/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/raster/qgsrasterdataprovider.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsImageFetcher : QObject { %Docstring Handles asynchronous download of images .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsrasterdataprovider.h" %End public: QgsImageFetcher( QObject *parent = 0 ); %Docstring Constructor %End virtual void start() = 0; %Docstring Starts the image download .. note:: Make sure to connect to "finish" and "error" before starting %End signals: void finish( const QImage &legend ); %Docstring Emitted when the download completes :param legend: The downloaded legend image %End void progress( qint64 received, qint64 total ); %Docstring Emitted to report progress %End void error( const QString &msg ); %Docstring Emitted when an error occurs %End }; class QgsRasterDataProvider : QgsDataProvider, QgsRasterInterface { %Docstring Base class for raster data providers. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsrasterdataprovider.h" %End public: enum ProviderCapability { NoProviderCapabilities, ReadLayerMetadata, WriteLayerMetadata, ProviderHintBenefitsFromResampling, ProviderHintCanPerformProviderResampling }; typedef QFlags ProviderCapabilities; QgsRasterDataProvider(); QgsRasterDataProvider( const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions = QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions(), QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags = QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags() ); %Docstring Constructor for QgsRasterDataProvider. The ``uri`` argument gives a provider-specific uri indicating the underlying data source and it's parameters. The ``options`` argument specifies generic provider options and since QGIS 3.16 creation flags are specified within the ``flags`` value. %End virtual QgsRasterInterface *clone() const = 0; virtual QgsRasterDataProvider::ProviderCapabilities providerCapabilities() const; %Docstring Returns flags containing the supported capabilities of the data provider. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual bool setInput( QgsRasterInterface *input ); %Docstring It makes no sense to set input on provider */ %End virtual QgsRectangle extent() const = 0; virtual Qgis::DataType dataType( int bandNo ) const = 0; %Docstring Returns data type for the band specified by number %End virtual QgsFields fields() const; %Docstring Returns the fields of the raster layer for data providers that expose them, the default implementation returns an empty list. .. versionadded:: 3.14 %End virtual Qgis::DataType sourceDataType( int bandNo ) const = 0; %Docstring Returns source data type for the band specified by number, source data type may be shorter than dataType %End virtual int colorInterpretation( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Returns data type for the band specified by number %End QString colorName( int colorInterpretation ) const; virtual bool reload(); %Docstring Reload data (data could change) %End virtual QString colorInterpretationName( int bandNo ) const; virtual double bandScale( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Read band scale for raster value .. versionadded:: 2.3 %End virtual double bandOffset( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Read band offset for raster value .. versionadded:: 2.3 %End virtual QgsRasterBlock *block( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback = 0 ) /Factory/; %Docstring Read block of data using given extent and size. %End virtual bool sourceHasNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if source band has no data value %End virtual bool useSourceNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Returns the source nodata value usage %End virtual void setUseSourceNoDataValue( int bandNo, bool use ); %Docstring Sets the source nodata value usage %End virtual double sourceNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Value representing no data value. %End virtual void setUserNoDataValue( int bandNo, const QgsRasterRangeList &noData ); virtual QgsRasterRangeList userNoDataValues( int bandNo ) const; %Docstring Returns a list of user no data value ranges. %End virtual QList colorTable( int bandNo ) const; virtual QStringList subLayers() const; %Docstring Returns the sublayers of this layer - useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS %End virtual QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities *temporalCapabilities(); virtual bool supportsLegendGraphic() const; %Docstring Returns whether the provider supplies a legend graphic %End virtual QgsImageFetcher *getLegendGraphicFetcher( const QgsMapSettings *mapSettings ) /Factory/; %Docstring Returns a new image downloader for the raster legend. :param mapSettings: map settings for legend providers supporting contextual legends. :return: a download handler or ``None`` if the provider does not support legend at all. Ownership of the returned object is transferred to caller. .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End virtual QString buildPyramids( const QList &pyramidList, const QString &resamplingMethod = "NEAREST", QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat format = QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff, const QStringList &configOptions = QStringList(), QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback = 0 ); %Docstring Create pyramid overviews %End virtual QList buildPyramidList( QList overviewList = QList() ); %Docstring Returns the raster layers pyramid list. :param overviewList: used to construct the pyramid list (optional), when empty the list is defined by the provider. A pyramid list defines the POTENTIAL pyramids that can be in a raster. To know which of the pyramid layers ACTUALLY exists you need to look at the existsFlag member in each struct stored in the list. %End bool hasPyramids(); %Docstring Returns ``True`` if raster has at least one populated histogram. %End