/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/geocms/geonode/qgsgeonoderequest.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ struct QgsGeoNodeStyle { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End QString id; QString name; QString title; QDomDocument body; QString styleUrl; }; class QgsGeoNodeRequest : QObject { %Docstring Request handler for GeoNode servers. QgsGeoNodeRequest handles requesting and parsing service details from a GeoNode server instance, for instance requesting all available layers or layer styles. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsgeonoderequest.h" %End public: struct ServiceLayerDetail { QUuid uuid; QString name; QString typeName; QString title; QString wmsURL; QString wfsURL; QString xyzURL; }; QgsGeoNodeRequest( const QString &baseUrl, bool forceRefresh, QObject *parent = 0 ); %Docstring Constructor for QgsGeoNodeRequest. If ``forceRefresh`` is false, then cached copies of the request may be reused. %End ~QgsGeoNodeRequest(); void request( const QString &endPoint ); %Docstring Triggers a new request to the GeoNode server, with the requested ``endPoint``. Any existing request will be aborted. Calling this method does not block while waiting for a result. .. warning:: When using the non-blocking methods in this class, sending overlapping requests results in undefined behavior. Use separate instances of QgsGeoNodeRequest instead to avoid this. .. seealso:: :py:func:`requestBlocking` %End bool requestBlocking( const QString &endPoint ); %Docstring Triggers a new request to the GeoNode server, with the requested ``endPoint``. Any existing request will be aborted. Calling this method will block while waiting for a result. It should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. .. seealso:: :py:func:`request` %End void fetchLayers(); %Docstring Triggers a new request to fetch the list of available layers from the server. When complete, the layersFetched() signal will be emitted with the result. This method is non-blocking and returns immediately. .. warning:: When using the non-blocking methods in this class, sending overlapping requests results in undefined behavior. Use separate instances of QgsGeoNodeRequest instead to avoid this. .. seealso:: :py:func:`layersFetched` .. seealso:: :py:func:`fetchLayersBlocking` %End QList fetchLayersBlocking(); %Docstring Requests the list of available layers from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. .. seealso:: :py:func:`fetchLayers` %End QList fetchStylesBlocking( const QString &layerName ); %Docstring Requests the list of available styles for the layer with matching ``layerName`` from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. %End QgsGeoNodeStyle fetchDefaultStyleBlocking( const QString &layerName ); %Docstring Requests the default style for the layer with matching ``layerName`` from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. %End QgsGeoNodeStyle fetchStyleBlocking( const QString &styleId ); %Docstring Requests the details for the style with matching ``styleId`` from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. %End QStringList fetchServiceUrlsBlocking( const QString &serviceType ); %Docstring Requests the list of unique URLs for available services with matching ``serviceType`` from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. %End QgsStringMap fetchServiceUrlDataBlocking( const QString &serviceType ); %Docstring Obtains a map of layer name to URL for available services with matching ``serviceType`` from the server. This method is blocking and will wait for results from the server before returning. Accordingly it should not be used from any code which potentially blocks operation in the main GUI thread. %End QString lastError() const; %Docstring Returns the most recent error string for any encountered errors, or an empty string if no errors have been encountered. %End QByteArray lastResponse() const; %Docstring Returns the most recent response obtained from the server. %End QString protocol() const; %Docstring Returns the network protocol (e.g. 'http') used for connecting with the server. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setProtocol` %End void setProtocol( const QString &protocol ); %Docstring Sets the network ``protocol`` (e.g. 'http') used for connecting with the server. .. seealso:: :py:func:`protocol` %End public slots: void abort(); %Docstring Aborts any active network request immediately. %End signals: void statusChanged( const QString &statusQString ); %Docstring Emitted when the status of an ongoing request is changed. %End void requestFinished(); %Docstring Emitted when the existing request has been completed. %End void layersFetched( const QList &layers ); %Docstring Emitted when the result of a fetchLayers call has been received and processed. %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/geocms/geonode/qgsgeonoderequest.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/