# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Python Console for QGIS ------------------- begin : 2012-09-10 copyright : (C) 2012 by Salvatore Larosa email : lrssvtml (at) gmail (dot) com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ Some portions of code were taken from https://code.google.com/p/pydee/ """ from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.Qsci import (QsciScintilla, QsciScintillaBase, QsciLexerPython, QsciAPIs) import sys import os import code from qgis.core import QgsApplication _init_commands = ["from qgis.core import *", "import qgis.utils", "from qgis.utils import iface"] _historyFile = unicode( QgsApplication.qgisSettingsDirPath() + "console_history.txt" ) class ShellScintilla(QsciScintilla, code.InteractiveInterpreter): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ShellScintilla,self).__init__(parent) code.InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, locals=None) self.parent = parent self.settings = QSettings() # Enable non-ascii chars for editor self.setUtf8(True) self.new_input_line = True self.setMarginWidth(0, 0) self.setMarginWidth(1, 0) self.setMarginWidth(2, 0) self.buffer = [] self.displayPrompt(False) for line in _init_commands: self.runsource(line) self.history = QStringList() self.historyIndex = 0 # Read history command file self.readHistoryFile() # Brace matching: enable for a brace immediately before or after # the current position self.setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla.SloppyBraceMatch) # Current line visible with special background color self.setCaretWidth(2) self.settingsShell() # Don't want to see the horizontal scrollbar at all # Use raw message to Scintilla here (all messages are documented # here: http://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETHSCROLLBAR, 0) # not too small #self.setMinimumSize(500, 300) self.setMinimumHeight(20) self.setWrapMode(QsciScintilla.WrapCharacter) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER) ## Disable command key ctrl, shift = self.SCMOD_CTRL<<16, self.SCMOD_SHIFT<<16 self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('L')+ ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('T')+ ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('D')+ ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('Z')+ ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('Y')+ ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('L')+ ctrl+shift) ## New QShortcut = ctrl+space/ctrl+alt+space for Autocomplete self.newShortcutCSS = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_Space), self) self.newShortcutCAS = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.ALT + Qt.Key_Space), self) self.newShortcutCSS.setContext(Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.newShortcutCAS.setContext(Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.newShortcutCAS.activated.connect(self.autoCompleteKeyBinding) self.newShortcutCSS.activated.connect(self.showHistory) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('userListActivated(int, const QString)'), self.completion_list_selected) def settingsShell(self): # Set Python lexer self.setLexers() threshold = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/autoCompThreshold", 2).toInt()[0] self.setAutoCompletionThreshold(threshold) radioButtonSource = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/autoCompleteSource", 'fromAPI').toString() autoCompEnabled = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/autoCompleteEnabled", True).toBool() self.setAutoCompletionThreshold(threshold) if autoCompEnabled: if radioButtonSource == 'fromDoc': self.setAutoCompletionSource(self.AcsDocument) elif radioButtonSource == 'fromAPI': self.setAutoCompletionSource(self.AcsAPIs) elif radioButtonSource == 'fromDocAPI': self.setAutoCompletionSource(self.AcsAll) else: self.setAutoCompletionSource(self.AcsNone) def showHistory(self): self.showUserList(1, QStringList(self.history)) def autoCompleteKeyBinding(self): radioButtonSource = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/autoCompleteSource").toString() autoCompEnabled = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/autoCompleteEnabled").toBool() if autoCompEnabled: if radioButtonSource == 'fromDoc': self.autoCompleteFromDocument() elif radioButtonSource == 'fromAPI': self.autoCompleteFromAPIs() elif radioButtonSource == 'fromDocAPI': self.autoCompleteFromAll() def commandConsole(self, command): if not self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.move_cursor_to_end() line, pos = self.getCursorPosition() selCmdLenght = self.text(line).length() self.setSelection(line, 4, line, selCmdLenght) self.removeSelectedText() if command == "sextante": # import Sextante class self.append('import sextante') elif command == "qtCore": # import QtCore class self.append('from PyQt4.QtCore import *') elif command == "qtGui": # import QtGui class self.append('from PyQt4.QtGui import *') self.entered() self.move_cursor_to_end() self.setFocus() def setLexers(self): self.lexer = QsciLexerPython() loadFont = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/fontfamilytext", "Monospace").toString() fontSize = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/fontsize", 10).toInt()[0] font = QFont(loadFont) font.setFixedPitch(True) font.setPointSize(fontSize) font.