class QgsRasterRendererWidget: QWidget
#include <qgsrasterrendererwidget.h>
    QgsRasterRendererWidget( QgsRasterLayer* layer, const QgsRectangle &extent );
    virtual ~QgsRasterRendererWidget();

    virtual QgsRasterRenderer* renderer() = 0 /Factory/;

    void setRasterLayer( QgsRasterLayer* layer );
    const QgsRasterLayer* rasterLayer() const;

    /** Sets the map canvas associated with the widget. This allows the widget to retrieve the current
     * map extent and other properties from the canvas.
     * @param canvas map canvas
     * @see mapCanvas()
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    virtual void setMapCanvas( QgsMapCanvas* canvas );

    /** Returns the map canvas associated with the widget.
     * @see setMapCanvas()
     * @see canvasExtent()
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas();

    virtual QString min( int index = 0 );
    virtual QString max( int index = 0 );
    virtual void setMin( const QString& value, int index = 0 );
    virtual void setMax( const QString& value, int index = 0 );
    virtual QString stdDev();
    virtual void setStdDev( const QString& value );
    virtual int selectedBand( int index = 0 );
    virtual void doComputations();
    virtual QgsRasterMinMaxWidget* minMaxWidget();

     * Emitted when something on the widget has changed.
     * All widgets will fire this event to notify of an internal change.
    void widgetChanged();

    /** Returns a band name for display. First choice is color name, otherwise band number*/
    QString displayBandName( int band ) const;