CharacterWidget <p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1%2</span><p>Value: 0x%3"> CoordinateCapture Coordinate Capture This might be controversial. Fånga och skapa koordinat Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard. Klicka på karatan för att se koordinaterna och överföra till urklippet. &Coordinate Capture Skapa koordinat Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate display Klicka för att välja CRS för koordinatvisning Coordinate in your selected CRS Koordinat i vald CRS Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system Koordinat i kartbladets koordinatsystem Copy to clipboard Kopiera till urklipp Click to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stop Följer musen och skapar koordinater. Slutar följa när du klickar på kartan Start capture Börja skapa koordinat Click to enable coordinate capture Klicka för att skapa koordinat Dialog Connect Anslut Browse Bläddra OGR Converter OGR konverterare Open OGR file Öppna OGR-fil OGR File Data Source (*.*) OGR fil (*.*) Open Directory Öppna katalog Input OGR dataset is missing! Indata OGR dataset saknas! Input OGR layer name is missing! Indata OGR lagernamn saknas Target OGR format not selected! OGR format för mål ej vald! Output OGR dataset is missing! Utdata OGR dataset saknas! Output OGR layer name is missing! Utdata OGR lagernamn saknas! Choose a file name to save to Välj ett filnamn att spara till Could not establish connection to: '%1' Kunde inte ansluta till '%1' Successfully translated layer '%1' Lyckades konvertera lager '%1' Failed to translate layer '%1' Kunde inte konvertera lager '%1' Successfully connected to: '%1' Lyckades ansluta till: '%1' fTools About Om fTools fTools fTools Version x.x-xxxxxx Version x.x-xxxxxx <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> Help Hjälp Web Web Close Stäng Extract Nodes Extrahera noder Input line or polygon vector layer Inlager med linjer eller polygoner Tolerance Tolerans Unique ID field Unik ID fält Output point shapefile Udatatfil med punkter (shape-fil) Geoprocessing Geobehandling Input vector layer Vektorlager med indata Intersect layer Lager för skärning Buffer distance Buffertavstånd Buffer distance field Fält för buffertavstånd Dissolve field Lös ut fält Dissolve buffer results Lös ut buffertresultat Output shapefile Shape-fil för utdata Segments to approximate Locate Line Intersections Hitta linjers skärning Input line layer Linjelager med indata Input unique ID field Indata unik ID fält Intersect line layer Linjelager för skärning Intersect unique ID field Skärning unik ID fält Output Shapefile Shape-fil för utdata Sum line lengths Summa linjelängd Distance matrix Avståndsmatris Created output matrix: Skapade ,atris: Join Attributes Slå ihop attribut Target vector layer Målvektorlager Target join field Målfält Join data Slå ihop data Join vector layer Slå ihop vektordata Join dbf table Slå ihop dbf-tabell Join field Slå ihop fält Output table Uttabell Only keep matching records Behåll bara matchande rader Keep all records (including non-matching target records) Keep all records (includeing non-matching target records) Behåll alla rader (även icke-matchande målrader) Generate Centroids Generera tyngdpunkter Weight field Viktfält Number of standard deviations Antal standardavvikelser Std. Dev. Std. avv. Create Distance Matrix Skapa avståndsmatris Input point layer Punktlager med indata Target point layer Målpunktlager Target unique ID field Mål unik ID fält Output matrix type Matristyp för utdata Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix Linjär (N*k x 3) avståndsmatris Standard (N x T) distance matrix Standard (N x T) avståndsmatris Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) Summarisk avståndsmatris (medel, std avv, min, max) Use only the nearest (k) target points Use only the nearest (k) target points: Använd bara de närmaste (k) punkterna: Output distance matrix Avståndsmatris för utdata Use only selected features Använd bara valda objekt Count Points In Polygons Räkna punkter i polygoner Input polygon vector layer Polygonvektorlager med indata Input point vector layer Punktvektorlager med indata Output count field name Fältnamn för beräkningsresultat PNTCNT PNTCNT Generate Random Points Skapa slumpvisa punkter Input Boundary Layer Inlager med gränser Minimum distance between points Minsta avstånd mellan punkter Sample Size Sampelstorlek Unstratified Sampling Design (Entire layer) Use this number of points Stratified Sampling Design (Individual polygons) Use this density of points Use value from input field Random Selection Tool Verktyg för slumpmässigt val Input Vector Layer Vektorlager med indata Randomly Select Välj slumpmässigt Number of Features Antal objekt Percentage of Features Procent av objekt % % Projection Management Tool Input spatial reference system Koordinatsystem för indata Output spatial reference system Koordinatsystem för utdata Use predefined spatial reference system Använd fördefinerat koordinatsystem Choose Välj Import spatial reference system from existing layer Importera koordinatsystem från existerande lager Import spatial reference system Import spatial reference system: Importera koordinatsystem: Generate Regular Points Generera regelbundna punkter Area Area Input Coordinates Inkoordinater X Min X Min Y Min Y Min X Max X Max Y Max Y Max Grid Spacing Avstånd i rutnät Use this point spacing Använd detta puktavstånd Apply random offset to point spacing Lägg till slumpmässigt offset till punktavstånd Initial inset from corner (LH side) Startförskjutning från hörn (vänstersida) Spatial Join Attribute Summary Take attributes of first located feature Take summary of intersecting features Mean Medel Min Min Max Max Sum Median Median Random Selection From Within Subsets Input subset field (unique ID field) Select by location Välj efter plats Sum Line Length In Polygons Output summed length field name LENGTH Input line vector layer Grid extent Update extents from layer Update extents from canvas Parameters Parametrar X X Lock 1:1 ratio Y Y Output grid as polygons Output grid as lines Vector Split Output folder List Unique Values Target field Unique values list Unique value count Press Ctrl+C to copy results to the clipboard OGR Layer Converter OGR lagerkonverterare Random selection Slumpvis utvalt Please specify output shapefile Specificera shape-fil för utdata Export to new projection Exportera till ny projektion Define current projection Definiera nuvarande projektion Vector grid Vektorrutnät Split vector layer Dela vektyorlager Random selection within subsets Slumpvis utvalt i delmängd Please specify input vector layer Specificera vektorlager med indata Join attributes by location Slå ihop attribut efter placering Join attributes Slå ihop attribut Regular points Reguljära punkter Identical output spatial reference system chosen Are you sure you want to proceed? Line intersections Linjeskärning Please specify input line layer Please specify line intersect layer Please specify input unique ID field Please specify intersect unique ID field Created output point shapefile: %1 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? No input layer specified Please specify spatial reference system No Valid CRS selected Output spatial reference system is not valid Please specify target vector layer Please specify join vector layer Incorrect field names No output will be created. Following field names are longer than 10 characters: %1 Error deleting shapefile Can't delete existing shapefile %1 Use selected features only Select directory with shapefiles to merge No shapefiles found There are no shapefiles in this directory. Please select another one. Input files No output file Please specify output file. Delete error Can't delete file %1 Cancel Avbryt Merging Simplify results There were %1 vertices in original dataset which were reduced to %2 vertices after simplification Created output shapefile: %1 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Mean coordinates Standard distance (Optional) Weight field (Optional) Unique ID field Coordinate statistics No input vector layer specified Please specify at least one summary statistic CRS warning! Warning: Input layers have non-matching CRS. This may cause unexpected results. Summary field Please specify valid extent coordinates Invalid extent coordinates entered Generate Vector Grid No input shapefile specified Cannot define projection for PostGIS data...yet! Defined Projection For: %1.shp Please select the projection system that defines the current layer. Layer CRS information will be updated to the selected CRS. Created output shapefiles in folder: %1 creating new selection adding to current selection removing from current selection Select features in: that intersect features in: Modify current selection by: Please specify input layer Please specify select layer Sum Line Lengths In Polyons Please specify input polygon vector layer Please specify input line vector layer Please specify output length field length field Please specify an input field Random Points unstratified stratified density field Unknown layer type... Please properly specify extent coordinates Finished Processing completed. Count Points in Polygon Count Points In Polygon Please specify input point vector layer Please specify output count field point count field Densify geometries Vertices to add Error Fel Create Point Distance Matrix Please specify input point layer Please specify output file Please specify target point layer Please specify target unique ID field Error loading output shapefile: %1 Merge shapefiles Select by layers in the folder Shapefile type Polygon Polygon Line Linje Point Punkt Input directory Add result to map canvas Simplify geometries Input line or polygon layer Simplify tolerance Save to new file Add result to canvas Build spatial index Select files from disk Select files... Select all Select none Clear list DlgSymbolV2Properties Symbol properties Symbol layer properties This symbol layer doesn't have GUI for settings. Symbol preview Symbol layer type Symbol layers Add symbol layer Remove symbol layer Lock layer's color Move up Flytta upp Move down Flytta ner GdalTools The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program. The process crashed some time after starting successfully. An unknown error occurred. The selected file is not a supported OGR format Quantum GIS version detected: Quantum GIS version: This version of Gdal Tools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. Builds a VRT from a list of datasets Contour Builds vector contour lines from a DEM Burns vector geometries into a raster Produces a polygon feature layer from a raster Merge Slå ihop Build a quick mosaic from a set of images Sieve Removes small raster polygons Produces a raster proximity map Near black Convert nearly black/white borders to exact value Warp an image into a new coordinate system Create raster from the scattered data Converts raster data between different formats Information Lists information about raster dataset Assign projection Add projection info to the raster Build Virtual Raster (Catalog) Rasterize (Vector to raster) Polygonize (Raster to vector) Proximity (Raster distance) Warp (Reproject) Grid (Interpolation) Translate (Convert format) Build overviews (Pyramids) Builds or rebuilds overview images Clipper RGB to PCT Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted PCT to RGB Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB Tile index Build a shapefile as a raster tileindex DEM (Terrain models) Projections Extract projection Extract projection information from raster(s) Conversion Extraction Analysis Fill nodata Fill raster regions by interpolation from edges Tool to analyze and visualize DEMs Miscellaneous GdalTools settings Various settings for Gdal Tools About GdalTools Displays information about Gdal Tools &Input directory &Output directory GdalToolsAboutDialog About Gdal Tools GDAL Tools Version x.x-xxxxxx Version x.x-xxxxxx <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html> Web Web Close Stäng (using GDAL v. %1) GDAL Tools (AKA Raster Tools) is a plugin for QuantumGIS aiming at making life simpler for users of GDAL Utilities, providing a simplified graphical interface for most commonly used programs. The plugin is being developed by Faunalia ( with help from GIS-lab ( Icons by Robert Szczepanek. Sponsorship by Silvio Grosso was much appreciated. Please help us by testing the tools, reporting eventual issues, improving the code, or providing financial support. DEVELOPERS: Faunalia Paolo Cavallini Giuseppe Sucameli Lorenzo Masini GIS-lab Maxim Dubinin Alexander Bruy icons by Robert Szepanek HOMEPAGE: GdalToolsBaseBatchWidget Finished Operation completed. Warning Varning The following files were not created: %1 GdalToolsBaseDialog Warning Varning The command is still running. Do you want terminate it anyway? Invalid parameters. GdalToolsBasePluginWidget Warning Varning No output file created. Finished Processing completed. %1 not created. GdalToolsDialog Dialog Dialog &Load into canvas when finished Edit Redigera Reset Select the input file for Proximity Select the raster file to save the results to Select the input file for Near Black Select the input file for Grid Warning Varning Warning: CRS information for all raster in subfolders will be rewritten. Are you sure? Select the file to analyse Select the input directory with files to Assign projection Finished Processing completed. %1 not created. Assign projection This raster already found in map canvas Select the files for VRT Select where to save the VRT VRT (*.vrt) Select the input file for Warp Select the mask file Select the input directory with files to Warp Select the output directory to save the results to Select the input file for Sieve Select the files to Merge Select where to save the Merge output Select the input file for convert Select the input directory with files for convert Select the file for DEM Select the color configuration file Select the input file for Polygonize Select where to save the Polygonize output Select the input file for Contour Select where to save the Contour output Select the input file for Translate Select the input directory with files to Translate Translate - srcwin Image coordinates (pixels) must be integer numbers. Translate - prjwin Image coordinates (geographic) must be numbers. Select the files to analyse Output size required The output file doesn't exist. You must set up the output size to create it. Convert paletted image to RGB Select the input file for Rasterize Copy Copy all Select the input directory with files for VRT Select the input directory with raster files Select where to save the TileIndex output Error retrieving the extent GDAL was unable to retrieve the extent from any file. The "Use intersected extent" option will be unchecked. Empty extent The computed extent is empty. Disable the "Use intersected extent" option to have a nonempty output. Select the input file Select the input directory with files Extract projection Batch mode (for processing whole directory) &Input file Recurse subdirectories Create also prj file GdalToolsExtentSelector Select the extent by drag on canvas or change the extent coordinates x y 2 2 1 1 Re-Enable GdalToolsInOutSelector Select... GdalToolsOptionsTable Name Namn Value Värde Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort GdalToolsSettingsDialog Gdal Tools settings Path to the GDAL executables Browse Bläddra Path to the GDAL python modules GDAL help path GDAL data path GDAL driver path A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or semicolon-separated (Windows) paths to both binaries and python executables. MacOS users usually need to set it to something like /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.8/Programs A list of colon-separated (Linux and MacOS) or semicolon-separated (Windows) paths to python modules. Useful to open local GDAL documentation instead of online help when pressing on the tool dialog's Help button. Select directory with GDAL executables Select directory with GDAL python modules Select directory with the GDAL documentation GdalToolsWidget Select... &Input files Build Virtual Raster (Catalog) Choose input directory instead of files &Output file &Resolution Highest Average Average Lowest &Source No Data Se&parate Clipper &No data value Clipping mode Extent Utsträckning Mask layer Create an output alpha band 1 1 2 2 1: 1: 2: 2: Grab pseudocolor table from the first image Contour &Input file (raster) &Output directory for contour lines (shapefile) &Output file for contour lines (vector) I&nterval between contour lines &Attribute name If not provided, no elevation attribute is attached. ELEV Convert RGB image to paletted Batch mode (for processing whole directory) &Input file Number of colors Band to convert &Z Field &Algorithm Inverse distance to a power Moving average Nearest neighbor Data metrics Power Smoothing Radius1 Radius2 Angle Vinkel Width Bredd Height Höjd Max points Grid (Interpolation) Min points No data Metrics Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Range Intervall Info Info Raster info Suppress GCP printing Suppress metadata printing Merge Slå ihop Layer stack Use intersected extent DEM (Terrain models) &Input file (DEM raster) &Band Compute &edges &Mode Hillshade Slope Aspect Color relief TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index) TPI (Topographic Position Index) Roughness Use Zevenbergen&&Thorne formula (instead of the Horn's one) Z factor (vertical exaggeration) Scale (ratio of vert. units to horiz.) Azimuth of the light Altitude of the light Slope expressed as percent (instead of as degrees) Return trigonometric angle (instead of azimuth) Return 0 for flat (instead of -9999) Color configuration file Matching mode Exact color (otherwise "0,0,0,0" RGBA) Nearest color Add alpha channel &Creation Options Near Black How &far from black (or white) Search for nearly &white (255) pixels instead of black ones Build overviews (Pyramids) Resampling method Omsamplingsmetod nearest average gauss average_mp average_magphase mode Levels (space delimited) Remove all overviews. Clean In order to generate external overview (for GeoTIFF especially). Open in read-only mode Create external overviews in TIFF format, compressed using JPEG. Overviews in TIFF format with JPEG compression For JPEG compressed external overviews, the JPEG quality can be set. JPEG Quality (1-100) Alternate overview format using Erdas Imagine format, placing the overviews in an associated .aux file suitable for direct use with Imagine,ArcGIS, GDAL. Use Imagine format (.aux file) Polygonize (Raster to vector) &Output file for polygons (shapefile) &Field name DN Use mask Assign projection WARNING: current projection definition will be cleared Desired SRS Output will be: - new GeoTiff if input file is not GeoTiff - overwritten if input is GeoTiff Recurse subdirectories Proximity (Raster distance) &Values &Dist units GEO PIXEL &Max dist &No data &Fixed buf val 0 0 Rasterize (Vector to raster) &Input file (shapefile) &Attribute field &Output file for rasterized vectors (raster) New size (required if output file doens't exist) Sieve &Threshold &Pixel connections 4 4 8 8 Percentage to resize image. This will change pixel size/image resolution accordingly: 25% will create an image with pixels 4x larger. % % Assign a specified nodata value to output bands. To expose a dataset with 1 band with a color table as a dataset with 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) bands. Useful for output drivers such as JPEG, JPEG2000, MrSID, ECW that don't support color indexed datasets. The 'gray' value (from GDAL 1.7.0) enables to expand a dataset with a color table that only contains gray levels to a gray indexed dataset. Fill Nodata &Input Layer Search distance Smooth iterations Band to operate on Validity mask Do not use the default validity mask Translate (Convert format) &Target SRS Outsize Expand Gray Grå RGB RGBA Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying based on pixel/line location. (Enter Xoff Yoff Xsize Ysize) Srcwin Prjwin Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying (like -srcwin) but with the corners given in georeferenced coordinates. (Enter ulx uly lrx lry) Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files. Use with formats like HDF or OGDI that have subdatasets. Sds Output format Near Bilinear Cubic Kubisk Cubic spline Lanczos No data values MB &Source SRS Warp (Reproject) &Resampling method &Memory used for caching Resize Use m&ultithreaded warping implementation Raster tile index Input directory Output shapefile Shape-fil för utdata Tile index field location Write absolute path Skip files with different projection ref GeometryDialog Merge all Slå ihop alla Please specify input vector layer Specificera vektorlager med indata Please specify output shapefile Specificera shape-fil för utdata Please specify valid tolerance value Specificera giltig tolerans Please specify valid UID field Specificera giltigt UID-fält Singleparts to multipart Singlepart till multipart Output shapefile Shape-fil för utdata Multipart to singleparts Multipart till singlepart Extract nodes Extrahera noder Polygons to lines Polygoner till linjer Input polygon vector layer Polygonvektorlager med indata Export/Add geometry columns Exportera/Lägg till geometrikolumner Simplify geometries Förenkla geometrier Polygon centroids Polygontyngdpunkt Output point shapefile Udatatfil med punkter (shape-fil) Delaunay triangulation Delaunay triangulering Input point vector layer Punktvektorlager med indata Voronoi polygon Buffer region Lines to polygons Input line vector layer Polygon from layer extent Polygon från lagrets utsträckning Input layer Inlager Output polygon shapefile Udatatfil med polygoner (shape-fil) Unable to delete existing shapefile. Kunde inte ta bort existerande shape-fil. Unable to delete incomplete shapefile. Kunde inte ta bort icke-komplett shape-fil. At least two features must have same attribute value! Please choose another field... One or more features in the output layer may have invalid geometry, please check using the check validity tool Created output shapefile: %1 %2 Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Error writing output shapefile. Fel vid skrivning av shapefil. Input vector layer Vektorlager med indata Geometry Geoprocessing Geobehandling Cancel Avbryt Error processing specified tolerance! Please choose larger tolerance... Error loading output shapefile: %1 GeoprocessingDialog Dissolve all Lös ut alla Geoprocessing Geobehandling Please specify an input layer Specificera lager med indata Please specify a difference/intersect/union layer Specificera vektorlager för differens/skärning/union Please specify valid buffer value Specificera giltigt buffertvärde Please specify dissolve field Specifiera fält att lösa ut Please specify output shapefile Specificera shape-fil för utdata No features selected, please uncheck 'Use selected' or make a selection Inga objekt valda, ta bort 'Använd valda' eller välj objekt Buffer(s) Buffert(ar) Create single minimum convex hull Skapa en minsta konvex Create convex hulls based on input field Convex hull(s) Konvex Dissolve Lös ut Difference layer Differenslager Difference Differens Intersect layer Skärningslager Intersect Skärning Symetrical difference Symetrisk differans Clip layer Klipplager Clip Klipp Union layer Unionlager Union Union Unable to delete existing shapefile. Kunde inte ta bort existerande shape-fil. Cancel Avbryt Close Stäng No output created. File creation error: %1 Warnings: Varningar: Some output geometries may be missing or invalid. Would you like to add the new layer anyway? Några resulterande geometrier kan saknas eller vara ogiltiga. Vill du ändå lägga till det nya lagret? Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Vill du lägga till det nya lagret till innehållsförteckningen? Input CRS error: Different input coordinate reference systems detected, results may not be as expected. Input CRS error: One or more input layers missing coordinate reference information, results may not be as expected. Feature geometry error: One or more output features ignored due to invalid geometry. GEOS geoprocessing error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. Created output shapefile: %1 %2%3 Error loading output shapefile: %1 GlobePlugin Globe Launch Globe Globe Settings Overlay data on a 3D globe Settings for 3D globe &Globe MainWindow QGIS QGIS &Edit Redigera &File &Arkiv &Open Recent Projects &Öppna senaste projekt Print Composers &View &Visa Select Measure Mät &Layer &Lager New Ny &Settings &Inställningar &Plugins Insticks&program &Decorations &Dekoreringar &Raster &Help &Hjälp File Manage Layers Hantera lager Digitizing Digitalisering Advanced Digitizing Avancerad digitalisering Map Navigation Kartnavigering Attributes Attribut Plugins Insticksprogram Help Hjälp Raster Label Etikett Vector Database Databas Web Web &New Project &Nytt projekt Ctrl+N Ctrl+N &Open Project... &Öppna projekt... Ctrl+O Ctrl+O &Save Project &Spara projekt Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Save Project &As... Sp&ara projekt som... Ctrl+Shift+S Save as Image... Spara som bild... &New Print Composer Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Composer manager... Exit Avsluta Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q &Undo Ångra Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z &Redo Åte&rställ Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Cut Features Klipp objekt Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Copy Features Kopiera objekt Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Paste Features Klistra in objekt Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Capture Point Skapa punkt Ctrl+. Ctrl+. Capture Line Skapa linje Ctrl+/ Ctrl+/ Capture Polygon Skapa polygon Ctrl+? Ctrl+? Add feature Move Feature(s) Reshape Features Split Features Dela objekt Delete Selected Ta bort vald Add Ring Lägg till ring Add Part Simplify Feature Förenkla objekt Delete Ring Ta bort ring Delete Part Ta bort del Merge selected features Slå ihop valda objekt Merge attributes of selected features Node Tool Nodverktyg Rotate Point Symbols Snapping Options... Pan Map Panorera karta Zoom In Zooma In Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom Out Zooma ut Ctrl+- Ctrl+- Select single feature Select features by rectangle Select features by polygon Select features by freehand Select features by radius Deselect features from all layers Identify Features Identifiera objekt Ctrl+Shift+I Measure Line Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+M Measure Area Mät area Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Shift+J Measure Angle Zoom Full Zooma hela Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Zoom to Layer Zooma till lager Zoom to Selection Zooma till vald Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Zoom Last Zooma senaste Zoom Next Zooma nästa Zoom Actual Size Zooma till verklig storlek Zoom to Native Pixel Resolution Map Tips Karttips Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it Visa objektets information när musen är över objektet New Bookmark... Nytt bokmärke... Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Show Bookmarks Visa bokmärken Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B Refresh Uppdatera Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Text Annotation Form annotation Move Annotation Labeling New Shapefile Layer... Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N New SpatiaLite Layer ... Ctrl+Shift+A Raster calculator ... Add Vector Layer... Lägg till vektorlager... Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Add Raster Layer... Lägg till rasterlager... Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R Add PostGIS Layer... Lägg till PostGIS-lager... Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D Add SpatiaLite Layer... Lägg till SpatiaLite-lager... Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Add WMS Layer... Lägg till WMS-lager... Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W Open Attribute Table Öppna attributtabell Toggle editing Toggla redigering Toggles the editing state of the current layer Togglar redigeringstillståndet för aktuellt lager Save edits Save edits to current layer, but continue editing Save as... Save Selection as vector file... Remove Layer(s) Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Set CRS of Layer(s) Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Set project CRS from layer Tile scale slider Customization... mActionCatchForCustomization This is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomization Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Embed layers and groups... Embed layers and groups from other project files &Copyright Label &Copyrighttext Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. Skapar en text om upphovsskydd som visas på kartbladet. &North Arrow &Nordpil "Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas" &Scale Bar &Skala Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas Skapar en skala som visas på kartbladet Add WFS Layer... Add WFS Layer Feature Action Run feature action Pan Map to Selection Properties... Egenskaper... Query... Add to Overview Lägg till i översikt Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Add All to Overview Lägg till allt i översikten Remove All From Overview Ta bort allt från översikten Show All Layers Visa alla lager Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U Hide All Layers Göm alla lager Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Manage Plugins... Hantera insticksprogram.. Toggle Full Screen Mode Toggla fullskärmsläge Ctrl+F Project Properties... Projektegenskaper... Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Options... Alternativ... Custom CRS... Anpassad CRS... Configure shortcuts... Konfigurera genvägar... Local Histogram Stretch Stretch histogram of active raster to view extents Help Contents Hjälpinnehåll F1 F1 API documentation QGIS Home Page QGIS Hemsida Ctrl+H Ctrl+H Check QGIS Version Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) Kontrollera om din QGIS version är aktuell (kräver internetanslutning) About Om QGIS Sponsors Move Label Rotate Label Change Label Style manager... Python Console Python konsol Full histogram stretch Stretch histogram to full dataset OgrConverterGuiBase OGR Layer Converter OGR lagerkonverterare Source Källa Format Format File Arkiv Directory Katalog Remote source Extern källa Dataset Dataset Browse Bläddra Layer Lager Target Mål OgrPlugin Run OGR Layer Converter Kör OGR lagerkonverterare Translates vector layers between formats supported by OGR library Konverterar vektorlager mellan format som OGR-biblioteket stöder OG&R Converter OG&R konverterare OracleConnectGuiBase Create Oracle Connection Skapa Oracle-anslutning Name Namn Database instance Databasinstans Username Användarnamn Password Lösenord Name of the new connection Namn på den nya anslutningen Save Password Spara lösenord OsmAddRelationDlg Create OSM relation Relation type: ... ... Properties Egenskaper Members Create Skapa Cancel Avbryt Show type description Shows brief description of selected relation type. Generate tags Fills tag table with tags that are typical for relation of specified type. Remove all selected tags Removes all selected tags. Select member on map Starts process of selecting next relation member on map. Remove all selected members Removes all selected members. Save Spara Edit OSM relation for grouping boundaries and marking enclaves / exclaves to put holes into areas (might have to be renamed, see article) any kind of turn restriction like bus routes, cycle routes and numbered highways traffic enforcement devices; speed cameras, redlight cameras, weight checks, ... OSM Information OsmDownloadDlg Download OSM data Extent Utsträckning Latitude: Latitud: From To Longitude: Longitud: <nothing> ... ... Download to: Open data automatically after download Öppna data automatiskt efter nedladdning Replace current data (current layer will be removed) Ersätt existerande data (det aktiva lagret kommer raderas) Use custom renderer Använd en annan rendrare Download Ladda ned Cancel Avbryt OSM Download OSM nedladdning Unable to save the file %1: %2. Waiting for OpenStreetMap server ... Väntar på OpenStreetMap servern... Download process failed. OpenStreetMap server response: %1 - %2 Nedladdningen misslyckades. Openstreetmap server svarade %1 - %2 Check your internet connection OSM Download Error OSM nedladdnings fel Download failed: %1. Nedladdnignen misslyckades Choose file to save OSM Files (*.osm) Getting data Hämtar data The OpenStreetMap server you are downloading OSM data from (~ has fixed limitations of how much data you can get. As written at <> neither latitude nor longitude extent of downloaded region can be larger than 0.25 degrees. Note that Quantum GIS allows you to specify any extent you want, but OpenStreetMap server will reject all request that won't satisfy downloading limitations. Openstreetmap servern som du hämtar data från ( har begränsningar på hur mycket data du får häta. Läs mer på <> varken bredd- eller längdgrad kan vara större än 0.25 grader, och även mängden data är begränsad per nedladdning. Märk väl att Quantum GIS tillåter dig att välja vilken storlek som helst på nedladdnigns området, men Openstreetmap servern kommer att avböja alla försök till att ladda ner för mycket data. Both extents are too large! Både lat och lon är större än 0.25 grader Latitude extent is too large! Breddgrads (lat) området är för stort! Longitude extent is too large! Längdgrads (lon) området är för stort! OK! Area is probably acceptable to server. OK! Nedladdning av detta området accepteras troligen. OsmFeatureDW OSM Plugin The 'Create OSM Relation' dialog was closed automatically because current OSM database was changed. OSM Feature Dock Widget Choose OSM feature first. Choose relation for editing first. Snapping ON. Hold Ctrl to disable it. Hide OSM Edit History Show OSM Edit History OSM Feature ... ... Create point Create line Create polygon Create relation Undo Ångra Redo Gör om Show/Hide OSM Edit History Feature: TYPE, ID: CREATED: USER: unknown obekant Properties Egenskaper Remove selected tags Relations Add relation Edit relation Remove relation Relation tags: 1 1 Relation members: Identify feature Move feature Remove this feature OsmImportDlg Import data to OSM In this dialog you can import a layer loaded in QGIS into active OSM data. Layer Lager Import only current selection Layer doesn't exist The selected layer doesn't exist anymore! Importing features... Cancel Avbryt Import Importera Import has been completed. OsmLoadDlg Load OSM OpenStreetMap file to load: ... ... Add columns for tags: Use custom renderer Använd en annan rendrare Replace current data (current layers will be removed) Choose an Open Street Map file OSM Files (*.osm) OSM Load Please enter path to OSM data file. Path to OSM file is invalid: %1. Error Fel Layers of OSM file "%1" are loaded already. Failed to load polygon layer. Failed to load line layer. Failed to load point layer. Could not connect to setRenderer signal. Failed to load layers: %1 OsmPlugin Load OSM from file Load OpenStreetMap from file Import data from a layer Import data from a layer to OpenStreetMap Save OSM to file Save OpenStreetMap to file Download OSM data Download OpenStreetMap data Upload OSM data Upload OpenStreetMap data Show/Hide OSM Feature Manager Show/Hide OpenStreetMap Feature Manager Sorry You don't have OSM provider installed! OSM Save to file No OSM data are loaded/downloaded or no OSM layer is selected in Layers panel. Please change this situation first, because OSM Plugin doesn't know what to save. OSM Upload No OSM data are loaded/downloaded or no OSM layer is selected in Layers panel. Please change this situation first, because OSM Plugin doesn't know what to upload. OSM Import No OSM data are loaded/downloaded or no OSM layer is selected in Layers panel. Please change this situation first, because OSM Plugin doesn't know what layer will be destination of the import. There are currently no available vector layers. OsmSaveDlg Choose an Open Street Map file OSM Files (*.osm) Save OSM to file Unable to save the file %1: %2. Initializing... Saving nodes... Saving lines... Saving polygons... Saving relations... Save OSM Where to save: ... ... Features to save: Points Punkter Lines Linjer Polygons Relations Tags OsmUndoRedoDW OSM Edit History Clear all ... ... Undo Ångra Redo Gör om OsmUploadDlg Upload OSM Upload Uploading data... Skickar data... Node addition failed. Node update failed. Node deletion failed. Way addition failed. Way update failed. Way deletion failed. Relation addition failed. Relation update failed. Relation deletion failed. Connection to OpenStreetMap server cannot be established. Please check your proxy settings, firewall settings and try again. Changeset closing failed. Upload process failed. OpenStreetMap server response: %1 - %2. Authentication failed. Please try again with correct login and password. Setting host failed. Setting user and password failed. Setting proxy failed. Upload OSM data Ready for upload 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Comment on your changes: OSM account Username: Password: Show password Save password Python An error has occured while executing Python code: Ett fel har inträffat vid Pythonexekvering: Python version: Python version: QGIS version: Python path: Python sökväg: Python error Pythonfel Couldn't load plugin '%1' from ['%2'] Couldn't load plugin %1 Kunde inte läsa in insticksprogram %1 %1 due an error when calling its classFactory() method %1 på grund av fel med classFactory() metoden %1 due an error when calling its initGui() method %1 på grund av fel med initGui() metoden Error while unloading plugin %1 Fel med att ladda ur insticksprogram %1 PythonConsole Python Console Python konsol To access Quantum GIS environment from this console use qgis.utils.iface object (instance of QgisInterface class). QFileDialog Load layer properties from style file (.qml) Läs in lageregenskaper från stilfil (.qml) Save layer properties as style file (.qml) Spara lageregenskaper som stilfil (.qml) Save experiment report to portable document format (.pdf) Spara experimentrapport till PDF (.pdf) QObject No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation Inga vektorlager kan laddas. Kontrollera din QGIS-installation No Data Providers Inga datakällor No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded Inga insticksprogram för datakällor finns tillgängliga. Inga vektorlager kan laddas Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1 Failed to load %1: %2 Expected operator, got scalar value! Unexpected state when evaluating operator! Could not retrieve value of list value Unknown operator: %1 Division by zero. Division med noll. Unknown token: %1 Expression error: %1 Unknown error %1: %2 Geometry is 0 Index %1 out of range [0;%2[ Operator doesn't match the argument types. Error in power function Value '%1' is not numeric Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points. Anpassa till en linjär transform kräver minst 2 punkter. Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points. Anpassa till en Helmerttransform kräver minst 2 punkter. Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points. Anpassa till en affin transform kräver minst 4 punkter. Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points. GPS eXchange format provider GPS eXchange format datakälla Label Etikett Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. Fick fel vid transformering av koordinatsystem vid en punkt. Kan inte beräkna linjelängd. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. Fick fel vid transformering av koordinatsystem vid en punkt. Kan inte beräkna polygonarea. GRASS plugin GRASS insticksprogram QGIS couldn't find your GRASS installation. Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? QGIS kunde inte hitta din GRASS-installation. Vill du specificera sökväg (GISBASE) till installationen av GRASS? Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE) Välj sökväg till GRASS installation (GISBASE) GRASS data won't be available if GISBASE is not specified. GRASS data finns inte tillgängligt om GISBASE inte är specificerat. CopyrightLabel CopyrightMärke Draws copyright information Ritar information om upphosvrätt Version 0.1 Version 0.1 Version 0.2 Version 0.2 Loads and displays delimited text files containing x,y coordinates Läser in och visar separerade text filer med x,y-koordinater Layers Lager Add Delimited Text Layer Lägg till separerad text-lager GPS Tools GPS-Verktyg Tools for loading and importing GPS data Verktyg för att läsa in och impotrera GPS-data GRASS GRASS GRASS layer GRASS-lager NorthArrow Nordpil Displays a north arrow overlayed onto the map Visar en nordpil på kartbladet ScaleBar Skalstreck Draws a scale bar Ritar ett skalstreck SPIT SPIT Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Import Tool Shapefile-till-PostGIS importeringsverktyg WFS plugin WFS-insticksprogram Adds WFS layers to the QGIS canvas Lägger till ett WFS-lager till kartbladet Python error Pythonfel km2 km2 ha ha m2 m2 Can't open database: %1 Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area or perimeter. m m km km mm mm cm cm sq mile kvadrat mile sq ft kvadratfot mile mile foot fot feet fot sq.deg. kvadratgrad. degree grader degrees grader unknown obekant Regular expressions on numeric values don't make sense. Use comparison instead. Reguljärt uttryck på siffervärde är ej meningsfullt. Använd jämförelse istället. Geoprocessing functions for working with PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers Funktioner för geobearbetning finns bara för PostgreSQL/PosGIS lager <b>Raster</b> <b>Raster</b> Cannot open raster header Kan inte öppna rasterhuvud Rows Rader Columns Kolumner N-S resolution N-S upplösning E-W resolution Ö-V upplösning North Nord South Syd East Öst West Väst Format Format Minimum value Minimalt värde Maximum value Maximalt värde Data source Datakälla Data description Beskrivning av data Comments Kommentarer Categories Kategorier <b>Vector</b> <b>Vektor</b> Points Punkter Lines Linjer Boundaries Gränser Centroids Centroider Faces Sidor Kernels Kärnor Areas Areor Islands Öar Top Uppe Bottom Nere yes ja no nej History<br> Historia <b> <b>Layer</b> <b>Lager</b> Features Objekt Driver Drivrutin Database Databas Table Tabell Key column Nyckelkolumn <b>Region</b> <b>Region</b> Cannot open region header Kan inte öppna regionhuvud XY XY UTM UTM SP LL Other Annat Projection Type Projektionstyp Zone Zon 3D Cols 3D kolumner 3D Rows 3D rader Depths Djup E-W 3D resolution Ö-V 3D upplösning N-S 3D resolution N-S 3D upplösning GISBASE is not set. GISBASE är inte satt. Mapset is already in use. Kartset används redan. Warning Varning This tool only supports vector data Detta verktyg stödjer bara vektordata No active layers found Inga aktiva lager hittades Cannot read raster map region Kan inte läsa rasterkartans region Cannot read vector map region Kan inte läsa vektorkartans region Cannot read region Kan inte läsa region PostgreSQL Geoprocessing PostgreSQL geoprocessning Quick Print Snabbutskrift Quick Print is a plugin to quickly print a map with minimal effort. Snabbutskrift är ett insticksprogram som snabbt och enkelt skriver ut en karta. Coordinate Capture Skapa koordinat Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS Skapa koordinat i annat CRS Vector Dxf2Shp Converter Dxf2Shp konverterare Converts from dxf to shp file format Konverterar från dxf till shape-fil Interpolating... Interpolerar... Abort Avbryt Interpolation plugin Insticksprogram för interpolation A plugin for interpolation based on vertices of a vector layer En plugin för interpolation av noder i ett vektorlager Version 0.001 Version 0.001 OGR Layer Converter OGR lagerkonverterare Translates vector layers between formats supported by OGR library Konverterar vektorlager mellan format som OGR-biblioteket stöder Couldn't load SIP module. Kunde inte läsa in SIP-modul. Python support will be disabled. Pythonstöd stängs av. Couldn't load PyQt4. Kunde inte ladda PyQt4. Couldn't load PyQGIS. Kunde inte ladda PyQGIS. Couldn't load QGIS utils. Python version: Python version: QGIS version: Python path: Python sökväg: An error occured during execution of following code: Ett fel inträffade vid exekvernig av följande kod: Python is not enabled in QGIS. Plugins Insticksprogram Loaded %1 (package: %2) Library name is %1 Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2) Attempting to resolve the classFactory function Loaded %1 (Path: %2) Error Loading Plugin Fel vid läsning av insticksprogram There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: %1. Det uppstod ett fel när insticksprogram skulle laddas. Informationen nedan kan hjälpa QGIS-utvecklarna att rätta till felet: %1. Unable to find the class factory for %1. Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loaded Where is '%1' (original location: %2)? Var är '%1 (ursprunglig plats: %2)? Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 Fel vid läsning av metadata för insticksprogram %1 No QGIS data provider plugins found in: %1 Inga tillgängliga QGIS insticksprogram för datakällor hittades i %1 Referenced column wasn't found: %1 Refererad kolumn hittades ej: %1 Location: %1 Plats: %1 Location: %1<br>Mapset: %2 Plats: %1<br>Kartset: %2 Couldn't open the data source: %1 Kunde inte öppna datakällan: %1 Parse error at line %1 : %2 Tolkningsfel på rad %1 : %2 %1 is not a GRASS mapset. %1 är inte ett GRASS kartset. Cannot start %1/etc/lock Kan inte starta %1/etc/lock Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable Temporärbibliotek %1 finns men är ej skrivbart Cannot create temporary directory %1 Kan inte skapa temporärbilbiotek %1 Cannot create %1 Kan inte skapa %1 Cannot remove mapset lock: %1 Kan inte ta bort låsning för kartset: %1 Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using module). Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 Cannot open GISRC file Cannot start module command: %1 %2 Cannot run module command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot get projection Cannot get raster extent Cannot get map info Cannot get colors Cannot query raster Georeferencer GDAL Georefererare GDAL Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Access Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Läs Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Deleted vertices Borttagna noder Moved vertices Flyttade noder eVis eVis An event visualization tool - view images associated with vector features Visualiserar händelser - se bilder som är knutna till vektorobjekt Version 1.1.0 Version 1.1.0 Building triangulation... Bygger triangulering... Estimating normal derivatives... Could not open CRS database %1 Error(%2): %3 CRS CRS Generated CRS A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description Genererad projektion Saved user CRS [%1] Raster Terrain Analysis plugin A plugin for raster based terrain analysis infinite W V E Ö S S N N Diagram Overlay A plugin for placing diagrams on vector layers Version 0.0.1 Version 0.0.1 Single Symbol Enkel symbol Categorized Graduated Rule-based Point displacement Georeferencing rasters using GDAL Raster Version 3.1.9 Version 3.1.9 invalid line segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7 ring %1 with less than three points ring %1 not closed line %1 with less than two points line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2 number of duplicate nodes segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4 ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ring GEOS error:%1 polygon %1 inside polygon %2 Unknown geometry type Okänd geometrityp Unknown geometry type %1 Geometry validation was aborted. Geometry is valid. Geometry has %1 errors. OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2) trimming attribute name '%1' to ten significant characters produces duplicate column name. creation of data source failed (OGR error:%1) creation of layer failed (OGR error:%1) unsupported type for field %1 creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2) Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4 Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1) Feature creation error (OGR error: %1) Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature of type '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2) Feature write errors: Stopping after %1 errors Only %1 of %2 features written. Arc/Info ASCII Coverage Atlas BNA Comma Separated Value ESRI Shapefile FMEObjects Gateway GeoJSON GeoRSS Geography Markup Language [GML] Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] GPS eXchange Format [GPX] Keyhole Markup Language [KML] Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] INTERLIS 1 INTERLIS 2 Mapinfo File Microstation DGN S-57 Base file SQLite AutoCAD DXF Geoconcept Groups not yet supported Cannot draw raster CRS undefined - defaulting to project CRS CRS undefined - defaulting to default CRS: %1 SQLite DB (*.sqlite *.db);;All files (*) QGIS rocks! <html>QGIS rocks!</html> Processing 1/2 - %p% Processing 2/2 - %p% Intersects Is disjoint Touches Crosses Kors Within Contains Equals Overlaps Spatial Query Plugin A plugin that makes spatial queries on vector layers QGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported. You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set. Simple line Marker line Line decoration Simple marker SVG marker Font marker Ellipse marker Vector Field marker Simple fill SVG fill Centroid fill Line pattern fill Point pattern fill No active vector layer To select features, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend För att välja objekt måste du välja ett vektoirlager genom att klicka på dess namn i teckenförklaringen CRS Exception Koordinatsystemfel Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. Valt område sträcker sig utanför lagrets koordinatsystem. Raster Histogram Pixel Value Frequency Choose a file name to save the map image as Välj ett filnamn att spara kartbilden som OfflineEditing Allow offline editing and synchronizing with database Road graph plugin It solves the shortest path problem. SQL Anywhere plugin Store vector layers within a SQL Anywhere database OGR[%1] error %2: %3 OGR Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false. Unable to get driver %1 Arc/Info Binary Coverage DODS ESRI Personal GeoDatabase ESRI ArcSDE ESRI Shapefiles Grass Vector Informix DataBlade INGRES MySQL Oracle Spatial ODBC OGDI Vectors PostgreSQL UK. NTF2 U.S. Census TIGER/Line VRT - Virtual Datasource X-Plane/Flightgear All files Duplicate field (10 significant characters): %1 Unknown vector type of %1 creation of field %1 failed Couldn't create file %1.qpj Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 Cannot open GDAL MEM dataset %1: %2 Cannot GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer: Cannot inittialize GDALWarpOperation : Cannot ChunkAndWarpImage: %1 [GDAL] All files (*) This raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer. Cannot convert '%1' to double Cannot convert '%1' to int Cannot convert '%1' to boolean Invalid regular expression '%1': %2 Index is out of range Math Conversions String Geometry Record No root node! Parsing failed? (no root) Unary minus only for numeric values. [unsupported type;%1; value:%2] Column '%1'' not found Unable to load %1 provider Provider %1 has no createEmptyLayer method Loading of layer failed Creation error for features from #%1 to #%2 Vector import Only %1 of %2 features written. Globe Overlay data on a 3D globe Zonal statistics plugin A plugin to calculate count, sum, mean of rasters for each polygon of a vector layer no result buffer Connection to database failed Creation of data source %1 failed: %2 Loading of the layer %1 failed Unsupported type for field %1 Creation of fields failed creation of data source %1 failed. %2 loading of the layer %1 failed creation of fields failed Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Could not create a new database Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1] Unable to delete table %1: QextSerialPort No Error has occurred Invalid file descriptor (port was not opened correctly) Unable to allocate memory tables (POSIX) Caught a non-blocked signal (POSIX) Operation timed out (POSIX) The file opened by the port is not a valid device The port detected a break condition The port detected a framing error (usually caused by incorrect baud rate settings) There was an I/O error while communicating with the port Character buffer overrun Receive buffer overflow The port detected a parity error in the received data Transmit buffer overflow General read operation failure General write operation failure Unknown error: %1 QgisApp Layers Lager Version Version Invalid Data Source Ogiltig datakälla No Layer Selected Inget Lager Markerat There is a new version of QGIS available Det finns en ny version av QGIS tillgänglig You are running a development version of QGIS Du använder en utvecklingsversion av QGIS You are running the current version of QGIS Du använder den senaste versionen av QGIS Would you like more information? Vill du ha mer information? QGIS Version Information Versionsinformation för QGIS Unable to get current version information from server Kan inte hämta senaste versionen från servern Connection refused - server may be down Anslutning nekad - servern kanske är nere QGIS server was not found QGIS-servern hittades inte Invalid Layer Ogiltigt Lager %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 är ett ogiltigt lager och kan inte laddas. Problem deleting features Problem med att ta bort objekt A problem occured during deletion of features Ett problem uppstod under radering av objekt No Vector Layer Selected Inget Vektorlager Markerat Deleting features only works on vector layers Radering av objekt fungerar bara på vektorlager To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend För att ta bort ett objekt så måste du markera ett vektorlager i teckenförklaringen Map legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the check box to turn a layer on or off. Double click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties. Teckenförklaring som visar alla lager i kartvyn. Klicka på en checkbox för att aktivera eller inaktivera ett lager. Dubbelklicka på ett lager i teckenförklaringen för att ställa in dess utseende och ändra andra inställningar. Map overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas. Översiktskarta. Denna kartvy kan användas för att visa en översikt där den nuvarande kartvyn syns som en röd rektangel. Alla lager i kartan kan läggas till i översiktskartan. Map canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the map Kartvy. Det är här som raster- och vektorlager visas när de adderas till kartan Progress bar that displays the status of rendering layers and other time-intensive operations Förloppsindikator som visar statusen för rendering av lager och andra tidsintensiva operationer Displays the current map scale Visar den nuvarande kartskalan Render Rendera When checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering. När den här rutan är markerad så renderas kartlagren vid navigationskommandon och andra händelser com kräver en uppdatering av kartan. När den inte är markerad så renderas ingenting. Detta låter dig addera ett stort antal lager och ställa in deras symbologi innan du renderar dem. QGis files (*.qgs) QGis-filer (*.qgs) Choose a QGIS project file Välj en QGIS-projektfil &Plugins Insticks&program Reading settings Läser inställningar Setting up the GUI Ställer in GUI Checking database Kollar databas Quantum GIS Restoring loaded plugins Återställer laddade plugin Initializing file filters Initialiserar filfilter Restoring window state Återställer fönstertillstånd QGIS Ready! QGIS Klar! &New Project &Nytt projekt Ctrl+N New Project Ctrl+N New Project Nytt projekt &Open Project... &Öppna projekt... Ctrl+O Open a Project Ctrl+O Open a Project Öppna ett projekt &Save Project &Spara projekt Ctrl+S Save Project Ctrl+S Save Project Spara projekt Save Project &As... Sp&ara projekt som... Save Project under a new name Spara projekt i ett annat namn Save as Image... Spara som bild... Save map as image Spara karta som bild Exit Avsluta Ctrl+Q Exit QGIS Ctrl+Q Exit QGIS Avsluta QGIS Ctrl+Shift+N Create a New Shapefile layer Ctrl+Shift+N Add a Vector Layer Lägg till ett vektorlager Add a Raster Layer Lägg till ett rasterlager Add a PostGIS Layer Lägg till ett PostGIS-lager Remove Layer Ta bort lager Ctrl+D Remove a Layer Ctrl+D Remove a Layer Ta bort ett lager Show all layers in the overview map Visa alla lager i översiktskartan Remove All From Overview Ta bort allt från översikten Remove all layers from overview map Ta bort alla lager från översiktskartan Show All Layers Visa alla lager Show all layers Visa alla lager Hide All Layers Göm alla lager Hide all layers Göm alla lager Project Properties... Projektegenskaper... Set project properties Ställ in projektegenskaper Options... Alternativ... Change various QGIS options Ändra olika QGIS-alternativ Help Contents Hjälpinnehåll F1 Help Documentation F1 Help Documentation Hjälptext Ctrl+H QGIS Home Page Ctrl+H QGIS Home Page QGIS Hemsida About Om About QGIS Om QGIS Check Qgis Version Kontrollera Qgis version Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) Kontrollera om din QGIS version är aktuell (kräver internetanslutning) Refresh Uppdatera Ctrl+R Refresh Map Ctrl+R Refresh Map Uppdatera karta Zoom In Zooma In Ctrl++ Zoom In Ctrl++ Zoom Out Zooma ut Ctrl+- Zoom Out Ctrl+- Zoom Full Zooma hela Zoom to Full Extents Zooma till hela utsträckningen Pan Map Panorera karta Pan the map Panorera kartan Zoom Last Zooma senaste Zoom to Last Extent Zooma till senaste utsträckningen Zoom to Layer Zooma till lager Identify Features Identifiera objekt Click on features to identify them Klicka på objekt för att identifiera dem Select Features Välj objekt Measure Line Mät linje Measure a Line Mät en linje Measure Area Mät area Measure an Area Mät en area Show Bookmarks Visa bokmärken New Bookmark... Nytt bokmärke... Ctrl+B New Bookmark Ctrl+B New Bookmark Nytt bokmärke Add WMS Layer... Lägg till WMS-lager... Add current layer to overview map Lägg till nuvarande lager i översiktskartan Open the plugin manager Öppna pluginhanteraren Capture Point Skapa punkt Capture Points Skapa punkter Capture Line Skapa linje Capture Lines Skapa linjer Capture Polygon Skapa polygon Capture Polygons Skapa polygoner Delete Selected Ta bort vald Add Vertex Lägg till nod Delete Vertex Ta bort nod Move Vertex Flytta nod &File &Arkiv &Open Recent Projects &Öppna senaste projekt &View &Visa &Layer &Lager &Settings &Inställningar &Help &Hjälp File Arkiv Manage Layers Hantera lager Help Hjälp Digitizing Digitalisering Map Navigation Kartnavigering Attributes Attribut Plugins Insticksprogram Toggle map rendering Toggla kartritande Ready Klar Save As Spara som Calculating... Abort... Choose a QGIS project file to open Välj en QGIS-projektfil att öppna QGIS Project Read Error QGIS-projekt läsfel Unable to open project Kan inte öppna projekt To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected. To perform a local histogram stretch, you need to have a grayscale or multiband (multiband single layer, singleband grayscale or multiband color) raster layer selected. To perform a local histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected. No Raster Layer Selected No Valid Raster Layer Selected Layer is not valid Lager är ej giltigt The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map Lagret är inte ett giltigt lager och kan inte läggas till kartan Save? Spara? Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source Öppna ett rasterlager som GDAL stöder Unsupported Data Source Datakälla som ej stöds Enter a name for the new bookmark: Skriv in ett namn för det nya bokmärket: Error Fel Unable to create the bookmark. Your user database may be missing or corrupted Kunde ej skapa bokmärke. Din användardatabas kanske saknas eller är korrupt Ctrl+? Help Documentation (Mac) Ctrl+? Cut Features Klipp objekt Cut selected features Klipp valda objekt Copy Features Kopiera objekt Copy selected features Kopiera valda objekt Paste Features Klistra in objekt Paste selected features Klistra in valt objekt Network error while communicating with server Nätverksfel vid kommunikation med servern Unknown network socket error Okänt nätverksfel Checking provider plugins Kollar plugin för datakällor Starting Python Startar Python Provider does not support deletion Datapluginet stödjer inte radering Data provider does not support deleting features Datapluginet stödjer inte radering av objekt Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar. Nuvarande lager är ej redigerbart. Välj 'Tillåt redigering' i verktygsraden för digitalisering. Toggle editing Toggla redigering Toggles the editing state of the current layer Togglar redigeringstillståndet för aktuellt lager Add Ring Lägg till ring Scale Skala Current map scale (formatted as x:y) Aktuell kartskala (i format x:y) Map coordinates at mouse cursor position Kartkoordinater vid musens läge Invalid scale Ogiltig skala Do you want to save the current project? Vill du spara aktivt projekt? Split Features Dela objekt Current map scale Nuvarande kartskala GPS Information Extents: Utsträckning: Project file is older Projektiflen är föråldrad <tt>Settings:Options:General</tt> Menu path to setting options <tt>Inställningar : Alternativ : Allmänt</tt> Warn me when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Varna mig när jag öppnar en projektifl som sparades med en äldre version av QGIS Map Tips Karttips Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it Visa objektets information när musen är över objektet Multiple Instances of QgisApp Flera QgisApp-instanser Multiple instances of Quantum GIS application object detected. Please contact the developers. Flera instanser av Quantum GIS applikationsobjekt upptäcktes. Kontakta utvecklarna. Shift+Ctrl+S Save Project under a new name Shift+Ctrl+S &Undo Ångra Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z Undo the last operation Ångra senaste operation Cu&t Klipp u&t Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Cut the current selection's contents to the clipboard Klipp ut valt område till urklipp &Copy Kopiera Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Copy the current selection's contents to the clipboard Kopiera valt område till urklipp &Paste Klistra in Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Paste the clipboard's contents into the current selection Klistra in urklipp till valt område &Redo Åte&rställ Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo the last operation Återställ senaste operationen Merge selected features Slå ihop valda objekt Node Tool Nodverktyg Zoom to Selection Zooma till vald Ctrl+J Zoom to Selection Ctrl+J Zoom Actual Size Zooma till verklig storlek Zoom to Actual Size Zooma till verklig storlek Add Vector Layer... Lägg till vektorlager... Add Raster Layer... Lägg till rasterlager... Add PostGIS Layer... Lägg till PostGIS-lager... Add a Web Mapping Server Layer Lägg till Web Mapping Server-lager Open Attribute Table Öppna attributtabell Ctrl+D Remove Layer(s) Ctrl+D Ctrl+Shift+C Set CRS of Layer(s) Ctrl+Shift+C Properties... Egenskaper... Set properties of the current layer Sätt egenskaper för aktuellt lager Add to Overview Lägg till i översikt Add All to Overview Lägg till allt i översikten Manage Plugins... Hantera insticksprogram.. Toggle Full Screen Mode Toggla fullskärmsläge Toggle fullscreen mode Toggla fullskärmsläge Custom CRS... Anpassad CRS... Manage custom coordinate reference systems Hantera anpassade Coordinate Reference Systems Minimize Minimera Ctrl+M Minimize Window Ctrl+M Minimizes the active window to the dock Minimera aktivt fönster till dockan Zoom Zooma Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user Togglar mellan fördefinerad storlek och användarvald storlek på fönstret Bring All to Front Flytta allt överst Bring forward all open windows Flytta alla öppna fönster framåt Failed to open Python console: &Edit Redigera Panels Paneler Toolbars Verktygsrader Measure Mät &Window Fönster Toggle extents and mouse position display Toggla visning av utsträckning och pekarposition Stop map rendering Stanna kartrendering Resource Location Error Resusrsfel Error reading icon resources from: %1 Quitting... FEl vid läsning av ikonresurser från: %1 Avslutar... This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behaviour. Denna ikon visar om transformation mellan koordinatsystem är påslagen eller ej. Klicka ikonen föra att öppna projekegenskaper och ändra beteendet. CRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialog CRS status - Klicka för att öppna dialog för koordinatsystem Overview Översikt Always ignore these errors? %n SSL errors occured number of errors Select raster layers to add... Log Messages QGIS starting... Vect&or &Web Control rendering order Map layer list that displays all layers in drawing order. Layer order [ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy QGIS version QGIS code revision Compiled against Qt Running against Qt GDAL/OGR Version GEOS Version PostgreSQL Client Version No support. SpatiaLite Version QWT Version This copy of QGIS writes debugging output. Raster Select vector layers to add... PostgreSQL Cannot get PostgreSQL select dialog from provider. %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded SpatiaLite Cannot get SpatiaLite select dialog from provider. WMS Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. WFS Cannot get WFS select dialog from provider. Unable to load %1 Please select a vector layer first. Not enough features selected Union operation canceled Couldn't load Python support library: %1 Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol. Python support ENABLED :-) QGIS - Changes since last release Unknown network socket error: %1 Current CRS: %1 (OTFR enabled) Current CRS: %1 (OTFR disabled) This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS Warning Varning This layer doesn't have a properties dialog. Authentication required Proxy authentication required You are using QGIS version %1 built against code revision %2. Du använder QGIS version %1 byggd av källkodsrevision %2. This binary was compiled against Qt %1,and is currently running against Qt %2 Denna binärfil kompilerades mot Qt %1 och kärs just nu mot Qt %2 Choose a file name to save the QGIS project file as Välj ett namn för att spara QGIS projektfil Choose a file name to save the map image as Välj ett filnamn att spara kartbilden som Start editing failed Misslyckades att påbörja redigering Provider cannot be opened for editing Källan kan inte öppnas för redigering Stop editing Sluta redigera Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? Vill du spara ändringarna till lager %1? Problems during roll back Problem vid återgång Python Console Python konsol Map coordinates for the current view extents Kartkoordinater för aktuell vys utsträckning Maptips require an active layer Karttips kräver ett aktivt lager Quantum GIS - %1 ('%2') Quantum GIS - %1 ('%2') Ctrl+P New Print Composer Ctrl+P Ctrl+. Capture Points Ctrl+. Ctrl+/ Capture Lines Ctrl+/ Ctrl+Shift+M Measure a Line Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+J Measure an Area Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Shift+F Zoom to Full Extents Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+B Show Bookmarks Ctrl+Shift+B Labeling Ctrl+Shift+V Add a Vector Layer Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+R Add a Raster Layer Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+D Add a PostGIS Layer Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+L Add a SpatiaLite Layer Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+W Add a Web Mapping Server Layer Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+O Add current layer to overview map Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+U Show all layers Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+H Hide all layers Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+P Set project properties Ctrl+Shift+P New Ny &Database Label Etikett Coordinate: Current map coordinate Shows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. It also allows editing to set the canvas center to a given position. Current map coordinate (formatted as x,y) Private qgis.db Could not open qgis.db Migration of private qgis.db failed. %1 %1 doesn't have any layers %1 is not a valid or recognized data source %1 är inte en giltig eller känd datakälla Saved project to: %1 Sparade projekt i: %1 Unable to save project %1 Kunde inte spara projekt %1 Saved map image to %1 Sparade kartbild till %1 Saving done Spara klart Export to vector file has been completed Save error Kunde inte spara Export to vector file failed. Error: %1 Features deleted Objekt borttagna Merging features... Slår ihop objekt... Abort Avbryt Composer %1 No active layer Inget aktivt lager No active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer list Inget aktivt lager hittades. Välj ett lager i listan Active layer is not vector Aktivt lager är inte ett vektorlager The merge features tool only works on vector layers. Please select a vector layer from the layer list Verktyget för att slå ihop objekt fungerar endast på vektorlager. Välj ett vektorlager från listan Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode. To use the merge tool, go to Layer->Toggle editing Verktyget för att slå ihop objekt fungerar endast på lager i redigeringsläge. För att använda verktyget gå till Lager->Toggla redigering The merge tool requires at least two selected features Verktyget för att slå ihop objekt kräver minst två valda objekt Merged feature attributes Merge failed An error occured during the merge operation The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer and therefore is canceled Unionen skulle resultera i en geometri som inte stödjs av nuvarande lager, och avbröts därför Merged features Ihopslagna objekt Features cut Objekt utklippta Features pasted Objekt inklistrade Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 Kunde inte spara ändringar till lager %1 Fel: %2 Tile scale QGIS - Changes in SVN since last release QGIS - Ändringar i SVN sedan förra utgåvan Unable to communicate with QGIS Version server %1 Kan inte skapa en uppkopling mot QGIS versionsserver %1 The layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map %n feature(s) selected on layer %1. number of selected features %1 is not a valid or recognized raster data source %1 är inte en giltig eller igenkänd källa till rasterdata %1 is not a supported raster data source %1 är inte en rasterkälla som stöds <p>This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.<p>Even though QGIS developers try to maintain backwards compatibility, some of the information from the old project file might be lost. To improve the quality of QGIS, we appreciate if you file a bug report at %3. Be sure to include the old project file, and state the version of QGIS you used to discover the error.<p>To remove this warning when opening an older project file, uncheck the box '%5' in the %4 menu.<p>Version of the project file: %1<br>Current version of QGIS: %2 <p>Denna projektfil sparades av en äldre version av QGIS. När du sparar denna projektifl, kommer QGIS att skriva den med senaste versionen, vilket kan göra den oanvändbar för äldre versioner av QGIS. Även om QGIS utvecklare försöker bibehålla bakåtkompabilitet, så kan en del av information i den gamla projektfilen eventuellt försvinna. För att förbättra kvaliteten på QGIS, uppskattar vi om du skapar en felrapport på %3. Inkludera den gamla projektiflen, och tala om vilken version av QGIS du använde när du upptäckte felet.<p>För att ta bort denna varning när du öppnar gamla projekfiler, avmarkera rutan '%5' i meny %4.<p>Projektfilens version: %1<br>QGIS nuvarande version: %2 SSL errors occured accessing URL %1: Delete features Borttagna objekt Delete %n feature(s)? number of features to delete Ta bort %n objekt? Ta bort %n objekt? Add SpatiaLite Layer... Lägg till SpatiaLite-lager... Add a SpatiaLite Layer Lägg till SpatiaLite-lager This copy of QGIS has been built without SpatiaLite support. Denna QGIS har inte byggts med SpatiaLite-stöd. Zoom Next Zooma nästa Zoom to Forward Extent Zooma till nästa utsträckning Simplify Feature Förenkla objekt Delete Ring Ta bort ring Delete Part Ta bort del Configure shortcuts... Konfigurera genvägar... Configure shortcuts Konfigurera genvägar Advanced Digitizing Avancerad digitalisering &Raster QgisAppBase QGIS QGIS QgisAppInterface Attributes changed QgsAbout About Quantum GIS Om Quantum GIS Donors Donatorer About Om Version Version What's New Nyheter Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Quantum GIS är licensierad med GNU General Public License Contributors Medarbetare QGIS Home Page QGIS Hemsida Providers Dataplugin Developers Utvecklare Name Namn Website Nätplats Sponsors Sponsorer <p>QGIS sponsorship programme:contribute to QGIS development</p> <p>QGIS sponsoprogram: bidrag till utvecklingen av QGIS</p> <p>The following individuals and institutions have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs</p> <p>Nedanstående har sponsrat QGIS genom att bidra med pengar och andra utvecklingkostnader</p> <p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href=""></a></p> Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins Tillgängliga QGIS insticksprogram för datakällor Available Qt Database Plugins Tillgängliga insticksprogram förQt Database Available Qt Image Plugins Tillgängliga insticksprogram förQt Image Qt Image Plugin Search Paths <br> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">Quantum GIS (QGIS)</span></p></body></html> Quantum GIS (QGIS) Join our user mailing list Anmäl dig till vår epostlista för användare <p>The following have contributed to QGIS by translating the user interface or documentation</p> <p>Följande personer har sponsrat QGIS genom att översätta användargränssnitt eller dokumentation</p> Language Språk Names Namn Translators Översättare QgsAddAttrDialog Warning Varning Invalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used. QgsAddAttrDialogBase Add Attribute Lägg till attribut Add column N&ame Comment Kommentar Type Typ Width Bredd Precision Precision QgsAddJoinDialogBase Add vector join Join layer Join field Slå ihop fält Target field Create attribute index on join field Cache join layer in virtual memory QgsAnnotationWidget Select frame color QgsAnnotationWidgetBase Form Formulär Fixed map position Map marker Frame width Frame color QgsApplication Exception Fel unknown exception Application state: Prefix: %1 Plugin Path: %2 Package Data Path: %3 Active Theme Name: %4 Active Theme Path: %5 Default Theme Path: %6 SVG Search Paths: %7 User DB Path: %8 match indentation of application state QgsAttributeActionDialog Select an action File dialog window title Välj kommando Insert expression Missing Information Saknad information To create an attribute action, you must provide both a name and the action to perform. För att skapa ett attributkommando, måste du ange både namn och kommando som skall utföras. QgsAttributeActionDialogBase Name Namn Action Kommando This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Insert action button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. Denna lista innehåller alla kommandon som har definierats för det aktiva lagret. Lägg till kommandon genom att ange detaljerna i fälten nedan och sedan trycka på knappen Lägg till kommando. Kommandon kan redigeras genom att dubbelklicka på dem i listan. Move up Flytta upp Move the selected action up Flytta det markerade kommandot uppåt Move down Flytta ner Move the selected action down Flytta det markerade kommandot neråt Remove Ta bort Remove the selected action Ta bort det markerade kommandot Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (qgis will make it unique if necessary). Ange namnet för ett kommando här. Namnet bör vara unikt (QGIS kommer att göra det unikt om det behövs). Enter the action name here Ange kommandonamnet här Enter the action command here Ange kommandot här Insert action Lägg till kommando Inserts the action into the list above Lägg till kommandot i listan ovan Update action Uppdatera kommando Update the selected action Uppdatera det markerade kommandot Insert field Lägg till fält Inserts the selected field into the action, prepended with a % Lägger till det markerade fältet i kommandot The valid attribute names for this layer Giltiga attributnamn för det här lagret Captures any output from the action Sparar all utskrift från kommandot Captures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog box Sparar standard ut eller fel från kommandot och visar det i en dialogruta Capture output Spara utskrift Attribute Actions Attributkommando Action list This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. Type Typ Remove action Action properties Kommandoegenskaper Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters that start with a % and then have the name of a field will be replaced by the value of that field. The special characters %% will be replaced by the value of the field that was selected. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if prefixed with a backslash Ange kommandot här. Det kan vara ett godtyckligt program eller script som är tillgängligt på ditt system. När kommandot körs så kommer alla ord som börjar med % och namnet för ett attributfält att ersättas med värdet för det fältet. Specialtecknen %% kommer att ersättas med värdet för det markerade fältet. Dubbla citationstecken grupperar text till en enda parameter till programmet eller scriptet. Dubbla citationstecken ignoreras om de föregås av en backslash Browse for action Bläddra efter kommandon Click to browse for an action Klicka för att bläddra efter kommandon Clicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action Klicka på knappen för att välja applikation som kommandot skall köra ... ... Inserts an expression into the action Insert expression... Inserts the selected field into the action Add to action list Update selected action Generic Python Windows Mac Unix Capture Skapa QgsAttributeDialog (int) (int) (dbl) (dbl) (txt) (txt) Error Fel Error: %1 Attributes - %1 QgsAttributeEditor Select a file Välj en fil Select a date (no selection) ... ... QgsAttributeLoadValues Load values from layer Läs in värden från lager Layer Lager Description Beskrivning Value Värde Select data from attributes in selected layer. Välj data från attribut i valt lager. View All Visa alla QgsAttributeSelectionDialog Attribute Attribut Clear Radera Ascending Descending QgsAttributeSelectionDialogBase Select attributes <b>Attribute</b> <b>Alias</b> Select all Clear Radera Sorting Column Kolumn Ascending QgsAttributeTableAction Attributes changed QgsAttributeTableDelegate Attribute changed Attribut ändrats QgsAttributeTableDialog Search string parsing error Tolkningsfel i söksträngen Search results Sökresultat You've supplied an empty search string. Du har angett en tom söksträng. Error during search Fel vid sökning Attribute table - %1 (%n Feature(s)) feature count Attribute table - %1 :: %n / %2 feature(s) selected feature count Parsing error Evaluation error Attribute table - %1 (%n matching features) matching features Attribute table - %1 (No matching features) Attribute added Attribute Error The attribute could not be added to the layer Deleted attribute Tog bort attribut The attribute(s) could not be deleted Geometryless feature added Run action Kör kommando Open form Loading feature attributes... Abort Avbryt Attribute table %1 features loaded. Attribute Table Attributtabell Show selected only Search selected only Case sensitive ? Unselect all (Ctrl+U) Ctrl+U Move selection to top (Ctrl+T) Invert selection (Ctrl+R) Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J) Toggle editing mode (Ctrl+E) Ctrl+E Save Edits (Ctrl+S) Delete selected features (Ctrl+D) Ctrl+D Ctrl+D New column (Ctrl+W) Ctrl+W Delete column (Ctrl+L) Ctrl+L Add feature + + Open field calculator (Ctrl+I) Ctrl+I Ctrl+T Ctrl+T Invert selection Invertera valt Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C) Kopiera valda rader till klippbordet (Ctrl+C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl-J) Zooma kartan till valda rader (Ctrl-J) Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Toggle editing mode Toggla redigeringsläge New column Ny kolumn Delete column Ta bort kolumn Look for Leta efter in i Looks for the given value in the given attribute column &Search &Sök Show selected records only Visa endast valda rader Opens the search query builder Advanced search Avancerad sökning Help Hjälp ... ... Search selected records only Sök endast valda rader QgsAttributeTableModel Attribute changed Attribut ändrats feature id QgsAttributeTableView Run action Kör kommando QgsAttributeTypeDialog Select a file Välj en fil Error Fel Could not open file %1 Error was:%2 Dial Current minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2. Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable. Enumeration is not available for this attribute Attribute Edit Dialog Line edit Linjeredigering Classification Klassificering Range Intervall Unique values Unika värden File name Filnamn Value map Värdekarta Enumeration Uppräkning Immutable Oförstörbara Hidden Gömd Checkbox Text edit Calendar Value relation UUID generator Simple edit box. This is the default editation widget. Displays combo box containing values of attribute used for classification. Allows one to set numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Step A calendar widget to enter a date. Layer Lager Key column Nyckelkolumn Value column Select layer, key column and value column Allow null value Order by value Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty. Slider Editable Local minimum/maximum = 0/0 The user can select one of the values already used in the attribute. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used. Simplifies file selection by adding a file chooser dialog. Combo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box. Load Data from layer Value Värde Description Beskrivning Remove Selected Load Data from CSV file Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider. An immutable attribute is read-only - the user is not able to modify the contents. A hidden attribute will be invisible - the user is not able to see it's contents. Representation for checked state Representation for unchecked state A text edit field that accepts multiple lines will be used. QgsBookmarks Really Delete? Verkligen ta bort? Error deleting bookmark Fel vid borttagning av bokmärke &Delete Ta bort &Update &Zoom to &Zooma till Really Update? Are you sure you want to update the %1 bookmark? Error updating bookmark Failed to update the %1 bookmark. The database said: %2 Are you sure you want to delete the %1 bookmark? Är du säker du vill ta bort bokmärket %1? Failed to delete the %1 bookmark from the database. The database said: %2 Kunde inte ta bort bokmärket %1 från databasen. Databasen svarade: %2 QgsBookmarksBase Geospatial Bookmarks Georumsliga bokmärken Name Namn Project Projekt Extent Utsträckning Id ID QgsBrowser WMS Cannot get WMS select dialog from provider. CRS CRS Cannot set layer CRS QgsBrowserBase QGIS Browser Param Metadata Metadata Preview Förhandsvisning Stop rendering Attributes Attribut toolBar New Shapefile Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Refresh Uppdatera Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Set layer CRS Manage WMS Manage WMS Connections Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W QgsBrowserDockWidget Browser Bläddrare Refresh Uppdatera Add as a favourite Remove favourite QgsBrowserModel Home QgsBrushStyleComboBox Solid Solid Horizontal Horisontell Vertical Vertikal Cross Kors BDiagonal FDiagonal Diagonal X Dense 1 Dense 2 Dense 3 Dense 4 Dense 5 Dense 6 Dense 7 No Brush QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Widget Value Värde Label Etikett Symbol levels... Error Fel There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. The selected color ramp is not available. Confirm Delete The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Klassificeringsfältet ändrades från '%1' till '%2'. Skall existerande klasser tas bort före klassificering? change Column Kolumn Symbol Symbol Color ramp Classify Klassificera Add Lägg till Delete Delete all Join Advanced QgsColorRampComboBox New color ramp... QgsComposer Big image Stor bild SVG warning SVG varning Don't show this message again Visa inte detta meddelande igen Map 1 Karta 1 SVG Format SVG-format QGIS QGIS File Arkiv View Vy Layout Utseende Command history PDF Format PDF-format Image too large Creation of image with %1x%2 pixels failed. Retry without 'Print As Raster'? To create image %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed? Choose a file name to save the map image as Välj ett filnamn att spara kartbilden som Image too big Creation of image with %1x%2 pixels failed. Export aborted. <p>The SVG export function in Qgis has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the <p>Exportera SVG har många problem, beroende på fel och brister i Choose a file name to save the map as Välj ett filnamn att spara kartan som Composer Project contains WMS layers Projektet innehåller WMS-lager Some WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printed En del WMS-servrar (tex UMN mapserver) har begränsningar för parametrarna WIDTH och HEIGHT. Skriver du ut sådana lager kan de gränserna överskridas. Om så är fallet, skrivs WMS-lagret inte ut %1 format (*.%2 *.%3) %1-format (*.%2 *.%3) Qt4 svg code. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p> Qt4 SVG kod. T.ex. är det problem med lager som inte klipps av kartans begränsningslinjer.</p> To create image %1 x %2 requires circa %3 MB of memory För att skapa bild %1 x %2 behövs ca %3 MB minne If you require a vector-based output file from Qgis it is suggested that you try printing to PostScript if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p> Om du behöver en vektorbaserad utskrift från QGIS, föreslår vi att du försöker skriva till PostScript, om du inte är nöjd med resultatet från SVG.</p> save template Spara mall Save error Kunde inte spara Error, could not save file Kunde inte spara fil Load template Läs in mall Read error Läsfel Error, could not read file Kunde inte läsa filen Content of template file is not valid Innehållet i mallfilen är ej giltigt QgsComposerArrowWidget General options Arrow outline width Arrowhead width Arrow color Arrow color changed Arrow marker changed Arrow start marker Start marker svg file End marker svg file Arrow end marker QgsComposerArrowWidgetBase Form Formulär Arrow Arrow color... Line width Arrow head width Arrow markers Default marker No marker SVG markers Start marker ... ... End marker QgsComposerBase MainWindow HuvudFönster General Allmänt Composition Komposition Item Sak &Print... &Skriv ut... Zoom In Zooma In Zoom Out Zooma ut Add new map Lägg till ny karta Add new label Lägg till ny etikett Add new vect legend Lägg till ny vektorbeskrivning Select/Move item Välj/Flytta sak Add new scalebar Lägg till ny skala Refresh view Uppdatera vy Add Image Lägg till bild Zoom Full Zooma hela Add Map Lägg till karta Add Label Lägg till etikett Add Vector Legend Lägg till ny vektorbeskrivning Move Item Flytta element Export as Image... Exportera som bild... Export as PDF... Exportera som PDF... Export as SVG... Exportera som SVG... Add Scalebar Lägg till skala Refresh Uppdatera Move Content Flytta innehåll Move item content Flytta elementens innehåll Group GruppGrupp Group items Gruppera element Ungroup Ta bort grupp Ungroup items Ta bort elementens grupp Raise Höj Raise selected items Höj valda element Lower Sänk Lower selected items Sänk valda element Bring to Front Flytta överst Move selected items to top Flytta valda element överst Send to Back Flytta underst Move selected items to bottom Flytta valda element underst Load From template Läs in mall Save as template Spara mall Align left Justera vänster Align selected items left Justera valda element vänster Align center Justera mitten Align center horizontal Justera mitten horisontellt Align right Justera höger Align selected items right Justera valda element höger Align top Justera upp Align selected items to top Justera valda element upp Align center vertical Justera mitten vertikalt Align bottom Justera ned Align selected items bottom Justera valda element ned &Quit Quit Avsluta Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Add Basic Shape Add arrow Add table Adds attribute table Page Setup Undo Ångra Revert last change Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z Redo Gör om Restore last change Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z QgsComposerItem Change item position QgsComposerItemWidget Frame color changed Background color changed Item opacity changed Item outline width Item frame toggled Item position changed Item id changed QgsComposerItemWidgetBase Form Formulär Frame color... Background color... Opacity Outline width Kantbredd Position and size... Show frame Item ID Position... Position... QgsComposerLabelWidget General options Label text changed Label font changed Label margin changed Label alignment changed Label id changed QgsComposerLabelWidgetBase Label Options Etikettval Label Etikett Font Typsnitt Font color... Margin (mm) Horizontal Alignment: Left Vänster Center Right Höger Vertical Alignment: Top Uppe Middle Bottom Nere QgsComposerLegend Legend Teckenförklaring QgsComposerLegendItemDialogBase Legend item properties Inställningar för översikten Item text QgsComposerLegendLayersDialogBase Add layer to legend QgsComposerLegendWidget General Options Legend title changed Legend symbol width Legend symbol height Legend layer space Legend symbol space Legend icon label space Title font changed Legend group font changed Legend layer font changed Legend item font changed Legend box space Legend map changed Legend item edited Legend updated Legend group added Map %1 Karta %1 None Ingen QgsComposerLegendWidgetBase Barscale Options Skalval General Allmänt &Title Title Font... Group Font... Layer Font... Item Font... Symbol width mm mm Symbol height Layer space Symbol space Icon label space Box space Map Karta Auto Update X X Edit Redigera All Alla Add group Update Uppdatera Legend items Översiktselement QgsComposerManager &Show &Remove Re&name &Döp om Empty composer Remove composer Do you really want to remove the map composer '%1'? Change title Title Titel QgsComposerManagerBase Composer manager Add Lägg till QgsComposerMap Map %1 Karta %1 Map will be printed here Kartan skrivs ut här QgsComposerMapWidget General options Cache Cache Rectangle Rektangel Solid Solid Cross Kors Inside frame Outside frame Horizontal Horisontell Vertical Vertikal Horizontal and Vertical Boundary direction Change item width Change item height Map scale changed Map rotation changed Map extent changed Canvas items toggled Grid checkbox toggled Grid interval changed Grid offset changed Grid pen changed Grid type changed Grid cross width changed Annotation font changed Annotation distance changed Annotation position changed Annotation toggled Changed annotation direction Changed annotation precision Render Rendera QgsComposerMapWidgetBase Map options Kartalternativ Map Karta Width Bredd Height Höjd Scale Skala Rotation Draw map canvas items Extents X min Y min Grid Show grid? Grid &type Interval X Offset X Line width Linjebredd Annotation position Annotation direction Line color Interval Y Offset Y Cross width X max Y max Set to map canvas extent Lock layers for map item Draw annotation Font... Typsnitt... Distance to map frame Coordinate precision Map extent Kartans utsträckning Preview Förhandsvisning Update preview Uppdatera förhandsvisning QgsComposerPictureWidget General options Select svg or image file Välj SVG- eller bildfil Picture changed Picture width changed Picture height changed Picture rotation changed Select new preview directory Välj nytt bibliotek för förhandsvisning Rotation synchronisation toggled Rotation map changed Map %1 Karta %1 Creating icon for file %1 Skapar ikon för filen %1 QgsComposerPictureWidgetBase Picture Options Bildval Picture options Search directories Sökvägar Add... Lägg till ... Remove Ta bort Preview Förhandsvisning Options Inställningar Load Läs in ... ... Width Bredd Height Höjd Rotation Sync with map QgsComposerScaleBarWidget General options Single Box Enkel ruta Double Box Dubbla rutor Line Ticks Middle Linjestreck mitten Line Ticks Down Linjestreck neråt Line Ticks Up Linjestreck uppåt Numeric Numerisk Left Vänster Middle Right Höger Map %1 Karta %1 Scalebar map changed Scalebar line width Scalebar segment size Scalebar segments left Scalebar n segments Scalebar height changed Scalebar font changed Scalebar color changed Scalebar unit text Scalebar map units per segment Scalebar style changed Scalebar label bar space Scalebar box content space Scalebar alignment QgsComposerScaleBarWidgetBase Barscale Options Skalval Scale bar Segment size (map units) Map units per bar unit Right segments Left segments mm mm Height Line width Label space Box space Alignment Style Stil Map Karta Unit label Enhetsetikett Font... Typsnitt... Color... Färg... QgsComposerShapeWidget General options Ellipse Rectangle Rektangel Triangle Shape rotation changed Shape type changed Select outline color Shape outline color Shape outline width Shape transparency toggled Select fill color Shape fill color QgsComposerShapeWidgetBase Form Formulär Shape Shape outline color... Outline width Transparent fill Shape fill Color... Rotation Rotation Rotation QgsComposerTableWidget General options Map %1 Karta %1 Table layer changed Table attribute settings Table map changed Table maximum columns Select Font Table header font Table content font Table grid stroke Select grid color Table grid color Table grid toggled Table visible only toggled QgsComposerTableWidgetBase Form Formulär Table Tabell Layer Lager Attributes... Show only visible features Composer map Maximum rows Margin Show grid Grid stroke width Grid color Header Font... Content Font... QgsComposerVectorLegendBase Vector Legend Options Val för vektorinnehållsförteckning Title Titel Map Karta Font Typsnitt Box Låda Preview Förhandsvisning Layers Lager Group Grupp ID ID QgsComposerView Quantum GIS Move item content Flytta elementens innehåll Zoom item content Arrow added Label added Map added Scale bar added Legend added Picture added Shape added Table added QgsComposition Label added Map added Arrow added Scale bar added Shape added Picture added Legend added Table added Aligned items left Aligned items hcenter Aligned items right Aligned items top Aligned items vcenter Aligned items bottom Item z-order changed Remove item group Item deleted QgsCompositionBase Composition Komposition Paper Papper Size Storlek Units Enheter Width Bredd Height Höjd Orientation Rotation QgsCompositionWidget Landscape Landskap Portrait Porträtt ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 tum) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 tum) ANSI C (17x22 inches) ANSI C (17x22 tum) ANSI D (22x34 inches) ANSI D (22x34 tum) ANSI E (34x44 inches) ANSI E (34x44 tum) Arch A (9x12 inches) Arch A (9x12 tum) Arch B (12x18 inches) Arch B (12x18 tum) Arch C (18x24 inches) Arch C (18x24 tum) Arch D (24x36 inches) Arch D (24x36 tum) Arch E (36x48 inches) Arch E (36x48 tum) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) Arch E1 (30x42 tum) Custom Anpassad A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) mm mm inch tum A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm)' B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Solid Solid Dots Punkter Crosses Kors QgsCompositionWidgetBase Composition Komposition Orientation Rotation Units Enheter Paper and quality Size Storlek dpi Quality Width Height Spacing X offset Y offset Pen width Grid color Grid style Selection tolerance (mm) Snapping Fästning Snap to grid Fäst till rutnät Print as raster Skriv ut som raster QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog Save shortcuts XML file (*.xml);; All files (*) Saving shortcuts Cannot write file %1: %2. Load shortcuts Loading shortcuts Cannot read file %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 The file is not an shortcuts exchange file. The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it. None Ingen Set default (%1) Spara standard (%1) Input: Indata: Change Ändra Shortcut conflict Genvägskonflikt This shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign? Den här genvägen är redan tilldelad kommandot %1. Ändra tilldelning? Configure shortcuts Konfigurera genvägar Action Kommando Shortcut Genväg Set none Sätt ingen Set default Sätt standardvärde Load... Save... QgsContinuousColorDialogBase Continuous color Kontinuerlig färg Maximum value Maximalt värde Outline width Kantbredd Minimum value Minimalt värde Classification field Klassifikationsfält Draw polygon outline Rita polygonkontur QgsCoordinateTransform The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. Källans Coordinate Reference System (CRS) är ej giltig. Reprojected extent is empty. Original extent: %1 CRS CRS The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 inverse transform forward transform %1 of %2PROJ.4: %3 +to %4 Error: %5 The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. Mottagande Coordinate Reference System (CRS) är ej giltig. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 Koordinaterna kan inte projiceras. CRS är: %1 QgsCopyrightLabelPlugin Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger &Copyright Label &Copyrighttext Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. Skapar en text om upphovsskydd som visas på kartbladet. &Decorations &Dekoreringar QgsCopyrightLabelPluginGuiBase Copyright Label Plugin Copyrighttext-insticksprogram Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Top Right Uppe till höger &Color Färg Horizontal Horisontell Vertical Vertikal QgsCredentialDialog Enter Credentials Username Användarnamn Password Lösenord TextLabel TextEtikett Realm QgsCustomProjectionDialog Delete Projection Definition? Ta bort projektionsdefinition? Deleting a projection definition is not reversable. Do you want to delete it? Att ta bort en projektionsdefinition går ej att ångra. Vill du ta bort den? %1 of %2 Abort Avbryt New Ny * of %1 QGIS Custom Projection QGIS Anpassade projektioner This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Denna proj4-projektionsdefinition är ej giltig. Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form. Northing och Easthing måste vara i decimal form. Internal Error (source projection invalid?) Internt fel (källprojektion ogiltig?) Error Fel Please give the projection a name before pressing save. Ange ett namn på projektionen innan du spara. Please add the parameters before pressing save. Lägg till parametrarna före du sparar. Please add a proj= clause before pressing save. Lägg till en 'proj='- före du sparar. This proj4 ellipsoid definition is not valid. Please add a ellips= clause before pressing save. COMMENTED OUT Denna proj4-projektionsdefinition är ej giltig. Vänligen lägg till en 'ellips='-del innan du sparar. Please correct before pressing save. Rätta till innan du sparar. QgsCustomProjectionDialogBase Define Definiera |< |< < < 1 of 1 1 av 1 > > >| >| Test Testa Geographic / WGS84 Geografisk / WGS84 Calculate Beräkna Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition Anpassad Coordinate Redference System definition You can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS. Du kan definiera dina egna anpassade projektioner här. Definitionen måste vara på proj4-format för att ange ett 'Coordinate Reference System'. Name Namn Parameters Parametrar * * S S X X Use the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate. Använd rutorna nedanför för att testa din definition. Skriv in en koordinat där både lat/long och projicerad koordinat är känd (från tex en karta). Tryck knappen 'Beräkna' för att se om definitionen stämmer. Destination CRS Destination CRS North Nord East Öst QgsCustomizationDialog Object name Label Etikett Description Beskrivning Choose a customization INI file Customization files (*.ini) Widgets QgsCustomizationDialogBase Customization toolBar Catch Switch to catching widgets in main application Save Spara Save to file Load Läs in Load from file Expand All Collapse All Select All QgsDashSpaceDialogBase Dash space pattern Dash Space QgsDbSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS Table(s) Lägg till PostGIS-tabell(er) Connections Anslutningar Connect Anslut New Ny Edit Redigera Delete Load Load connections from file Läs in Save connections to file Save Spara Also list tables with no geometry Search options Search Sök Search mode Search in columns QgsDbTableModel Schema Schema Table Tabell Type Typ Geometry column Geometrikolumn Sql Sql Point Punkt Multipoint Multipunkt Line Linje Multiline Multilinje Polygon Polygon Multipolygon Multipolygon QgsDecorationCopyright Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger QgsDecorationCopyrightDialog Copyright Label Decoration Enable copyright label &Enter your copyright label here: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana';">© QGIS 2009</span></p></body></html> &Placement Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Top Right Uppe till höger &Orientation Horizontal Horisontell Vertical Vertikal &Color Färg QgsDecorationNorthArrow Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger North arrow pixmap not found Hittade inte nordpilens pixmap QgsDecorationNorthArrowDialog North Arrow Decoration Preview of north arrow Förhandsvy av nordpil Angle Vinkel Placement Placering Placement on screen Placering på skärmen Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Left Nere till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Enable North Arrow Aktivera nordpil Set direction automatically Sätt riktning automatiskt Pixmap not found Hittade inte pixmap QgsDecorationScaleBar Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger Tick Down Streck ner Tick Up Streck upp Bar Streck Box Låda km mm mm cm cm m m miles mile inches tum foot fot feet degree grader degrees unknown obekant QgsDecorationScaleBarDialog Scale Bar Decoration Placement Placering Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Left Nere till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Scale bar style Select the style of the scale bar Välj typ av skala Tick Down Streck ner Tick Up Streck upp Box Låda Bar Streck Color of bar Click to select the color Size of bar Enable scale bar Aktivera skala Automatically snap to round number on resize Runda av till vettig storlek metres/km meter/km feet/miles fot/mile degrees QgsDelAttrDialogBase Delete Attributes Ta bort attribute QgsDelimitedTextPlugin &Add Delimited Text Layer &Lägg till separerad text-lager Add a delimited text file as a map layer. The file must have a header row containing the field names. The file must either contain X and Y fields with coordinates in decimal units or a WKT field. &Delimited text Separera&d text DelimitedTextLayer SepareradTextLager Add a delimited text file as a map layer. The file must have a header row containing the field names. X and Y fields are required and must contain coordinates in decimal units. Lägg till en separerad text-fil som ett lager. Filen måste ha ett radhuvud med fältnamn. Fälten X och Y är nödvändiga och måste innehålla koordinater i decimalformat. QgsDelimitedTextPluginGui No layer name Inget lagernamn Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map Ange ett lagernamn innan du lägger till lagret i kartan No delimiter Ingen separerare Please specify a delimiter prior to parsing the file Ange en separerare innan du läser filen Choose a delimited text file to open Välj en separerad textfil att öppna Parse Läs QgsDelimitedTextPluginGuiBase Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File Skapa ett Lager från en Separerad Textfil The file contains X and Y coordinate columns X Y fields <p align="right">X field</p> <p align="right">X-fält</p> Name of the field containing x values Namn på fältet som innehåller x-värden Name of the field containing x values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. Namn på fältet som innehåller x-värden. Välj ett fält från listan. Listan genereras genom att läsa rubrikraden i den separerade textfilen. <p align="right">Y field</p> <p align="right">Y-fält</p> Name of the field containing y values Namn på fältet som innehåller y-värden Type Typ Name of the field containing y values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. Namn på fältet som innehåller y-värden. Välj ett fält från listan. Listan genereras genom att läsa rubrikraden i den separerade textfilen. Layer name Lagernamn File Name Filnamn Name to display in the map legend Namn som kommer att visas i teckenförklaringen Name displayed in the map legend Namn som kommer att visas i teckenförklaringen Delimiter Separerare Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. Separerare som ska användas för att dela upp textfilen i fält. Separeraren kan vara ett eller flera tecken. Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the delimited text file. The delimiter can be 1 or more characters in length. Separerare som ska användas för att dela upp textfilen i fält. Separeraren kan vara ett eller flera tecken. Delimited text file Separerad textfil Full path to the delimited text file Hela sökvägen till den separerade textfilen Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. Hela sökvägen till den separerade textfilen. För att kunna läsa fälten i filen så måste separeraren anges innan filnamnet. Använd knappen till höger om detta fälr för att välja indatafil. ... ... Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed Leta efter den separerade textfilen som ska användas Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. Använd den har knappen för att leta efter den separerade textfilen. Denna knapp kommer inte att aktiveras förrän en separerare har skrivits in i <i>Separerare</i>-rutan. När en fil har valts så kommer X- och Y-menyerna att fyllas med fält från den separerade textfilen. Browse... Selected delimiters Semicolon Tab Space Comma Colon Start import at row The file contains a well known text geometry field WKT field Decimal point Sample text Exempeltext The delimiter is taken as is Separeraren används rakt av Plain characters Vanliga tecken The delimiter is a regular expression Separeraren är ett reguljäruttryck Regular expression Reguljäruttryck QgsDelimitedTextProvider Note: the following lines were not loaded because Qgis was unable to determine values for the x and y coordinates: OBS: Följande rad laddades inte, eftersom Qgis inte kunde bestämma värde för x och y-koordinaterna: Error Fel QgsDetailedItemWidgetBase Form Formulär Heading Label Överskriftsetikett Detail label Detaljetikett Category label QgsDiagramDialog Pie chart Pajdiagram Bar chart Stapeldiagram Proportional SVG symbols Proportionella SVG-symboler linearly scaling QgsDiagramDialogBase Dialog Dialog Display diagrams Visa diagram Diagram type Classification attribute Classification type QgsDirectoryParamWidget Name Namn Size Storlek Date Permissions Owner Ägare Group Type Typ folder file link QgsDisplayAngle %1 degrees %1 radians %1 gon QgsDisplayAngleBase Angle Vinkel Ellipsoidal QgsDlgPgBufferBase Buffer features Spara objekt i buffer Buffer distance in map units: Bufferavstånd i kartenheter: Table name for the buffered layer: Tabellnamn för det buffrade lagret: Create unique object id Skapa unikt objekt-ID public publik Geometry column: Geometrikolumn: Spatial reference ID: Rumsreferens-ID: Unique field to use as feature id: Unikt fält att använda som objekt-ID: Schema: Schema: Add the buffered layer to the map? Lägg till det buffrade lagret till kartan? <h2>Buffer the features in layer: </h2> <h2>Buffra objekt i lager: </h2> Parameters Parametrar QgsEmbedLayerDialog Select project file QGIS project files (*.qgs) Recursive embeding not possible It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project QgsEmbedLayerDialogBase Select layers and groups to embed Project file ... ... QgsEncodingFileDialog Encoding: Kodning: Cancel &All QgsEngineConfigDialog Dialog Dialog Search method Chain (fast) Kedja (snabb) Popmusic Tabu Popmusic Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain FALP (fastest) Number of candidates Point Punkt Line Linje Polygon Polygon Show all labels (i.e. including colliding labels) Show label candidates (for debugging) QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBase Expression string builder QgsExpressionBuilderWidget Operators Operatorer (String Concatenation) Joins two values together into a string Usage 'Dia' || Diameter Double click to add field name to expression string. <br> Or right click to select loading value options then double click an item in the value list to add it to the expression string. Fields Fält Parser Error Eval Error Expression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a> More info on expression error Load top 10 unique values Load all unique values This help file is not available in your language %1. If you would like to translate it, please contact the QGIS development team. This help file does not exist for your language:<p><b>%1</b><p>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team Hjälpfilen finns inte för ditt språk::<p><b>%1</b><p>Om du vill skapa en översättning, kontakta QGIS utvecklingsteam QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBase Form Formulär Function List Search Sök Selected Function Help Field Values Operators Operatorer = = + + - - / / * * ^ || ( ) ) Output preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer. Output preview: Expression QgsFeatureAction Run actions QgsFieldCalculator (not supported by provider) Evaluation error Provider error Could not add the new field to the provider. Error Fel An error occured while evaluating the calculation string: %1 QgsFieldCalculatorBase Field calculator Create a new field Update existing field Only update selected features Output field name Output field type Output field width Fields Fält Values Värden Sample Test All Alla Operators Operatorer Width of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width. Precision Precision + + * * - - / / ) ) length längd QgsFormAnnotationDialog Delete Qt designer file QgsFormAnnotationDialogBase Dialog Dialog ... ... QgsGCPListModel map units kartenheter pixels pixlar QgsGCPListWidget Recenter Remove Ta bort QgsGPSDetector local gpsd QgsGPSDeviceDialog New device %1 Ny enhet %1 Are you sure? Är du säker? Are you sure that you want to delete this device? Är du säker du vill ta bort denna enhet? QgsGPSDeviceDialogBase GPS Device Editor GPS-enhetsredigerare This is the name of the device as it will appear in the lists Detta är namnet på enheten så som det kommer att visas i listorna Commands Kommandon The command that is used to download routes from the device Kommandot som används för att hämta rutter från enheten The command that is used to upload waypoints to the device Kommandot som används för att skicka brytpunkter till enheten Devices Delete New Ny Update Uppdatera Track download Route upload Waypoint download Route download Track upload The command that is used to download tracks from the device Kommandot som används för att hämta spår från enheten The command that is used to upload routes to the device Kommandot som används för att skicka rutter till enheten The command that is used to download waypoints from the device Kommandot som används för att hämta brytpunkter från enheten The command that is used to upload tracks to the device Kommandot som används för att skicka spår till enheten Waypoint upload <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html> Device name Enhetsnamn QgsGPSInformationWidget Connecting... Ansluter... Timed out! Connected! Connect Anslut /gps No path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again. Connecting to GPS device... Failed to connect to GPS device. Dis&connect Connected to GPS device. Error opening log file. Disconnected... &Connect Disconnected from GPS device. %1 m %1 km/h Automatic Automatisk Manual Manuell 3D 3D 2D 2D No fix Differential Non-differential No position Valid Invalid Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager 2.5D shape type not supported 2.5D shape typ stöds ej Adding features to 2.5D shapetypes is not supported yet. Please select a different editable, non 2.5D layer and try again. Multipart shape type not supported Adding features to multipart shapetypes is not supported yet. Please select a different editable, non 2.5D layer and try again. Layer cannot be added to Lager kan inte läggas till The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. Datakälla för detta lager stödjer inte tillägg av objekt. Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Not enough vertices Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices. Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices. Feature added Objekt lades till Error Fel Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 Kunde inte spara ändringar till lager %1 Fel: %2 The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type An error was reported during intersection removal Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again. Save GPS log file as NMEA files (*.nmea) &Add feature &Add Point &Add Line &Add Polygon QgsGPSInformationWidgetBase Form Formulär ... ... Connect Anslut Add vertex Lägg till nod Autodetect Port Port Host Dator Device Small Large never always Track GPS Connect &Add feature Quick status indicator: green = good or 3D fix yellow = good 2D fix red = no fix or bad fix gray = no data 2D/3D depends on this information being available Add track point Reset track Position Position Signal Satellite Options Inställningar Debug &Connect latitude of position fix (degrees) Longitude longitude of position fix (degrees) antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level) Altitude Latitude Time of fix date/time of position fix (UTC) speed over ground Speed track direction (degrees) Direction Horizontal Dilution of Precision HDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision VDOP Position Dilution of Precision PDOP GPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or Manual Mode Läge position fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fix Dimensions quality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No position Quality position fix status: Valid or Invalid Status Status number of satellites used in the position fix Satellites Connection Serial device Refresh serial device list 00000; gpsd Digitizing Digitalisering Automatically add points Track width in pixels Color Färg save layer after every feature added Automatically save added feature save GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a file Log File browse for log file Map centering when leaving % of map extent Cursor width QgsGPSPlugin &Gps Tools &GPS-Verktyg &Create new GPX layer &Skapa nytt GPX-lager Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas Skapar ett nytt GPX-lager och visar det på kartbladet &Gps &Gps Save new GPX file as... Spara ny GPX-fil som... GPS eXchange file (*.gpx) GPS eXchange fil (*.gpx) Could not create file Kunde inte skapa fil Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory. GPX Loader GPX Laddare Could not start process Kunde inte starta process Could not start GPSBabel! Kunde inte starta GPSBabel! Importing data... Importerar data... Cancel Avbryt Could not import data from %1! Kunde inte importerar data från %1! Error importing data Fel vid import av data Not supported Stöds ej Downloading data... Hämtar data... Could not download data from GPS! Kunde inte hämta data från GPS! Error downloading data Fel vid hämtning av data Uploading data... Skickar data... Error while uploading data to GPS! Skicka data till GPS gav ett fel! Error uploading data Skicka data gav fel Could not convert data from %1! Kunde inte konvertera data från %1! Error converting data Fel vid konvertering av data Unable to read the selected file. Please reselect a valid file. Kunde inte läsa vald fil. Välj en annan giltig fil. &GPS Tools &GPS This device does not support downloading of %1. Denna enhet stödjer inte hämtning av %1. This device does not support uploading of %1. Denna enhet stödjer ej att skicka %1. QgsGPSPluginGui GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) Select GPX file Välj GPX-fil Select file and format to import Välj fil och format att importera Waypoints Brytpunkter Routes Rutter Tracks Spår Choose a file name to save under Välj ett filnamn att spara till Waypoints from a route Waypoints from a track Route from waypoints Track from waypoints QgsGPSPluginGuiBase GPS Tools GPS-Verktyg Load GPX file Ladda GPX-fil File Feature types Waypoints Brytpunkter Routes Rutter Tracks Spår File to import Feature type Layer name Lagernamn GPX output file GPX input file Conversion Import other file Importera annan fil Download from GPS Hämta från GPS Edit devices Redigera enheter Upload to GPS Skicka till GPS Browse... Läs... Save As... Spara som... (Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!) (OBS: Viktigt att du väljer rätt filtyp i filväljardialogen!) GPS device Port Port Output file Data layer GPX Conversions GPX Konverteringar Edit devices... Redigera enheter... Refresh Uppdatera QgsGPXProvider Bad URI - you need to specify the feature type. Felaktig URI - du måste specificera objekttyp. GPS eXchange file GPS eXchange fil Digitized in QGIS Digitaliserad i QGIS QgsGdalProvider Dataset Description Beskrivning av dataset Band %1 Band %1 Dimensions: Dimensioner: X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 X: %1 Y: %2 Band: %3 Origin: Origo: Pixel Size: Pixelstorlek: out of extent utanför utsträckning null (no data) null (ingen data) Average Magphase Average Magphase Average Average QgsGenericProjectionSelector This layer appears to have no projection specification. Detta lager tycks inte ha en projektion specifierad. By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below. Lagret kommer att få projektets projektion, men du kan ändra det genom att välja en anna projektion nedan. Define this layer's coordinate reference system: Definera detta lagers koordinatsystem: QgsGenericProjectionSelectorBase Coordinate Reference System Selector Koordinatsystemsväljare QgsGeorefConfigDialog A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm)' B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 tum) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 tum) ANSI C (17x22 inches) ANSI C (17x22 tum) ANSI D (22x34 inches) ANSI D (22x34 tum) ANSI E (34x44 inches) ANSI E (34x44 tum) Arch A (9x12 inches) Arch A (9x12 tum) Arch B (12x18 inches) Arch B (12x18 tum) Arch C (18x24 inches) Arch C (18x24 tum) Arch D (24x36 inches) Arch D (24x36 tum) Arch E (36x48 inches) Arch E (36x48 tum) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) Arch E1 (30x42 tum) QgsGeorefConfigDialogBase Configure Georeferencer Point tip Show IDs Show coords PDF report Left margin mm mm Right margin Show Georeferencer window docked PDF map Paper size Residual units Pixels Use map units if possible QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBase Description georeferencer Beskrivning georefererare <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> {3C?} {4.0/?} {3.?} {40/?} {1"?} {10p?} {400;?} {12p?} {12p?} {0p?} {0p?} {0;?} {0p?} {0p or 12p?} {0p or 12p?} {0p or 12p?} {0p or 12p?} {0p or 12p?} {0p or 12p?} QgsGeorefPlugin &Georeferencer &Georefererare &About &Om QgsGeorefPluginGui All other files (*) Open raster %1 is not a supported raster data source %1 är inte en rasterkälla som stöds Unsupported Data Source Datakälla som ej stöds Raster loaded: %1 Georeferencer - %1 Transform: Info Info GDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation Load GCP points No GCP points to save Save GCP points Please load raster to be georeferenced Help Hjälp Panels Paneler Toolbars Verktygsrader Coordinate: Current map coordinate Current transform parametrisation Unable to open GCP points file %1 Could not write to %1 Save GCPs Spara GCP:er Georeferencer Georefererare Save GCP points? Failed to get linear transform parameters <p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p> Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable Error Fel Transformation parameters Translation x Translation y Scale x Scale y Rotation [degrees] Residuals map units kartenheter pixels pixlar Mean error [%1] yes ja no nej Translation (%1, %2) Scale (%1, %2) Rotation: %1 Mean error: %1 Copy in clipboard %1 GDAL script Please set transformation type Please set output raster name %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more Linear Linjär Helmert Helmert Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Projective Not set World file exists Världsfil finns QgsGeorefPluginGuiBase Georeferencer Georefererare File View Vy Edit Redigera Settings Inställningar GCP table Open raster Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Zoom In Zooma In Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom Out Zooma ut Ctrl+- Ctrl+- Zoom to Layer Zooma till lager Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Pan Flytta vy Transformation settings Add point Ctrl+A Ctrl+A Delete point Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Quit Avsluta Start georeferencing Ctrl+G Generate GDAL script Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Link Georeferencer to QGis Link QGis to Georeferencer Save GCP points as... Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Load GCP points Ctrl+L Configure Georeferencer Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Raster properties Move GCP point Zoom Next Zooma nästa Zoom Last Zooma senaste QgsGlobePluginDialog GDAL files DEM files All files Open raster file Invalid Path: The file is either unreadable or does not exist Invalid URL: Do you want to add the datasource anyway? Open 3D model file QgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBase Globe Settings Elevation Type Typ Raster TMS Worldwind URL/File ... ... Up Down Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort Cache Cache Path Model Point Layer 3D Model Stereo Stereo Mode Screen distance (m) Screen width (m) Split stereo horizontal separation (px) Split stereo vertical separation (px) Split stereo vertical eye mapping Screen height (m) Eye separation (m) Reset to defaults Split stereo horizontal eye mapping QgsGraduatedSymbolDialog Equal Interval Jämnt interval Quantiles Kvantiler Empty Tom QgsGraduatedSymbolDialogBase graduated Symbol graderad symbol Delete class Ta bort klass Classify Klassificera Classification field Klassifikationsfält Mode Läge Number of classes Antal klasser QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget Range Intervall Label Etikett Symbol levels... Error Fel There are no available color ramps. You can add them in Style Manager. The selected color ramp is not available. Renderer creation has failed. change Column Kolumn Symbol Symbol Classes Color ramp Mode Läge Equal Interval Jämnt interval Quantile Natural Breaks (Jenks) Standard Deviation Standardavvikelse Pretty Breaks Classify Klassificera Add class Lägg till klass Delete class Ta bort klass Advanced QgsGrassAttributes Warning Varning Column Kolumn Value Värde Type Typ ERROR Fel OK OK Layer Lager QgsGrassAttributesBase GRASS Attributes GRASS-Attribut Tab 1 Tab 1 result resultat Update Uppdatera Update database record Uppdatera databas New Ny Add new category using settings in GRASS Edit toolbox Lägg till ny kategory med inställningarna i GRASS Delete Ta bort Delete selected category Ta bort vald kategori QgsGrassBrowser Tools Verktyg Add selected map to canvas Lägg till vald karta till kartbladet Copy selected map Kopiera vald karta Rename selected map Döp om vald karta Delete selected map Ta bort vald karta Set current region to selected map Sätt aktiv region till vald karta Refresh Uppdatera New name for layer "%1" Nytt namn för lager "%1" Warning Varning Information Remove the selected layer(s) from QGis canvas before continue. Question Fråga Are you sure you want to delete %n selected layer(s)? number of layers to delete Cannot write new region Kan inte skapa ny region New name Nytt namn Cannot copy map %1@%2 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot rename map %1 Cannot delete map %1 Kan inte ta bort karta %1 QgsGrassEdit Edit tools Redigeringsverktyg New point Ny punkt New line Ny rad New boundary Ny gräns New centroid Ny centroid Move vertex Flytta nod Add vertex Lägg till nod Delete vertex Ta bort nod Move element Flytta element Split line Dela linje Delete element Ta bort element Edit attributes Redigera attribut Close Stäng Warning Varning You are not owner of the mapset, cannot open the vector for editing. Du är inte ägare till kartset, kan inte öppna vektorn för redigering. Cannot open vector for update. Kan inte öppna vektorn för uppdatering. Info Info The table was created Tabellen skapades Tool not yet implemented. Verktyget finns ännu inte. Orphan record was left in attribute table. <br>Delete the record? Föräldralös post finns kvar i attributtabellen. <br>Ta bort posten? Cannot delete orphan record: Kan inte ta bort föräldralös post: Background Bakgrund Highlight Markera Dynamic Dynamisk Point Punkt Line Linje Boundary (no area) Gräns (ingen area) Boundary (1 area) Gräns (1 area) Boundary (2 areas) Gräns (2 areor) Centroid (in area) Centroid (i area) Centroid (outside area) Centroid (utanför area) Centroid (duplicate in area) Centroid (duplikat i area) Node (1 line) Nod (1 linje) Node (2 lines) Nod (2 linjer) Next not used Nästa används inte Manual entry Skriv in manuellt No category Ingen kategori Cannot check orphan record: %1 Cannot describe table for field %1 Left: %1 -- Middle: %1 -- Right: %1 QgsGrassEditAddVertex Select line segment Välj linjesegment New vertex position Ny nodposition Release Släpp QgsGrassEditAttributes Select element Välj element QgsGrassEditBase GRASS Edit GRASS-Redigering Category Kategori Mode Läge Settings Inställningar Snapping in screen pixels Snappning i skärmpixlar Symbology Symbologi Table Tabell Add Column Lägg Till Kolumn Create / Alter Table Skapa / Ändra Tabell Line width Linjebredd Marker size Markörstorlek Layer Lager Disp Visa Color Färg Type Typ Index Index Column Kolumn Length Längd QgsGrassEditDeleteLine Select element Välj element Delete selected / select next Ta bort vald / välj nästa Release selected Släpp vald QgsGrassEditDeleteVertex Select vertex Välj nod Delete vertex Ta bort nod Release vertex Släpp nod QgsGrassEditMoveLine Select element Välj element New location Ny plats Release selected Släpp vald QgsGrassEditMoveVertex Select vertex Välj nod Select new position Välj ny position QgsGrassEditNewLine New vertex Ny nod Undo last vertex New point Ny punkt Undo last point Ångra senaste punkt Close line Avsluta linje QgsGrassEditNewPoint New centroid Ny tyngdpunkt New point Ny punkt QgsGrassEditSplitLine Select position on line Välj positon på linje Split the line Dela linjen Release the line Släpp linjen Select point on line Välj punkt på linje QgsGrassElementDialog Cancel Avbryt Ok Ok <font color='red'>Enter a name!</font> <font color='red'>Skriv in ett namn!</font> <font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font> <font color='red'>Detta är namnet på källan!</font> <font color='red'>Exists!</font> <font color='red'>Finns!</font> Overwrite Skriv över QgsGrassMapcalc Mapcalc tools Mapcalc-verktyg Add map Lägg till karta Add constant value Lägg till konstant värde Add operator or function Lägg till operator eller funktion Add connection Lägg till anslutning Select item Välj sak Delete selected item Ta bort vald sak Open Öppna Save Spara Save as Spara som Addition Addition Subtraction Subtraktion Multiplication Multiplikation Division Division Modulus Modulo Exponentiation Exponentiering Equal Lika med Not equal Olik med Greater than Större än Greater than or equal Större än eller lika med Less than Mindre än Less than or equal Mindre än eller lika med And Och Or Eller Absolute value of x Absolutvärdet av x Inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) Inverstangens av x (resultat i grader) Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) Inverstangens av y/x (resultat i grader) Current column of moving window (starts with 1) Aktuell kolumn i flyttande fönstret (startar på 1) Cosine of x (x is in degrees) Cosinus av x (x i grader) Convert x to double-precision floating point Konvertera x till flyttal med dubbelprecision Current east-west resolution Aktuell öst-västlig upplösning Exponential function of x Exponentialfunktion av x x to the power y x upphöjt till y Convert x to single-precision floating point Konvertera x till flyttal med enkelprecision Decision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise Beslut: 1 om x inte är noll, annars 0 Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwise Beslut: a om x inte är noll, annars 0 Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwise Beslut: a om x inte är noll, annars b Decision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 Beslut: a om x > 0, b om z är noll, c om x < 0 Convert x to integer [ truncates ] Konvertera x till heltal [ trunkerar ] Check if x = NULL Kontrollera om x = NULL Natural log of x Naturliga logaritmen av x Log of x base b b-bas logaritm av x Largest value Största värde Median value Medianvärde Smallest value Minsta värde Mode value Mod värde 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise 1 om x är noll, annars 0 Current north-south resolution Aktulle nord-sydlig uppösning NULL value värde NULL Random value between a and b Slumpmässiga värden mellan a och b Round x to nearest integer Avrunda x till närmaste heltal Current row of moving window (Starts with 1) Aktuell rad i flyttande fönstret (startar på 1) Sine of x (x is in degrees) sin(x) Sinus av x (x i grader) Square root of x sqrt(x) Kvadratroten av x Tangent of x (x is in degrees) tan(x) Tangens av x (x i grader) Current x-coordinate of moving window Aktuell x-koordinat i flyttande fönstret Current y-coordinate of moving window Aktuell y-koordinat i flyttande fönstret Warning Varning Cannot get current region Kan inte få aktuell region No GRASS raster maps currently in QGIS Inga GRASS ratserkartor i QGIS för tillfället Cannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset. Kan inet skapa 'mapcalc' bibliotek i nuvarande kartset. New mapcalc Ny mapcalc Enter new mapcalc name: Skriv in nytt namn på mapcalc: Enter vector name Skriv in vektornamnet Save mapcalc Spara mapcalc File name empty Filanmnet är tomt Cannot open mapcalc file Kan inte öppna mapcalc-fil Output Utdata Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot get region of map %1 The file already exists. Overwrite? The mapcalc schema (%1) not found. Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1) Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 QgsGrassMapcalcBase MainWindow Huvudfönster Output Utdata QgsGrassModule Run Kör Stop Stanna Warning Varning Cannot get input region Kan inte få indataregion Use Input Region Använd indataregion <B>Successfully finished</B> <B>Klar (och det gick bra)!</B> <B>Finished with error</B> <B>Färdig med fel</B> <B>Module crashed or killed</B> <B>Modulen kraschade eller dog</B> Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed. Kontrollera att GRASS-dokumentationen är installerad. Module: %1 The module file (%1) not found. Cannot open module file (%1) Cannot read module file (%1) %1 at line %2 column %3 Module %1 not found Cannot find man page %1 Not available, description not found (%1) Not available, cannot open description (%1) Not available, incorrect description (%1) Input %1 outside current region! Output %1 exists! Overwrite? Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module: %1 QgsGrassModuleBase GRASS Module GRASS-modul Options Inställningar Output Utdata Manual Manuell Run Kör View output Visa utdata Close Stäng TextLabel TextEtikett QgsGrassModuleField Attribute field Attributfält Warning Varning 'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing. QgsGrassModuleFile File Arkiv %1:&nbsp;missing value %1:&nbsp;directory does not exist QgsGrassModuleGdalInput OGR/PostGIS/GDAL Input Warning Varning PostGIS driver in OGR does not support schemas!<br>Only the table name will be used.<br>It can result in wrong input if more tables of the same name<br>are present in the database. PostGIS drivrutinne i OGR stödjer inte scheman!<b>Bara tabellnamn kommer att användas.<br>Detta kan resultera i felaktig indata om flera tabeller med samma namn<br> finns i databasen. Cannot find layeroption %1 Cannot find whereoption %1 Select a layer %1:&nbsp;no input QgsGrassModuleInput Warning Varning Use region of this map Används regionen från denna karta Cannot find typeoption %1 Cannot find values for typeoption %1 Cannot find layeroption %1 GRASS element %1 not supported Select a layer %1:&nbsp;no input Input Indata QgsGrassModuleOption Warning Varning Cannot parse version_min %1 Cannot parse version_max %1 %1:&nbsp;missing value QgsGrassModuleSelection Selected categories QgsGrassModuleStandardOptions Item with key %1 not found << Hide advanced options Show advanced options >> Warning Varning Cannot get current region Kan inte få aktuell region Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module %1 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot read module description (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot find key %1 Item with id %1 not found Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot set region of map %1 QgsGrassNewMapset Database Databas Location 2 Plats 2 User's mapset Användarens kartset System mapset Systemets kartset Location 1 Plats 1 Enter path to GRASS database Skriv in sökväg till GRASS databas The directory doesn't exist! Biblioteket finns inte! Enter location name! Skrin in platsens namn! The location exists! Platsen finns redan! Selected projection is not supported by GRASS! Vald projektion stöds ej av GRASS! Warning Varning Cannot create projection. Kan ine skapa projektion. Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set. Kan inte projicera tidigare satt region, standardregion satt. North must be greater than south Norr måste vara större än söder East must be greater than west Öst måste vara större än väst Cannot reproject selected region. Kan inte projicera vald region. Cannot reproject region Kan inte projicera region Enter mapset name. Skriv in namn på kartset. The mapset already exists Kartset finns redan Database: Databas: Location: Plats: Mapset: Kartset: Create location Skapa plats Create mapset Skapa kartset Cannot open DEFAULT_WIND Kan inte öppna DEFAULT_WIND Cannot open WIND Kan inte öppna WIND New mapset Nytt kartset New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset. Nytt kartset skapades och är nu aktuellt kartset. Cannot create new mapset directory Kan inte skapa nytt kartset bibliotek Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem Kan inte skapa QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem No writable locations, the database is not writable! Regions file (%1) not found. Cannot open locations file (%1) Cannot read locations file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot create new location: %1 New mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1 QgsGrassNewMapsetBase Example directory tree: Exempel på biblioteksträd: Database Error Databasfel Database: Databas: Select existing directory or create a new one: Välj ett existerande bibliotek eller skapa ett nytt: Location Plats Select location Välj plats Create new location Skapa en ny plats Location Error Fel på platsen Projection Error Projektionsfel Coordinate system Koordinatsystem Projection Projektion Not defined Odefinerad Set current QGIS extent Sätt aktuell QGIS-utsträckning Set Sätt Region Error Regionsfel S S W V E Ö N N New mapset: Nytt kartset: Mapset Error Kartsetsfel <p align="center">Existing masets</p> <p align="center">Existerande kartset</p> Location: Plats: Mapset: Kartset: New Mapset Nytt kartset GRASS Database GRASS databas Tree Träd Comment Kommentar <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html> GRASS data sparas i ett bilbioteksträd. GRASS databasen är det översta biblioteket i trädet. Browse... Bläddra... GRASS Location GRASS-plats <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.</p></body></html> GRASS-plats är en samling kartor över ett speciellt område eller projekt. Default GRASS Region Standard GRASS-region <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.</p></body></html> GRASS-regionen definierar ett arbetsområde för rastermoduler. Standard-regione gäller för en plats. Det går att ställa in en annan region i varje kartset. Det går att ändra standard-region senare. Mapset Kartset Owner Ägare <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).</p></body></html> GRASS kartset är en samling kartor för en användare. En anvädare kan läsa kartor från alla kartset på en plats, men kan bara skriva till sitt eget kartset. Create New Mapset Skapa nytt kartset QgsGrassPlugin &GRASS &GRASS GRASS GRASS Open mapset Öppna kartset Plugins Insticksprogram New mapset Nytt kartset Close mapset Stäng kartset Add GRASS vector layer Lägg till GRASS-vektorlager Add GRASS raster layer Lägg till GRASS-rasterlager Open GRASS tools Öppna GRASS-verktyg Display Current Grass Region Visa aktuell GRASS-region Edit Current Grass Region Redigera aktuell GRASS-region Edit Grass Vector layer Redigera GRASS-vektorlager Adds a GRASS vector layer to the map canvas Lägger till ett GRASS-vektorlager till kartbladet Adds a GRASS raster layer to the map canvas Lägger till ett GRASS-rasterlager till kartbladet Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas Visar aktuell GRASS-region som en rektangel på kartbladet Edit the current GRASS region Redigera aktuell GRASS-region Edit the currently selected GRASS vector layer. Redigera aktuellt GRASS-vektorlager. GrassVector GrassVektor 0.1 0.1 GRASS layer GRASS-lager Create new Grass Vector Skapa ny GRASS vektor Warning Varning Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using module). Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 GRASS Edit is already running. GRASS Edit kör redan. New vector name Nytt vektornamn New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider. Ny vektor skapades men kunde inte öppnas av datakällan. Cannot start editing. Kan inte börja redigera. GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME eller MAPSET är inte satta, kan inte visa aktuell region. Cannot open GRASS vector: %1 Cannot create new vector: %1 Cannot open vector for update. Kan inte öppna vektorn för uppdatering. Cannot read current region: %1 Kan inte läsa nuvarande region: %1 Cannot open the mapset. %1 Cannot close mapset. %1 Cannot close current mapset. %1 Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1 QgsGrassProvider GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology? QgsGrassRasterProvider Out of extent null (no data) null (ingen data) QgsGrassRegion Warning Varning GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME eller MAPSET är inte satta, kan inte visa aktuell region. Cannot write region Kan inte skapa region Cannot read current region: %1 Kan inte läsa nuvarande region: %1 QgsGrassRegionBase GRASS Region Settings GRASS Regioninställningar S S Rows Rader Cols Kolumner Extent Utsträckning North Nord West Väst East Öst South Syd Select the extent by dragging on canvas or change the following values Resolution Cell width Cell height Columns Kolumner Border Color Färg Width Bredd OK OK Cancel Avbryt QgsGrassSelect Select GRASS Vector Layer Väljl GRASS-vektorlager Select GRASS Raster Layer Välj GRASS-rasterlager Select GRASS mapcalc schema Välj GRASS mapcalc schema Select GRASS Mapset Välj GRASS-kartset Warning Varning Choose existing GISDBASE Välj existernade GISDBASE Wrong GISDBASE, no locations available. Fel GISDBASE, inga platser tillgängliga. Wrong GISDBASE Fel GISDBASE Select a map. Välj en karta. No map Ingen karta No layer Inget lager No layers available in this map Inga lager tillgängliga i denna karta QgsGrassSelectBase Gisdbase Gisdbase Location Plats Browse Bläddra Mapset Kartset Map name Kartnamn Layer Lager Browse... OK OK Select or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters) Välj eller skriv ett kartnamn (specialtecknen '*' och '?' som matchar olike tecken accepteras för raster) Add GRASS Layer Lägg till GRASS-lager Cancel Avbryt QgsGrassShell Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Warning Varning Cannot rename the lock file %1 QgsGrassTools Browser Bläddrare GRASS Tools GRASS-verktyg Warning Varning GRASS Shell is not compiled. GRASS-skal är ej kompilerat. GRASS Tools: %1/%2 The config file (%1) not found. Cannot open config file (%1). Cannot read config file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot start command shell (%1) QgsGrassToolsBase Grass Tools GRASS-verktyg Modules Tree Modulträd 1 1 Modules List Modullista Filter QgsHandleBadLayers Browse Bläddra Layer name Lagernamn Type Typ Provider New file New datasource none Select file to replace '%1' Please select exactly one file. Select new directory of selected files All files (*) Unhandled layer will be lost. There are still %n unhandled layer(s), that will be lost if you closed now. unhandled layers QgsHandleBadLayersBase Handle bad layers Layer name Lagernamn Type Typ Provider Original filename New filename Original datasource New datasource QgsHelpViewer Error Fel The QGIS help database is not installed QGIS hjälpdatabas är inte installerad Quantum GIS Help Quantum GIS Hjälp This help file is not available in your language %1. If you would like to translate it, please contact the QGIS development team. This help file does not exist for your language:<p><b>%1</b><p>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team Hjälpfilen finns inte för ditt språk::<p><b>%1</b><p>Om du vill skapa en översättning, kontakta QGIS utvecklingsteam Quantum GIS Help - %1 Quantum GIS Hjälp - %1 Failed to get the help text from the database: %1 Kunde inte hämta hjälptext från databasen: %1 QgsHelpViewerBase QGIS Help QGIS Hjälp &Home &Hem Alt+H Alt+H &Forward &Framåt Alt+F Alt+F &Back &Bakåt Alt+B Alt+B &Close &Stäng Alt+C Alt+C about:blank QgsHttpTransaction WMS Server responded unexpectedly with HTTP Status Code %1 (%2) WMS server gav oväntat svaret HTTP statuskod %1 (%2) HTTP response completed, however there was an error: %1 HTTP svar avklarat men det blev fel: %1 HTTP transaction completed, however there was an error: %1 HTTP utbyte avklarat men det blev fel: %1 Received %1 of %2 bytes Tog emot %1 av %2 bytes Received %1 bytes (total unknown) Tog emot %1 bytes (okänd totalsumma) Not connected Ej ansluten Looking up '%1' Slår upp '%1' Connecting to '%1' Ansluter till '%1' Sending request '%1' Skickar förfrågan '%1' Receiving reply Tar emot svar Response is complete Svaret är komplett Closing down connection Stänger anslutning Network timed out after %n second(s) of inactivity. This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. inactivity timeout Nätverket fick timeout efter %n sekunds inaktivitet. Detta kan vara ett problem med din nätverksanslutning eller WMS-servern. Nätverket fick timeout efter %n sekunders inaktivitet. Detta kan vara ett problem med din nätverksanslutning eller WMS-servern. QgsIDWInterpolatorDialogBase Dialog Dialog Distance coefficient P QgsIdentifyResults (Derived) (Härledd) Identify Results Identifiera Resultat Feature Objekt Value Värde (Actions) Edit feature form View feature form Attribute changes Zoom to feature Copy attribute value Kopiera attributvärde Copy feature attributes Kopiera attribut Expand all Collapse all Attribute changed Attribut ändrats Clear results Clear highlights Highlight all Highlight layer QgsIdentifyResultsBase Identify Results Identifiera Resultat QgsImageWarper Progress indication QgsInterpolationDialog Triangular interpolation (TIN) Triangulär interpolation Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) Omvänd avståndsviktning (IDW) No input data for interpolation Interpolationen saknar indata Please add one or more input layers Lägg till ett eller flera inlager Output file name invalid Ogiltigt namn på utfil Please enter a valid output file name Välj ett giltigt filnamn Break lines Dela linjer Structure lines Strukturlinjer Points Punkter Save interpolated raster as... Spara interpolerat raster som... QgsInterpolationDialogBase Interpolation plugin Insticksprogram för interpolation Input Indata Use z-Coordinate for interpolation Används z-koordinater för interpolering Vector layers Interpolation attribute Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort Vector layer Vektorlager Attribute Attribut Type Typ Output Utdata Interpolation method Interpoleringsmetod ... ... Number of columns Antal kolumner Number of rows Antal rader Cellsize X Cellsize Y X min X max Y min Y max Set to current extent Output file Utdatafil QgsInterpolationPlugin &Interpolation &Interpolering QgsItemPositionDialogBase Set item position Elementets position Item reference point Elementets referenspunkt Coordinates Koordinater x y Width Bredd Height Höjd Set Position Sätt position Close Stäng QgsLUDialogBase Enter class bounds Ange begränsningar Lower value Lägsta värde Upper value Högsta värde QgsLabelDialog Auto Auto QgsLabelDialogBase Form1 Formulär1 Preview: Förhandsvisning: QGIS Rocks! QGIS Rockar FETT! Font Typsnitt % % Transparency: Genomskinlighet: Size: Storlek: Above Ovanför Over Över Left Vänster Below Nedanför Label Properties Right Höger Above Right Ovanför Höger Below Right Nedanför Höger Above Left Ovanför Vänster Below Left Nedanför Vänster Placement Placering Field containing label Fält med etikett Default label Standardetikett Data defined buffer Datadefinierad buffert Data defined position Datadefinierad position Color Färg Angle (deg) Vinkel (grader) Buffer size Buffertstorlek Multiline labels? Flerraders etiketter? Font size Typsnittsstorlek In points In map units Transparency Offset X offset Y offset Advanced X Offset (pts) X-offset (punkter) Y Offset (pts) Y-offset (punkter) Basic label options Buffer labels Label only selected features Data defined placement Data defined properties &Font family &Typsnittsfamilj &Bold &Fet &Italic &Kursiv &Underline &Understruken &Size &Storlek Size units Storleksenheter Strikeout X Coordinate X-koordinat Y Coordinate Y-koordinat Use scale dependent rendering Använd skalberoende rendering Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum ° ° &Color Färg QgsLabelPropertyDialog Label font Font color Buffer color QgsLabelPropertyDialogBase Label properties Text Text Font Typsnitt Size Storlek Buffer Buffert Position Position Label distance X Coordinate X-koordinat Y Coordinate Y-koordinat Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Rotation QgsLabelingGui pt map units kartenheter Expression based label QgsLabelingGuiBase Layer labeling settings Label settings Minimum Maximum Formatted numbers Decimal places Show plus sign Advanced Options Inställningar Label every part of multi-part features Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels Add direction symbol Features don't act as obstacles for labels Wrap label on character Placement Placering around point over point parallel curved horizontal over centroid around centroid horizontal (slow) free (slow) using perimeter Label distance mm mm Rotation degrees above line on line below line Orientation Rotation Text style Font Typsnitt TextLabel TextEtikett ... ... Color Färg Buffer Buffert Size Storlek mm mm Sample Test Lorem Ipsum Font size Typsnittsstorlek In points In map units Priority Low High Scale-based visibility Enabled Vald Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Suppress labeling of features smaller than Engine settings In mm Line orientation dependent position Data defined settings Font properties Bold Italic Underline Font family Position Position X Coordinate X-koordinat Y Coordinate Y-koordinat Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment Strikeout Label this layer with Buffer properties Buffer size Buffertstorlek Buffer color QgsLegend group grupp &Remove Ta bort &Make to toplevel item &Gör till högst placerade sak Legend context Zoom to group &Set group CRS Re&name &Döp om &Add group L&ägg till grupp &Expand all &Expandera alla &Collapse all &Kollapsa alla &Update drawing order QgsLegendLayer &Zoom to layer extent &Zooma till lagrets utsträckning &Zoom to best scale (100%) &Zooma till bästa skala (100%) &Stretch using current extent &Show in overview Visa i &Översikt &Remove &Radera &Set layer CRS Set &project CRS from layer &Open attribute table &Öppna attributtabell Save as... Save selection as... &Query... Show feature count &Properties &Egenskaper Updating feature count for layer %1 Abort Avbryt QgsLegendModel Group QgsLinearlyScalingDialog Millimeter Millimeter Map units Kartenheter QgsLinearlyScalingDialogBase Form Formulär Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: Find maximum value Size Storlek Size unit QgsManageConnectionsDialog Load Läs in Save Spara Save connections XML files (*.xml *.XML) Select all Clear selection Select connections to import Import Importera Export Export/import error You should select at least one connection from list. Saving connections Cannot write file %1: %2. Loading connections Cannot read file %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 The file is not an WMS connections exchange file. The file is not an WFS connections exchange file. The file is not an PostGIS connections exchange file. Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? QgsManageConnectionsDialogBase Manage connections Select connections to export Browse Bläddra QgsMapCanvas Could not draw %1 because: %2 COMMENTED OUT Could not draw %1 because: %2 QgsMapCoordsDialog From map canvas QgsMapCoordsDialogBase Enter map coordinates Skriv kartkoordinater Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (dd mm, DD (dd.dd) or projected coordinates ( which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point. X: X: Y: Y: Snap to background layers QgsMapLayer %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 på rad %2 kolumn %3 style not found in database stil ej funnen i databasen Error: qgis element could not be found in %1 User database could not be opened. Användardatabasen kunde inte öppnas. The style table could not be created. Stiltabellen kunde inte skapas. The style %1 was saved to database Stilen %1 sparades till databasen The style %1 was updated in the database. Stilen %1 uppdaterades i databasen. The style %1 could not be updated in the database. Stilen %1 kunde inte uppdateras i databasen. The style %1 could not be inserted into database. Stilen %1 kunde inte infogas i databasen. Loading style file %1 failed because: %2 Inläsning av mallfil %1 misslyckades: %2 Specify CRS for layer %1 Could not save symbology because: %1 Kunde inte spara symbologi eftersom: %1 The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable! Biblioteket som innehåller ditt dataset måste vara skrivbart! Created default style file as %1 Skapa standardstil-fil med namn %1 ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. FEL: Kunde inte skapa förvald stilfil %1. Kontrollera filrättigheter och försök igen. QgsMapRenderer Transform error caught: %1 CRS CRS QgsMapToolAddFeature add feature Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer cannot be added to Lager kan inte läggas till The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. Datakälla för detta lager stödjer inte tillägg av objekt. Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Wrong editing tool Fel redigeringsverktyg Cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer Kan inte använda 'skapa punkt'-verktyget på detta lager Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem Feature added Objekt lades till Cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer Kan inte använda 'skapa linje'-verktyget på detta vektorlager Cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer Kan inte använda 'skapa polygon'-verktyget på detta vektorlager Error Fel Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type Kan inte lägga till objekt. Okänd WKB-typ The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type An error was reported during intersection removal QgsMapToolAddIsland Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Error, could not add island Fel, kunde inte lägga till ö Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem QgsMapToolAddPart Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. No feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute table Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added. Error. Could not add part. Part added Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem Selected feature is not multi part. New part's geometry is not valid. New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons. Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added. Selected geometry could not be found Error, could not add part QgsMapToolAddRing Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem Ring added Ring lades till A problem with geometry type occured Fel med geometrityp inträffade The inserted Ring is not closed Tillagd ring är inte sluten The inserted Ring is not a valid geometry Tillagd ring är inte en giltig geometri The inserted Ring crosses existing rings Tillagd ring skär befintliga ringar The inserted Ring is not contained in a feature Tillagd ring är inte innesluten i ett objekt An unknown error occured Okänt fel inträffade Error, could not add ring Fel, kunde inte lägga till ring QgsMapToolAddVertex Added vertex Nod lades till QgsMapToolCapture Validation started. Validation finished. QgsMapToolChangeLabelProperties Label properties changed QgsMapToolDeletePart Delete part Ta bort del This isn't a multipart geometry. Detta är inte en flerdelad geometri. Part of multipart feature deleted Del av flerdelad geometri togs bort Couldn't remove the selected part. Kunde inte ta bort vald del. QgsMapToolDeleteRing Ring deleted Ring togs bort QgsMapToolDeleteVertex Vertex deleted Nod togs bort QgsMapToolFeatureAction No active vector layer To run an action, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend No actions available The active vector layer has no defined actions No features at this position found. QgsMapToolIdentify (clicked coordinate) (vald koordinat) No active layer Inget aktivt lager To identify features, you must choose an active layer by clicking on its name in the legend För att identifiera objekt måste du välja aktivt lager genom att klicka på namnet i teckenförklaringen Identifying on %1... Identifying done. No features at this position found. Length Längd firstX attributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this one förstaX firstY förstaY lastX attributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this one sistaX lastY sistaY Area Area feature id new feature WMS layer Feature info Raster QgsMapToolMoveFeature Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Feature moved Objekt flyttades QgsMapToolMoveLabel Label moved QgsMapToolMoveVertex Vertex moved Nod flyttades QgsMapToolNodeTool Node tool Nodverktyg Feature was deleted on background. Objektet togs bort i bakgrunden. Inserted vertex Satte in nod QgsMapToolReshape Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem Reshape QgsMapToolRotateLabel Label rotated QgsMapToolRotatePointSymbols No point feature No point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Serch radius for vertex edits No rotation Attributes The active point layer does not have a rotation attribute Rotate symbol QgsMapToolSelect No active layer Inget aktivt lager To select features, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend För att välja objekt måste du välja ett vektoirlager genom att klicka på dess namn i teckenförklaringen CRS Exception Koordinatsystemfel Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. Valt område sträcker sig utanför lagrets koordinatsystem. QgsMapToolSimplify Geometry simplified Förenklade geometrin Unsupported operation Operationen stöds ej Multipart features are not supported for simplification. Flerdelade objekt kan inte förenklas. This feature cannot be simplified. Check if feature has enough vertices to be simplified. Detta objekt kan inte förenklas. Kontrollera om objektet har tillräckligt med noder för att kunna förenklas. QgsMapToolSplitFeatures Split error Fel vid delning An error occured during feature splitting Ett fel upstod när objektet skulle delas No feature split done Ingen delning av objekt gjordes Cannot edit the vector layer. Use 'Toggle Editing' to make it editable. Features split Objekt delades If there are selected features, the split tool only applies to the selected ones. If you like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection Om du har valt objekt, komerm delning bara ske av ed valda objekten. Om du vill dela alla objekt med delningslinjen, rensa valda objekt Not a vector layer Inte ett vektorlager The current layer is not a vector layer Nuvarande lager är inte ett vektorlager Layer not editable Lagret kan inte redigeras Coordinate transform error Koordinattransformeringsfel Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Kan inte transformera punkten till lagrets koordinatsystem Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts. The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. QgsMapToolVertexEdit Snap tolerance Fästtolerans Don't show this message again Visa inte detta meddelande igen Could not snap segment. Kunde inte fästa segment. Have you set the tolerance in Settings > Project Properties > General? Har du satt toleransen i Inställningar -> Projektegenskaper -> Allmänt? QgsMapserverExportBase Map file Kartfil Map Karta Name Namn Height Höjd Width Bredd Units Enheter Image type Bildtyp Forces labels on, regardless of collisions. Available only for cached labels. Check to allow MapServer to return data in GML format. Useful when used with WMS GetFeatureInfo operations. Force MapServer Export: Save project to MapFile Use current project LAYER information only Rendering Rendering The URL to the mapserver executable. For example: Inline Symbolset Use templates The file name of the fonts file. Fontset The file name of the symbols file. Layer/label options Should text be antialiased? Note that this requires more available colors, decreases drawing performance, and results in slightly larger output images. Anti-alias Can text run off the edge of the map? Partials Dump Paths MapServer url Header Sidhuvud Footer Sidfot Template Mall Name for the map file to be created from the QGIS project file Namnet på kartfilen som skall skapas av QGIS-projektfil If checked, only the layer information will be processed Om vald kommer bara lagerinformationen att hanteras Path to the MapServer template file Sökväg till MapServer mallfil Prefix attached to map, scalebar and legend GIF filenames created using this MapFile Prefix för karta, skala och teckenförklaringens GIF-filnamn skapade med denna kartfil. Det bör vara kort Full path to the QGIS project file to export to MapServer map format Hela sökvägen till QGIS-projektfil som skall exporteras till MapServer kartformat Browse... Bläddra... Save As... Spara som... meters dd feet miles inches kilometers QgsMeasureBase Measure Mät Total Segments Segment Ellipsoidal QgsMeasureDialog &New &Ny Segments (in meters) Segment (i meter) Segments (in feet) Segment (i fot) Segments (in degrees) Segment (i grader) Segments Segment QgsMeasureTool Incorrect measure results Felaktiga mätresultat <p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu. <p>Denna karta är definierad med ett geografisk koordinatsystem (latitud/longitud) men kartans utsträckning indikerar att det i själva verket är ett projicerat koordinatsystem (tex Mercator). Om det är så, kommer inte resultaten från linje- och areamätningar vara korrekt.</p><p>För att fixa detta, sätt rätt koordinatssystem i menyn<tt>Inställningar:Projektegenskaper</tt>. QgsMemoryProvider Whole number (integer) Decimal number (real) Text (string) QgsMergeAttributesDialog Id ID Merge Slå ihop feature %1 objekt %1 Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Median Median Sum Concatenation Ihopslagning Mean Medel QgsMergeAttributesDialogBase Merge feature attributes Slå ihop attribut Take attributes from selected feature Ta attribut från valda objekt Remove feature from selection Ta bort attribut från valt QgsMessageLogViewer QGIS Log No messages. %1 message(s) logged. General Allmänt Timestamp Message Level QgsMessageViewer QGIS Message QGIS-Meddelande Don't show this message again Visa inte detta meddelande igen QgsNewHttpConnection Save connection Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? QgsNewHttpConnectionBase Name Namn URL URL If the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional password Name of the new connection Namn för den nya anslutningen HTTP address of the Web Map Server HTTP adress för Web Map Server Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilities Ignore GetMap URI reported in capabilities Create a new WMS connection Skapa en ny WMS-anslutning Connection details Anslutningsdetaljer If the WMS requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional password Om WMS kräver enkel autentisering, skriv in användarnamn och eventuellt lösenord. &User name Password Lösenord QgsNewOgrConnection Test connection Testa anslutning Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 Anslutningen misslyckades - Kontrollera inställningarna och försök igen. Detaljerad felinformation: %1 Connection to %1 was successful Uppkoplingen till %1 lyckades Save connection Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? QgsNewOgrConnectionBase Create a New OGR Database connection Connection Information Anslutningsinformation Type Typ Save Password Spara lösenord &Test Connect Name Namn Host Dator Database Databas Port Port Username Användarnamn Password Lösenord Name of the new connection Namn för den nya anslutningen QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog Text data Whole number Decimal number New SpatiaLite Database File SpatiaLite (*.sqlite *.db ) SpatiaLite Database Unable to open the database Error Fel Failed to load SRIDS: %1 @ Registered new database! Unable to open the database: %1 Error Creating SpatiaLite Table Failed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned: %2 Error Creating Geometry Column Failed to create the geometry column. The database returned: %1 Error Creating Spatial Index Failed to create the spatial index. The database returned: %1 Invalid Layer Ogiltigt Lager %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 är ett ogiltigt lager och kan inte laddas. QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBase New Spatialite Layer Database Databas Create a new Spatialite database ... ... Layer name Lagernamn Name for the new layer Geometry column Geometrikolumn geometry Type Typ Point Punkt Line Linje Polygon Polygon MultiPoint Multiline Multilinje Multipolygon Multipolygon Remove attribute Spatial Reference Id Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Specificera koordinatsystemet för lagrets geometrier. Find SRID Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layer Create an autoincrementing primary key New attribute Nytt attribut Name Namn An attribute name Attributes list Add attribute to list Add to attributes list Delete selected attribute Ta bort valda attribut QgsNewVectorLayerDialog Text data Whole number Decimal number ESRI Shapefile Save As Spara som QgsNewVectorLayerDialogBase New Vector Layer Nytt vektorlager File format Filformat Type Typ Point Punkt Line Linje Polygon Polygon New attribute Nytt attribut Name Namn Width Bredd Precision Precision Remove attribute Add attribute to list Add to attributes list Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Specificera koordinatsystemet för lagrets geometrier. Specify CRS Specificera CRS Attributes list Delete selected attribute Ta bort valda attribut QgsNorthArrowPlugin Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger &North Arrow &Nordpil Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas Skapar en nordpil som visas på kartbladet &Decorations &Dekoreringar North arrow pixmap not found Hittade inte nordpilens pixmap QgsNorthArrowPluginGui Pixmap not found Hittade inte pixmap QgsNorthArrowPluginGuiBase North Arrow Plugin Nordpilplugin Angle Vinkel Placement Placering Set direction automatically Sätt riktning automatiskt Enable North Arrow Aktivera nordpil Placement on screen Placering på skärmen Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Left Nere till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Preview of north arrow Förhandsvy av nordpil QgsOGRSublayersDialog Layer ID Layer name Lagernamn Nb of features Geometry type Geometrityp QgsOGRSublayersDialogBase Select layers to load 1 1 QgsOSMDataProvider Open Street Map format QgsOfflineEditing Could not open the spatialite database Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Could not create a new database Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints Unknown data type %1 QGIS wkbType %1 not supported %v / %m features copied %v / %m features processed %v / %m fields added %v / %m features added %v / %m features removed %v / %m feature updates %v / %m feature geometry updates Offline Editing Plugin Could not open the spatialite logging database QgsOfflineEditingPlugin Convert to offline project Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project &Offline Editing Synchronize Synchronize offline project with remote layers QgsOfflineEditingPluginGui Select target database for offline data SpatiaLite DB(*.sqlite);;All files(*.*) Offline Editing Plugin Converting to offline project. Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite? QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBase Create offline project Offline data Browse... Select remote layers Show only editable layers QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialog Layer %1 of %2.. QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBase Dialog Dialog TextLabel TextEtikett QgsOgrLayerItem Couldn't open file %1.prj OGR Couldn't open file %1.qpj QgsOgrProvider Data source is invalid (%1) OGR Whole number (integer) Decimal number (real) Text (string) OGR[%1] error %2: %3 Read attempt on an invalid OGR data source OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2 type %1 for attribute %2 not found OGR error creating feature %1: %2 type %1 for field %2 not found OGR error creating field %1: %2 OGR error deleting field %1: %2 Deleting fields is not supported prior to GDAL 1.9.0 OGR error on feature %1: id too large Feature %1 for attribute update not found. Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist. Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown. OGR error setting feature %1: %2 OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not found OGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2 OGR error in feature %1: geometry is null OGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2 OGR error deleting feature %1: %2 Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only. QgsOpenRasterDialog Choose a name of the raster Error Fel The selected file is not a valid raster file. Vald fil är iinte en giltig rasterfil. Choose a name for the modified raster -modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name -modifierad Open raster Raster file: Rasterfil: ... ... Save raster as: QgsOpenVectorLayerDialog Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer Öppna ett vektorlager som OGR stödjer Open Directory Öppna katalog Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? Confirm Delete Bekräfta borttagning Add vector layer Lägg till vektorlager No database selected. Password for Lösenord för Please enter your password: Skriv in ditt lösenord: No protocol URI entered. No layers selected. No directory selected. QgsOpenVectorLayerDialogBase Add vector layer Lägg till vektorlager Source type Typ av källa File Fil Directory Katalog Database Databas Protocol Protokoll Encoding Type Typ URI URI Source Källa Dataset Dataset Browse Bläddra Connections Anslutningar New Ny Edit Redigera Delete Ta bort QgsOptions Semi transparent circle Halvgenomskinlig cirkel Cross Kors Detected active locale on your system: %1 Hittade aktiv lokalisering för ditt system: %1 Current layer Top down, stop at first Top down Show all features Show selected features Show features in current canvas To vertex To segment To vertex and segment None Ingen Off QGIS QGIS GEOS Selection color Färg för valda Choose a directory Välj en katalog map units kartenheter pixels pixlar Central point (fastest) Mittpunkt (snabbast) Chain (fast) Kedja (snabb) Popmusic tabu chain (slow) Popmusic tabu (slow) Popmusic chain (very slow) QgsOptionsBase Hide splash screen at startup Göm splashfönstret vid start Map display will be updated (drawn) after this many features have been read from the data source Kartbilden kommer att uppdateras efter att såhär många objekt har lästs från datakällan ... ... Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance Får linjer att se mindre hackiga ut, men utritningen går något långsammare By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed N&ya lager som läggs till kartan skall normalt visas Measure tool Mätverktyg Select Global Default ... Välj globala standardinställningar... Fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons Fixa problem med polygoner som fylls på ett felaktigt sätt % % Panning and zooming Flyttning och zoomning Zoom Zooma Zoom and recenter Zooma och centrera Nothing Ingenting General Allmänt Locale Lokalisering Locale to use instead Lokalisering att användas istället Additional Info Mer information Detected active locale on your system: Hittade aktiv lokalisering för ditt system: Rubberband Gummiband Line width in pixels Linjebredd i pixlar Snapping Fästning Selecting this will unselect the 'make lines less' jagged toggle Markerar du denna kommer 'Gör linjer mindre hackiga' att avmarkeras Digitizing Digitalisering Project files Projektfiler Prompt to save project changes when required Fråga om projektet skall sparas när det behövs Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Varna när en projektifl som sparades med en äldre version av QGIS öppnas Default Map Appearance (overridden by project properties) Standard kartutseende (projektinställningar har större vikt) Selection color Färg för valda Background color Bakgrundsfärg &Application &Applikation Icon theme &Ikontema Capitalise layer names in legend Stor första bokstav på lagernamn i översikten Display classification attribute names in legend Visa klassificeringsattribut i översikten Create raster icons in legend Open identify results in a dock window (QGIS restart required) Open attribute table in a dock window Öppna attributtabell i dockat fönster Add PostGIS layers with double click and select in extended mode Lägg till PostGIS-lager med dubbelklick och välj i utökad mod Attribute table behaviour Rendering behavior Renderingsuppträdande Number of features to draw before updating the display Antal objekt som ritas innan skärmen ritas om <b>Note:</b> Use zero to prevent display updates until all features have been rendered <b>Not</b> Sätt till 0 för att inte uppdatera förrän alla objekt har lästs Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws Rendering quality Renderingskvalitet SVG paths Path(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols Decimal places Keep base unit Timeout for network requests (ms) Compatibility Application Style <i>(QGIS restart required)</i> Icon size 16 16 24 24 32 32 Menu size Double click action in legend Open layer properties Open attribute table Show tips at start up Open snapping options in a dock window (QGIS restart required) Open attribute table in a dock window (QGIS restart required) Add new layers to selected or current group Attribute table row cache Representation for NULL values GDAL GDAL Drivers In some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use. Plugins Insticksprogram Plugin paths Path(s) to search for additional C++ plugins libraries Rendering Rendering Use new generation symbology for rendering Preferred angle units Degrees Radians Gon Zoom to mouse cursor Zooma till pekare Zoom factor Zoom-faktor Mouse wheel action Mushjulets kommando Overlays Placement algorithm Other settings Reuse last entered attribute values Validate geometries Default Coordinate Reference System for new projects Enable 'on the &fly' reprojection by default Select... Always start new projects with this CRS Coordinate Reference System for new layers When a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Network Exclude URLs (starting with) Cache settings Directory Katalog Size Storlek Clear Radera WMS search address Open feature form, if a single feature is identified Rubberband color Färg på gummiband Ellipsoid for distance calculations Ellipsoid för avståndsberäkningar Preferred measurements units Mätenheter som föredras Meters Meter Feet Feet Identify Identifiera <b>Note:</b> Specify the search radius as a percentage of the map width <b>Not</b> Specificiera sökradier i procent av kartbladets bredd Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips Sökradie för identifiering av objekt och för att visa karttips Mode Läge Line width Linjebredd Default snap mode Standard fästmetod Vertex markers Nod markör Show markers only for selected features Visa markör bara för valda objekt Marker style Markörstil Marker size Markörstorlek Map tools CRS CRS Prompt for CRS Fråga efter CRS Project wide default CRS will be used Projektets standard-CRS används Global default CRS displa&yed below will be used Övergripande standard CRS som visas nedan används Override system locale Forcera systemlokalisering <b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing overide on local requires an application restart <b>Not</b> Det krävs omstart av applikationen för att ändra systemets lokalisering. Use proxy for web access Används proxy för åtkomst av web Host Dator Port Port User Användare Leave this blank if no proxy username / password are required Låt det vara tomt om inget proxy användarnamn / lösenord används Password Lösenord Enter attribute values Ange attributvärden Options Inställningar Line color Default snapping tolerance Search radius for vertex edits Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature Förhindra att attributfönster visas efter varje skapat objekt Prompt for &CRS Use &project CRS Use default CRS displa&yed below Proxy type Mellanvärdstyp Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort Overlay Överlager Position Position map units kartenheter pixels pixlar QgsOraclePlugin Add Oracle GeoRaster Layer... Add a Oracle Spatial GeoRaster... QgsOracleSelectGeoraster Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? Confirm Delete Bekräfta borttagning Password for %1/<password>@%2 Please enter your password: Skriv in ditt lösenord: Open failed The connection to %1 failed. Please verify your connection parameters. Make sure you have the GDAL GeoRaster plugin installed. QgsPGConnectionItem Failed to retrieve layers Edit... Redigera... Delete QgsPGRootItem New... QgsPGSchemaItem %1 as %2 in %3 as geometryless table QgsPasteTransformations &Add New Transfer QgsPasteTransformationsBase Paste Transformations Klista in transformationer <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> <b>OBS: Denna funktion är ännu ej användbar!</b> Source Källa Destination Mål QgsPenCapStyleComboBox Square Flat Round QgsPenJoinStyleComboBox Bevel Miter Round QgsPenStyleComboBox Solid Line Dash Line Dot Line Dash Dot Line Dash Dot Dot Line No Pen QgsPgGeoprocessing Buffer features in layer %1 Buffra objekt i lager %1 Error connecting to the database Fel vid anslutning mot databas &Buffer features &Buffra objekt &Geoprocessing &Geoprocessing Unable to add geometry column Kunde inte lägga till geometrikolumn Unable to create table Kunde inte skapa tabell No GEOS support Finns inget GEOS-stöd Buffer function requires GEOS support in PostGIS Buffringsfunktion kräver GEOS-stöd i PostGIS No Active Layer Inget aktivt lager You must select a layer in the legend to buffer Du måset välja ett lager i innehållsförteckningen som du vill buffra Not a PostgreSQL/PostGIS Layer Inte ett PostgrSQL/PostGIS lager QgsPgNewConnection disable tillåt ej allow tillåt prefer föredra require kräv Saving passwords WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. Save connection Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Test connection Testa anslutning Connection to %1 was successful Uppkoplingen till %1 lyckades Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 Anslutningen misslyckades - Kontrollera inställningarna och försök igen. Detaljerad felinformation: %1 QgsPgNewConnectionBase Create a New PostGIS connection Skapa en ny PostGIS-anslutning Connection Information Anslutningsinformation Name Namn Host Dator Database Databas Port Port Username Användarnamn Password Lösenord Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. <html> <body> <p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p> <p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p> <p>1) Row count is determined from table statistics obtained from running the PostgreSQL table analyse function.</p> <p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p> <p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p> </body> </html> Use estimated table metadata SSL mode SSL mod Name of the new connection 5432 5432 Save Username Save Password Spara lösenord &Test Connect Service Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the geometry_columns table Begränsa visade tabeller till de som finns i tabellen geometry_columns Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the geometry_columns table. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. Begränsa visade tabeller till de som finns i tabellen geometry_columns. Detta kan göra första visningen av rumsliga tabeller snabbare. Only look in the geometry_columns table Leta bara i tabellen över 'geometry_columns' Restrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns table Begränsa sökningen till det allmäna schemat för de rumsliga tabeller som inte finns i tabellen geometry_columns When searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time) Sökning för rumsliga tabveller som inte finns i tabellen geometri_kolumner begränsa sökningen till tabeller som finns i det allmäna schemat (för vissa databaser sparar detta mycket tid) Only look in the 'public' schema Leta bara i 'public' schema Also list tables with no geometry QgsPgSourceSelect &Add L&ägg till &Build query Build query Skapa fråga Load connections Wildcard Jokertecken RegExp Reguljäruttryck All Alla Schema Schema Table Tabell Type Typ Geometry column Geometrikolumn Primary key column SRID SRID Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? Confirm Delete XML files (*.xml *XML) Select Table Välj tabell You must select a table in order to add a layer. Du måste välja en tabell för att lägga till ett lager. Stop Stanna Postgres/PostGIS Provider Could not open the Postgres/PostGIS Provider Connect Anslut Connection failed Anslutningen avbröts Connection to %1 on %2 failed. Either the database is down or your settings are incorrect. Check your username and password and try again. The database said: %3 Anslutningen till %1 på %2 misslyckades. Antingen är databasen nere eller så är dina inställningar felaktiga. Kontrollera ditt användarnamn och lösenord och försök igen. Databasen svarade: %3 Accessible tables could not be determined Åtkomliga tabeller kunder inte avgöras Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Databasanslutningen lyckades, men åtkomliga tabeller kunde inte bestämmas. Felet från databasen var: %1 No accessible tables found Inga åtkomliga tabeller funna Database connection was successful, but no accessible tables were found. Please verify that you have SELECT privilege on a table carrying PostGIS geometry. Databasanslutningen lyckades, men åtkomliga tabeller kunde hittas. Kontrollera att du har rättigheter för att göra SELECT på en tabell med PostGIS-geometrier. QgsPgSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS Table(s) Lägg till PostGIS-tabell(er) PostgreSQL Connections PostgreSQL-anslutningar Edit Redigera New Ny Connect Anslut Search Sök Build query Skapa fråga QgsPgSourceSelectDelegate Select... QgsPgTableModel Schema Schema Table Tabell Type Typ Geometry column Geometrikolumn SRID SRID Primary key column Select at id Sql Sql Detecting... Select... Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). Enter... QgsPluginInstaller QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Installerare för Python-insticksprogram Couldn't open the local plugin directory Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist: Failed to remove the directory: Check permissions or remove it manually Fetch Python Plugins... Install more plugins from remote repositories Looking for new plugins... QGIS Plugin Installer update The Plugin Installer has been updated. Please restart QGIS prior to using it QGIS Plugin Conflict: The Plugin Installer has detected an obsolete plugin which masks a newer version shipped with this QGIS version. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Please use the Plugin Installer to remove that older plugin in order to unmask the newer version shipped with this copy of QGIS. There is a new plugin available There is a plugin update available Error reading repository: QgsPluginInstallerDialog QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Installerare för Python-insticksprogram all repositories alla centralkataloger Install/upgrade plugin Installera/uppgradera insticksprogram Error reading repository: connected This repository is connected unavailable This repository is enabled, but unavailable disabled This repository is disabled This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your Quantum GIS version orphans any status not installed installed upgradeable and news This plugin is not installed This plugin is installed This plugin is installed, but there is an updated version available This plugin is installed, but I can't find it in any enabled repository This plugin is not installed and is seen for the first time This plugin is installed and is newer than its version available in a repository This plugin is incompatible with your Quantum GIS version and probably won't work. The required Python module is not installed. For more information, please visit its homepage and Quantum GIS wiki. This plugin seems to be broken. It has been installed but can't be loaded. Here is the error message: upgradeable new! invalid Note that it's an uninstallable core plugin installed version available version That's the newest available version There is no version available for download This plugin is broken This plugin requires a newer version of Quantum GIS at least This plugin requires a missing module only locally available - %d plugins available Install plugin Reinstall plugin Upgrade plugin Downgrade plugin Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer! Plugin installation failed Plugin has disappeared The plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory. Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue. Plugin installed successfully Python plugin installed. Now you need to enable it in Plugin Manager. Plugin reinstalled successfully Python plugin reinstalled. You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. The plugin is designed for a newer version of Quantum GIS. The minimum required version is: The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it: The plugin is broken. Python said: Plugin uninstall failed Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin? Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository! Plugin Installer update uninstalled. Plugin Installer will now close and revert to its primary version. You can find it in the Plugins menu and continue operation. Plugin Installer update uninstalled. Please restart QGIS in order to load its primary version. Plugin uninstalled successfully Python plugin uninstalled. Note that you may need to restart Quantum GIS in order to remove it completely. You are about to add several plugin repositories that are neither authorized nor supported by the Quantum GIS team. Plugin authors generally make efforts to ensure that their work is useful and safe, however, we can assume no responsibility for them. Unable to add another repository with the same URL! Are you sure you want to remove the following repository? QgsPluginInstallerDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Installerare för Python-insticksprogram Plugins Insticksprogram List of available and installed plugins Tillgängliga och installerade insticksprogram Filter: Filter: Display only plugins containing this word in their metadata Visa bara insticksprogram med detta ord i dess metadata Display only plugins from given repository Visa bara insticksprogrma för vald centralkatalog all repositories alla centralkataloger Display only plugins with matching status Visa bara insticksprogram med överensstämmande status Status Status Name Namn Version Version Description Beskrivning Author Författare Repository Centralkatalog Upgrade all Install, reinstall or upgrade the selected plugin Installera, ominstallera eller uppgradera valt insticksprogram Install/upgrade plugin Installera/uppgradera insticksprogram Uninstall the selected plugin Avinstallera valt insticksprogram Uninstall plugin Avinstallera insticksprogram Repositories Centralkataloger List of plugin repositories Lista med centralkataloger för insticksprogram URL URL Add the contributed repository to the list Add the contributed repository Remove depreciated repositories from the list Delete depreciated repositories Check for updates on startup Kontroller uppdateringar vid start Add third party plugin repositories to the list Lägg till centrlakatalog för tredjeparsinsticksprogram Add 3rd party repositories Lägg till tredje parts centralkatalog Add a new plugin repository Lägg till en ny centralkatalog för insticksprogram Add... Lägg till ... Edit the selected repository Redigera vald centralkatalog Edit... Redigera... Remove the selected repository Ta bort vald centralkatalog Delete Ta bort The plugins will be installed to ~/.qgis/python/plugins Insticksprogramen installeras i ~/.qgis/python/plugins Close the Installer window Stäng installerarens fönster Close Stäng Options Inställningar Configuration of the plugin installer every time QGIS starts once a day every 3 days every week every 2 weeks every month <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, Quantum GIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Installer window.</p></body></html> Allowed plugins Only show plugins from the official repository Show all plugins except those marked as experimental Show all plugins, even those marked as experimental <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html> Help Hjälp QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog Success Resolving host name... Connecting... Ansluter... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... Hämtar data... Idle Closing connection... Error Fel QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBase Fetching repositories Hämta centralkataloger Overall progress: Förluten tid: Abort fetching Avbryt hämtning Repository Centralkatalog State Tillstånd QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog Installing... Resolving host name... Connecting... Ansluter... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... Hämtar data... Idle Closing connection... Error Fel Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory: Aborted by user QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Installerare för Python-insticksprogram Installing plugin: Installerar insticksprogram Connecting... Ansluter... QgsPluginInstallerOldReposBase Plugin Installer The Plugin Installer has detected that your copy of QGIS is configured to use a number of plugin repositories around the world. It was a typical situation in older versions of the program, but from the version 1.5, external plugins are collected in one central Contributed Repository, and all the old repositories are not necessary any more. Do you want to drop them now? If you're unsure what to do, probably you don't need them. However, if you choose to keep them in use, you will be able to remove them manually later. Remove Ta bort Disable Keep Ask me later QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog no error message received QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBase Error loading plugin Fel vid läsning av insticksprogram The plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below: Insticksprogrmaet verkar ha ouppfyllda krav eller annars vara felaktigt. Det har installerats, men akn ej läsas in. Om du vekrligen behöver detta insticksprogram kan du kontakta författaren via <a href="">QGIS användargrupp</a> och försöka få hjälp. Om det inte går, kan du enkelt avinstallera programet. Nedan följer felmedelandet: Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this. Vill du avinstallera instickprogramet? Om du är osäker är det antagligen en bra idé. QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBase Repository details Centralkatalogens detaljer Name: Namn: Enter a name for the repository Skriv in ett namn för centralkatalogen URL: URL: Enter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" Skriv in centralkatalogens URL, med början "http://" Enable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted) Välj eller välj bort centralkataloger (bortvald centralkatalog kommer att hoppas över) Enabled Vald QgsPluginManager No Plugins Inga insticksprogram &Select All Välj alla &Clear All Radera allla Plugins Insticksprogram [ incompatible ] [ inkompatibel ] Installed in %1 menu/toolbar No QGIS plugins found in %1 Inga QGIS-insticksprogram hittades i %1 Error Fel Failed to open plugin installer! Kunde inte öppna installeraren för insticksprogram! QgsPluginManagerBase QGIS Plugin Manager QGIS Insticksprogramhanterare To enable / disable a plugin, click its checkbox or description För att aktivera/avaktiver ett insticksprogram, klicka i kryssrutan eller på beskrivningen &Filter &Filter Plugin Directory: Katalog för insticksprogram: Directory Katalog Plugin Installer QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidget None Ingen Label Font Circle color Label color The point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers. '%1' is not a point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBase Form Formulär Center symbol: Renderer: Renderer settings... Displacement circles Circle pen width: Circle color: Circle radius modification: Point distance tolerance: Labels Etiketter Label attribute: Label font... Label color: Use scale dependent labelling max scale denominator: QgsPostgresConn Connection to database failed PostGIS error in setting encoding undefined return value from encoding setting Your database has no working PostGIS support. Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support ( SQL:%1 result:%2 error:%3 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Database connection was successful, but no accessible tables were found. Please verify that you have SELECT privilege on a table carrying PostGIS geometry. Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database Retrieval of postgis version failed Could not parse postgis version string '%1' Errornous query: %1 returned %2 [%3] Query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer Not logged query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer Query: %1 returned %2 [%3] %1 cursor states lost. SQL: %2 Result: %3 (%4) resetting bad connection. retry after reset succeeded. retry after reset failed again. connection still bad after reset. bad connection, not retrying. Point Punkt Line Linje Polygon Polygon No Geometry Unknown Multipoint Multipunkt Multiline Multilinje Multipolygon Multipolygon Unknown Geometry QgsPostgresProvider Unable to access relation Kunde inte komma åt relation No suitable key column in table Ingen lämplig nyckelkolumn i tabellen and och Unable to find a key column Kunde inte hita nyckelkolumn and is suitable. och passar. and has a suitable constraint) och har passande begränsning) and does not have a suitable constraint) och har inte en passande begränsning) No suitable key column in view Ingen passande nyckelkolumn i vyn Unknown geometry type Okänd geometrityp Unable to get feature type and srid Kunde inte få objekttyp och srid Error while adding features Fel vid tillägg av objekt No GEOS Support! Inget stöd för GEOS! Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support ( Din PostGIS-nistallation har inte stöd för GEOS.Val av objekt och identifiering kommer inte fungera.Installera PostGIS med GEOS-stöd ( Duplicate field %1 found PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash (or you are connected to a (read-only) slave). Write accesses will be denied. Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Error while deleting features Fel vid borttagning av objekt Error while adding attributes Fel vid tillägg av attribut Error while deleting attributes Fel vid borttagning av attribut Error while changing attributes Fel vid ändring av attribut Error while changing geometry values Fel vid ändring av gemotrin unexpected PostgreSQL error oväntat PostgreSQL-fel Whole number (integer - 32bit) Whole number (integer - 64bit) Text, limited variable length (varchar) Text, unlimited length (text) Unable to access the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Whole number (smallint - 16bit) invalid PostgreSQL layer PostGIS Decimal number (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Decimal number (real) Decimal number (double) Text, fixed length (char) Couldn't get the feature geometry in binary form Read attempt on an invalid postgresql data source nextFeature() without select() Fetching from cursor %1 failed Database error: %2 feature %1 not found found %1 features instead of just one. unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2 The custom query is not a select query. The table has no column suitable for use as a key. Quantum GIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables. Unexpected relation type '%1'. PostGIS error while adding features: %1 PostGIS error while deleting features: %1 PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1 PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1 PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1 PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1 result of extents query invalid: %1 Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2) QgsProject Unable to open %1 Kan inte öppna %1 Project File Read Error %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 på rad %2 kolumn %3 Project file read error: %1 at line %2 column %3 Fel vid läsning av projektfil %1 på rad %2, kolumn %3 %1 for file %2 %1 för fil %2 Unable to save to file %1 Kan ej spara till fil %1 %1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again. %1 är inte skrivbar. Justera rättigheter (om möjligt) och försök igen. Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again. Kunde inte spara till fil %1. Ditt projekt kan vara felaktigt sparat. Försök frigöra disk-utrymme och kontrollera filrättigheter innan du försöker igen. QgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandler Ignore QGIS Project Read Error QGIS-projekt läsfel Unable to open one or more project layers. Choose ignore to continue loading without the missing layers. Choose cancel to return to your pre-project load state. Choose OK to try to find the missing layers. QgsProjectProperties Layer Lager Type Typ Identifiable Vector WMS Raster Coordinate System Restriction No coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction. Selection color Färg för valda CRS %1 was already selected Coordinate System Restrictions The current selection of coordinate systems will be lost. Proceed? QgsProjectPropertiesBase Project Properties Projektegenskaper Meters Meter Feet Feet Decimal degrees Decimalgrader Default project title Standardtitel för projekt General Allmänt General settings absolute relative Save paths Layer units (only used when CRS transformation is disabled) Lagrens enhet (används bara när koordinattransformation är avslagen) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Precision Precision Automatically sets the number of decimal places in the mouse position display Sätter automatisk antal decimaler vid visning av musens position The number of decimal places that are used when displaying the mouse position is automatically set to be enough so that moving the mouse by one pixel gives a change in the position display Antalet decimaler som används vid visning av musens position sätts automatisk så att en förändring av musens läge med en pixel ändrar visad position Automatic Automatisk Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display Sätter antal decimaler vid visning av musens position Manual Manuell The number of decimal places for the manual option Antal decimaler vid val 'manuell' decimal places decimaler WMS Server Service Capabilitities Title Titel Person Phone Abstract Sammanfattning E-Mail Organization Online resource Advertised Extent Min. X Min. Y Max. X Max. Y Use Current Canvas Extent Coordinate Systems Restrictions Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort Used Add WKT geometry to feature info response Digitizing Digitalisering Identifiable layers Layer Lager Type Typ Identifiable Descriptive project name Projektbeskrivning Enable topological editing Tillåt topologisk redigering Snapping options... Val för fästning... Project title Projekttitel Selection color Färg för valda Background color Bakgrundsfärg Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Koordinaternas referenssystem (CRS) Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation Aktivera omedelbar koordinattransformation QgsProjectionSelector All Alla User Defined Coordinate Systems Användardefinierade koordinatsystem Geographic Coordinate Systems Geografiska koordinatsystem Projected Coordinate Systems Projicerade koordinatsystem Resource Location Error Resusrsfel Error reading database file from: %1 Because of this the projection selector will not work... Fel vid läsning av databasen: %1 Därför fungerar inte projektionsväljaren... QgsProjectionSelectorBase Search Sök Hide deprecated CRSs Find Hitta Recently used coordinate references systems Name Namn Coordinate Reference System Selector Koordinatsystemsväljare Filter Coordinate Reference System Koordinaternas referenssystem Authority ID ID ID Coordinate reference systems of the world QgsQueryBuilder &Test &Clear No Query Ingen fråga You must create a query before you can test it Du måste skapa en fråga innan dukan testa den Query Result Frågeresultat The where clause returned %n row(s). returned test rows Query Failed Frågan Misslyckades An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: %1 Error in Query Fel i frågan The subset string could not be set QgsQueryBuilderBase Query Builder Frågebyggare Datasource Datakälla Fields Fält <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html> Lista med fält i vektorfil Values Värden <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html> List med värden för nuvarande fält. <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html> Ta ett utsnitt av poster i vektorfilen Sample Test <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html> Ta alla poster ur vektorfilen (om det är en stor tabell, kan det ta tid) All Alla Operators Operatorer = = < < NOT NOT OR OR AND AND % % IN IN NOT IN NOT IN != != > > LIKE LIKE ILIKE ILIKE >= >= <= <= SQL where clause SQL where-sats QgsQuickPrint km km mm mm cm cm m m miles eng. mil mile eng. mil inches tum foot fot feet fot degree grader degrees grader unknown obekant Please wait while your report is generated COMMENTED OUT bortkommenterad QgsRasterCalcDialog Enter result file Expression valid Expression invalid QgsRasterCalcDialogBase Raster calculator Raster bands Result layer Output layer ... ... Current layer extent X min XMax Y min Y max Columns Kolumner Rows Rader Output format Add result to project Operators Operatorer + + * * sqrt sin ^ acos ( - - / / cos asin tan atan ) ) < < > > = = OR OR AND AND <= <= >= >= Raster calculator expression QgsRasterDataProvider Identify Identifiera Build Pyramids Band Band QgsRasterLayer Not Set Inte satt Could not reproject view extent: %1 Raster Could not reproject layer extent: %1 Driver: Drivrutin: Dimensions: Dimensioner: Origin: Origo: Pixel Size: Pixelstorlek: Pyramid overviews: Pyramidöversikter: Band Band Band No Bandnr No Stats Ingen statistik No stats collected yet Ingen statistik har samlats in Min Val MinVärde Max Val MaxVärde Range Intervall Mean Medel Sum of squares Kvadratsumma Standard Deviation Standardavvikelse Sum of all cells Summa av alla celler Cell Count Cellantal Failed to load provider %1 (Reason: %2) Cannot resolve the classFactory function Cannot to instantiate the data provider Data provider is invalid (layers %1, styles %2, formats: %3) <maplayer> not found. GDAL data type %1 is not supported Data Type: Datatyp: GDT_Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer GDT_Byte - Åttabitars ickenegativt heltal GDT_UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer GDT_UInt16 - Sextonbitars ickenegativt heltal GDT_Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer GDT_Int16 - Sextonbitars heltal GDT_UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer GDT_UInt32 - Trettiotvåbitars ickenegativt heltal GDT_Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer GDT_Int32 - Trettiotvåbitars heltal GDT_Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDT_Float32 - Trettiotvåbitars flyttal GDT_Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point GDT_Float64 - Sextiofyrabitars flyttal GDT_CInt16 - Complex Int16 GDT_CInt16 - Komplex Int16 GDT_CInt32 - Complex Int32 GDT_CInt32 - Komplex Int32 GDT_CFloat32 - Complex Float32 GDT_CFloat32 - Komplex Float32 GDT_CFloat64 - Complex Float64 GDT_CFloat64 - Komplex Float64 Could not determine raster data type. Kunde inte bestämma rastertyp. Average Magphase Average Magphase Average Average Dataset Description Beskrivning av dataset No Data Value Inget datavärde Layer Spatial Reference System: Lagrets Spatial Reference System: Layer Extent (layer original source projection): Project Spatial Reference System: Projektets Spatial Reference System: out of extent utanför utsträckning null (no data) null (ingen data) NoDataValue not set Inget datavärde ej satt Band %1 Band %1 X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 X: %1 Y: %2 Band: %3 QgsRasterLayer created QgsRasterLayer skapat Retrieving stats for %1 Hämtar statistik för %1 Calculating stats for %1 Beräknar statistik för %1 QgsRasterLayerProperties Grayscale Gråskala Pseudocolor Pseudofärg Freak Out Freak Out Not Set Inte satt Columns: Kolumner: Rows: Rader: No-Data Value: Inget datavärde: n/a --- Write access denied Skrivåtkomst nekad Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrivåtkomst nekad. Justera filrättigheterna och försök igen. Building pyramids failed. Kunde ej skapa pyramider. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. Denna typ av raster stödjer ej att bygga pyramider. No Stretch Ingen utsträckning Stretch To MinMax Sträck ut till min/max Stretch And Clip To MinMax Sträck ut och klipp vid min/max Clip To MinMax Klipp till min/max Discrete Diskret Equal interval Jämna intervall Quantiles Kvantiler Red Röd Value Värde Color Färg Label Etikett Layer Properties - %1 Green Grön Blue Blå Percent Transparent Procent genomskinlighet Gray Grå Indexed Value Indexerat värde Note: Minimum Maximum values are estimates, user defined, or calculated from the current extent User Defined Användardefinerad No-Data Value: Not Set Inget datavärde ej satt Save file Spara fil Textfile (*.txt) Textfil (*.txt) QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File Fil med genomskinliga pixlars värde skapad av QGIS Band %1 Band %1 Choose a file name to save the map image as Välj ett filnamn att spara kartbilden som Open file Öppna fil Import Error Fel vid import out of extent utanför utsträckning The following lines contained errors Nedanstående rader innehöll fel Read access denied Läsåtkomst nekad Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Läsåtkomst nekad. Justera filrättigheterna och försök igen. Color Ramp Färgökning Description Beskrivning Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. Raster med hög upplösning kan sinka navigeringen i QGIS. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. Genom att skapa kopior med lägre upplösning (pyramider) kan prestanda avsevärt förbättras, genom att QGIS väljer den lämpligaste upplösningen beroende på zoom-nivå. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. Du måste ha skrivrättigheter i biblioteket som den ursprungliga datan ligger för att kunna bygga pyramider. Colormap Färgkarta Linear Linjär Exact Exakt Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed! Den ursprungliga datafilen kan ändras när du bygger pyramider, och de kan ej tas bort efter de har skapats. Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first! Din bild kan förstöras när du bygger pyramider. Ta alltid backup FÖRST! The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Filen var inte skrivbar. Vissa format stödjer inte pyramider. Kontrollera med GDAL-dokumentation om du är osäker. Custom color map entry Anpassad färgkarta fält QGIS Generated Color Map Export File QGIS-genererad fil för export av färgkarta Load Color Map Läs in färgkarta Default Style Standardstil QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) QGIS lager stilfil (*.qml) Saved Style Sparad stil QGIS QGIS Note: Minimum Maximum values are actual values computed from the band(s) Not: Min-Max-värden är verkliga värden beräknade från bandet/banden <h3>Multiband Image Notes</h3><p>This is a multiband image. You can choose to render it as grayscale or color (RGB). For color images, you can associate bands to colors arbitarily. For example, if you have a seven band landsat image, you may choose to render it as:</p><ul><li>Visible Blue (0.45 to 0.52 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Visible Green (0.52 to 0.60 microns) - not mapped</li></li>Visible Red (0.63 to 0.69 microns) - mapped to red in image</li><li>Near Infrared (0.76 to 0.90 microns) - mapped to green in image</li><li>Mid Infrared (1.55 to 1.75 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Thermal Infrared (10.4 to 12.5 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Mid Infrared (2.08 to 2.35 microns) - mapped to blue in image</li></ul> COMMENTED OUT <h3>Multibandbild</h3><p>Detta är en multibandbild. Du kan visa den i gråskala eller färg (RGB). För färgbilder kan du associera band med godtyckliga färger. Till exempel, om du har en 7-bands landsatbild så kan du välja att rendera den som:</p><ul><li>Synligt Blått (0.45 till 0.52 mikroner) - inte associerad</li><li>Synligt Grönt (0.52 till 0.60 mikroner) - inte associerad</li></li>Synligt Rött (0.63 till 0.69 mikroner) - associerad till rött i bilden</li><li>Nära Infrarött (0.76 till 0.90 mikroner) - associerad till grönt i bilden</li><li>Medium Infrarött (1.55 till 1.75 mikroner) - inte associerad</li><li>Värmeinfrarött (10.4 till 12.5 mikroner) - inte associerad</li><li>Medium infrarött (2.08 till 2.35 mikroner) - associerad till blått i bilden</li></ul> <h3>Paletted Image Notes</h3> <p>This image uses a fixed color palette. You can remap these colors in different combinations e.g.</p><ul><li>Red - blue in image</li><li>Green - blue in image</li><li>Blue - green in image</li></ul> COMMENTED OUT <h3>Palettbild</h3> <p>Den här bilden använder en indexerad palett. Du kan ändra de här färgerna i olika kombinationer, t.ex.</p><ul><li>Röd - blått i bilden</li><li>Grön - blått i bilden</li><li>Blå - grönt i bilden</li></ul> <h3>Grayscale Image Notes</h3> <p>You can remap these grayscale colors to a pseudocolor image using an automatically generated color ramp.</p> COMMENTED OUT <h3>Gråskalebild</h3> <p>Du kan omassociera dessa gråskalefärger till en pseudofärgbild med an automatgenererad färgramp.</p> Default R:%1 G:%2 B:%3 Standard R:%1 G:%2 B:%3 Columns: %1 Kolumner:-%1 Rows: %1 Rader: %1 No-Data Value: %1 Inget datavärde: %1 Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrivåtkomst nekad. Justera filrättigheterna och försök igen. Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. Nuvarande libtiff-bibliotek stödjer inte att bygga pyramider från lager med JPEG-kompression. The following lines contained errors %1 Nedanstående rader innehöll fel %1 The color map for band %1 failed to load Färgkartan för band %1 kunde inte läsas in Unknown style format: %1 Okänt stilformat: %1 QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties Rasterlageregenskaper General Allmänt Symbology Symbologi <p align="right">Full</p> <p align="right">Total</p> None Ingen Metadata Metadata Pyramids Pyramider Average Average Nearest Neighbour Nearest Neighbour Thumbnail Bild Histogram Histogram Options Inställningar Chart Type Diagramtyp Refresh Uppdatera Render as Rendera som 00% 00% Min Min Max Max ... ... Colormap Färgkarta Delete entry Ta bort värden Classify Klassificera 1 1 2 2 Single band gray Enkanalig grå Style Stil Three band color Trekanalers färg Invert color map Invertera färgkarta RGB mode band selection and scaling RGB kanalval och skalning Red band Rött band Green band Grönt band Blue band Blått band Default R:1 G:2 B:3 Standard R:1 G:2 B:3 Custom min / max values Anpassade min/max värden Red min Röd min Red max Röd max Green min Grön min Green max Grön max Blue min Blå min Blue max Blå max Use standard deviation Använd standardavvikelse Single band properties Inställningar för singelband Gray band Grått band Color map Färgkarta Load min / max values from band Läs in min/max värden från band Estimate (faster) Uppskattad (snabbare) Actual (slower) Verklig (långsammare) Current extent Load Läs in Contrast enhancement Kontrastförhöjning Current Nuvarande Save current contrast enhancement algorithm as default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. Spara nuvarande kontrasförhöjning som standard. Inställningen kommer att följa med till nästa QGIS session. Saves current contrast enhancement algorithm as a default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. Sparar nuvarande kontrasförhöjning som standard. Inställningen kommer att följa med till nästa QGIS session. Default Standard TextLabel TextEtikett Title Titel Abstract Sammanfattning <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <table border="0" style="-qt-table-type: root; margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:4px; margin-right:4px;"> <tr> <td style="border: none;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:11pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"></p></td></tr></table></body></html> Save as image... Transparency Genomskinlighet Global transparency Övergripande genomskinlighet No data value Inget datavärde Reset no data value Nollställ inget datavärde Custom transparency options Alternativ för anpassad genomskinlighet Transparency band Genomskinligt band Transparent pixel list Lista med genomskinliga pixlar Add values manually Lägg till värden för hand Add Values from display Lägg till värden från skärmen Remove selected row Ta bort vald rad Default values Standardvärden Import from file Importera från fil Export to file Exportera till fil Color interpolation Färgintepolering Add entry Lägg till rad Sort Sortera Load color map from band Läs in färgkarta från band Load color map from file Läs in färgkarta från fil Export color map to file Exportera färgkarta till fil Generate new color map Skapa ny färgkarta Save current RGB composition as default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. Save current standard deviation value as default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. Note Reset to file defined null Number of entries Antal värden Classification mode Klassificeringsmetod Display name Namn Layer source Lagerkälla Columns Kolumner Rows Rader No Data Scale dependent visibility Skalberoende synlighet Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Coordinate reference system Koordinaternas referenssystem Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Specificera koordinatsystemet för lagrets geometrier. Specify... Specificera... Legend Teckenförklaring Palette Palett Notes Noteringar Pyramid resolutions Pyramidupplösningar Build pyramids internally if possible Bygga pyrmaider internt om möjligt Resampling method Omsamplingsmetod Build pyramids Bygg pyramider Line graph Linjegraf Bar chart Stapeldiagram Column count Antal kolumner Out of range OK? Utanför intervall OK? Allow approximation Tillåt approximering Restore Default Style Återskapa standardstil Save As Default Spara som standard Load Style ... Läs in stil... Save Style ... Spara stil... QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialog Export Frequency distribution as csv Export Colors and elevations as xml Import Colors and elevations from xml Error opening file The relief color file could not be opened Error parsing xml The xml file could not be loaded Enter result file Enter lower elevation class bound Elevation Enter upper elevation class bound Select color for relief class QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialogBase Input layer Inlager Output layer Output format ... ... Dialog Dialog Elevation layer Z factor Add result to project Illumination Azimuth (horizontal angle) Vertical angle Relief colors Create automatically Export distribution... Up Down + + - - Lower bound Upper bound Color Färg Export colors... Import colors... QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisPlugin Terrain analysis Slope Aspect Hillshade Relief Ruggedness index Calculating hillshade... Abort Avbryt Calculating relief... Calculating slope... Calculating aspect... Ruggedness Calculating ruggedness... QgsRendererRulePropsDialog Rule properties Label Etikett Filter ... ... Test Testa Description Beskrivning Scale range Min. scale 1 : Max. scale Symbol Symbol Error Fel Filter expression parsing error: Evaluation error Filter returned %n feature(s) number of filtered features QgsRendererV2DataDefinedMenus Rotation field Size scale field - no field - QgsRendererV2PropertiesDialog Symbology Symbologi Do you wish to use the original symbology implementation for this layer? QgsRendererV2PropsDialogBase Renderer settings Old symbology This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface. QgsRendererV2Widget Change color Change transparency Change output unit Change width Change size Transparency Genomskinlighet Change symbol transparency Symbol unit Select symbol unit Millimeter Millimeter Map unit Width Bredd Change symbol width Size Storlek Change symbol size QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Model (no filter) Label Etikett Rule Min. scale Max.scale QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Widget Form Formulär Label Etikett Add Lägg till Refine Rendering order... Edit Redigera Remove Ta bort Add scales Add categories Add ranges Refine a rule to categories Refine a rule to ranges Scale refinement Parent rule must have a symbol for this operation. Please enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000): Error Fel "%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it. QgsRunProcess Done Klar Action Kommando <b>Starting %1...</b> <b>Startar %1...</b> Unable to run command %1 Kan inte utföra kommandot %1 Unable to run command %1 Kan inte utföra kommandot %1 QgsSLConnectionItem Database does not exist Failed to open database Failed to check metadata Failed to get list of tables Unknown error Delete %1: Not a vector layer! %1: OK! Import to SpatiaLite database Failed to import some layers! Import was successful. QgsSLLayerItem Delete layer Layer deleted successfully. QgsSLRootItem New... Create database... New SpatiaLite Database File SpatiaLite (*.sqlite *.db ) Create SpatiaLite database The database has been created Failed to create the database: QgsSVGDiagramFactoryWidget Select svg file Välj SVG-fil Select new preview directory Välj nytt bibliotek för förhandsvisning Creating icon for file %1 Skapar ikon för filen %1 QgsSVGDiagramFactoryWidgetBase Form Formulär Search directories Sökvägar Add... Lägg till ... Remove Ta bort SVG Preview SVG förhandsvisning ... ... QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget Select svg texture file QgsScaleBarPlugin Bottom Left Nere till vänster Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Right Nere till höger Tick Down Streck ner Tick Up Streck upp Bar Streck Box Låda &Scale Bar &Skala Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas Skapar en skala som visas på kartbladet &Decorations &Dekoreringar metres/km meter/km feet fot degrees grader km km mm mm cm cm m m foot fot degree grader unknown obekant feet/miles fot/mile miles miles mile mile inches tum QgsScaleBarPluginGuiBase Scale Bar Plugin Insticksprogram för skala Automatically snap to round number on resize Runda av till vettig storlek Placement Placering Top Left Uppe till vänster Top Right Uppe till höger Bottom Left Nere till vänster Bottom Right Nere till höger Enable scale bar Aktivera skala Select the style of the scale bar Välj typ av skala Tick Down Streck ner Tick Up Streck upp Box Låda Bar Streck QgsSearchQueryBuilder Search results Sökresultat Search string parsing error Tolkningsfel i söksträngen No Records Inga poster The query you specified results in zero records being returned. Frågan du ställde gav inga poster tillbaka. Search query builder Sök i frågebyggaren &Test &Clear &Save... Save query to an xml file &Load... Load query from xml file Found %n matching feature(s). test result Hittade %n matchande objekt. Hittade %n matchande objekt. Evaluation error Error during search Fel vid sökning Save query to file Error Fel Could not open file for writing Load query from file Query files All files Could not open file for reading File is not a valid xml document File is not a valid query document Select attribute There is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute QgsSelectedFeature Validation started. Validation finished (%n error(s) gefunden). number of geometry errors ring %1, vertex %2 polygon %1, ring %2, vertex %3 polyline %1, vertex %2 vertex %1 point %1 single point QgsShapeFile The database gave an error while executing this SQL: Database gav ett felmeddelande när följande SQL-fråga kördes: ... (rest of SQL trimmed) is appended to a truncated SQL statement ... (resten av SQL borttaget) Scanning Söker The database gave an error while executing this SQL: %1 The error was: %2 Database gav ett felmeddelande när följande SQL-fråga kördes: %1 Felet var: %2 The error was: %1 Felet var: %1 QgsSingleSymbolDialog Refresh markers Uppdatera markörer None Ingen Texture Textur Open File Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg) QgsSingleSymbolDialogBase Single Symbol Enkel symbol Size Storlek In map units Drawing by field Rotation Area scale Symbol Symbol Fill options Outline options Width Bredd ... ... Point Symbol Punktsymbol Label Etikett QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2Widget Symbol levels... QgsSnappingDialog Snapping and Digitizing Options to vertex till nod to segment till segment to vertex and segment till nod och segment map units kartenheter pixels pixlar QgsSnappingDialogBase Snapping options Val för fästning Enable topological editing Tillåt topologisk redigering Layer Lager Mode Läge Tolerance Tolerans Units Enheter Avoid Int. Avoid intersections of new polygons QgsSpatiaLiteConnection unknown error cause QgsSpatiaLiteProvider Text Text Binary object (BLOB) Decimal number (double) Whole number (integer) SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 SpatiaLite unknown cause SQLite error getting feature: %1 QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelect Add SpatiaLite Table(s) Databases &Add L&ägg till &Build Query Wildcard Jokertecken RegExp Reguljäruttryck All Alla Table Tabell Type Typ Geometry column Geometrikolumn Sql Sql SpatiaLite DB Open Error Database does not exist: %1 Failure while connecting to: %1 %2 SpatiaLite Error Unexpected error when working with: %1 %2 @ Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to open Confirm Delete Bekräfta borttagning Select Table Välj tabell You must select a table in order to add a Layer. Du måste välja en tabell för att kunna lägga till ett Lager. SpatiaLite getTableInfo Error Failure exploring tables from: %1 %2 Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelectBase New Ny Connect Anslut Search options... Sökalternativ... Search Sök QgsSpatiaLiteTableModel Table Tabell Type Typ Geometry column Geometrikolumn Sql Sql Point Punkt Multipoint Multipunkt Line Linje Multiline Multilinje Polygon Polygon Multipolygon Multipolygon QgsSpatialQueryDialog %n selected geometries selected geometries Selected geometries < %1 > %1 of %2 all = %1 %1)Query The spatial query requires at least two vector layers Begin at %L1 Total of features = %1 Total of invalid features: Finish at %L1 (processing time %L2 minutes) Using the field "%1" for subset Sorry! Only this providers are enable: OGR, POSTGRES and SPATIALITE. %1 of %2(selected features) Create new selection Add to current selection Remove from current selection Result query Invalid source Invalid reference %1 of %2 selected by "%3" user Map "%1" "on the fly" transformation. enable disable tillåt ej Coordinate reference system(CRS) of "%1" is invalid(see CRS of provider). CRS of map is %1. %2. Zoom to feature Missing reference layer Select reference layer! Missing target layer Select target layer! Create new layer from items The query from "%1" using "%2" in field not possible. Create new layer from selected %1 of %2 identified DEBUG QgsSpatialQueryDialogBase Spatial Query Layer on which the topological operation will select geometries Select source features from Select the target layer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;">When checked the operation will only consider selected geometries of the target layer</span></p></body></html> Selected feature(s) only Where the feature Layer whose geometries will be used as reference by the topological operation Reference features of And use the result to Selected features Number of selected features in map Create layer with selected Select one FID to identify geometry of feature Create layer with list of items Zoom to item Log messages Select the reference layer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;">When checked the operation will be only consider selected geometries of the reference layer</span></p></body></html> Result feature ID's Run query or close the window Select the topological operation Check to show log processing of query QgsSpatialQueryPlugin &Spatial Query Query not executed DEBUG QgsSpatialiteSridsDialog Error Fel QgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBase Select a Spatialite Spatial Reference System SRID SRID Authority Reference Name Search Sök Filter Name Namn QgsSpit File Name Filnamn Feature Class Objektklass Features Objekt DB Relation Name DB-relationsnamn Schema Schema Confirm Delete Bekräfta Radering Shapefiles (*.shp);;All files (*) The following Shapefile(s) could not be loaded: Shapefilen kunde inte hämtas: REASON: File cannot be opened ANLEDNING: Filen kunde inte öppnas REASON: One or both of the Shapefile files (*.dbf, *.shx) missing ANLEDNING: En eller båda shapefilerna (*.dbf, *.shx) saknas General Interface Help: Allmän hjälp: PostgreSQL Connections: PostgreSQL anslutningar: [New ...] - create a new connection [Ny ...] - skapa en ny anslutning [Edit ...] - edit the currently selected connection [Redigera ...] - redigera vald anslutning [Remove] - remove the currently selected connection [Ta bort] - ta bort vald uppkopling -you need to select a connection that works (connects properly) in order to import files - du måste välja en fungerande anslutning för att importera filer -when changing connections Global Schema also changes accordingly - när du byter anslutning ändrar sig också globalt schema Shapefile List: Shapefiler: [Add ...] - open a File dialog and browse to the desired file(s) to import [Lägg till ...] - öppna en fildialog och sök efter den fil/filen du vill importera [Remove] - remove the currently selected file(s) from the list [Ta bort] - ta bort vald(a) fil(er) från listan [Remove All] - remove all the files in the list [Ta bort alla] - ta bort alla filer från listan [SRID] - Reference ID for the shapefiles to be imported [SRID] - Reference-ID för shapefilerna som skall importeras [Use Default (SRID)] - set SRID to -1 [Använd standard SRID] - sätt SRID till -1 [Geometry Column Name] - name of the geometry column in the database [Geometrins kolumnnamn] - namn på kolumenn med geometrin i databasen [Use Default (Geometry Column Name)] - set column name to 'the_geom' [Använd standard (geometrins kolumnnamn)] - sätt kolumnnamn till 'the_geom' [Import] - import the current shapefiles in the list [Importera] - importera aktuell shapefil i listan [Quit] - quit the program [Avsluta] - avsluta programmet [Help] - display this help dialog [Hjälp] - visa hjälpdialogen Import Shapefiles Importera shapefiler You need to specify a Connection first Du måste specificera en anslutning först Connection failed - Check settings and try again Anslutningen misslyckades - Kontrollera inställningarna och försök igen You need to add shapefiles to the list first Du måste först lägga till en shapefil till listan Importing files Importerar filer Cancel Avbryt Progress Klar Problem inserting features from file: Problem att lägga til objekt från fil: Import Shapefiles - Relation Exists Impotrera shapefiler - relationen existerar Add Shapefiles Lägg till shapefil PostGIS not available PostGIS ej tillgängligt <p>The chosen database does not have PostGIS installed, but this is required for storage of spatial data.