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) font.setStretch(QFont.SemiCondensed) font.setLetterSpacing(QFont.PercentageSpacing, 87.0) font.setBold(False) self.lexer.setDefaultFont(font) self.lexer.setColor(Qt.red, 1) self.lexer.setColor(Qt.darkGreen, 5) self.lexer.setColor(Qt.darkBlue, 15) self.lexer.setFont(font, 1) self.lexer.setFont(font, 3) self.lexer.setFont(font, 4) self.api = QsciAPIs(self.lexer) chekBoxAPI = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/preloadAPI", True).toBool() if chekBoxAPI: self.api.loadPrepared( QgsApplication.pkgDataPath() + "/python/qsci_apis/pyqgis_master.pap" ) else: apiPath = self.settings.value("pythonConsole/userAPI").toStringList() for i in range(0, len(apiPath)): self.api.load(QString(unicode(apiPath[i]))) self.api.prepare() self.lexer.setAPIs(self.api) self.setLexer(self.lexer) ## TODO: show completion list for file and directory def completion_list_selected(self, id, txt): if id == 1: txt = unicode(txt) # get current cursor position line, pos = self.getCursorPosition() selCmdLength = self.text(line).length() # select typed text self.setSelection(line, 4, line, selCmdLength) self.removeSelectedText() self.insert(txt) def getText(self): """ Get the text as a unicode string. """ value = self.getBytes().decode('utf-8') # print (value) printing can give an error because the console font # may not have all unicode characters return value def getBytes(self): """ Get the text as bytes (utf-8 encoded). This is how the data is stored internally. """ len = self.SendScintilla(self.SCI_GETLENGTH)+1 bb = QByteArray(len,'0') N = self.SendScintilla(self.SCI_GETTEXT, len, bb) return bytes(bb)[:-1] def getTextLength(self): return self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_GETLENGTH) def get_end_pos(self): """Return (line, index) position of the last character""" line = self.lines() - 1 return (line, self.text(line).length()) def is_cursor_at_end(self): """Return True if cursor is at the end of text""" cline, cindex = self.getCursorPosition() return (cline, cindex) == self.get_end_pos() def move_cursor_to_end(self): """Move cursor to end of text""" line, index = self.get_end_pos() self.setCursorPosition(line, index) self.ensureCursorVisible() self.ensureLineVisible(line) #def on_new_line(self): #"""On new input line""" #self.move_cursor_to_end() #self.new_input_line = False def is_cursor_on_last_line(self): """Return True if cursor is on the last line""" cline, _ = self.getCursorPosition() return cline == self.lines() - 1 def is_cursor_on_edition_zone(self): """ Return True if the cursor is in the edition zone """ cline, cindex = self.getCursorPosition() return cline == self.lines() - 1 and cindex >= 4 def new_prompt(self, prompt): """ Print a new prompt and save its (line, index) position """ self.write(prompt, prompt=True) # now we update our cursor giving end of prompt line, index = self.getCursorPosition() self.ensureCursorVisible() self.ensureLineVisible(line) def displayPrompt(self, more=False): self.append("... ") if more else self.append(">>> ") self.move_cursor_to_end() def updateHistory(self, command): if isinstance(command, QStringList): for line in command: self.history.append(line) elif not command == "": if len(self.history) <= 0 or \ not command == self.history[-1]: self.history.append(command) self.historyIndex = len(self.history) def writeHistoryFile(self): wH = open(_historyFile, 'w') for s in self.history: wH.write(s + '\n') wH.close() def readHistoryFile(self): fileExist = QFile.exists(_historyFile) if fileExist: rH = open(_historyFile, 'r') for line in rH: if line != "\n": l = line.rstrip('\n') self.updateHistory(l) else: return def clearHistoryFile(self): cH = open(_historyFile, 'w') cH.close() def showPrevious(self): if self.historyIndex < len(self.history) and not self.history.isEmpty(): line, pos = self.getCursorPosition() selCmdLenght = self.text(line).length() self.setSelection(line, 4, line, selCmdLenght) self.removeSelectedText() self.historyIndex += 1 if self.historyIndex == len(self.history): self.insert("") pass else: self.insert(self.history[self.historyIndex]) self.move_cursor_to_end() #self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) def showNext(self): if self.historyIndex > 0 and not self.history.isEmpty(): line, pos = self.getCursorPosition() selCmdLenght = self.text(line).length() self.setSelection(line, 4, line, selCmdLenght) self.removeSelectedText() self.historyIndex -= 1 if self.historyIndex == len(self.history): self.insert("") else: self.insert(self.history[self.historyIndex]) self.move_cursor_to_end() #self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) def keyPressEvent(self, e): startLine, _, endLine, _ = self.getSelection() # handle invalid cursor position and multiline selections if not self.is_cursor_on_edition_zone() or startLine < endLine: # allow to copy and select if e.modifiers() & (Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.MetaModifier): if e.key() in (Qt.Key_C, Qt.Key_A): QsciScintilla.keyPressEvent(self, e) return # allow selection if e.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: if e.key() in (Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_Home, Qt.Key_End): QsciScintilla.keyPressEvent(self, e) return # all other keystrokes get sent to the input line self.move_cursor_to_end() line, index = self.getCursorPosition() cmd = self.text(line) if e.