Dialog Qt::NonModal 0 0 439 525 Spatial Join true Target vector layer Join vector layer Attribute Summary Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Mean true Take summary of intersecting features false Min false Sum false Median false Max Take attributes of first located feature true Output Shapefile true Browse Output table Only keep matching records true Keep all records (including non-matching target records) Qt::Vertical 20 40 24 Qt::AlignCenter true Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox_2 accepted() Dialog accept() 367 450 215 290 buttonBox_2 rejected() Dialog close() 293 450 132 239 rdoSummary toggled(bool) chkMin setEnabled(bool) 180 207 179 235 rdoSummary toggled(bool) chkMax setEnabled(bool) 211 190 240 235 rdoSummary toggled(bool) chkSum setEnabled(bool) 162 187 283 214 rdoSummary toggled(bool) chkMean setEnabled(bool) 95 207 123 235 rdoSummary toggled(bool) chkMedian setEnabled(bool) 85 199 372 226