/*************************************************************************** qgsgramadialog.cpp - description ------------------- begin : April 2004 copyright : (C) 2004 by Marco Hugentobler email : marco.hugentobler@autoform.ch ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* $Id */ #include "qgsgramadialog.h" #include "qgsgramaextensionwidget.h" #include "qgsmarkersymbol.h" #include "qgsvectorlayer.h" #include "qgsdataprovider.h" #include "qgsgraduatedmarenderer.h" #include "qgsdlgvectorlayerproperties.h" #include "qgslegenditem.h" #include #include #include #include #include QgsGraMaDialog::QgsGraMaDialog(QgsVectorLayer* layer): QgsGraMaDialogBase(), ext(0), mVectorLayer(layer) { #ifdef QGISDEBUG qWarning("constructor QgsGraSyDialog"); #endif setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); setSizeGripEnabled(true); //find out the numerical fields of mVectorLayer QgsDataProvider *provider; if (provider = mVectorLayer->getDataProvider()) { std::vector < QgsField > &fields = provider->fields(); int fieldnumber = 0; QString str; for (std::vector < QgsField >::iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) { QString type = (*it).type(); if (type != "String" && type != "varchar" && type != "geometry") { str = (*it).name(); str = str.left(1).upper() + str.right(str.length() - 1); //make the first letter uppercase mClassificationComboBox->insertItem(str); mFieldMap.insert(std::make_pair(str, fieldnumber)); } fieldnumber++; } } else { qWarning("Warning, data provider is null in QgsGraSyDialog::QgsGraSyDialog(...)"); return; } mModeComboBox->insertItem("Empty"); mModeComboBox->insertItem("Equal Interval"); //restore the correct settings QgsGraduatedMaRenderer *renderer; //initial settings, use the buffer of the propertiesDialog if possible. If this is not possible, use the renderer of the vectorlayer directly if (mVectorLayer->propertiesDialog()) { renderer = dynamic_cast < QgsGraduatedMaRenderer * >(layer->propertiesDialog()->getBufferRenderer()); } else { renderer = dynamic_cast < QgsGraduatedMaRenderer * >(layer->renderer()); } std::list < QgsRangeRenderItem * >list; if (renderer) { list = renderer->items(); ext = new QgsGraMaExtensionWidget(this, renderer->classificationField(), QgsGraSyDialog::EMPTY, list.size(), mVectorLayer); } mClassificationComboBox->setCurrentItem(renderer->classificationField()); //set the right colors and texts to the widgets int number = 0; for (std::list < QgsRangeRenderItem * >::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { ((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(0, number)))->setText((*it)->value()); ((QLineEdit *) ext->getWidget(1, number))->setText((*it)->upper_value()); ((QLineEdit *) ext->getWidget(2, number))->setText((*it)->label()); ((QPushButton *) ext->getWidget(3, number))->setName(((QgsMarkerSymbol*)((*it)->getSymbol()))->picture()); ((QLineEdit *) ext->getWidget(4, number))->setText(QString::number(((QgsMarkerSymbol*)((*it)->getSymbol()))->scaleFactor(),'f',2)); number++; } mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->setValue(list.size()); QgsGraMaDialogBaseLayout->addMultiCellWidget(ext, 5, 5, 0, 3); ext->show(); //do the necessary signal/slot connections QObject::connect(mNumberOfClassesSpinbox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustNumberOfClasses())); QObject::connect(mClassificationComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(adjustClassification())); QObject::connect(mModeComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(adjustClassification())); } QgsGraMaDialog::QgsGraMaDialog() { #ifdef QGISDEBUG qWarning("constructor QgsGraSyDialog"); #endif } QgsGraMaDialog::~QgsGraMaDialog() { if (ext) { ext->hide(); delete ext; } #ifdef QGISDEBUG qWarning("destructor QgsGraSyDialog"); #endif } void QgsGraMaDialog::apply() { if (ext) { ext->adjustMarkers(); if (mClassificationComboBox->currentText().isEmpty()) //don't do anything, it