Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area
O. Conrad (c) 2009
Flow width and specific catchment area (SCA) calculation.
Gruber, S., Peckham, S. (2008): Land-Surface Parameters and Objects in Hydrology. In: Hengl, T. and Reuter, H.I. [Eds.]: Geomorphometry: Concepts, Software, Applications. Developments in Soil Science, Elsevier, 33:293-308.
Quinn, P.F., Beven, K.J., Chevallier, P., Planchon, O. (1991): The prediction of hillslope flow paths for distributed hydrological modelling using digital terrain models. Hydrological Processes, 5:59-79
- Grid system
Grid system
- Grid system
- Elevation
Input Grid
- Flow Width
Output Grid
- Total Catchment Area (TCA)
Input Grid
- Specific Catchment Area (SCA)
Output Grid
- Method
Available choices: Deterministic 8, Multiple Flow Direction (Quinn et al. 1991), Aspect