{ "name": "make_circle", "type": "function", "groups": ["GeometryGroup"], "description": "Creates a circular polygon.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "center", "description": "center point of the circle" }, { "arg": "radius", "description": "radius of the circle" }, { "arg": "segments", "optional": true, "default": "36", "description": "optional argument for polygon segmentation. By default this value is 36" }], "examples": [{ "expression": "geom_to_wkt(make_circle(make_point(10,10), 5, 4))", "returns": "'Polygon ((10 15, 15 10, 10 5, 5 10, 10 15))'" }, { "expression": "geom_to_wkt(make_circle(make_point(10,10,5), 5, 4))", "returns": "'PolygonZ ((10 15 5, 15 10 5, 10 5 5, 5 10 5, 10 15 5))'" }, { "expression": "geom_to_wkt(make_circle(make_point(10,10,5,30), 5, 4))", "returns": "'PolygonZM ((10 15 5 30, 15 10 5 30, 10 5 5 30, 5 10 5 30, 10 15 5 30))'" }], "tags": ["circular", "polygon"] }