChange Table Wrap StringChange Table LayerChange Resize ModeChange Table SourceChange Table Source RelationChange Empty Table BehaviorChange Table Wrap ModeChange Show Empty RowsChange Empty Table MessageQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetBaseAttribute TableAttribute tableSourceFontoLayerTavoloRelationRilatoAttributes...Maximum rowsRemove duplicate rows from tableShow only features visible within a mapMontri nur la entojn ke estas videblaj en mapoLinked mapShow only features intersecting atlas featureMontri nur la entojn, kiu intersekcas la maparan entonFilter withFiltri kun……Main PropertiesRefresh Table DataFeature FilteringAppearanceOversized textWrap text onOn first frameOn all framesNo headerDisplay headerMessage to displayEmpty tablesMalpl&enigi tabelojn mm mmShow empty rowsMontri malplenajn vicojnBackground colorFona koloroCell marginsĈelaj marĝenojAdvanced Customization...Show GridFonts and Text StylingTable HeadingTable ContentsLine widthLinia larĝoColorKoloroDraw horizontal linesDesegni horizontalajn liniojnDraw vertical linesDesegni vertikalajn liniojnAlignmentĜisrandigoFollow column alignmentLeftMaldekstraCenterCentroRightFontTiparoHeading fontContents fontFramesKadrojResize modeModo de regrandigoAdd FrameAldoni kadronDon't export page if frame is emptyNe eksporti paĝon se la kvadro estas malplena.Don't draw background if frame is emptyQgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegateTop leftSupra-maldekstraTop centerTop rightMiddle leftMiddle centerMiddle rightBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraBottom centerMalsupre-centraBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraQgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegateAscendingDescendingMalkreskanteQgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegate mm mmAutomaticAŭtomataQgsLayoutDesignerBaseToolboxIlaro&Layout&AranĝoLayouts&Add Item&View&Vido&Toolbars&Panels&Preview&Edit&Redakti&Items&Align Items&Distribute ItemsRe&sizeAtlasReportSettingsAgordojMain WindowLayout ToolbarNavigation ToolbarActions ToolbarAtlas ToolbarReport Toolbar&CloseClose designerCtrl+QCtrl+QPan LayoutPZoomZZSelect/Move ItemSelect/Move itemElekti/movi elementonVZoom &FullZoom fullCtrl+0Ctrl+0Zoom &InZoom inZomiCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom &OutZoom outMalzomiCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to &100%Zoom to 100%Ctrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom to WidthShow Ru&lersShow rulersCtrl+RCtrl+RToggle Full Scr&eenToggle full screen modeF11F11Add Pages…Show &GridShow gridMontri kradonCtrl+'Ctrl+'S&nap to GridSnap to gridKapti per kradoCtrl+Shift+'Ctrl+Shift+'Manage Guides…Show G&uidesShow guidesMontri helpliniojnCtrl+;Ctrl+;&Snap to GuidesSnap to guidesKapti per gvidilojCtrl+Shift+;Ctrl+Shift+;&Clear GuidesClear guidesForigi helpliniojnLayout Properties…Show Bounding BoxesMontri la limigajn kestojnShow bounding boxesMontri la limigajn kestojnCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BS&mart GuidesSmart guidesCtrl+Alt+;Ctrl+Alt+;D&eselect AllDeselect allMalselekti ĉiujnCtrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+A&Select All&Elekti ĉiujnSelect all itemsCtrl+ACtrl+A&Invert SelectionInvert selectionSelect Next Item &BelowSelect next item belowCtrl+Alt+[Ctrl+Alt+[Select Next Item &AboveSelect next item aboveCtrl+Alt+]Ctrl+Alt+]Loc&k Selected ItemsCtrl+LCtrl+LUnl&ock AllUnlock All ItemsCtrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LToggle Panel &VisibilityHide panelsKaŝi panelojnCtrl+TabCtrl+Tab&RaiseRaise selected itemsCtrl+]Ctrl+]&LowerLower selected itemsMalsuprigi la elektitajn elementojnCtrl+[Ctrl+[Bring to &Front&AntaŭigiMove selected items to topMovi la elektitajn elementojn suprenCtrl+Shift+]Ctrl+Shift+]Send to &BackMove selected items to bottomMovi la elektitajn elementojn malsuprenCtrl+Shift+[Ctrl+Shift+[Align &LeftAlign selected items leftAlign &CenterAlign center horizontalCentrigi horizontaleAlign &RightAlign selected items rightAlign &TopAlign selected items to topAlign Center &VerticalAlign center verticalCentrigi vertikaleAlign &BottomAlign selected items bottomĜisrandigi la elektitajn erojn malsuprenDistribute &Left EdgesDistributes left edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &CentersDistributes horizontal centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Right EdgesDistributes right edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Top EdgesDistributes top edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Vertical CentersDistributes vertical centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Bottom EdgesDistributes bottom edges of items equidistantlyResize to &NarrowestResizes item width to match the narrowest selected itemResize to &WidestResizes item width to match the widest selected itemResize to &ShortestResizes item height to match the shortest selected itemResize to &TallestResizes item height to match the tallest selected item&Delete&ForigiDelete selected itemsForigi elektitajn erojnDelResize to S&quareResizes items to squares&Normal&NormalaNormalNormalaSimulate Photocopy (&Grayscale)Simulate Fax (&Mono)Simulate Color Blindness (&Protanope)Simulate Color Blindness (&Deuteranope)Show PagesMontri paĝojnShow pagesMontri paĝojn&Group&GrupoGroup itemsGrupigi elementojnCtrl+GCtrl+G&UngroupUngroup itemsDegrupigi elementojnCtrl+Shift+GCtrl+Shift+G&Refresh&AktualigiRefresh viewAktualigi vidonF5F5Edit Nodes ItemRedakti nodan elementonMove &ContentMove item contentMovi la enhavon de la elementoCCPaste in P&lacePaste in placeCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VSave as &Template…Save as templateKonservi kiel ŝablono&Add Items from Template…Add items from template&Duplicate Layout…Duplicate layout&Save Project&Konservi projektonSave projectKonservi projektonCtrl+SCtrl+S&New Layout…New layoutCtrl+NCtrl+NLayout &Manager...Layout managerRename Layout…Rename layoutDelete Layout…Delete layoutExport as &Image…Export as imageEksporti kiel bildo&Export as PDF…Export as S&VG…&First Feature&Unua entoCtrl+<Ctrl+<P&revious Feature&Antaŭa entoCtrl+,Ctrl+,&Next Feature&Sekva entoCtrl+.Ctrl+.&Last Feature&Lasta entoCtrl+>Ctrl+>&Print Atlas...Export Atlas as &Images...Eksporti la maparon kiel b&ildoj...Export Atlas as S&VG...Eksporti la maparon kiel S&VG...&Export Atlas as PDF...&Eksporti la maparon kiel PDF...Export Atlas as PDFEksporti la maparon kiel PDF...Atlas &SettingsPreview &Atlas&Antaŭrigardi la maparonCtrl+Alt+/Ctrl+Alt+/Export Report as &Images...Export Report as ImagesExport Report as S&VG...Export Report as SVG&Export Report as PDF...Export Report as PDFReport &SettingsReport Settings&Print...&Presi...Print LayoutCtrl+PCtrl+P&Print Report...Print ReportPa&ge Setup…Page setupAgordo de paĝojCtrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLayout &Options…Layout OptionsQgsLayoutDesignerDialogQGIS Layout DesignerExport AtlasCu&tEl&tondiCutEltondi&Copy&KopiiCopyKopii&Paste&AlgluiPasteAlglui%1%%1%Fit LayoutFit Layout WidthZoom levelLayoutAranĝoGuidesItemsElementojAtlasItem PropertiesReport OrganizerAdd %1Adds a new %1 to the layoutx: %1 %2y: %1 %2page: %1Add PagesSave templateKonservi ŝablononLayout templatesError creating template file.Save TemplateLoad templateCould not read template file.%1 copyDuplicating layout…Save Report AsDuplicate layoutLayout duplication failed.Delete LayoutAre you sure you want to delete the layout “%1”?Print layoutMemory Allocation ErrorPrinting the layout resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export layoutSuccessfully exported layout to <a href="%1">%2</a>Image Export ErrorCannot write to %1.
This file may be open in another application.Trying to create image %1 (%2×%3 @ %4dpi ) resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to PDFPDF FormatPDF-formoCould not create print device.Undo History%1 PanelLoad from TemplateDuplicate LayoutSuccessfully printed layout to %1.Successfully printed layout.Could not create print device for %1.Print LayoutExporting the PDF resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to SVGSVG FormatSVG-formoCannot create layered SVG file %1.Exporting the SVG resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Atlas is not enabled for this layout!No matching atlas features found!Ne trovis kongruantan maparan enton!AbortĈesigiPrinting maps…Printing AtlasPrint atlasPrint AtlasThe filename expression is empty. A default one will be used instead.Export Atlas to DirectoryExporting AtlasExport atlasSuccessfully exported atlas to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting atlasTrying to create image of %2×%3 @ %4dpi resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.PanelsPanelojToolbarsPrinting “%1”Save Layout AsExporting “%1”Successfully printed atlas to %1.Successfully printed atlas.Error encountered while printing atlas.Export Atlas as ImageUnable to write into the given output directory. Canceling.Rendering maps…Error encountered while exporting atlas.Export Atlas as SVGCannot create layered SVG file.Exporting ReportExport reportSuccessfully exported report to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting reportPrinting ReportPrint reportPrinting the report resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Print ReportExport Atlas as PDFEksporti la maparon kiel PDF...Rendering report…Export Report as ImageExport Report as SVGError encountered while exporting report.Export Report as PDFSuccessfully printed report to %1.Successfully printed report.Error encountered while printing report.Project Contains WMS LayersSome WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printedDon't show this message againNe montru tion mesaĝon ankoraŭExport as SVGExporti kiel SVG<p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the underlying Qt SVG library. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p>If you require a vector-based output file from QGIS it is suggested that you try exporting to PDF if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p>Composition EffectsAdvanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this layout, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended.Print as rasterPresi kiel rastrumoForce VectorThis layout has the "Always export as vectors" option enabled, but the layout contains effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency, which cannot be printed as vectors. The generated file will differ from the layout contents.Never show this message againExport LayoutTo create an image of %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed?atlasreport&Duplicate Layout…Delete Layout…Delete layoutRename Layout…Rename layoutNew Layout…New layout&Duplicate Report…Duplicate reportDelete Report…Delete reportRename Report…Rename reportNew Report…New reportQgsLayoutFrame<Frame>QgsLayoutGuideCollectionMove GuideRemove Guide(s)Create GuideClear GuidesApply GuidesChange Guide VisibilityQgsLayoutGuideWidgetGuidesRemove Horizontal GuidesRemove Vertical GuidesGuides for page %1Remove All GuidesQgsLayoutGuideWidgetBaseCompositionKunmetoGuides for page 1Horizontal GuidesAdd new guideRemove selected guideVertical GuidesResets all other pages' guides to match this pageApply to All PagesRemoves all guides from the current pageClear All GuidesQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetHTML PropertiesUse existing framesExtend to next pageEtendi al la sekva paĝoRepeat on every pageRepeat until finishedChange HTML UrlSelect HTML documentChange Resize ModeChange Evaluate ExpressionsChange Smart BreaksChange Page Break DistanceChange HTMLChange User StylesheetToggle User StylesheetToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Hide BackgroundChange HTML SourceInsert ExpressionQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetBaseHTML FrameHTML-a kadroHTML frameHTML-a kadroHTML SourceHTML fontoIf checked, expressions inside [% %] tags will be evaluated prior to rendering the HTMLEvaluate QGIS expressions in HTML sourceTaksi la QGIS esprimojn en la HTML fontoRefresh HTMLAktualigi HTML……SourceFontoURLURLInsert an ExpressionUse Smart Page BreaksUser StylesheetFramesKadrojDon't export page if frame is emptyNe eksporti paĝon se la kvadro estas malplena.Add FrameAldoni kadronResize modeModo de regrandigoDon't draw background if frame is emptyMaximum distanceMaksimuma distanco mm mmUpdate HTMLQgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialogImage Export OptionsExport resolutionPage heightAlto de paĝo dpi dpiAuto px pxPage widthLarĝo de paĝoExport OptionsCrop to ContentLeftMaldekstraRightBottomMalsupraTop marginSupra marĝenoIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdGenerate world fileIf unchecked, the generated images will not be antialiasedEnable antialiasingQgsLayoutItem<%1><item><item>Change Item IDShow ItemHide ItemLock ItemUnlock ItemQgsLayoutItem3DMap3D Map %1Scene not setLoadingQgsLayoutItemAttributeTable<Attribute table frame>QgsLayoutItemGroup<Group>Set Group VisibilityMove groupResize GroupQgsLayoutItemHtmlLayout HTML item<HTML frame>QgsLayoutItemLabelLayout label item<HTML Label><Label>%1…%1…QgsLayoutItemLegend<Legend>%1…%1…QgsLayoutItemMapMap %1Mapo %1Grid %1Krado %1Overview %1Superrigardo %1Rendering mapMap SettingsMapaj agordojQgsLayoutItemMapGridGridKradoQgsLayoutItemPicturePicture expression eval errorBilda esprima eval eraroQgsLayoutItemPolygon<Polygon>QgsLayoutItemPolyline<Polyline>QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidgetLayout ItemChange Frame ColorChange Background ColorMove ItemChange Item ReferenceResize ItemChange Frame Stroke WidthChange Frame Join StyleEnable FrameDisable FrameEnable BackgroundDisable BackgroundSelect Background ColorSelect Frame ColorChange Blend ModeChange OpacityChange Item IDRotateExclude from ExportsInclude in ExportsQgsLayoutItemShape<Ellipse><Rectangle><Triangle><Shape>QgsLayoutItemTextTable<Text table frame>QgsLayoutItemWidgetBaseGlobal OptionsĜeneralaj agordojPosition and SizeYY……PagePaĝoHeightAltoLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)XXWidthLarĝoReference pointReferenca punktoRotationRotacio ° °FrameKadroColorKoloroThicknessJoin styleBackgroundFonoItem IDIdIdRenderingBildigoBlending modeExclude item from exportsOpacityOpakecoVariablesVariablojQgsLayoutItemsListViewCopy ItemDelete ItemItem Properties…QgsLayoutLabelWidgetLabel PropertiesSelect Font ColorChange Label ModeChange Label TextChange Label FontChange Label AlignmentChange Label MarginChange Label ColorInsert ExpressionInsert expressionQgsLayoutLabelWidgetBaseLabel OptionsEtikedaj agordojLabelEtikedoRender as HTMLBildigi kiel HTMLMain PropertiesInsert an Expression...AppearanceHorizontal alignmentHorizontala ĝisrandigo mm mmTopMiddleBottomMalsupraVertical marginVertikala marĝenoHorizontal marginHorizontala marĝenoFont colorTipara koloroLeftMaldekstraJustifyRightCenterCentroVertical alignmentVertikala ĝisrandigoFontTiparoQgsLayoutLegendLayersDialogBaseAdd Layer to LegendSearchSerĉiIf checked, only layers visible within the map will be listedShow visible layers onlyQgsLayoutLegendWidgetLegend PropertiesSelect Font ColorSelect Stroke ColorChange Legend WrapChange Legend TitleChange Title AlignmentChange Column CountSplit Legend LayersLegend Column WidthResize Symbol WidthResize Symbol HeightResize WMS WidthResize WMS HeightChange Title SpaceChange Group SpaceChange Layer SpaceChange Symbol SpaceChange Label SpaceChange Title FontChange Group FontChange Layer FontChange Item FontChange Font ColorChange Box SpaceChange Column SpaceChange Line SpaceMoved Legend Item DownMove Legend Item UpChange Auto UpdateChange Legend MapResize Legend to ContentsChange Legend BordersResize Legend BordersChange Legend Border ColorAdd Legend Item(s)Remove Legend ItemUpdate LegendAdd Legend GroupGroupGrupoOnly show items inside current %1 featureFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current %1 feature.Legend item propertiesAtributoj de mapklarigaj elementojItem textEdit Legend ItemQgsLayoutLegendWidgetBaseLegend OptionsLegendMapklarigo&Title&TitoloTitle alignmentMapMapoResize to fit contentsRegrandigi por adapti al la enhavojWrap text on……LeftMaldekstraCenterCentroRightAuto updateUpdate whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted.Update allĜisdatigi ĉiujnAdd groupAldoni gruponShow feature count for each class of vector layer.Main PropertiesLegend ItemsKeeps the legend contents synchronized with the main application legend. Customization is not possible and must be done in the main application.Filter Legend by Map ContentFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current atlas feature.Only show items inside current atlas featureFontsTiparojTitle fontGroup fontSubgroup fontItem fontFont colorTipara koloroColumnsKolumnojCountNombroEqual column widthsAllow splitting layer items into multiple columns.Split layersSymbolSimboloSymbol width mm mmSymbol heightDraw stroke for raster symbolsStroke colorThicknessHairlineWMS LegendGraphicLegend widthLegend heightSpacingSpace above text using group style.Group spaceSpace above text using subgroup style.Subgroup spaceSpace above symbol and symbol label.Symbol spaceSpace between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin).Icon label spaceBox spaceColumn spaceLine spaceSpace below title.Title spaceQgsLayoutLocatorFilterProject LayoutsQgsLayoutManagerLayout %1Report %1QgsLayoutManagerBaseLayout Manager&Duplicate…Re&name…&Remove…&Show&MontriNew from TemplateCreate…Open template directoryMalfermi ŝablonan dosierujonUserDefaultDefaŭltoQgsLayoutManagerDialogLayout templatesSelect a TemplateEmpty layoutEmpty reportSpecificOpen DirectoryMalfermi dosierujonRemove LayoutRemove LayoutsDuplicate LayoutTemplate file “%1” not found.Create LayoutCould not read template file “%1”.Invalid template file “%1”.Could not open or create local directory “%1”.Do you really want to remove the print layout “%1”?Do you really want to remove all selected print layouts?%1 copyDuplicating layout…Layout duplication failed.QgsLayoutManagerModelThere is already a layout named “%1”.Rename LayoutQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetMap Grid PropertiesSolidSolidaCrossMarkersMarkojFrame and annotations onlyNur kadro kaj prinotojDecimalDekumaDecimal with suffixDegree, minuteGrado, minutoDegree, minute with suffixDegree, minute alignedDegree, minute, secondGrado, minuto, sekundoDegree, minute, second with suffixDegree, minute, second alignedCustomPropraSelect Font ColorSelect Grid Frame ColorSelect Grid Frame Fill ColorTransparent FrameTransparent FillChange Frame DivisionsChange Annotation FormatShow allMontri ĉiujnShow latitude onlyShow longitude onlyInside frameOutside frameHorizontalHorizontalaVertical ascendingVertical descendingVertikale malkreskanteDisabledMalŝaltitaChange Annotation PositionChange Annotation DirectionAllĈiujLatitude/Y onlyLongitude/X onlyMap unitMapa unuoMillimeterMilimetroCentimeterCentimetroChange…Change Grid IntervalChange Grid OffsetChange Cross WidthChange Frame WidthChange Frame LeftChange Frame RightChange Frame TopChange Frame BottomChange Frame ThicknessChange Frame ColorChange Frame Fill ColorChange Frame StyleZebraInterior ticksExterior ticksInterior and exterior ticksLine borderLinia borderoChange Grid UnitChange Grid Blend ModeChange Grid TypeChange Grid CRSToggle AnnotationsExpression Based AnnotationChange Annotation DistanceChange Annotation FontChange Grid Line StyleChange Grid Marker StyleChange Annotation ColorChange Annotation PrecisionQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetBaseMap OptionsMapaj agordojAppearanceGrid typeTipo de kradoCRSCRSChange...Ŝanĝi...Interval unitsIntervalaj unuojMap unitMapa unuoMillimeterMilimetroCentimeterCentimetroIntervalIntervaloX X Y Y OffsetDeŝovoCross width mm mmLine styleStilo de linioMarker styleStilo de markoBlend modeFrameKadroFrame styleKadra stiloFrame sizeKadra grandoFrame line thicknessFrame fill colorsKadra plenigaj kolorojLeft sideRight sideTop sideBottom sideMalsupra lateroNo frameZebraInterior ticksExterior ticksInterior and exterior ticksLine borderLinia borderoRight divisionsLeft divisionsTop divisionsBottom divisionsDraw CoordinatesFormatFormo……LeftMaldekstraRightTopBottomMalsupraFontTiparoFont colorTipara koloroDistance to map frameDistanco al mapkadroCoordinate precisionQgsLayoutMapWidgetMap PropertiesUse project CRSSet layer list from a map themeControlled by %1atlasAtlasReportUse one of the predefined scales of the project where the %1 feature best fits.No presets definedNeniu difinita antaŭagordoChange Map Preset(none)(neniu)Change Map CRSChange Overview StyleSet Atlas DrivenChange Atlas ModeChange Atlas MarginChange Atlas ScalesChange Map ScaleChange Map RotationChange Map ExtentChange Frame DivisionsChange Annotation DisplayShow allMontri ĉiujnShow latitude onlyShow longitude onlyMap Preset ChangedToggle Map ItemInside frameOutside frameHorizontalHorizontalaVertical ascendingVertical descendingVertikale malkreskanteDisabledMalŝaltitaChange Annotation PositionChange Annotation DirectionAllĈiujLatitude/Y onlyLongitude/X onlyGrid %1Krado %1Add Map GridRemove GridMove Grid UpMove Grid DownDraw "%1" gridDesegni "%1" kradonRename GridToggle Grid DisplayOverview %1Superrigardo %1Add Map OverviewRemove Map OverviewMove Overview UpMove Overview DownDraw "%1" overviewDesegni "%1" superrigardonOverview Display ToggledChange Overview MapChange Overview Blend ModeToggle Overview InvertedToggle Overview CenteredQgsLayoutMapWidgetBaseMap OptionsMapaj agordojMapMapoCRSCRS ° °……Draw map canvas itemsScaleSkaloMap rotationRotacio de la mapoLayersTavolojFollow map themeLock layersŜlosi tavolojnLock styles for layersŜlosi stilojn por tavolojExtentsX minX minY minY minX maxX maxY maxY maxSet to map canvas extentView extent in map canvasVidi etendon sur la mapareoMain PropertiesUpdate PreviewControlled by AtlasMargin around featureMarĝeno ĉirkaŭ ento%%Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the atlas feature best fits.Predefined scale (best fit)Antaŭdifinita skalo (plejbona adapto)Fixed scaleFiksita skaloGridsKradojAdd a new gridAldoni novan kradonRemove selected gridForigi la elektitan kradonMove selected grid upMove selected grid downDraw gridDesegni kradonModify grid...Modifi kradon...OverviewsSuperrigardojAdd a new overviewAldoni novan superrigardonRemove selected overviewForigi la elektitan superrigardonMove selected overview upMove selected overview downDraw overviewDesegni superrigardonMap frameMapkadroFrame styleKadra stiloBlending modeInvert overviewInversigi la superrigardonCenter on overviewCentrigi en la superrigardoChange...Ŝanĝi...QgsLayoutModelItemElementoQgsLayoutMouseHandlesMove ItemsResize Items%1 items selected%1 elektitaj elementoj1 item selected1 elektita elementodx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmdx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmwidth: %1 mm height: %2 mmlarĝo: %1 mm alto: %2 mmQgsLayoutMultiFrameChange Resize Mode<Multiframe>QgsLayoutNewItemPropertiesDialogNew Item PropertiesReference PointPosition and SizeHeightAltoWidthLarĝoYYXXLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)PagePaĝoQgsLayoutNewPageDialogInsert PagesPage SizeSizeGrandoWidthLarĝoOrientationOrientiĝoHeightAltoLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)page(s)InsertEnmetiBefore PageAfter PageAt EndQgsLayoutObjectlist of map layer names separated by | charactersname of an existing map theme (case-sensitive)QgsLayoutPageCollectionResize to ContentsMove ItemMove GuidesAdd PageRemove PageRemove PagesQgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidgetNew Item PropertiesBackgroundFonoPage SizeWidthLarĝoLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)……HeightAltoSizeGrandoOrientationOrientiĝoIf checked, this page will not be included when exporting the layoutExclude page from exportsPortraitVertikala formatoLandscapeHorizontala formatoCustomPropraChange Page SizeChange Page BackgroundInclude Page in ExportsExclude Page from ExportsQgsLayoutPictureWidgetPicture PropertiesSelect Fill ColorSelect Stroke ColorGrid northTrue northChange PictureChange Picture RotationSelect SVG or Image FileSelect New Preview DirectoryChange Resize ModeChange PlacementToggle Rotation SyncChange Rotation MapAdding Icons…AbortĈesigiCreating icon for file %1Change Picture Fill ColorChange Picture Stroke ColorChange Picture Stroke WidthChange Picture North OffsetChange Picture North ModeQgsLayoutPictureWidgetBasePicture OptionsAgordoj de bildoPictureBildoMain PropertiesImage sourceBilda fonto……Resize modeModo de regrandigoZoomStretchClipEltondiZoom and resize frameResize frame to image sizeRegrandigi kadron al la grando de la bildoPlacementTop leftSupra-maldekstraTop centerTop rightMiddle leftMiddleMiddle rightBottom leftMalsupra-maldekstraBottom centerMalsupre-centraBottom rightMalsupra-dekstraSearch DirectoriesImage RotationLoading previews...Ŝargado de la antaŭrigardoj...Image search pathsBildaj serĉvojojRemoveForigiAdd...Aldoni...SVG ParametersSVG-parametroj mm mmStroke colorStroke widthFill colorPleniga koloroNorth alignmentNorda ĝisrandigoSync with map ° °OffsetDeŝovoQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetPolygon PropertiesPlurangulaj atributojChange Shape StyleQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetBaseFormFormularoPolygonPluranguloMain PropertiesChange...Ŝanĝi...QgsLayoutPolylineWidgetPolyline PropertiesArrow PropertiesSelect Arrow Head Stroke ColorSelect Arrow Head Fill ColorTransparent StrokeTransparent FillChange Shape StyleChange Arrow HeadChange Arrow WidthChange Arrow Fill ColorChange Arrow Stroke ColorSet Arrow MarkerSet Line MarkerSet SVG MarkerChange Start Marker FileChange End Marker FileStart marker svg fileSvg dosiero por la komenca markoEnd marker svg fileSvg dosiero por la fina markoQgsLayoutPolylineWidgetBaseFormFormularoPolylineMain PropertiesLine Style...Line MarkersArrow stroke color mm mmArrow head widthSagokapa larĝoStart markerKomeca marko……NoneNeniuArrowSagoSVGSVGArrow stroke widthEnd markerFinmarkoArrow fill colorSaga fona koloroSVG pathQgsLayoutPropertiesWidgetLayout PropertiesResize to ContentsSet Reference MapSet Default DPIQgsLayoutQptDropHandlerCould not read template file.Load from TemplateQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetScalebar PropertiesSingle BoxUnuopa kestoDouble BoxLine Ticks MiddleLine Ticks DownLine Ticks UpNumericNombraLeftMaldekstraMiddleRightMap unitsMapaj unuojMetersMetrojKilometersKilometrojFeetYardsMilesMejlojNautical MilesCentimetersMillimetersSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillSelect Alternate Fill ColorTransparent LineScalebar FontSelect Line ColorSet Scalebar Line WidthSet Scalebar Segment SizeSet Scalebar SegmentsSet Scalebar HeightSet Scalebar FontSet Scalebar Fill ColorSet Scalebar Stroke ColorSet Scalebar Unit TextSet Scalebar Map Units per SegmentSet Scalebar StyleSet Scalebar Label SpaceSet Scalebar Box SpaceSet Scalebar AlignmentSet Scalebar UnitsSet Scalebar Join StyleSet Scalebar Cap StyleSet Scalebar Size ModeSet Scalebar MapQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetBaseScalebar OptionsAgordo de skalbretoScalebarSkalbretoSt&yleSt&ilo&Map&MapoUnitsUnuojScalebar unitsSkalbretaj unuoj&Label for unitsSpecifies how many scalebar units per labeled unit. For example, if your scalebar units are set to "meters", a multiplier of 1000 will result in the scalebar labels in kilometers.Text used for labeling the scalebar units, e.g., "m" or "km". This should be matched to reflect the multiplier above. Specifies the underlying units used for scalebar calculations, e.g., "meters" or "feet"Label unit multiplierSegmentsSegmentojNumber of scalebar units per scalebar segmentNombro da skalbretaj unuoj per skabreta segmento units unuojHeightAltoright left maldekstraFi&xed widthFi&ksita larĝoFit segment width mm mmDisplayVidigiBox marginKesta marĝenoAlignmentĜisrandigoLabels marginMarĝeno de la etikedojLine widthLinia larĝoCap styleJoin style……Secondary fill colorFill colorPleniga koloroMain PropertiesFonts and ColorsLine colorLinikoloroFontTiparoQgsLayoutShapeWidgetShape PropertiesRectangleOrtanguloEllipseElipsoTriangleTrianguloChange Shape StyleChange Shape RadiusChange Shape TypeQgsLayoutShapeWidgetBaseFormFormularoShapeMain PropertiesCorner radiusStyleStiloChange...Ŝanĝi...QgsLayoutTableNo matching recordsQgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialogChange Table BackgroundSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundQgsLayoutTableBackgroundDialogTable Background ColorsFirst rowUnua vicoHeader rowEven columnsFirst columnUnua kolumnoEven rowsOdd columnsLast rowLasta vicoLast columnLasta kolumnoDefault cell backgroundApriora ĉela fonoOdd rows<html><head/><body><p>Check options to enable shading for matching cells. Options lower in this list will take precedence over higher options. For example, if both "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>" and "<span style=" font-style:italic;">Odd rows</span>" are checked, the cells in the first row will be shaded using the color specified for "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>".</p></body></html>QgsLayoutTableSortColumnsProxyModelDescendingMalkreskanteAscendingAttributeAtributoSort OrderOrdiga ordoQgsLayoutViewCut ItemsPaste ItemsLock ItemsUnlock ItemsDelete ItemsMove ItemQgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewToolAddItemAdd itemCreate %1Create ItemQgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItemAdd itemQgsLayoutViewToolEditNodesSelectElektiRemove Item NodeMove Item NodeAdd Item NodeQgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContentSelectElektiMove Item ContentZoom Item ContentQgsLayoutViewToolPanPanQgsLayoutViewToolSelectSelectElektiQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPanPanQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePanPanQgsLayoutViewToolZoomPanQgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutWidgetBaseCompositionKunmetoGeneral SettingsReference mapReferenca mapoSpecifies the master map for this composition, which is used to georeference composer exports and for scale calculation for item styles.Guides and GridHelplinioj kaj kradox: x: y: y: px pxGrid spacingGrid offsetKrada deŝovoSnap toleranceExport SettingsResize Layout to ContentIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdSave world fileExport resolution dpi dpiIf checked, exports from this layout will be rasterized.Print as rasterPresi kiel rastrumoIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsMargin unitsTop marginSupra marĝenoLeftMaldekstraRightBottomMalsupraResize layoutVariablesVariablojQgsLegendFilterButtonEdit Filter Expression…Clear Filter ExpressionEdit filter expressionRedakti la filtran esprimonEdit filter expression (current: %1)Redakti la filtran esprimon (aktuala: %1)QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialogRandom Color RampQgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidgetBaseRandom Color RampHueKolortonotoalSaturationSaturoValueValoroClassesKlasojPreviewAntaŭrigardoQgsLocatorFiltersModelFilterFiltriPrefixEnabledŜaltitaDefaultDefaŭltoConfigurationAgordoQgsLocatorWidgetType to locate (⌘K)Type to locate (Ctrl+K)<type here>Configure…QgsManageConnectionsDialogSelect allElekti ĉiujnClear selectionSelect connections to importImportImportiExportEksportiExport/Import ErrorSave ConnectionsKonservi konektojnSaving ConnectionsLoading ConnectionsŜargado de konektojThe file is not a WMS connections exchange file.The file is not a WFS connections exchange file.The file is not a WCS connections exchange file.The file is not a PostGIS connections exchange file.The file is not a MSSQL connections exchange file.The file is not a DB2 connections exchange file.The file is not a GeoNode connections exchange file.The file is not a XYZ Tiles connections exchange file.The file is not a %1 connections exchange file.You should select at least one connection from list.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Cannot write file %1:
%2.Ne eblas skribi dosieron %1:
%2.Cannot read file %1:
%2.Ne eblas legi dosieron %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file.Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Konekto '%1' jam ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?QgsManageConnectionsDialogBaseManage ConnectionsSelect connections to exportElekti la eksportotajn konektojnQgsMapCanvasMap CanvasRenderingBildigoCanvas refresh: %1 msMaparea aktualigo: %1 msCannot zoom to selected feature(s)No extent could be determined.Pan to feature id failedFeature does not have a geometryLa ento ne havas geometrionFeature geometry is emptyLa geometrio de la ento estas malplenaZoom to feature id failedFeature not foundEnto ne estis trovitaCannot pan to selected feature(s)QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetSet View ThemeView SettingsChange Map CRS (%1)…No projection(default)(defaŭlto)QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetBaseMap CanvasSet Map CRS…Set Map CRSRename View…Rename ViewZoom to &SelectionZoom to &LayerZoom &FullShow AnnotationsShow Cursor PositionShow Main Canvas ExtentShow LabelsQgsMapCanvasSnappingUtilsIndexing data…QgsMapCanvasTracerDisabled - there are too many features displayed. Try zooming in or disable some layers.Tracing may not work correctly. Please check topology of the input layers.TracingQgsMapCoordsDialogFrom map canvasQgsMapCoordsDialogBaseEnter Map Coordinates<html><head/><body><p>Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd mm ss.ss</span>), DD (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd.dd</span>) or projected coordinates (<span style=" font-style:italic;">mmmm.mm</span>)) which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point.</p></body></html>Y / NorthY / NordoX / EastX / OrientoQgsMapLayerSpecify CRS for layer %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3Loading style file %1 failed because:
%2Cannot apply style with symbology to layer with a different geometry typeCould not save symbology because:
%1The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable!LayerTavoloStyle not found in databaseMankas stilon en datumbazoMetadata not found in databaseLoading metadata file %1 failed because:
%2Created default metadata file as %1Created default style file as %1ERROR: Failed to created default metadata file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.User database could not be opened.Ne eblas malfermi usantan datumbazonThe metadata table could not be created.The style table could not be created.The metadata %1 was saved to databaseThe style %1 was saved to databaseLa stilo %1 estis konservita en la datumbazoThe metadata %1 was updated in the database.The style %1 was updated in the database.The metadata %1 could not be updated in the database.The style %1 could not be updated in the database.The metadata %1 could not be inserted into database.The style %1 could not be inserted into database.ERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.Unable to open file %1Root <qgis> element could not be foundQgsMapLayerComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the layersA combo box to list the layers registered in QGIS. Layers might be filtered according to their type.QgsMapLayerModel%1 [%2]%1 [%2]%1 (%2 - %3)%1 (%2) QgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModelLayer ConfigurationIdentifiable, removable, searchable, display expression, read-onlySymbology3D SymbologyLabelsEtikedojFieldsKampojAliases, widgets, WMS/WFS, expressions, constraints, virtual fieldsFormsActionsAgojMap TipsDiagramsDiagramojAttribute Table SettingsChoice and order of columns, conditional stylingRenderingBildigoScale visibility, simplify method, opacityCustom PropertiesGeometry OptionsGeometry constraints and validity checksAll Style CategoriesQgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtilsRemove CurrentForigi aktualanAdd…Aldoni…Rename Current…New styleNova stiloStyle name:Rename styleRenomi stilonQgsMapLayerStyleManagerdefaultdefaŭltoQgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidgetAddAldoniRemove CurrentForigi aktualanLoad StyleŜargi stilonSave as DefaultKonservi kiel defaŭltoRestore DefaultRestaŭri defaŭltojnNew styleNova stiloStyle name:Save StyleSave default style to: Konservi defaŭltan stilon al:CancelNuligiLocal databaseLoka datumbazoDatasource databaseDatumfonta datumbazoDefault StyleDefaŭlta stiloLoad default style from: Ŝargi defaŭltan stilon el:Loaded from ProviderŜargita el liverantoNo default style was found for this layerLoad layer properties from style fileŜargi la tavolajn atributojn el stila dosieroQGIS Layer Style FileSLD FileSLD-dosieroQgsMapRendererJobThere was a problem transforming the layer's extent. Layer skipped.Insufficient memory for image %1x%2Insufficient memory for label image %1x%2LabelingEtikedado%1 ms: %2%1 ms: %2RenderingBildigoQgsMapRendererTaskSaving as imageRendering to painterQgsMapSaveDialogSave Map as ImageAdvanced effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency cannot be exported as vectors.
Rasterizing the map is recommended when such effects are used.Rasterize mapSave world fileDraw annotationsDraw active decorationsOutput heightOutput width px pxLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)ResolutionDistingivo dpi dpiScaleSkaloExtentDraw active decorations: %1noneneniuThe following layer(s) use advanced effects:
Rasterizing map is recommended for proper rendering.Save Map as PDFCopy to ClipboardKopii al tondejoSave as imageCould not allocate required memory for imageSuccessfully copied map to clipboardSave as PDFCould not copy the map to clipboardChoose a file name to save the map image asElektu dosiernomon kiel konservi la bildonSuccessfully saved map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not save the map to filePDF FormatPDF-formoSave Map AsCould not save the map to PDFQgsMapSettingsActionSynchronize View Center with Main MapSynchronize View to SelectionScaleSkalo ° °Current clockwise map rotation in degreesAktuala horloĝdirekte rotacio de la mapo en gradojRotationRotacioMagnifier levelNivelo de pligrandigiloMagnificationSynchronize scale××Multiplication factor for main canvas scale to view scaleScale FactorQgsMapThemesReplace ThemeAdd Theme…Remove Current ThemethemeThemeMap ThemesName of the new themeA theme with this name already exists.Are you sure you want to replace the existing theme “%1”?Remove ThemeAre you sure you want to remove the existing theme “%1”?QgsMapToolAddFeatureadd featurealdoni entonAdd featureAldoni entonQgsMapToolAddPartNo feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute tableSeveral features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added.Part addedCould not add part. %1Add partCoordinate transform error. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemAdd part: Feature geom is single part and you've added more than oneSelected feature is not multi part.New part's geometry is not valid.New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons.Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added.Selected geometry could not be foundNe eblis trovi la elektitan geometrionQgsMapToolAddRegularPolygonNumber of sides: QgsMapToolAddRingAdd ringCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system.Ring addeda problem with geometry type occurredProblemo okazis kun la geometritipothe inserted ring is not closedthe inserted ring is not a valid geometrythe inserted ring crosses existing ringsthe inserted ring is not contained in a featurean unknown error occurredNekonata eraro okazisCould not add ring since %1.QgsMapToolChangeLabelPropertiesChanged properties for labelQgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPointErrorEraroSegments are parallelsRadius of the circle: QgsMapToolCircle3TangentsErrorEraroAt least two segments are parallelsQgsMapToolCircularStringRadiusRadius: Radiuso:QgsMapToolDeletePartDelete partPart of multipart feature deletedCouldn't remove the selected part.QgsMapToolDeleteRingDelete ringDelete ring can only be used in a polygon layer.Ring deletedQgsMapToolDigitizeFeatureDigitize featureThe data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features.Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layerCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemWrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layerWrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layerThe feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidanceQgsMapToolEditNo active vector layerLayer not editableQgsMapToolFeatureActionTo run an action, you must choose an active vector layer.The active vector layer has no defined actionsLa aktiva vektora tavolo ne havas difinitajn agojnNo features at this position found.All FeaturesQgsMapToolFillRingCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemRing added and filleda problem with geometry type occurredProblemo okazis kun la geometritipothe inserted Ring is not closedthe inserted Ring is not a valid geometrythe inserted Ring crosses existing ringsthe inserted Ring is not contained in a featurean unknown error occurredNekonata eraro okaziscould not add ring since %1.Ring filledNo ring found to fill.QgsMapToolIdentifyNo active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer.Identifying on %1…Identifying done.(clicked coordinate X)(klakita koordinato X)(clicked coordinate Y)(klakita koordinato Y)(clicked coordinate Z)new featurenova entoFeature IDEnta IDClosest vertex numberClosest vertex XClosest vertex YClosest vertex ZClosest vertex MClosest XClosest YInterpolated ZInterpolated MPartsPart numberLength (Ellipsoidal, %1)Length (Cartesian)Area (Ellipsoidal, %1)Area (Cartesian)Perimeter (Ellipsoidal, %1)Perimeter (Cartesian)XXYYZZMVerticesfirstXattributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this onefirstYlastXattributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this onelastYno dataneniu datumojErrorEraroIdentify errorEraro de identigoQgsMapToolIdentifyActionIdentifyIdentigiShow Attribute TableIdentifying featuresNo features at this position found.QgsMapToolIdentifyFeatureIdentify featureIdentigi entonQgsMapToolMeasureAngleMeasure angleMezuri angulonQgsMapToolMoveFeatureMove featureMovi entonMove featuresSome of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?Feature movedFeature copied and movedQgsMapToolMoveLabelMove labelMovi etikedonMoved labelMovita edtikedoQgsMapToolOffsetCurveCould not find a nearby feature in any vector layer.Generated geometry is not valid.Offset curveCreating offset geometry failed: %1QgsMapToolOffsetPointSymbolThe selected point does not have an offset attribute set.Offset symbolQgsMapToolPanPanQgsMapToolPinLabelsPin labelsPinned labelUnpinned labelPinned diagramUnpinned diagramQgsMapToolPointSymbolNo point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Search radius for vertex editsQgsMapToolReshapeCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemReshapeAn error was reported during intersection removalThe feature cannot be reshaped because the resulting geometry is emptyQgsMapToolReverseLineReverse line geometryReverse lineLine reversed.Couldn't reverse the selected part.QgsMapToolRotateFeatureCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.Features RotatedQgsMapToolRotateLabelRotated labelQgsMapToolRotatePointSymbolsThe selected point does not have a rotation attribute set.Rotate symbolTurni simbolonQgsMapToolSelectSelect featuresElekti entojnQgsMapToolSelectionHandlerSelection radius:QgsMapToolShowHideLabelsShow/hide labelsMontri/kaŝi etikedojnHid labelsShowed labelsCRS Exception: selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system.QgsMapToolSimplifyGeometry simplifiedCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.%1 feature(s): %2 to %3 vertices (%4%)Simplification failed!QgsMapToolSplitFeaturesCoordinate transform errorCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemFeatures splitNo features were splitIf there are selected features, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection.No feature split doneAn error occurred during splitting.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts.Split featuresThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.QgsMapToolSplitPartsCoordinate transform errorCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemParts splitNo parts were splitIf there are selected parts, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all parts under the split line, clear the selection.No part split doneAn error occurred during splitting.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits parts into multiple parts.Split partsThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.Split errorQgsMapToolZoomZoomQgsMapUnitScaleDialogAdjust Scaling RangeQgsMapUnitScaleWidgetBaseAdjust Scaling RangeScale only within the following map unit scale rangeMinimum scaleMinimuma skaloMaximum scaleMaksimuma skaloScale RangeSize RangeMinimum sizeMinimuma grandoMaximum sizeMaksimuma grando mm mmScale only within the following size rangeQgsMasterPasswordResetDialogReset Master PasswordEnter CURRENT master authentication passwordRequiredBezonataEnter NEW master authentication passwordKeep backup of current databaseYour authentication database will be duplicated
and re-encrypted using new passwordQgsMdalSourceSelectOpen MDAL Supported Mesh Dataset(s)All Files (*);;GRIB File (*.grb *.grb2 *.bin *.grib *.grib1 *.grib2);;NetCDF File (*.nc);;2DM Mesh File (*.2dm);;3Di Results (results_3di.nc)Add mesh layerNo layers selected.QgsMdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Mesh Layer(s)SourceFontoMesh datasetQgsMeasureBaseMeasureMezuriTotalSegmentsSegmentojInfoQgsMeasureDialog&New&Nova&Configuration&AgordoThe calculations are based on:No map projection set, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations.Units are unknown.Both project CRS (%1) and measured area are in degrees, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations in square degrees.Project ellipsoidal calculation is selected.Project ellipsoidal calculation is not selected.MeasureMezuriNo map projection set, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations.Both project CRS (%1) and measured length are in degrees, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations in degrees.Distance is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).The value is converted from %1 to %2.Area is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the area is calculated in %2.The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the distance is calculated in %2.Segments [%1]SegmentsSegmentojmap unitsmapaj unuojQgsMeasureToolIncorrect Measure Results<p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu.Transform error caught at the MeasureTool: %1QgsMemoryProviderWhole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Decimal number (real)Text (string)DateDatoTimeTempoDate & TimeDato & TempoWhole number (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Entjero (integer - 32 bitoj)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Entjero (integer - 64 bitoj)Decimal number (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2QgsMergeAttributesDialogSkip attributeIdIdMergeKunfandiFeature %1Ento %1ConcatenationKunmetoManual valueMana valoroSkippedQgsMergeAttributesDialogBaseMerge Feature AttributesTake attributes from selected featurePreni atributojn el la lektita entoRemove feature from selectionForigi la enton el la elektaĵoResets all fields to "Skip"Skip all fieldsQgsMergedBookmarksTableModelIn ProjectQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeModelGroupsQgsMeshLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Tavolaj atributoj - %1UriVertex countFace countDataset groups countInvalid data providerNot assignedLoad mesh datasetsDatasets successfully added to the mesh layerCould not read mesh dataset.QgsMeshLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesRastrumaj tavolaj atributojInformationInformoSourceFontoStyleStiloLayer nameTavola nomodisplayed asvidigita kielSet source coordinate reference systemUriAssign Extra Dataset to MeshQgsMeshMemoryDataProviderInvalid mesh definition, does not contain 2 sectionsInvalid mesh definition, vertex definition does not contain x, yInvalid mesh definition, face must contain at least 3 verticesInvalid mesh definition, vertex index must be positive valueInvalid mesh definition, missing vertex id defined in faceInvalid dataset definition, does not contain 3+ sectionsInvalid type definition, must be Vertex/Face Vector/Scalar NameUnable to add dataset group to invalid meshInvalid dataset definition, dataset metadata does not contain key: valueInvalid dataset definition, must contain at least 1 line (time)Invalid dataset definition, dataset scalar values must be xInvalid dataset definition, dataset vector values must be x, yDataset defined on vertices has {} values, but mesh {}Dataset defined on faces has {} values, but mesh {}QgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetYesJesIs validInvalid mesh layer selectedScalar datasetVector datasetNo mesh dataset selectedNoNeTimeTempoData TypeDatumtipoDefined on verticesDefined on facesIs vectorQgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetBaseFormFormularoDataset in Selected Group(s)>|>><<|<MetadataMetadatumojQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsWidgetBaseFormFormularoLine Width and ColorQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidgetBaseFormFormularoOpacityOpakecoMinMin00MaxMax11LoadŜargiQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsWidgetBaseFormFormularoLine Width and ColorFilter by MagnitudeMinMin MaxDisplay Vectors on User GridX SpacingY Spacing px pxHead OptionsWidthLarĝo% of Shaft LengthLengthLongoArrow LengthDefined by Min and MaxScaled to MagnitudeFixedMinimumMinimumaMaximumMaksimumaScale by a Factor of:QgsMessageBarRemaining messagesClose AllFermi ĉiujnCloseFermiMessagesMesaĝojShow more%n moreunread messagesQgsMessageLogViewerQGIS LogGeneralĜeneralaQgsMessageViewerQGIS MessageQGIS mesaĝoDon't show this message againNe montru tion mesaĝon ankoraŭQgsMetadataWidgetTypeTipoNameNomoFarmingClimatology Meteorology AtmosphereLocationPozicioIntelligence MilitaryTransportationStructureBoundariesInland WatersPlanning CadastreGeoscientific InformationElevationHealthBiotaOceansEnvironmentMedioUtilities CommunicationEconomySocietyImagery Base Maps Earth CoverConstraintURLURLDescriptionPriskriboFormatFormoMIMESizeGrandodatasetDatasetDatumaroprojectprojectProjectProjektoThis page describes the basic attribution of the %1. Please use the tooltips for more information.%1 categories.Contacts related to the %1.Links describe ancillary resources and information related to this %1.History about the %1.<html><head/><body><p>Keywords are optional, and provide a way to provide additional descriptive information about the %1. Edits made in the categories tab will update the category entry below. For the concept, we suggest to use a standard based vocabulary such as <a href="https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/en/inspire-themes/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">GEMET.</span></a></p></body></html>Set from %1layertavoloundefined %1New LicenceNew RightCRS: %1 - %2Same as layer properties and provider.Same as layer properties but different than the provider.Same as the provider but different than the layer properties.Does not match either layer properties or the provider.CRS: Not set.postalNew HistoryOk, it seems valid according to the QGIS Schema.New CategoryNew Category:QgsMetadataWidgetBaseFormFormularoIdentificationA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of.Parent identifierA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource.IdentifierSet from layerReturns the human readable name of the resource, typically displayed in search results.TitleTitoloWhile a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'. If unsure about which type to select, use 'dataset'.TypeTipoCreation dateyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssAuthorAŭtoroUsually the returned string will follow either the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications, e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA', however this is not a hard requirement and the caller must account for non compliant values.LanguageLingvoFree-form description of the resourceAbstractResumoEncodingKodoprezentoCategoriesISO categoriesCategories chosen will be added as a new entry in the keywords tab.Add selected ISO categories to metadataAdd a new custom category to the metadataRemove selected categories from metadataChosen categoriesKeywordsŜlosilvortojAdds a list of descriptive keywords for a specified vocabulary.Removes a specified vocabulary.A set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource for a specified concept.ConceptAccessThe fees, licences and rights for this dataset.Any fees associated with using the resourceFeesA list of licenses associated with the resourceLicensesPermesilojAdd licenseRemove licenseLabelEtikedoList of attribution or copyright strings associated with the resourceRights (attribution or copyright)Add RightRemove RightConstraintsLimigojExtentCoordinate Reference System and spatial extent for this dataset.The coordinate reference system described by the layer's metadataCoordinate Reference SystemSet CRS from layerSet CRS from providerZ maximumZ minimumTemporal extent for this dataset.FromToContactPosition/title of contactName of contactRole of contactRolePositionPosicioOrganization contact belongs to/representsNameNomoPhone numberFax numberFaxOrganizationOrganizaĵoElectronic mail addressVoiceAddressType of address, e.g 'postal'Free-form physical address componentPostal CodePostal (or ZIP) codeCityCity or locality nameAdministrative AreaAdministrative area (state, province/territory, etc.)CountryFree-form countryEmailAdd addressRemove AddressLinksa list of online resources associated with the resource.Add linkRemove linkHistoryHistorioValidationValidation is not enforced, but it's recommended to resolve any validation issues listed here.QgsMssqlConnectionItemEdit Connection…Delete ConnectionForigi konekton%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Not a vector layer!RefreshAktualigiShow Non-spatial TablesCreate Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Unable to create schema %1
%2Import to MSSQL databaseFailed to import some layers!
Import was successful.Importo suksesisQgsMssqlLayerItemDelete TableForigi tabelonTable deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi tabelon.Truncate TableTable truncated successfully.QgsMssqlNewConnectionSave ConnectionShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?Testing connection…………Connection FailedLa konekto fiaskisHost name hasn't been specified.Error opening connectionEraro dum malfermi konektonQgsMssqlNewConnectionBaseProvider/DSNHostGastiga komputiloHEADS UP: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows
Untick save if you don't wish to be the case.If checked, tables without a geometry column attached will also be shown in the available table lists.If checked, only estimated table metadata will be used. This avoids a slow table scan, but may result in incorrect layer properties such as layer extent.If checked, only tables which are present in the "geometry_columns" metadata table will be available. This speeds up table scanning, but requires users to manually manage the geometry_columns table and ensure that layers are correctly represented in the table.Test ConnectionList DatabasesListigi datumbazojnDatabaseDatumbazoIf checked, all handling of records with invalid geometry will be disabled. This speeds up the provider, however, if any invalid geometries are present in a table then the result is unpredictable and may include missing records. Only check this option if you are certain that all geometries present in the database are valid, and any newly added geometries or tables will also be valid.Skip invalid geometry handlingUsernameCreate a New MSSQL ConnectionConnection DetailsConnection nameKonekta nomoLoginSalutnomoTrusted connectionSaveKonserviPasswordPasvortoName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konektoDatabase DetailsOnly look in the geometry_columns metadata tableNur rigardi en la geometry_columns metadatuma tabeloAlso list tables with no geometryUse estimated table parametersQgsMssqlProvider8 Bytes integer4 Bytes integer2 Bytes integer1 Bytes integerDecimal number (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)DateDatoTimeTempoDate & TimeDato & tempoText, fixed length (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Text, fixed length unicode (nchar)Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar)Text, unlimited length (text)Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2Table [%1].[%2] already existsQgsMssqlRootItemNew Connection…QgsMssqlSchemaItemRefreshAktualigi%1 as %2 in %3as geometryless tablekiel sengeometria tabeloQgsMssqlSourceSelectAdd MSSQL Table(s)Aldoni MSSQL tabelo(j)n&Set FilterSet FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujSchemaSkemoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Select TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a layer.MSSQL ProviderStopConnectKonektiQgsMssqlSourceSelectDelegateSelect…QgsMssqlTableModelSchemaSkemoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSelect at idSqlSqlDetecting…Select…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetNo enhancementSen plibonigoStretch to MinMaxStretch and clip to MinMaxClip to MinMaxRedRuĝaGreenVerdaBlueBluaQgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoContrast
plibonigoRed bandRuĝa bendoMinMinMaxMaxGreen bandVerda bendoBlue bandBlua bendoQgsMultiEditToolButtonSet field for all selected featuresNo Changes to CommitSet %1 for All Selected FeaturesReset to Original ValuesAll features in selection have equal value for '%1'Some features in selection have different values for '%1'Values for '%1' have unsaved changesQgsNativeAlgorithmsQGIS (native c++)QgsNetworkAccessManagerNetwork request %1 timed outNetworkRetoQgsNetworkContentFetcherHTTP fetch %1 failed with error %2QgsNetworkContentFetcherTaskFetching %1QgsNetworkReplyParserCannot find boundary in multipart content typeQgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogStringĈenoRealIntegerEntjeroNew Auxiliary FieldInvalid name. Auxiliary field '%1' already exists.Name is a mandatory parameter.QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : New Auxiliary FieldNew auxiliary field parametersTypeTipoNameNomoQgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : Choose Primary KeySelect the primary key to use for joining with internal data storageQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloText dataTeksta datumoWhole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Entjero (integer - 64 bitoj)Decimal number (real)DateDatoDate&timeDato&HoroGeoPackageGeoPackageSelect Existing or Create a New GeoPackage Database File…Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of file succeeded, but this is not a GeoPackage database.A table with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?OverwriteAnstataŭigiNo geometrySen geometrioMultiPointPlurpunktoMultiLineMultiPolygonPlur-pluranguloCircularStringCompoundCurveCurvePolygonMultiCurveMultiSurfaceAdd FieldThe field cannot have the same name as the feature identifier.New GeoPackage LayerNova GeoPackage-tavoloThe File already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?Layer creation failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Add new layerAldoni novan tavolonCreation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Fiaskis krei la kampon %1 (OGR eraro: %2)%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogBaseNew GeoPackage LayerNova GeoPackage-tavoloCreate a spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonMaximum lengthMaksimuma longoNameNomoAdd field to listAldoni la kampon al la listoTypeTipo<html><head/><body><p>Field length / width</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M values<html><head/><body><p>Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer content</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Name of the geometry column</p></body></html>Create a spatial index for this layer<html><head/><body><p>Existing or new GeoPackage database file name</p></body></html>Layer descriptionPriskribo de tavoloGeometry typeGeometritipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumno<html><head/><body><p>Table name in the database</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Human-readable description for the layer content</p></body></html>DatabaseDatumbazoNew FieldAdd to Fields ListTable nameFields ListRemove FieldAdvanced OptionsLayer identifierTavola identigilo<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html>Feature id columnEnta id kolumno<html><head/><body><p>Name of the feature id column</p></body></html>Delete selected fieldForigi elektitan kamponLengthLongoQgsNewHttpConnectionCreate a New %1 ConnectionallĉiujoffQGISQGISUMNUMNGeoServerGeoServerMaximumMaksimuma1. OptionsSave ConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't provide a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilitiesIgnore axis orientationShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?QgsNewHttpConnectionBaseAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloURLURLVersionVersioMax. number of featuresMaks. nombro da entojNameNomoName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konektoHTTP address of the Web Map ServerIgnore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilitiesWFS OptionsIgnore axis orientation (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0)&Test ConnectionIgnore GetMap/GetTile URI reported in capabilitiesIgnore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS)Invert axis orientationCreate a New ConnectionConnection Details<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved per feature request. If let to empty, no limit is set.</p></body></html>DetectDetektiEnable feature pagingPage sizeGrando de paĝo<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved in a single GetFeature request when paging is enabled. If let to empty, server default will apply.</p></body></html>WMS/WMTS OptionsSmooth pixmap transformDPI-&Mode&RefererQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogNew scratch layerNo geometrySen geometrioPointPunktoLineString / CompoundCurvePolygon / CurvePolygonMultiPointPlurpunktoMultiLineString / MultiCurveMultiPolygon / MultiSurfaceQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogBaseNew Temporary Scratch LayerInclude M valuesGeometry typeGeometritipoLayer nameTavola nomoInclude Z dimension<i><b>Warning:</b> Temporary scratch layers are not saved and will be discarded when QGIS is closed.</i>QgsNewNameDialogNew Namenamenomobase nameEnter new %1Enigi novan %1Enter new %1 for %2Enigi novan %1 por %2Full names%n Name(s) %1 existsOverwriteAnstataŭigiQgsNewOgrConnectionConnection failed - Check settings and try again.
