TrainImagesClassifier-bayes otbcli_TrainImagesClassifier TrainImagesClassifier (bayes) Learning Train a classifier from multiple pairs of images and training vector data. ParameterMultipleInput Input Image List A list of input images. False ParameterMultipleInput io.vd Input Vector Data List A list of vector data to select the training samples. False ParameterFile io.imstat Input XML image statistics file Input XML file containing the mean and the standard deviation of the input images. True OutputFile io.confmatout Output confusion matrix Output file containing the confusion matrix (.csv format). OutputFile io.out Output model Output file containing the model estimated (.txt format). ParameterNumber elev.default Default elevation This parameter allows to set the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value. 0 ParameterNumber Maximum training sample size per class Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the training sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available training sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the training sample ratio. 1000 ParameterNumber Maximum validation sample size per class Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the validation sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available validation sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the validation sample ratio. 1000 ParameterBoolean sample.edg On edge pixel inclusion Takes pixels on polygon edge into consideration when building training and validation samples. True ParameterNumber sample.vtr Training and validation sample ratio Ratio between training and validation samples (0.0 = all training, 1.0 = all validation) (default = 0.5). 0.5 ParameterString sample.vfn Name of the discrimination field Name of the field used to discriminate class labels in the input vector data files. Class False ParameterSelection classifier Classifier to use for the training Choice of the classifier to use for the training. bayes 0 ParameterNumber rand set user defined seed Set specific seed. with integer value. 0