there is no classification field { return; } //font tor the legend text QFont f("arial", 10, QFont::Normal); QFontMetrics fm(f); //spaces int topspace = 5; int bottomspace = 5; int leftspace = 10; //space between left side of the pixmap and the text/graphics int rightspace = 5; //space between text/graphics and right side of the pixmap int wordspace = 5; //space between graphics/word int markerheight; //height of a marker (is different for every row) int markerwidth; //width of the broadest marker int lowerupperwidth; // widht of the broadest lower-upper pair int rowspace = 5; //spaces between rows of symbols int rowheight = fm.height(); //height of a text row int classesheight; //height of the classes section //find out the width of the widest label and the widest lower - upper pair int labelwidth=0; lowerupperwidth=0; for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value(); i++) { int currentlabelwidth=fm.width(((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(2, i)))->text()); if(currentlabelwidth>labelwidth) { labelwidth=currentlabelwidth; } int currentluwidth=fm.width(((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(0, i)))->text() + " - " + ((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(1, i)))->text()); if(currentluwidth>lowerupperwidth) { lowerupperwidth=currentluwidth; } } //find out the width of the broadest marker and the total height of the class section markerwidth=0; classesheight=rowspace*(mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value()-1); for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value(); i++) { QPicture p; p.load(((QPushButton*)(ext->getWidget(3,i)))->name(),"svg"); int width=(int)(p.boundingRect().width()*((QLineEdit*)(ext->getWidget(4,i)))->text().toDouble()); if(width>markerwidth) { markerwidth=width; qWarning("markerwidth: "+QString::number(markerwidth)); } int height= (int)(p.boundingRect().height()*((QLineEdit*)(ext->getWidget(4,i)))->text().toDouble()); height = (height>rowheight) ? height : rowheight; qWarning("height: " + QString::number(height)); classesheight+=height; } //create the pixmap for the render item QPixmap *pix = mVectorLayer->legendPixmap(); QString name; if (mVectorLayer->propertiesDialog()) { name = mVectorLayer->propertiesDialog()->displayName(); } else { name = ""; } //query the name and the maximum upper value to estimate the necessary width of the pixmap int pixwidth = leftspace + rightspace + markerwidth + 2 * wordspace + labelwidth + lowerupperwidth; //width of the pixmap with symbol and values //consider 240 pixel for labels int namewidth = leftspace + fm.width(name) + rightspace; int width = (pixwidth > namewidth) ? pixwidth : namewidth; pix->resize(width, topspace + 2 * fm.height() + bottomspace + classesheight); pix->fill(); QPainter p(pix); p.setFont(f); //draw the layer name and the name of the classification field into the pixmap p.drawText(leftspace, topspace + fm.height(), name); p.drawText(leftspace, topspace + 2 * fm.height(), mClassificationComboBox->currentText()); QgsGraduatedMaRenderer *renderer = dynamic_cast < QgsGraduatedMaRenderer * >(mVectorLayer->renderer()); if (!renderer) { qWarning("Warning, typecast failed in QgsGraSyDialog::apply()"); return; } renderer->removeItems(); int offset = topspace + 2 * fm.height(); for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value(); i++) { QgsMarkerSymbol* sy = new QgsMarkerSymbol(); sy->setPicture(((QPushButton*)(ext->getWidget(3,i)))->name()); qWarning("SVG file: " + QString::fromAscii(((QPushButton*)(ext->getWidget(3,i)))->name())); sy->setScaleFactor(((QLineEdit*)(ext->getWidget(4,i)))->text().toDouble()); QString lower_bound = ((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(0, i)))->text(); QString upper_bound = ((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(1, i)))->text(); QString label = ((QLineEdit *) (ext->getWidget(2, i)))->text(); //test, if lower_bound is numeric