@echo off REM *************************************************************************** REM package-nightly.cmd REM --------------------- REM begin : January 2011 REM copyright : (C) 2011 by Juergen E. Fischer REM email : jef at norbit dot de REM *************************************************************************** REM * * REM * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * REM * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * REM * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * REM * (at your option) any later version. * REM * * REM *************************************************************************** setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set VERSION=%1 set PACKAGE=%2 set PACKAGENAME=%3 set ARCH=%4 set SHA=%5 set SITE=%6 if "%VERSION%"=="" goto usage if "%PACKAGE%"=="" goto usage if "%PACKAGENAME%"=="" goto usage if "%ARCH%"=="" goto usage if not "%SHA%"=="" set SHA=-%SHA% if "%SITE%"=="" set SITE=qgis.org set BUILDDIR=%CD%\build-%PACKAGENAME%-%ARCH% if not exist "%BUILDDIR%" mkdir %BUILDDIR% if not exist "%BUILDDIR%" (echo could not create build directory %BUILDDIR% & goto error) call msvc-env.bat %ARCH% set O4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\=/% set LIB_DIR=%O4W_ROOT% if "%ARCH%"=="x86" goto cmake_x86 goto cmake_x86_64 :cmake_x86 set CMAKE_COMPILER_PATH=%PF86%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin set SETUPAPI_LIBRARY=%PF86%\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.14393.0\um\x86\SetupAPI.Lib if not exist "%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" set SETUPAPI_LIBRARY=%PF86%\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\x86\SetupAPI.Lib if not exist "%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" (echo SETUPAPI_LIBRARY not found & goto error) set CMAKE_OPT=^ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO="/MD /ZI /MP /Od /D NDEBUG" ^ -D CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO=%BUILDDIR%\apps\%PACKAGENAME%\pdb ^ -D SPATIALINDEX_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/spatialindex-32.lib goto cmake :cmake_x86_64 set CMAKE_COMPILER_PATH=%PF86%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64 set SETUPAPI_LIBRARY=%PF86%\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.14393.0\um\x64\SetupAPI.Lib if not exist "%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" set SETUPAPI_LIBRARY=%PF86%\Windows Kits\8.0\Lib\win8\um\x64\SetupAPI.Lib if not exist "%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" (echo SETUPAPI_LIBRARY not found & goto error) set CMAKE_OPT=^ -D SPATIALINDEX_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/spatialindex-64.lib ^ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO="/MD /Zi /MP /Od /D NDEBUG" ^ -D CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO=%BUILDDIR%\apps\%PACKAGENAME%\pdb ^ -D SETUPAPI_LIBRARY="%SETUPAPI_LIBRARY%" ^ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_NO_WARNINGS=TRUE :cmake for %%i in ("%GRASS_PREFIX%") do set GRASS7_VERSION=%%~nxi set GRASS7_VERSION=%GRASS7_VERSION:grass-=% set GRASS_VERSIONS=%GRASS7_VERSION% set TAR=tar.exe if exist "c:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe" set TAR=c:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe if exist "c:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe" set TAR=c:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe PROMPT qgis%VERSION%$g set BUILDCONF=RelWithDebInfo cd ..\.. set SRCDIR=%CD% if "%BUILDDIR:~1,1%"==":" %BUILDDIR:~0,2% cd %BUILDDIR% set PKGDIR=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\%PACKAGENAME% if exist repackage goto package if not exist build.log goto build REM REM try renaming the logfile to see if it's locked REM if exist build.tmp del build.tmp if exist build.tmp (echo could not remove build.tmp & goto error) ren build.log build.tmp if exist build.log goto locked if not exist build.tmp goto locked ren build.tmp build.log if exist build.tmp goto locked if not exist build.log goto locked goto build :locked echo Logfile locked if exist build.tmp del build.tmp goto error :build echo BEGIN: %DATE% %TIME% set >buildenv.log if exist qgsversion.h del qgsversion.h if exist CMakeCache.txt if exist skipcmake goto skipcmake touch %SRCDIR%\CMakeLists.txt echo CMAKE: %DATE% %TIME% if errorlevel 1 goto error if "%CMAKEGEN%"=="" set CMAKEGEN=Ninja for %%i in (%PYTHONHOME%) do set