Extended error information:
%1Test ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Save ConnectionShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?QgsNewOgrConnectionBaseCreate a New OGR Database ConnectionConnection InformationInformo pri konekto&Test ConnectionAuthenticationAŭtentokontrolo&Type&Tipo&Name&Database&DatumbazoName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konektoHostGastiga komputiloPortPordoQgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogNo geometrySen geometrioPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloMultiPointPlurpunktoMultiLineMultiPolygonPlur-pluranguloText dataTeksta datumoWhole numberDecimal numberNew SpatiaLite Database FileNova SpatiaLite datumbaza dosieroSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteSpatiaLite DatabaseSpatiaLite datumbazoUnable to open the databaseNe eblas malfermi datumbazonErrorEraroFailed to load SRIDS: %1New SpatiaLite LayerThe file already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?OverwriteAnstataŭigiAdd new layerAldoni novan tavolon@@Unable to open the database: %1Ne eblas malfermi datumbazon: %1Error Creating SpatiaLite TableFailed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned:
%2Error Creating Geometry ColumnFailed to create the geometry column. The database returned:
%1Error Creating Spatial IndexEraro dum la kreado de spaca indeksoFailed to create the spatial index. The database returned:
%1%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBaseDatabaseDatumbazoLayer nameTavola nomoName for the new layerGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoTypeTipoSpatial Reference IdSpaca referenca idSpecify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry.Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layerCreate an autoincrementing primary keyNew SpatiaLite LayerCreate a new SpatiaLite database……Geometry typeGeometritipo<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M valuesNew FieldA field nameAdd field to listAldoni la kampon al la listoAdd to Fields ListRemove FieldFields ListDelete selected fieldForigi elektitan kamponAdvanced OptionsName of the geometry columnNameNomoQgsNewVectorLayerDialogText dataTeksta datumoWhole numberDecimal numberDateDatoPointPunktoLineLinioPolygonPluranguloESRI ShapefileComma Separated ValueGMLGMLMapinfo FileMapinfo dosieroSave Layer AsQgsNewVectorLayerDialogBaseFile formatDosierformoTypeTipoLengthLongoAdd field to listAldoni la kampon al la listoDelete selected fieldForigi elektitan kamponFile nameDosiernomoInclude Z dimensionInclude M valuesNameNomoNew Shapefile LayerNova Shapefile-tavoloNew FieldPrecisionPrecizecoAdd to Fields ListFields ListRemove FieldGeometry typeGeometritipoFile encodingDosiera kodoprezentoQgsNullSymbolRendererWidgetNo symbols will be rendered for features in this layer.Neniu simbolo bildiĝos por la entojn de tiu tavolo.QgsOWSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteForigiQgsOWSRootItemNew Connection…QgsOWSSourceSelectAdd Layer(s) from a %1 ServerAldoni tovolo(j)n el %1 serviloAlways cachePrefer cachePrefer networkAlways networkAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Delete ConnectionForigi konektonXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Add WMS ServersSeveral WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the Internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.Load ConnectionsCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countCoordinate Reference SystemCould not understand the response:
%1parse error at row %1, column %2: %3network error: %1Reta eraro: %1QgsOWSSourceSelectBaseAdd Layer(s) from a ServerAldoni tovolo(j)n el serviloReadyLayersTavolojConnect to selected serviceKonekti al la elektita servoC&onnectK&onektiCreate a new service connectionKri novan servican konekton&New&NovaEdit selected service connectionRedakti la elektitan serva konektonEditRedaktiLoad connections from fileŜargi konektojn el dosieroLoadŜargiSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviAdds a few example WMS serversIDIDNameNomoTitleTitoloAbstractResumoTimeTempoRemove connection to selected serviceForigi konekton al la elektita servoRemoveForigiAdd Default ServersCoordinate Reference SystemSelected Coordinate Reference SystemChange...Ŝanĝi...FormatFormoOptionsOpciojLayer nameTavola nomoTile sizeFeature limit for GetFeatureInfoCacheCache preference
Always cache: load from cache, even if it expired
Prefer cache: load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache
Prefer network: default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry
Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers)
Layer OrderOrdo de la tavolojMove selected layer UPUpSuprenMove selected layer DOWNDownMalsuprenLayerTavoloStyleStiloTilesetsStylesStilojSizeGrandoCRSCRSServer SearchSearchSerĉiDescriptionPriskriboURLURLAdd Selected Row to WMS ListQgsOfflineEditingCould not open the SpatiaLite databaseUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Ne eblas pravalorizi SpatialMetadata:
Creation of database failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Could not create a new database
Ne ablas krei novan datumbazonUnable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraintsLayer %1 has unsupported geometry type %2.Layer %1 has unsupported Coordinate Reference System (%2).Filling SpatiaLite for layer %1 failed%1 (offline)Cannot make FID-name for GPKG Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Fiaskis krei la kampon %1 (OGR eraro: %2)Feature cannot be copied to the offline layer, please check if the online layer '%1' is still accessible.Offline Editing PluginEksterreta redakto kromprogramoCould not open the SpatiaLite logging database%1: Unknown data type %2. Not using type affinity for the field.QgsOfflineEditingPluginCreate offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project&Offline EditingSynchronizeSynchronize offline project with remote layersConvert to Offline Project…Converting to Offline ProjectSynchronizing to Remote Layers%v / %m features copied%v / %m kopiitaj entoj%v / %m features processed%v / %m fields added%v / %m features added%v / %m aldonitaj entoj%v / %m features removed%v / %m forigitaj entoj%v / %m feature updates%v / %m feature geometry updatesQgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiSelect target database for offline dataSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite DBAll filesĈiuj dosierojGeoPackageGeoPackageOffline Editing PluginEksterreta redakto kromprogramoConverting to offline project.Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite?Eksterreta datumbaza dosiero '%1' ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBaseCreate Offline ProjectStorage typeGeoPackageGeoPackageSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOffline dataBrowse...Foliumi...Select remote layersSelect allElekti ĉiujnDeselect allMalselekti ĉiujnOnly synchronize selected features if a selection is presentQgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogLayer %1 of %2..QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBaseDialogDialogujoTextLabelTekstetikedoQgsOffsetUserInputBaseFormFormularoOffsetDeŝovo......Join styleQuadrant segmentsMiter limitCap styleQgsOffsetUserWidgetRoundMiterBevelFlatPlataSquareKvadratoQgsOgrDataCollectionItemCannot add connection '%1'Ne eblas aldoni la konekton '%1'A connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Open %1FolderDosierujoFileDosierofolderdosierujofiledosieroCould not delete %1.%1 deleted successfully.QgsOgrDbSourceSelectAdd %1 Layer(s)&Set FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSqlSql@@Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonSelect TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.QgsOgrDbTableModelTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSqlSqlQgsOgrLayerItemCouldn't open file %1.prjOGROGRCouldn't open file %1.qpjLayer deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi tavolon.File deleted successfully.QgsOgrProviderOGROGRBooleanAutogenerateOGR error committing transaction: %1Data source is invalid (%1)Datumfonto estas nevalida (%1)Whole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Entjero (integer - 64 bitoj)Decimal number (real)Text (string)DateDatoTimeTempoDate & TimeDato & TempoOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] eraro %2: %3OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)type %1 for attribute %2 not foundOGR error creating feature %1: %2type %1 for field %2 not foundOGR error creating field %1: %2Cannot delete feature id columnOGR error deleting field %1: %2Invalid attribute indexNevalida atributa indeksoError renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsEraro dum renomado de la kampo %1: namo '%2' jam ekzistasOGR error renaming field %1: %2Feature %1 for attribute update not found.Changing feature id of feature %1 is not allowed.Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist.Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown.OGR error setting feature %1: %2OGR error syncing to disk: %1OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not foundOGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2OGR error in feature %1: geometry is nullOGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2Cannot reopen datasource %1Ne eblas remalfermi datumfonton %1Cannot reopen datasource %1 in update modeUnbalanced call to leaveUpdateMode() w.r.t. enterUpdateMode()Cannot reopen datasource %1 in read-only modePossible corruption after REPACK detected. %1 still exists. This may point to a permission or locking problem of the original DBF.Original layer could not be reopened.OGR error deleting feature %1: %2Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only.QgsOgrSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open OGR Supported Vector Dataset(s)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonAdd vector layerAldoni vektoran tavolonNo database selected.Mankas elektitan datumbazon.Password for Please enter your password:Bonvolu enigi vian pasvorton:No protocol URI entered.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.No layers selected.No directory selected.Open an OGR Supported Vector LayerOpen DirectoryMalfermi dosierujonQgsOgrSourceSelectBaseAdd Vector LayerF&ile&DirectoryDa&tabaseEncodingKodoprezentoProtocolProtokolo&URITypeTipoSource TypeProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.Bucket or containerObject key......AuthenticationAŭtentokontroloSourceFontoVector Dataset(s)DatabaseDatumbazoConnectionsKonektojNewNovaEditRedaktiDeleteForigiQgsOpacityWidget % %QgsOpacityWidgetPluginA widget for specifying an opacity value.QgsOptionDialogTemplateOptions Dialog TemplateGroupBoxGrupkestoQgsOptionsnot presentSystem value: %1Show all featuresMontri ĉiujn entojnShow selected featuresMontri la elektitajn entojnRemember last viewTable viewForm viewAllĈiujAlwaysĈiamIf neededNeverNeniamLoad allŜargi ĉiujnCheck file contentsKontroli dosierajn enhavojnCheck extensionNoNeBasic scanFull scanMetersMetrojKilometersKilometrojFeetYardsMilesMejlojNautical milesDegreesGradojMap unitsMapaj unuojSquare metersSquare kilometersSquare feetSquare yardsSquare milesHectaresAcresSquare nautical milesSquare degreesRadiansGon/gradiansMinutes of arcSeconds of arcTurns/revolutionsMaximum angleMaksimuma anguloMaximum differenceDistanceDistancoSnapToGridVisvalingamPlain text, no geometryPlena teksto, sen geometrioPlain text, WKT geometryPlena teksto, WKT geometrioGeoJSONGeoJSONSet Selection ColorSet Canvas ColorSet Measuring Tool ColorSelect Grid ColorVertexVerticoVertex and segmentSegmentDialogDialogujoDockDokoMiterAn OpenCL compatible device was not found on your system.<br>You may need to install additional libraries in order to enable OpenCL.<br>Please check your logs for further details.AccelerationSave Default ProjectRestore UI DefaultsStretch to MinMaxStretch and Clip to MinMaxClip to MinMaxSample date: %1 money: %2 int: %3 float: %4Set ScaleCumulative pixel count cutMinimum / maximumMinimumo / maksimumoMean +/- standard deviationSolidSolidaDotsCrossesDetected active locale on your system: %1map unitsmapaj unuojpixelsbilderojSemi transparent circleCrossNoneNeniuQGIS filesQGIS-dosierojSelect colorElekti koloronThe text you entered is not a valid scale.La enigita teksto ne estas valida skalo.OffIdentify Highlight ColorQGISQGISGEOSGEOSRoundBevelYou must set a default projectCurrent project saved as defaultAktuala projekto konservita kiel defaŭltaError saving current project as defaultEraro dum la konservado de la aktuala projekto kiel defaŭltaChoose a directory to store project template filesShow features visible on mapMontri la entoj, ke oni vidas sur la mapoChoose project file to open at launchCreate Options - %1 DriverCreate Options - pyramidsAre you sure to reset the UI to default (needs restart)?Ĉu vi vere rekomenci la UI al defaŭltoj (bezonas restartigi)?OverwriteAnstataŭigiIf UndefinedSe nedifinitaUnsetPrependAppendPostaldoniChoose a directoryElekti dosierujonClear CacheContent cache has been cleared.Connection authentication cache has been cleared.Enter scaleEnigi skalonScale denominatorLoad scalesŜargi skalojnXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Save scalesKonservi skalojnNo StretchNone / PlanimetricQgsOptionsBaseOptionsOpciojGeneralĜeneralaSystemData SourcesDatumfontojData sourcesDatumfontojRenderingBildigoColorsKolorojCanvas & LegendCanvas and legendMap ToolsMapilojMap toolsMapilojDigitizingCiferecigoGDALGDALCRSCRSNetworkRetoApplicationAplikaĵoStyle <i>(QGIS restart required)</i>Stilo <i>(Bezonas restartigi QGIS)</i>Icon sizePiktograma grando161624243232FontTiparoSizeGrandoTimeout for timed messages or dialogs s sHide splash screen at startupQGIS-styled group boxesProject filesProjektaj dosierojNewNovaMost recentSpecificOpen project on launchMalfermi projekton komenceCreate new project from default projectKrei novan projekton el la defaŭlta projektoSet current project as defaultReset defaultTemplate folderResetRekomencigiPrompt to save project and data source changes when requiredPrompt for confirmation when a layer is to be removedWarn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGISEnable macrosNeverNeniamAskFor this session onlyAlways (not recommended)EnvironmentMedioApplyAplikiVariableVariabloValueValoroCurrent environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup)Show only QGIS-specific variablesUse custom variables (restart required - include separators)Plugin pathsKromprogramaj vojojPath(s) to search for additional C++ plugins librariesSVG pathsAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloVariablesVariablojAdvancedSpecialaUI Theme48486464&Qt default&Qt defaŭltoCheck QGIS version at startupUse native color chooser dialogsWelcome PagePath(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbolsReset user interface to default settings (restart required)Feature attributes and tableEntaj atributoj kaj tabeloAttribute table row cacheRepresentation for NULL valuesLayoutsPrint layoutsLocatorOverride system &locale<b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing override on locale requires an application restartDetected active locale on your systemModeless data source manager dialogA modeless dialog allows you to interact with QGIS main window and dialogs.AccelerationConfigure GPU for processing algorithmsLocale (numbers, date and currency formats)User Interface TranslationShow group (thousand) separatorThis locale is used for number representation.Sample text for locale formattingSelect fileElekti dosieronSelect folderElekti dosierujonAdd new pathAldoni novan vojonRemove pathForigi vojonDocumentation pathsLower selected path priority……Path(s) to search for QGIS helpRaise selected path prioritySettingsAgordojRemove variableForigi variablonAdd new variableAldoni novan variablon&Use a default CRSEnter default datum transformations which will be used in any newly created projectAsk for datum transformation if several are availableAttribute table behaviorDefault viewCopy features asKopii entojn kiel...Data source handlingScan for valid items in the browser dockScan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dockPrompt for raster sublayers when openingMap TipsDelay (ms)Color schemesDon't update rubber band during vertex editingEnable snapping on invisible features (not shown on the map canvas)Layout defaultsLayout Paths<html><head/><body><p>Changes on this page are dangerous and can break your QGIS installation in various ways. Any change you make is applied immediately, without clicking the <span style=" font-style:italic;">OK</span> button.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Some of the internal C++ processing core algorithms and renderers can take advantage of an OpenCL compatible device to increase the performances.<br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">QGIS OpenCL support is highly experimental and can crash QGIS because of bugs in the underlying libraries, enable at your own risk!</span></p></body></html>The following OpenCL devices were found on this system (changing the default device requires QGIS to be restarted).<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Placemark for OpenCL information results (mGPUInfoTextBrowser)</p></body></html>Enable OpenCL accelerationImport Palette...Importi paletron...Import palette from fileImporti paletron el dosieroRemove PaletteForigi paletronRemove current paletteNew Palette...Nova paletro...Create a new paletteKrei novan paletronShow in Color ButtonsHidden browser pathsPaths hidden from browser panelRendering behaviorBy default new la&yers added to the map should be displayedUse render caching where possible to speed up redrawsRender layers in parallel using many CPU coresEnable feature si&mplification by default for newly added layersMagnification levelNivelo de pligrandigoRendering qualityKvalito de rendigoMake lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performanceCurve segmentationSegmentation toleranceTolerance typeRastersRastrumojRGB band selectionRed bandRuĝa bendoGreen bandVerda bendoBlue bandBlua bendoContrast enhancementKontrasta plibonigoSingle band grayUnubenda grizoMulti band color (byte / band) Plurbenda koloro (bajto / bendo)Multi band color (> byte / band) Plurbenda koloro (> bajto / bendo)Limits (minimum/maximum)Limoj (minimumo/maksimumo)Open new attribute tables as docked windowsAdd PostGIS layers with double-click and select in extended modeAdd Oracle layers with double-click and select in extended mode<html><head/><body><p>When digitizing a new feature, default values are retrieved from the database. With this option turned on, the default values will be evaluated at the time of digitizing. With this option turned off, the default values will be evaluated at the time of saving.</p></body></html>Evaluate default valuesMax cores to useMax usendaj kernojSimplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)This algorithm is only applied to simplify on local sideSimplification algorithmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)AlgorithmAlgoritmoCumulative pixel count cut limits--%%Standard deviation multiplierDebuggingShow these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab)Map canvas refreshMaparea aktualigoDouble-click action in legendDisplay classification attribute in layer titlesMinimum line / stroke width in millimeters.ZoomingSpecifies the change in zoom level with each move of the mouse wheel.
The bigger the number, the faster zooming with the mouse wheel will be.Remove selected scalePaste colorsAlglui kolorojnAdd colorAldoni koloronRemove colorForigi koloronCopy colorsKopii kolorojnDefault map appearance (overridden by project properties)Selection colorOpen layer styling dockMalfermi la tavolstiladan dokonHighlight colorMarka koloro<html><head/><body><p>The color used to highlight identified feature. The alpha channel is only used for polygons fill, lines and outlines are fully opaque.</p></body></html>BufferBufroLines / outlines buffer in millimeters.Minimum widthMinimuma larĝoIf unchecked large numbers will be converted from m. to km. and from ft. to milesReset to default scalesDefault Z valueEnable snapping by defaultDefaŭlte ŝalti la kaptonDisplay main dialog as (restart required)Snapping marker colorShow snapping tooltipsGrid colorKoloro de la kradoGrid and guide defaultsKradaj kaj helpliniaj defaŭltaj agordojGrid spacing px pxPath(s) to search for extra print templatesSuppress attribute form pop-up after feature creationFill colorPleniga koloroPro&mpt for CRSUse pro&ject CRSDefault expiration period for WMS capabilities (hours)Max retry in case of tile or feature request errorsClear cache<html><head/><body><p>The connection cache stores all authentication connections data even when the connection fails.<br/>If you make any change to the authentication configurations or to the certification authorities, you should clear the authentication cache or<br/>restart QGIS. <br/>When this option is checked, the authentication cache will be automatically cleared every time an SSL error occurs and you choose to abort the connection.<br/></p></body></html>Automatically clear the connection authentication cache on SSL errors (recommended)Clear authentication connection cacheUse pro&xy for web accessRemove selected URLAdd URL to excludeExpression VariablesEsprimaj variablojLocator FiltersAdvanced Settings EditorI will be careful, I promise!Background colorFona koloroIgnore shapefile encoding declarationDisable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8Execute expressions on server-side if possible<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistenciesHigher values result in more simplificationSimplify on provider side if possibleExport colorsEksporti kolorojnImport colors from fileImporti kolorojn el dosieroLayer legendOpen layer propertiesMalfermi tavolajn atributojnOpen attribute tableMalfermi atributan tabelonWMS getLegendGraphic ResolutionIdentifyIdentigiSearch radius for identifying features and displaying map tipsMeasure toolMezuriloPreferred distance unitsPreferataj distancaj unuojRubberband colorPreferred angle unitsPreferataj angulaj unuojMap update interval ms msDecimal placesKeep base unitZoom factorPredefined scalesAntaŭdifinitaj skalojAdd predefined scaleAldoni antaŭdifinita skaloImport from fileImporti el dosieroExport to fileEksporti kiel dosieroDefault fontDefaŭlta tiparoGrid appearanceGrid styleStilo de la krado mm mmGrid offsetKrada deŝovox: x: y: y: Snap toleranceFeature creationKreado de entoValidate geometriesReuse last entered attribute valuesRubberbandLine colorLinikoloroLine width in pixelsLine widthLinia larĝoSnappingKaptoDefault snap modeDefaŭlta modo de kaptoDefault snapping toleranceSearch radius for vertex editsmap unitsmapaj unuojpixelsbilderojPreferred area unitsPrferataj areaj unuojVertex markersMarker styleStilo de markoMarker sizeGrando de markoShow markers only for selected featuresMontri la markojn nur por la elektitaj entojCurve offset toolMiter limitJoin styleQuadrant segmentsGDAL driver optionsEdit Pyramids OptionsEdit Create OptionsGDAL driversIn some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use.NameNomoextFlagsFlagojDescriptionPriskriboCRS for new layersWhen a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRSDefault CRS for new projectsDefaŭlta RKS por novaj projektojDefault datum transformationsWMS search addressWMS serĉa adresoTimeout for network requests (ms)Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours)User-AgentCache settingsContentDirectoryDosierujoSize [KiB]HostGastiga komputiloPortPordoProxy typeTipo de prokuriloExclude URLs (starting with)Default uses system's proxyDefaŭlte uzas la prokurilon de la sistemoQgsOptionsDialogBaseMissing ObjectsBase options dialog could not be initialized.
Missing some of the .ui template objects:
QgsOracleColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Tabeloj estas ricevitajQgsOracleConnConnection to database failedKonekto al datumbazo fiaskis.OracleOracleCould not switch to workspace %1 [%2]Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseUnsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignoredView %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys.Connection failed %1s ago - skipping retrySQL: %1 [owner: %2 table_name: %3]
error: %4
Querying available tables failed.
SQL: %1
error: %2
SQL: %1
error: %2
PointPunktoMultipointPlurpunktoLineLinioMultilinePlurlinioPolygonPluranguloMultipolygonPlur-pluranguloNo GeometrySen geometrioUnknown GeometryNekonata geometrioQgsOracleConnectionItemRefreshAktualigiScanning tables for %1Edit Connection…Delete ConnectionForigi konekton%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Not a vector layer!Import to Oracle databaseFailed to import some layers!
Import was successful.Importo suksesisQgsOracleLayerItemDelete TableForigi TabelonTable deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi tabelonQgsOracleNewConnectionSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
Save ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Connection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?QgsOracleNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationInformo pri konektoPasswordPasvortoUsernameName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konektoSave passwordOnly look in metadata tableDatabaseDatumbazoSchemaSkemoIf specified, only tables from the matching schema will be fetched and listed for the providerCreate a New Oracle ConnectionNameNomoRestrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata tableSave usernameWhen searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.<html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html>Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others.Only existing geometry typesNur ekzistantaj geometritipojWorkspaceLaborspacoInclude additional geometry attributes<html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html>Only look for user's tablesSerĉi nur la uzantajn tabelojnAlso list tables with no geometryPortPordo15211521&Test ConnectHostGastiga komputiloUse estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.<html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html>Use estimated table metadataOptionsOpciojQgsOracleOwnerItem%1 as %2 in %3as geometryless tablekiel sengeometria tabeloQgsOracleProviderWhole numberWhole big numberDecimal number (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)Text, fixed length (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar2)Text, unlimited length (long)DateDatoDate & TimeDato & TempoFAILURE: Field %1 not found.PANEO: Kampo %1 ne trovita.OracleOracleRead attempt on an invalid oracle data sourceLoading comment for table %1.%2 failed [%3]Loading comment for columns of table %1.%2 failed [%3]Loading field types for table %1.%2 failed [%3]La ŝargado de la kampotipoj por la tabelo %1.%2 fiaskis [%3]Invalid spatial index %1 on column %2.%3.%4 found - expect poor performance.Probing for spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 failed [%4]Retrieving fields from '%1' failed [%2]Fiaskis ricevi kampojn el '%1' [%2]Unable to determine geometry column access privileges for column %1.%2.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %4Unable to determine table access privileges for the table %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Primary key field %1 not found in %2Ne trovis la ĉefŝlosilan kampon %1 en %2 Primary key field '%1' for view not unique.Key field '%1' for view not found.No key field for view given.No key field for query given.Evaluation of default value failedLa taksado de la defaŭlta valoro fiaskisRetrieval of updated primary keys from versioned tables not supportedCould not start transactionCould not prepare get feature id statementCould not prepare insert statementCould not insert feature %1Could not retrieve feature id %1Ne eblas ricevi anto-id %1Could not commit transactionOracle error while adding features: %1Could not rollback transactionDeletion of feature %1 failedLa forigo de la ento %1 fiaskisOracle error while deleting features: %1Adding attribute %1 failedAldono de atribuo %1 fiaskisSetting comment on %1 failedOracle error while adding attributes: %1Could not reload fields.Ne eblas reŝargi kampojn.Dropping column %1 failedLa forigo de la kolumn %1 fiaskisOracle error while deleting attributes: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Nevalida atributa indekso: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsEraro dum renomado de la kampo %1: namo '%2' jam ekzistasRenaming column %1 to %2 failedLa renomigo de la kolumne %1 al %2 fiaskisOracle error while renaming attributes: %1Update of feature %1 failedOracle error while changing attributes: %1Could not update metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Could not insert metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Creation spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Rebuild of spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Drop created table %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not prepare update statement.No spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 found - expect poor performance.Oracle error while changing geometry values: %1Could not retrieve extents: %1
SQL: %2Ne eblas ricevi ampleksojn: %1
SQL: %2Could not execute query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Could not retrieve SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Could not determine SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3%1 has no valid geometry types.
SQL: %2Could not determine geometry type of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2)Could not determine table existence.Table %1 could not be dropped.Table %1 already exists.Table creation failed.La kreado de la tabelo fiaskisCould not lookup authid %1:%2Could not lookup WKT.Could not determine new srid.CRS not found and could not be created.Could not insert metadata.Ne eblis enigi metadatumojnOracle SRID %1 not found.Oracle error: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Oracle error: %1
Error: %2QgsOracleRootItemNew Connection…QgsOracleSourceSelectAdd Oracle Table(s)&Set FilterSet FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujOwnerPosedantoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Select TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Scanning tables for %1StopConnectKonektiQgsOracleSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Enter…QgsOracleTableModelOwnerPosedantoTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnĈefŝlosila kolumnoSelect at idSqlSqlSpecify a geometry typeEnter a SRIDEnigi SRIDSelect a primary keyElekti ĉefŝlosilonSelect…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).QgsOrderByDialogAscendingDescendingMalkreskanteNULLs lastNULLs firstQgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog[Action Widget]Organize Table columnsSelect AllElekti ĉiujnDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnQgsPGConnectionItemRefreshAktualigiDelete ConnectionForigi konektonEdit Connection…Create Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Unable to create schema.Unable to create schema %1
%2%1: %2%1: %2%1: Not a valid layer!Import to PostGIS databaseImporti al la PostGIS datumbazoFailed to import some layers!
Import was successful.Importo suksesisConnection failedLa konekto fiaskisFailed to get schemasQgsPGLayerItemViewVidoTableTabeloRename %1…Renomi %1…Delete %1Forigi %1Truncate %1Refresh Materialized ViewDelete TableForigi TabelonTable deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi tabelon.viewtabletabelo%1 %2.%3%1 %2.%3Rename %1Renomi %1Unable to rename %1.Unable to rename %1 %2
%3Truncate TableUnable to truncate table.Unable to truncate %1
%2Table truncated successfully.Refresh ViewUnable to refresh the view.Unable to refresh view %1
%2Materialized view refreshed successfully.QgsPGRootItemNew Connection…QgsPGSchemaItemas geometryless tablekiel sengeometria tabeloConnection failedLa konekto fiaskisFailed to get layersRefreshAktualigiRename Schema…Delete SchemaForigi skemonUnable to delete schema.Ne eblas forigi skemonSchema deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi skemonschema '%1'Rename SchemaUnable to rename schema.Unable to rename schema %1
%2Schema renamed successfully.ViewVidoMaterialized viewTableTabelo
%1 as %2 in %3QgsPalettedRendererModelValueValoroColorKoloroLabelEtikedoQgsPalettedRendererWidgetOptionsOpciojChange labelChange Color…Change Opacity…Change Label…Advanced OptionsLoad Classes from LayerLoad Color Map from File…Export Color Map to File…Load Color Table from FileLoad Color TableSave Color Table as FileDelete ClassificationSelect ColorElekti koloronOpacityOpakecoChange color opacity [%]LabelEtikedoCould not interpret file as a raster color table.Text (*.clr)Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Calculating…The classification band was changed from %1 to %2.
Should the existing classes be deleted?ClassifyKatergoriigiQgsPalettedRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoAdds all missing unique values from the rasterClassifyKatergoriigiAdd values manuallyPermane aldoni valorojnRemove selected row(s)Forigi la elektita(j)n vico(j)nDelete AllAdvanced optionsSpecialaj opcioj……CancelNuligiBandBendoColor rampKoloretendoQgsPasswordLineEditHide textShow textQgsPasteTransformationsBasePaste Transformations<b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b>SourceFontoDestinationCeloQgsPenCapStyleComboBoxSquareKvadratoFlatPlataRoundQgsPenJoinStyleComboBoxBevelMiterRoundQgsPenStyleComboBoxSolid LinePlena linioNo PenDash LineStreketa linioDot LineDash Dot LineDash Dot Dot LineQgsPgNewConnectiondisablemalŝaltiallowpermesipreferrequireverify-caverify-fullSaving PasswordsWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and in your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't save a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Save ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Connection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ĉu vere anstataŭigi la ekzistantan konekton %1?QgsPgNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationInformo pri konektoAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloServiceServoPortPordoName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konekto54325432Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the layer registries.Restricts the displayed tables to those that are found in the layer registries (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.Only show layers in the layer registries&Test ConnectionCreate a New PostGIS Connection&NameHos&t&Database&DatumbazoSSL &modeRestrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns tableWhen searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time)Only look in the 'public' schemaUse estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.<html>
<p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p>
<p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p>
<p>1) Row count is determined from results of running the PostgreSQL Analyze function on the table.</p>
<p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p>
<p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p>
</html>Allow saving/loading QGIS projects in the databaseUse estimated table metadataAlso list tables with no geometryDon't resolve type of unrestricted columns (GEOMETRY)QgsPgSourceSelectAdd PostGIS Table(s)Aldoni PostGIS tabelo(j)n&Set FilterSet FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujSchemaSkemoTableTabeloCommentKomentoTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoFeature idEnta idSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Select TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Scanning tables for %1StopConnectKonektiQgsPgSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Enter…QgsPgTableModelSchemaSkemoTableTabeloCommentKomentoColumnKolumnoData TypeDatumtipoSpatial TypeSRIDSRIDFeature idEnta idSpecify a geometry type in the '%1' columnEnter a SRID into the '%1' columnSelect columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layerSelect at idSqlSqlSelect…Enter…Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).QgsPluginInstallerThere is a new plugin availableThere is a plugin update availableQGIS Python Plugin InstallerQGIS Python instalilo de kromprogramojServer response is 200 OK, but doesn't contain plugin metatada. This is most likely caused by a proxy or a wrong repository URL. You can configure proxy settings in QGIS options.Status code:Missing metadata fileMankas metadatuman dosieronError reading metadataEraro dum legi metadatumojnUninstall (recommended)I will uninstall it laterObsolete plugin:Malaktuala kromprogramoQGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version?Error reading repository:Eraro por legi la deponejon:Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer!Plugin installation failedPlugin has disappearedThe plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory.
Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue.Plugin installed successfullyKromprogramo sukcese instalitaPlugin reinstalled successfullyKromprogramo sukcese reinstalitaPython plugin reinstalled.
You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it.Python kromprogramo sukcese reinstalita.
Vi devas rekomenci QGIS por reŝargi ĝin.The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions:The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it:The plugin is broken. Python said:La kromprogramo malfunkcis. Python diris:Plugin uninstall failedAre you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin?Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository!Plugin uninstalled successfullyUnable to add another repository with the same URL!Ne eblas aldoni alian deponejon kun la sama URL!This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionYou can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed.Are you sure you want to remove the following repository?Ĉu vi vere forigi a sekva deponejon?Aborted by userĈesiga por la uzantoWrong password. Please enter a correct password to the zip file.The zip file is encrypted. Please enter password.Enter passwordFailed to unzip the plugin package
Probably it is brokenUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'If you haven't canceled the download manually, it was most likely caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options window.Too many redirectionsMissing __init__.pyIf you haven't canceled the download manually, it might be caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options.QGIS Official Plugin RepositoryQGIS oficiala kromprograma deponejoNothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist:Failed to remove the directory:Fiaskis forigi la dosierujonCheck permissions or remove it manuallyQgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogSuccessResolving host name…Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBaseFetching repositoriesOverall progressAbort FetchingRepositoryDeponejoStateQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'Installing…Resolving host name…Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory:Aborted by userĈesiga por la uzantoQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBaseQGIS Python Plugin InstallerQGIS Python instalilo de kromprogramojInstalling plugin:Instalado de kromprogramoConnecting...Konektanta...QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogno error message receivedQgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBaseError loading pluginEraro dum la ŝargado de la kromprogramoThe plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below:Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this.QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBaseRepository detailsEnter a name for the repositoryEnigu nomon por la deponejoNameNomoEnter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" or "file:///"AuthenticationAŭtentokontroloClearVakigiEditRedaktiEnable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted)ParametersParametroj?qgis=?qgis=URLURLEnabledŜaltitaQgsPluginManagerPluginsKromprogramojPlugin packages (*.zip *.ZIP)No PluginsNeniu kromprogramoNo QGIS plugins found in %1Neniu QGIS kromprogramo trovita en %1Only locally availablecategory: plugins that are only locally availableReinstallablecategory: plugins that are installed and availableReinstaleblaUpgradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version availableDowngradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version availableInstallablecategory: plugins that are available for installationInstaleblaThis plugin is incompatible with this version of QGISPlugin designed for QGIS %1compatible QGIS version(s)This plugin requires a missing moduleTiu kromprogramo bezonas mankantan modulonThis plugin is brokenThere is a new version availableThis is a new pluginTiu estas nova kromprogramoInstalled version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repositoryThis plugin is experimentalThis plugin is deprecatedbug trackercode repositoryInstalled versionAvailable versionChangelogReload all RepositoriesOnly Show Plugins from Selected RepositoryClear FilterSecurity warning: installing a plugin from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Average rating %1CategoryTagsAuthorAŭtoroMore infoSearch…Serĉi…Sort by NameSort by DownloadsSort by VoteSort by StatusThis is a core plugin, so you can't uninstall it%1 rating vote(s)%1 downloads%1 elŝutaĵojhomepagehejmpaĝoUpgrade pluginDowngrade pluginInstall pluginInstali kromprogramonReinstall pluginReinstali kromprogramonconnectedkonektitaThe repository is connectedLa deponejo estas konektitaunavailableThe repository is enabled, but unavailabledisabledmalŝaltitaThe repository is disabledThe repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionVote sent successfullySending vote to the plugin repository failed.<h3>Upgradable plugins</h3><p>Here are <b>upgradeable plugins</b>. It means more recent versions of installed plugins are available in the repositories.</p><h3>All Plugins</h3><p>On the left you see the list of all plugins available for your QGIS, both installed and available for download. Some plugins come with your QGIS installation while most of them are made available via the plugin repositories.</p><p>You can temporarily enable or disable a plugin. To <i>enable</i> or <i>disable</i> a plugin, click its checkbox or double-click its name...</p><p>Plugins showing in <span style='color:red'>red</span> are not loaded because there is a problem. They are also listed on the 'Invalid' tab. Click on the plugin name to see more details, or to reinstall or uninstall this plugin.</p><h3>Installed Plugins</h3><p>Here you only see plugins <b>installed on your QGIS</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details. </p><p>Click the checkbox or double-click the name to <i>activate</i> or <i>deactivate</i> the plugin.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><h3>Not installed plugins</h3><p>Here you see the list of all plugins available in the repositories, but which are <b>not yet installed</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><p>A plugin can be downloaded and installed by clicking on it's name, and then click the 'Install plugin' button.</p><h3>New plugins</h3><p>Here you see brand <b>new</b> plugins which can be installed.</p><h3>Invalid plugins</h3><p>Plugins in this list here are <b>broken or incompatible</b> with your version of QGIS.</p><p>Click on an individual plugin; if possible QGIS shows you more information.</p><p>The main reasons to have invalid plugins is that this plugin is not build for this version of QGIS. Maybe you can download another version from <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Another common reason is that a python plugin needs some external python libraries (dependencies). You can install them yourself, depending on your operating system. After a correct install the plugin should work.</p>QgsPluginManagerBasePlugin ManagerKromprograma administriloAllĈiujInstalledInstalitajInstalled pluginsInstalitaj kromprogramojNot installed plugins available for downloadUpgradeableInstalled plugins with more recent version available for downloadNewNovaNot installed plugins seen for the first timeInvalidNevalidaBroken and incompatible installed pluginsSettingsAgordojNot installedNe instalitajInstall from ZIPabout:blankabout:blankVote!Your VoteCurrent voteUpgrade all upgradeable pluginsUninstall the selected pluginInstall, reinstall or upgrade the selected pluginUpgrade AllUninstall PluginReinstall Plugin<html><head/><body><p>If you are provided with a zip package containing a plugin to install, please select the file below and click the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Install plugin</span> button.</p><p>Please note for most users this function is not applicable, as the preferable way is to install plugins from a repository.</p></body></html>ZIP file:Install PluginThe settings on this tab are only applicable for Python Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available.Check for updates on startupevery time QGIS startsonce a dayunu fojon tageevery 3 daysevery weekĉiusemajneevery 2 weeksevery monthĉiumonate<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Manager window.</p></body></html>Show also experimental plugins<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html>Show also deprecated plugins<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Note:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Deprecated plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are unmaintained, and should be considered 'obsolete' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you still need it and there are no other alternatives available.</span></p></body></html>Plugin repositoriesStatusStatoNameNomoURLURLReload repository contents
(useful when you uploaded a plugin there)Reload RepositoryConfigure an additional plugin repositoryAgordi aldonan kromprograman deponejonAdd a new plugin repositoryAldoni novan kromprograman deponejonAdd...Aldoni...Edit the selected repositoryRedakti la elektitan deponejonEdit...Redakti...Remove the selected repositoryForigi la elektitan deponejonDeleteForigiQgsPoint3DSymbolWidgetSphereCylinderCubeConePlaneTorus3D ModelOpen 3d Model FileInvalid FileError, file does not exist or is not readable.QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetCluster symbolRenderer SettingsThe point cluster renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point cluster renderer.QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoDistanceDistancoRenderer Settings...RendererBildigiloCluster symbolQgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetRingRingoConcentric ringsSamcentraj ringojGridKradoNoneNeniuSelect ColorElekti koloronTransparent StrokeCenter symbolCentra simboloRenderer SettingsThe point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer.QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoLabel attributeEtikeda atributoLabel fontEtieda tiparoLabel colorEtikeda koloroUse scale dependent labelingUsi skale dependan etikedadonMinimum map scaleFontTiparoRenderer Settings...Displacement LinesSize adjustmentStroke widthStroke colorCenter symbolCentra simbolo mm mmRendererBildigiloPoint distance tolerancePlacement methodDistanceDistancoLabelsEtikedojQgsPostgresConnConnection to database failedKonekto al datumbazo fiaskis.PostGISPostGISerror in setting encodingundefined return value from encoding settingYour PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net)Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was:
Cannot set WriteOwner permission to cert: %0 to allow removing itClient security failureCannot remove cert: %0SQL: %1
result: %2
error: %3
Unsupported spatial column type %1Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.
The error message from the database was:
%1Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseNo PostGIS support in the database.Could not parse postgis version string '%1'Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3]Eraro de konekto: %1 liveris %2 [%3]Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3]Query failed: %1
Error: no result bufferQuery: %1 returned %2 [%3]Informpeto: %1 liveris %2 [%3]%1 cursor states lost.
SQL: %2
Result: %3 (%4)resetting bad connection.retry after reset succeeded.retry after reset failed again.connection still bad after reset.bad connection, not retrying.NoneNeniuGeometryGeometrioGeographyGeografioTopoGeometryPcPatchQuery could not be canceled [%1]PQgetCancel failedQgsPostgresProjectStorageDialogConnectionKonektoSchemaSkemoProjectProjektoStorage of QGIS projects is not enabled for this database connection.Manage ProjectsRemove ProjectSave project to PostgreSQLLoad project from PostgreSQLErrorEraroConnection failedLa konekto fiaskisFailed to get schemasOverwrite projectA project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?Remove projectDo you really want to remove the project "%1"?QgsPostgresProviderinvalid PostgreSQL layerNevalida PostgreSQL tavoloPostGISPostGISinvalid PostgreSQL topology layerPostgreSQL layer has no primary key.La PostgreSQL-a tavolo ne havas ĉefŝlosilon.Whole number (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Entjero (integer - 32 bitoj)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Entjero (integer - 64 bitoj)Decimal number (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)Text, fixed length (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Text, unlimited length (text)DateDatoTimeTempoDate & TimeDato & TempoArray of number (integer - 32bit)Array of number (integer - 64bit)Array of number (double)Array of textBooleanPostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type.La PostgreSQL-a tavolo havas nekonatan tipon de ĉefŝlosilo.FAILURE: Field %1 not found.PANEO: Kampo %1 ne trovita.unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2Duplicate field %1 found
Unable to access the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash
(or you are connected to a (read-only) slave).
Write accesses will be denied.Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables.Unique column '%1' doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint.Key field '%1' for view/query not found.Primary key field '%1' for view/query not unique.Keys for view/query undefined.No key field for view/query given.Unexpected relation type '%1'.Map (hstore)Map (json)Map (jsonb)Read attempt on an invalid PostgreSQL data sourceCannot parse widget configuration for field %1.%2.%3
Ignoring key candidate because of NULL values or inheritanceCould not execute queryCould not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3PostGIS error while adding features: %1PostGIS eraro dum aldonado de entoj: %1PostGIS error while deleting features: %1PostGIS eraro dum forigado de entoj: %1PostGIS error while truncating: %1PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1PostGIS eraro dum aldonado de atributoj: %1PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1PostGIS eraro dum forigado de atributoj: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Nevalida atributa indekso: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsEraro dum renomado de la kampo %1: namo '%2' jam ekzistasPostGIS error while renaming attributes: %1PostGIS eraro dum renomado de atributoj: %1PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1PostGIS eraro dum ŝanĝado de atributoj: %1PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1result of extents query invalid: %1Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.PostgreSQL version: unknownunknownnekonataPostgreSQL not connectedPostgreSQL ne estas konektitaPostgreSQL/PostGIS provider
PostGIS %2Primary key is ctid - changing of existing features disabled (%1; %2)QgsPresetColorRampDialogColor Presets RampQgsPresetColorRampWidgetSelect ColorElekti koloronQgsPresetColorRampWidgetBaseColor Presets RampAdd colorAldoni koloronRemove colorForigi koloronCopy colorsKopii kolorojnPaste colorsAlglui kolorojnImport colorsImporti kolorojnExport colorsEksporti kolorojnPreviewAntaŭrigardoQgsProcessingAlgRunnerTaskExecuting “%1”QgsProcessingAlgorithmDialogBaseRunRuliText filesTekstaj dosierojHTML filesSave Log to FileQgsProcessingBooleanWidgetWrapperYesJesNoNeQgsProcessingCrsWidgetWrapperUse project CRSAlways use the current project CRS when running the modelstring as EPSG code, WKT or PROJ format, or a string identifying a map layerQgsProcessingDialogBaseDialogDialogujoParametersParametrojLogSave Log to File......Copy Log to ClipboardClear LogCancelNuligiQgsProcessingDistanceWidgetWrapperDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.QgsProcessingFeedbackProcessingTraktadoQgsProcessingModelerParameterWidgetUsing model inputUsing algorithm outputValueValoroPre-calculated ValueModel InputAlgorithm Output“%1” from algorithm “%2”QgsProcessingNumericWidgetWrapperNot setQgsProcessingProgressDialogBaseDialogDialogujoQgsProcessingProviderDuplicate algorithm name %1 for provider %2QgsProcessingRangeWidgetWrapperMinMinMaxMaxstring as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'QgsProcessingToolboxModelRecently usedQgsProjectLoading layer %1Ŝargado de la tavolo %1Unable to open %1Ne eblas malfermi %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 ĉe linio %2 kolumno %3%1 for file %2Project Variables InvalidThe project contains invalid variable settings.Translated project saved with locale prefix %1Error saving translated project with locale prefix %1Unable to read file %1Unable to save project to storage %1Unable to create backup file %1Unable to save to file %1Unable to unzip file '%1'Zip archive does not provide a project fileCannot read unzipped qgs project fileUnable to write temporary qgs fileUnable to perform zip%1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again.Read Project FileProject file read error in file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4Unable to save auxiliary storage ('%1')Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again.QgsProjectHomeItemSet Project Home…Select Project Home DirectoryQgsProjectLayerGroupDialogQGIS filesQGIS-dosierojSelect Project FileEmbed Layers and GroupsRecursive embedding is not supported. It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project.QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogBaseSelect Layers and Groups to EmbedProject fileProjektdosieroQgsProjectPropertiesCoordinate System RestrictionNo coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction.Decimal degreesDekumaj gradojDegrees, minutesGradoj, minutojDegrees, minutes, secondsGradoj, minutoj, sekundojMetersMetrojFeetNautical milesDegreesGradojMap unitsMapaj unuojKilometersKilometrojYardsMilesMejlojSquare metersSquare kilometersSquare feetSquare yardsSquare milesHectaresAcresSquare nautical milesSquare degreesLayers are in edit mode. Stop edit mode on all layers to toggle transactional editing.Select Project Home PathSelection ColorFilter layers…CustodianOwnerPosedantoUserDistributorOriginatorPoint of contactKontaktopunktoPrincipal investigatorProcessorPublisherEldonistoAuthorAŭtoroConditions unknownNekonataj kondiĉojnNo conditions applyNoneNeniuCopyrightKopirajtoPatentPatent pendingTrademarkLicensePermesiloIntellectual property rightsRestrictedOther restrictionsUnknown unitsMap units (%1)Mapaj unuoj (%1)CRS %1 was already selectedCoordinate System RestrictionsThe current selection of coordinate systems will be lost.
Proceed?Select layoutLayout TitleSet ScaleGeneral TS file generatedTS file generated with source language %1.
- open it with Qt Linguist
- translate strings
- save it with the postfix of the target language (eg. de)
- release to get qm file including postfix (eg. aproject_de.qm)
When you open it again in QGIS having set the target language (de), the project will be translated and saved with postfix (eg. aproject_de.qgs).Select Restricted Layers and GroupsCustomPropraStart checking QGIS ServerUse short name for "%1"Some layers and groups have the same name or short nameDuplicate names:All names and short names of layer and group are uniqueSome layer short names have to be updated:All layer short names are well formedSome layer encodings are not set:All layer encodings are setEnter scaleEnigi skalonScale denominatorLoad scalesŜargi skalojnXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Save scalesKonservi skalojnSelect a valid symbolInvalid symbol : Nevalida simbolo : Update layer "%1" encodingSelect %1 from pull-down menu to adjust radiiSelect ColorElekti koloronThe text you entered is not a valid scale.La enigita teksto ne estas valida skalo.QgsProjectPropertiesBaseProject PropertiesProjektoatributojGeneralĜeneralaProject titleTitolo de la projektoDescriptive project namePriskriba nomo de la projektoDefault project titleDefaŭlta titolo de la projektoSelection colorBackground colorFona koloroabsoluteabsolutarelativeSave pathsKonservi vojojnSemi-minorSemi-majorCRSCRSCoordinate Reference SystemDefault stylesDefaŭltaj stilojVariablesVariablojChecking this setting avoids visible edge artifacts when rendering this project as separate map tiles. Rendering performance will be degraded.Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles (degrades performance)PrecisionPrecizecoAutomaticAŭtomataProject Predefined ScalesSource languageDatum TransformationsDefault SymbolsProject ColorsLayers CapabilitiesToggle SelectionShow spatial layers onlyPython MacrosService CapabilitiesPositionPosicioShort nameExclude layoutsAdd layout to excludeRemove selected layoutScenario 2 - INSPIRE related fields using embedded service metadataDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnSelect AllElekti ĉiujnTest ConfigurationLaunchWhen enabled, layers from the same database connection will be put into a transaction group. Their edit state will be synchronized and changes to these layers will be sent to the provider immediately. Only supported on postgres provider.Automatically create transaction groups where possibleWhen enabled, default values will be evaluated as early as possible. This will fill default values in the add feature form already and not only create them on commit. Only supported for postgres provider.Evaluate default values on provider sideTaksi defaŭltajn valorojn liverantlatereExpression VariablesEsprimaj variablojManualManaThe number of decimal places for the manual optiondecimal placesLayerTavoloMarkerMarkoLineLinioFillPlenigoColor RampKoloretendoStyle ManagerStila administriloOptionsOpciojRelationsRilatojProject fileProjektdosieroAssign random colors to symbolsAtribui hazardajn kolorojn al simbolojCopy colorsKopii kolorojnAdd colorAldoni koloronPaste colorsAlglui kolorojnRemove colorForigi koloronThe web site URL of the service provider.PersonTitleTitoloOrganizationOrganizaĵoOnline resourceE-MailRetpoŝtoPhoneTelefonoAbstractResumoFeesAccess constraintsAliraj limigojKeyword listŜlosilvorta listoWMS capabilitiesWMS kapabloAdd geometry to feature responseMin. XMin. XCoordinate DisplayMin. YMin. YMax. XMax. XMax. YMax. YUse Current Canvas ExtentUsedWCS capabilitiesWCS KapablojExclude layersQuality for JPEG images ( 10 : smaller image - 100 : best quality )Use layer ids as namesData SourcesDatumfontojMeasurementsMezurojUnits for distance measurementUnuoj por la distanca mezuroUnits for area measurementUnuoj por la area mezuroDisplay coordinates usingAutomatically sets the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesManually set the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesImport colorsImporti kolorojnMetadataMetadatumojDefault StylesData sourcesDatumfontojQGIS ServerWMS/WFS/WCS Server ConfigurationGeneral SettingsProject homeProjekta hejmoOpen folder containing the project……Project home path. Leave blank to use the current project file location.Set the project home pathEllipsoid
(for distance and area calculations)Add predefined scaleAldoni antaŭdifinita skaloRemove selected scaleImport from fileImporti el dosieroSave to fileKonservi en dosieronGenerate Project Translation FileGenerate TS FileProject Coordinate Reference System (CRS)Ask for datum transformation if several are available (defined in global setting)Edit symbolOpacityOpakecoExport colorsEksporti kolorojnSpeed up project loading by skipping data checks. Useful in qgis server context or project with huge database views or materialized views.Trust project when data source has no metadataThe contact person e-mail for the service.The contact person name for the service.The name of the service provider.La nomo de la provizanto de servojThe title should be brief yet descriptive enough to identify this service.The contact person phone for the service.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the service.La resumo estas deskripta teksto que donas pli da informo pri la servicoList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.Fees applied to the service.Access constraints applied to the service.The contact person position for the service.A name used to identify the root layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Add layer to excludeRemove selected layerAdd new CRSAldoni novan CRSFetch all CRS's from layersRemove selected CRSGetFeatureInfo geometry precision (decimal places)INSPIRE (European directive)Service languageMetadata dateMetadatuma datoLast revision dateScenario 1 - INSPIRE related fields using referenced external service metadataMetadata URLapplication/vnd.iso.19139+xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw_xmlURL mime/typeSegmentize feature info geometryAllow defining datasources in server requestsWMTS capabilitiesPNGJPEGMinimum scaleMinimuma skaloWFS capabilities (also influences DXF export)PublishedGeometry precision (decimal places)UpdateĜisdatigiInsertEnmetiDeleteForigiMacrosAdvertised URLWidthLarĝoHeightAltoMaximums for GetMap requestAdvertised extentCRS restrictionsQgsProjectSnappingSettingsCannot read individual settings. Unexpected tag '%1'QgsProjectionSelectionDialogDefine this layer's coordinate reference system:This layer appears to have no projection specification.By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below.QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidgetResource Location ErrorError reading database file from:
Because of this the projection selector will not work…User Defined Coordinate SystemsGeographic Coordinate SystemsProjected Coordinate SystemsProjekciitaj koordinatsistemojExtent: %1, %2, %3, %4Proj4: %1Extent: Extent not knownQgsProjectionSelectionWidgetinvalid projectionnevalida projekcioSelect CRSElekti CRSLayer CRS: %1 - %2Project CRS: %1 - %2Default CRS: %1 - %2%1 - %2%1 - %2QgsProjectionSelectionWidgetPluginA widget to select a generic projection system.QgsProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorSelected CRSFilterFiltriRecently used coordinate reference systemsUse this option to treat all coordinates as Cartesian coordinates in an unknown reference system.No projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection)Coordinate Reference SystemAuthority IDIDIDCoordinate reference systems of the worldHide deprecated CRSsQgsPropertyColorAssistantWidgetColor For Null ValuesTransparentTravideblaQgsPropertyGenericNumericAssistantWidget ° °Angle fromAngle when NULLQgsPropertyOverrideButtonVariableVariabloPasteAlgluiCopyKopiiClearVakigiDescription…Store Data in the ProjectEdit…Assistant…booleanintdoublestringField type: integerentjerointeger64unknown typenekonata tipoData defined overrideDatumdifinita transpasoexpressionesprimofieldDeactivateMalaktivigiActivateAktivigiAttribute FieldNo matching field types foundExpressionEsprimoNo variables setCurrent: Aktuala:Data Definition DescriptionundefinednedifinitaParse error: %1Analizeraro: %1'%1' field missing<b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br><b>Active: </b>%1 <i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br>yesjesnone<b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br><b>Uzmaniero:</b><br>%1<br><b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br><b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br><b>Current definition %1:</b><br>%2QgsPropertyOverrideButtonPluginA widget to define override for a corresponding propertyA widget to define override for a corresponding property.QgsPropertySizeAssistantWidgetFlannerySurfaceSurfacoRadiusRadiusoExponentialEksponencialaLinearLinearaQgsPuzzleWidgetQGISQGISWell done!
Now let's get back to work, shall we?QgsPyDataItem&Run ScriptOpen in External &EditorQgsQmlWidgetWrapperFailed to open temporary QML fileQgsQptDataItemNew Layout from TemplateQgsQueryBuilder&Test&Clear&VakigiSet provider filter on %1Search…Serĉi…Query ResultInformpeta rezultoThe where clause returned %n row(s).returned test rowsError in query. The subset string could not be set.An error occurred when executing the query.
