# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** utils.py --------------------- Date : November 2009 Copyright : (C) 2009 by Martin Dobias Email : wonder dot sk at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from builtins import str __author__ = 'Martin Dobias' __date__ = 'November 2009' __copyright__ = '(C) 2009, Martin Dobias' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' """ QGIS utilities module """ from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QLocale from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QApplication from qgis.core import QGis, QgsExpression, QgsMessageLog, qgsfunction, QgsMessageOutput from qgis.gui import QgsMessageBar import sys import traceback import glob import os.path try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import warnings import codecs import time import functools if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import builtins builtins.__dict__['unicode'] = str builtins.__dict__['basestring'] = str builtins.__dict__['long'] = int builtins.__dict__['Set'] = set # ###################### # ERROR HANDLING warnings.simplefilter('default') warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "the sets module is deprecated") def showWarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): stk = ''.join([s.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for s in traceback.format_stack()[:-2]]) QgsMessageLog.logMessage( u"warning:{}\ntraceback:{}".format(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), lineno), stk), QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Python warning") ) warnings.showwarning = showWarning def showException(type, value, tb, msg, messagebar=False): if msg is None: msg = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'An error has occurred while executing Python code:') logmessage = '' for s in traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb): logmessage += s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if hasattr(s, 'decode') else s title = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'Python error') QgsMessageLog.logMessage(logmessage, title) try: blockingdialog = QApplication.instance().activeModalWidget() window = QApplication.instance().activeWindow() except: blockingdialog = QApplication.activeModalWidget() window = QApplication.activeWindow() # Still show the normal blocking dialog in this case for now. if blockingdialog or not window or not messagebar or not iface: open_stack_dialog(type, value, tb, msg) return bar = iface.messageBar() # If it's not the main window see if we can find a message bar to report the error in if not window.objectName() == "QgisApp": widgets = window.findChildren(QgsMessageBar) if widgets: # Grab the first message bar for now bar = widgets[0] item = bar.currentItem() if item and item.property("Error") == msg: # Return of we already have a message with the same error message return widget = bar.createMessage(title, msg + " " + QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "See message log (Python Error) for more details.")) widget.setProperty("Error", msg) stackbutton = QPushButton(QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Stack trace"), pressed=functools.partial(open_stack_dialog, type, value, tb, msg)) button = QPushButton(QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "View message log"), pressed=show_message_log) widget.layout().addWidget(stackbutton) widget.layout().addWidget(button) bar.pushWidget(widget, QgsMessageBar.WARNING) def show_message_log(pop_error=True): if pop_error: iface.messageBar().popWidget() iface.openMessageLog() def open_stack_dialog(type, value, tb, msg, pop_error=True): if pop_error: iface.messageBar().popWidget() if msg is None: msg = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'An error has occurred while executing Python code:') # TODO Move this to a template HTML file txt = u'''{msg}



{version_label} {num}
{qgis_label} {qversion} {qgisrelease}, {devversion}


''' error = '' lst = traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb) for s in lst: error += s.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if hasattr(s, 'decode') else s error = error.replace('\n', '
') main_error = lst[-1].decode('utf-8', 'replace') if hasattr(lst[-1], 'decode') else lst[-1] version_label = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'Python version:') qgis_label = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'QGIS version:') pypath_label = QCoreApplication.translate('Python', 'Python Path:') txt = txt.format(msg=msg, main_error=main_error, error=error, version_label=version_label, num=sys.version, qgis_label=qgis_label, qversion=QGis.QGIS_VERSION, qgisrelease=QGis.QGIS_RELEASE_NAME, devversion=QGis.QGIS_DEV_VERSION, pypath_label=pypath_label, pypath=u"".join(u"
  • {}