</p> <p>Valda databas har ej installerat PostGS, men det krävs för att lagra rumslig data.</p> Please enter your password: Skriv in ditt lösenord: %1 of %2 shapefiles could not be imported. %1 av %2 Shapefiler kunde inte importeras. Are you sure you want to remove the [%1] connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen [%1] och alla tillhörande inställningar? [Global Schema] - set the schema for all files to be imported into [Globalt schema] - sätt schema som alla filer importeras till Password for %1 Lösenord för %1 %1 Invalid table name. %1 Ogiltigt tabellnamn. %1 No fields detected. %1 Inga fält hittades. %1 The following fields are duplicates: %2 %1 Följande fält är dubletter: %2 Importing files %1 Importerar filer %1 %1 <p>Error while executing the SQL:</p><p>%2</p><p>The database said:%3</p> %1 <p>Fel när SQL utfördes:</p><p>%2</p><p>Databasen svarade: %#</p> The Shapefile: %1 will use [%2] relation for its data, which already exists and possibly contains data. To avoid data loss change the "DB Relation Name" for this Shapefile in the main dialog file list. Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? Shape-filen: %1 kommer att använda relation [%2] för dessa data, som redan existerar och kanske innehåller data. För att undvika förlust av data, byt "DB relationsnamn" för denna shape-fil i huvuddialogens lista med filer. Vill du skriva över relationen [%2]? QgsSpitBase SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool SPIT - Shapefil-till-PostGIS importeringsverktyg Remove Ta bort SRID SRID Remove All Ta bort alla Add Lägg till Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported Lägg till en shapefil till listan av filer som ska importeras Geometry column name Use default geometry column name Use default SRID Primary key column name Global schema Remove the selected shapefile from the import list Ta bort en shapefil från importeringslistan Remove all the shapefiles from the import list Ta bort alla shapefiler från importeringslistan Set the SRID to the default value Sätt SRID till standardvärde Set the geometry column name to the default value Sätt kolumnnamnet för geometri till standardvärde New Ny Create a new PostGIS connection Skapa en PostGIS-anslutning Remove the current PostGIS connection Ta bort nuvarande PostGIS-anslutning Connect Anslut Edit Redigera PostgreSQL connections Edit the current PostGIS connection Ändra den nuvarande PostGIS-anslutningen Connect to PostGIS Anslut till PostGIS Import options and shapefile list Importera alternativ och lista med shapefiler QgsSpitPlugin &Import Shapefiles to PostgreSQL &Importera shapefiler till PostgreSQL Import shapefiles into a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. The schema and field names can be customized on import Importera shapefiler till en PostgrerSQL databas med PostGIS. Schemata och fältnamn kan anpassas vid import &Spit &Spit QgsSponsorsBase QGIS Sponsors TextLabel TextEtikett <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">We work really hard to make this nice software for you. See all the cool features it has? Get a warm fuzzy feeling when you use it? Quantum GIS is a labour of love by a dedicated team of developers. We want you to copy &amp; share it and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of Quantum GIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the </span><a href=""><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</span></a><span style=" font-size:10pt;"> for more details. In the list below you can see the fine people and companies that are helping us financially - a great big 'thank you' to you all!</span></p> <p align="center" style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">2011 Sponsors</span></p> <hr /> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">SILVER SPONSORS</span></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">State of Vorarlberg</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier'; font-size:10pt;"> </span><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier'; font-size:10pt; color:#333333;">, Austria (11.2011)</span></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Kanton Solothurn</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier'; font-size:10pt; color:#333333;">, Switzerland (4.2011)</span></p> <p align="center" style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;"></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">BRONZE SPONSORS</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;"></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">City of Uster</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"> </span><span style=" font-family:'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'; font-size:10pt; color:#000000;">, Switzerland</span><span style=" font-family:'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'; color:#000000;"> (11.2011)</span></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Municípia, SA</span></a></p> <p align="center" style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:10pt;"></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">2010 Sponsors</span></p> <hr /> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;">BRONZE SPONSORS</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;"></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Studio Associato Gfosservices</span></a></p> <p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a href=""><span style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">NEXTGIS</span></a></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;"></p></body></html> QgsSqlAnywhereProvider Failed to load interface Failed to connect to database A connection to the SQL Anywhere database cannot be established. No suitable key column The source relation %1 has no column suitable for use as a unique key. Quantum GIS requires that the relation has an integer column no larger than 32 bits containing unique values. Error loading attributes Ambiguous field! Duplicate field %1 found Error describing bind parameters Error binding parameters Error inserting features Error deleting features Error adding attributes Error deleting attributes Attribute not found Error updating attributes Error updating features Error verifying geometry column %1 Unknown geometry type Okänd geometrityp Column %1 has a geometry type of %2, which Quantum GIS does not currently support. Mixed Spatial Reference Systems Column %1 is not restricted to a single SRID, which Quantum GIS requires. Error checking database ReadOnly property Error loading SRS definition Because Quantum GIS supports only planar data, the SQL Anywhere data provider will transform the data to the compatible planar projection (SRID=%1). Because Quantum GIS supports only planar data and no compatible planar projection was found, the SQL Anywhere data provider will attempt to transform the data to planar WGS 84 (SRID=%1). Limited Support of Round Earth SRS Column %1 (%2) contains geometries belonging to a round earth spatial reference system (SRID=%3). %4 Updates to geometry values will be disabled, and query performance may be poor because spatial indexes will not be utilized. To improve performance, consider creating a spatial index on a new (possibly computed) column containing a planar projection of these geometries. For help, refer to the descriptions of the ST_SRID(INT) and ST_Transform(INT) methods in the SQL Anywhere documentation. QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialog Select all Clear selection Select symbols to import Import Importera Export Export/import error You should select at least one symbol/color ramp. Save styles XML files (*.xml *.XML) Error when saving selected symbols to file: %1 Import error An error occured during import: %1 Duplicate names Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialogBase Styles import/export Select symbols to export QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog Marker symbol (%1) Line symbol (%1) Fill symbol (%1) Color ramp (%1) Symbol name Please enter name for new symbol: new symbol Save symbol Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Gradient Random ColorBrewer Color ramp type Please select color ramp type: Color ramp name Please enter name for new color ramp: new color ramp Load styles XML files (*.xml *XML) QgsStyleV2ManagerDialogBase Style Manager Marker Line Linje Fill Color ramp Add item Add Lägg till Edit item Edit Redigera Remove item Remove Ta bort Export... Import... QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget Select SVG file QgsSymbolLevelsV2Dialog Layer %1 QgsSymbolLevelsV2DialogBase Symbol Levels Enable symbol levels Define the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn. QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog Outline: %1 QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog Symbol name Please enter name for the symbol: New symbol Save symbol Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Transparency %1% Transparency: %1% Genomskinlighet: %1% QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialogBase Symbol selector Change... Unit Millimeter Millimeter Map unit Opacity Color Färg Change Ändra Size Storlek Rotation ° ° Width Bredd Save as style Saved styles Symbol Name Properties Egenskaper Advanced Style manager... QgsTINInterpolatorDialog Linear Linjär Clough-Toucher (cubic) Save triangulation to file QgsTINInterpolatorDialogBase Triangle based interpolation Triangelbaserad interpolering Interpolation method Interpoleringsmetod Export triangulation to shapefile after interpolation Output file ... ... QgsTextAnnotationDialog Delete Select font color Select background color QgsTextAnnotationDialogBase Annotation text B I Background color Bakgrundsfärg QgsTileScaleWidget Form Formulär QgsTipFactory Quantum GIS is open source Quantum GIS is open source software. This means that the software source code can be freely viewed and modified. The GPL places a restriction that any modifications you make must be made available to the Quantum GIS project, and that you can not create a new version of Quantum GIS under a 'closed source' license. Visit <a href=""> the QGIS home page (</a> for more information. QGIS Publications If you write a scientific paper or any other article that refers to QGIS we would love to include your work in the <a href="">case studies section</a> of the Quantum GIS home page (http:// Become an QGIS translator Would you like to see QGIS in your native language? We are looking for more translators and would appreciate your help! The translation process is fairly straight forward - instructions are available in the QGIS wiki <a href="">translator's page (</a> QGIS Mailing lists If you need help using QGIS we have a 'users' mailing list where users help each other with issues related to using our sofware. We also have a 'developers' mailing list. for those wanting help and to discuss things relating the the QGIS code base. Details on how to subscribe are in the <a href="">community section</a> of the QGIS home page ( Is it 'QGIS' or 'Quantum GIS'? Both are correct. For articles we suggest you write 'Quantum GIS (QGIS) is ....' and then refer to it as QGIS thereafter. How do I refer to Quantum GIS? QGIS is spelled in all caps. We have various subprojects of the QGIS project and it will help to avoid confusion if you refer to each by its name:<ul><li>QGIS Library - this is the C++ library that contains the core logic that is used to build the QGIS user interface and other applications.</li><li>QGIS Application - this is the desktop application that you know and love so much :-).</li><li>QGIS Mapserver - this is a server-side application based on the QGIS Library that will serve up your .qgs projects using the WMS protocol.</li></ul> Add the current date to a map layout You can add a current date variable to your map layout. Create a regular text label and add the string $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) to the text box. See the <a href="">QDate::toString format documentation</a> for the possible date formats. Moving Elements and Maps in the Print Composer In the print composer tool bar you can find two buttons for moving elements. The left one (a selection cursor with the hand symbol) selects and moves elements in the layout. After selecting the element with this tool you can also move them around with the arrow keys. For accurate positioning use the <strong>Position and Size</strong> dialogue, which can be found in the tab <strong>Item &rarr; General Options &rarr; Position and Size</strong>. For easier positioning you can also set specific anchor points of the element within this dialogue. The other move tool (the globe icon combined with the hand icon) allows one to move the map content within a map frame. Lock an element in the layout view By left clicking an element in the layout view you can select it, by right clicking an element you can lock it. A lock symbol will appear in the upper left corner of the selected element. This prevents the element from accidentally being moved with the mouse. While in a locked state, you cannot move an element with the mouse but you can still move it with the arrow keys or by absolutely positioning it by setting its <strong>Position and Size</strong>. Rotating a map and linking a north arrow You can rotate a map by setting its rotation value in the <strong>Item tab &rarr; Map</strong> section. To place a north arrow in your layout you can use the <strong>Add Image</strong> tool, the button with the little camera icon. QGIS comes with a selection of north arrows. After the placement of the north arrow in the layout you can link it with a specific map frame by activating the <strong>Sync with map</strong> checkbox and selecting a map frame. Whenever you change the rotation value of a linked map, the north arrow will now automatically adjust its rotation. Numeric scale value in map layout linked to map frame If you want to place a text label as a placeholder for the current scale, linked to a map frame, you need to place a scalebar and set the style to 'Numeric'. You also need to select the map frame, if there is more than one. Using the mouse scroll wheel You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in, out and pan the map. Scroll forwards to zoom in, scroll backwards to zoom out and press and hold the scroll wheel down to pan the map. You can configure options for scroll wheel behaviour in the Options panel. Stopping rendering Sometimes you have a very large dataset which takes ages to draw. You can press 'esc' (the escape key), or click the small red 'X' icon in the status bar to the bottom right of the window at any time to halt rendering. If you are going to be performing several actions (e.g. modifying symbology options) and wish to temporarily disable map rendering while you do so, you can uncheck the 'Render' checkbox in the bottom right of the status bar. Don't forget to check it on again when you are ready to have the map draw itself again! Join intersected polylines when rendering When applying layered styles to a polyline layer, you can join intersecting lines together simply by enabling symbol levels. The image below shows a before (left) and after (right) view of an intersection when symbol levels are enabled. Auto-enable on the fly projection In the options dialog, under the CRS tab, you can set QGIS so that whenever you create a new project, 'on the fly projection' is enabled automatically and a pre-selected Coordinate Reference System of your choice is used. Sponsor QGIS If QGIS is saving you money or you like our work and have the financial ability to help, please consider sponsoring the development of Quantum GIS. We use money from sponsors to pay for travel and costs related to our bi-annual hackfests, and to generally support the goals of our project. Please see the <a href="">QGIS Sponsorship Web Page</a> for more details. Quantum GIS has Plugins! Quantum GIS has plugins that extend its functionality. QGIS ships with some core plugins you can explore from the Plugins->Manage Plugins menu. In addition there are over 150 Python plugins contributed by the user community that can be installed from the Plugins->Fetch Python Plugins menu. Don't miss out on all QGIS has to offer---check out the plugins and see what they can do for you. QgsTipGui &Previous &Next QgsTipGuiBase QGIS Tips! <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here...</span></p></body></html> I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more! QgsTransformOptionsDialog Dialog Dialog Select transformation type: Linear Linjär Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Generate ESRI world file (.tfw) QgsTransformSettingsDialog Linear Linjär Helmert Helmert Projective Polynomial 1 Polynomial 2 Polynomial 3 Thin Plate Spline Info Info Please set output name %1 requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more Invalid output file name Save raster Select save PDF file PDF Format PDF-format _modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name Transformation settings Transformation type: Resampling method: Metod för omsampling: Nearest neighbour Närmaste granne Cubic Kubisk Cubic Spline Lanczos Compression: Kompression: Output raster: ... ... Target SRS: Generate pdf report: Set Target Resolution Horizontal Horisontell Vertical Vertikal Create world file Generate pdf map: Use 0 for transparency when needed Använd 0 för transparens om behovs finns Load in QGIS when done QgsUniqueValueDialog default Standard Confirm Delete Bekräfta borttagning The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Klassificeringsfältet ändrades från '%1' till '%2'. Skall existerande klasser tas bort före klassificering? QgsUniqueValueDialogBase Form1 Formulär1 Classify Klassificera Classification field Klassifikationsfält Add class Lägg till klass Delete classes Ta bort klass Randomize Colors Slumpa färger Reset Colors Nollställ färger Restrict changes to common properties Ändra bara överensstämmande egenskaper QgsVectorColorBrewerColorRampV2DialogBase ColorBrewer ramp Scheme name Colors Preview Förhandsvisning QgsVectorDataProvider Codec %1 not found. Falling back to system locale Add Features Delete Features Change Attribute Values Add Attributes Delete Attributes Ta bort attribute Create Spatial Index Skapa rumsligt index Fast Access to Features at ID Change Geometries QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidget X attribute Y attribute Length attribute Angle attribute Height attribute QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Dialog Offset of the stop Please enter offset in percents (%) of the new stop QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2DialogBase Gradient color ramp Change Ändra Color 1 Color 2 Multiple stops Add stop Remove stop Color Färg Offset Preview Förhandsvisning QgsVectorLayer ERROR: no provider FEL: ingen datakälla ERROR: layer not editable FEL: lager kan ej skrivas SUCCESS: attribute %1 was added. RÄTT: attribut %1 lades till. ERROR: attribute %1 not added FEL: attribut %1 lades inte till No renderer object Inget renderingsobjekt Classification field not found Klassifikationsfält kunde ej hittas renderer failed to save no renderer SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted. deleted attributes count RÄTT: %n attribut togs bort. RÄTT: %n attribut togs bort. ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted. not deleted attributes count FEL: %n attribut togs inte bort. FEL: %n attribut togs inte bort. SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added. added attributes count RÄTT: %n attribut lades till. RÄTT: %n attribut lades till. ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not added not added attributes count FEL: %n nytt attribut lades inte till FEL: %n nya attribut lades inte till SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed. changed attribute values count RÄTT: %n attributvärde ändrades. RÄTT: %n attributvärden ändrades. ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied. not changed attribute values count FEL: %n attributförändring kunde inte genomföras. FEL: %n attributförändringar kunde inte genomföras. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added. added features count RÄTT: %n objekt lades till. RÄTT: %n objekt lades till. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added. not added features count FEL: %n objekt lades inte till. FEL: %n objekt lades inte till. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features. not added features count SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed. changed geometries count RÄTT: %n geometri ändrades. RÄTT: %n geometrier ändrades. ERROR: %n geometries not changed. not changed geometries count FEL: %n geometri ändrades inte. FEL: %n geometrier ändrades inte. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted. deleted features count RÄTT: %n objekt togs bort. RÄTT: %n objekt togs bort. ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted. not deleted features count FEL: %n objekt togs inte bort. FEL: %n objekt togs inte bort. Provider errors: Commit errors: %1 General: Allmänt: Layer comment: %1 Lagerkommentar: %1 Storage type of this layer: %1 Lagringstyp för detta lager: %1 Source for this layer: %1 Källa för detta lager : %1 Geometry type of the features in this layer: %1 Geometrityp på objekten i detta lager: %1 The number of features in this layer: %1 Antal objekt i detta lager: %1 Editing capabilities of this layer: %1 Möjlighet till redigering i detta lager: %1 Extents: Utsträckning: In layer spatial reference system units : I lagrets Spatial Reference System-enheter : xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 unknown extent In project spatial reference system units : I projektets Spatial Reference System-enheter : Layer Spatial Reference System: Lagrets Spatial Reference System: Project (Output) Spatial Reference System: Projektets (visade) koordinatsystem: (Invalid transformation of layer extents) (Ogiltig transformering av lagrets utsträckning) Attribute field info: Attributfält info: Field Fält Type Typ Length Längd Precision Precision Comment Kommentar Unknown renderer Okänd renderare QgsVectorLayerProperties Single Symbol Enkel symbol Graduated Symbol Graderad Symbol Continuous Color Kontinuerlig Färg Unique Value Unik Symbol Spatial Index Rumsligt index Creation of spatial index failed Misslyckades skapa rumsligt index General: Allmänt: Extents: Utsträckning: In layer spatial reference system units : I lagrets Spatial Reference System-enheter : In project spatial reference system units : I projektets Spatial Reference System-enheter : Layer Spatial Reference System: Lagrets Spatial Reference System: Project (Output) Spatial Reference System: Projektets (visade) koordinatsystem: Attribute field info: Attributfält info: Field Fält Type Typ Length Längd Precision Precision Comment Kommentar Default Style Standardstil QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) QGIS lager stilfil (*.qml) id id name namn type typ length längd precision precision comment kommentar edit widget redigeringssymbol alias alias Name conflict Namnkonflikt The attribute could not be inserted. The name already exists in the table. Attributet kunde inte föras in. Namnet finns redan i tabellen. Added attribute La till attribut Deleted attribute Tog bort attribut Creation of spatial index successful Lyckades skapa rumsligt index Saved Style Sparad stil Transparency: %1% Genomskinlighet: %1% Overlay Överlager Layer Properties - %1 Id ID Name Namn Edit widget Alias Stop editing mode to enable this. This button opens the query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layer The query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder button Line edit Linjeredigering Unique values Unika värden Unique values editable Unika värden (redigerbara) Classification Klassificering Value map Värdekarta Edit range Slider range Dial range File name Filnamn Enumeration Uppräkning Immutable Oförstörbara Hidden Gömd Checkbox Text edit Calendar Value relation UUID generator Text diagram Pie chart Pajdiagram Map units Kartenheter Layer comment: %1 Lagerkommentar: %1 Storage type of this layer: %1 Lagringstyp för detta lager: %1 Source for this layer: %1 Källa för detta lager : %1 Geometry type of the features in this layer: %1 Geometrityp på objekten i detta lager: %1 The number of features in this layer: %1 Antal objekt i detta lager: %1 Editing capabilities of this layer: %1 Möjlighet till redigering i detta lager: %1 xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 (Invalid transformation of layer extents) (Ogiltig transformering av lagrets utsträckning) Load layer properties from style file (.qml) Läs in lageregenskaper från stilfil (.qml) Select edit form UI file (*.ui) Symbology Symbologi Background color Bakgrundsfärg Pen color MM AroundPoint OverPoint Line Linje Horizontal Horisontell Free On line Above line Below Line Map orientation None Ingen Save layer properties as style file (.qml) Spara lageregenskaper som stilfil (.qml) Do you wish to use the new symbology implementation for this layer? QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties Lageregenskaper Symbology Symbologi General Allmänt Use scale dependent rendering Använd skalberoende rendering Display name Namn Use this control to set which field is placed at the top level of the Identify Results dialog box. Använd detta fält för att ange vilket fält som placeras högst upp i dialogrutan Identifiera. Display field for the Identify Results dialog box Titelfält för dialogrutan Identifiera Style Stil Fields Fält This sets the display field for the Identify Results dialog box Detta anger titelfältet för dialogrutan Identifiera Display field Titelfält Edit UI ... ... Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Specificera koordinatsystemet för lagrets geometrier. Specify CRS Specificera CRS Init function Subset Delmängd Query Builder Frågebyggare Joins Join layer Join field Slå ihop fält Target field Data defined position Datadefinierad position Create Spatial Index Skapa rumsligt index Metadata Metadata Labels Etiketter Display labels Visa etiketter Actions Kommandon Restore Default Style Återskapa standardstil Save As Default Spara som standard Load Style ... Läs in stil... Save Style ... Spara stil... Options Inställningar Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Legend type Typ av teckenförklaring Transparency Genomskinlighet Diagrams Display diagrams Visa diagram Diagram type Priority: Low High Appearance Scale dependent visibility Skalberoende synlighet Background color Bakgrundsfärg Pen color Update Extents Provider-specific options Encoding Title Titel Abstract Sammanfattning Pen width Font... Typsnitt... Size Storlek Fixed size Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: Attribute Attribut Find maximum value Size units Storleksenheter Position Position Placement Placering Line Options Distance x y Attributes Attribut Color Färg New symbology New column Ny kolumn Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Delete column Ta bort kolumn Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Toggle editing mode Toggla redigeringsläge Click to toggle table editing Klicka för att toggla tabelleditering Field calculator QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog SpatiaLite Original CRS Save layer as... Spara lager som... Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBase Save vector layer as... CRS CRS Save as Spara som Browse Bläddra Encoding Format Format OGR creation options Data source Datakälla Layer Lager This allows one to surpress attribute creation as some OGR drivers (eg. DGN, DXF) don't support it. Skip attribute creation QgsVectorRandomColorRampV2DialogBase Random color ramp Hue from to Saturation Value Värde Classes Preview Förhandsvisning QgsWFSConnectionItem Failed to retrieve layers Edit... Redigera... Delete Modify WFS connection QgsWFSData Loading WFS data Läser in WFS-data Abort Avbryt Loading WFS data %1 QgsWFSPlugin &Add WFS layer L&ägg till WFS-lager QgsWFSProvider unknown obekant received %1 bytes from %2 Tog emot %1 bytes av %2 Error Fel QgsWFSRootItem New... Create a new WFS connection QgsWFSSourceSelect Error Fel No Layers capabilities document contained no layers. Capabilities document is not valid Network Error Server Exception Create a new WFS connection Modify WFS connection Confirm Delete Bekräfta borttagning Load connections XML files (*.xml *XML) Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? QgsWFSSourceSelectBase Coordinate reference system Koordinaternas referenssystem Server connections &New &Ny Delete Ta bort Edit Redigera C&onnect K&oppla upp Change ... Ändra... Load connections from file Load Läs in Save connections to file Save Spara Title Titel Name Namn Abstract Sammanfattning Cache Features Filter Add WFS Layer from a Server Lägg till WFS-lager från en server QgsWKNDiagramFactoryWidgetBase Form Formulär Attributes Attribut Add Lägg till Remove Ta bort 1 1 QgsWMSConnection WMS Password for %1 WMS-lösenord för %1 QgsWMSConnectionItem Failed to retrieve layers Edit... Redigera... Delete QgsWMSRootItem New... QgsWMSSourceSelect &Add L&ägg till Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? Confirm Delete encoding %1 not supported. CRS %1 not supported. WMS Password for %1 WMS-lösenord för %1 WMS Provider WMS-källa Add selected layers to map Load connections XML files (*.xml *XML) Could not open the WMS Provider Kunde inte öppna WMS-källan Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Koordinatreferenssystem (%n tillgängligt) Koordinatreferenssystem (%n tillgängliga) Select layer(s) Options (%n coordinate reference systems available) crs count Select layer(s) or a tileset Select either layer(s) or a tileset No common CRS for selected layers. No CRS selected No image encoding selected %n Layer(s) selected selected layer count Tileset selected Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 COMMENTED OUT Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 WMS proxies WMS mellanvärdar Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. Många WMS-servrar lades till listand. Om du ansluter dig till internet via proxy, måste du ställa in det i alternativen. parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 network error: %1 The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Anlustningen %1 finns redan. Vill du skriva över den? Confirm Overwrite Bekräfta överskrivning QgsWMSSourceSelectBase Add Layer(s) from a Server Lägg till lager från en server Save connections to file C&onnect &New &Ny Edit Redigera Delete Adds a few example WMS servers Lägger till några exempel på WMS servrar Add default servers Lägg till standardservrar ID ID Name Namn Title Titel Abstract Sammanfattning Save Spara Load connections from file Load Läs in Tile size Layer Order Lagerordning Move selected layer UP Up Move selected layer DOWN Down Layer Lager Style Stil Tilesets Styles Stilar Size Storlek Format Format CRS CRS Server Search Sök efter servrar Search Sök URL URL Description Beskrivning Add selected row to WMS list Lägg till vald rad till WMS-listan Image encoding Bildkodning Layers Lager Options Inställningar Layer name Lagernamn Coordinate Reference System Koordinaternas referenssystem Change ... Ändra... Ready Klar QgsWmsProvider This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Det berorn antagligen på en felaktig URL till WMS-servern. Could not get WMS Service Exception at %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Kunde inte hitta WMS Service Exception på %1: %2 på rad %3, kolumn %4 Request contains a Format not offered by the server. Förfrågan innehåller ett format som servern inte tillhandahåller. Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Förfrågan innehåller en CRS för ett eller flera lager i anropet, som servern inte tillhandahåller. Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Förfrågan innehåller en SRS för ett eller flera lager i anropet, som servern inte tillhandahåller. GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map. GetMap-förfrågan är för ett lager som serven inte tillhandahåller, eller GetFeatureInfo-anropet är avsett för ett lager som inte är med på kartan. Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server. Förfrågan är för ett lager med en stil som servern inte stödjer. GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable. GetFeatureInfo-förfrågan ställdes till ett lager som inte är definerat som frågbart. GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value. GetFeatureInfo-förfrågan innehåller ogiltigt X- eller Y-värde. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Värdet på (frivilliga) UpdateSequence-parameter i GetCapabilities-förfrågan är samma som nuvarande värde på 'service metadata update' sekvensnummer. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Värdet på (frivilliga) UpdateSequence-parameter i GetCapabilities-förfrågan är större än nuvarande värde på 'service metadata update' sekvensnummer. Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension. Förfrågan innehåller inte ett dimensionsvärde, och servern har inte angett ett standardvärde för dimensionen. Request contains an invalid sample dimension value. Förfrågan innehåller ett ogiltigt dimensionsvärde. Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server. Förfrågan gäller en frivillig operation som servern inte stödjer. The WMS vendor also reported: WMS-företaget sa också: Property Egenskap Value Värde WMS Version WMS version Title Titel Abstract Sammanfattning Keywords Nyckelord Online Resource Online-resurser Contact Person Kontaktperson Fees Avgifter Access Constraints Åtkomstbegränsningar Image Formats Bildformat Identify Formats Identifieringsformat Layer Count Antal lager Selected Vald Yes Ja No Nej Visibility Synlighet number of layers and styles don't match WMS image is NULL unexpected image size Tile request error Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 response: %1 Returned image is flawed [%1] Map request error Response: %1 empty capabilities document Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Response was: %4 Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found. This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Tag:%3 Response was: %4 Could not get WMS Service Exception at %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Response was: %5 Request contains a format not offered by the server. composed error message '%1'. mismatch layers=%1, styles=%2 and crs=%3. no extent for layer Visible Synlig Hidden Gömd Can Identify Kan identifieras Can be Transparent Kan vara transparent Can Zoom In Kan zooma in Cascade Count Kaskadnummer Fixed Width Fast bredd Fixed Height Fast höjd WGS 84 Bounding Box WGS 84 begränsningsruta Available in CRS Tillgänglig i CRS Available in style Tilgänglig med stil Name Namn Styles Stilar CRS CRS Bounding Box Available in Resolutions Hits Misses Errors Layer cannot be queried in plain text. Layer cannot be queried. Lager kan inte utfrågas. identify request redirected. Map request error %1: %2 Dom Exception DOM fel Getting map via WMS. Getting tiles via WMS. %n tile requests in background tile request count , %n cache hits tile cache hits , %n cache misses. tile cache missed , %n errors. errors Tried URL: %1 Försökte med URL: %1 Capabilities request redirected. empty of capabilities: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1 %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. %1 of %2 bytes of map downloaded. Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 Kunde inte hitta WMS-möjligheter: %1 på rad %2, kolumn %3 Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found Kunde inte hitta WMS-möjligheter på det förväntade formatet (DTD): hittade ej %1 eller %2 (No error code was reported) (Ingen felkod) (Unknown error code) (Okänd felkod) (and %n more) crs Server Properties Selected Layers Other Layers Tileset Properties Cache Stats Tileset Count GetCapabilitiesUrl GetMapUrl &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> GetFeatureInfoUrl GetFeatureInfoUrl Cache stats QgsZonalStatisticsDialogBase Dialog Dialog Raster layer: Polygon layer containing the zones: Output column prefix: QgsZonalStatisticsPlugin &Zonal statistics Calculating zonal statistics... Abort... QuickPrintGui Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Portable Document Format (*.pdf) quickprint snabbutskrift Unknown format: %1 Okänt format: %1 QuickPrintGuiBase QGIS Quick Print Plugin QGIS insticksprogram för snabbutskrift Map name Kartnamn Copyright Copyright Output Utdata Use last filename but incremented. Använd senaste filnamn men uppräknat. last used filename but incremented will be shown here senaste filnamnet men uppräknat visas här Prompt for file name Fråga efter filnamn Note: If you want more control over the map layout please use the map composer function in QGIS. OBS: Om du vill ha bättre styrning över kartans layout, använda QGIS Kartkomponerare. QuickPrintPlugin Quick Print Snabbutskrift &Quick Print Snabbutskrift Provides a way to quickly produce a map with minimal user input. En sätt att snabbt få en karta med minimal användarhantering. RgExportDlg Export feature Select destination layer New temporary layer RgLineVectorLayerSettingsWidget Transportation layer Layer Lager Direction field Reverse direction Value for forward direction Value for reverse direction Value two-way direction Speed field Default settings Direction Two-way direction Forward direction Cost Line lengths Speed Units Enheter km/h m/s Always use default RgSettingsDlg Road graph plugin settings Time unit Distance unit Topology tolerance second hour meter kilometer RgShortestPathWidget Shortest path Start Stop Stanna Criterion Length Längd Time Calculate Beräkna Export Clear Radera Help Hjälp Point not selected First, select start and stop points. Plugin isn't configured Plugin isn't configured! Tie point failed Start point doesn't tie to the road! Stop point doesn't tie to the road! Path not found RoadGraphPlugin Road graph settings About Om Road graph plugin settings About Road graph plugin Road graph About RoadGraph Find shortest path on road's graph <b>Developers:</b> <b>Homepage:</b> Close Stäng SaDbTableModel Schema Schema Table Tabell Type Typ SRID SRID Line Interpretation Geometry column Geometrikolumn Sql Sql SaNewConnection Save connection Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Failed to load interface Test connection Testa anslutning Connection to %1 was successful Uppkoplingen till %1 lyckades Connection failed. Check settings and try again. SQL Anywhere error code: %1 Description: %2 SaNewConnectionBase Create a new SQL Anywhere connection Connection Information Anslutningsinformation Name Namn Host Dator Port Port Server Database Databas Connection Parameters Username Användarnamn Password Lösenord Name of the new connection Name or IP address of computer hosting the database server (leave blank for local connections) Port number used by the database server (leave blank for default 2638) Name of the database server (leave blank for default server on host) Name of the database (leave blank for default database on server) Additional connection parameters Database username Database password Save Username Save the connection username in the registry &Test Connect Save Password Spara lösenord Save the connection password in the registry (WARNING: NOT SECURE) Simple Encryption Encrypt packets using simple encryption Estimate table metadata Use estimates for certain layer properties such as cardinality, extent, etc. (improves performance) Search other users' tables Search for geometry columns in tables owned by other users SaQueryBuilder &Test &Clear Invalid Query Setting the query failed No Query Ingen fråga You must create a query before you can test it Du måste skapa en fråga innan dukan testa den Query Result Frågeresultat The where clause returned %n row(s). returned test rows Query Failed Frågan Misslyckades An error occurred when executing the query Error in Query Fel i frågan The subset string could not be set SaSourceSelect &Add L&ägg till &Build Query Wildcard Jokertecken RegExp Reguljäruttryck All Alla Schema Schema Table Tabell Type Typ SRID SRID Line Interpretation Geometry column Geometrikolumn Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Är du säker att du vill ta bort anslutningen %1 och alla tillhörande inställningar? Confirm Delete Select Table Välj tabell You must select a table in order to add a layer. Du måste välja en tabell för att lägga till ett lager. Failed to load interface Connection failed Anslutningen avbröts Connection to database %1 failed. Check settings and try again. SQL Anywhere error code: %2 Description: %3 No accessible tables found Inga åtkomliga tabeller funna Database connection was successful, but no tables containing geometry columns were %1. found found in your schema SaSourceSelectBase Add SQL Anywhere layer SQL Anywhere Connections Delete Edit Redigera New Ny Connect Anslut Build query Skapa fråga Search options Search Sök Search mode Search in columns SelectGeoRasterBase Select Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Välj Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Server Connections Serveranslutning C&onnect Anslut Edit Redigera Delete Radera &New &Ny Selection Markering Update Uppdatera Ready Klar Subdatasets Subdataset SelectionFeature Node tool Nodverktyg Result geometry is invalid. Reverting last changes. Geometrin blev ogiltig. Tar tillbaka senast ändringar. SimplifyLineDialog Simplify line tolerance Tolerans för att förenkla linje Set tolerance Sätt tolerans OK OK SqlAnywhere Add SQL Anywhere Layer... Store vector layers within a SQL Anywhere database Invalid Layer Ogiltigt Lager %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 är ett ogiltigt lager och kan inte laddas. UndoWidget Undo/Redo Ångra/Gör om Undo Ångra Redo Gör om ValidateDialog Check geometry validity Kontrollera geometrins giltighet Geometry errors Geometrifel Total encountered errors Totalt påträffade fel Error! Please specify input vector layer Specificera vektorlager med indata Please specify input field Specificera fält med indata Cancel Avbryt Feature Objekt Error(s) VisualDialog Cancel Avbryt Parameter Value Värde Please specify input vector layer Specificera vektorlager med indata Error! Please specify input field Specificera fält med indata Check geometry validity Kontrollera geometrins giltighet Geometry errors Geometrifel Total encountered errors Totalt påträffade fel List unique values Visa unika värden Unique values Unika värden Total unique values Totala unika världen Basics statistics Grundläggande statistik Statistics output Statistik utdata Nearest neighbour analysis Närmaste granne-analys Nearest neighbour statistics Närmaste granne-statistik WidgetCentroidFill Form Formulär Marker Change Ändra WidgetEllipseBase Form Formulär Settings Inställningar Border color Change Ändra Fill color Symbol width Outline width Kantbredd Symbol height Rotation Data defined settings Outline color Shape WidgetFontMarker Form Formulär Font family Color Färg Change Ändra Size Storlek Rotation ° ° Offset X,Y WidgetLineDecoration Form Formulär Color Färg Change Ändra Pen width WidgetLinePatternFill Form Formulär Angle Vinkel Distance Line width Linjebredd Color Färg Change Ändra Outline Offset WidgetMarkerLine Form Formulär Marker Line offset Change Ändra Marker placement with interval on every vertex on last vertex only on first vertex only Rotate marker on central point WidgetPointPatternFill Form Formulär Marker Change Ändra Horizontal distance Vertical distance Horizontal displacement Vertical displacement WidgetSVGFill Form Formulär Texture width Rotation Outline Change Ändra ... ... WidgetSimpleFill Form Formulär Color Färg Fill style Border color Border style Border width Offset X,Y Change Ändra WidgetSimpleLine Form Formulär Color Färg Pen width Offset Pen style Join style Cap style Change Ändra Use custom dash pattern WidgetSimpleMarker Form Formulär Border color Fill color Size Storlek Angle Vinkel Offset X,Y Change Ändra WidgetSvgMarker Form Formulär Size Storlek Angle Vinkel Offset X,Y Change Ändra Color Färg Border width Border color SVG Image ... ... WidgetVectorFieldBase Form Formulär X attribute Y attribute Scale Skala Vector field type Cartesian Polar Height only Angle units Degrees Radians Angle orientation Counterclockwise from east Clockwise from north LineStyle change [pluginname]GuiBase QGIS Plugin Template QGIS mall för insticksprogram Plugin Template Mall för insticksprogram dxf2shpConverter Converts DXF files in Shapefile format Konverterar från dxf till shapefil &Dxf2Shp &Dxf2Shp dxf2shpConverterGui Polygon Polygon Point Punkt Warning Varning Please specify a file to convert. Please specify an output file Fields description: * Input DXF file: path to the DXF file to be converted * Output Shp file: desired name of the shape file to be created * Shp output file type: specifies the type of the output shape file * Export text labels checkbox: if checked, an additional shp points layer will be created, and the associated dbf table will contain information about the "TEXT" fields found in the dxf file, and the text strings themselves --- Developed by Paolo L. Scala, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Marco Padula CNR, Milan Unit (Information Technology), Construction Technologies Institute. For support send a mail to Choose a DXF file to open Välj en DXF-fil att öppna DXF files (*.dxf) Choose a file name to save to Välj ett filnamn att spara till Shapefile (*.shp) Dxf Importer Dxf importerare Input and output Input Dxf file Indata DXF-file Input DXF file ... ... Output file Output file type Utdata filtyp Polyline Polyline Export text labels Exportera textetiketter eVis eVis Database Connection eVis Event Id Tool eVis Event Browser Create layer from a database query Open an Event Browers and display the selected feature Open an Event Browser to explore the current layer's features eVisDatabaseConnectionGui Undefined No predefined queries loaded Open File New Database connection requested... Error: You must select a database type Error: No host name entered Error: No database name entered Connection to [%1.%2] established Connection to [%1.%2] failed: %3 Error: Unabled to open file [%1] Error: Query failed: %1 Error: Could not create temporary file, process halted connected Tables Tabeller Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Error: A database connection is not currently established eVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBase Database Connection Load predefined queries Loads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide. The description of the selected query. Predefined Queries Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window. not connected <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html> Database Host Enter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. Password to access the database. Enter the name of the database. Username Användarnamn Enter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used. Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. Connect Anslut User name to access the database. Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu. Database Name Password Lösenord Database Type Port Port SQL Query Run the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below. Run Query Enter the query you want to run in this window. A window for status messages to be displayed. Output Console eVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBase Database File Selection The name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points. The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points. Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS. Y Coordinate Y-koordinat X Coordinate X-koordinat Name of New Layer eVisGenericEventBrowserGui Generic Event Browser Field Fält Value Värde Warning Varning This tool only supports vector data Detta verktyg stödjer bara vektordata No active layers found Inga aktiva lager hittades Error Fel Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface An invalid feature was received during initialization Event Browser - Displaying records 01 of %1 Event Browser - Displaying records %1 of %2 Attribute Contents Select Application All ( * ) eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBase Display Visa Use the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display. Previous Föregående Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display. Next All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green. 1 1 Image display area Display area for the image. Options Inställningar Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path. If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below. If checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session. Reset to default Resets the values on this line to the default setting. If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image. Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image. This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. If checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session. A value to be added to the compass bearing. This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. Define the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table. From Attribute Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset. This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. Define the compass offset manually. Manual Manuell If checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session. Resets the compass offset values to the default settings. The base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative” Base Path Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information. If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files. If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter. The Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended. File path Attribute containing path to file Path is relative Remember this Reset Compass bearing Attribute containing compass bearing Display compass bearing Compass offset Relative paths If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session. If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute) If checked, the current check-box setting will be saved for the next session. Clears the check-box on this line. Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane. Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings. It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. Configure External Applications File extension and external application in which to load a document of that type A table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. Extension Application Add new file type Add a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file. Delete current row Ta bort nuvarande rad Delete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application. eVisImageDisplayWidget Zoom in Zooma in Zoom in to see more detail. Zoom out Zooma ut Zoom out to see more area. Zoom to full extent Visa allt Zoom to display the entire image. fTools Quantum GIS version detected: Quantum GIS version: This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. Den här versionen av fTools kräver minst QGIS version 1.0.0 Insticksprogrammet stängs av. Create spatial index Vect&or &Analysis Tools &Analysverktyg Distance matrix Avståndsmatris Sum line lengths Summa linjelängd Points in polygon Punkter i polygon Basic statistics Grundläggande statistik List unique values Visa unika värden Nearest neighbour analysis Närmaste granne-analys Mean coordinate(s) Medelvärdeskoordinater Line intersections Linjeskärning &Research Tools Fo&rskningsverktyg Random selection Slumpvis utvalt Random selection within subsets Slumpvis utvalt i delmängd Random points Slumpvisa punkter Regular points Reguljära punkter Vector grid Vektorrutnät Select by location Välj efter plats Polygon from layer extent Polygon från lagrets utsträckning &Geoprocessing Tools &Geobehandlingsverktyg Convex hull(s) Konvex Buffer(s) Buffert(ar) Intersect Skärning Union Union Symetrical difference Symetrisk differans Clip Klipp Dissolve Lös ut Difference Differens G&eometry Tools G&eometriverktyg Export/Add geometry columns Exportera/Addera geometrikolumner Check geometry validity Kontrollera geometrins giltighet Polygon centroids Polygontyngdpunkt Delaunay triangulation Delaunay triangulering Voronoi Polygons Extract nodes Extrahera noder Simplify geometries Förenkla geometri Densify geometries Multipart to singleparts Multipart till singlepart Singleparts to multipart Singlepart till multipart Polygons to lines Polygoner till linjer Lines to polygons &Data Management Tools &Datahanteringsverktyg Export to new projection Exportera till ny projektion Define current projection Definiera nuvarande projektion Join attributes Slå ihop attribut Join attributes by location Slå ihop attribut efter placering Split vector layer Dela vektyorlager Merge shapefiles to one fTools Information fTools information geometryThread Merge all Slå ihop alla Polygon area Polygon perimeter Line length Point x coordinate Point y coordinate grasslabel (1-256) (Optional) column to read labels 3D-Viewer (NVIZ) 3d Visualization Add a value to the current category values Add elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!) Add missing centroids to closed boundaries Add one or more columns to attribute table Allocate network Assign constant value to column Assign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUE Assign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute table Assign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUE Attribute field Attributfält Attribute field (interpolated values) Attribute field to (over)write Attribute field to join Auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM raster Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization Bilinear interpolation utility for raster maps Blend color components for two rasters by given ratio Blend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color raster Break (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are different Break lines at each intersection of vector Brovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channels Buffer Buffert Build polylines from lines Calculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rasters Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result Calculate geometry statistics for vectors Calculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*x Calculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM raster Calculate raster surface area Calculate shadow maps from exact sun position Calculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/time Calculate statistics for raster Calculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data table Calculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objects Calculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of raster Calculate univariate statistics of vector map features Calculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumps Category or object oriented statistics Cats Cats (select from the map or using their id) Change category values and labels Change field Change layer number Change resolution Change the type of boundary dangle to line Change the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to line Change the type of geometry elements Choose appropriate format Columns management Compares bit patterns with raster Compress and decompress raster Compress raster Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control points Concentric circles Connect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman) Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree) Connect vector to database Convert 2D vector to 3D by sampling raster Convert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbour Convert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vector Convert a raster to vector within GRASS Convert a vector to raster within GRASS Convert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa Convert boundaries to lines Convert centroids to points Convert coordinates Convert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend) Convert lines to boundaries Convert points to centroids Convert raster to vector areas Convert raster to vector lines Convert raster to vector points Convert vector to raster using attribute values Convert vector to raster using constant Convex hull Copy a table Copy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported) Count of neighbouring points Create 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rasters Create a MASK for limiting raster operation Create a map containing concentric rings Create a raster plane Create and add new table to vector Create and/or modify raster support files Create aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create cross product of category values from multiple rasters Create fractal surface of given fractal dimension Create grid in current region Create new GRASS location and transfer data into it Create new GRASS location from metadata file Create new GRASS location from raster data Create new GRASS location from vector data Create new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing raster Create new location from .prj (WKT) file Create new raster by combining other rasters Create new vector by combining other vectors Create new vector with current region extent Create nodes on network Create parallel line to input lines Create points Create points along input lines Create points/segments from input vector lines and positions Create quantization file for floating-point raster Create random 2D/3D vector points Create random cell values with spatial dependence Create random points Create random vector point contained in raster Create raster images with textural features from raster (first serie of indices) Create raster of distance to features in input layer Create raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviation Create raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined range Create raster with contiguous areas grown by one cell Create raster with textural features from raster (second serie of indices) Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rasters Create shaded map Create slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create standard vectors Create surface from rasterized contours Create vector contour from raster at specified levels Create vector contour from raster at specified steps Create watershed basin Create watershed subbasins raster Cut network by cost isolines DXF vector layer Database Databas Database connection Database file Database management Delaunay triangulation (areas) Delaunay triangulation (lines) Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hull Delete category values Develop images and group Develop map Directory of rasters to be linked Disconnect vector from database Display general DB connection Display list of category values found in raster Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on it Display projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) Display projection information of the current location Display raster category values and labels Display results of SQL selection from database Display the HTML manual pages of GRASS Display vector attributes Display vector map attributes with SQL Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute Download and import data from WMS server Drop column from attribute table E00 vector layer Execute any SQL statement Export 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Export from GRASS Export raster as non-georeferenced PNG image format Export raster from GRASS Export raster series to MPEG movie Export raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current region Export raster to ASCII text file Export raster to ESRI ARCGRID Export raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) Export raster to Geo TIFF Export raster to POVRAY height-field file Export raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Export raster to VTK-ASCII Export raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Export raster to binary MAT-File Export raster to binary array Export raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centers Export raster to various formats (GDAL library) Export vector from GRASS Export vector table from GRASS to database format Export vector to DXF Export vector to GML Export vector to Mapinfo Export vector to POV-Ray Export vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database table Export vector to SVG Export vector to Shapefile Export vector to VTK-ASCII Export vector to various formats (OGR library) Exports attribute tables into various format Extract features from vector Extract selected features Extracts terrain parameters from DEM Fast fourier transform for image processing Feature type (for polygons, choose Boundary) File management Fill lake from seed at given level Fill lake from seed point at given level Fill no-data areas in raster using splines interpolation Filter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation raster Filter image Find nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from' Find shortest path on vector network GDAL raster layer GRASS MODULES GRASS shell Gaussian kernel density Generalization Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) raster Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vector Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vector Generate surface Generate vector contour lines Georeferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarp Graphical raster map calculator Help Hjälp Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform function Hydrologic modelling Imagery Import Importera Import ASCII raster Import DXF vector Import ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRID Import ESRI E00 vector Import GDAL supported raster Import GDAL supported raster and create a fitted location Import GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL) Import MapGen or MatLab vector Import OGR vector Import OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vector Import OGR/PostGIS vector and create a fitted location Import SPOT VGT NDVI Import SRTM HGT Import US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country file Import all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted location Import attribute tables in various formats Import binary MAT-File(v4) Import binary raster Import from database into GRASS Import country files Import into GRASS Import loaded raster Import loaded raster and create a fitted location Import loaded vector Import loaded vector and create a fitted location Import only some layers of a DXF vector Import raster from ASCII polygon/line Import raster from coordinates using univariate statistics Import raster into GRASS Import raster into GRASS from QGIS view Import raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASS Import text file Import vector from gps using gpsbabel Import vector from gps using gpstrans Import vector into GRASS Import vector points from database table containing coordinates Input nodes Input table Interpolate surface Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector points Inverse fast fourier transform for image processing Join table to existing vector table Layers categories management Line-of-sight raster analysis Link GDAL supported raster as GRASS raster Link GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS raster Link all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rasters Locate the closest points between objects in two raster maps Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rasters Manage features Manage image colors Manage map colors Manage raster cells value Manage training dataset Map algebra Map type conversion MapGen or MatLab vector layer Mask Maximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification) Metadata support Minimum size for each basin (number of cells) Mosaic up to 4 images Name for new raster file (specify file extension) Name for new vector file (specify file extension) Name for output vector map (optional) Name for the output raster map (optional) Neighborhood analysis Network analysis Network maintenance Number of rows to be skipped OGR file OGR vector layer Others Output GML file Output Shapefile Shape-fil för utdata Output layer name (used in GML file) Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s) Overlay Överlager Overlay maps Path to GRASS database of input location (optional) Path to the OGR data source Percentage of first layer (0-99) Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vector Print projection information from a georeferenced file Print projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on it Print projection information of the current location Projection conversion of vector Projection management Put geometry variables in database Query rasters on their category values and labels Random location perturbations of vector points Randomly partition points into test/train sets Raster Raster buffer Raster file matrix filter Raster neighbours analysis Raster support Re-project raster from a location to the current location Rebuild topology of a vector in mapset Rebuild topology of all vectors in mapset Recategorize contiguous cells to unique categories Reclass category values Reclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive) Reclass category values using a rules file Reclass raster using reclassification rules Reclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares) Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares) Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares) Recode categorical raster using reclassification rules Recode raster Reconnect vector to a new database Red Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation function Region settings Register external data sources in GRASS Regularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector points Reinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothing Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length Remove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands Remove dangles Remove duplicate area centroids Remove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!) Remove existing attribute table of vector Remove outliers from vector point data Remove small angles between lines at nodes Remove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removed Remove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachement of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changed Rename column in attribute table Reports Reports and statistics Reproject raster from another Location Reproject vector from another Location Resample raster using aggregation Resample raster using interpolation Resample raster. Set new resolution first Rescale the range of category values in raster Sample raster at site locations Save the current region as a named region Select features by attributes Select features overlapped by features in another map Separator (| , etc.) Set PostgreSQL DB connection Set boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w) Set boundary definitions for raster Set boundary definitions from raster Set boundary definitions from vector Set boundary definitions to current or default region Set color rules based on stddev from a map's mean value Set general DB connection Set general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only) Set raster color table Set raster color table from existing raster Set raster color table from setted tables Set raster color table from user-defined rules Set region to align to raster Set the region to match multiple rasters Set the region to match multiple vectors Set user/password for driver/database Sets the boundary definitions for a raster map Show database connection for vector Shrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from raster Simple map algebra Simplify vector Snap lines to vertex in threshold Solar and irradiation model Spatial analysis Spatial models Split lines to shorter segments Statistics Statistik Sum raster cell values Surface management Tables management Tabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rasters Take vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEM Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 7 raster Tassled cap vegetation index Terrain analysis Tests of normality on vector points Text file Thin no-zero cells that denote line features Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map Topology management Trace a flow through an elevation model Transform cells with value in null cells Transform features Transform image Transform null cells in value cells Transform value cells in null cells Type in map names separated by a comma Update raster statistics Update vector map metadata Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the table Upload vector values at positions of vector points Vector Vector buffer Vector geometry analysis Vector intersection Vector non-intersection Vector subtraction Vector union Vector update by other maps Visibility graph construction Voronoi diagram (area) Voronoi diagram (lines) Watershed Analysis Which column for the X coordinate? The first is 1 Which column for the Y coordinate? Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not used Work with vector points Write only features link to a record Zero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processing visualThread Max. len: Min. len: Mean. len: Filled: Empty: N: Mean: StdDev: Sum: Min: Max: CV: Number of unique values: Range: Median: Observed mean distance: Expected mean distance: Nearest neighbour index: Z-Score: Feature %1 contains an unnested hole Objekt %1 innehåller ett onästlat hål Feature %1 is not closed Objekt %1 är ej stängt Feature %1 is self intersecting Objekt %1 korsar sig självt Feature %1 has incorrect node ordering Objekt %1 har felaktig nodordning