/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #include #include #include #include "mdal_xml.hpp" #include "mdal.h" #include "mdal_utils.hpp" class XMLString { private: xmlChar *mXmlChar; public: XMLString( const std::string &str ) { mXmlChar = xmlCharStrdup( str.c_str() ); } XMLString( xmlChar *str ) { mXmlChar = str; } ~XMLString() { if ( mXmlChar ) xmlFree( mXmlChar ); } xmlChar *get() {return mXmlChar;} }; XMLFile::XMLFile() = default; XMLFile::~XMLFile() { if ( mXmlDoc ) { xmlFreeDoc( mXmlDoc ); mXmlDoc = nullptr; } } void XMLFile::error( const std::string &str ) const { MDAL::debug( str + "(" + mFileName + ")" ); throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat; } void XMLFile::openFile( const std::string &fileName ) { mFileName = fileName; mXmlDoc = xmlParseFile( fileName.c_str() ); if ( mXmlDoc == nullptr ) { error( "XML Document not parsed successfully " + fileName ); } } void XMLFile::checkEqual( const xmlChar *xmlString, const std::string &str, const std::string &err ) const { assert( xmlString ); if ( xmlStrcmp( xmlString, XMLString( str.c_str() ).get() ) != 0 ) { std::string str2 = toString( xmlString ); error( err ); } } bool XMLFile::checkEqual( const xmlChar *xmlString, const std::string &str ) const { assert( xmlString ); return ( xmlStrcmp( xmlString, XMLString( str.c_str() ).get() ) == 0 ); } xmlNodePtr XMLFile::getCheckRoot( const std::string &name ) const { xmlNodePtr rootNode = root(); checkEqual( rootNode->name, name, "Root element is not" + name ); return rootNode; } xmlNodePtr XMLFile::getCheckChild( xmlNodePtr parent, const std::string &name, bool force ) const { assert( parent ); xmlNodePtr ret; ret = parent->xmlChildrenNode; while ( ret != nullptr ) { if ( checkEqual( ret->name, name ) ) { return ret; } ret = ret->next; } if ( force && !ret ) error( "Element " + toString( parent->name ) + " does not have a child " + name ); return ret; } xmlNodePtr XMLFile::getCheckSibling( xmlNodePtr parent, const std::string &name, bool force ) const { assert( parent ); xmlNodePtr ret = xmlNextElementSibling( parent ); while ( ret != nullptr ) { if ( checkEqual( ret->name, name ) ) { return ret; } ret = xmlNextElementSibling( ret ); } if ( force && !ret ) error( "Element " + toString( parent->name ) + " does not have a sibling " + name ); return ret; } bool XMLFile::checkAttribute( xmlNodePtr parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &expectedVal ) const { assert( parent ); xmlChar *uri = xmlGetProp( parent, XMLString( name.c_str() ).get() ); if ( !uri ) return false; bool ret = checkEqual( uri, expectedVal ); xmlFree( uri ); return ret; } void XMLFile::checkAttribute( xmlNodePtr parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &expectedVal, const std::string &err ) const { assert( parent ); xmlChar *uri = xmlGetProp( parent, XMLString( name.c_str() ).get() ); if ( !uri ) error( err ); XMLString str( uri ); checkEqual( uri, expectedVal, err ); } xmlNodePtr XMLFile::root() const { assert( mXmlDoc ); xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement( mXmlDoc ); if ( cur == nullptr ) error( "XML Document is empty" ); return cur; } std::string XMLFile::toString( const xmlChar *xmlString ) const { if ( !xmlString ) error( "Name of XML element is empty" ); // Works only for ASCII strings std::string ret( reinterpret_cast( xmlString ) ); return ret; } double XMLFile::queryDoubleAttribute( xmlNodePtr elem, std::string name ) const { std::string valStr = attribute( elem, name ); double val = MDAL::toDouble( valStr ); return val; } size_t XMLFile::querySizeTAttribute( xmlNodePtr elem, std::string name ) const { std::string valStr = attribute( elem, name ); size_t val = MDAL::toSizeT( valStr ); return val; } std::string XMLFile::attribute( xmlNodePtr node, std::string name ) const { std::string ret; assert( node ); xmlChar *uri = xmlGetProp( node, XMLString( name ).get() ); XMLString str( uri ); if ( !uri ) { error( "Unable to get attribute " + name ); } ret = toString( uri ); return ret; } std::string XMLFile::content( xmlNodePtr node ) const { assert( node ); std::string ret; XMLString content( xmlNodeGetContent( node ) ); ret = toString( content.get() ); return ret; }