class QgsDataProvider : QObject
#include <qgsdataprovider.h>

    if (sipCpp->inherits("QgsVectorDataProvider"))
        sipType = sipType_QgsVectorDataProvider;
    else if (sipCpp->inherits("QgsRasterDataProvider"))
	sipType = sipType_QgsRasterDataProvider;
        sipType = 0;


    enum DataCapability

    QgsDataProvider( const QString & uri = "" );

     * We need this so the subclass destructors get called
    virtual ~QgsDataProvider();

    /** Get the QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem for this layer
     * @note Must be reimplemented by each provider.
     * If the provider isn't capable of returning
     * its projection an empty srs will be return, ti will return 0
    virtual QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() = 0;

     * Set the data source specification. This may be a path or database
     * connection string
     * @param uri source specification
    virtual void setDataSourceUri( const QString & uri );

     * Get the data source specification. This may be a path or database
     * connection string
     * @param expandAuthConfig Whether to expand any assigned authentication configuration
     * @return data source specification
     * @note The default authentication configuration expansion is FALSE. This keeps credentials
     * out of layer data source URIs and project files. Expansion should be specifically done
     * only when needed within a provider
    virtual QString dataSourceUri( bool expandAuthConfig = true ) const;

     * Get the extent of the layer
     * @return QgsRectangle containing the extent of the layer
    virtual QgsRectangle extent() = 0;

     * Returns true if this is a valid layer. It is up to individual providers
     * to determine what constitutes a valid layer
    virtual bool isValid() = 0;

     * Update the extents of the layer. Not implemented by default
    virtual void updateExtents();

     * Set the subset string used to create a subset of features in
     * the layer. This may be a sql where clause or any other string
     * that can be used by the data provider to create a subset.
     * Must be implemented in the dataprovider.
    virtual bool setSubsetString( const QString& subset, bool updateFeatureCount = true );

    /** Provider supports setting of subset strings */
    virtual bool supportsSubsetString();

     * Returns the subset definition string (typically sql) currently in
     * use by the layer and used by the provider to limit the feature set.
     * Must be overridden in the dataprovider, otherwise returns a null
     * QString.
    virtual QString subsetString();

     * Sub-layers handled by this provider, in order from bottom to top
     * Sub-layers are used when the provider's source can combine layers
     * it knows about in some way before it hands them off to the provider.
    virtual QStringList subLayers() const;

     * Sub-layer styles for each sub-layer handled by this provider,
     * in order from bottom to top
     * Sub-layer styles are used to abstract the way the provider's source can symbolise
     * layers in some way at the server, before it serves them to the provider.
    virtual QStringList subLayerStyles() const;

     * return the number of layers for the current data source
    virtual uint subLayerCount() const;

     * Reorder the list of layer names to be rendered by this provider
     * (in order from bottom to top)
     * \note   layers must have been previously added.
    virtual void setLayerOrder( const QStringList &layers );

     * Set the visibility of the given sublayer name
    virtual void setSubLayerVisibility( const QString &name, bool vis );

    /** Return a provider name
     * Essentially just returns the provider key.  Should be used to build file
     * dialogs so that providers can be shown with their supported types. Thus
     * if more than one provider supports a given format, the user is able to
     * select a specific provider to open that file.
     * @note
     * Instead of being pure virtual, might be better to generalize this
     * behavior and presume that none of the sub-classes are going to do
     * anything strange with regards to their name or description?
    virtual QString name() const = 0;

    /** Return description
     * Return a terse string describing what the provider is.
     * @note
     * Instead of being pure virtual, might be better to generalize this
     * behavior and presume that none of the sub-classes are going to do
     * anything strange with regards to their name or description?
    virtual QString description() const = 0;

    /** Return vector file filter string
     * Returns a string suitable for a QFileDialog of vector file formats
     * supported by the data provider.  Naturally this will be an empty string
     * for those data providers that do not deal with plain files, such as
     * databases and servers.
     * @note It'd be nice to eventually be raster/vector neutral.
    virtual QString fileVectorFilters() const;

    /** Return raster file filter string
     * Returns a string suitable for a QFileDialog of raster file formats
     * supported by the data provider.  Naturally this will be an empty string
     * for those data providers that do not deal with plain files, such as
     * databases and servers.
     * @note It'd be nice to eventually be raster/vector neutral.
    virtual QString fileRasterFilters() const;

    /** Reloads the data from the source. Needs to be implemented by providers with data caches to
      synchronize with changes in the data source*/
    virtual void reloadData();

    /** Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider */
    virtual QDateTime timestamp() const;

    /** Current time stamp of data source */
    virtual QDateTime dataTimestamp() const;

    /** Get current status error. This error describes some principal problem
     *  for which provider cannot work and thus is not valid. It is not last error
     *  after accessing data by block(), identify() etc.
    virtual QgsError error() const;

    /** Invalidate connections corresponding to specified name
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    virtual void invalidateConnections( const QString& connection );

    /** Enter update mode.
     * This is aimed at providers that can open differently the connection to
     * the datasource, according it to be in update mode or in read-only mode.
     * A call to this method shall be balanced with a call to leaveUpdateMode(),
     * if this method returns true.
     * Most providers will have an empty implementation for that method.
     * For backward compatibility, providers that implement enterUpdateMode() should
     * still make sure to allow editing operations to work even if enterUpdateMode()
     * is not explicitly called.
     * Several successive calls to enterUpdateMode() can be done. So there is
     * a concept of stack of calls that must be handled by the provider. Only the first
     * call to enterUpdateMode() will really turn update mode on.
     * @return true in case of success (or no-op implementation), false in case of failure
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    virtual bool enterUpdateMode();

    /** Leave update mode.
     * This is aimed at providers that can open differently the connection to
     * the datasource, according it to be in update mode or in read-only mode.
     * This method shall be balanced with a succesful call to enterUpdateMode().
     * Most providers will have an empty implementation for that method.
     * Several successive calls to enterUpdateMode() can be done. So there is
     * a concept of stack of calls that must be handled by the provider. Only the last
     * call to leaveUpdateMode() will really turn update mode off.
     * @return true in case of success (or no-op implementation), false in case of failure
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    virtual bool leaveUpdateMode();


     *   This is emitted whenever the worker thread has fully calculated the
     *   PostGIS extents for this layer, and its event has been received by this
     *   provider.
    void fullExtentCalculated();

     *   This is emitted whenever an asynchronous operation has finished
     *   and the data should be redrawn
     *   When emitted from a QgsVectorDataProvider, any cached information such as
     *   feature ids should be invalidated.
    void dataChanged();

     *   This is emitted whenever data or metadata (e.g. color table, extent) has changed
     *   @param changed binary combination of changes
    void dataChanged( int changed );


    /** Add error message */
    void appendError( const QgsErrorMessage & theMessage );

    /** Set error message */
    void setError( const QgsError & theError );