#!/bin/sh ########################################################################### # qgis_srs.sh # --------------------- # Date : August 2009 # Copyright : (C) 2009 by Magnus Homann # Email : magnus at homann dot se ########################################################################### # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # ########################################################################### # AUTHOR: Maciej Sieczka, msieczka@sieczka.org, http://www.sieczka.org # # PURPOSE: Create a QGIS srs.db-compliant SQL script with SRS, ellipsoid # and projections defs based on the output of installed PROJ and # GDAL. # # VERSION: 1.1.0, 2009.03.19 # # COPYRIGHT: (c) 2008,2009 Maciej Sieczka # # LICENSE: This program is free software under the GNU General Public # License (>=v2). # CHANGELOG: # # 1.1.0: # - Reorganize the code into functions. # - Support qgis.db convenient update too. # - Workaround the issue http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2900. # # 1.0.3: Minor cosmetics in comments. # # 1.0.2: Replace 'latlon' and 'lonlat' in the $(proj -le) output, so that QGIS # can parse the 'tbl_projection' table to provide the GCSs list in the # 'Projection' dialog (BTW, the dialog should be called 'Coordinate # system' actually, as a projection is only a component of a cs). # More comments. # # 1.0.1: Typos in comments fixed. # # 1.0: First public release. # USAGE: 1. qgis_srs.sh --full/--tmpl > output.sql # 2. import output.sql into SQLite Database Browser # 3. save as a new dbase, name it srs.db (--full) or qgis.db (--tmpl), # use with QGIS # DETAILS: # # The script creates an SQL plain text dump that can be imported into # SQlite db e.g.,. using SQLite Database Browser's "Import > Database from # SQL file" tool. # # The ellipsoids (tbl_ellipsoid) and projections (tbl_projection) tables # are created parsing the proj command output. I chose this approach, # because looking at the original tables content it seems the original # tables were created the same way. # # The tbl_srs table is created parsing the epsg_tr.py output. EPSG codes # to process are taken from the installed GDAL's pcs.csv and gcs.csv files. # # Tables structure and final SQL statements creating the view and indices # were copied from the original srs.db shipped with QGIS trunk r8544, # after dumping it to a plain text format with SQLite Database Browser. ### FUNCTIONS ### mk_tbl_bookmarks () { # Create bookmarks table: echo "CREATE TABLE tbl_bookmarks ( bookmark_id integer PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, project_name varchar(32), xmin double, ymin double, xmax double, ymax double, projection_srid integer );" } mk_tbl_ellps () { # Create ellipsoids table: echo "CREATE TABLE tbl_ellipsoid ( acronym char(20) NOT NULL default '', name char(255) NOT NULL default '', radius char(255) NOT NULL default '', parameter2 char(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (acronym) );" } pop_tbl_ellps () { # Populate ellipsoids table. Care about (possible) apostrophes in strings, which # would brake the SQL syntax, as the "'" is also a string separator: proj -le | sed 's/^ *//g' | tr -d "\t" | sed "s/ */ /g" | sed "s/'/''/g" | awk 'BEGIN {sep="'\'','\''"} NF>4 {printf $1 sep $4; for (i=5;i<NF+1;i++) {printf " "$i} print sep $2 sep $3} NF<5 {print $1 sep $4 sep $2 sep $3}' | while read i; do echo "INSERT INTO tbl_ellipsoid VALUES('"${i}"');" done } mk_tbl_projs () { # Create projections table: echo "CREATE TABLE tbl_projection ( acronym varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', notes varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', parameters varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' );" } pop_tbl_projs () { # Populate projections table: # Process each proj4 projection acronym... for i in $(proj -l | cut -d" " -f1 | sed -e 's/lonlat/longlat/' -e 's/latlon/latlong/') ; do #...to extract it's parameters, making sure not more than 4 fields are created... proj=$(proj -l=$i | tr -d "\t" | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ : /\n/' | sed "s/'/''/g" | awk '{print "'\''"$0"'\''"}' | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$/\n/' | sed "s/','/ /4g") #...count