PYVER=%%~ni cmake -G "%CMAKEGEN%" ^ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="%CMAKE_COMPILER_PATH:\=/%/cl.exe" ^ -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER="%CMAKE_COMPILER_PATH:\=/%/cl.exe" ^ -D CMAKE_LINKER="%CMAKE_COMPILER_PATH:\=/%/link.exe" ^ -D BUILDNAME="%PACKAGENAME%-%VERSION%%SHA%-Nightly-VC14-%ARCH%" ^ -D SITE="%SITE%" ^ -D PEDANTIC=TRUE ^ -D WITH_QSPATIALITE=TRUE ^ -D WITH_SERVER=TRUE ^ -D SERVER_SKIP_ECW=TRUE ^ -D WITH_GRASS=TRUE ^ -D WITH_3D=TRUE ^ -D WITH_GRASS7=TRUE ^ -D GRASS_PREFIX7=%GRASS_PREFIX:\=/% ^ -D WITH_GLOBE=FALSE ^ -D WITH_ORACLE=TRUE ^ -D WITH_CUSTOM_WIDGETS=TRUE ^ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%BUILDCONF% ^ -D CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=%BUILDCONF% ^ -D GEOS_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/geos_c.lib ^ -D SQLITE3_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/sqlite3_i.lib ^ -D SPATIALITE_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/spatialite_i.lib ^ -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%O4W_ROOT%/bin/python3.exe ^ -D SIP_BINARY_PATH=%PYTHONHOME:\=/%/sip.exe ^ -D PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH=%PYTHONHOME:\=/%/include ^ -D PYTHON_LIBRARY=%PYTHONHOME:\=/%/libs/%PYVER%.lib ^ -D QT_LIBRARY_DIR=%O4W_ROOT%/lib ^ -D QT_HEADERS_DIR=%O4W_ROOT%/apps/qt5/include ^ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%O4W_ROOT%/apps/%PACKAGENAME% ^ -D FCGI_INCLUDE_DIR=%O4W_ROOT%/include ^ -D FCGI_LIBRARY=%O4W_ROOT%/lib/libfcgi.lib ^ -D QCA_INCLUDE_DIR=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\include\QtCrypto ^ -D QCA_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\lib\qca-qt5.lib ^ -D QSCINTILLA_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\lib\qscintilla2.lib ^ %CMAKE_OPT% ^ %SRCDIR:\=/% if errorlevel 1 (echo cmake failed & goto error) if "%CONFIGONLY%"=="1" (echo Exiting after configuring build directory: %CD% & goto end) :skipcmake if exist ..\noclean (echo skip clean & goto skipclean) echo CLEAN: %DATE% %TIME% cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target clean --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 (echo clean failed & goto error) :skipclean if exist ..\skipbuild (echo skip build & goto skipbuild) echo ALL_BUILD: %DATE% %TIME% cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target NightlyBuild --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target NightlyBuild --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 ( cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target NightlySubmit --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 echo SUBMITTING BUILD ERRORS WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL. echo build failed twice goto error ) :skipbuild if exist ..\skiptests goto skiptests echo RUN_TESTS: %DATE% %TIME% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v DontShow /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f set oldtemp=%TEMP% set oldtmp=%TMP% set oldpath=%PATH% set TEMP=%TEMP%\%PACKAGENAME%-%ARCH% set TMP=%TEMP% if exist "%TEMP%" rmdir /s /q "%TEMP%" mkdir "%TEMP%" for %%g IN (%GRASS_VERSIONS%) do ( set path=!path!;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass-%%g\lib set GISBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass-%%g ) PATH %path%;%BUILDDIR%\output\plugins set QT_PLUGIN_PATH=%BUILDDIR%\output\plugins;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qt5\plugins cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target NightlyTest --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 echo TESTS WERE NOT SUCCESSFUL. :skiptests set TEMP=%oldtemp% set TMP=%oldtmp% PATH %oldpath% cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target NightlySubmit --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 echo TEST SUBMISSION WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL. if exist "%PKGDIR%" ( echo REMOVE: %DATE% %TIME% rmdir /s /q "%PKGDIR%" ) echo INSTALL: %DATE% %TIME% cmake --build %BUILDDIR% --target install --config %BUILDCONF% if errorlevel 1 (echo INSTALL failed & goto error) :package echo PACKAGE: %DATE% %TIME% cd .. sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' -e 's/@grassversions@/%GRASS_VERSIONS%/g' postinstall-dev.bat >%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\etc\postinstall\%PACKAGENAME%.bat if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of