or not (making a subclass of QString would be the proper solution) bool lbcontainsletter = false; for (uint j = 0; j < lower_bound.length(); j++) { if (lower_bound.ref(j).isLetter()) { lbcontainsletter = true; } } //test, if upper_bound is numeric or not (making a subclass of QString would be the proper solution) bool ubcontainsletter = false; for (uint j = 0; j < upper_bound.length(); j++) { if (upper_bound.ref(j).isLetter()) { ubcontainsletter = true; } } if (lbcontainsletter == false && ubcontainsletter == false && lower_bound.length() > 0 && upper_bound.length() > 0) //only add the item if the value bounds do not contain letters and are not null strings { QgsRangeRenderItem *item = new QgsRangeRenderItem(sy, lower_bound, upper_bound, label); qWarning("lower_bound: " +lower_bound); qWarning("upper_bound: " +upper_bound); qWarning("label: " +label); renderer->addItem(item); //add the symbol to the picture QString legendstring = lower_bound + " - " + upper_bound; //todo: paint the picture QPicture pic; pic.load(((QPushButton*)(ext->getWidget(3,i)))->name(),"svg"); double scalefactor=((QLineEdit*)(ext->getWidget(4,i)))->text().toDouble(); int actrowheight=(int)(pic.boundingRect().height()*scalefactor); actrowheight= (actrowheight > rowheight) ? actrowheight : rowheight; qWarning("offset: "+QString::number(offset)); qWarning("row: "+QString::number(i)); qWarning("scalefactor: "+QString::number(scalefactor)); qWarning("actrowheight: "+QString::number(actrowheight)); qWarning("rowheight: " +QString::number(rowheight)); p.scale(scalefactor,scalefactor); p.drawPicture((int)(leftspace/scalefactor),(int)(offset/scalefactor),pic); p.resetXForm(); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawText(leftspace+markerwidth + wordspace, offset + actrowheight, legendstring); p.drawText(leftspace+markerwidth+2*wordspace+lowerupperwidth, offset + actrowheight, label); offset+=(rowspace+actrowheight); } } renderer->setClassificationField(ext->classfield()); if (mVectorLayer->legendItem()) { mVectorLayer->legendItem()->setPixmap(0, (*pix)); } if (mVectorLayer->propertiesDialog()) { mVectorLayer->propertiesDialog()->setRendererDirty(false); } mVectorLayer->triggerRepaint(); } else //number of classes is 0 { std::cout << "warning, number of classes is zero" << std::endl << std::flush; } } void QgsGraMaDialog::adjustNumberOfClasses() { //find out the number of the classification field QString fieldstring = mClassificationComboBox->currentText(); if (fieldstring.isEmpty()) //don't do anything, it there is no classification field { show(); return; } std::map < QString, int >::iterator iter = mFieldMap.find(fieldstring); int field = iter->second; if(ext) { QgsGraMaDialogBaseLayout->remove(ext); delete ext; } //create a new extension dialog if (mModeComboBox->currentText() == "Empty") { ext = new QgsGraMaExtensionWidget(this, field, QgsGraSyDialog::EMPTY, mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value(), mVectorLayer); } else if (mModeComboBox->currentText() == "Equal Interval") { ext = new QgsGraMaExtensionWidget(this, field, QgsGraSyDialog::EQUAL_INTERVAL, mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value(), mVectorLayer); } if (mNumberOfClassesSpinbox->value() == 0) { ext = 0; return; } QgsGraMaDialogBaseLayout->addMultiCellWidget(ext, 5, 5, 0, 3); ext->show(); } void QgsGraMaDialog::adjustClassification() { //find out the number of the classification field QString fieldstring = mClassificationComboBox->currentText(); if (fieldstring.isEmpty()) //don't do anything, it there is no classification field { show(); return; } std::map < QString, int >::iterator iter = mFieldMap.find(fieldstring); int field = iter->second; if(ext) { if (mModeComboBox->currentText() == "Empty") { ext->setClassification(QgsGraSyDialog::EMPTY,field); } else if(mModeComboBox->currentText() == "Equal Interval") { ext->setClassification(QgsGraSyDialog::EQUAL_INTERVAL,field); } } }