virtual QString htmlMetadata() = 0; %Docstring Returns metadata in a format suitable for feeding directly into a subset of the GUI raster properties "Metadata" tab. %End virtual QgsRasterIdentifyResult identify( const QgsPointXY &point, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox = QgsRectangle(), int width = 0, int height = 0, int dpi = 96 ); %Docstring Identify raster value(s) found on the point position. The context parameters extent, width and height are important to identify on the same zoom level as a displayed map and to do effective caching (WCS). If context params are not specified the highest resolution is used. :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.capabilities` may be used to test if format is supported by provider. Values are set to 'no data' or empty string if point is outside data source extent. :param point: coordinates in data source CRS :param format: result format :param boundingBox: context bounding box :param width: context width :param height: context height :param dpi: context dpi :return: QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue: map of values for each band, keys are band numbers (from 1). QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatFeature: map of QgsRasterFeatureList for each sublayer QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatHtml: map of HTML strings for each sublayer (WMS). Empty if failed or there are no results. .. note:: The arbitraryness of the returned document is enforced by WMS standards up to at least v1.3.0 .. seealso:: :py:func:`sample` %End virtual double sample( const QgsPointXY &point, int band, bool *ok /Out/ = 0, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox = QgsRectangle(), int width = 0, int height = 0, int dpi = 96 ); %Docstring Samples a raster value from the specified ``band`` found at the ``point`` position. The context parameters ``boundingBox``, ``width`` and ``height`` are important to identify on the same zoom level as a displayed map and to do effective caching (WCS). If context params are not specified the highest resolution is used. If ``ok`` is specified and the point is outside data source extent, or an invalid band number was specified, then ``ok`` will be set to ``False``. In this case the function will return a NaN value. .. seealso:: :py:func:`identify` .. versionadded:: 3.4 %End virtual QString lastErrorTitle() = 0; %Docstring Returns the caption error text for the last error in this provider If an operation returns 0 (e.g. :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.draw`), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure. Interactive users of this provider can then, for example, call a QMessageBox to display the contents. %End virtual QString lastError() = 0; %Docstring Returns the verbose error text for the last error in this provider If an operation returns 0 (e.g. :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.draw`), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure. Interactive users of this provider can then, for example, call a QMessageBox to display the contents. %End virtual QString lastErrorFormat(); %Docstring Returns the format of the error text for the last error in this provider %End int dpi() const; %Docstring Returns the dpi of the output device. %End void setDpi( int dpi ); %Docstring Sets the output device resolution. %End virtual QDateTime timestamp() const; %Docstring Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider %End virtual QDateTime dataTimestamp() const; %Docstring Current time stamp of data source %End virtual bool isEditable() const; %Docstring Checks whether the provider is in editing mode, i.e. raster write operations will be accepted. By default providers are not editable. Use :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.setEditable` method to enable/disable editing. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setEditable` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual bool setEditable( bool enabled ); %Docstring Turns on/off editing mode of the provider. When in editing mode, it is possible to overwrite data of the provider using :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.writeBlock` calls. :return: ``True`` if the switch to/from editing mode was successful .. note:: Only some providers support editing mode and even those may fail to turn the underlying data source into editing mode, so it is necessary to check the return value whether the operation was successful. .. seealso:: :py:func:`isEditable` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual bool write( void *data, int band, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset ); bool writeBlock( QgsRasterBlock *block, int band, int xOffset = 0, int yOffset = 0 ); %Docstring Writes pixel data from a raster block into the provider data source. This will override previously stored pixel values. It is assumed that cells in the passed raster block are aligned with the cells of the data source. If raster block does not cover the whole area of the data source, only a subset of pixels covered by the raster block will be overwritten. By default, writing of raster data starts from the first cell of the raster - it is possible to set offset in pixels by specifying non-zero xOffset and yOffset values. Writing is supported only by some data providers. Provider has to be in editing mode in order to allow write operations. .. seealso:: :py:func:`isEditable` :return: ``True`` on success .