class QgsExpressionSelectionDialog : QDialog { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsexpressionselectiondialog.h> %End public: /** * Creates a new selection dialog. * @param layer The layer on which the selection is to be performed. * @param startText A default expression text to be applied (Defaults to empty) * @param parent parent object (owner) */ QgsExpressionSelectionDialog( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& startText = QString(), QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); /** * The builder widget that is used by the dialog * @return The builder widget that is used by the dialog */ QgsExpressionBuilderWidget* expressionBuilder(); /** * Sets the current expression text * @param text the expression text to set */ void setExpressionText( const QString& text ); /** * Returns the current expression text * @return The expression text */ QString expressionText(); /** *Sets geometry calculator used in distance/area calculations. */ void setGeomCalculator( const QgsDistanceArea & da ); public slots: void on_mActionSelect_triggered(); void on_mActionAddToSelection_triggered(); void on_mActionRemoveFromSelection_triggered(); void on_mActionSelectIntersect_triggered(); void on_mPbnClose_clicked(); protected: /** * Implementation for closeEvent * Saves the window geometry * @param closeEvent Event object. Unused. */ virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *closeEvent ); /** * Implementation for done (default behavior when pressing esc) * Calls close, so the window geometry gets saved and the object deleted. * @param r Result value. Unused. */ virtual void done( int r ); };