    Date                 : 6.11.2014
    Copyright            : (C) 2014 Matthias Kuhn
    Email                : matthias at opengis dot ch
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

class QgsMultiRenderChecker
#include <qgsmultirenderchecker.h>

     * Base directory name for the control image (with control image path
     * suffixed) the path to the image will be constructed like this:
     * controlImagePath + '/' + mControlName + '/' + mControlName + '.png'
    void setControlName( const QString& theName );

    void setControlPathPrefix( const QString& prefix );

     * Set the path to the rendered image. If this is not set or set to QString::Null, an image
     * will be rendered based on the provided mapsettings
     * @param renderedImagePath A path to the rendered image with which control images will be compared
    void setRenderedImage( const QString& renderedImagePath );

     * Set the map settings to use to render the image
     * @param mapSettings The map settings
    void setMapSettings( const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings );

     * Set tolerance for color components used by runTest()
     * Default value is 0.
     * @param theColorTolerance The maximum difference for each color component
     *                          including alpha to be considered correct.
    void setColorTolerance( unsigned int theColorTolerance );

     * Test using renderer to generate the image to be compared.
     * @param theTestName - to be used as the basis for writing a file to
     * e.g. /tmp/theTestName.png
     * @param theMismatchCount - defaults to 0 - the number of pixels that
     * are allowed to be different from the control image. In some cases
     * rendering may be non-deterministic. This parameter allows you to account
     * for that by providing a tolerance.
     * @note make sure to call setExpectedImage and setMapSettings first
    bool runTest( const QString& theTestName, unsigned int theMismatchCount = 0 );

     * Returns a report for this test
     * @return A report
    QString report() const;

     * @brief controlImagePath
     * @return
    QString controlImagePath() const;

    /** Draws a checkboard pattern for image backgrounds, so that transparency is visible
     * without requiring a transparent background for the image
    static void drawBackground( QImage* image );