  • ".format(path) for path in sys.path)) txt = txt.replace(' ', '  ') # preserve whitespaces for nicer output dlg = QgsMessageOutput.createMessageOutput() dlg.setTitle(msg) dlg.setMessage(txt, QgsMessageOutput.MessageHtml) dlg.showMessage() def qgis_excepthook(type, value, tb): showException(type, value, tb, None, messagebar=True) def installErrorHook(): sys.excepthook = qgis_excepthook def uninstallErrorHook(): sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ # install error hook() on module load installErrorHook() # initialize 'iface' object iface = None def initInterface(pointer): from qgis.gui import QgisInterface from sip import wrapinstance global iface iface = wrapinstance(pointer, QgisInterface) ####################### # PLUGINS # list of plugin paths. it gets filled in by the QGIS python library plugin_paths = [] # dictionary of plugins plugins = {} plugin_times = {} # list of active (started) plugins active_plugins = [] # list of plugins in plugin directory and home plugin directory available_plugins = [] # dictionary of plugins providing metadata in a text file (metadata.txt) # key = plugin package name, value = config parser instance plugins_metadata_parser = {} def findPlugins(path): """ for internal use: return list of plugins in given path """ for plugin in glob.glob(path + "/*"): if not os.path.isdir(plugin): continue if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin, '__init__.py')): continue metadataFile = os.path.join(plugin, 'metadata.txt') if not os.path.exists(metadataFile): continue cp = configparser.ConfigParser() try: f = codecs.open(metadataFile, "r", "utf8") cp.readfp(f) f.close() except: cp = None pluginName = os.path.basename(plugin) yield (pluginName, cp) def updateAvailablePlugins(): """ Go through the plugin_paths list and find out what plugins are available. """ # merge the lists plugins = [] metadata_parser = {} for pluginpath in plugin_paths: for pluginName, parser in findPlugins(pluginpath): if parser is None: continue if pluginName not in plugins: plugins.append(pluginName) metadata_parser[pluginName] = parser global available_plugins available_plugins = plugins global plugins_metadata_parser plugins_metadata_parser = metadata_parser def pluginMetadata(packageName, fct): """ fetch metadata from a plugin - use values from metadata.txt """ try: return plugins_metadata_parser[packageName].get('general', fct) except Exception: return "__error__" def loadPlugin(packageName): """ load plugin's package """ try: __import__(packageName) return True except: pass # continue... # snake in the grass, we know it's there sys.path_importer_cache.clear() # retry try: __import__(packageName) return True except: msgTemplate = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Couldn't load plugin '%s'") msg = msgTemplate % packageName showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg, messagebar=True) return False def startPlugin(packageName): """ initialize the plugin """ global plugins, active_plugins, iface, plugin_times if packageName in active_plugins: return False if packageName not in sys.modules: return False package = sys.modules[packageName] errMsg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Couldn't load plugin %s") % packageName start = time.clock() # create an instance of the plugin try: plugins[packageName] = package.classFactory(iface) except: _unloadPluginModules(packageName) msg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "%s due to an error when calling its classFactory() method") % errMsg showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg, messagebar=True) return False # initGui try: plugins[packageName].initGui() except: del plugins[packageName] _unloadPluginModules(packageName) msg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "%s due to an error when calling its initGui() method") % errMsg showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg, messagebar=True) return False # add to active plugins active_plugins.append(packageName) end = time.clock() plugin_times[packageName] = "{0:02f}s".format(end - start) return True def canUninstallPlugin(packageName): """ confirm that the plugin can be uninstalled """ global plugins, active_plugins if packageName not in plugins: return False if packageName not in active_plugins: return False try: metadata = plugins[packageName] if "canBeUninstalled" not in dir(metadata): return True return bool(metadata.canBeUninstalled()) except: msg = "Error calling " + packageName + ".canBeUninstalled" showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg, messagebar=True) return True def unloadPlugin(packageName): """ unload and delete plugin! """ global plugins, active_plugins if packageName not in plugins: return False if packageName not in active_plugins: return False try: plugins[packageName].unload() del plugins[packageName] active_plugins.remove(packageName) _unloadPluginModules(packageName) return True except Exception as e: msg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Error while unloading plugin %s") % packageName showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg, messagebar=True) return False def _unloadPluginModules(packageName): """ unload plugin package with all its modules (files) """ global _plugin_modules mods = _plugin_modules[packageName] for mod in mods: # if it looks like a Qt resource file, try to do a cleanup # otherwise we might experience a segfault next time the plugin is loaded # because Qt will try to access invalid plugin resource data try: if hasattr(sys.modules[mod], 'qCleanupResources'): sys.modules[mod].qCleanupResources() except: pass # try to remove the module from python try: del sys.modules[mod] except: pass # remove the plugin entry del _plugin_modules[packageName] def isPluginLoaded(packageName): """ find out whether a plugin is active (i.e. has been started) """ global plugins, active_plugins if packageName not in plugins: return False return (packageName in active_plugins) def reloadPlugin(packageName): """ unload and start again a plugin """ global active_plugins if packageName not in active_plugins: return # it's not active unloadPlugin(packageName) loadPlugin(packageName) startPlugin(packageName) def showPluginHelp(packageName=None, filename="index", section=""): """ show a help in the user's html browser. The help file should be named index-ll_CC.html or index-ll.html""" try: source = "" if packageName is None: import inspect source = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_filename else: source = sys.modules[packageName].