desktop postinstall failed & goto error) sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' -e 's/@grassversions@/%GRASS_VERSIONS%/g' preremove-dev.bat >%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\etc\preremove\%PACKAGENAME%.bat if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of desktop preremove failed & goto error) sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' designer.bat.tmpl >%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\%PACKAGENAME%-designer.bat.tmpl if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of designer template failed & goto error) sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' qgis.reg.tmpl >%PKGDIR%\bin\qgis.reg.tmpl if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of registry template & goto error) set batches= for %%g IN (%GRASS_VERSIONS%) do ( for /F "delims=." %%i in ("%%g") do set v=%%i sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' -e 's/@grassversion@/%%g/g' qgis-grass.bat.tmpl >%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\%PACKAGENAME%-g!v!.bat.tmpl if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of desktop template failed & goto error) set batches=!batches! bin/%PACKAGENAME%-g!v!.bat.tmpl ) sed -e 's/@package@/%PACKAGENAME%/g' -e 's/@version@/%VERSION%/g' python.bat.tmpl >%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\python-%PACKAGENAME%.bat.tmpl if errorlevel 1 (echo creation of python wrapper template failed & goto error) touch exclude if exist ..\skipbuild (echo skip build & goto skipbuild) move %PKGDIR%\bin\qgis.exe %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\%PACKAGENAME%-bin.exe if errorlevel 1 (echo move of desktop executable failed & goto error) copy qgis.vars %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\%PACKAGENAME%-bin.vars if errorlevel 1 (echo copy of desktop executable vars failed & goto error) if not exist %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\sqldrivers mkdir %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\sqldrivers move %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qt5\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlocispatial.dll %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\sqldrivers if errorlevel 1 (echo move of oci sqldriver failed & goto error) move %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qt5\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlspatialite.dll %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\sqldrivers if errorlevel 1 (echo move of spatialite sqldriver failed & goto error) if not exist %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\designer mkdir %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\designer move %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qt5\plugins\designer\qgis_customwidgets.dll %PKGDIR%\qtplugins\designer if errorlevel 1 (echo move of customwidgets failed & goto error) if not exist %PKGDIR%\python\PyQt5\uic\widget-plugins mkdir %PKGDIR%\python\PyQt5\uic\widget-plugins move %PYTHONHOME%\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\uic\widget-plugins\qgis_customwidgets.py %PKGDIR%\python\PyQt5\uic\widget-plugins if errorlevel 1 (echo move of customwidgets binding failed & goto error) if not exist %ARCH%\release\qgis\%PACKAGENAME% mkdir %ARCH%\release\qgis\%PACKAGENAME% %TAR% -C %OSGEO4W_ROOT% -cjf %ARCH%/release/qgis/%PACKAGENAME%/%PACKAGENAME%-%VERSION%-%PACKAGE%.tar.bz2 ^ --exclude-from exclude ^ --exclude "*.pyc" ^ apps/%PACKAGENAME% ^ bin/%PACKAGENAME%-bin.exe ^ bin/%PACKAGENAME%-bin.vars ^ %batches% ^ bin/%PACKAGENAME%-designer.bat.tmpl ^ bin/python-%PACKAGENAME%.bat.tmpl ^ etc/postinstall/%PACKAGENAME%.bat ^ etc/preremove/%PACKAGENAME%.bat if errorlevel 1 (echo tar failed & goto error) if not exist %ARCH%\release\qgis\%PACKAGENAME%-pdb mkdir %ARCH%\release\qgis\%PACKAGENAME%-pdb %TAR% -C %BUILDDIR% -cjf %ARCH%/release/qgis/%PACKAGENAME%-pdb/%PACKAGENAME%-pdb-%VERSION%-%PACKAGE%.tar.bz2 ^ apps/%PACKAGENAME%/pdb if errorlevel 1 (echo tar failed & goto error) goto end :usage echo usage: %0 version package packagename arch [sha [site]] echo sample: %0 2.11.0 38 qgis-dev x86_64 339dbf1 qgis.org exit /b 1 :error echo BUILD ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: %DATE% %TIME% if exist %PACKAGENAME%-%VERSION%-%PACKAGE%.tar.bz2 del %PACKAGENAME%-%VERSION%-%PACKAGE%.tar.bz2 exit /b 1 :end echo FINISHED: %DATE% %TIME% endlocal