The data provider said:
%1QgsQueryBuilderBaseQuery BuilderInformpeta konstruiloDatasourceDatumfontoFieldsKampoj<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html>ValuesValoroj<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html>Sample<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html>AllĈiujUse unfiltered layerOperatorsOperatoroj==<<NOTNOTORORANDAND%%ININNOT INNOT IN!=!=>>LIKELIKEILIKEILIKE>=>=<=<=Provider specific filter expressionQgsQuickAttributeModelValue "%1" %4 could not be converted to a compatible value for field %2(%3).Cannot update featureFeature %1 could not be fetched after commitCannot delete featureDefault value expression for %1:%2 has parser error: %3Default value expression for %1:%2 has evaluation error: %3Feature could not be addedCould not save changes. Rolling back.Cannot start editingQgsQuickMapCanvasMapRenderingBildigoQgsQuickMapSettingsMap Canvas rotation is not supported. Resetting from %1 to 0.QgsQuickPositionKitUnable to create default GPS Position SourceQgsQuickUtilsscreen resolution: %1x%2 px
screen DPI: %1x%2
screen size: %1x%2 mm
screen density: %1QgsRangeConfigDlgEditableRedakteblaSliderDialCurrent minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2.Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable.QgsRangeConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoAllows setting of numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box.Advanced OptionsStepSuffixInactiveNeaktivaPrecisionPrecizecoNumber of decimal placesMaximumMaksimumaAllow NULLPermesi NULLMinimumMinimumaLocal minimum/maximum = 0/0QgsRasterBandComboBoxNot setQgsRasterBandComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the bands from a raster layerA combo box to list the bands from a raster layer.QgsRasterCalcDialogEnter result fileEnigi rezultan dosieronExpression validEsprimo estas validaExpression invalidEsprimo estas nevalidaQgsRasterCalcDialogBaseOutput layerEliga tavoloX minX minY minY minY maxY maxColumnsKolumnojRaster CalculatorRaster BandsResult LayerRowsVicojOutput formatEliga formoRaster Calculator ExpressionAdd result to projectAldoni la rezulton al la projektoOutput CRSOperatorsOperatoroj!=!=++**sqrtsqrtsinsin^^acosacos((--//coscosSelected Layer Extentasinasintantanatanatan))<<>>==ORORANDANDX Max<=<=>=>=log10log10lnlnQgsRasterDataProviderFormat not supportedValueValoroTextTekstoHtmlHtmlFeatureEntoQgsRasterFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsRasterFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Image FileQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetDefaultDefaŭltoNo compressionSen densigoLow compressionHigh compressionJPEG compressionJPEG densigoCannot get create options for driver %1For details on pyramids options please see the following pagesNo help availablecannot validate pyramid optionsCannot validate creation options.ValidValidaInvalid %1:
Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format.pyramid creation optioncreation optionProfile name:Use simple interfaceUzi simplan interfaconUse table interfaceUzi tabelan interfaconQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetBaseFormFormularoNewNovaRemoveForigiResetRekomencigiProfileNameNomoValueValoroValidateHelpHelpoInsert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spacesQgsRasterHistogramWidgetVisibilityVidebloMin/Max optionsMin/Max opciojAlways show min/max markersĈiam montri la min/maks makojnZoom to min/maxUpdate style to min/maxShow all bandsShow RGB/Gray band(s)Montri RVB/Griza bendo(j)nShow selected bandDisplayVidigiDraw as linesDraw as lines (only int layers)ActionsAgojResetRekomencigiLoad min/maxŜargi min/maksEstimate (faster)Actual (slower)Aktuala (pli malrapida)Current extentUse stddev (1.0)Use stddev (custom)Load for each bandRecompute HistogramBand %1Bendo %1Choose a file name to save the map image asElektu dosiernomon kiel konservi la bildonQgsRasterHistogramWidgetBaseFormFormularo……Set min/max style forMinMinPick Min value on graphMaxMaxPick Max value on graphPrefs/ActionsSave plotSave as image...Konservi kiel bildo...Compute HistogramQgsRasterInterfaceIdentifyIdentigiBuild PyramidsCreate DatasourcesKrei datumfontojnRemove DatasourcesForigi datumfontojnBandBendoQgsRasterLayerNot SetQgsRasterLayer createdInformation from providerNameNomoSourceFontoPathVojoCRSCRSGeographicProjectedExtentUnitWidthLarĝon/aHeightAltoData typeDatumtipoIdentificationAccessBandsBand countNumberNo-DataMinMinMaxMaxContactsReferencesHistoryHistorioRasterRastrumoCould not determine raster data type.Ne eblas trovi la datumtiponByte - Eight bit unsigned integerUInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point Float32 - Tridekdubita glitpunktombroFloat64 - Sixty four bit floating point Float64 - Sekdekkvarbita glitpunktnombroCInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt32 - Complex Int32 CFloat32 - Complex Float32 Float32 - Kompleksa Float32CFloat64 - Complex Float64 CFloat64 - Kompleksa Float64 BandBendoCannot instantiate the '%1' data providerNe eblas generi la datumliveranton '%1'Provider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2<maplayer> not found.QgsRasterLayerPropertiesNot SetLoad Style…Save Style…MetadataMetadatumojLoad Metadata…Save Metadata…DescriptionPriskriboLarge resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS.By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom.You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids.Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed!Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first!Select ColorElekti koloronLayer Properties - %1Tavolaj atributoj - %1Building PyramidsImport Transparent PixelsSave StyleSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataNearest neighbourSave as DefaultKonservi kiel defaŭltoBilinearDulinearaCubicKubaAverageNoneNeniuRedRuĝaGreenVerdaBlueBluaPercent TransparentGrayGrizaIndexed ValueIndeksita valoroFromTonot definedNedifinitaWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library.TextfileTekstdosieroSave FileKonservi dosieronQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileValueValoroWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Export Transparent PixelsOpen fileMalfermi dosieronThe following lines contained errors
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Default StyleDefaŭlta stiloLoad layer properties from style fileŜargi la tavolajn atributojn el stila dosieroQGIS Layer Style FileSave layer properties as style fileKonservi la tavolajn atributoj kiel stila dosieroLoad layer metadata from metadata fileQGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileDefault MetadataStyleStiloRestore DefaultRestaŭri defaŭltojnQgsRasterLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesRastrumaj tavolaj atributojResolutionsDistingivojRender typeTipo de bildigoResamplingOversamplingTransparencyTravideblecoDescriptionPriskriboKeyword listŜlosilvorta listoList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.FormatFormoData Url……Refresh layer at interval (seconds)Higher values result in more simplificationShort nameAttributionAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.UrlUrlAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.MetadataUrlThe URL of the metadata document.TypeTipoLegendUrlSaturationSaturoOffBy lightnessBy luminosityBy averageHueKolortonoInformationInformoSourceFontoSymbologyRenderingBildigoQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsSet source coordinate reference systemBand RenderingColor RenderingBlending modeBrightnessBrilecoContrastKontrastoGrayscaleGrizoskaloColorizeKolorigiStrength%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultRekomencigi ĉiujn kolorajn agordojn al defaŭltoResetRekomencigiZoomed: inoutA URL of the data presentation.A URL of the legend image.WMS Print layerPublish WMS/WMTS data source uriAdvertise as background layerNo data valueSendatuma valoroUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueAldona sendatuma valoroTransparency bandAdd values from displayTransparent pixel listThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.La resumo estas deskripta teksto que donas pli da informo pri la tavolo.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Embedded widgets in legendAdd values manuallyPermane aldoni valorojnRemove selected rowForigi la elektitan viconDefault valuesDefaŭltaj valorojImport from fileImporti el dosieroExport to fileEksporti kiel dosieroLayer nameTavola nomodisplayed asvidigita kielThumbnailLegendMapklarigoPalettePaletroMetadataMetadatumojTitleTitoloThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.AbstractResumoPyramidsGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueSendatuma valoroCustom Transparency OptionsScale Dependent Visibility<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p></body></html>Build PyramidsAverageNearest NeighbourResampling methodOverview formatSuperrigarda formoExternalEksteraInternal (if possible)Interna (se estas ebla)External (Erdas Imagine)Ekstera (Erdas Imagine)HistogramHistogramoQgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogFromToSelect Output DirectorySelect output directoryElekti eligan dosierujonThe layer %1 already exists in the target file, and overwriting layers in GeoPackage is not supported. Do you want to overwrite the whole file?Save Layer AsSave Raster LayerThe directory %1 contains files which will be overwritten: %2La dosierujo%1 enhavas dosierojn, kioj estos anstataŭigitaj: %2All files (*.*)Ĉiuj dosieroj (*.*)layertavolouser definedResolution (current: %1)QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogBaseOutput modeEliga modoWrite out raw raster layer data. Optionally user defined no data values may be applied.Raw dataWrite out 3 bands RGB image rendered using current layer style.Rendered imageBildigita bildoFormatFormoCreate GDAL Virtual Format composed of multiple
datasets with maximum width and height specified below.Create VRTKrei VRTCRSCRSFile nameDosiernomoAdd saved file to mapAldoni la konservitan dosieron al la mapoLayer nameTavola nomoExtentResolutionDistingivoHorizontalHorizontalaColumnsKolumnojRowsVicojVerticalVertikalaVRT TilesMaximum number of columns in one tile.Max columnsMaximum number of rows in one tile.Max rowsCreate OptionsPyramidsResolutionsDistingivojPyramid resolutions corresponding to levels givenUse existingAdditional no data values. The specified values will be set to no data in output raster.No data valuesSendatuma valorojAdd values manuallyPermane aldoni valorojnLoad user defined fully transparent (100%) values Remove selected rowForigi la elektitan viconSave Raster Layer as...Layer ResolutionLayer SizeClear allVakigi ĉiunQgsRasterMinMaxWidgetBaseFormFormularoMin / Max Value SettingsUse&r definedCumula&tive
count cut--%%Mean +/-
standard de&viation ×&Min / max&Min / maxWhole rasterTuta rastrumoCurrent canvasUpdated canvasStatistics extentAccuracyEkzaktoActual (slower)Aktuala (pli malrapida)Estimate (faster)QgsRasterProjectorApproximateExactEkzaktaQgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetBaseFormFormularoInsert positive integer values separated by spacesExternal (GTiff .ovr)Ekstera (GTiff .ovr)Internal (if possible)Interna (se estas ebla)External (Erdas Imagine .aux)Ekstera (Erdas Imagine .aux)LevelsCreate OptionsResampling methodAverageNearest NeighbourCustom levelsPropraj nivelojOverview formatSuperrigarda formoQgsRasterTransparencyWidgetFormFormularoNo data valueSendatuma valoroUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueAldona sendatuma valoroNoneNeniuTransparency bandExport to fileEksporti kiel dosieroGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueSendatuma valoroCustom Transparency OptionsTransparent Pixel List……Import from fileImporti el dosieroDefault valuesDefaŭltaj valorojRemove selected rowForigi la elektitan viconAdd values from displayAdd values manuallyPermane aldoni valorojnNot Setnot definednedifinitaTextfileTekstdosieroSave Pixel Values as FileQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileRedRuĝaGreenVerdaBlueBluaPercent TransparentValueValoroLoad Pixel Values from FileWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
The following lines contained errors
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
GrayGrizaIndexed ValueIndeksita valoroFromToQgsRelReferenceConfigDlgBaseDialogDialogujoDisplay expressionOn map identification (for geometric layers only)Use a read-only line edit instead of a comboboxFiltersWhen activated, the filters will restrict the choices of fields to options that are Chain filtersĈenaj filtrojAllow adding new featuresPermesi aldoni noavjn entojnAllow NULL valuePermesi NULL-valoronShow embedded formShow open form buttonRelationRilatoOrder by valueOrdigi valore……QgsRelationCannot create relation. Unexpected tag '%1'Relation defined for layer '%1' which does not exist.Relation defined for layer '%1' which is not of type VectorLayer.QgsRelationAddDlg[Generated automatically]QgsRelationAddDlgBaseAdd RelationAldoni rilatonReferenced fieldReferencing layer (Child)Referenced layer (Parent)Referencing fieldRelationship strengthNameNomoIdIdQgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapperRelation not validQgsRelationEditorWidgetToggle editingToggle editing mode for child layerSave child layer editsAdd child featureAldoni idan entonDuplicate child featureDelete child featureForigi idan entonLink existing featuresLigi ekzistantajn entojnLink existing child featuresUnlink featureUnlink child featureZoom To FeatureZoom to child featureForm viewSwitch to form viewTable viewSwitch to table viewReally delete entry?The entry on %1 is still linked to %2 features on %3. Do you want to delete it?DeleteForigiReally delete entries?The %1 entries on %2 are still linked to %3 features on %4. Do you want to delete them?Delete FeatureUnlink FeatureQgsRelationEditorWidgetPluginRelation editorRilatredaktiloQgsRelationManagerDialogBaseDialogDialogujoNameNomoReferencing LayerReferencing FieldReferenced LayerReferencata tavoloReferenced Layer (Parent)Referenced FieldReferencata kampoReferencing Layer (Child)IdIdStrengthAdd RelationAldoni rilatonDiscover RelationsRemove RelationForigi rilatonQgsRelationReferenceWidgetOpen related feature formAdd new entryAldoni novan elementonHighlight featureMarki entonScale and highlight featurePan and highlight featureSelect on mapElekti sur la mapoNo selectionThe relation is not valid. Please make sure your relation definitions are OK.%1 (no selection)Relation %1 for %2.Rilato %1 por %2.Identify a feature of %1 to be associated. Press <ESC> to cancel.QgsRelationReferenceWidgetPluginRelation referenceRilata referencoQgsRendererMeshPropsWidgetBaseFormFormularoLayer RenderingBlending modeShow ContoursNative Mesh RenderingShow VectorsTriangular Mesh RenderingQgsRendererPropsDialogBaseRenderer SettingsThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.Layer RenderingLayerTavoloFeatureEntoOpacityOpakecoControl feature rendering orderKontroli la ordon de bildigo……Blending modeQgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidgetNearest neighbourBilinearDulinearaCubicKubaAverageSelect ColorElekti koloronQgsRendererRasterPropsWidgetBaseFormFormularoThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.Layer RenderingBlending modeBrightnessBrilecoSaturationSaturoContrastKontrastoGrayscaleGrizoskaloOffBy lightnessBy luminosityBy averageHueKolortonoColorizeKolorigiStrength%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultRekomencigi ĉiujn kolorajn agordojn al defaŭltoResetRekomencigiResamplingZoomed inZoomed outOversamplingQgsRendererRulePropsWidgetFormFormularoElseLabelEtikedoFilterFiltriCatch-all for other featuresTestTestoDescriptionPriskriboScale rangeSkala ampleksoSymbolSimboloFilter expression parsing error:
Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresLa filitrilo liveris %n ento(j)nLa filitrilo liveris %n ento(j)nQgsRendererWidgetRenderer OptionsBildigilaj agordojCopyKopiiPasteAlgluiChange Color…Change Opacity…Change Output Unit…Change Width…Change Size…Change Angle…OpacityOpakecoChange symbol opacity [%]Symbol unitSelect symbol unitMillimeterMilimetroMap unitMapa unuoSymbol LevelsData-defined Size LegendData-defined size is not enabled!QgsRendererWidgetContainerBaseFormFormularoGo backQgsReportLayoutSectionWidgetBody: %1QgsReportOrganizerBaseLayout ManagerAdd sectionRemove selected sectionQgsReportOrganizerWidgetReportA static layout report section which consists of a single layout inserted into the reportStatic Layout SectionField Group SectionA report section which is repeated for every matching feature within a layerRemove SectionAre you sure you want to remove the report section?QgsReportSectionFieldGroupWidgetHeader: %1Footer: %1Body: %1QgsReportSectionModelSectionQgsReportSectionWidgetReport HeaderReport FooterQgsReportWidgetFieldGroupSectionBaseLayout ManagerEditRedaktiFieldKampoSort ascendingOrdigi kreskanteEdit the field group header layoutSort features ascendingly by field valueLayerTavoloEdit the field group footer layoutInclude a footer layout after the last matching featureInclude footerSource field to iterate overIf unchecked, the header will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundSource layer to iterate overInclude a header layout before the first matching featureInclude a separate layout for every matching feature foundEdit the field group body layoutIf unchecked, the footer will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundShow footer when no matching
features are foundInclude headerShow header when no matching
features are foundInclude bodyQgsReportWidgetLayoutSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the static layoutEditRedaktiInclude a static layout inserted into the reportInclude sectionQgsReportWidgetSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the report header layoutEditRedaktiInclude a layout at the very beginning of the reportInclude report headerInclude a layout at the very end of the reportInclude report footerEdit the report footer layoutQgsRuleBasedLabelingModel(no filter)LabelEtikedoRuleMin. scaleMin. skaloMax. scaleMaks. skaloTextTekstoQgsRuleBasedLabelingWidgetAdd ruleEdit ruleRemove ruleForigi rulonCopyKopiiPasteAlgluiRemove RuleForigi rulonEdit RuleQgsRuleBasedRendererModel(no filter)<li><nobr>%1 features also in rule %2</nobr></li>LabelEtikedoRuleMin. scaleMin. skaloMax. scaleMaks. skaloCountNombroDuplicate countNumber of features in this rule.Number of features in this rule which are also present in other rule(s).QgsRuleBasedRendererWidgetAdd ruleRemove selected rulesForigi elektitajn rulojnEdit current ruleCount featuresNombri entojnSymbol Levels...Refine Selected RulesRemove RuleForigi rulonRefine Current RuleAdd Scales to RuleAdd Categories to RuleAdd Ranges to RuleEdit RuleAdd Categories to RulesAdd Ranges to RulesParent rule %1 must have a symbol for this operation.Scale RefinementPlease enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000):"%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it.Symbol LevelsCalculating feature count.Kalkulado de la nombro da entoj.AbortĈesigiQgsRunProcess<b>Starting %1...</b>ActionAgoUnable to run command
%1DoneUnable to run command %1QgsSLConnectionItemDatabase does not existDatumbazo ne ekzistasFailed to open databaseMalfermado de datumbaza fiaskisFailed to check metadataKontrolado de metadatumoj fiaskisFailed to get list of tablesUnknown errorNekonata eraroDeleteForigi%1: %2%1: %2Failed to import layer!
%1: Not a valid layer!Import to SpatiaLite databaseFailed to import some layers!
Import was successful.Importo suksesisQgsSLLayerItemDelete LayerForigi tavolonLayer deleted successfully.Sukcesis forigi tavolon.QgsSLRootItemNew Connection…Create Database…New SpatiaLite Database FileNova SpatiaLite datumbaza dosieroSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCreate SpatiaLite databaseKrei SpatiaLite datumbazonFailed to create the database:
Kreado de datumbazo fiaskis:
QgsSQLComposerDialogAn error occurred during evaluation of the SQL statement.SQL EvaluationThis is the SQL query editor. The SQL statement can select data from several tables,
but it must compulsory include the main typename%1 in the selected tables,
and only the geometry column of the main typename can be used as the geometry column of the resulting layer.QgsSQLComposerDialogBaseSQL Query ComposerSQL Statement<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor.</p></body></html>ColumnsKolumnojTable(s)Tabelo(j)JoinsJoint layerON conditionWhere Order byOrdigi perDataDatumojTablesTabelojAggregatesFunctionsFunkciojSpatial predicatesStrings functionsOperatorsOperatorojColumns' valuesOnly 10 first valuesQgsSQLStatement(no root)No root nodeTable %1 is referenced by column %2, but not selected in FROM / JOIN.[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorSelect Stroke ColorQgsScaleRangeWidgetMinimum (exclusive)Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale.Maximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in". This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale.Maximum (inclusive)QgsScaleRangeWidgetPluginA widget to define the scale rangeA widget to define the scale range.QgsScaleVisibilityDialogScale visibility QgsScaleWidgetSet to current canvas scaleQgsScaleWidgetPluginA widget to define the scaleA widget to define the scale.QgsScrollAreaWidgetPluginScroll areaQgsSearchQueryBuilderSearch Query Builder&Test&Clear&VakigiTest QueryQuery ResultInformpeta rezultoSave Query to FileCould not open file for writing.Load Query from FileCould not open file for reading.File is not a valid xml document.File is not a valid query document.Select AttributeThere is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute.Save query to an xml fileKonservi informpeton al xml dosiero&Save…&Load…Load query from xml fileŜargi informpeton el xml dosieroFound %n matching feature(s).test resultThe query you specified results in zero records being returned.Query filesInformpetaj dosierojAll filesĈiuj dosierojQgsSearchWidgetToolButtonExclude FieldExclude fieldEkskluzivi kamponQgsSelectByFormDialogSelect Features by ValueZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresNo matching features foundNe trovis kongruantan enton!QgsSelectLayerTreeModelThe source of this layer is a <b>WFS</b> server.<br>Some WFS layers are not suitable for offline<br>editing due to unstable primary keys<br>please check with your system administrator<br>if this WFS layer can be used for offline<br>editing.QgsSelectedFeatureValidation started.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsring %1, vertex %2QgsSettingsLocatorFilterOptionsOpciojProject PropertiesProjektoatributojSettingsAgordojQgsSettingsTreeSettingAgordoTypeTipoValueValoroDescriptionPriskriboQgsShadowEffectWidgetSelect Shadow ColorQgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentTravideblaQgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillTransparent StrokeSelect Stroke ColorQgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Line ColorQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorTransparent FillSelect Stroke ColorTransparent StrokeQgsSimplifyUserInputWidgetSimplify by distanceSimplify by snapping to gridSimplify by area (Visvalingam)SmoothLayer unitsTavolaj unuojPixelsBilderojMap unitsMapaj unuojQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBlack to whiteWhite to blackNo enhancementSen plibonigoStretch to MinMaxStretch and clip to MinMaxClip to MinMaxQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoContrast
plibonigoGray bandGriza bendoMinMinMaxMaxColor gradientKolortransiroQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetBaseFormFormularoBandBendoMinMinMaxMaxQgsSingleSymbolRendererWidgetSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…QgsSmartGroupConditionhas the taghas a part of name matchingdoes NOT have the taghas NO part of name matchingQgsSmartGroupConditionWidgetFormFormularoThe symbolQgsSmartGroupEditorDialogALL the constraintsĈIUJ limigojany ONE of the constraintsEdit Smart GroupThe smart group name field is empty. Kindly provide a name.QgsSmartGroupEditorDialogBaseSmart Group EditorRedaktilo de inteligentaj grupojSmart group nameCondition matchesAdd ConditionAldoni kondiĉonConditionsKondiĉojQgsSnappingLayerDelegatepxQgsSnappingLayerTreeModelLayerTavoloTypeTipoToleranceUnitsUnuojAvoid intersectionEviti interseksonvertexverticovertex and segmentvertico kaj segmentosegmentsegmentopixelsbilderojQgsSnappingWidgetFilter layers…Toggle SnappingEnable Snapping (S)SKeyboard shortcut: toggle snappingSSnapping ModeSet Snapping ModeAll LayersActive LayerAdvanced ConfigurationAltnivela agordoOpen Snapping Options…Vertex and SegmentTopological EditingSnapping on IntersectionEnable TracingSnapping TypeTipo de kaptoVertexVerticoSegmentSnapping Tolerance in Defined UnitspxSnapping Unit Type: Pixels (px) or Map Units (mu)Edit advanced configurationEnable Topological EditingEnable Snapping on IntersectionŜalti kapton per intersercojEnable Tracing (T)TKeyboard shortcut: Enable tracingTQgsSourceFieldsPropertiesFormFormularoToggle editing modeClick to toggle table editingNew fieldNova kampoCtrl+NCtrl+NDelete fieldForigi kamponCtrl+XCtrl+XField calculatorKampo kalkuliloIdIdNameNomoTypeTipoType nameTipa nomoLengthLongoPrecisionPrecizecoCommentKomentiAliasKromnomoEdit alias in the Form config tabAdded attributeAttribuo aldonitaRename FieldFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?Fiaskis aldoni la kampon '%1' de tipo '%2'. Ĉu la kampnomo estas unika?Add FieldDeleted attributesForigi atributojnRename attributeFailed to rename field to '%1'. Is the field name unique?Fiaskis aldoni la kampon '%1'. Ĉu la kampnomo estas unika?QgsSpatiaLiteConnectionunknown error causeobsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupportedtable info on %1 failedUNKNOWNUNKNOWNGEOMETRYGEOMETRYPOINTPOINTLINESTRINGLINESTRINGPOLYGONPOLYGONMULTIPOINTMULTIPOINTMULTILINESTRINGMULTILINESTRINGMULTIPOLYGONMULTIPOLYGONGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONQgsSpatiaLiteProviderBinary object (BLOB)Duuma objekto (BLOB)TextTekstoDecimal number (double)Dekuma frakcio (double)Whole number (integer)Entjero (integer)Array of textArray of decimal numbers (double)Array of whole numbers (integer)Retrieval of spatialite version failedFiaskis ricevi la versio de SpatialiteSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCould not parse spatialite version string '%1'AutogenerateSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite eraro: %2
SQL: %1unknown causenekonata kaŭzoSQLite error while trying to inject ROWID: %2
SQL: %1FAILURE: Field %1 not found.PANEO: Kampo %1 ne trovita.QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelectAdd SpatiaLite Layer(s)Aldoni SpatiaLite tavolo(j)n&Update Statistics&Set FilterWildcardĴokeroRegExpRegEspAllĈiujTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSqlSqlAre you sure you want to update the internal statistics for DB: %1?
This could take a long time (depending on the DB size), but implies better performance thereafter.Confirm Update StatisticsUpdate StatisticsInternal statistics successfully updated for: %1Error while updating internal statistics for: %1@@Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to openElekti malfermontan SpatiaLite/SQLite DBSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite DBAll filesĈiuj dosierojCannot add connection '%1'Ne eblas aldoni la konekton '%1'A connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonSelect TableElekti tabelonYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.SpatiaLite DB Open ErrorDatabase does not exist: %1Datumbazo ne ekzistas: %1Failure while connecting to: %1
%2SpatiaLite getTableInfo ErrorFailure exploring tables from: %1
%2SpatiaLite metadata check failedKontrolado de SpatiaLite metadatumoj fiaskisFailure getting table metadata... is %1 really a SpatiaLite database?
%2SpatiaLite ErrorSpatiaLite eraroUnexpected error when working with %1
%2QgsSpatiaLiteTableModelTableTabeloTypeTipoGeometry columnGeometria kolumnoSqlSqlPointPunktoMultipointPlurpunktoLineLinioMultilinePlurlinioPolygonPluranguloMultipolygonPlur-pluranguloQgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBaseSelect a SpatiaLite Spatial Reference SystemSRIDSRIDAuthorityAŭtoritatoReference NameReferenca nomoSearchSerĉiFilterFiltriNameNomoQgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidgetMissing (null) values%1 seconds%1 sekundojQgsStatisticalSummaryWidgetBaseStatisticsStatistikoCancelNuligiStatisticValueValoroSelected features onlyCopy Statistics to ClipboardRecalculate StatisticsRekalkuli statistikon……QgsStatisticsValueGathererFetching statistic valuesQgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidgetCoordinate:Koordinato:Current map coordinateAktualaj mapaj koordinatojCoordinateKoordinatoShows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. It also allows editing to set the canvas center to a given position. The format is longitude,latitude or east,northCurrent map coordinate (longitude,latitude or east,north)Toggle extents and mouse position displayQGIS ContributorsWorld MapQGIS HackfestsMap coordinates for the current view extentsMap coordinates at mouse cursor positionMapaj koordinatoj al la posicio de la musmontriloExtents:QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidgetMagnifierPligrandigiloMagnifier levelNivelo de pligrandigiloLock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out.QgsStatusBarScaleWidgetScaleSkaloCurrent map scaleAktuala mapa skaloDisplays the current map scaleMontras la aktualan mapan skalonCurrent map scale (formatted as x:y)Aktuala mapa skalo (formita kiel x:y)QgsStyleExportImportDialogImportImportiExportEksportiImport Item(s)FileDosieroURLURLSelect items to importExport Item(s)Select by GroupExport/import Item(s)Save StylesImport Symbols or Color RampsExport/import SymbolsSelect Item(s) by GroupLoad StylesSelect AllElekti ĉiujnClear SelectionImport from URLHTTP Error! Download failed: %1.You should select at least one symbol/color ramp.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Export SymbolsError when saving selected symbols to file:
%1The selected symbols were successfully exported to file:
%1An error occurred during import:
%1Symbol with name '%1' already exists.
Overwrite?Simbolo '%1' jam ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?Export/import Color RampsColor ramp with name '%1' already exists.
Overwrite?Downloading style…QgsStyleExportImportDialogBaseStyles Import/ExportImport fromImporti elLocationPozicioAdditional tag(s)Add to favoritesAldoni al la preferatojDo not import embedded tagsTip: separate multiple tags with commasFetch ItemsSelect items to exportQgsStyleGroupSelectionDialogAllĈiujTagsSmart GroupsInteligentaj grupojQgsStyleManagerDialogFilter symbols…GradientKolortransiroColor presetsKoloraj antaŭagordojRandomHazardaCatalog: cpt-cityCatalog: ColorBrewerShare MenuExport Item(s)…Import Item(s)…Group ActionsAdd to TagMarker symbol (%1)Marksimbolo (%1)Line symbol (%1)Fill symbol (%1)Pleniga simbolo (%1)Color ramp (%1)Filter color ramps…Not taggednew symbolnova simbolonew markernova markonew linenova linionew fill symbolnova pleniga simboloSave SymbolColor Ramp TypeRemove SymbolSave ItemExport Selected Symbols as PNGExport Selected Symbols as SVGAllĈiujAdd TagRemove GroupInvalid selection. Cannot delete system defined categories.
Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete.Group ItemsThere was a problem with the symbols database while regrouping.Create New Tag…Edit Smart GroupCannot save symbol without name. Enter a name.Ne eblas konservi simbolon sen nomo. Enigu nomon.Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Simbolo '%1' jam ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?Symbol NamePlease enter a name for new symbol:Bonvolu enigi nomon por la nova simbolo:Please select color ramp type:Bonvolu elekti koloretenda tipo:new rampnew gradient rampnova kolortransiretendonew random rampnova hazarda entendonew preset rampnova antaŭagorda etendoSave Color RampKonservi la koloretendonCannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name.Ne eblas konservi koloretendon sen nomo. Enigu nomon.Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Color Ramp NameNomo de la koloretendoPlease enter a name for new color ramp:Bonvolu enigi nomon por la nova koloretendo:Do you really want to remove %n symbol(s)?Remove Color RampDo you really want to remove %n ramp(s)?Name is already taken by another item. Choose a different name.FavoritesPreferatojTagsSmart GroupsInteligentaj grupojPlease enter name for the new tag:New tagTag name already exists in your symbol database.New tag could not be created.