__file__ except: return path = os.path.dirname(source) locale = str(QLocale().name()) helpfile = os.path.join(path, filename + "-" + locale + ".html") if not os.path.exists(helpfile): helpfile = os.path.join(path, filename + "-" + locale.split("_")[0] + ".html") if not os.path.exists(helpfile): helpfile = os.path.join(path, filename + "-en.html") if not os.path.exists(helpfile): helpfile = os.path.join(path, filename + "-en_US.html") if not os.path.exists(helpfile): helpfile = os.path.join(path, filename + ".html") if os.path.exists(helpfile): url = "file://" + helpfile if section != "": url = url + "#" + section iface.openURL(url, False) def pluginDirectory(packageName): """ return directory where the plugin resides. Plugin must be loaded already """ return os.path.dirname(sys.modules[packageName].__file__) def reloadProjectMacros(): # unload old macros unloadProjectMacros() from qgis.core import QgsProject code, ok = QgsProject.instance().readEntry("Macros", "/pythonCode") if not ok or not code or code == '': return # create a new empty python module import imp mod = imp.new_module("proj_macros_mod") # set the module code and store it sys.modules exec(str(code), mod.__dict__) sys.modules["proj_macros_mod"] = mod # load new macros openProjectMacro() def unloadProjectMacros(): if "proj_macros_mod" not in sys.modules: return # unload old macros closeProjectMacro() # destroy the reference to the module del sys.modules["proj_macros_mod"] def openProjectMacro(): if "proj_macros_mod" not in sys.modules: return mod = sys.modules["proj_macros_mod"] if hasattr(mod, 'openProject'): mod.openProject() def saveProjectMacro(): if "proj_macros_mod" not in sys.modules: return mod = sys.modules["proj_macros_mod"] if hasattr(mod, 'saveProject'): mod.saveProject() def closeProjectMacro(): if "proj_macros_mod" not in sys.modules: return mod = sys.modules["proj_macros_mod"] if hasattr(mod, 'closeProject'): mod.closeProject() ####################### # SERVER PLUGINS # # TODO: move into server_utils.py ? # list of plugin paths. it gets filled in by the QGIS python library server_plugin_paths = [] # dictionary of plugins server_plugins = {} # list of active (started) plugins server_active_plugins = [] # initialize 'serverIface' object serverIface = None def initServerInterface(pointer): from qgis.server import QgsServerInterface from sip import wrapinstance sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ global serverIface serverIface = wrapinstance(pointer, QgsServerInterface) def startServerPlugin(packageName): """ initialize the plugin """ global server_plugins, server_active_plugins, serverIface if packageName in server_active_plugins: return False if packageName not in sys.modules: return False package = sys.modules[packageName] errMsg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "Couldn't load server plugin %s") % packageName # create an instance of the plugin try: server_plugins[packageName] = package.serverClassFactory(serverIface) except: _unloadPluginModules(packageName) msg = QCoreApplication.translate("Python", "%s due to an error when calling its serverClassFactory() method") % errMsg showException(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], msg) return False # add to active plugins server_active_plugins.append(packageName) return True ####################### # IMPORT wrapper _uses_builtins = True try: import builtins _builtin_import = builtins.__import__ except AttributeError: _uses_builtins = False import __builtin__ _builtin_import = __builtin__.__import__ _plugin_modules = {} def _import(name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=None): """ wrapper around builtin import that keeps track of loaded plugin modules """ if level is None: level = -1 if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else 0 mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) if mod and '__file__' in mod.__dict__: module_name = mod.__name__ package_name = module_name.split('.')[0] # check whether the module belongs to one of our plugins if package_name in available_plugins: if package_name not in _plugin_modules: _plugin_modules[package_name] = set() _plugin_modules[package_name].add(module_name) # check the fromlist for additional modules (from X import Y,Z) if fromlist: for fromitem in fromlist: frmod = module_name + "." + fromitem if frmod in sys.modules: _plugin_modules[package_name].add(frmod) return mod if _uses_builtins: builtins.__import__ = _import else: __builtin__.__import__ = _import