""" Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Matthew Perry Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Borys Jurgiel /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qgis.core import * from installer_gui import * from installer_data import * import resources_rc class InstallerPlugin(): # ----------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, iface): self.iface = iface setIface(self.iface) #pass self.iface to installer_data module (needed for plugin loading & testing) if QGIS_MAJOR_VER: # new plugin API self.mainWindow = self.iface.mainWindow else: # old plugin API self.mainWindow = self.iface.getMainWindow # ----------------------------------------- # def setCurrentTheme(self, theThemeName): """ Set icons to the current theme """ self.action.setIcon(self.getThemeIcon("plugin_installer.png")) # ----------------------------------------- # def getThemeIcon(self, theName): """ get the icon from the best available theme """ if not QGIS_MAJOR_VER: # QGIS 0.x return QIcon(":/plugins/installer/" + theName) myCurThemePath = QgsApplication.activeThemePath() + "/plugins/" + theName; myDefThemePath = QgsApplication.defaultThemePath() + "/plugins/" + theName; myQrcPath = ":/plugins/installer/" + theName; if QFile.exists(myCurThemePath): return QIcon(myCurThemePath) elif QFile.exists(myDefThemePath): return QIcon(myDefThemePath) elif QFile.exists(myQrcPath): return QIcon(myQrcPath) else: return QIcon() # ----------------------------------------- # def initGui(self): """ create action that will start plugin window and then add it to menu """ self.action = QAction(self.getThemeIcon("plugin_installer.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","Fetch Python Plugins..."), self.mainWindow()) self.action.setWhatsThis(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","Install more plugins from remote repositories")) self.action.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","Install more plugins from remote repositories")) if QGIS_MAJOR_VER: # new plugin API nextAction = self.iface.actionManagePlugins() self.iface.pluginMenu().insertAction(nextAction,self.action) else: # old plugin API nextAction = self.mainWindow().menuBar().actions()[4].menu().actions()[1] self.mainWindow().menuBar().actions()[4].menu().insertAction(nextAction,self.action) QObject.connect(self.action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.run) QObject.connect(self.iface, SIGNAL("currentThemeChanged ( QString )"), self.setCurrentTheme) self.statusLabel = None repositories.load() plugins.getAllInstalled() if repositories.checkingOnStart() and repositories.timeForChecking() and repositories.allEnabled(): self.statusLabel = QLabel(QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","Looking for new plugins..."), self.mainWindow().statusBar()) self.mainWindow().statusBar().insertPermanentWidget(0,self.statusLabel) QObject.connect(self.statusLabel, SIGNAL("linkActivated (QString)"), self.preRun) QObject.connect(repositories, SIGNAL("checkingDone()"), self.checkingDone) for key in repositories.allEnabled(): repositories.requestFetching(key) else: for key in repositories.allEnabled(): repositories.setRepositoryData(key,"state",3) for i in plugins.obsoletePlugins: QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow(), QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","QGIS Plugin Conflict:")+" "+plugins.localCache[i]["name"], QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","The Plugin Installer has detected an obsolete plugin which masks a newer version shipped with this QGIS version. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Please use the Plugin Installer to remove that older plugin in order to unmask the newer version shipped with this copy of QGIS.")) # ----------------------------------------- # def checkingDone(self): """ display the notify label if any updates or news available """ if not self.statusLabel: return # look for news in the repositories plugins.markNews() status = "" # first check for news for key in plugins.all(): if plugins.all()[key]["status"] == "new": status = QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","There is a new plugin available") # then check for updates (and eventually overwrite status) for key in plugins.all(): if plugins.all()[key]["status"] == "upgradeable": status = QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","There is a plugin update available") # finally set the notify label if status: self.statusLabel.setText(u' %s ' % status) else: self.mainWindow().statusBar().removeWidget(self.statusLabel) self.statusLabel = None # ----------------------------------------- # def unload(self): """ remove the menu item and notify label """ if QGIS_MAJOR_VER: # new plugin API self.iface.pluginMenu().removeAction(self.action) else: # old plugin API self.mainWindow().menuBar().actions()[4].menu().removeAction(self.action) if self.statusLabel: self.mainWindow().statusBar().removeWidget(self.statusLabel) # ----------------------------------------- # def preRun(self, * params): """ stupid method to get rid of the string value """ self.run() # ----------------------------------------- # def run(self, parent = None): """ create and show a configuration dialog """ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if self.statusLabel: self.mainWindow().statusBar().removeWidget(self.statusLabel) self.statusLabel = None if not parent: parent = self.mainWindow() for key in repositories.all(): if repositories.all()[key]["state"] == 3: # if state = 3 (error), try to fetch once again repositories.requestFetching(key) if repositories.fetchingInProgress(): self.fetchDlg = QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog(parent) self.fetchDlg.exec_() del self.fetchDlg for key in repositories.all(): repositories.killConnection(key) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # display an error message for every unavailable reposioty, except the case if all repositories are unavailable! if repositories.allUnavailable() and repositories.allUnavailable() != repositories.allEnabled(): for key in repositories.allUnavailable(): QMessageBox.warning(parent, QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","QGIS Python Plugin Installer"), QCoreApplication.translate("QgsPluginInstaller","Error reading repository:") + QString(' %s\n%s' % (key,repositories.all()[key]["error"]))) flags = Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint self.guiDlg = QgsPluginInstallerDialog(parent,flags) self.guiDlg.show() # ----------------------------------------- # def newlyInstalledPlugins(self): """ return the list of newly installed plugins for further loading """ return history.toList("A") # ----------------------------------------- # def newlyUninstalledPlugins(self): """ return the list of newly uninstalled plugins for further unloading """ return history.toList("D") # ----------------------------------------- # def newlyReinstalledPlugins(self): """ return the list of newly reinstalled plugins for further reloading """ return history.toList("R") # ----------------------------------------- # def resetNewlyProcessedPlugins(self): """ clear the dict of newly processed plugins """ history.clear()