There was a problem with your symbol database.You have not selected a Smart Group. Kindly select a Smart Group to edit.There was some error while editing the smart group.QgsStyleManagerDialogBaseStyle ManagerStila administriloModify selected tag or smart groupMarkerMarkoLineLinioFillPlenigoColor rampKoloretendoAdd itemRemove itemForigi eronEdit itemRemove Item(s)…Remove Item(s)Edit Item…Edit ItemAdd to FavoritesRemove from FavoritesClear TagsEdit Smart Group…Edit Smart GroupAdd Tag…Add TagAdd Smart Group…Modify GroupImport / ExportAdd Smart GroupAttach Selected Tag to SymbolsFinish TaggingExport Selected Symbol(s) as PNG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as PNGExport Selected Symbol(s) as SVG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as SVGRemoveForigiQgsStyleModelNot taggedNameNomoTagsQgsStyleSaveDialogSave New StyleNameNomoAdd to favoritesAldoni al la preferatojTag(s)Tip: separate multiple tags with commasSave New SymbolSave New Color RampQgsSublayersDialogSelect Vector Layers to Add…Layer IDLayer nameTavola nomoNumber of featuresNombro da entojGeometry typeGeometritipoSelect Raster Layers to Add…Select Layers to Add…Add layers to a groupUnknownNekonataTypeTipoSelect AllElekti ĉiujnQgsSublayersDialogBaseSelect Layers to Load11QgsSubstitutionListDialogSubstitutionsAnstataŭigojQgsSubstitutionListWidgetXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Import substitutionsSave SubstitutionsExport SubstitutionsCannot write file %1:
%2Ne eblas skribi dosieron %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Load SubstitutionsImport SubstitutionsCannot read file %1:
%2Ne eblas legi dosieron %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3The selected file is not a substitution list.QgsSubstitutionListWidgetBaseFormFormularoTextTekstoSubstitutionAnstataŭigoCase SensitiveUsklecodistingaWhole WordIf checked, only whole word matches are replaced……QgsSvgAnnotationDialogSVG AnnotationSVG prinotoDeleteForigiSelect SVG fileElekti SVG-dosieronSVG filesSVG-dosierojQgsSvgCacheSVG request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]SVGSVGSVG request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3Unexpected MIME type %1 received for %2%1 of %2 bytes of svg image downloaded.QgsSvgExportOptionsDialogSVG Export OptionsSVG OptionsExport map layers as SVG groups (may affect label placement)Uncheck to render map labels as text objects. This will degrade the quality of the map labels but allow editing in vector illustration software.Render map labels as outlinesBildigi la mapajn etikedojn kiel konturojIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsExport RDF metadataCrop to ContentLeftMaldekstraRightBottomMalsupraTop margin (mm)Supra marĝeno (mm)QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill colorSelect Stroke ColorQgsSvgSelectorGroupsModelApp SymbolsUser SymbolsQgsSvgSourceLineEdit……Select File…Embed File…Extract Embedded File…From URL…Select SVG fileElekti SVG-dosieronSVG filesSVG-dosierojSVG From URLEnter SVG URLEmbed SVG FileExtract SVG FileQgsSymbolButtonSymbol SettingsConfigure Symbol…Copy SymbolPaste SymbolCopy ColorPaste ColorQgsSymbolButtonPluginSelect symbolQgsSymbolLegendNodeN/AQgsSymbolLevelsDialogSymbol LevelsQgsSymbolLevelsDialogBaseSymbol LevelsEnable symbol levelsŜalti simbolnivelojnDefine the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn.QgsSymbolLevelsWidgetLayer %1Tavolo %1QgsSymbolSelectorDialogSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolSelectorDialogBaseFormFormularoAdd symbol layerAldoni simbolan tavolonRemove symbol layerForigi simbolan tavolonLock layer's colorŜlosi la koloron de la tavoloDuplicates the current layerMove upMove downQgsSymbolSelectorWidgetSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolsListWidgetClip Features to Canvas ExtentFilter symbols…Select ColorElekti koloronFavoritesPreferatojAll SymbolsĈiuj simbolojSave SymbolPlease enter name for the symbol:Bonvolu enigi nomon por la simbolo:New symbolNova simboloSymbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Simbolo '%1' jam ekzistas. Anstataŭigi?QgsTableWidgetUiBaseFormFormularoAdd entryAldoni elementon……Remove entryForigi elementonQgsTaskManagerModelQueuedOn holdRunning (cannot cancel)RunningCompleteTerminated%1:%2 minutes%1 seconds%1 sekundojEstimated time remaining: %1 (%1) (%1)Time elapsed: %1%1<br>%2QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget%1 active tasks runningQgsTextAnnotationDialogSelect Font ColorDeleteForigiQgsTextAnnotationDialogBaseAnnotation TextBIQgsTextEditConfigDlgFormFormularoMultilinePlurlinioHTMLHTMLQgsTextFormatDialogText SettingsQgsTextFormatWidgetOver the feature's interiorOver the feature's boundaryFrom pointEl punktoFrom symbol boundsEl simbolaj limojSelect Fill ColorSelect Text ColorSelect Buffer ColorSelect Stroke ColorSelect Shadow ColorTextTekstoFormattingBufferBufroBackgroundFonoShadowPlacementRenderingBildigo%1 not found. Default substituted.Chosen fontElektita tiparoNo changeAll uppercaseAll lowercaseĈiuj minusklenCapitalize first letterMajuskligi la unuan letronSize%1 X XFile not foundDosiero ne trovitaSelect SVG fileElekti SVG-dosieronLeft of lineRight of lineAbove lineBelow lineSubstitutionsAnstataŭigojQgsTextFormatWidgetBaseLayer Labeling SettingsLabel withEtikedi kunText SampleLorem IpsumLorem IpsumSample textReset sample text……Preview text at specific map scaleAntaŭvidi tekston al specia mapskaloSample background colorTextTekstoText styleFormattingBufferBufroBackgroundFonoShadowPlacementRenderingBildigoSpacingUnderlined textSubstrekita tekstoUUStrikeout textSSBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)BItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)IletterSpace in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choicewordStyleStiloAvailable typeface stylesSizeGrandoType caseCapitalization style of textColorKoloroBlend modeFont is missing.Mankas tiparon.If enabled, the label text will automatically be modified using a preset list of substitutesApply label text substitutesConfigure substitutesFontTiparoOpacityOpakecoMultiple linesPluraj liniojWrap on characterLine heightLine height spacing for multi-line text linelinioAlignmentĜisrandigoWrap lines toParagraph style alignment of multi-line textLeftMaldekstraCenterCentroRightIf set, label text will automatically be wrapped to match the specified number of characters per line (if possible)No automatic wrapping charactersControls whether lines are automatically wrapped using the maximum number of characters in a line, or the minimumMaximum line lengthMinimum line lengthLine direction symbolSimbolo de linia direkto>>Reverse directionInversa direkto<<left/rightmaldekstra/dekstraabovebelowFormatted numbersDecimal places Show plus signDraw text bufferPen join styleColor buffer's fillDraw backgroundDesegni la fononRadius X,YRadiuso X,Ysymbol unitsStroke widthFixedSize YLoad symbol parametersShapeSize XGrando XOffset X,YSync with labelOffset of labelSize typeStroke colorFill colorPleniga koloroRotationRotacioRectangleOrtanguloSquareKvadratoEllipseElipsoCircleCirkloSVGSVGDraw drop shadowScaleSkaloBlur radiusBlur only alpha pixelsLabel's rotation is ignoredUse global shadow˚˚Lowest label componentDraw under % %OffsetDeŝovoLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Around pointĈirkaŭ punktoLabels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Offset from pointUses 'ideal' cartographic placements, prioritizing label placement with best visual relationship with the point featureCartographicCurvedParallelParalelaHorizontalHorizontalaOffset from centroidHorizontal (slow)Horizontala (malrapida)Around centroidFree (slow)Libera (malrapida)Using perimeterUsing perimeter (curved)Allowed label placement for lines. At least one position must be selected.Allowed positionsPermisitaj posiciojAbove lineOn lineSur la linioBelow lineLine orientation dependent positionPosicio laŭ la orientiĝo de la linioCentroidvisible polygonwhole polygonForce point inside polygonDistanceDistancoDistance offset fromabcQuadrantPosition priorityPosicia prioritatoRepeatNo repeatinsideoutsideMaximum angle between curved charactersData definedXXYYCoordinateKoordinatoUncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpinPreserve data rotation valueshorizontalhorizontalaverticalPriorityPrioritatoLowHighLabel optionsEtikedaj agordojScale dependent visibilitySkale dependa videblecoMaximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in".Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen px pxMinimum MinimumoLabels will not show if larger than this on screenMaximum MaksimumoPixel size-based visibility (labels in map units)Label z-indexControls how labels are drawn on top of each other. Labels with a higher z-index are drawn above labels and diagrams with a lower z-index.Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)Always showShow labelMontri etikedonalwaysĉiamneverneniamwhen rotation definedShow upside-down labelsFeature optionsEntaj agordojLabel every part of multi-part featuresEtikedi ĉiujn partajn de plurpartaj entojMerge connected lines to avoid duplicate labelsNumber of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeledLimit number of features to be labeled to mm mmSuppress labeling of features smaller thanOnly draw labels which fit completely within featureObstaclesDiscourage labels from covering featuresLow weightControls how likely labels are to cover features in this layerHigh weightMinimize placing labelsQgsTileScaleWidgetFormFormularoZoom level: %1Resolution: %1Tile ScaleQgsTipGuiBaseQGIS Tips!<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here...</span></p></body></html>I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more!QgsTransactionCould not create savepoint (%1)QgsTransformOptionsDialogDialogDialogujoTransformation typeLinearLinearaPolynomial 1Polynomial 2Polynomial 3Thin plate spline (TPS)Generate ESRI world file (.tfw)QgsTransformSettingsDialogTransformation SettingsTransformation parametersTransformation typeNearest neighbourLinearLinearaCubicKubaCubic SplineKuba splajnoLanczosResampling methodTarget SRSOutput settingsEligaj agordojOutput rasterEliga rastrumoSet target resolutionCreate world file only (linear transforms)ReportsRaportojGenerate PDF mapGenerate PDF reportKrei PDF raportonHorizontalHorizontalaVerticalVertikalaCompressionDensigoUse 0 for transparency when neededLoad in QGIS when doneHelmertPolynomial 1Polynomial 2Polynomial 3Thin Plate SplineProjectiveDestination RasterCelrastrumoTIF filesPDF filesSave Map File AsSave Report File AsInvalid output file name.Nevalida elira dosiernomoInput raster can not be overwritten.Ne eblas anstataŭigi la enigan rastrumon._modifiedGeoreferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file nameQgsUniqueValuesConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoThe user can select one of the values already used in the field. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used.EditableRedakteblaQgsUnitSelectionWidgetFormFormularoAdjust scaling rangeĜustigi skalan ampleksonMillimeterMilimetroPointsPunktojPixelsBilderojMeters at ScaleAdjust Scaling RangeMap UnitsInchesPercentageElcentoQgsUserProfileManagerUnable to fully delete user profile folderQgsUserProfileManagerWidgetFormFormularoAddAldoniRemoveForigiProfiles FolderProfilesQgsValueMapConfigDlgSelect a FileLoad Value Map from FileCould not open file %1
Error was: %2QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapperPlease selectQgsValueMapWidgetFormFormularoCombo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box.Load Data from LayerŜargi datumojn el tavoloAdd "NULL" valueAldoni "NULL" voloronLoad Data from CSV FileValueValoroDescriptionPriskriboRemove SelectedQgsValueRelationConfigDlgEdit Filter ExpressionQgsValueRelationConfigDlgBaseFormFormularoSelect layer, key column and value columnElekti tavolon, ŝlosilan kolumnon kaj valoran kolumnonLayerTavoloKey columnŜlosila kolumnoValue columnOrder by valueOrdigi valoreAllow NULL valuePermesi NULL-valoronNumber of columnsNombro da kolumnojAllow multiple selectionsUse completerFilter expressionFiltra esprimoQgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapperPlease select(no selection)QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper(no selection)QgsVariableEditorTreeVariableVariabloValueValoroOverridden by value from %1Transpasita per valoro el %1QgsVariableEditorWidgetAdd variableRemove variableForigi variablonQgsVectorDataProviderCodec %1 not found. Falling back to system localeAdd FeaturesAldoni entojnDelete FeaturesForigi entojnChange Attribute ValuesŜanĝi la atribuajn valorojnAdd AttributesAldoni atrubuojnDelete AttributesForigi atributojnRename AttributesCreate Spatial IndexCreate Attribute IndexesKrei atributajn indeksojnFast Access to Features at IDRapida atingoo al la entoj al IDChange GeometriesŜanĝi geometriojnPresimplify GeometriesPresimplify Geometries with Validity CheckSimultaneous Geometry and Attribute UpdatesTransactionsCurved GeometriesKurvaj geometriojQgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidgetX attributeY attributeLength attributeAngle attributeHeight attributeQgsVectorFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsVectorLayerERROR: no providerERARO: neniu liverantoERROR: layer not editableCommit errors:
%1Primary key attributesĈefŝlosilaj atributojSymbologyInformation from providerNameNomoPathVojoSourceFontoStorageEncodingKodoprezentoGeometryGeometrioCRSCRSGeographicProjectedExtentUnitFeature countunknownnekonataIdentificationAccessFieldsKampojCountNombroFieldKampoTypeTipoLengthLongoPrecisionPrecizecoContactsLinksHistoryHistorioCommentKomentoQgsVectorLayer3DRendererWidget3D ViewEnable 3D RendererSorry, this layer is not supported.QgsVectorLayerAndAttributeModelLayerTavoloOutput layer attributeEliga tavola atributoAttribute containing the name of the destination layer in the DXF output.QgsVectorLayerEditBufferSUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.deleted attributes countSUKCESO: %n atributo(j) estis forigitaj.SUKCESO: %n atributo(j) estis forigitaj.ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.not deleted attributes countERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis forigitaj.ERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis forigita(j).SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added.added attributes countERROR: %n new attribute(s) not addednot added attributes countERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis aldonita(j).ERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis aldonita(j).SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) renamed.renamed attributes countERROR: %n attribute(s) not renamednot renamed attributes countERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis renomita(j).ERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis renomita(j).ERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields!ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same!Provider: %1Storage: %1expected fieldretrieved fieldricevita kampoSUCCESS: %1 attribute value(s) and %2 geometries changed.SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed.changed attribute values countERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied.not changed attribute values countSUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted.deleted features countERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted.not deleted features countERARO: %n ento(j) ne estis forigitaj.ERARO: %n atributo(j) ne estis forigitaj.SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added.added features countERROR: %n feature(s) not added.not added features countERARO: %n ento(j) ne estis aldonita(j).ERARO: %n ento(j) ne estis aldonita(j).ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features.not added features countERROR: %n feature(s) not added - geometry type is not compatible with the current layer.not added features countSUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.changed geometries countERROR: %n geometries not changed.not changed geometries count
Provider errors:
Liverantaj eraroj:QgsVectorLayerExporterTaskExporting %1QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounterCounting features in %1QgsVectorLayerLegendWidgetLegend Text FormatText FormatSet Labels from Expression…Text on SymbolsSymbolSimboloTextTekstoQgsVectorLayerLoadStyleDialogLoad Layer StyleStyles related to the layerOther styles on the databaseCategoriesCancelNuligiDelete StyleLoad StyleŜargi stilonLoad styleFileDosierofrom filefrom database (%1)QGIS Layer Style File, SLD File%1: fail. %2%1: successError occurred while retrieving styles from databaseQgsVectorLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Tavolaj atributoj - %1QGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileDefault MetadataStop editing mode to enable this.MetadataMetadatumojLoad Metadata…Save Metadata…CreateClearVakigiDeleteForigiExportEksportiThis button opens the query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layerThe query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder buttonNot supportedDistanceDistancoSnapToGridVisvalingamSave DependencyThis configuration introduces a cycle in data dependencies and will be ignored.No default style was found for this layer.Load Layer Metadata from Metadata FileSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataLoad Styles from DatabaseSpatial IndexSpaca indeksoCreation of spatial index successfulSukcesis krei spacan indeksonCreation of spatial index failedFiaskis krei spacan indeksonLoad default style from: Ŝargi defaŭltan stilon el:CancelNuligiLocal databaseLoka datumbazoDatasource databaseDatumfonta datumbazoDefault StyleDefaŭlta stiloLoaded from ProviderŜargita el liverantoSave default style to: Konservi defaŭltan stilon al:Are you sure you want to clear auxiliary data for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary storage for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary field %1 for %2?Load StyleŜargi stilonSave as DefaultKonservi kiel defaŭltoStyle savedThe retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1La ricevita stilo ne esta valida momita stilo. Erarmesaĝo: %1Save StyleStyleStiloLoad Style…Save Style…Restore DefaultRestaŭri defaŭltojnallĉiujQgsVectorLayerPropertiesBaseLayer PropertiesTavolaj atributojLegendMapklarigoDescriptionPriskriboKeyword listŜlosilvorta listoList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.DataUrlInformationInformoSourceFontoSymbology3D ViewSource FieldsAttributes FormFormFormularoAuxiliary StorageDependenciesQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsDigitizingCiferecigoSettingsAgordojGeometry and Coordinate Reference SystemSet source coordinate reference systemCreate Spatial IndexUpdate ExtentsProvider Feature FilterSettingAgordoValueValoroAdd new joinRemove selected joinEdit selected joinFeaturesKeyŜlosiloAuxiliary LayerAdd new fieldAldoni novan kamponRemove selected fieldTargetPropertyAtributoNameNomoFull NameAuxiliary storage tables can contain additional data that should only belong to the project file. For instance, specific location or rotation for labels. Auxiliary data are saved in qgd files. New fields can be added from any data-defined widget when needed. Be aware that this information will NOT be saved in the data source but only in the project file.Lower values result in more data refreshing. Canvas updates are deferred in order to avoid refreshing multiple times if more than one layer has an auto update interval set.Automatic Fixes<html><head/><body><p>The geometry precision defines the maximum precision to of geometry coordinates that should be stored on this layer. A snap to grid algorithm will be applied on every geometry entering this layer, resulting in coordinates being rounded to multiples of this value. The operation is applied in this layer's coordinate reference system.</p></body></html>Geometry precisionRemove duplicate nodes[Units][No precision restriction]Geometry checksTopology checksInserts the selected field or expression into the map tipInsertEnmetiThe HTML map tips are shown when moving mouse over features of the currently selected layer when the 'Show Map Tips' action is toggled on. If no HTML code is set, the feature display name is used.Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)Simplification algorithmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)Refresh layer at interval (seconds)<html><head/><body><p>Some data providers can notify QGIS (e.g. PostgreSQL) with a message. If this is the case for this layer's data provider, notification will refresh the layer. </p></body></html>Refresh layer on notification<html><head/><body><p>Check if only a specific message must refresh the layer (i.e. not all data source notifications)</p></body></html>Only if message is<html><head/><body><p>Notification message that will refresh the layer.</p></body></html>Features in this layer may be updated when the layers selected below are changedSelected dependent layers should include any layers which may externally alter the data in this layer. For instance, layers with database triggers or custom PyQGIS scripting which alter this layer should be selected. Correctly specifying dependent layers allows QGIS to invalidate caches for this layer when the dependent layers are altered.Embedded Widgets in LegendA URL of the data presentation.FormatFormoShort nameAttributionAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.Attribution's title indicates the provider of the data layer.UrlUrlAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.MetadataUrlThe URL of the metadata document.A URL of the legend image.TypeTipoLegendUrlimage/pngimage/jpegLabelsEtikedojFieldsKampojQuery BuilderInformpeta konstruiloDisplayVidigiRenderingBildigoVariablesVariablojData source encodingDatumfonta kodoprezento<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistenciesHigher values result in more simplificationpixelsbilderojThis algorithm only is applied to simplify on local sideSimplify on provider side if possibleForce layer to render as a raster (may result in smaller export file sizes)The valid attribute names for this layerThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.La resumo estas deskripta teksto que donas pli da informo pri la tavolo.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Layer nameTavola nomodisplayed asvidigita kielMetadataMetadatumoj<html><head/><body><p>If the remove duplicate nodes option is activated, duplicate vertices will automatically be removed from geometries which are edited on this layer.</p></body></html>Display NameThe feature display name is used in identify results and attribute table's dual view list.HTML Map TipScale Dependen&t VisibilitySimplify &GeometryData DependenciesTitleTitoloThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.AbstractResumoActionsAgojJoinsDiagramsDiagramojQgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogAutomaticAŭtomataNo geometrySen geometrioNo symbologyFeature symbologySymbol layer symbologySave Layer AsSave Vector Layer AsThe layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or overwrite the layer?The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file, overwrite the layer or append features to the layer?The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or append features to the layer?The existing layer has different fields. Do you want to add the missing fields to the layer?<Default>Overwrite fileAnstataŭigi dosieronOverwrite layerAnstataŭigi tavolonAppend to layerPostaldoni al la tavoloNameNomoTypeTipoReplace with displayed valuesUse %1Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBaseEncodingKodoprezentoCRSCRSSave Vector Layer as...File nameDosiernomoLayer nameTavola nomoSelect fields to export and their export optionsElekti la eksportotajn kampojn kaj iliajn eksportajn agordojnReplace all selected raw field values by displayed valuesSymbology exportGeometryGeometrioGeometry typeGeometritipoForce multi-typeInclude z-dimensionInkluzivi z-dimensioExtentDatasource OptionsDatumfonta agordojCustom OptionsPropaj agordojLayer OptionsTavolaj opciojFormatFormoSave only selected featuresKonservi nur la elektitajn entojnSelect AllElekti ĉiujnDeselect AllMalselekti ĉiujnData sourceDatumfontoLayerTavoloAdd saved file to mapAldoni la konservitan dosieron al la mapoScaleSkaloQgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialogStyle nameDescriptionPriskriboOptionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the databaseUIUISave Layer StyleUse as default style for this layerFileDosieroCategoriesSave styleKonservi stilonQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml)SLD File (*.sld)As QGIS QML style fileAs SLD style fileIn database (%1)Qt Designer UI file (*.ui)Attach UI FileThe selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file.QgsVectorLayerToolsOnly %1 out of %2 features were copied.Nur %1 el %2 entoj estas kopiitaj.Some features have no geometry.Some could not be created on the layer.QgsVersionInfoConnection refused - server may be downThe host name %1 could not be resolved. Check your DNS settings or contact your system administrator.QgsVertexEditorVertex EditorQgsVertexEditorModelxxyyzzmmrrQgsVertexToolVertex EditorMoved vertexDeleted vertexGeometry has been cleared. Use the add part tool to set geometry for this feature.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsQgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectVirtual layer testNo errorNeniu eraroWarningAvertoA virtual layer of this name already exists, would you like to overwrite it?Samnomita virtuala tavolo jam ekzistas. Ĉu vi volas anstataŭigi ĝin?QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectBaseCreate a Virtual LayerLayer nameTavola nomoEmbedded layersEnkorpigitaj tavolojEmbedded layers can be added to have SQL queries with layers that are independent from layers loaded by the current QGIS project.
In particular, saving a virtual layer with embedded layers to a QLR file can be done to reuse its definition in another project.Local nameLoka nomoProviderProvizantoEncodingKodoprezentoSourceFontoAdd a new embedded layerAldoni novan enkorpigitan tavolonAddAldoniImport layer definition from loaded layers of the current projectImporti tavolan difino el ŝargitaj tavoloj de la aktuala projektoImportImportiRemove the selected embedded layerForigi la elektita enkorpigita tavolonRemoveForigiQueryInformpeto<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor. You can edit here an SQL query referring to any existing vector layers or embedded layers.</p><p>Virtual layers rely on SQLite and SpatiaLite. Any functions from SQLite or SpatiaLite can then be used in the query. To add or access geometries of a table, you can use "tablename.geometry", regardless of original geometry column's name.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Special comments:</span></p><p>Because it is not always possible to autodetect the data type of each column in a query, special comments can be used in the query to force a specific type.</p><p>Special comments must be placed on the right of a column name and have the form <tt>/*:type*/</tt> where type can be any of <span style=" font-style:italic;">int</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">real</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">text</span>. They can also be used to specify the type and SRID of the geometry column with the following syntax: <tt>/*:gtype:srid*/</tt> where <span style=" font-style:italic;">gtype</span> can be <span style=" font-style:italic;">point</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">linestring</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">polygon</span> (with an optional <span style=" font-style:italic;">multi</span> prefix) and <span style=" font-style:italic;">srid</span> is an integer identifier.</p><p>Example:</p><p><tt>SELECT id + 1 as id /*:int*/, ST_Centroid(geometry) as geom /*:point:4326*/ FROM tab</tt></p></body></html>……Unique identifier columnGeometryGeometrioAutodetectAŭtomate rekoniNo geometrySen geometrioGeometry columnGeometria kolumnogeometrygeometrioTypeTipoPointPunktoLineStringPolygonPluranguloMultiPointPlurpunktoMultiLineStringMultiPolygonPlur-pluranguloCRSCRSTestTestoQgsWCSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteForigiQgsWCSRootItemNew Connection…QgsWCSSourceSelectSelect a layerElekti tavolonNo CRS selectedQgsWFSDescribeFeatureTypeDownload of feature type failed: %1Elŝutado de la enta tipo fiaskis:%1QgsWFSFeatureDownloaderLoading features for layer %1Ŝargado de la entoj por la tavolo %1AbortĈesigiQGISQGISError when parsing GetFeature responseWFSWFSServer generated an exception in GetFeature responseRetrying request %1: %2/%3Download of features failed: %1Elŝutado de la entoj fiaskis: %1QgsWFSFeatureHitsAsyncRequestWFSWFSDownload of feature count failed: %1Elŝutado de la nombro da entoj fiaskis:%1QgsWFSFeatureHitsRequestDownload of feature count failed: %1Elŝutado de la nombro da entoj fiaskis:%1QgsWFSNewConnectionErrorEraroCould not get capabilitiesNetwork ErrorReta eraroCapabilities document is not validServer ExceptionQgsWFSProgressDialogHideKaŝiQgsWFSProviderWFSWFSSyntax error.Missing content at end of string.%1 is unexpected.%1 is expected instead.%1 or %2commakomoan identifieridentigiloSQL query is invalid: %1SQL informpeto estas nevalida: %1Typename '%1' is ambiguous without prefixTypename '%1' is unknownJOINs are not supported by this serverFROM or JOIN clause should contain the table name '%1'DescribeFeatureType failed for url %1: %2Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1, typeName %2: %3Column '%1' is not a direct reference to a table column.Field '%1': a field with the same name already exists.The geometry field of a typename that is not the main typename is ignored in the selected fields.Max FeaturesSupports PagingSupports Joinsnot providedsupportedsubtenataunsupportednesubtenataDescribeFeatureType network request failed for url %1: %2DescribeFeatureType XML parse failed for url %1: %2It is probably a schema for Complex Features.Cannot find schema indicated in DescribeFeatureType response.Empty responseWFS service exception: %1Unsuccessful service response: %1Unhandled response: %1Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1: %2Cannot find schema root elementCannot find element '%1'Ne eblas trovi elemento '%1'Cannot find ComplexType element '%1'Cannot find attribute elementsNe elas trovi atributajn elementojnGetCapabilities failed for url %1: %2Could not find typename %1 in capabilities for url %2WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2)missingQgsWFSSharedDataSQL statement to OGC Filter error: Expression to OGC Filter error: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cacheWFSWFSCannot connect to temporary SpatiaLite cacheLayer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom again on layer while features are being downloadedDownload of features for layer %1 failed or partially failed: %2. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom on layer and then zoom out to see all features%1: The download limit has been reached.Zoom in to fetch all data.You may want to check the 'Only request features overlapping the view extent' option to be able to zoom in to fetch all data.QgsWFSSingleFeatureRequestDownload of feature failed: %1Elŝutado de la ento fiaskis: %1QgsWFSSourceSelect&Build query&Konstrui informpetonBuild queryKonstrui informpetonNetwork ErrorReta eraroCapabilities document is not validServer ExceptionErrorEraroNo Layerscapabilities document contained no layers.Create a New WFS ConnectionModify WFS ConnectionLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonServer exceptionDescribeFeatureType failedQgsWFSSourceSelectBaseAdd WFS Layer from a ServerAldoni WFS tavolon el serviloRemove connection to selected serviceForigi konekton al la elektita servoRemoveForigiChange...Ŝanĝi...Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractOnly request features overlapping the view extentServer ConnectionsConnect to selected serviceKonekti al la elektita servoC&onnectK&onektiCreate a new service connectionKri novan servican konekton&New&NovaEdit selected service connectionRedakti la elektitan serva konektonEditRedaktiLoad connections from fileŜargi konektojn el dosieroLoadŜargiSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviFilterFiltriCoordinate Reference SystemUse title for layer nameKeep dialog openKonservi dialogon malfermitaQgsWFSTransactionRequestSending of transaction failed: %1QgsWMSConnectionItemFailed to parse WMS URIFailed to download capabilitiesFiaskis elŝuti kapablojnFailed to parse capabilitiesEdit…DeleteForigiQgsWMSRootItemNew Connection…QgsWMSSourceSelectAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ĉu vi estas certa, ke vi volas forigi la konekton %1 kaj ĉiu la akompanantajn agordojn?Confirm DeleteKonfirmi forigonLoad ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Encoding %1 not supported.WMS ProviderWMS liverantoFailed to parse WMS URIFailed to download capabilities:
The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL.Instead of the capabilities string that was expected, the following response has been received:
%1Options (%n coordinate reference systems available)crs countSelect layer(s)Select layer(s) or a tilesetSelect either layer(s) or a tilesetCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countNo common CRS for selected layers.No CRS selectedNo image encoding selectedMankas elektitan kodoprezenton%n Layer(s) selectedselected layer countTileset selectedCould not understand the response. The %1 provider said:
