# Qt6 blocklist test_core_authconfig test_core_compositionconverter test_core_dxfexport test_core_expression test_core_labelingengine test_core_layoutpicture test_core_ogcutils test_core_vectortilelayer test_gui_processinggui test_gui_querybuilder test_app_advanceddigitizing test_app_vertextool # Crashes -- also disabled on qt5 builds! test_gui_queryresultwidget # block list PyQgsPalLabelingServer qgis_composerutils PyQgsAppStartup # code layout tests are run on separate build qgis_spelling qgis_sipify qgis_sip_include qgis_sip_uptodate # Need a local postgres installation PyQgsAuthManagerOgrPostgresTest PyQgsDbManagerPostgis # Needs an OpenCL device, the library is not enough test_core_openclutils # Relies on a broken/unreliable 3rd party service test_core_layerdefinition # MSSQL requires the MSSQL docker PyQgsProviderConnectionMssql