Connected Component Segmentation Application
Brief Description
Compute a connected component segmentation.
Image Analysis, Segmentation
Long Description
Compute a connected component segmentation, which takes mathematical formula as a neighborhood thresholding criteria.
[param] Input Image (-in): The image to segment.
[param] Output Shape (-out): The segmentation shape.
[param] Mask expression (-mask): Mask mathematical expression (only if support image is given)
[param] Connected Component Expression (-expr): Formula used for connected component segmentation
[param] Minimum Object Size (-minsize): Min object size (area in pixel)
[param] OBIA Expression (-obia): OBIA mathematical expression
[param] DEM Directory (-dem): DEM directory (used to reproject output in WGS84 if input image is in sensor model geometry)
See also
Example of use
Input Image: ROI_QB_MUL_4.tif
Output Shape: ConnectedComponentSegmentation.shp
Mask expression: "((b1>80)*intensity>95)"
Connected Component Expression: "distance<10"
Minimum Object Size: 15
OBIA Expression: "SHAPE_Elongation>8"
otbcli_ConnectedComponentSegmentation -in ROI_QB_MUL_4.tif -out ConnectedComponentSegmentation.shp -mask "((b1>80)*intensity>95)" -expr "distance<10" -minsize 15 -obia "SHAPE_Elongation>8"