Algorithm tests =============== To test algorithms you can add entries into `testdata/algorithm_tests.yaml`. This file is structured with [yaml syntax]( A basic test appears under the toplevel key `tests` and looks like this: - name: centroid algorithm: qgis:polygoncentroids params: - type: vector location: qgs name: polys.shp results: - id: OUTPUT_LAYER type: vector location: proc name: polys_centroid.geojson How To ------ To add a new test you can follow these steps: Run the algorithm you want to test in QGIS from the processing toolbox. If the result is a vector layer prefer geojson as output for its support of mixed geometry types and good readability. Redirect output to `python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/expected` When you have run the algorithm, go to "Processing" > "History" and find the algorithm which you have just run. This looks like processing.runalg("qgis:densifygeometries","/home/mku/dev/cpp/qgis/QGIS/tests/testdata/polys.shp",2,"/home/mku/dev/cpp/qgis/QGIS/python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/polys_densify.geojson") Open the file `python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/algorithm_tests.yaml`, copy an existing test block and adjust it to your needs based on the information found in the history. The first string from the command goes to the key `algorithm`, the subsequent ones to params and the last one(s) to results. The above translates to - name: densify algorithm: qgis:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval params: - type: vector location: qgs name: polys.shp - 2 # Interval results: - id: OUTPUT type: vector location: proc name: expected/polys_densify.geojson Params and results ------------------ Trivial type parameters ....................... Params and results are specified as lists: params: - 2 - string - another param As in the example above they can be plain variables. Layer type parameters ..................... To specify layers you will have to specify * the type * `vector` or `raster` * a location to allow using files from the shared qgis test data * `qgs` will look for the file in the src/tests/testdata * `proc` will look for the file in python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata you should use this location for expected data. * a name * relative path like `expected/polys_centroid.geojson` params: - 2 - string - type: vector location: qgs name: polys.shp - another param Results ....... Results have a special key `id` which is required because an algorithm can produce multiple results. If you don't know the `id`, just start with `OUTPUT` and run the test. You will be told if it was wrong and about the possible values. To deal with a certain tolerance for output values you can specify a `compare` property for an output. For a vector layer this means OUTPUT: type: vector name: expected/abcd.geojson compare: fields: __all__: precision: 5 # compare to a precision of .00001 on all fields A: skip # skip field A geometry: precision: 5 # compare coordinates with a precision of 5 digits