OGC:WMS Service title application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml image/png image/jpeg text/plain application/vnd.ogc.gml text/plain EPSG:3059 603.400 301.700 256 256 image/png layerwtwa EPSG:3059 603.400 301.700 256 256 image/png layerwtna EPSG:3059 603.400 301.700 256 256 image/png layerntwa EPSG:3059 603.400 301.700 256 256 image/png layerntna Layer set title EPSG:3059 layerwtwa This is a layer title This is a layer abstract EPSG:3059 layerwtna A layer with a title and without an abstract EPSG:3059 layerntwa A layer without a title and with an abstract EPSG:3059 layerntna EPSG:3059