/** Raster file writer */ /** \ingroup core * The raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file. */ class QgsRasterFileWriter { %TypeHeaderCode #include #include %End public: enum Mode { Raw, // Raw data Image, // Rendered image }; enum WriterError { NoError, SourceProviderError, DestProviderError, CreateDatasourceError, WriteError, // Internal error if a value used for 'no data' was found in input NoDataConflict, }; QgsRasterFileWriter( const QString& outputUrl ); /** Create a raster file with one band without initializing the pixel data. * Returned provider may be used to initialize the raster using writeBlock() calls. * Ownership of the returned provider is passed to the caller. * @note Does not work with tiled mode enabled. * @returns Instance of data provider in editing mode (on success) or null on error. * @note added in QGIS 3.0 */ QgsRasterDataProvider* createOneBandRaster( Qgis::DataType dataType, int width, int height, const QgsRectangle& extent, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs ) /Factory/; /** Write raster file @param pipe raster pipe @param nCols number of output columns @param nRows number of output rows (or -1 to automatically calculate row number to have square pixels) @param outputExtent extent to output @param crs crs to reproject to @param p dialog to show progress in */ WriterError writeRaster( const QgsRasterPipe* pipe, int nCols, int nRows, const QgsRectangle& outputExtent, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback = nullptr ); QString outputUrl() const; void setOutputFormat( const QString& format ); QString outputFormat() const; void setOutputProviderKey( const QString& key ); QString outputProviderKey() const; void setTiledMode( bool t ); bool tiledMode() const; void setMaxTileWidth( int w ); int maxTileWidth() const; QgsRaster::RasterBuildPyramids buildPyramidsFlag() const; void setBuildPyramidsFlag( QgsRaster::RasterBuildPyramids f ); QList< int > pyramidsList() const; void setPyramidsList( const QList< int > & list ); QString pyramidsResampling() const; void setPyramidsResampling( const QString & str ); QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat pyramidsFormat() const; void setPyramidsFormat( QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat f ); void setMaxTileHeight( int h ); int maxTileHeight() const; void setCreateOptions( const QStringList& list ); QStringList createOptions() const; void setPyramidsConfigOptions( const QStringList& list ); QStringList pyramidsConfigOptions() const; };