 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsVirtualLayerDefinition
Class to manipulate the definition of a virtual layer

It is used to extract parameters from an initial virtual layer definition as well as
to store the complete, expanded definition once types have been detected.

#include "qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h"

    class SourceLayer
A SourceLayer is either a reference to a live layer in the registry
or all the parameters needed to load it (provider key, source, etc.)

#include "qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h"
        SourceLayer( const QString &name, const QString &ref );
Constructor variant to build a live layer reference
        SourceLayer( const QString &name, const QString &source, const QString &provider, const QString &encoding );
Constructor variant to build a layer with a provider and a source

        bool isReferenced() const;
Is it a live layer or not ?

        QString reference() const;
The reference (id) of the live layer

        QString name() const;
Name of the layer

        QString provider() const;
Provider key

        QString source() const;
The source url used by the provider to build the layer

        QString encoding() const;
Optional encoding for the provider


    QgsVirtualLayerDefinition( const QString &filePath = "" );
Constructor with an optional file path

    static QgsVirtualLayerDefinition fromUrl( const QUrl &url );
Constructor to build a definition from a QUrl
The path part of the URL is extracted as well as the following optional keys:
layer_ref=layer_id[:name]               represents a live layer referenced by its ID. An optional name can be given
layer=provider:source[:name[:encoding]] represents a layer given by its provider key, its source url (URL-encoded).
An optional name and encoding can be given
geometry=column_name[:type:srid]        gives the definition of the geometry column.
Type can be either a WKB type code or a string (point, linestring, etc.)
srid is an integer
uid=column_name                         is the name of a column with unique integer values.
nogeometry                              is a flag to force the layer to be a non-geometry layer
query=sql                               represents the SQL query. Must be URL-encoded
field=column_name:[int|real|text]       represents a field with its name and its type

    QUrl toUrl() const;
Convert the definition into a QUrl

    QString toString() const;
Convert into a QString that can be read by the virtual layer provider

    void addSource( const QString &name, const QString &ref );
Add a live layer source layer

    void addSource( const QString &name, const QString &source, const QString &provider, const QString &encoding = "" );
Add a layer with a source, a provider and an encoding

    typedef QList<QgsVirtualLayerDefinition::SourceLayer> SourceLayers;

    const QgsVirtualLayerDefinition::SourceLayers &sourceLayers() const;
Gets access to the source layers

    QString query() const;
Gets the SQL query
    void setQuery( const QString &query );
Sets the SQL query

    QString filePath() const;
Gets the file path. May be empty
    void setFilePath( const QString &filePath );
Sets the file path

    QString uid() const;
Gets the name of the field with unique identifiers
    void setUid( const QString &uid );
Sets the name of the field with unique identifiers

    void setLazy( bool lazy );
Sets the lazy mode. If ``lazy`` is true, then the loading is
delayed until an explicit reloading of the layer.

:param lazy: True to delay the loading, false otherwise

.. seealso:: :py:func:`QgsDataProvider.reloadData`

.. seealso:: :py:func:`isLazy`

.. versionadded:: 3.2

    bool isLazy() const;
Returns the lazy mode.

:return: True if the loading is delayed, false otherwise.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`setLazy`

.. versionadded:: 3.2

    QString geometryField() const;
Gets the name of the geometry field. Empty if no geometry field
    void setGeometryField( const QString &geometryField );
Sets the name of the geometry field

    QgsWkbTypes::Type geometryWkbType() const;
Gets the type of the geometry
QgsWkbTypes.NoGeometry to hide any geometry
QgsWkbTypes.Unknown for unknown types
    void setGeometryWkbType( QgsWkbTypes::Type t );
Sets the type of the geometry

    long geometrySrid() const;
Gets the SRID of the geometry
    void setGeometrySrid( long srid );
Sets the SRID of the geometry

    QgsFields fields() const;
Gets field definitions
    void setFields( const QgsFields &fields );
Sets field definitions

    bool hasSourceLayer( const QString &name ) const;
Convenience method to test if a given source layer is part of the definition

    bool hasReferencedLayers() const;
Convenience method to test whether the definition has referenced (live) layers

    bool hasDefinedGeometry() const;
Convenient method to test if the geometry is defined (not NoGeometry and not Unknown)


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *