GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED MULTIPLE REGRESSION (POINTS) ==================================================== Description ----------- Parameters ---------- - ``Points[Vector]``: - ``Dependent Variable[TableField]``: - ``Distance Weighting[Selection]``: - ``Inverse Distance Weighting Power[Number]``: - ``Inverse Distance Offset[Boolean]``: - ``Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth[Number]``: - ``Search Range[Selection]``: - ``Search Radius[Number]``: - ``Search Mode[Selection]``: - ``Number of Points[Selection]``: - ``Maximum Number of Observations[Number]``: - ``Minimum Number of Observations[Number]``: Outputs ------- - ``Regression[Vector]``: See also --------- Console usage ------------- :: sextante.runalg('saga:geographicallyweightedmultipleregressionpoints', points, dependent, distance_weighting_weighting, distance_weighting_idw_power, distance_weighting_idw_offset, distance_weighting_bandwidth, range, radius, mode, npoints, maxpoints, minpoints, regression) Available options for selection parameters: distance_weighting_weighting(Distance Weighting) 0 - [0] no distance weighting 1 - [1] inverse distance to a power 2 - [2] exponential 3 - [3] gaussian weighting range(Search Range) 0 - [0] search radius (local) 1 - [1] no search radius (global) mode(Search Mode) 0 - [0] all directions 1 - [1] quadrants npoints(Number of Points) 0 - [0] maximum number of observations