20120705 09212200 FALSE 20120709 12392200 20120709 12392200 CopyFeatures N:\rlane\w.queenslandgeology2012_final\qld_geology_2nd_ga\w.qld_geol_s_frame\qg_sfmw_data\arc N:\rlane\w.queenslandgeology2012_final\qld_geology_2nd_ga\w.qld_geol_s_frame\qg_sfmw_data_arc.shp # 0 0 0 RepairGeometry D:\Jobs\IRTM\Geology\Qld_2M\Framework\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.shp DELETE_NULL D:\Jobs\IRTM\Geology\Qld_2M\Framework\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.shp {B6E3704C-6BFD-4A71-BA58-A23FC39D1AE0} Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog en abstract pt 1 purpose pt 1 supp info pt 1 Geological Survey of Queensland July 2012 QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE vector digital data July 2012 Digital Geoscience Vector Data Queensland geological mapping (polygonised vector) Digital Data - July 2012 DVD Brisbane, Queensland Geological Survey of Queensland \\spolsrvpr10\gsu1\rlane\DVD DATA\QUEENSLAND_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK\ESRI Shapefile\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.shp publication date July 2012 Planned Irregular 137.994700 153.551830 -9.229600 -29.178490 137.994700 153.551830 -29.178490 -9.229600 geoscientific information GEOSCIENCES Geology ANSLIC GEN Queensland Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY) Shapefile org mailing address
PO BOX 111
777 888 someone@gov.au
physical address
PO BOX 111
Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE 137.9947 153.55183 -9.2296 -29.17849 1 137.9947 153.55183 -9.2296 -29.17849 1 en FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 local time Sales Centre, Geoscience Information, Geological Survey of Queensland mailing address BRISBANE CITY EAST QLD 4002
PO BOX 15216
777 888 someone@gov.au
20120709 http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile
ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata DIS_ESRI1.0 dataset GEOSCIENCE DATA Queensland Mapping Data GEOLDATA DVD 2 1.220 1.220 Sales Centre, Geoscience Information, Geological Survey of Queensland mailing address
PO BOX 15216 City Eas
Brisbane QLD 4002 Australia
777 888 someone@gov.au 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM AUSTRALIAN EST
July 2012
002 file://some.shp Local Area Network 1.220 Shapefile Vector Simple Polyline FALSE 465 TRUE FALSE String 465 GCS_GDA_1994 Decimal degrees 0.000000 0.000000 D_GDA_1994 Geodetic Reference System 80 6378137.000000 298.257222 GCS_GDA_1994 465 QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE Feature Class 465 FID FID OID 4 0 0 Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Shape Shape Geometry 0 0 0 Feature geometry. ESRI Coordinates defining the features. FEAT_CODE FEAT_CODE String 12 Type of boundary or line NAME NAME String 32 Name of one of the structural units bounded by the arc Shape_Leng Shape_Leng Float 19 Geometry length of feature 11 20120709 Dataset copied. 20120701 06250000 Dataset copied. I:\rlane\Qld_SFramework_for_DVD\qg_sfmw_data_arc 20111124 11300400 Dataset copied. 20111124 11353600 Metadata imported. D:\QUEENSLAND_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK\OLD_ESRI Shapefile\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.shp.xml 20111206 11272800 Metadata imported. I:\pickerm\Extract 2011\FINAL VERSION\DVD Data\orig_QUEENSLAND_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK\ESRI Shapefile\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.shp.xml 20111208 07403800 Metadata imported. I:\pickerm\Extract 2012\Test\QLD_STRUCTURAL_FRAMEWORK_OUTLINE.xml 20120705 09212200 The map has been compiled in part using boundaries modified and generalised from the 1:2 000 000 Queensland Geology map (2012) for display at scales of 1:5 000 000 or less. Therefore the boundaries may only be accurate to within a few kilometres in some places. The subsurface boundaries are likely to be less accurate or reliable depending on the density of drilling or seismic surveys or reliability of gravity or magnetic characterisation.