%2WMS proxiesWMS-prokurilojSeveral WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.parse error at row %1, column %2: %3network error: %1Reta eraro: %1The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?La %1 konekto jam ekzistas. Ĉu vi volas anstataŭigi ĝin?Confirm OverwriteQgsWMSSourceSelectBaseReadyLayersTavolojC&onnectK&onekti&New&NovaEditRedaktiAdds a few example WMS serversIDIDNameNomoTitleTitoloAbstractResumoSave connections to fileKonservi konektojn en dosieronSaveKonserviLoad connections from fileŜargi konektojn el dosieroLoadŜargiOptionsOpciojChange...Ŝanĝi...Add Selected Row to WMS ListLayer nameTavola nomoCoordinate Reference SystemAdd Layer(s) from a WM(T)S ServerAldoni tovolo(j)n el WM(T)S serviloConnect to selected serviceKonekti al la elektita servoCreate a new service connectionKri novan servan konektonEdit selected service connectionRedakti la elektitan serva konektonRemove connection to selected serviceForigi konekton al la elektita servoRemoveForigiAdd Default ServersImage EncodingTile sizeFeature limit for GetFeatureInfo1010Request step sizeLayer OrderOrdo de la tavolojMove selected layer UPUpSuprenMove selected layer DOWNDownMalsuprenLayerTavoloStyleStiloTilesetsFormatFormoTilesetCRSCRSServer SearchSearchSerĉiDescriptionPriskriboURLURLUse contextual WMS LegendQgsWcsCapabilitiesempty capabilities documentmalplena dokumento de kapablo
Tried URL: %1Capabilities request redirected.empty of capabilities: %1Download of capabilities failed: %1WCSWCSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication config%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.ExceptionEsceptoCould not get WCS capabilities: %1Dom ExceptionDom esceptoCould not get WCS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Version not supportedWCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2)Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Response was:
%4QgsWcsDownloadHandlerWCSWCSNetwork request update failed for authentication configNetwork reply update failed for authentication configMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Response: %1; URL: %2)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Cannot parse multipart response: %1Expected 2 parts, %1 receivedMore than 2 parts (%1) receivedContent-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supportedNot logging more than 100 request errors.QgsWcsProviderCannot describe coverageCoverage not foundCannot calculate extentCannot get test dataset.Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2)WCSWCSReceived coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4)Getting map via WCS.No data receivedCannot create memory fileNe ebla krei memoran dosieronDom ExceptionDom esceptoCould not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4Service ExceptionServa esceptoRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension.Request contains an invalid parameter value.No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception.Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format.Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this.(No error code was reported)(Unknown error code)(Nekonata erarkodo)The WCS vendor also reported: composed error message '%1'.Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1PropertyAtributoValueValoroName (identifier)Nomo (identigilo)TitleTitoloAbstractResumoFixed WidthFiksita larĝoFixed HeightFiksita altoNative CRSNative Bounding BoxIndiĝena limiga kestoWGS 84 Bounding BoxAvailable in CRSDisponebla en la CRS(and %n more)crsAvailable in formatWCS InfoCoveragesCache StatsKaŝmemoraj statistikojServer PropertiesServilaj atributojKeywordsŜlosilvortojOnline ResourceContact PersonKontakta personoFeesAccess ConstraintsImage FormatsBildformojGetCapabilitiesUrlGet Coverage Url <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font>And %1 more coveragesFormat not supportedRead data errorRasterIO error: RasterIO eraro:QgsWebPageLine %1: %2Linio %1: %2JavaScript%1 (line %2): %3%1 (linio %2): %3QgsWelcomePageRecent ProjectsLastatempaj projektojThere is a new QGIS version availablePin to ListUnpin from ListOpen Directory…RefreshAktualigiOpen “%1”…Remove from ListQgsWfsCapabilitiesWFS version %1 not supportedDownload of capabilities failed: %1QgsWfsConnectionItemEdit…DeleteForigiModify WFS ConnectionQgsWfsLayerItemStylesStilojCopy StyleKopii stilonCannot copy styleNe eblas kopii la stilonQgsWfsRequestWFSWFSRedirect loop detected: %1empty response: %1network request update failed for authentication configQgsWfsRootItemNew Connection…Create a New WFS ConnectionQgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.Capabilities request redirected.Redirect loop detected: %1WMSWMSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication configempty of capabilities: %1Download of capabilities failed: %1QgsWmsImageDownloadHandlerWMSWMSMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL: %4)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Not logging more than 100 request errors.QgsWmsLegendDownloadHandlerRedirect loop detected: %1WMSWMSGetLegendGraphic request errorStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2Returned legend image is flawed [URL: %1]QgsWmsProviderCannot parse URICannot calculate extentCannot set CRSNumber of layers and styles don't matchWMSWMSNumber of tile layers must be oneTile layer not foundTile layer or tile matrix set not foundGetting map via WMS.Getting tiles.%n tile requests in backgroundtile request count, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n errors.errors, %n eraro., %n eraroj.image is NULLLa bildo estas NULLunexpected image sizeDom ExceptionDom esceptoService ExceptionServa esceptoRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map.Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server.GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable.GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension.Request contains an invalid sample dimension value.Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server.(No error code was reported)(Unknown error code)(Nekonata erarkodo)The WMS vendor also reported: PropertyAtributoValueValoroNameNomoVisibilityVidebloVisibleVideblaHiddenKaŝitaTitleTitoloAbstractResumoCan IdentifyYesJesNoNeCan be TransparentCan Zoom InCascade CountFixed WidthFiksita larĝoFixed HeightFiksita altoAvailable in CRSDisponebla en la CRS(and %n more)crsAvailable in styleDisponebla en la stiloLegendURLsWMS InfoServer PropertiesServilaj atributojGet feature info request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Selected LayersOther LayersTile Layer PropertiesCache StatsKaŝmemoraj statistikojWMS VersionKeywordsŜlosilvortojOnline ResourceContact PersonKontakta personoFeesAccess ConstraintsImage FormatsBildformojIdentify FormatsLayer CountNombro da tavolojTile Layer CountCould not get WMS Service Exception: %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4GetCapabilitiesUrlGetMapUrl <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font>GetFeatureInfoUrlGetLegendGraphicGetTileUrlTile templatesFeatureInfo templatesTileset PropertiesIdentifierTile modeWMTSWMTSWMS-CWMS-CXYZXYZInvalid tile modeSelectedElektitaAvailable StylesDisponeblaj stilojCRSCRSBounding BoxLimiga kestoAvailable TilesetsSelected tile matrix set ScaleSkaloTile size [px]Tile size [mu]Matrix sizeGrando de matricoMatrix extent [mu]Amplekso de la matrico [mu]BoundsLimojWidthLarĝoHeightAltoTopLeftMaldekstraBottomMalsupraRight%n missing row(s)Layer's upper bound: %1%n missing column(s)Layer's left bound: %1Layer's lower bound: %1Malsupra limo de la tavolo: %1Layer's right bound: %1Cache statsKaŝmemoraj statistikojHitsMissesErrorsErarojFormat not supportedContext not fully specified (extent was defined but width and/or height was not).GML schema is not validGML is not validCannot identifyResult parsing failed. %1 feature types were guessed from gml (%2) but no features were parsed.identify request redirected.Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2]%1 of %2 bytes of GetLegendGraphic downloaded.QgsWmsTiledImageDownloadHandlerTile request errorStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2WMSWMSTile request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Tile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]%n tile requests in backgroundtile request count, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n errors.errors, %n eraro., %n eraroj.Not logging more than 100 request errors.Tile request max retry error. Failed %1 requests for tile %2 of tileRequest %3 (url: %4)repeat tileRequest %1 tile %2(retry %3)QgsWmtsDimensionsBaseSelect DimensionsDimensionDimensioValueValoroAbstractResumoDefaultDefaŭltoQgsXyzConnectionDialogXYZ ConnectionConnection DetailsRefererOptional custom refererMax. Zoom LevelURL of the connection, {z}, {y}, and {z} will be replaced with actual values. Use {-y} for inverted y axis.http://example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.pngNameNomoName of the new connectionNomo de la nova konektoAuthenticationAŭtentokontroloURLURLMin. Zoom LevelQgsXyzLayerItemEdit…DeleteForigiQgsXyzTileRootItemNew Connection…Save Connections…Load Connections…Load ConnectionsXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)RandomExtractVector selectionNumber of selected featuresNombro da elektitaj entojPercentage of selected featuresElcento de elektitaj entojInput layerEniga tavoloMethodMetodoNumber/percentage of selected featuresNombro/elcento de elektitaj entojExtracted (random)Eltirita (hazarde)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random extractHazarda eltiroRandomExtractWithinSubsetsVector selectionNumber of selected featuresNombro da elektitaj entojPercentage of selected featuresElcento de elektitaj entojInput layerEniga tavoloID fieldMethodMetodoNumber/percentage of selected featuresNombro/elcento de elektitaj entojExtracted (random stratified)Selected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set correct value and try again.Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.Random extract within subsetsRandomPointsAlongLinesVector creationInput layerEniga tavoloNumber of pointsNombro da punktojMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsHazardaj punktojRandom points along lineRandomPointsExtentVector creationInput extentEniga ampleksoNumber of pointsNombro da punktojMinimum distance between pointsTarget CRSCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsHazardaj punktojRandom points in extentHazardaj punktoj en ampleksoRandomPointsLayerVector creationInput layerEniga tavoloNumber of pointsNombro da punktojMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsHazardaj punktojRandom points in layer boundsHazardaj punktoj en limoj de tavoloRandomPointsPolygonsVector creationPoints countNombro da punktojPoints densityPunkta densecoInput layerEniga tavoloSampling strategyExpressionEsprimoMinimum distance between pointsRandom pointsHazardaj punktojRandom points inside polygonsEvaluation error for feature ID {}: {}Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.RandomSelectionVector selectionNumber of selected featuresNombro da elektitaj entojPercentage of selected featuresElcento de elektitaj entojInput layerEniga tavoloMethodMetodoNumber/percentage of selected featuresNombro/elcento de elektitaj entojSelected (random)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random selectionHazarda elektaĵoRandomSelectionWithinSubsetsVector selectionNumber of selected featuresNombro da elektitaj entojPercentage of selected featuresElcento de elektitaj entojInput layerEniga tavoloID fieldSelected (stratified random)Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.MethodMetodoNumber/percentage of selected featuresNombro/elcento de elektitaj entojSelected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random selection within subsetsRasterCalculatorRaster analysisRasterLayerHistogramGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeronumber of binsHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)HistogramHistogramoRaster layer histogramHistogramo de rastruma tavoloRasterLayerStatisticsRaster analysisInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroStatisticsStatistikoHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Minimum valueMinimuma valoroMaximum valueMaksimuma valoroRangeIntervaloSumSumoMean valueMezuma valoroAnalyzed file: {} (band {})Minimum value: {}Minimuma valoro: {}Maximum value: {}Maksimuma valoro: {}Range: {}Intervalo: {}Sum: {}Sumo: {}Mean value: {}Mezvaloro: {}Standard deviation: {}Norma devio: {}Sum of the squares: {}Standard deviationSum of the squaresRaster layer statisticsStatsitikoj pri rastruma tavoloRasterSamplingSample raster valuesRaster analysisInput Point LayerRaster Layer to sampleOutput column prefixSampled PointsImpossible to sample data of multipart feature {}.Could not reproject feature {} to raster CRSRasterizeAlgorithmMinimum extent to renderTile sizeMap units per pixelMake background transparentMap theme to renderSingle layer to renderOutput layerEliga tavoloConvert map to rasterRaster toolsRastrumilojlayer,raster,convert,file,map themes,tiles,renderRecordDialogRecord MetadataRectanglesOvalsDiamondsFixedRectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed)Vector geometryVektora geometrioRectanglesOrtangulojDiamondsOvalsInput layerEniga tavoloBuffer shapeWidthLarĝoHeightAltoRotationRotacioNumber of segmentsOutputEligoRectanglesOvalsDiamondsVariableRectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable)Vector geometryVektora geometrioRectanglesOrtangulojDiamondsOvalsInput layerEniga tavoloBuffer shapeWidth fieldHeight fieldRotation fieldNumber of segmentsOutputEligoFeature {} has empty angle. Skipping…Feature {} has empty width or height. Skipping…RegularPointsVector creationInput extentEniga ampleksoPoint spacing/countInitial inset from corner (LH side)Apply random offset to point spacingUse point spacingOutput layer CRSRegular pointsReliefRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoElevation layerZ factorZ faktoroGenerate relief classes automaticallyRelief colorsReliefFrequency distributionSpecify relief colors or activate "Generate relief classes automatically" option.ReliefColorsWidgetImport Colors and elevations from XMLXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML-dosieroj (*.xml *.XML)Error parsing XMLThe XML file could not be loadedExport Colors and elevations as XMLEnter lower elevation class boundElevationEnter upper elevation class boundSelect color for relief classRenderingStyleFilePanelSelect Style FileQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml *.QML)RuggednessRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoElevation layerZ factorZ faktoroRuggednessRuggedness indexSLDatabaseRun &VacuumRuli &vacuum&Database&DatumbazoNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Mankas elektitan datumbazon, aŭ vi ne konektas al ĝinSagaAlgorithmUnsupported file formatNesubtenata dosierformoSAGA execution commandsProcessingTraktadoInput layer {0} has more than one band.
Multiband layers are not supported by SAGAInput layers do not have the same grid extent.SagaAlgorithmProviderEnable SAGA Import/Export optimizationsLog execution commandsLog console outputProcessingTraktadoProblem with SAGA installation: unsupported SAGA version (found: {}, required: {}).Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}
{}ActivateAktivigiProblem with SAGA installation: SAGA was not found or is not correctly installedSagaUtilsSAGA execution console outputScriptAlgorithmProviderScripts folder(s)ScriptsSkriptojScriptEditorDialogUntitled Script{} - Processing Script EditorSave Script?There are unsaved changes in this script. Do you want to keep those?There are unsaved changes in the script. Continue?Open scriptMalfermi skriptonProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)Save scriptKonservi skriptonI/O errorI/O eraroUnable to save edits:
{}Execution errorNo script foundSeems there is no valid script in the file.Unsaved changesNekonservitaj ŝanĝojScriptUtilsCould not import script algorithm '{}' from '{}'
{}ProcessingTraktadoSearchBarSearch BarXXFind:<<>>……Match caseKongrui uskleconRegular expressionHighlight all matchesMarki ĉiujn kongruojnSelectByAttributecontainsenhavasselect,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionbegins withis nullis not nulldoes not containcreating new selectionadding to current selectionremoving from current selectionselecting within current selectionInput layerEniga tavoloSelection attributeOperatorOperatoroValueValoroModify current selection bySelected (attribute)Field '{}' was not found in layerOperators {0} can be used only with string fields.Select by attributeSelectByExpressionVector selectioncreating new selectionadding to current selectionremoving from current selectionselecting within current selectionInput layerEniga tavoloSelected (attribute)ExpressionEsprimoModify current selection bySelect by expressionElekti esprimeServiceAreaFromLayerNetwork analysisForward directionBackward directionBoth directionsAmbaŭ direktojShortestFastestVector layer representing networkVector layer with start pointsPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldDirektokampoValue for forward directionValue for backward directionValue for both directionsValoro por ambaŭ direktojDefault directionDefaŭlta direktoSpeed fieldDefault speed (km/h)Topology toleranceInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from layer)Loading start points…Building graph…Calculating service areas…ServiceAreaFromPointNetwork analysisForward directionBackward directionBoth directionsAmbaŭ direktojShortestFastestVector layer representing networkStart pointPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldDirektokampoValue for forward directionValue for backward directionValue for both directionsValoro por ambaŭ direktojDefault directionDefaŭlta direktoSpeed fieldDefault speed (km/h)Topology toleranceInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from point)Building graph…Calculating service area…Writing results…SetMValueVector geometryVektora geometrioSet M valueM Addedset,add,m,measure,valuesM ValueSetRasterStyleRaster toolsRastrumilojRaster layerRastruma tavoloStyle fileStyledSet style for raster layerSetVectorStyleVector generalVector layerVektora tavoloStyle fileStyledSet style for vector layerSetZValueVector geometryVektora geometrioSet Z valueZ Addedset,add,z,25d,3d,valuesZ ValueSettingWrong parameter value:
{0}Specified path does not exist:
{0}SettingsDialogPythonConsoleEditorRedaktiloAuto-save script before runningFont and ColorsTiparoj kaj kolorojReset to default colorsTypingAutomatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx'AutocompletionAŭtomate kompletigoGet autocompletion from current documentGet autocompletion from current document and installed APIsGet autocompletion from installed APIsAutocompletion thresholdAutomatic parentheses insertionFontTiparoSizeGrandoEnable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow)ConsoleKonzoloConsole settingsEditor settingsAPIs APIs file settings for autocompletionDefaultDefaŭltoKeywordŜlosilvortoClass nameFunctionFunkcioDecoratorNumberCommentKomentoComment blockCursorCaretlineSingle quoteDouble quoteTriple single quoteTriple double quoteBackgroundFonoMargin backgroundMargin foregroundErrorEraroSelection backgroundSelection foregroundBrace backgroundBrace foregroundcharactersFrom doc and APIsFrom API filesFrom documentRun and DebugEdgeFold guideUsing preloaded APIs filePathVojoUsing prepared APIs fileCompile APIs...Python Console SettingsShowTestDialogUnit TestSimplifyUserInputWidgetBaseSimplification ToolMethodMetodoToleranceIterationsIteraciojNumber of smooth iterations. More iterations results in smoother geometries, at the expense of greatly increasing the number of vertices in those geometries.OffsetDeŝovoOffset from existing vertices at which to insert smoothed vertices. Larger values result in "looser" smoothing, smaller values result in "tight" smoothing. % %SingleSidedBufferVector geometryVektora geometrioLeftMaldekstraRoundDistanceDistancoSideSegmentsSegmentojJoin styleMiter limitSingle sided bufferUnulatera bufroBufferBufroError calculating single sided bufferSlopeRaster terrain analysisRastruma terena analizoElevation layerZ factorZ faktoroSlopeSnapGeometriesToLayerVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloReference layerReferenca tavoloTolerancePrefer aligning nodes, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer closest point, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer aligning nodes, don't insert new verticesPrefer closest point, don't insert new verticesMove end points only, prefer aligning nodesMove end points only, prefer closest pointSnap end points to end points onlySnap to anchor nodes (single layer only)BehaviorSnapped geometrySnap geometries to layerKapti geometriojn per tavoloThis mode applies when the input and reference layer are the same.Snapped {} geometries.SpatiaLiteDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".SpatialIndexCreate spatial indexKrei spacan indeksonVector generalInput LayerEniga tavoloIndexed layerIndeksa tavoloCould not create spatial indexLayer's data provider does not support spatial indexesSpatialJoinGeometric predicateVector generalintersectsintersectscontainsenhavasequalstouchestouchesoverlapsoverlapswithinwithincrossescrossesCreate separate feature for each located feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first located feature only (one-to-one)Input layerEniga tavoloJoin layerKunmetenda tavoloFields to add (leave empty to use all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerKunmetita tavoloUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableJoin attributes by locationjoin,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatialSpatialJoinSummaryVector generalintersectsintersectscontainsenhavasequalstouchestouchesoverlapsoverlapswithinwithincrossescrossescountcountuniqueminminmaxmaxrangerangesumsummeanmeanmedianmedianstddevminorityminoritymajoritymajorityq1q1q3q3iqriqremptymalplenafilledmin_lengthmin_lengthmax_lengthmax_lengthmean_lengthInput layerEniga tavoloJoin layerKunmetenda tavoloGeometric predicateFields to summarise (leave empty to use all fields)Summaries to calculate (leave empty to use all available)Discard records which could not be joinedJoined layerKunmetita tavoloJoin attributes by location (summary)summary,aggregate,join,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatial,stats,statistics,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinctSpatialiteExecuteSQLDatabaseDatumbazoFile DatabaseDosiera datumbazoSQL querySQL-informpetoSpatiaLite execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a SpatiaLite databaseError executing SQL:
{0}SplitRGBBandsSplit RGB bandsImage toolsBildilojInput layerEniga tavoloOutput R band layerEliga R-benda tavoloOutput G band layerEliga V-benda tavoloOutput B band layerEliga B-benda tavoloSslErrorsUnable to Validate the Connection<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">Warning</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; color:#ff0000;">:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; color:#000000;"> One or more SSL errors have occurred validating the host you are connecting to. Review the following list of errors and click Ignore to continue, or Cancel to abort the connection.</span></p></body></html>View Certificate ChainIgnoreMalatentiCancelNuligiStatisticsByCategoriesInput vector layerEniga vektortavoloVector analysisgroups,stats,statistics,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinct,summaryField to calculate statistics on (if empty, only count is calculated)Field(s) with categoriesStatistics by categoryStatistics by categoriesStringWidgetWrapperExpression based inputEnigo bazita sur esprimojSumLinesVector analysisLinesLiniojPolygonsPlurangulojLines length field nameLines count field nameLine lengthSum line lengthsSymbolLayerItemMarkerMarkoFillPlenigoLineLinioSymbolsGroupSelectionDialogBaseGroup Selection DialogCloseFermiSymbolsListWidgetFormFormularoOpen Library…Save SymbolUnitOpacityOpakecoFilter SymbolsStyle ManagerStila administriloIcon ViewPushButtonList ViewColorKoloroSizeGrandoRotationRotacioWidthLarĝoSymbol NameSave symbolKonservi simbolonAdvancedSpeciala…… ° °TableFieldWidgetWrapperInput parameter, or name of field (separate field names with ; for multiple field parameters)TextToFloatVector tableVektora tabeloText attribute to convert to floatTeksta atributo konvertota al floatFloat from textFloat el tekstoText to floatTeksto al floatTinInterpolationInterpolationInterpoladoLinearLinearaClough-Toucher (cubic)Input layer(s)Interpolation methodNumber of columnsNombro da kolumnojNumber of rowsNombro da vicojExtentInterpolatedInterpolitaTriangulationTIN interpolationYou need to specify at least one input layer.TopoColortopocolor,colors,graph,adjacent,assignCartographyInput layerEniga tavoloMinimum number of colorsMinimum distance between featuresBy feature countBy assigned areaBy distance between colorsBalance color assignmentColoredTopological coloring{} colors requiredTopolTopology Checker for vector layerTruncateTableempty,delete,layer,clear,featuresVector generalInput LayerEniga tavoloTruncated layerTruncate tableCould not truncate table.UndoWidgetUndo/RedoMalfari/RefariUndoMalfariRedoRefariUniqueValuesInput layerEniga tavoloVector analysisTarget field(s)Unique valuesUnikaj valorojHTML reportHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Total unique valuesInvalid field name {}<p>Total unique values: <p>Unique values:</p><p>Unikaj valoroj:</p>List unique valuesListigi unikajn valorojnUserExpressionsUser expressionsUzantaj esprimojThe user expression {0} is not validVariableDistanceBufferVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloDistance fieldDistanca kampoSegmentsSegmentojDissolve resultRoundEnd cap styleJoin styleMiter limitBufferBufroVariable distance bufferVaria granda bufrareoVariableEditorDelegateA variable with the name "%1" already exists in this context.Rename VariableVectorLayerHistogramGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloAttributeAtributonumber of binsHistogramHistogramoHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Vector layer histogramVectorLayerScatterplotGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloX attributeY attributeScatterplotHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Vector layer scatterplotVectorLayerScatterplot3DGraphicsGrafikoInput layerEniga tavoloX attributeY attributeZ attributeHistogramHistogramoHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Vector layer scatterplot 3DVectorLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileElekti dosieronVectorSplitVector generalInput layerEniga tavoloUnique ID fieldOutput directoryEliga dosierujoOutput layersEligaj tavolojSplit vector layerCreating layer: {}Added {} features to layerVoronoiPolygonsVector geometryVektora geometrioInput layerEniga tavoloBuffer region (% of extent)Voronoi polygonsThere were no polygons created.Input file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.WidgetBlurFormFormularoOpacityOpakecoBlend modeBlur typeMalklariga tipoBlur strengthDraw modeWidgetCentroidFillFormFormularoForce point inside polygonDraw point on every part of multi-part featuresWhen unchecked, a single point will be drawn on the biggest part of multi-part featuresWidgetColorEffectFormFormularoColorizeKolorigiContrastKontrastoBrightnessBrilecoSaturationSaturo%%OpacityOpakecoBlend modeDraw modeGrayscaleGrizoskaloWidgetDrawSourceFormFormularoBlend modeOpacityOpakecoDraw modeWidgetEllipseBaseFormFormularoLeftMaldekstraHCenterRightxxyyTopVCenterBottomMalsupra……Fill colorPleniga koloroStroke styleStroke colorStroke widthHairlineJoin styleRotationRotacioAnchor pointAnkra punktoSymbol widthSymbol heightOffsetDeŝovo ° °WidgetFilledMarkerFormFormularoSizeGrandoRotationRotacio ° °……OffsetDeŝovoyyxxAnchor pointAnkra punktoLeftMaldekstraHCenterRightTopVCenterBottomMalsupraWidgetFontMarkerFormFormularoJoin styleRotationRotacioAnchor pointAnkra punkto……OffsetDeŝovoxxyyFill colorPleniga koloroStroke colorLeftMaldekstraHCenterRightTopVCenterBottomMalsupraStroke widthNo strokeSizeGrandoFont familyTipara familio ° °WidgetGlowFormFormularoColor rampKoloretendoSpreadBlur radiusOpacityOpakecoSingle colorUnua koloroBlend modeDraw modeWidgetGradientFillFormFormularoTwo colorDu kolorojColor rampKoloretendoGradient typeLinearLinearaRadialRadiusaConicalKonusaCoord modeObjectObjekto……OffsetDeŝovoViewportVidujoReference point 2SpreadReference point 1RotationRotacioPadRepeatReflectxxyy ° °CentroidWidgetLinePatternFillFormFormularo……SpacingOffsetDeŝovo ° °RotationRotacioWidgetMarkerLineFormFormularo……Marker placementwith intervalon every vertexon last vertex onlyon first vertex onlyOffset along lineon every curve pointRotate markerLine offseton central pointWidgetPointPatternFillFormFormularoDistanceDistancoDisplacementHorizontalHorizontala……VerticalVertikalaWidgetRasterFillFormFormularo……xxyyImage widthBilda larĝoCoord modeObjectObjektoViewportVidujoOffsetDeŝovoRotationRotacioOriginalOpacityOpakeco ° °WidgetSVGFillFormFormularo……Stroke colorNo strokeStroke widthFill colorPleniga koloroRotationRotacioTexture widthSVG GroupsSVG-grupojSVG Symbols ° °WidgetShadowEffectFormFormularoColorKoloroOpacityOpakecoOffsetDeŝovoBlend modeBlur radius˚˚Draw modeWidgetShapeburstFillFormFormularo……Two colorDu kolorojGradient ColorsSet distanceOffsetDeŝovoColor rampKoloretendoxxyyWhole shapeShading StyleIgnore rings in polygons while shadingBlur strengthWidgetSimpleFillFormFormularoHairlineFill styleOffsetDeŝovo……Stroke colorxxyyJoin styleStroke styleFill colorPleniga koloroStroke widthWidgetSimpleLineFormFormularo……ColorKoloroChangeŜanĝiHairlineOffsetDeŝovoJoin styleCap styleStroke widthStroke styleUse custom dash patternDraw line only inside polygonWidgetSimpleMarkerFormFormularoRotationRotacioSizeGrandoAnchor pointAnkra punktoHairlineLeftMaldekstra……Stroke widthStroke colorStroke styleFill colorPleniga koloroOffsetDeŝovoxxyyHCenterRightTopVCenterBottomMalsupraJoin style ° °WidgetSvgMarkerFormFormularoAnchor pointAnkra punktoLeftMaldekstraHCenterRightTopVCenterBottomMalsupraSizeGrando……RotationRotacioOffsetDeŝovoStroke widthWidthLarĝoHeightAltoLock aspect ratioxxyyStroke colorNo strokeFill colorPleniga koloroSVG GroupsSVG-grupojSVG ImageSVG-bildo ° °WidgetSvgSelectorFormFormularoSVG ImagesSVG-bildojSVG GroupsSVG-grupojWidgetTransformFormFormularoShear X,YRotationRotacio ° °Reflect horizontalReflect verticalTranslate X,Y%%Scale X,YDraw modeWidgetVectorFieldBaseFormFormularoY attributeScaleSkaloX attributeVector field typeHeight onlyPolarCartesianAngle unitsDegreesGradojRadiansAngle orientationCounterclockwise from eastMaldekstrume el orientoClockwise from northDekstrume el nordoDistance unitWidgetWrapper (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional] [malnepra]Select FileElekti dosieronXMLDialogXML Request / ResponseRequestPetoResponseZonalStatisticsRaster analysisCountNombroSumSumoMeanMedianMedianoStd. dev.MinMinMaxMaxRangeIntervaloMinorityMajority (mode)VarietyVarianceAllĈiujRaster layerRastruma tavoloRaster bandRastruma bendoVector layer containing zonesOutput column prefixStatistics to calculateZonal statisticsalgYou need to set either inline data positions or an input data positions file!You need to set either sampling data positions or an output sampling data positions file!You need to set input and output data positions parameters!You need to set at least source/sink_where or source/sink_cats parameters for each set!You need to set either inline configuration or a configuration file!Your configuration needs to be a "moving window" configuration!Your configuration needs to be a non "moving window" configuration!You need to set either start coordinates OR a start points vector layer!-c, -a, -n parameters are mutually exclusive!The step must be greater than zero!GRASS GIS 7 v.net requires a lines layer!You can't use original Hargreaves flag and precipitation parameter together!If you don't use original Hargreaves flag, you must set the precipitation raster parameter!The number of columns and the number of upload parameters should be equal!You need to set at least 'setnull' or 'null' parameters for this algorithm!You need to set either inline expression or a rules file!You need to set either a rules file or write directly the rules!The start position must be inferior to the end position!You need to set either radius or x_radius and y_radius!You need to set x_radius and y_radius!You need to set either rules or a raster from which to copy categories!You need to set either inline rules or a rules file!You need to set either an input control point file or inline control points!You need to set either a fixed height value or the height column!You need to set either an input ASCII file or inline data!You need to set at least setX_where or setX_cats parameters for each set!algorithm_idUnique ID for algorithm.appinfoQGIS Desktop<p>QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.</p>Geographic Information SystemA Free and Open Source Geographic Information SystemaspectInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroReturn trigonometric angle instead of azimuthReturn 0 for flat instead of -9999Compute edgesUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsRaster analysisAspectAspektobuildvrtBuild virtual rasterRaster miscellaneouscheckDockValidate AllValidate ExtentTopology not checked yetConfigureAgordiShow topology errorsTopology Checker PanelShow errorsMontri la erarojnSelect automatic fixFix!No errors were foundInvalid first layerNevalida unua tavoloTopology pluginInvalid first geometryNevalida unua geometrioTopology testFeature not found in the layer.
The layer has probably changed.