the number of parameters... proj_nf=$(echo $proj | awk -F"','" '{print NF}') #...if only 3 (3 or 4 are possible) add an empty 4th one. if [ $proj_nf -eq 3 ] ; then proj=${proj}",''" fi # Create an SQL command for each proj: echo "INSERT INTO tbl_projection VALUES("${proj}");" done } mk_tbl_srss_srs () { # Create SRSs table for srs.db: echo "CREATE TABLE tbl_srs ( srs_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, description text NOT NULL, projection_acronym text NOT NULL, ellipsoid_acronym NOT NULL, parameters text NOT NULL, srid integer NOT NULL, epsg integer NOT NULL, is_geo integer NOT NULL );" } mk_tbl_srss_qgis () { # Create SRSs table for qgis.db: echo "CREATE TABLE tbl_srs ( srs_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, description text NOT NULL, projection_acronym text NOT NULL, ellipsoid_acronym NOT NULL, parameters text NOT NULL, srid integer NULL, auth_name varchar NULL, auth_id varchar NULL, is_geo integer NOT NULL );" } pop_tbl_srss () { # Populate SRSs table: gdal_share=$(gdal-config --datadir) no=0 # Extract projected SRSs from the installed GDAL pcs.csv file: #Find valid EPSG numbers parsing GDAL's pcs.csv: for i in $(awk 'NR>1' ${gdal_share}/pcs.csv | cut -d, -f1); do raw=$(epsg_tr.py -proj4 $i 2>&1 | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ <> $//' | grep -v "^ERROR 6: ") if [ -n "$raw" ]; then no=$((no + 1)) name=$(echo $raw | sed 's/^# //' | grep -o "^.\{1,\} <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}>" | sed 's/ <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}>//' | sed "s/'/''/g") proj=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+proj=[^[:space:]]\{1,\}" | cut -d"=" -f2) ellps=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+ellps=[^[:space:]]\{1,\}" | cut -d"=" -f2) srs=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+proj.\{1,\} +no_defs") epsg=$(echo $raw | grep -o ' <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}> ' | sed 's/[^[:digit:]]//g') isgeo=0 echo "INSERT INTO tbl_srs VALUES(${no},'${name}','${proj}','${ellps}','${srs}',${epsg},${epsg},${isgeo});" fi done # Extract un-projected SRSs from the installed GDAL gcs.csv file: #Find valid EPSG numbers parsing GDAL's gcs.csv: for i in $(awk 'NR>1' ${gdal_share}/gcs.csv | cut -d, -f1); do raw=$(epsg_tr.py -proj4 $i 2>&1 | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ <> $//' | grep -v "^ERROR 6: ") if [ -n "$raw" ]; then no=$((no + 1)) name=$(echo $raw | sed 's/^# //' | grep -o "^.\{1,\} <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}>" | sed 's/ <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}>//' | sed "s/'/''/g") proj=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+proj=[^[:space:]]\{1,\}" | cut -d"=" -f2) ellps=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+ellps=[^[:space:]]\{1,\}" | cut -d"=" -f2) srs=$(echo $raw | grep -o "+proj.\{1,\} +no_defs") epsg=$(echo $raw | grep -o ' <[[:digit:]]\{1,\}> ' | sed 's/[^[:digit:]]//g') isgeo=1 echo "INSERT INTO tbl_srs VALUES(${no},'${name}','${proj}','${ellps}','${srs}',${epsg},${epsg},${isgeo});" fi done } mk_view () { # Final SQL statements: echo "CREATE VIEW vw_srs as select a.description as description, a.srs_id as srs_id, a.is_geo as is_geo, b.name as name, a.parameters as parameters, a.auth_name as auth_name, a.auth_id as auth_id from tbl_srs a inner join tbl_projection b on a.projection_acronym=b.acronym order by b.name, a.description;" } usage () { echo " Usage: --qgis Create a database to be used as the 'qgis.db' upgraded replacement. --srs Create a database to be used as the 'srs.db' upgraded replacement. " } ### DO IT ### if [ "$1" = "--qgis" ]; then echo "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" mk_tbl_bookmarks mk_tbl_ellps; pop_tbl_ellps mk_tbl_projs; pop_tbl_projs mk_tbl_srss_qgis mk_view echo "COMMIT;" elif [ "$1" = "--srs" ]; then echo "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" mk_tbl_ellps; pop_tbl_ellps mk_tbl_projs; pop_tbl_projs mk_tbl_srss_srs; pop_tbl_srss mk_view echo "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_srsauthid on tbl_srs(auth_name,auth_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_srssrid on tbl_srs(srid); COMMIT;" else usage fi