/** \ingroup core * A class to render labels. * Label rendering properties can be either specified directly or * in most cases determined dynamically based on the value of an attribute. **/ class QgsLabel { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgslabel.h> %End public: QgsLabel( const QgsFields & fields ); ~QgsLabel(); /* Fields */ enum LabelField { Text, Family, Size, SizeType, Bold, Italic, Underline, Color, XCoordinate, YCoordinate, XOffset, YOffset, Angle, Alignment, BufferEnabled, BufferSize, BufferColor, BufferBrush, BorderWidth, BorderColor, BorderStyle, MultilineEnabled, StrikeOut, LabelFieldCount }; struct labelpoint { QgsPoint p; double angle; }; /** \brief render label * \param renderContext the render context * \param feature feature to render the label for * \param selected feature is selected * \param classAttributes attributes to create the label from */ void renderLabel( QgsRenderContext &renderContext, QgsFeature &feature, bool selected, QgsLabelAttributes *classAttributes = 0 ); /** Reads the renderer configuration from an XML file * @param node the Dom node to read */ void readXML( const QDomNode& node ); /** Writes the contents of the renderer to a configuration file */ void writeXML( QDomNode & label_node, QDomDocument & document ) const; //! add vector of required fields to existing list of fields void addRequiredFields( QList<int> & fields ) const; //! Set available fields void setFields( const QgsFields & fields ); //! Available vector fields QgsFields & fields(); /** Pointer to default attributes. * @note this replaces the to-be-deprecated layerAttributes method. * @note introduced in QGIS 1.4 */ QgsLabelAttributes *labelAttributes(); //! Set label field void setLabelField( int attr, int fieldIndex ); //! label field QString labelField( int attr ) const; /** Get field value if : 1) field name is not empty * 2) field exists * 3) value is defined * otherwise returns empty string */ QString fieldValue( int attr, QgsFeature& feature ); /** Accessor and mutator for the minimum scale member */ void setMinScale( float theMinScale ); float minScale() const; /** Accessor and mutator for the maximum scale member */ void setMaxScale( float theMaxScale ); float maxScale() const; /** Accessor and mutator for the scale based visilibility flag */ void setScaleBasedVisibility( bool theVisibilityFlag ); bool scaleBasedVisibility() const; /** Return true if the label is visible at the given scale */ bool isInScaleRange( double scale ) const; private: QgsLabel (); // pretend that constructor is private for now QgsLabel( const QgsLabel& rh ); };