/** A composer command class for grouping / ungrouping composer items.
 * If mState == Ungrouped, the command owns the group item
class QgsGroupUngroupItemsCommand: QObject, QUndoCommand
#include "qgsgroupungroupitemscommand.h"


    /** Command kind, and state */
    enum State
      Grouped = 0,

    /** Create a group or ungroup command
     * @param s command kind (@see State)
     * @param item the group item being created or ungrouped
     * @param c the composition including this group
     * @param text command label
     * @param parent parent command, if any
    QgsGroupUngroupItemsCommand( State s, QgsComposerItemGroup* item, QgsComposition* c, const QString& text, QUndoCommand* parent = nullptr );

    void redo();
    void undo();

    /** Signals addition of an item (the group) */
    void itemAdded( QgsComposerItem* item );
    /** Signals removal of an item (the group) */
    void itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* item );
