#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BuPyramid.hpp" #include "BuTypes.hpp" #include "FileInfo.hpp" #include "OctantInfo.hpp" #include "../untwine/Common.hpp" #include "../untwine/ProgressWriter.hpp" namespace untwine { namespace bu { /// BuPyramid BuPyramid::BuPyramid() : m_manager(m_b) {} void BuPyramid::run(const Options& options, ProgressWriter& progress) { m_b.inputDir = options.tempDir; m_b.outputDir = options.outputDir; readBaseInfo(); getInputFiles(); size_t count = queueWork(); progress.setPercent(.6); progress.setIncrement(.4 / count); m_manager.setProgress(&progress); std::thread runner(&PyramidManager::run, &m_manager); runner.join(); writeInfo(); } void BuPyramid::readBaseInfo() { auto nextblock = [](std::istream& in) { std::string s; bool firstnl = false; while (in) { char c; in.get(c); if (c == '\n') { if (firstnl) { // Remove trailing newline. s.resize(s.size() - 1); return s; } else firstnl = true; } else firstnl = false; s += c; } return s; }; std::string baseFilename = m_b.inputDir + "/" + MetadataFilename; std::ifstream in(baseFilename); if (!in) fatal("Can't open '" + MetadataFilename + "' in directory '" + m_b.inputDir + "'."); std::stringstream ss(nextblock(in)); ss >> m_b.bounds.minx >> m_b.bounds.miny >> m_b.bounds.minz; ss >> m_b.bounds.maxx >> m_b.bounds.maxy >> m_b.bounds.maxz; ss.str(nextblock(in)); ss.clear(); ss >> m_b.trueBounds.minx >> m_b.trueBounds.miny >> m_b.trueBounds.minz; ss >> m_b.trueBounds.maxx >> m_b.trueBounds.maxy >> m_b.trueBounds.maxz; std::string srs = nextblock(in); if (srs != "NONE") m_b.srs.set(srs); if (!in) throw "Couldn't read info file."; ss.str(nextblock(in)); ss.clear(); m_b.pointSize = 0; while (true) { FileDimInfo fdi; ss >> fdi; if (!ss) break; if (fdi.name.empty()) fatal("Invalid dimension in info.txt."); m_b.pointSize += pdal::Dimension::size(fdi.type); m_b.dimInfo.push_back(fdi); } if (m_b.pointSize == 0) throw "Couldn't read info file."; } void BuPyramid::writeInfo() { auto typeString = [](pdal::Dimension::BaseType b) { using namespace pdal::Dimension; switch (b) { case BaseType::Signed: return "signed"; case BaseType::Unsigned: return "unsigned"; case BaseType::Floating: return "float"; default: return ""; } }; std::ofstream out(m_b.outputDir + "/ept.json"); out << "{\n"; pdal::BOX3D& b = m_b.bounds; std::ios init(NULL); init.copyfmt(out); out << std::fixed << std::setw(12); out << "\"bounds\": [" << b.minx << ", " << b.miny << ", " << b.minz << ", " << b.maxx << ", " << b.maxy << ", " << b.maxz << "],\n"; pdal::BOX3D& tb = m_b.trueBounds; out << "\"boundsConforming\": [" << tb.minx << ", " << tb.miny << ", " << tb.minz << ", " << tb.maxx << ", " << tb.maxy << ", " << tb.maxz << "],\n"; out << "\"dataType\": \"laszip\",\n"; out << "\"hierarchyType\": \"json\",\n"; out << "\"points\": " << m_manager.totalPoints() << ",\n"; out << "\"span\": 128,\n"; out << "\"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n"; out << "\"schema\": [\n"; for (auto di = m_b.dimInfo.begin(); di != m_b.dimInfo.end(); ++di) { const FileDimInfo& fdi = *di; out << "\t{"; out << "\"name\": \"" << fdi.name << "\", "; out << "\"type\": \"" << typeString(pdal::Dimension::base(fdi.type)) << "\", "; if (fdi.name == "X" || fdi.name == "Y" || fdi.name == "Z") out << "\"scale\": 0.01, \"offset\": 0, "; out << "\"size\": " << pdal::Dimension::size(fdi.type) << " "; out << "}"; if (di + 1 != m_b.dimInfo.end()) out << ","; out << "\n"; } out << "],\n"; out << "\"srs\": {\n"; if (m_b.srs.valid()) { out << "\"wkt\": " << "\"" << pdal::Utils::escapeJSON(m_b.srs.getWKT()) << "\"\n"; } out << "}\n"; out << "}\n"; out.copyfmt(init); } void BuPyramid::getInputFiles() { auto matches = [](const std::string& f) { std::regex check("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\\.bin"); std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_match(f, m, check)) return std::make_pair(false, VoxelKey(0, 0, 0, 0)); int level = std::stoi(m[1].str()); int x = std::stoi(m[2].str()); int y = std::stoi(m[3].str()); int z = std::stoi(m[4].str()); return std::make_pair(true, VoxelKey(x, y, z, level)); }; std::vector files = pdal::FileUtils::directoryList(m_b.inputDir); VoxelKey root; for (std::string file : files) { uintmax_t size = pdal::FileUtils::fileSize(file); file = pdal::FileUtils::getFilename(file); auto ret = matches(file); bool success = ret.first; VoxelKey& key = ret.second; if (success) m_allFiles.emplace(key, FileInfo(file, size / m_b.pointSize)); } // Remove any files that are hangers-on from a previous run - those that are parents // of other input. for (auto it = m_allFiles.begin(); it != m_allFiles.end(); ++it) { VoxelKey k = it->first; while (k != root) { k = k.parent(); m_allFiles.erase(k); }; } } size_t BuPyramid::queueWork() { std::set needed; std::set parentsToProcess; std::vector have; const VoxelKey root; for (auto& afi : m_allFiles) { VoxelKey k = afi.first; FileInfo& f = afi.second; // Stick an OctantInfo for this file in the 'have' list. OctantInfo o(k); o.appendFileInfo(f); have.push_back(o); // Walk up the tree and make sure that we're populated for all children necessary // to process to the top level. while (k != root) { k = k.parent(); parentsToProcess.insert(k); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) needed.insert(k.child(i)); } } // Now remove entries for the files we have and their parents. for (const OctantInfo& o : have) { VoxelKey k = o.key(); while (k != root) { needed.erase(k); k = k.parent(); } } // Queue what we have and what's left that's needed. for (const OctantInfo& o : have) m_manager.queue(o); for (const VoxelKey& k : needed) m_manager.queue(OctantInfo(k)); return parentsToProcess.size(); } } // namespace bu } // namespace untwine