{ "name": "overlay_nearest", "type": "function", "groups": ["GeometryGroup"], "description": "Returns whether the current feature has feature(s) from a target layer within a given distance, or an array of expression-based results for the features in the target layer within a distance from the current feature.

Note: This function can be slow and consume a lot of memory for large layers.", "arguments": [ { "arg": "layer", "description": "the target layer" }, { "arg": "expression", "description": "an optional expression to evaluate on the features from the target layer. If not set, the function will just return a boolean indicating whether there is at least one match.", "optional": true }, { "arg": "filter", "description": "an optional expression to filter the target features to check. If not set, all the features in the target layer will be used.", "optional": true }, { "arg": "limit", "description": "an optional integer to limit the number of matching features. If not set, only the nearest feature will be returned. If set to -1, returns all the matching features.", "optional": true, "default": "1" }, { "arg": "max_distance", "description": "an optional distance to limit the search of matching features. If not set, all the features in the target layer will be used.", "optional": true }, { "arg": "cache", "description": "set this to true to build a local spatial index (most of the time, this is unwanted, unless you are working with a particularly slow data provider)", "optional": true, "default": "false" } ], "examples": [ { "expression": "overlay_nearest('airports')", "returns": "true if the \"airports\" layer has at least one feature" }, { "expression": "overlay_nearest('airports', max_distance:= 5000)", "returns": "true if there is an airport within a distance of 5000 map units from the current feature" }, { "expression": "overlay_nearest('airports', name)", "returns": "the name of the closest airport to the current feature, as an array" }, { "expression": "array_to_string(overlay_nearest('airports', name))", "returns": "the name of the closest airport to the current feature, as a string" }, { "expression": "overlay_nearest(layer:='airports', expression:= name, max_distance:= 5000)", "returns": "the name of the closest airport within a distance of 5000 map units from the current feature, as an array" }, { "expression": "overlay_nearest(layer:='airports', expression:=\"name\", filter:= \"Use\"='Civilian', limit:=3)", "returns": "an array of names, for up to the three closest civilian airports ordered by distance" }, { "expression": "overlay_nearest(layer:='airports', expression:=\"name\", limit:= -1, max_distance:= 5000)", "returns": "an array of names, for all the airports within a distance of 5000 map units from the current feature, ordered by distance" } ] }