Fine Registration Application
Brief Description
Estimate disparity map between two images.
Long Description
Estimate disparity map between two images. Output image contain x offset, y offset and metric value.
[param] Reference Image (-ref): The reference image.
[param] Secondary Image (-sec): The secondary image.
[param] Output Image (-out): The output image.
[param] Exploration Radius X (-erx): The exploration radius along x (in pixels)
[param] Exploration Radius Y (-ery): The exploration radius along y (in pixels)
[param] Metric Radius X (-mrx): Radius along x (in pixels) of the metric computation window
[param] Metric Radius Y (-mry): Radius along y (in pixels) of the metric computation window
[param] Image To Warp (-w): The image to warp after disparity estimation is complete
[param] Output Warped Image (-wo): The output warped image
[param] Coarse Offset X (-cox): Coarse offset along x (in physical space) between the two images
[param] Coarse Offset Y (-coy): Coarse offset along y (in physical space) between the two images
[param] Sub-Sampling Rate X (-ssrx): Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along X
[param] Sub-Sampling Rate Y (-ssry): Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along Y
[param] Reference Gaussian Smoothing X (-rgsx): Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction.
[param] Reference Gaussian Smoothing Y (-rgsy): Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction.
[param] Secondary Gaussian Smoothing X (-sgsx): Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction.
[param] Secondary Gaussian Smoothing Y (-sgsy): Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction.
[param] Metric (-m): Choose the metric used for block matching. Available metrics are cross-correlation (CC), cross-correlation with subtracted mean (CCSM), mean-square difference (MSD), mean reciprocal square difference (MRSD) and mutual information (MI). Default is cross-correlation
[param] SubPixelAccuracy (-spa): Metric extrema location will be refined up to the given accuracy. Default is 0.01
[param] Validity Mask Lower Threshold (-vmlt): Lower threshold to obtain a validity mask.
[param] Validity Mask Upper Than (-vmut): Upper threshold to obtain a validity mask.
[param] Available RAM (-ram): Available RAM
See also
Example of use
Reference Image: StereoFixed.png
Secondary Image: StereoMoving.png
Output Image: FineRegistration.tif
Exploration Radius X: 2
Exploration Radius Y: 2
Metric Radius X: 3
Metric Radius Y: 3
otbcli_FineRegistration -ref StereoFixed.png -sec StereoMoving.png -out FineRegistration.tif -erx 2 -ery 2 -mrx 3 -mry 3