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter) and not self.isListActive(): self.entered() elif e.key() in (Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Home): QsciScintilla.keyPressEvent(self, e) # check whether the cursor is moved out of the edition zone newline, newindex = self.getCursorPosition() if newline < line or newindex < 4: # fix selection and the cursor position if self.hasSelectedText(): self.setSelection(line, self.getSelection()[3], line, 4) else: self.setCursorPosition(line, 4) elif e.key() in (Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Delete): QsciScintilla.keyPressEvent(self, e) # check whether the cursor is moved out of the edition zone _, newindex = self.getCursorPosition() if newindex < 4: # restore the prompt chars (if removed) and # fix the cursor position self.insert( cmd[:3-newindex] + " " ) self.setCursorPosition(line, 4) self.recolor() elif e.modifiers() & (Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.MetaModifier) and \ e.key() == Qt.Key_V: self.paste() e.accept() elif e.key() == Qt.Key_Down and not self.isListActive(): self.showPrevious() elif e.key() == Qt.Key_Up and not self.isListActive(): self.showNext() ## TODO: press event for auto-completion file directory else: QsciScintilla.keyPressEvent(self, e) def contextMenuEvent(self, e): menu = QMenu(self) copyAction = menu.addAction("Copy", self.copy, QKeySequence.Copy) pasteAction = menu.addAction("Paste", self.paste, QKeySequence.Paste) copyAction.setEnabled(False) pasteAction.setEnabled(False) if self.hasSelectedText(): copyAction.setEnabled(True) if QApplication.clipboard().text() != "": pasteAction.setEnabled(True) action = menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(e.pos())) def mousePressEvent(self, e): """ Re-implemented to handle the mouse press event. e: the mouse press event (QMouseEvent) """ self.setFocus() if e.button() == Qt.MidButton: stringSel = unicode(QApplication.clipboard().text(QClipboard.Selection)) if not self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): self.move_cursor_to_end() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringSel) e.accept() else: QsciScintilla.mousePressEvent(self, e) def paste(self): """ Method to display data from the clipboard. XXX: It should reimplement the virtual QScintilla.paste method, but it seems not used by QScintilla code. """ stringPaste = unicode(QApplication.clipboard().text()) if self.is_cursor_on_last_line(): if self.hasSelectedText(): self.removeSelectedText() else: self.move_cursor_to_end() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringPaste) ## Drag and drop def dropEvent(self, e): if e.mimeData().hasText(): stringDrag = e.mimeData().text() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringDrag) self.setFocus() e.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) e.accept() else: QsciScintillaCompat.dropEvent(self, e) def insertFromDropPaste(self, textDP): pasteList = str(textDP).splitlines() for line in pasteList[:-1]: line.replace(">>> ", "").replace("... ", "") self.insert(unicode(line)) self.move_cursor_to_end() self.runCommand(unicode(self.currentCommand())) if pasteList[-1] != "": line = pasteList[-1] line.replace(">>> ", "").replace("... ", "") self.insert(unicode(line)) self.move_cursor_to_end() def insertTextFromFile(self, listOpenFile): for line in listOpenFile[:-1]: self.append(line) self.move_cursor_to_end() self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) self.runCommand(unicode(self.currentCommand())) self.append(unicode(listOpenFile[-1])) self.move_cursor_to_end() self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) def entered(self): self.move_cursor_to_end() self.runCommand( unicode(self.currentCommand()) ) self.setFocus() self.move_cursor_to_end() #self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER) def currentCommand(self): linenr, index = self.getCursorPosition() #for i in range(0, linenr): txtLength = self.text(linenr).length() string = self.text() cmdLine = string.right(txtLength - 4) cmd = unicode(cmdLine) return cmd def runCommand(self, cmd): self.writeCMD(cmd) import webbrowser self.updateHistory(cmd) line, pos = self.getCursorPosition() selCmdLenght = self.text(line).length() self.setSelection(line, 0, line, selCmdLenght) self.removeSelectedText() if cmd in ('_save', '_clear', '_clearAll', '_pyqgis', '_api'): if cmd == '_save': self.writeHistoryFile() msgText = QCoreApplication.translate('PythonConsole', 'History saved successfully.') elif cmd == '_clear': self.clearHistoryFile() msgText = QCoreApplication.translate('PythonConsole', 'History cleared successfully.') elif cmd == '_clearAll': self.history = QStringList() self.clearHistoryFile() msgText = QCoreApplication.translate('PythonConsole', 'Session and file history cleared successfully.') elif cmd == '_pyqgis': webbrowser.open( "http://www.qgis.org/pyqgis-cookbook/" ) elif cmd == '_api': webbrowser.open( "http://www.qgis.org/api/" ) if msgText: self.parent.callWidgetMessageBar(msgText) self.displayPrompt(False) else: self.buffer.append(cmd) src = u"\n".join(self.buffer) more = self.runsource(src, "") if not more: self.buffer = [] ## prevents to commands with more lines to break the console ## in the case they have a eol different from '\n' self.setText('') self.move_cursor_to_end() self.displayPrompt(more) def write(self, txt): sys.stderr.write(txt) def writeCMD(self, txt): if len(txt) > 0: getCmdString = self.text() prompt = getCmdString[0:4] sys.stdout.write(prompt+txt+'\n')