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End static QgsRasterDataProvider *create( const QString &providerKey, const QString &uri, const QString &format, int nBands, Qgis::DataType type, int width, int height, double *geoTransform, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs, const QStringList &createOptions = QStringList() ); %Docstring Creates a new dataset with mDataSourceURI %End virtual bool setNoDataValue( int bandNo, double noDataValue ); %Docstring Set no data value on created dataset :param bandNo: band number :param noDataValue: no data value %End virtual bool remove(); %Docstring Remove dataset %End static QList > pyramidResamplingMethods( const QString &providerKey ); %Docstring Returns a list of pyramid resampling method name and label pairs for given provider %End virtual QString validateCreationOptions( const QStringList &createOptions, const QString &format ); %Docstring Validates creation options for a specific dataset and destination format. .. note:: used by GDAL provider only .. note:: see also :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.validateCreationOptionsFormat` in gdal provider for validating options based on format only %End virtual QString validatePyramidsConfigOptions( QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat pyramidsFormat, const QStringList &configOptions, const QString &fileFormat ); %Docstring Validates pyramid creation options for a specific dataset and destination format .. note:: used by GDAL provider only %End static QString identifyFormatName( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format ); static QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat identifyFormatFromName( const QString &formatName ); static QString identifyFormatLabel( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format ); static Capability identifyFormatToCapability( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format ); virtual int stepWidth() const; %Docstring Step width for raster iterations. .. seealso:: :py:func:`stepHeight` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual int stepHeight() const; %Docstring Step height for raster iterations. .. seealso:: :py:func:`stepWidth` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual QList< double > nativeResolutions() const; %Docstring Returns a list of native resolutions if available, i.e. map units per pixel at which the raster source was originally created. Resolutions are calculated in the provider's :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.crs`. .. versionadded:: 3.8.0 %End virtual bool ignoreExtents() const; %Docstring Returns true if the extents reported by the data provider are not reliable and it's possible that there is renderable content outside of these extents. .. versionadded:: 3.10.0 %End enum TransformType { TransformImageToLayer, TransformLayerToImage, }; virtual QgsPoint transformCoordinates( const QgsPoint &point, TransformType type ); %Docstring Transforms coordinates between source image coordinate space [0..width]x[0..height] and layer coordinate space (georeferenced coordinates). Often this transformation is a simple 2D affine transformation (offset and scaling), but rasters with different georeferencing methods like GCPs (ground control points) or RPCs (rational polynomial coefficients) may require a more complex transform. If the transform fails (input coordinates are outside of the valid range or data provider does not support this functionality), an empty point is returned. .. versionadded:: 3.14 %End virtual bool enableProviderResampling( bool enable ); %Docstring Enable or disable provider-level resampling. :return: true if success .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End bool isProviderResamplingEnabled() const; %Docstring Returns whether provider-level resampling is enabled. .. note:: Resampling is effective only if :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.zoomedInResamplingMethod` and/or :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.zoomedOutResamplingMethod` return non-nearest resampling. .. seealso:: :py:func:`zoomedInResamplingMethod` .. seealso:: :py:func:`zoomedOutResamplingMethod` .. seealso:: :py:func:`maxOversampling` .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End enum class ResamplingMethod { Nearest, Bilinear, Cubic, }; virtual bool setZoomedInResamplingMethod( ResamplingMethod method ); %Docstring Set resampling method to apply for zoomed-in operations. :return: true if success .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End ResamplingMethod zoomedInResamplingMethod() const; %Docstring Returns resampling method for zoomed-in operations. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End virtual bool setZoomedOutResamplingMethod( ResamplingMethod method ); %Docstring Set resampling method to apply for zoomed-out operations. :return: true if success .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End ResamplingMethod zoomedOutResamplingMethod() const; %Docstring Returns resampling method for zoomed-out operations. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End virtual bool setMaxOversampling( double factor ); %Docstring Sets maximum oversampling factor for zoomed-out operations. :return: true if success .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End double maxOversampling() const; %Docstring Returns maximum oversampling factor for zoomed-out operations. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End virtual void readXml( const QDomElement &filterElem ); virtual void writeXml( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parentElem ) const; signals: void statusChanged( const QString & ) const; %Docstring Emit a message to be displayed on status bar, usually used by network providers (WMS,WCS) .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End protected: bool userNoDataValuesContains( int bandNo, double value ) const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if user no data contains value %End void copyBaseSettings( const QgsRasterDataProvider &other ); %Docstring Copy member variables from other raster data provider. Useful for implementation of :py:func:`~QgsRasterDataProvider.clone` method in subclasses %End }; QFlags operator|(QgsRasterDataProvider::ProviderCapability f1, QFlags f2); /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/raster/qgsrasterdataprovider.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/