/** \ingroup gui * A maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas * when a mouse is hovered over a feature. */ class QgsMapTip: QWidget { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsmaptip.h> %End public: /** Default constructor */ QgsMapTip(); /** Destructor */ virtual ~QgsMapTip(); /** Show a maptip at a given point on the map canvas * @param thepLayer a qgis vector map layer pointer that will * be used to provide the attribute data for the map tip. * @param theMapPosition a reference to the position of the cursor * in map coordinatess. * @param thePixelPosition a reference to the position of the cursor * in pixel coordinates. * @param mpMapCanvas a map canvas on which the tip is drawn */ void showMapTip( QgsMapLayer * thepLayer, QgsPoint & theMapPosition, QPoint & thePixelPosition, QgsMapCanvas *mpMapCanvas ); /** Clear the current maptip if it exists * @param mpMapCanvas the canvas from which the tip should be cleared. */ void clear( QgsMapCanvas *mpMapCanvas ); };