Run topology check again.Invalid second layerNevalida dua tavoloInvalid second geometryNevalida dua geometrioInvalid conflictNevalida konflikto%1 errors were found%1 eraroj trovitajTopology fix errorFixing failed!Layer %1 not found in registry.AbortĈesigicluster_colorColor of symbols within a cluster, or NULL if symbols have mixed colors.cluster_sizeNumber of symbols contained within a cluster.contourContourNivellinioInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroInterval between contour linesAttribute name (if not set, no elevation attribute is attached)Produce 3D vectorTreat all raster values as validInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Offset from zero relative to which to interpret intervalsAdditional creation optionsRaster extractionContoursNivelliniojcurrent_featureRepresents the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.current_geometryRepresents the geometry of the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.dataobjectCould not load layer: {0}
Check the processing framework log to look for errors.db_managerPostGISPostGISSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteGeoPackageGeoPackageVirtual LayersProject layersProjektaj tavolojOracle SpatialeViseVis Database ConnectioneVis datumbaza konektoeVis Event Id TooleVis Event BrowserCreate layer from a database queryOpen an Event Browser and display the selected featureOpen an Event Browser to explore the current layer's featureseVisDatabaseConnectionGuiUndefinedNedifinitaNo predefined queries loadedOpen FileMalfermi dosieronNew Database connection requested…Error: You must select a database typeEraro: Vi devas elekti datumbazan tiponError: No host name enteredError: No database name enteredEraro: Mankas datumbazan nomonConnection to [%1.%2] establishedconnectedkonektitaTablesTabelojConnection to [%1.%2] failed: %3Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3Error: Unable to open file [%1]Error: Query failed: %1Eraro: informpeto fiaskis: %1Error: Could not create temporary file, process haltedError: A database connection is not currently establishedeVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBaseDatabase ConnectionDatumbaza konektoPredefined QueriesLoad predefined queriesLoads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide.The description of the selected query.La priskribo de la elektita informpeto.Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window.not connectedNe estas konektita<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html>Database HostDatumbaza gastiga komputiloEnter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. Password to access the database.Enter the name of the database.Enigi la nomon de la datumbazoUsernameEnter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used.Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. ConnectKonektiUser name to access the database.Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu.Database NameDatumbaza nomoPasswordPasvortoDatabase TypeDatumbaza tipoPortPordoSQL QuerySQL-informpetoRun the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below.Run QueryRuli informpetonEnter the query you want to run in this window.A window for status messages to be displayed.Output ConsoleeVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBaseDatabase File SelectionThe name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points.La nomo de la kampo, ke enhavas la Y koordinaton de la punktoj.The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points.La nomo de la kampo, ke enhavas la X koordinaton de la punktoj.Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS.Enigu la nomon por la tavolo, ke estos kreita kaj vidigita en QGIS.Y CoordinateY-koordinatoX CoordinateX-koordinatoName of New LayereVisGenericEventBrowserGuiGeneric Event BrowserFieldKampoValueValoroThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface.An invalid feature was received during initialization.Event Browser - Displaying Records 01 of %1Event Browser - Displaying Records %1 of %2Attribute ContentsAtributaj enhavojSelect ApplicationElekti aplikaĵonAll ( * )Ĉiuj ( * )eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBaseDisplayVidigiUse the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display.Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display.All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green.11Image display areaBilda vidiga areoDisplay area for the image.Vidiga areo por la bildoOptionsOpciojFile pathDosiera vojoAttribute containing path to filePath is relativeLa vojo estas relativaIf checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session.Remember thisReset to defaultResets the values on this line to the default setting.ResetRekomencigi<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below.</p></body></html>Compass bearing<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image.</p><p>This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. </p></body></html>Attribute containing compass bearingDisplay compass bearingIf checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session.Compass offsetDefine the compass offset manually.ManualManaDefine the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table. From AttributeIf checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session.Resets the compass offset values to the default settings.Relative pathsRelativaj serĉvojojThe base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative”Base PathThe Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended.If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session.Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information.Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined
Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute)Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications<html><head/><body><p>If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list</p><p>to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>A value to be added to the compass bearing.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. </p></body></html>If checked, the current checkbox setting will be saved for the next session.Clears the checkbox on this line.<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files.</p><p>If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane.</p><p>Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings.</p><p>It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. </p></body></html>Configure External ApplicationsAgordi eksterajn aplikaĵojnFile extension and external application in which to load a document of that typeA table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. ExtensionApplicationAplikaĵoAdd new file typeAldoni novan dosiertiponAdd a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file.Delete current rowForigi aktualan viconDelete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application.eVisImageDisplayWidgetZoom inZomiZoom in to see more detail.Zoom outMalzomiZoom out to see more area.Zoom to full extentZoom to display the entire image.expression%1: Field not found %2%1: function cannot be evaluated without a context.expressionsVectorVektoroRasterRastrumoMeshPluginKromprogramofillnodataInput layerEniga tavoloValidity maskValideca maskoBand numberBenda numeroMaximum distance (in pixels) to search out for values to interpolateNumber of smoothing iterations to run after the interpolationDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandFilledPlenigitaFill nodataPlenigi sendatumojnRaster analysisform_modeWhat the form is used for, like AddFeatureMode, SingleEditMode, MultiEditMode, SearchMode, AggregateSearchMode or IdentifyMode as string.fullextent_maxxMaximum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_maxyMaximum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minxMinimum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minyMinimum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).gdal2tilesgdal2tilesgdal2tilesInput layerEniga tavoloTile cutting profileCopyright of the mapResampling methodThe spatial reference system used for the source input dataLa spaca referenca siistemo uzata por la fontaj enigaj datumojZoom levels to renderAvoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326URL address where the generated tiles are going to be publishedMercatorGeodeticRasterRastrumoAverageNearest neighbourBilinearDulinearaCubicKubaCubic splineKuba splajnoLanczos windowed sincAntialiasAllĈiujGoogleMapsOpenLayersLeafletNoneNeniuWeb viewer to generateTitle of the mapTitolo de la mapoTransparency value to assign to the input dataGoogle Maps API key (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html)Bing Maps API key (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/)Generate only missing filesGenerate KML for Google EarthOutput directoryEliga dosierujoRaster miscellaneousgdal2xyzInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroOutput comma-separated valuesXYZ ASCII fileCSV files (*.csv)Raster conversiongdal2xyzgdal2xyzgdaladdoNearest neighbourAverageGaussianCubic convolution.B-Spline convolutionLanczos windowed sincAverage MPAverage in mag/phase spaceModeReĝimoInternal (if possible)Interna (se estas ebla)External (GTiff .ovr)Ekstera (GTiff .ovr)External (ERDAS Imagine .aux)Input layerEniga tavoloOverview levelsNiveloj de superrigardoRemove all existing overviewsForigi ĉiujn ekzistantajn superrigardojn.Resampling methodOverviews formatRaster miscellaneousPyramidizedBuild overviews (pyramids)Konstrui superrigardojn (piramidoj)gdalcalcInput layer AEniga tavolo AInput layer BEniga tavolo BInput layer CEniga tavolo CInput layer DEniga tavolo DInput layer EEniga tavolo EInput layer FEniga tavolo FNumber of raster band for ANumber of raster band for BNumber of raster band for CNumber of raster band for DNumber of raster band for ENumber of raster band for FCalculation in gdalnumeric syntax using +-/* or any numpy array functions (i.e. logical_and())Set output nodata valueOutput raster typeEliga rastruma tipoAdditional creation optionsCalculatedKalkulitaRaster calculatorRastruma kalkuliloRaster miscellaneousgdalinfoInput layerEniga tavoloForce computation of the actual min/max values for each bandRead and display image statistics (force computation if necessary)Suppress GCP infoSuppress metadata infoForigi informojn pri metadatumojLayer informationInformo pri tavoloHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Raster informationRaster miscellaneousgdaltindexAutoWell-known text (WKT)EPSGProj.4Input filesField name to hold the file path to the indexed rastersStore absolute path to the indexed rastersSkip files with different projection referenceTransform geometries to the given CRSThe name of the field to store the SRS of each tileThe format in which the CRS of each tile must be writtenTile indexRaster miscellaneousAll layers must be raster layers!grasslabel(1-256)(1-256)(Optional) column to read labels3D-Viewer (NVIZ)3d VisualizationAdd a value to the current category valuesAdd elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!)Aldoni la elementojn al la tavolo (ĈIUJ la elementojn de la elektita tavoltipo!)Add missing centroids to closed boundariesAdd one or more columns to attribute tableAggregates data of an existing space time raster dataset using the time intervals of a second space time datasetAggregates temporally the maps of a space time raster dataset by a user defined granularityAggregationAllocate networkAssign constant value to columnAssign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUEAssign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute tableAssign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUEAttribute fieldAttribute field (interpolated values)Attribute field to (over)writeAttribute field to joinKunmetenda atributa kampoAuto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM rasterBicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularizationBilinear interpolation utility for raster mapsDulineara interpolilo por rastruma mapojBlend color components for two rasters by given ratioBlend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color rasterBreak (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are differentBreak lines at each intersection of vectorBrovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channelsBufferBufroBuild polylines from linesCalculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rastersCalculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification resultCalculate geometry statistics for vectorsCalculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*xCalculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM rasterCalculate raster surface areaCalculate shadow maps from exact sun positionCalculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/timeCalculate statistics for rasterKalkuli statistikojn por rastrumojCalculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data tableCalculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objectsCalculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of rasterCalculate univariate statistics of vector map featuresCalculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumpsCalculates category or object oriented statisticsCalculates different types of vegetation indicesCalculates multiple linear regression from raster mapsCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered 3D raster map of a space time 3D raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered raster map of a space time raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics of attributes for each registered vector map of a space time vector datasetCategory or object oriented statisticsCatsCats (select from the map or using their id)Change category values and labelsChange fieldŜanĝi la kamponChange layer numberŜanĝi la tavolan numeronChange resolutionChange the type of boundary dangle to lineChange the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to lineChange the type of geometry elementsChoose appropriate formatColumns managementAdministrado de kolumnojCompares bit patterns with rasterCompress and decompress rasterDensigi kaj maldensigi rastrumonCompress rasterDensigi rastrumonCompute category quantiles using two passes.Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control pointsComputes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculationComputes broad band albedo from surface reflectanceComputes cyclic accumulations of a space time raster datasetComputes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse landConcentric circlesConnect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman)Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree)Connect vector to databaseKonekti vektoron al la datumbazoConvert 2D vector to 3D by sampling rasterConvert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbourConvert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vectorConvert a raster to vector within GRASSConvert a vector to raster within GRASSConvert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versaConvert boundaries to linesKonverti limojn en liniojnConvert centroids to pointsConvert coordinatesKonverti koordinatojnConvert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend)Convert lines to boundariesKonverti liniojn al limojConvert points to centroidsConvert raster to vector areasKonverti rastrumon en vektorajn areojnConvert raster to vector linesKonverti rastrumon en vektorajn liniojnConvert raster to vector pointsKonverti rastrumon en vektorajn punktojnConvert vector to raster using attribute valuesConvert vector to raster using constantConverts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.Converts a space time raster dataset into a 3D raster mapConvex hullCopy a tableKopii tabelonCopy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported)Count of neighbouring pointsCreate 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rastersCreate a MASK for limiting raster operationCreate a MASK from raster map for limiting raster operationCreate a MASK from vector map for limiting raster operationCreate a map containing concentric ringsCreate a raster planeCreate and add new table to vectorKrei kaj aldoni novan tabelon al la vektoroCreate and/or modify raster support filesCreate aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Create cross product of category values from multiple rastersCreate fractal surface of given fractal dimensionCreate grid in current regionCreate new GRASS location and transfer data into itCreate new GRASS location from metadata fileCreate new GRASS location from raster dataCreate new GRASS location from vector dataCreate new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing rasterCreate new location from .prj (WKT) fileCreate new raster by combining other rastersCreate new vector by combining other vectorsCreate new vector with current region extentCreate nodes on networkCreate parallel line to input linesKrei liniojn paralelaj al la enigaj liniojCreate pointsKrei punktojnCreate points along input linesCreate points/segments from input vector lines and positionsCreate quantization file for floating-point rasterAssigns a color table from an existing raster or raster3d map to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAssigns a predefined color table to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAuto-balancing of colors for RGB imagesColumn to store height valuesColumn with height valuesCreate random 2D vector pointsCreate random 3D vector pointsCreate random cell values with spatial dependenceCreate random pointsCreate random rasterCreate random vector point contained in rasterCreate raster of distance to features in input layerCreate raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviationCreate raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined rangeCreate raster with contiguous areas grown by one cellCreate raster images with textural features from raster (first series of indices)Create raster with textural features from raster (second series of indices)Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rastersCreate shaded mapCreate slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Create standard vectorsCreate surface from rasterized contoursCreate vector contour from raster at specified levelsCreate vector contour from raster at specified stepsCreate watershed basinCreate watershed subbasins rasterCreates / modifies the color table for each raster map of the space time raster dataset according to user defined rulesCreates a latitude raster mapCreates a longitude raster mapCreates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.Creates a space time datasetCreates, edits, and lists groups of imagery data.Cut network by cost isolinesDXF vector layerDatabaseDatumbazoDatabase connectionDatumbaza konektoDatabase fileDatumbaza dosieroDatabase managementAdministrado de datumbazojDelaunay triangulation (areas)Delaunay triangulation (lines)Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hullDelete category valuesDetects accumulation patterns in temporally accumulated space time raster datasets created by t.rast.accumulateDevelop images and groupDevelop mapDirectory of rasters to be linkedDosierujo de ligontaj rastrumojDisconnect vector from databaseMalkonekti vectoron el la datumbazoDisplay general DB connectionVidigi generalan DB konektonDisplay list of category values found in rasterDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description fileDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection descriptionDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image)Display projection information of the current locationDisplay raster category values and labelsDisplay results of SQL selection from databaseDisplay the HTML manual pages of GRASSDisplay vector attributesVidigi vektorajn atributojnDisplay vector map attributes with SQLVidigi vektorajn atributojn kun SQLDissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attributeDownload and import data from WMS serverDrapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect mapDrop column from attribute tableE00 vector layerElevation raster for height extraction (optional)Execute any SQL statementExportEksportiExport 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionExport from GRASSEksporti el GRASSExport raster as non-georeferenced PNG image formatExport raster from GRASSExport raster series to MPEG movieExport raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current regionExport raster to ASCII text fileExport raster to ESRI ARCGRIDExport raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)Export raster to Geo TIFFExport raster to POVRAY height-field fileExport raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionExport raster to VTK-ASCIIExport raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)Export raster to binary MAT-FileExport raster to binary arrayExport raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersExport raster to various formats (GDAL library)Export vector from GRASSExport vector table from GRASS to database formatExport vector to DXFEksporti vektoron kiel DXFExport vector to GMLEksporti vektoron kiel GMLExport vector to MapinfoExport vector to POV-RayExport vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database tableExport vector to SVGExport vector to ShapefileExport vector to VTK-ASCIIExport vector to various formats (OGR library)Exports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a space time vector dataset as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports attribute tables into various formatExports space time raster datasetExports space time raster dataset as VTK time seriesExtract features from vectorEltiri entojn el vektoroExtract selected featuresEltiri elektitajn entojnExtractionEltiroExtracts a subset of a space time 3D raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time vector datasetExtracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layersExtracts terrain parameters from DEMExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with fixed heightExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with height based on attributeFast fourier transform for image processingFeature type (for polygons, choose Boundary)Enta tipo (por pluranguloj, elektu Limo)File managementAdministrado de dosierojFill lake from seed at given levelFill lake from seed point at given levelFill no-data areas in raster using v.surf.rst splines interpolationFilter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation rasterFilter imageFind nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from'Find shortest path on vector networkGRASS MODULESGRASS shellGaussian kernel densityGeneralizationGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinatesGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) rasterGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vectorGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinatesGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vectorGenerate surfaceGenerate vector contour linesKreas vektorajn nivelliniojnGenerates area statistics for rastersGeoreferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarpGraphical raster map calculatorHelpHelpoHue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform functionHydrologic modellingIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsImageryImportImportiImport ASCII rasterImport DXF vectorImport ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRIDImport ESRI E00 vectorImport GDAL supported rasterImport GDAL supported raster and create a fitted locationImport GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL)Import MapGen or MatLab vectorImport OGR vectorImport OGR vector and create a fitted locationImport OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vectorImport SPOT VGT NDVIImport SRTM HGTImport US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country fileImport all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted locationImport attribute tables in various formatsImport binary MAT-File(v4)Import binary rasterImport from database into GRASSImport geonames.org country filesImport into GRASSImport loaded rasterImporti ŝargitan rastrumonImport loaded raster and create a fitted locationImport loaded vectorImporti ŝargitan vektoronImport loaded vector and create a fitted locationImport only some layers of a DXF vectorImport raster from ASCII polygon/lineImport raster from coordinates using univariate statisticsImport raster into GRASSImport raster into GRASS from QGIS viewImport raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASSImport text fileImport vector from gps using gpsbabelImport vector from gps using gpstransImport vector into GRASSImport vector points from database table containing coordinatesImports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with r.pack).Imports a space time vector dataset from a GRASS GIS specific archive fileImports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with v.pack).Imports space time raster datasetInput nodesInput tableEniga tabeloInterpolate surfaceInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolationInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector pointsInverse fast fourier transform for image processingJoin table to existing vector tableLandsat 4 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 5 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 7 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 8 bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Layers categories managementLiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)Line-of-sight raster analysisLink GDAL supported raster as GRASS rasterLink GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS rasterLink all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rastersLists information about space time datasets and mapsLists registered maps of a space time raster datasetLists registered maps of a space time raster3d datasetLists space time datasets and maps registered in the temporal databaseLists temporal topology of a space time datasetLoaded layerŜargita tavoloLocate the closest points between objects in two raster mapsMODIS bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rastersManage datasetsManage featuresManage image colorsManage map colorsManage maps in datasetsManage raster cells valueManage training datasetMap algebraMap type conversionKonverto de mapa tipoMapGen or MatLab vector layerMaskMaskoMaximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification)Merges several space time datasets into a single space time dataset.Metadata supportMinimum size for each basin (number of cells)Modifies the metadata of a space time dataset.Mosaic up to 4 imagesName for new raster file (specify file extension)Nomo por la nova rastruma dosiero (kun dosiersufikso)Name for new vector file (specify file extension)Nomo por la nova vektora dosiero (kun dosiersufikso)Name for output vector map (optional)Name for the output fileName for the output raster map (optional)Name of the output latitude raster mapName of the output longitude raster mapNeighborhood analysisNetwork analysisNetwork maintenanceNumber of rows to be skippedObserves specific locations in a space time raster dataset over a period of time using vector pointsOthersOutput GML fileOutput ShapefileOutput file for regression coefficientsOutput layer name (used in GML file)Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s)Outputs basic information about a raster mapOutputs basic information about a vector mapOverlayOverlay mapsPath to GRASS database of input location (optional)Path to the OGR data sourcePercentage of first layer (0-99)Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vectorPerforms a neighborhood analysis for each map in a space time raster datasetPerforms different aggregation algorithms from r.series on all or a subset of raster maps in a space time raster datasetPerforms spatio-temporal mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time raster datasetsPerforms spatio-temporal r3.mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time 3D raster datasetsPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with fixed heightPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with height based on attributePerforms transformation of 3D vector features to 2DPrint projection information from a georeferenced filePrint projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on itPrint projection information of the current locationPrints attributes of vector maps registered in a space time vector datasetPrints/sets general temporal GIS database connection for current mapsetProjection conversion of vectorProjection managementPut geometry variables in databaseQuery raster mapsInformpeti rastrumajn mapojnQuery rasters on their category values and labelsRandom location perturbations of vector pointsRandomly partition points into test/train setsRasterRastrumoRaster bufferRaster file matrix filterRaster neighbours analysisRaster supportRe-project raster from a location to the current locationRebuild topology of a vector in mapsetRebuild topology of all vectors in mapsetRecategorize contiguous cells to unique categoriesReclass category valuesReclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive)Reclass category values using a rules fileReclass raster using reclassification rulesReclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares)Recode categorical raster using reclassification rulesRecode rasterReconnect vector to a new databaseRed Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation functionRegion settingsRegister external data sources in GRASSRegisters raster, vector and raster3d maps in a space time datasetRegularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector pointsReinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothingRemove all lines or boundaries of zero lengthRemove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islandsRemove danglesRemove duplicate area centroidsRemove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!)Remove existing attribute table of vectorRemove outliers from vector point dataRemove small angles between lines at nodesRemove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removedRemove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachment of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changedSet raster color table from set tablesRemoves space time datasets from temporal database.Rename column in attribute tableRenames a space time datasetReplaces gaps in a space time raster dataset with interpolated raster mapsReport and statisticsReportsRaportojReports and statisticsReproject raster from another LocationResample raster using aggregationResample raster using interpolationResample raster. Set new resolution firstRescale the range of category values in rasterSample a space time raster dataset at specific coordinates and write the output to file using different layoutsSample raster at site locationsSamples the input space time dataset(s) with a sample space time dataset and print the result to stdoutSamplingSave the current region as a named regionSelect features by attributesElekti entojn atributeSelect features overlapped by features in another mapSelect maps from space time datasets by topological relationshipsSeparator (| , \t etc.)Set PostgreSQL DB connectionSet boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w)Set boundary definitions for rasterSet boundary definitions from rasterSet boundary definitions from vectorSet boundary definitions to current or default regionSet color rules based on stddev from a map's mean valueSet general DB connectionSet general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only)Set raster color tableSet raster color table from existing rasterSet raster color table from user-defined rulesSet region to align to rasterSet the region to match multiple rastersSet the region to match multiple vectorsSet user/password for driver/databaseSets the boundary definitions for a raster mapShifts temporally the maps of a space time datasetShow database connection for vectorShrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from rasterSimple map algebraSimplify vectorSnap lines to vertex in thresholdSnaps temporally the maps of a space time datasetSolar and irradiation modelSpatial analysisSpatial modelsSplit lines to shorter segmentsStatisticsStatistikoStores raster map values at spatial and temporal positions of vector points as vector attributesSum raster cell valuesSurface managementTables managementTabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rastersTake vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEMTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-ETM 7 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-OLI 8 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for MODIS rasterTemporalTemporal WHERE conditions without 'where' keywordTerrain analysisTests of normality on vector pointsText fileTeksta dosieroThin no-zero cells that denote line featuresToolset for cleaning topology of vector mapTopology managementTrace a flow through an elevation modelTransform cells with value in null cellsTransform featuresTransform imageTransform null cells in value cellsTransform or reproject vector from another LocationTransform value cells in null cellsType in map names separated by a commaUnregisters raster, vector and raster3d maps from the temporal database or a specific space time datasetUpdate raster statisticsUpdate vector map metadataUpgrade all vectors from GRASS 6 to GRASS 7Upgrade from GRASS 6Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the tableUpload vector values at positions of vector pointsVectorVektoroVector bufferVektora bufrareoVector geometry analysisVector intersectionVector non-intersectionVector subtractionVector supervised classification tool which uses attributes as classification parametersVector unionVector update by other mapsVegetation indicesVisibility graph constructionVoronoi diagram (area)Voronoi-a diagramo (areo)Voronoi diagram (lines)Voronoi-a diagramo (linioj)Watershed AnalysisWhich column for the X coordinate? The first is 1Which column for the Y coordinate?Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not usedWork with vector pointsWrite only features link to a recordZero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processinghillshadeInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroScale (ratio of vertical units to horizontal)Compute edgesZ factor (vertical exaggeration)Z faktoro (vertikala trograndigo)Azimuth of the lightAltitude of the lightUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneCombined shadingMultidirectional shadingAdditional creation optionsHillshadeRaster analysismergeMergeKunfandiInput layersEnigaj tavolojGrab pseudocolor table from first layerKapti pseŭdokoloran tabelon el la unua tavoloPlace each input file into a separate bandInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Assign specified "nodata" value to outputAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeRaster miscellaneousMergedKunfanditajnearblackInput layerEniga tavoloHow far from black (white)Search for nearly white pixels instead of nearly blackAdditional creation optionsNearblackNear blackRaster analysisnotification_messageContent of the notification message sent by the provider (available only for actions triggered by provider notifications).ogr2ogrInput layerEniga tavoloAdditional creation optionsConvertedKonvertitaConvert formatKonverti formatonVector conversionOutput file "{}" already exists.ogrinfoInput layerEniga tavoloSummary output onlySuppress metadata infoForigi informojn pri metadatumojLayer informationInformo pri tavoloHTML files (*.html)HTML-dosieroj (*.html)Vector informationVector miscellaneousoptionsDialogWarning!Averto!You need to add some APIs file in order to compilePlease specify API file or check "Use preloaded API files"The APIs file was not compiled, click on "Compile APIs…"parentInvalid CSW connections XML.Cannot parse XML file: {0}Cannot open file: {0}Loading ConnectionsŜargado de konektojChoose GeoPackage fileElekti GeoPackage dosieronpct2rgbInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroGenerate a RGBA fileRaster conversionPCT to RGBPCT al RGBpolygonizeBand numberBenda numeroName of the field to createUse 8-connectednessPolygonize (raster to vector)Raster conversionInput layerEniga tavoloVectorizedproximityGeoreferenced coordinatesPixel coordinatesInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroA list of pixel values in the source image to be considered target pixelsThe maximum distance to be generatedValue to be applied to all pixels that are within the -maxdist of target pixelsNodata value to use for the destination proximity rasterAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeProximity mapRaster analysisDistance unitsProximity (raster distance)rasterizeInput layerEniga tavoloAdditional creation optionsVector conversionPixelsBilderojGeoreferenced unitsField to use for a burn-in valueA fixed value to burnOutput raster size unitsWidth/Horizontal resolutionHeight/Vertical resolutionOutput extentEliga ampleksoAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsOutput data typePre-initialize the output image with valueInvert rasterizationRasterizedRastrumigitaRasterize (vector to raster)rasterize_overInput layerEniga tavoloAttribute fieldExisting raster layerRasterize (write over existing raster)Vector conversionrearrange_bandsInput layerEniga tavoloSelected band(s)Additional creation optionsOutput data typeConvertedKonvertitaRearrange bandsRaster conversionThis algorithm creates a new raster using selected band(s) from a given raster layer.
The algorithm also makes it possible to reorder the bands for the newly-created raster.retileRetileNearest neighbourBilinearDulinearaCubicKubaCubic splineKuba splajnoLanczos windowed sincInput filesTile widthTile heightOverlap in pixels between consecutive tilesNumber of pyramids levels to buildSource coordinate reference systemResampling methodAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeBuild only the pyramidsUse separate directory for each tiles rowOutput directoryEliga dosierujoCSV file containing the tile(s) georeferencing informationRaster miscellaneousColumn delimiter used in the CSV filergb2pctInput layerEniga tavoloNumber of colorsNombro da kolorojRGB to PCTRGB al PCTRaster conversionroughnessInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroCompute edgesAdditional creation optionsRoughnessRaster analysisrulesDialogTopology Rule SettingsCurrent RulesAdd RuleRuleLayer #1Layer #2Layer1IDLayer2IDNo layerDelete RuleTestTestosieveSieveInput layerEniga tavoloThresholdSojloUse 8-connectednessDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandValidity maskValideca maskoRaster analysisSievedslopeInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroRatio of vertical units to horizontalSlope expressed as percent instead of degreesCompute edgesUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsRaster analysisSlopesymbol_angleAngle of symbol used to render the feature (valid for marker symbols only).symbol_colorColor of symbol used to render the feature.Koloro de la simbolo uzita por bildigi la entontopolTestTopology pluginFirst geometry invalid in dangling line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in dangling line test.Invalid second geometry in duplicate geometry test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in duplicate geometry test.Invalid second geometry in overlaps test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in overlaps test.Skipping invalid second geometry of feature %1 in overlaps test.Skipping invalid first geometry in pseudo line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in pseudo line test.Invalid geometry in validity test.Invalid geometry in covering test.Second geometry missing.Second geometry missing or GEOS import failed.Missing geometry in multipart check.First layer not found in registry.Second layer not found in registry.must not have invalid geometriesNe devas havi nevalidajn geometriojnmust not have danglesmust not have duplicatesmust not have pseudosmust not overlapmust not have gapsmust not have multi-part geometriesmust not overlap withmust be covered bymust be covered by endpoints ofend points must be covered bymust be insidemust containdevas enhavitpiInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroCompute edgesAdditional creation optionsTerrain Ruggedness IndexTopographic Position Index (TPI)Raster analysistranslateInput layerEniga tavoloOverride the projection for the output fileAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCopy all subdatasets of this file to individual output filesAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeConvertedKonvertitaRaster conversionTranslate (convert format)Translate (Konverti formaton)triInput layerEniga tavoloBand numberBenda numeroCompute edgesAdditional creation optionsTerrain Ruggedness IndexTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)Raster analysisvariable_helpCurrent QGIS version string.Current QGIS version number.Current QGIS release name.Operating system name, e.g., 'windows', 'linux' or 'osx'.QGIS platform, e.g., 'desktop' or 'server'.Current user's operating system account name.Current user's operating system user name (if available).Title of current project.Titolo de la aktuala projekto.Full path (including file name) of current project.Folder for current project.Filename of current project.Base name of current project's filename (without path and extension).Home path of current project.Coordinate reference system of project (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Coordinate reference system of project (full definition).Project author, taken from project metadata.Project abstract, taken from project metadata.Project creation date, taken from project metadata.Project identifier, taken from project metadata.Project keywords, taken from project metadata.Name of current layer.Nomo de la aktuala tavolo.ID of current layer.ID de la aktuala tavolo.The current layer.La aktuala tavolo.Name of composition.Number of pages in composition.Nombro da paĝoj en la kunmetoCurrent page number in composition.Numero de la aktuala paĝo en la kunmetoComposition page height in mm.Alto de la kunmeta paĝo en mm.Composition page width in mm.Larĝo de la kunmeta paĝo en mm.Composition resolution (DPI).Current atlas coverage layer ID.Current atlas coverage layer name.Total number of features in atlas.Current atlas feature number.Numero de la aktuala mapara entoCurrent atlas file name.Dosiernomo de la aktuala maparo.Current atlas page name.Nomo de la aktuala mapara paĝo.Current atlas feature (as feature object).Current atlas feature ID.Current atlas feature geometry.Geometrio de la aktuala mapara ento.Layout item user ID (not necessarily unique).layout item unique ID.Left position of layout item (in mm).Top position of layout item (in mm).Width of layout item (in mm).Height of layout item (in mm).ID of current map destination. This will be 'canvas' for canvas renders, and the item ID for layout map renders.Current rotation of map.Aktuala rotacio de la mapoCurrent scale of map.Aktuala skalo de la mapo.Geometry representing the current extent of the map.Center of map.Mapa centroWidth of map.Larĝo de la mapoHeight of map.Alto de la mapoCoordinate reference system of map (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Coordinate reference system of map (full definition).Units for map measurements.List of map layer IDs visible in the map.List of map layers visible in the map.Stores the number of the current row.Current grid annotation value.Current grid annotation axis (e.g., 'x' for longitude, 'y' for latitude).Last cursor position on the canvas in the project's geographical coordinates.<p>An array with an item for each snapped point.</p><p>Each item is a map with the following keys:</p><dl><dt>valid</dt><dd>Boolean that indicates if the snapping result is valid</dd><dt>layer</dt><dd>The layer on which the snapped feature is</dd><dt>feature_id</dt><dd>The feature id of the snapped feature</dd><dt>vertex_index</dt><dd>The index of the snapped vertex</dd><dt>distance</dt><dd>The distance between the mouse cursor and the snapped point at the time of snapping</dd></dl>Number of parts in rendered feature's geometry.Current geometry part number for feature being rendered.Number of points in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.Current point number in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.not set<p>Current value: %1</p><p>Aktuala valoro: %1</p>warpNearest neighbourBilinearDulinearaCubicKubaCubic splineKuba splajnoLanczos windowed sincAverageModeReĝimoMaximumMaksimumaMinimumMinimumaMedianMedianoFirst quartileThird quartileInput layerEniga tavoloSource CRSTarget CRSNodata value for output bandsOutput file resolution in target georeferenced unitsResampling method to useAdditional creation optionsOutput data typeGeoreferenced extents of output file to be createdCRS of the target raster extentUse multithreaded warping implementationRaster projectionstransform,reproject,crs,srsWarp (reproject)ReprojectedReprojekciita