# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """QGIS Unit tests for API documentation coverage. .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'Nyall Dawson' __date__ = '01/02/2015' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2016, The QGIS Project' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import os import sys try: from qgis.static_testing import unittest except ImportError: from nose2.compat import unittest from termcolor import colored from doxygen_parser import DoxygenParser from acceptable_missing_doc import ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_DOCS, ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_ADDED_NOTE, ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_BRIEF # TO regenerate the list: # uncomment the lines under the `# GEN LIST` # $ export PYTHONPATH=build/output/python # $ export QGIS_PREFIX_PATH=build/output # $ python tests/src/python/test_qgsdoccoverage.py # copy the output to the file: # tests/src/python/acceptable_missing_doc.py # in `ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_DOCS = { <past> }`. class TestQgsDocCoverage(unittest.TestCase): def testCoverage(self): print('CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT') prefixPath = os.environ['QGIS_PREFIX_PATH'] docPath = os.path.join(prefixPath, '..', 'doc', 'api', 'xml') parser = DoxygenParser(docPath, ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_DOCS, ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_ADDED_NOTE, ACCEPTABLE_MISSING_BRIEF) coverage = 100.0 * parser.documented_members / parser.documentable_members missing = parser.documentable_members - parser.documented_members print("---------------------------------") print(("{} total documentable members".format(parser.documentable_members))) print(("{} total contain valid documentation".format(parser.documented_members))) print(("Total documentation coverage {}%".format(coverage))) print("---------------------------------") print(("{} members missing documentation".format(missing))) print("---------------------------------") print("Unacceptable missing documentation:") if parser.undocumented_members: for cls, props in list(parser.undocumented_members.items()): print(('\n\nClass {}, {}/{} members documented\n'.format(colored(cls, 'yellow'), props['documented'], props['members']))) for mem in props['missing_members']: print((colored(' ' + mem, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']))) # self.assertEquals(len(parser.undocumented_string), 0, 'FAIL: new undocumented members have been introduced, please add documentation for these members') if parser.classes_missing_group: print("---------------------------------") print('\n') print((colored('{} classes have been added without Doxygen group tag ("\ingroup"):'.format(len(parser.classes_missing_group)), 'yellow'))) print('') print((' ' + '\n '.join([colored(cls, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) for cls in parser.classes_missing_group]))) if parser.classes_missing_version_added: print("---------------------------------") print('\n') print((colored('{} classes have been added without a version added doxygen note ("\since QGIS x.xx"):'.format(len(parser.classes_missing_version_added)), 'yellow'))) print('') print((' ' + '\n '.join([colored(cls, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) for cls in parser.classes_missing_version_added]))) if parser.classes_missing_brief: print("---------------------------------") print('\n') print((colored('{} classes have been added without at least a brief description:'.format(len(parser.classes_missing_brief)), 'yellow'))) print('') print((' ' + '\n '.join([colored(cls, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) for cls in parser.classes_missing_brief]))) sys.stdout.flush() self.assertTrue(not parser.undocumented_members, 'Undocumented members found') self.assertTrue(not parser.classes_missing_group, 'Classes without \\group tag found') self.assertTrue(not parser.classes_missing_version_added, 'Classes without \\since version tag found') self.assertTrue(not parser.classes_missing_brief, 'Classes without \\brief description found') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()