 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/qgstranslationcontext.h                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsTranslationContext
Used for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files.

.. versionadded:: 3.4

#include "qgstranslationcontext.h"


    QgsProject *project() const;
Returns the project

.. seealso:: :py:func:`setProject`

    void setProject( QgsProject *project );
Sets the ``project`` being translated.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`project`

    QString fileName() const;
Returns the TS fileName

.. seealso:: :py:func:`setFileName`

    void setFileName( const QString &fileName );
Sets the ``fileName`` of the TS file

.. seealso:: :py:func:`fileName`

    void registerTranslation( const QString &context, const QString &source );
Registers the ``source`` to be translated. It's the text of the object needed to be translated.
The ``context`` defines in what context the object is used. Means layer name and sub category of object needed to be translated.

    void writeTsFile( const QString &locale );
Writes the Ts-file


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/qgstranslationcontext.h                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *