# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Name : DB Manager Description : Database manager plugin for QuantumGIS Date : Oct 13, 2011 copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli email : brush.tyler@gmail.com The content of this file is based on - PG_Manager by Martin Dobias (GPLv2 license) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import qgis.core from qgis.utils import iface from .ui.ui_DlgExportVector import Ui_DbManagerDlgExportVector as Ui_Dialog class DlgExportVector(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, inLayer, inDb, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.inLayer = inLayer self.db = inDb self.setupUi(self) # update UI self.setupWorkingMode() self.populateEncodings() def setupWorkingMode(self): # set default values inCrs = self.inLayer.crs() srid = inCrs.postgisSrid() if inCrs.isValid() else 4236 self.editSourceSrid.setText( "%s" % srid ) self.editTargetSrid.setText( "%s" % srid ) QObject.connect( self.btnChooseOutputFile, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.chooseOutputFile ) self.checkSupports() def checkSupports(self): """ update options available for the current input layer """ allowSpatial = self.db.connector.hasSpatialSupport() hasGeomType = self.inLayer and self.inLayer.hasGeometryType() self.chkSourceSrid.setEnabled(allowSpatial and hasGeomType) self.chkTargetSrid.setEnabled(allowSpatial and hasGeomType) #self.chkSpatialIndex.setEnabled(allowSpatial and hasGeomType) def chooseOutputFile(self): # get last used dir and format settings = QSettings() lastDir = settings.value("/db_manager/lastUsedDir", "").toString() # ask for a filename filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Choose where to save the file", lastDir, "Shapefiles (*.shp)") if filename == "": return if filename[:-4] != ".shp": filename += ".shp" # store the last used dir and format settings.setValue("/db_manager/lastUsedDir", QFileInfo(filename).filePath()) self.editOutputFile.setText( filename ) def populateEncodings(self): # populate the combo with supported encodings self.cboEncoding.addItems(qgis.core.QgsVectorDataProvider.availableEncodings()) # set the last used encoding settings = QSettings() enc = self.inLayer.dataProvider().encoding() idx = self.cboEncoding.findText( enc ) if idx < 0: self.cboEncoding.insertItem( 0, enc ) idx = 0 self.cboEncoding.setCurrentIndex( idx ) def accept(self): # sanity checks if self.editOutputFile.text() == "": QMessageBox.information(self, "Export to file", "Output table name is required") return if self.chkSourceSrid.isEnabled() and self.chkSourceSrid.isChecked(): sourceSrid, ok = self.editSourceSrid.text().toInt() if not ok: QMessageBox.information(self, "Export to file", "Invalid source srid: must be an integer") return if self.chkTargetSrid.isEnabled() and self.chkTargetSrid.isChecked(): targetSrid, ok = self.editTargetSrid.text().toInt() if not ok: QMessageBox.information(self, "Export to file", "Invalid target srid: must be an integer") return # override cursor QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) # store current input layer crs, so I can restore it later prevInCrs = self.inLayer.crs() try: uri = self.editOutputFile.text() providerName = "ogr" driverName = "ESRI Shapefile" options = {} # set the OGR driver will be used options['driverName'] = driverName # set the output file encoding if self.chkEncoding.isEnabled() and self.chkEncoding.isChecked(): enc = self.cboEncoding.currentText() options['fileEncoding'] = enc if self.radCreate.isChecked() and self.chkDropTable.isChecked(): options['overwrite'] = True elif self.radAppend.isChecked(): options['append'] = True outCrs = None if self.chkTargetSrid.isEnabled() and self.chkTargetSrid.isChecked(): targetSrid = self.editTargetSrid.text().toInt()[0] outCrs = qgis.core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(targetSrid) # update input layer crs if self.chkSourceSrid.isEnabled() and self.chkSourceSrid.isChecked(): sourceSrid = self.editSourceSrid.text().toInt()[0] inCrs = qgis.core.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(sourceSrid) self.inLayer.setCrs( inCrs ) # do the export! ret, errMsg = qgis.core.QgsVectorLayerImport.importLayer( self.inLayer, uri, providerName, outCrs, False, False, options ) except Exception as e: ret = -1 errMsg = unicode( e ) finally: # restore input layer crs and encoding self.inLayer.setCrs( prevInCrs ) # restore cursor QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if ret != 0: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Export to file", u"Error %d\n%s" % (ret, errMsg) ) return # create spatial index #if self.chkSpatialIndex.isEnabled() and self.chkSpatialIndex.isChecked(): # self.db.connector.createSpatialIndex( (schema, table), geom ) QMessageBox.information(self, "Export to file", "Export finished.") return QDialog.accept(self) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys a = QApplication(sys.argv) dlg = DlgLoadData() dlg.show() sys.exit(a.exec_())