class QgsFeatureSelectionModel : QItemSelectionModel
#include <attributetable/qgsfeatureselectionmodel.h>
    explicit QgsFeatureSelectionModel( QAbstractItemModel* model, QgsFeatureModel* featureModel, QgsIFeatureSelectionManager* featureSelectionHandler, QObject* parent /TransferThis/ );

     * Enables or disables synchronisation to the {@link QgsVectorLayer}
     * When synchronisation is disabled, any selection change will be buffered inside this selection model.
     * When enabled, any buffered changes are communicated to the layer and the buffer is emptied.
     * Mainly to be used for performance reasons, because selection change on the layer can cost time as it
     * repaints the layer.
     * @param enable The synchronisation status to set.
    void enableSync( bool enable );

     * Returns the selection status of a given feature id.
     * @param fid  The featureid to determine the selection status of
     * @return The selection status

    virtual bool isSelected( QgsFeatureId fid );
     * Returns the selection status of a given QModelIndex.
     * @param index  The index to determine the selection status of
     * @return The selection status
    virtual bool isSelected( const QModelIndex& index );

     * Request a repaint of a list of model indexes.
     * Views using this model should connect to and properly process this signal.
     * @param indexes The model indexes which need to be repainted
    void requestRepaint( const QModelIndexList& indexes );

     * Request a repaint of the visible items of connected views.
     * Views using this model should connect to and properly process this signal.
    void requestRepaint();

  public slots:
     * Overwritten to do NOTHING (we handle selection ourselves)
     * @see selectFeatures( const QItemSelection&, SelectionFlags )
    virtual void select( const QModelIndex &index, SelectionFlags command );

     * Overwritten to do NOTHING (we handle selection ourselves)
     * @see selectFeatures( const QItemSelection&, SelectionFlags )
    virtual void select( const QItemSelection &selection, SelectionFlags command );

     * Select features on this table. Is to be used in favor of the stock select methods.
     * @param selection  The QItemSelection which will be selected
     * @param command    The command to apply. Select, Deselect and ClearAndSelect are processed.
    virtual void selectFeatures( const QItemSelection &selection, const SelectionFlags& command );

    virtual void setFeatureSelectionManager( QgsIFeatureSelectionManager* featureSelectionManager );